changeset 1:778a9d130904 draft

author davidvanzessen
date Thu, 04 Sep 2014 07:46:23 -0400
parents 7d97fa9a0423
children 304fbda8e727
files RScript.bak.r RScript.r RScript_b.r RScript_t.r complete_immunerepertoire.xml script.js tool_dependencies.xml
diffstat 12 files changed, 1369 insertions(+), 970 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/RScript.bak.r	Fri May 09 09:35:32 2014 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,317 +0,0 @@
-#options( show.error.messages=F, error = function () { cat( geterrmessage(), file=stderr() ); q( "no", 1, F ) } )
-args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
-inFile = args[1]
-outFile = args[2]
-outDir = args[3]
-clonalType = args[4]
-if (!("gridExtra" %in% rownames(installed.packages()))) {
-	install.packages("gridExtra", repos="") 
-if (!("ggplot2" %in% rownames(installed.packages()))) {
-	install.packages("ggplot2", repos="") 
-if (!("plyr" %in% rownames(installed.packages()))) {
-	install.packages("plyr", repos="") 
-if (!("data.table" %in% rownames(installed.packages()))) {
-	install.packages("data.table", repos="") 
-test = read.table(inFile, sep="\t", header=TRUE, fill=T, comment.char="")
-test = test[test$Sample != "",]
-test$Top.V.Gene = gsub("[*]([0-9]+)", "", test$Top.V.Gene)
-test$Top.D.Gene = gsub("[*]([0-9]+)", "", test$Top.D.Gene)
-test$Top.J.Gene = gsub("[*]([0-9]+)", "", test$Top.J.Gene)
-#test$VDJCDR3 =, c(test[c("Top.V.Gene", "Top.D.Gene", "Top.J.Gene","CDR3.Seq.DNA")], sep = ":"))
-test$VDJCDR3 =, c(test[unlist(strsplit(clonalType, ","))], sep = ":"))
-PROD = test[test$VDJ.Frame != "In-frame with stop codon" & test$VDJ.Frame != "Out-of-frame" & test$CDR3.Found.How != "NOT_FOUND" , ]
-if("Functionality" %in% colnames(test)) {
-	PROD = test[test$Functionality == "productive" | test$Functionality == "productive (see comment)", ]
-NONPROD = test[test$VDJ.Frame == "In-frame with stop codon" | test$VDJ.Frame == "Out-of-frame" | test$CDR3.Found.How == "NOT_FOUND" , ]
-#PRODF = PROD[ -1]
-#PRODF = unique(PRODF)
-PRODF = PRODF[!duplicated(PRODF$VDJCDR3), ]
-PRODFV = data.frame(data.table(PRODF)[, list(Length=.N), by=c("Sample", "Top.V.Gene")])
-PRODFV$Length = as.numeric(PRODFV$Length)
-Total = 0
-Total = ddply(PRODFV, .(Sample), function(x) data.frame(Total = sum(x$Length)))
-PRODFV = merge(PRODFV, Total, by.x='Sample', by.y='Sample', all.x=TRUE)
-PRODFV = ddply(PRODFV, c("Sample", "Top.V.Gene"), summarise, relFreq= (Length*100 / Total))
-PRODFD = data.frame(data.table(PRODF)[, list(Length=.N), by=c("Sample", "Top.D.Gene")])
-PRODFD$Length = as.numeric(PRODFD$Length)
-Total = 0
-Total = ddply(PRODFD, .(Sample), function(x) data.frame(Total = sum(x$Length)))
-PRODFD = merge(PRODFD, Total, by.x='Sample', by.y='Sample', all.x=TRUE)
-PRODFD = ddply(PRODFD, c("Sample", "Top.D.Gene"), summarise, relFreq= (Length*100 / Total))
-PRODFJ = data.frame(data.table(PRODF)[, list(Length=.N), by=c("Sample", "Top.J.Gene")])
-PRODFJ$Length = as.numeric(PRODFJ$Length)
-Total = 0
-Total = ddply(PRODFJ, .(Sample), function(x) data.frame(Total = sum(x$Length)))
-PRODFJ = merge(PRODFJ, Total, by.x='Sample', by.y='Sample', all.x=TRUE)
-PRODFJ = ddply(PRODFJ, c("Sample", "Top.J.Gene"), summarise, relFreq= (Length*100 / Total))
-V = c("\tchr.orderV\nIGHV7-81\t1\nIGHV3-74\t2\nIGHV3-73\t3\nIGHV3-72\t4\nIGHV2-70\t6\nIGHV1-69\t7\nIGHV3-66\t8\nIGHV3-64\t9\nIGHV4-61\t10\nIGHV4-59\t11\nIGHV1-58\t12\nIGHV3-53\t13\nIGHV5-a\t15\nIGHV5-51\t16\nIGHV3-49\t17\nIGHV3-48\t18\nIGHV1-46\t20\nIGHV1-45\t21\nIGHV3-43\t22\nIGHV4-39\t23\nIGHV3-35\t24\nIGHV4-34\t25\nIGHV3-33\t26\nIGHV4-31\t27\nIGHV4-30-4\t28\nIGHV4-30-2\t29\nIGHV3-30-3\t30\nIGHV3-30\t31\nIGHV4-28\t32\nIGHV2-26\t33\nIGHV1-24\t34\nIGHV3-23\t35\nIGHV3-21\t37\nIGHV3-20\t38\nIGHV1-18\t40\nIGHV3-15\t41\nIGHV3-13\t42\nIGHV3-11\t43\nIGHV3-9\t44\nIGHV1-8\t45\nIGHV3-7\t46\nIGHV2-5\t47\nIGHV7-4-1\t48\nIGHV4-4\t49\nIGHV4-b\t50\nIGHV1-3\t51\nIGHV1-2\t52\nIGHV6-1\t53")
-tcV = textConnection(V)
-Vchain = read.table(tcV, sep="\t", header=TRUE)
-PRODFV = merge(PRODFV, Vchain, by.x='Top.V.Gene', by.y='', all.x=TRUE)
