changeset 12:2fc0d4756048 draft

planemo upload for repository commit e27d18d58ae095e7fad4b08b04370857a1d37964-dirty
author mvdbeek
date Tue, 02 Feb 2016 14:53:10 -0500
parents edd57052f0bb
children 355940295e76
files readmap.xml
diffstat 1 files changed, 123 insertions(+), 128 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/readmap.xml	Tue Feb 02 12:57:04 2016 -0500
+++ b/readmap.xml	Tue Feb 02 14:53:10 2016 -0500
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<tool id="Readmap" name="Generate readmap and histograms from alignment files" version="1.1.0">
+<tool id="Readmap" name="Generate readmap and histograms from alignment files" version="1.1.1">
   <description>from sRbowtie aligment</description>
         <requirement type="package" version="0.12.7">bowtie</requirement>
@@ -77,151 +77,146 @@
                 <param name="maxquery" type="integer" size="3" value="28" label="Max size of query small RNAs" help="'28' = 28 nucleotides"/>
                 <param name="title" type="text" size="15" value= "Readmaps and size distributions" label="Main Titles"/>
                 <param name="xlabel" type="text" size="15" value="Coordinates/read size" label="x axis label"/>
-                <param name="yrange" type="integer" size="6" value="0" label="y axis range for readmap tool" help="leave at 0 for autoscaling"/>
                 <param name="ylabel" type="text" size="15" value="Number of reads" label="y axis label"/>
+                <param name="yrange" type="integer" size="3" value="0" label="y axis range for readmaps. 0 means auto-scaling."/>
                 <param name="rows_per_page" type="text" size="9" value="8" label="How many items to display per page?">
 		  <validator type="in_range" min="6" max="20" message="Select between 6 and 20 rows, as the readability will suffer otherwise."/>
-     <configfile name="plotCode"><![CDATA[
+     <configfile name="plotCode">
       ## Setup R error handling to go to stderr
-    options( show.error.messages=F,
-             error = function () { cat( geterrmessage(), file=stderr() ); q( "no", 1, F ) } )
-    library(RColorBrewer)
-    library(lattice)
-    library(latticeExtra)
-    library(grid)
-    library(gridExtra)
-    ## data frames implementation
+      options( show.error.messages=F,
+               error = function () { cat( geterrmessage(), file=stderr() ); q( "no", 1, F ) } )
+      library(RColorBrewer)
+      library(lattice)
+      library(latticeExtra)
+      library(grid)
+      library(gridExtra)
+      ## data frames implementation
-    rm=read.delim("${readmap_dataframe}", header=T, row.names=NULL)
-    n_samples=length(unique(rm\$sample))
-    genes=unique(levels(rm\$gene))
-    per_gene_readmap=lapply(genes, function(x) subset(rm, gene==x)) ####### ?
-    n_genes=length(per_gene_readmap)
+      rm=read.delim("${readmap_dataframe}", header=T, row.names=NULL)
+      n_samples=length(unique(rm\$sample))
+      genes=unique(levels(rm\$gene))
+      per_gene_readmap=lapply(genes, function(x) subset(rm, gene==x)) ####### ?
+      n_genes=length(per_gene_readmap)
+      size=read.delim("${size_distribution_dataframe}", header=T, row.names=NULL)
+      per_gene_size=lapply(genes, function(x) subset(size, gene==x)) ###### ?
-    size=read.delim("${size_distribution_dataframe}", header=T, row.names=NULL)
-    per_gene_size=lapply(genes, function(x) subset(size, gene==x)) ###### ?
-    ## end of data frames implementation
-    ## functions
+      ## end of data frames implementation
+      ## functions
+      plot_readmap=function(df, ...) {
+      combineLimits(xyplot(count~coord|factor(sample, levels=unique(sample))+reorder(gene, count, function(x) -sum(abs(x))), 
+      data=df, 
+      type='h', 
+      scales= list(relation="free", x=list(rot=0, cex=0.7, axs="i", tck=0.5), y=list(tick.number=4, rot=90, cex=0.7)),
+      xlab=NULL, main=NULL, ylab=NULL, 
+      as.table=T, 
+      origin = 0, 
+      horizontal=FALSE, 
+      group=polarity,
+      col=c("red","blue"),
+      par.strip.text = list(cex=0.7),
+      ...))
+      }
-    plot_readmap=function(df, ...) {
-      combineLimits(xyplot(count~coord|factor(sample, levels=unique(sample))+reorder(gene, count, function(x) -sum(abs(x))),
-                           data=df,
-                           type='h',
-                           scales= list(relation="free", x=list(rot=0, cex=0.7, axs="i", tck=0.5), y=list(tick.number=4, rot=90, cex=0.7)),
-                           xlab=NULL, main=NULL, ylab=NULL,
-                           as.table=T,
-                           origin = 0,
-                           horizontal=FALSE,
-                           group=polarity,
-                           col=c("red","blue"),
-                           par.strip.text = list(cex=0.7),
-                           ...))
-    }
+      plot_size_distribution= function(df, ...) {
+          smR.prepanel=function(x,y,...){; yscale=c(-max(abs(y)), max(abs(y)));list(ylim=yscale);}
+          bc= barchart(count~as.factor(size)|factor(sample, levels=unique(sample))+gene, data = df, origin = 0,
+            horizontal=FALSE,
+	    group=polarity,
+	    stack=TRUE,
+            col=c('red', 'blue'),
+            cex=0.75,
+            scales=list(y=list(tick.number=4, rot=90, relation="free", cex=0.7), x=list(cex=0.7) ),
+            prepanel=smR.prepanel,
+            xlab = NULL,
+            ylab = NULL,
+            main = NULL,
+            as.table=TRUE,
+            newpage = T,
+            par.strip.text = list(cex=0.7),
+            ...)
+          combineLimits(bc)
+          }
+      ## end of functions
+      ## function parameters'
+      par.settings.readmap=list(layout.heights=list(top.padding=0, bottom.padding=-2.5), strip.background = list(col=c("lightblue","lightgreen")) )
+      par.settings.size=list(layout.heights=list(top.padding=-1, bottom.padding=-2.5), strip.background = list(col=c("lightblue","lightgreen")) )
+      par.settings.combination.readmap=list(layout.heights=list(top.padding=0, bottom.padding=-3), strip.background=list(col=c("lightblue","lightgreen")) )
+      par.settings.combination.size=list(layout.heights=list(top.padding=-2, bottom.padding=-0.5), strip.background=list(col=c("lightblue", "lightgreen")) )
-    plot_size_distribution= function(df, ...) {
-      smR.prepanel=function(x,y,...){; yscale=c(-max(abs(y)), max(abs(y)));list(ylim=yscale);}
-      bc= barchart(count~as.factor(size)|factor(sample, levels=unique(sample))+gene, data = df, origin = 0,
-                   horizontal=FALSE,
-                   group=polarity,
-                   stack=TRUE,
-                   col=c('red', 'blue'),
-                   cex=0.75,
-                   scales=list(y=list(tick.number=4, rot=90, relation="free", cex=0.7), x=list(cex=0.7) ),
-                   prepanel=smR.prepanel,
-                   xlab = NULL,
-                   ylab = NULL,
-                   main = NULL,
-                   as.table=TRUE,
-                   newpage = T,
-                   par.strip.text = list(cex=0.7),
-                   ...)