-D = c("\tchr.orderD\nIGHD1-1\t1\nIGHD2-2\t2\nIGHD3-3\t3\nIGHD6-6\t4\nIGHD1-7\t5\nIGHD2-8\t6\nIGHD3-9\t7\nIGHD3-10\t8\nIGHD4-11\t9\nIGHD5-12\t10\nIGHD6-13\t11\nIGHD1-14\t12\nIGHD2-15\t13\nIGHD3-16\t14\nIGHD4-17\t15\nIGHD5-18\t16\nIGHD6-19\t17\nIGHD1-20\t18\nIGHD2-21\t19\nIGHD3-22\t20\nIGHD4-23\t21\nIGHD5-24\t22\nIGHD6-25\t23\nIGHD1-26\t24\nIGHD7-27\t25")
-tcD = textConnection(D)
-Dchain = read.table(tcD, sep="\t", header=TRUE)
-PRODFD = merge(PRODFD, Dchain, by.x='Top.D.Gene', by.y='', all.x=TRUE)
-J = c("\tchr.orderJ\nIGHJ1\t1\nIGHJ2\t2\nIGHJ3\t3\nIGHJ4\t4\nIGHJ5\t5\nIGHJ6\t6")
-tcJ = textConnection(J)
-Jchain = read.table(tcJ, sep="\t", header=TRUE)
-PRODFJ = merge(PRODFJ, Jchain, by.x='Top.J.Gene', by.y='', all.x=TRUE)
-write.table(PRODF, "allUnique.tsv", sep="\t",quote=F,row.names=F,col.names=T)
-pV = ggplot(PRODFV)
-pV = pV + geom_bar( aes( x=factor(reorder(Top.V.Gene, chr.orderV)), y=relFreq, fill=Sample), stat='identity', position="dodge") + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))
-pV = pV + xlab("Summary of V gene") + ylab("Frequency") + ggtitle("Relative frequency of V gene usage")
-png("VPlot.png",width = 1280, height = 720)
-pD = ggplot(PRODFD)
-pD = pD + geom_bar( aes( x=factor(reorder(Top.D.Gene, chr.orderD)), y=relFreq, fill=Sample), stat='identity', position="dodge") + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))
-pD = pD + xlab("Summary of D gene") + ylab("Frequency") + ggtitle("Relative frequency of D gene usage")
-png("DPlot.png",width = 800, height = 600)
-pJ = ggplot(PRODFJ)
-pJ = pJ + geom_bar( aes( x=factor(reorder(Top.J.Gene, chr.orderJ)), y=relFreq, fill=Sample), stat='identity', position="dodge") + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))
-pJ = pJ + xlab("Summary of J gene") + ylab("Frequency") + ggtitle("Relative frequency of J gene usage")
-png("JPlot.png",width = 800, height = 600)
-revVchain = Vchain
-revDchain = Dchain
-revVchain$chr.orderV = rev(revVchain$chr.orderV)
-revDchain$chr.orderD = rev(revDchain$chr.orderD)
-plotVD <- function(dat){
-	if(length(dat[,1]) == 0){
-		return()
-	}
-	img = ggplot() + 
-	geom_tile(data=dat, aes(x=factor(reorder(Top.D.Gene, chr.orderD)), y=factor(reorder(Top.V.Gene, chr.orderV)), fill=relLength)) + 
-	theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) + 
-	scale_fill_gradient(low="gold", high="blue", na.value="white") + 
-	ggtitle(paste(unique(dat$Sample), " (N=" , sum(dat$Length, na.rm=T) ,")", sep="")) + 
-	xlab("D genes") + 
-	ylab("V Genes")
-	png(paste("HeatmapVD_", unique(dat[3])[1,1] , ".png", sep=""), width=150+(15*length(Dchain$, height=100+(15*length(Vchain$
-	print(img)
-VandDCount = data.frame(data.table(PRODF)[, list(Length=.N), by=c("Top.V.Gene", "Top.D.Gene", "Sample")])
-VandDCount$l = log(VandDCount$Length)
-maxVD = data.frame(data.table(VandDCount)[, list(max=max(l)), by=c("Sample")])
-VandDCount = merge(VandDCount, maxVD, by.x="Sample", by.y="Sample", all.x=T)
-VandDCount$relLength = VandDCount$l / VandDCount$max
-cartegianProductVD = expand.grid(Top.V.Gene = Vchain$, Top.D.Gene = Dchain$, Sample = unique(test$Sample))
-completeVD = merge(VandDCount, cartegianProductVD, all.y=TRUE)
-completeVD = merge(completeVD, revVchain, by.x="Top.V.Gene", by.y="", all.x=TRUE)
-completeVD = merge(completeVD, Dchain, by.x="Top.D.Gene", by.y="", all.x=TRUE)
-VDList = split(completeVD, f=completeVD[,"Sample"])
-lapply(VDList, FUN=plotVD)
-plotVJ <- function(dat){
-	if(length(dat[,1]) == 0){
-		return()
-	}
-	img = ggplot() + 
-	geom_tile(data=dat, aes(x=factor(reorder(Top.J.Gene, chr.orderJ)), y=factor(reorder(Top.V.Gene, chr.orderV)), fill=relLength)) + 
-	theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) + 
-	scale_fill_gradient(low="gold", high="blue", na.value="white") + 
-	ggtitle(paste(unique(dat$Sample), " (N=" , sum(dat$Length, na.rm=T) ,")", sep="")) + 
-	xlab("J genes") + 
-	ylab("V Genes")
-	png(paste("HeatmapVJ_", unique(dat[3])[1,1] , ".png", sep=""), width=150+(15*length(Jchain$, height=100+(15*length(Vchain$
-	print(img)
-VandJCount = data.frame(data.table(PRODF)[, list(Length=.N), by=c("Top.V.Gene", "Top.J.Gene", "Sample")])