-      combineLimits(bc)
-    }
+      ## end of function parameters'
+      ## GRAPHS
+      if (n_genes > 7) {page_height_simple = 11.69; page_height_combi=11.69; rows_per_page=${rows_per_page}; extrarow=0 } else {
+                         rows_per_page= 8; page_height_simple = 11.69; page_height_combi=11.69; extrarow=0 }
+                         ## rows_per_page= 8; page_height_simple = 11.69/7*n_genes; page_height_combi=11.69/9*(n_genes*2); extrarow=0 }
+                         ## rows_per_page= n_genes; page_height_simple = 11.69/n_genes/4; page_height_combi=11.69/(n_genes*2); extrarow=1 }
+     if (n_samples > 4) {page_width = 8.2677*n_samples/4} else {page_width = 8.2677*n_samples/3} # to test
-    ## end of functions
-    ## function parameters'
-    par.settings.readmap=list(layout.heights=list(top.padding=0, bottom.padding=-2.5), strip.background = list(col=c("lightblue","lightgreen")) )
-    par.settings.size=list(layout.heights=list(top.padding=-1, bottom.padding=-2.5), strip.background = list(col=c("lightblue","lightgreen")) )
-    par.settings.combination.readmap=list(layout.heights=list(top.padding=0, bottom.padding=-3), strip.background=list(col=c("lightblue","lightgreen")) )
-    par.settings.combination.size=list(layout.heights=list(top.padding=-2, bottom.padding=-0.5), strip.background=list(col=c("lightblue", "lightgreen")) )
-    ## end of function parameters'
-    ## GRAPHS
-    if (n_genes > 7) {page_height_simple = 11.69; page_height_combi=11.69; rows_per_page=${rows_per_page}; extrarow=0 } else {
-      rows_per_page= 8; page_height_simple = 11.69; page_height_combi=11.69; extrarow=0 }
-    ## rows_per_page= 8; page_height_simple = 11.69/7*n_genes; page_height_combi=11.69/9*(n_genes*2); extrarow=0 }
-    ## rows_per_page= n_genes; page_height_simple = 11.69/n_genes/4; page_height_combi=11.69/(n_genes*2); extrarow=1 }
-    if (n_samples > 4) {page_width = 8.2677*n_samples/4} else {page_width = 8.2677*n_samples/3} # to test
+      pdf(file="${readmap_PDF}", paper="special", height=page_height_simple, width=page_width)
+      for (i in seq(1,n_genes,rows_per_page)) {
+        start=i
+        end=i+rows_per_page-1
+        if (end>n_genes) {end=n_genes}
+        readmap_plot.list=lapply(per_gene_readmap[start:end], function(x) plot_readmap(x, par.settings=par.settings.readmap))
+        args.list=c(readmap_plot.list, list(nrow=rows_per_page, ncol=1,
+                                            main=textGrob("Read Maps (nucleotide coordinates)", gp=gpar(cex=1), just="top"),
+                                            left=textGrob("${ylabel}", gp=gpar(cex=1), vjust=1, rot=90)
+                                            #sub=textGrob("readmap coordinates", gp=gpar(cex=.75), just="bottom")
+                                            )
+                   )
+, args.list)
+      }
-    }
+      pdf(file="${size_PDF}", paper="special", height=page_height_simple, width=page_width)
+      for (i in seq(1,n_genes,rows_per_page)) {
+        start=i
+        end=i+rows_per_page-1
+        if (end>n_genes) {end=n_genes}
+        plot.list=lapply(per_gene_size[start:end], function(x) plot_size_distribution(x, par.settings=par.settings.size) )
+        args.list=c(plot.list, list(nrow=rows_per_page, ncol=1,
+                                    main=textGrob("Size distributions (in nucleotides)", gp=gpar(cex=1), just="top"),
+                                    left=textGrob("${ylabel}", gp=gpar(cex=1), vjust=1, rot=90)
+                                    #sub="readsize in nucleotides"
+                                    )
+                    )
+, args.list)
+      }
-    pdf(file="${readmap_PDF}", paper="special", height=page_height_simple, width=page_width)
-    for (i in seq(1,n_genes,rows_per_page)) {
-      start=i
-      end=i+rows_per_page-1
-      if (end>n_genes) {end=n_genes}
-      if ("${yrange}" != 0) {
-        readmap_plot.list=lapply(per_gene_readmap[start:end], function(x) plot_readmap(x, par.settings=par.settings.readmap))
-      } else {
-        readmap_plot.list=lapply(per_gene_readmap[start:end], function(x) plot_readmap(x, ylim=c(-"{$yrange}", "{$yrange}"), par.settings=par.settings.readmap))
+      pdf(file="${combi_PDF}", paper="special", height=page_height_combi, width=page_width)
+      for (i in seq(1,n_genes,rows_per_page/2)) {
+        start=i
+        end=i+rows_per_page/2-1
+        if (end>n_genes) {end=n_genes}
+        if ("${yrange}" != 0) {readmap_plot.list=lapply(per_gene_readmap[start:end], function(x) plot_readmap(x, par.settings=par.settings.readmap)) } else {
+        readmap_plot.list=lapply(per_gene_readmap[start:end], function(x) plot_readmap(x, ylim=c(-"{$yrange}", "{$yrange}"), par.settings=par.settings.readmap)) }
+        size_plot.list=lapply(per_gene_size[start:end], function(x) plot_size_distribution(x, strip=FALSE, par.settings=par.settings.combination.size))
+	plot.list=rbind(read_plot.list, size_plot.list )
+        args.list=c(plot.list, list(nrow=rows_per_page + extrarow, ncol=1,
+                                    main=textGrob("${title}", gp=gpar(cex=1), just="top"),
+                                    left=textGrob("${ylabel}", gp=gpar(cex=1), vjust=1, rot=90),
+                                    sub=textGrob("${xlabel}", gp=gpar(cex=1), just="bottom")
+                                    )
+                    )
+, args.list)
-      args.list=c(readmap_plot.list, list(nrow=rows_per_page, ncol=1,
-                                          main=textGrob("Read Maps (nucleotide coordinates)", gp=gpar(cex=1), just="top"),
-                                          left=textGrob("${ylabel}", gp=gpar(cex=1), vjust=1, rot=90)
-                                          #sub=textGrob("readmap coordinates", gp=gpar(cex=.75), just="bottom")
-      )
-      )
-, args.list)
-    }
-    pdf(file="${size_PDF}", paper="special", height=page_height_simple, width=page_width)
-    for (i in seq(1,n_genes,rows_per_page)) {
-      start=i
-      end=i+rows_per_page-1
-      if (end>n_genes) {end=n_genes}
-      plot.list=lapply(per_gene_size[start:end], function(x) plot_size_distribution(x, par.settings=par.settings.size) )
-      args.list=c(plot.list, list(nrow=rows_per_page, ncol=1,
-                                  main=textGrob("Size distributions (in nucleotides)", gp=gpar(cex=1), just="top"),
-                                  left=textGrob("${ylabel}", gp=gpar(cex=1), vjust=1, rot=90)
-                                  #sub="readsize in nucleotides"
-      )
-      )
-, args.list)
-    }
-    pdf(file="${combi_PDF}", paper="special", height=page_height_combi, width=page_width)
-    for (i in seq(1,n_genes,rows_per_page/2)) {
-      start=i
-      end=i+rows_per_page/2-1
-      if (end>n_genes) {end=n_genes}
-      read_plot.list=lapply(per_gene_readmap[start:end], function(x) plot_readmap(x, par.settings=par.settings.combination.readmap))
-      size_plot.list=lapply(per_gene_size[start:end], function(x) plot_size_distribution(x, strip=FALSE, par.settings=par.settings.combination.size))
-      plot.list=rbind(read_plot.list, size_plot.list )
-      args.list=c(plot.list, list(nrow=rows_per_page + extrarow, ncol=1,
-                                  main=textGrob("${title}", gp=gpar(cex=1), just="top"),
-                                  left=textGrob("${ylabel}", gp=gpar(cex=1), vjust=1, rot=90),
-                                  sub=textGrob("${xlabel}", gp=gpar(cex=1), just="bottom")
-      )
-      )
-, args.list)
-    }
-     ]]></configfile>
+     </configfile>