-VandJCount$l = log(VandJCount$Length)
-maxVJ = data.frame(data.table(VandJCount)[, list(max=max(l)), by=c("Sample")])
-VandJCount = merge(VandJCount, maxVJ, by.x="Sample", by.y="Sample", all.x=T)
-VandJCount$relLength = VandJCount$l / VandJCount$max
-cartegianProductVJ = expand.grid(Top.V.Gene = Vchain$, Top.J.Gene = Jchain$, Sample = unique(test$Sample))
-completeVJ = merge(VandJCount, cartegianProductVJ, all.y=TRUE)
-completeVJ = merge(completeVJ, revVchain, by.x="Top.V.Gene", by.y="", all.x=TRUE)
-completeVJ = merge(completeVJ, Jchain, by.x="Top.J.Gene", by.y="", all.x=TRUE)
-VJList = split(completeVJ, f=completeVJ[,"Sample"])
-lapply(VJList, FUN=plotVJ)
-plotDJ <- function(dat){
-	if(length(dat[,1]) == 0){
-		return()
-	}
-	img = ggplot() + 
-	geom_tile(data=dat, aes(x=factor(reorder(Top.J.Gene, chr.orderJ)), y=factor(reorder(Top.D.Gene, chr.orderD)), fill=relLength)) + 
-	theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) + 
-	scale_fill_gradient(low="gold", high="blue", na.value="white") + 
-	ggtitle(paste(unique(dat$Sample), " (N=" , sum(dat$Length, na.rm=T) ,")", sep="")) + 
-	xlab("J genes") + 
-	ylab("D Genes")
-	png(paste("HeatmapDJ_", unique(dat[3])[1,1] , ".png", sep=""), width=150+(15*length(Jchain$, height=100+(15*length(Dchain$
-	print(img)
-DandJCount = data.frame(data.table(PRODF)[, list(Length=.N), by=c("Top.D.Gene", "Top.J.Gene", "Sample")])
-DandJCount$l = log(DandJCount$Length)
-maxDJ = data.frame(data.table(DandJCount)[, list(max=max(l)), by=c("Sample")])
-DandJCount = merge(DandJCount, maxDJ, by.x="Sample", by.y="Sample", all.x=T)
-DandJCount$relLength = DandJCount$l / DandJCount$max
-cartegianProductDJ = expand.grid(Top.D.Gene = Dchain$, Top.J.Gene = Jchain$, Sample = unique(test$Sample))
-completeDJ = merge(DandJCount, cartegianProductDJ, all.y=TRUE)
-completeDJ = merge(completeDJ, revDchain, by.x="Top.D.Gene", by.y="", all.x=TRUE)
-completeDJ = merge(completeDJ, Jchain, by.x="Top.J.Gene", by.y="", all.x=TRUE)
-DJList = split(completeDJ, f=completeDJ[,"Sample"])
-lapply(DJList, FUN=plotDJ)
-sampleFile <- file("samples.txt")
-un = unique(test$Sample)
-un = paste(un, sep="\n")
-writeLines(un, sampleFile)
-if("Replicate" %in% colnames(test))
-	clonalityFrame = PROD
-	clonalityFrame$ReplicateConcat =, c(clonalityFrame[c("VDJCDR3", "Sample", "Replicate")], sep = ":"))
-	clonalityFrame = clonalityFrame[!duplicated(clonalityFrame$ReplicateConcat), ]
-	write.table(clonalityFrame, "clonalityComplete.tsv", sep="\t",quote=F,row.names=F,col.names=T)
-	ClonalitySampleReplicatePrint <- function(dat){
-	    write.table(dat, paste("clonality_", unique(dat$Sample) , "_", unique(dat$Replicate), ".tsv", sep=""), sep="\t",quote=F,row.names=F,col.names=T)
-	}
-    clonalityFrameSplit = split(clonalityFrame, f=clonalityFrame[,c("Sample", "Replicate")])
-    lapply(clonalityFrameSplit, FUN=ClonalitySampleReplicatePrint)
-    ClonalitySamplePrint <- function(dat){
-	    write.table(dat, paste("clonality_", unique(dat$Sample) , ".tsv", sep=""), sep="\t",quote=F,row.names=F,col.names=T)
-	}
-    clonalityFrameSplit = split(clonalityFrame, f=clonalityFrame[,"Sample"])
-    lapply(clonalityFrameSplit, FUN=ClonalitySamplePrint)
-	clonalFreq = data.frame(data.table(clonalityFrame)[, list(Type=.N), by=c("Sample", "VDJCDR3")])
-	clonalFreqCount = data.frame(data.table(clonalFreq)[, list(Count=.N), by=c("Sample", "Type")])
-	clonalFreqCount$realCount = clonalFreqCount$Type * clonalFreqCount$Count
-	clonalSum = data.frame(data.table(clonalFreqCount)[, list(Reads=sum(realCount)), by=c("Sample")])
-	clonalFreqCount = merge(clonalFreqCount, clonalSum, by.x="Sample", by.y="Sample")
-	ct = c('Type\tWeight\n2\t1\n3\t3\n4\t6\n5\t10\n6\t15')
-	tcct = textConnection(ct)
-	CT  = read.table(tcct, sep="\t", header=TRUE)
-	close(tcct)
-	clonalFreqCount = merge(clonalFreqCount, CT, by.x="Type", by.y="Type", all.x=T)
-	clonalFreqCount$WeightedCount = clonalFreqCount$Count * clonalFreqCount$Weight
-	ReplicateReads = data.frame(data.table(clonalityFrame)[, list(Type=.N), by=c("Sample", "Replicate", "VDJCDR3")])
-	ReplicateReads = data.frame(data.table(ReplicateReads)[, list(Reads=.N), by=c("Sample", "Replicate")])
-	clonalFreqCount$Reads = as.numeric(clonalFreqCount$Reads)
-	ReplicateReads$squared = ReplicateReads$Reads * ReplicateReads$Reads
-	ReplicatePrint <- function(dat){
-		write.table(dat[-1], paste("ReplicateReads_", unique(dat[1])[1,1] , ".csv", sep=""), sep=",",quote=F,na="-",row.names=F,col.names=F)
-	}
-	ReplicateSplit = split(ReplicateReads, f=ReplicateReads[,"Sample"])
-	lapply(ReplicateSplit, FUN=ReplicatePrint)
-	ReplicateReads = data.frame(data.table(ReplicateReads)[, list(ReadsSum=sum(Reads), ReadsSquaredSum=sum(squared)), by=c("Sample")])
-	clonalFreqCount = merge(clonalFreqCount, ReplicateReads, by.x="Sample", by.y="Sample", all.x=T)
-	ReplicateSumPrint <- function(dat){
-		write.table(dat[-1], paste("ReplicateSumReads_", unique(dat[1])[1,1] , ".csv", sep=""), sep=",",quote=F,na="-",row.names=F,col.names=F)
-	}
-	ReplicateSumSplit = split(ReplicateReads, f=ReplicateReads[,"Sample"])
-	lapply(ReplicateSumSplit, FUN=ReplicateSumPrint)
-	clonalFreqCountSum = data.frame(data.table(clonalFreqCount)[, list(Numerator=sum(WeightedCount, na.rm=T)), by=c("Sample")])
-	clonalFreqCount = merge(clonalFreqCount, clonalFreqCountSum, by.x="Sample", by.y="Sample", all.x=T)
-	clonalFreqCount$ReadsSum = as.numeric(clonalFreqCount$ReadsSum) #prevent integer overflow
-	clonalFreqCount$Denominator = (((clonalFreqCount$ReadsSum * clonalFreqCount$ReadsSum) - clonalFreqCount$ReadsSquaredSum) / 2)
-	clonalFreqCount$Result = (clonalFreqCount$Numerator + 1) / (clonalFreqCount$Denominator + 1)
-	ClonalityScorePrint <- function(dat){
-		write.table(dat$Result, paste("ClonalityScore_", unique(dat[1])[1,1] , ".csv", sep=""), sep=",",quote=F,na="-",row.names=F,col.names=F)
-	}
-	clonalityScore = clonalFreqCount[c("Sample", "Result")]
-	clonalityScore = unique(clonalityScore)
-	clonalityScoreSplit = split(clonalityScore, f=clonalityScore[,"Sample"])
-	lapply(clonalityScoreSplit, FUN=ClonalityScorePrint)
-	clonalityOverview = clonalFreqCount[c("Sample", "Type", "Count", "Weight", "WeightedCount")]
-	ClonalityOverviewPrint <- function(dat){
-		write.table(dat[-1], paste("ClonalityOverView_", unique(dat[1])[1,1] , ".csv", sep=""), sep=",",quote=F,na="-",row.names=F,col.names=F)
-	}
-	clonalityOverviewSplit = split(clonalityOverview, f=clonalityOverview$Sample)
-	lapply(clonalityOverviewSplit, FUN=ClonalityOverviewPrint)
--- a/RScript.r	Fri May 09 09:35:32 2014 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,452 +0,0 @@
-#options( show.error.messages=F, error = function () { cat( geterrmessage(), file=stderr() ); q( "no", 1, F ) } )
-args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
-inFile = args[1]
-outFile = args[2]
-outDir = args[3]
-clonalType = args[4]
-species = args[5]
-locus = args[6]
-selection = args[7]
-if (!("gridExtra" %in% rownames(installed.packages()))) {
-	install.packages("gridExtra", repos="") 
-if (!("ggplot2" %in% rownames(installed.packages()))) {
-	install.packages("ggplot2", repos="") 
-if (!("plyr" %in% rownames(installed.packages()))) {
-	install.packages("plyr", repos="") 
-if (!("data.table" %in% rownames(installed.packages()))) {
-	install.packages("data.table", repos="") 
-if (!("reshape2" %in% rownames(installed.packages()))) {
-	install.packages("reshape2", repos="") 
-test = read.table(inFile, sep="\t", header=TRUE, fill=T, comment.char="")
-test = test[test$Sample != "",]
-test$Top.V.Gene = gsub("[*]([0-9]+)", "", test$Top.V.Gene)
-test$Top.D.Gene = gsub("[*]([0-9]+)", "", test$Top.D.Gene)
-test$Top.J.Gene = gsub("[*]([0-9]+)", "", test$Top.J.Gene)
-#test$VDJCDR3 =, c(test[c("Top.V.Gene", "Top.D.Gene", "Top.J.Gene","CDR3.Seq.DNA")], sep = ":"))
-test$VDJCDR3 =, c(test[unlist(strsplit(clonalType, ","))], sep = ":"))
-PROD = test[test$VDJ.Frame != "In-frame with stop codon" & test$VDJ.Frame != "Out-of-frame" & test$CDR3.Found.How != "NOT_FOUND" , ]
-if("Functionality" %in% colnames(test)) {
-	PROD = test[test$Functionality == "productive" | test$Functionality == "productive (see comment)", ]
-NONPROD = test[test$VDJ.Frame == "In-frame with stop codon" | test$VDJ.Frame == "Out-of-frame" | test$CDR3.Found.How == "NOT_FOUND" , ]
-#PRODF = PROD[ -1]
-#PRODF = unique(PRODF)
-if(selection == "unique"){
-	PRODF = PRODF[!duplicated(PRODF$VDJCDR3), ]
-PRODFV = data.frame(data.table(PRODF)[, list(Length=.N), by=c("Sample", "Top.V.Gene")])
-PRODFV$Length = as.numeric(PRODFV$Length)
-Total = 0
-Total = ddply(PRODFV, .(Sample), function(x) data.frame(Total = sum(x$Length)))
-PRODFV = merge(PRODFV, Total, by.x='Sample', by.y='Sample', all.x=TRUE)
-PRODFV = ddply(PRODFV, c("Sample", "Top.V.Gene"), summarise, relFreq= (Length*100 / Total))
-PRODFD = data.frame(data.table(PRODF)[, list(Length=.N), by=c("Sample", "Top.D.Gene")])
-PRODFD$Length = as.numeric(PRODFD$Length)
-Total = 0
-Total = ddply(PRODFD, .(Sample), function(x) data.frame(Total = sum(x$Length)))
-PRODFD = merge(PRODFD, Total, by.x='Sample', by.y='Sample', all.x=TRUE)
-PRODFD = ddply(PRODFD, c("Sample", "Top.D.Gene"), summarise, relFreq= (Length*100 / Total))
-PRODFJ = data.frame(data.table(PRODF)[, list(Length=.N), by=c("Sample", "Top.J.Gene")])
-PRODFJ$Length = as.numeric(PRODFJ$Length)
-Total = 0
-Total = ddply(PRODFJ, .(Sample), function(x) data.frame(Total = sum(x$Length)))
-PRODFJ = merge(PRODFJ, Total, by.x='Sample', by.y='Sample', all.x=TRUE)
-PRODFJ = ddply(PRODFJ, c("Sample", "Top.J.Gene"), summarise, relFreq= (Length*100 / Total))
-if(species == "human"){
-	if(locus == "igh"){		
-		cat("human igh")
-	} else if (locus == "igk"){
-		cat("human igk")
-	} else if (locus == "igl"){
-		cat("human igl")
-	}
-} else if (species == "mouse"){
-	if(locus == "igh"){
-		cat("mouse igh")
-	} else if (locus == "igk"){
-		cat("mouse igk")
-	} else if (locus == "igl"){
-		cat("mouse igl")
-	}
-V = c("\tchr.orderV\nIGHV7-81\t1\nIGHV3-74\t2\nIGHV3-73\t3\nIGHV3-72\t4\nIGHV2-70\t6\nIGHV1-69\t7\nIGHV3-66\t8\nIGHV3-64\t9\nIGHV4-61\t10\nIGHV4-59\t11\nIGHV1-58\t12\nIGHV3-53\t13\nIGHV5-a\t15\nIGHV5-51\t16\nIGHV3-49\t17\nIGHV3-48\t18\nIGHV1-46\t20\nIGHV1-45\t21\nIGHV3-43\t22\nIGHV4-39\t23\nIGHV3-35\t24\nIGHV4-34\t25\nIGHV3-33\t26\nIGHV4-31\t27\nIGHV4-30-4\t28\nIGHV4-30-2\t29\nIGHV3-30-3\t30\nIGHV3-30\t31\nIGHV4-28\t32\nIGHV2-26\t33\nIGHV1-24\t34\nIGHV3-23\t35\nIGHV3-21\t37\nIGHV3-20\t38\nIGHV1-18\t40\nIGHV3-15\t41\nIGHV3-13\t42\nIGHV3-11\t43\nIGHV3-9\t44\nIGHV1-8\t45\nIGHV3-7\t46\nIGHV2-5\t47\nIGHV7-4-1\t48\nIGHV4-4\t49\nIGHV4-b\t50\nIGHV1-3\t51\nIGHV1-2\t52\nIGHV6-1\t53")
-D = c("\tchr.orderD\nIGHD1-1\t1\nIGHD2-2\t2\nIGHD3-3\t3\nIGHD6-6\t4\nIGHD1-7\t5\nIGHD2-8\t6\nIGHD3-9\t7\nIGHD3-10\t8\nIGHD4-11\t9\nIGHD5-12\t10\nIGHD6-13\t11\nIGHD1-14\t12\nIGHD2-15\t13\nIGHD3-16\t14\nIGHD4-17\t15\nIGHD5-18\t16\nIGHD6-19\t17\nIGHD1-20\t18\nIGHD2-21\t19\nIGHD3-22\t20\nIGHD4-23\t21\nIGHD5-24\t22\nIGHD6-25\t23\nIGHD1-26\t24\nIGHD7-27\t25")
-J = c("\tchr.orderJ\nIGHJ1\t1\nIGHJ2\t2\nIGHJ3\t3\nIGHJ4\t4\nIGHJ5\t5\nIGHJ6\t6")
-tcV = textConnection(V)
-Vchain = read.table(tcV, sep="\t", header=TRUE)
-PRODFV = merge(PRODFV, Vchain, by.x='Top.V.Gene', by.y='', all.x=TRUE)
-tcD = textConnection(D)
-Dchain = read.table(tcD, sep="\t", header=TRUE)
-PRODFD = merge(PRODFD, Dchain, by.x='Top.D.Gene', by.y='', all.x=TRUE)
-tcJ = textConnection(J)
-Jchain = read.table(tcJ, sep="\t", header=TRUE)
-PRODFJ = merge(PRODFJ, Jchain, by.x='Top.J.Gene', by.y='', all.x=TRUE)
-write.table(PRODF, "allUnique.csv", sep=",",quote=F,row.names=F,col.names=T)
-pV = ggplot(PRODFV)
-pV = pV + geom_bar( aes( x=factor(reorder(Top.V.Gene, chr.orderV)), y=relFreq, fill=Sample), stat='identity', position="dodge") + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))
-pV = pV + xlab("Summary of V gene") + ylab("Frequency") + ggtitle("Relative frequency of V gene usage")
-write.table(x=PRODFV, file="VFrequency.csv", sep=",",quote=F,row.names=F,col.names=T)
-png("VPlot.png",width = 1280, height = 720)
-pD = ggplot(PRODFD)
-pD = pD + geom_bar( aes( x=factor(reorder(Top.D.Gene, chr.orderD)), y=relFreq, fill=Sample), stat='identity', position="dodge") + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))
-pD = pD + xlab("Summary of D gene") + ylab("Frequency") + ggtitle("Relative frequency of D gene usage")
-write.table(x=PRODFD, file="DFrequency.csv", sep=",",quote=F,row.names=F,col.names=T)
-png("DPlot.png",width = 800, height = 600)
-pJ = ggplot(PRODFJ)
-pJ = pJ + geom_bar( aes( x=factor(reorder(Top.J.Gene, chr.orderJ)), y=relFreq, fill=Sample), stat='identity', position="dodge") + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))
-pJ = pJ + xlab("Summary of J gene") + ylab("Frequency") + ggtitle("Relative frequency of J gene usage")
-write.table(x=PRODFJ, file="JFrequency.csv", sep=",",quote=F,row.names=F,col.names=T)
-png("JPlot.png",width = 800, height = 600)
-VGenes = PRODF[,c("Sample", "Top.V.Gene")]
-VGenes$Top.V.Gene = gsub("-.*", "", VGenes$Top.V.Gene)
-VGenes = data.frame(data.table(VGenes)[, list(Count=.N), by=c("Sample", "Top.V.Gene")])
-TotalPerSample = data.frame(data.table(VGenes)[, list(total=sum(.SD$Count)), by=Sample])
-VGenes = merge(VGenes, TotalPerSample, by="Sample")
-VGenes$Frequency = VGenes$Count * 100 / VGenes$total
-VPlot = ggplot(VGenes)
-VPlot = VPlot + geom_bar(aes( x = Top.V.Gene, y = Frequency, fill = Sample), stat='identity', position='dodge' ) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) + 
-				ggtitle("Distribution of V gene families") + 
-				ylab("Percentage of sequences")
-write.table(x=VGenes, file="VFFrequency.csv", sep=",",quote=F,row.names=F,col.names=T)
-DGenes = PRODF[,c("Sample", "Top.D.Gene")]
-DGenes$Top.D.Gene = gsub("-.*", "", DGenes$Top.D.Gene)
-DGenes = data.frame(data.table(DGenes)[, list(Count=.N), by=c("Sample", "Top.D.Gene")])
-TotalPerSample = data.frame(data.table(DGenes)[, list(total=sum(.SD$Count)), by=Sample])
-DGenes = merge(DGenes, TotalPerSample, by="Sample")
-DGenes$Frequency = DGenes$Count * 100 / DGenes$total
-DPlot = ggplot(DGenes)
-DPlot = DPlot + geom_bar(aes( x = Top.D.Gene, y = Frequency, fill = Sample), stat='identity', position='dodge' ) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) + 
-				ggtitle("Distribution of D gene families") + 
-				ylab("Percentage of sequences")
-write.table(x=DGenes, file="DFFrequency.csv", sep=",",quote=F,row.names=F,col.names=T)
-JGenes = PRODF[,c("Sample", "Top.J.Gene")]
-JGenes$Top.J.Gene = gsub("-.*", "", JGenes$Top.J.Gene)
-JGenes = data.frame(data.table(JGenes)[, list(Count=.N), by=c("Sample", "Top.J.Gene")])
-TotalPerSample = data.frame(data.table(JGenes)[, list(total=sum(.SD$Count)), by=Sample])
-JGenes = merge(JGenes, TotalPerSample, by="Sample")
-JGenes$Frequency = JGenes$Count * 100 / JGenes$total
-JPlot = ggplot(JGenes)
-JPlot = JPlot + geom_bar(aes( x = Top.J.Gene, y = Frequency, fill = Sample), stat='identity', position='dodge' ) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) + 
-				ggtitle("Distribution of J gene families") + 
-				ylab("Percentage of sequences")
-write.table(x=JGenes, file="JFFrequency.csv", sep=",",quote=F,row.names=F,col.names=T)
-CDR3Length = data.frame(data.table(PRODF)[, list(Count=.N), by=c("Sample", "CDR3.Length.DNA")])
-TotalPerSample = data.frame(data.table(CDR3Length)[, list(total=sum(.SD$Count)), by=Sample])
-CDR3Length = merge(CDR3Length, TotalPerSample, by="Sample")
-CDR3Length$Frequency = CDR3Length$Count * 100 / CDR3Length$total
-CDR3LengthPlot = ggplot(CDR3Length)
-CDR3LengthPlot = CDR3LengthPlot + geom_bar(aes( x = CDR3.Length.DNA, y = Frequency, fill = Sample), stat='identity', position='dodge' ) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) + 
-				ggtitle("Length distribution of CDR3") + 
-				xlab("CDR3 Length") + 
-				ylab("Percentage of sequences")
-png("CDR3LengthPlot.png",width = 1280, height = 720)
-write.table(x=CDR3Length, file="CDR3LengthPlot.csv", sep=",",quote=F,row.names=F,col.names=T)
-revVchain = Vchain
-revDchain = Dchain
-revVchain$chr.orderV = rev(revVchain$chr.orderV)
-revDchain$chr.orderD = rev(revDchain$chr.orderD)
-plotVD <- function(dat){
-	if(length(dat[,1]) == 0){
-		return()
-	}
-	img = ggplot() + 
-	geom_tile(data=dat, aes(x=factor(reorder(Top.D.Gene, chr.orderD)), y=factor(reorder(Top.V.Gene, chr.orderV)), fill=relLength)) + 
-	theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) + 
-	scale_fill_gradient(low="gold", high="blue", na.value="white") + 
-	ggtitle(paste(unique(dat$Sample), " (N=" , sum(dat$Length, na.rm=T) ,")", sep="")) + 
-	xlab("D genes") + 
-	ylab("V Genes")
-	png(paste("HeatmapVD_", unique(dat[3])[1,1] , ".png", sep=""), width=150+(15*length(Dchain$, height=100+(15*length(Vchain$
-	print(img)
-	write.table(x=acast(dat, Top.V.Gene~Top.D.Gene, value.var="Length"), file=paste("HeatmapVD_", unique(dat[3])[1,1], ".csv", sep=""), sep=",",quote=F,row.names=T,col.names=NA)
-VandDCount = data.frame(data.table(PRODF)[, list(Length=.N), by=c("Top.V.Gene", "Top.D.Gene", "Sample")])
-VandDCount$l = log(VandDCount$Length)
-maxVD = data.frame(data.table(VandDCount)[, list(max=max(l)), by=c("Sample")])
-VandDCount = merge(VandDCount, maxVD, by.x="Sample", by.y="Sample", all.x=T)
-VandDCount$relLength = VandDCount$l / VandDCount$max
-cartegianProductVD = expand.grid(Top.V.Gene = Vchain$, Top.D.Gene = Dchain$, Sample = unique(test$Sample))
-completeVD = merge(VandDCount, cartegianProductVD, all.y=TRUE)
-completeVD = merge(completeVD, revVchain, by.x="Top.V.Gene", by.y="", all.x=TRUE)
-completeVD = merge(completeVD, Dchain, by.x="Top.D.Gene", by.y="", all.x=TRUE)
-VDList = split(completeVD, f=completeVD[,"Sample"])
-lapply(VDList, FUN=plotVD)
-plotVJ <- function(dat){
-	if(length(dat[,1]) == 0){
-		return()
-	}
-	img = ggplot() + 
-	geom_tile(data=dat, aes(x=factor(reorder(Top.J.Gene, chr.orderJ)), y=factor(reorder(Top.V.Gene, chr.orderV)), fill=relLength)) + 
-	theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) + 
-	scale_fill_gradient(low="gold", high="blue", na.value="white") + 
-	ggtitle(paste(unique(dat$Sample), " (N=" , sum(dat$Length, na.rm=T) ,")", sep="")) + 
-	xlab("J genes") + 
-	ylab("V Genes")
-	png(paste("HeatmapVJ_", unique(dat[3])[1,1] , ".png", sep=""), width=150+(15*length(Jchain$, height=100+(15*length(Vchain$
-	print(img)
-	write.table(x=acast(dat, Top.V.Gene~Top.J.Gene, value.var="Length"), file=paste("HeatmapVJ_", unique(dat[3])[1,1], ".csv", sep=""), sep=",",quote=F,row.names=T,col.names=NA)
-VandJCount = data.frame(data.table(PRODF)[, list(Length=.N), by=c("Top.V.Gene", "Top.J.Gene", "Sample")])
-VandJCount$l = log(VandJCount$Length)
-maxVJ = data.frame(data.table(VandJCount)[, list(max=max(l)), by=c("Sample")])
-VandJCount = merge(VandJCount, maxVJ, by.x="Sample", by.y="Sample", all.x=T)
-VandJCount$relLength = VandJCount$l / VandJCount$max
-cartegianProductVJ = expand.grid(Top.V.Gene = Vchain$, Top.J.Gene = Jchain$, Sample = unique(test$Sample))
-completeVJ = merge(VandJCount, cartegianProductVJ, all.y=TRUE)
-completeVJ = merge(completeVJ, revVchain, by.x="Top.V.Gene", by.y="", all.x=TRUE)
-completeVJ = merge(completeVJ, Jchain, by.x="Top.J.Gene", by.y="", all.x=TRUE)
-VJList = split(completeVJ, f=completeVJ[,"Sample"])
-lapply(VJList, FUN=plotVJ)
-plotDJ <- function(dat){
-	if(length(dat[,1]) == 0){
-		return()
-	}
-	img = ggplot() + 
-	geom_tile(data=dat, aes(x=factor(reorder(Top.J.Gene, chr.orderJ)), y=factor(reorder(Top.D.Gene, chr.orderD)), fill=relLength)) + 
-	theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) + 
-	scale_fill_gradient(low="gold", high="blue", na.value="white") + 
-	ggtitle(paste(unique(dat$Sample), " (N=" , sum(dat$Length, na.rm=T) ,")", sep="")) + 
-	xlab("J genes") + 
-	ylab("D Genes")
-	png(paste("HeatmapDJ_", unique(dat[3])[1,1] , ".png", sep=""), width=150+(15*length(Jchain$, height=100+(15*length(Dchain$
-	print(img)
-	write.table(x=acast(dat, Top.D.Gene~Top.J.Gene, value.var="Length"), file=paste("HeatmapDJ_", unique(dat[3])[1,1], ".csv", sep=""), sep=",",quote=F,row.names=T,col.names=NA)
-DandJCount = data.frame(data.table(PRODF)[, list(Length=.N), by=c("Top.D.Gene", "Top.J.Gene", "Sample")])
-DandJCount$l = log(DandJCount$Length)
-maxDJ = data.frame(data.table(DandJCount)[, list(max=max(l)), by=c("Sample")])
-DandJCount = merge(DandJCount, maxDJ, by.x="Sample", by.y="Sample", all.x=T)
-DandJCount$relLength = DandJCount$l / DandJCount$max
-cartegianProductDJ = expand.grid(Top.D.Gene = Dchain$, Top.J.Gene = Jchain$, Sample = unique(test$Sample))
-completeDJ = merge(DandJCount, cartegianProductDJ, all.y=TRUE)
-completeDJ = merge(completeDJ, revDchain, by.x="Top.D.Gene", by.y="", all.x=TRUE)
-completeDJ = merge(completeDJ, Jchain, by.x="Top.J.Gene", by.y="", all.x=TRUE)
-DJList = split(completeDJ, f=completeDJ[,"Sample"])
-lapply(DJList, FUN=plotDJ)
-sampleFile <- file("samples.txt")
-un = unique(test$Sample)
-un = paste(un, sep="\n")
-writeLines(un, sampleFile)
-if("Replicate" %in% colnames(test))
-	clonalityFrame = PROD
-	clonalityFrame$ReplicateConcat =, c(clonalityFrame[c("VDJCDR3", "Sample", "Replicate")], sep = ":"))
-	clonalityFrame = clonalityFrame[!duplicated(clonalityFrame$ReplicateConcat), ]
-	write.table(clonalityFrame, "clonalityComplete.csv", sep=",",quote=F,row.names=F,col.names=T)
-	ClonalitySampleReplicatePrint <- function(dat){
-	    write.table(dat, paste("clonality_", unique(dat$Sample) , "_", unique(dat$Replicate), ".csv", sep=""), sep=",",quote=F,row.names=F,col.names=T)
-	}
-    clonalityFrameSplit = split(clonalityFrame, f=clonalityFrame[,c("Sample", "Replicate")])
-    #lapply(clonalityFrameSplit, FUN=ClonalitySampleReplicatePrint)
-    ClonalitySamplePrint <- function(dat){
-	    write.table(dat, paste("clonality_", unique(dat$Sample) , ".csv", sep=""), sep=",",quote=F,row.names=F,col.names=T)
-	}
-    clonalityFrameSplit = split(clonalityFrame, f=clonalityFrame[,"Sample"])
-    #lapply(clonalityFrameSplit, FUN=ClonalitySamplePrint)
-	clonalFreq = data.frame(data.table(clonalityFrame)[, list(Type=.N), by=c("Sample", "VDJCDR3")])
-	clonalFreqCount = data.frame(data.table(clonalFreq)[, list(Count=.N), by=c("Sample", "Type")])
-	clonalFreqCount$realCount = clonalFreqCount$Type * clonalFreqCount$Count
-	clonalSum = data.frame(data.table(clonalFreqCount)[, list(Reads=sum(realCount)), by=c("Sample")])
-	clonalFreqCount = merge(clonalFreqCount, clonalSum, by.x="Sample", by.y="Sample")
-	ct = c('Type\tWeight\n2\t1\n3\t3\n4\t6\n5\t10\n6\t15')
-	tcct = textConnection(ct)
-	CT  = read.table(tcct, sep="\t", header=TRUE)
-	close(tcct)
-	clonalFreqCount = merge(clonalFreqCount, CT, by.x="Type", by.y="Type", all.x=T)
-	clonalFreqCount$WeightedCount = clonalFreqCount$Count * clonalFreqCount$Weight
-	ReplicateReads = data.frame(data.table(clonalityFrame)[, list(Type=.N), by=c("Sample", "Replicate", "VDJCDR3")])
-	ReplicateReads = data.frame(data.table(ReplicateReads)[, list(Reads=.N), by=c("Sample", "Replicate")])
-	clonalFreqCount$Reads = as.numeric(clonalFreqCount$Reads)
-	ReplicateReads$squared = ReplicateReads$Reads * ReplicateReads$Reads
-	ReplicatePrint <- function(dat){
-		write.table(dat[-1], paste("ReplicateReads_", unique(dat[1])[1,1] , ".csv", sep=""), sep=",",quote=F,na="-",row.names=F,col.names=F)
-	}
-	ReplicateSplit = split(ReplicateReads, f=ReplicateReads[,"Sample"])
-	lapply(ReplicateSplit, FUN=ReplicatePrint)
-	ReplicateReads = data.frame(data.table(ReplicateReads)[, list(ReadsSum=sum(Reads), ReadsSquaredSum=sum(squared)), by=c("Sample")])
-	clonalFreqCount = merge(clonalFreqCount, ReplicateReads, by.x="Sample", by.y="Sample", all.x=T)
-	ReplicateSumPrint <- function(dat){
-		write.table(dat[-1], paste("ReplicateSumReads_", unique(dat[1])[1,1] , ".csv", sep=""), sep=",",quote=F,na="-",row.names=F,col.names=F)
-	}
-	ReplicateSumSplit = split(ReplicateReads, f=ReplicateReads[,"Sample"])
-	lapply(ReplicateSumSplit, FUN=ReplicateSumPrint)
-	clonalFreqCountSum = data.frame(data.table(clonalFreqCount)[, list(Numerator=sum(WeightedCount, na.rm=T)), by=c("Sample")])
-	clonalFreqCount = merge(clonalFreqCount, clonalFreqCountSum, by.x="Sample", by.y="Sample", all.x=T)
-	clonalFreqCount$ReadsSum = as.numeric(clonalFreqCount$ReadsSum) #prevent integer overflow
-	clonalFreqCount$Denominator = (((clonalFreqCount$ReadsSum * clonalFreqCount$ReadsSum) - clonalFreqCount$ReadsSquaredSum) / 2)
-	clonalFreqCount$Result = (clonalFreqCount$Numerator + 1) / (clonalFreqCount$Denominator + 1)
-	ClonalityScorePrint <- function(dat){
-		write.table(dat$Result, paste("ClonalityScore_", unique(dat[1])[1,1] , ".csv", sep=""), sep=",",quote=F,na="-",row.names=F,col.names=F)
-	}
-	clonalityScore = clonalFreqCount[c("Sample", "Result")]
-	clonalityScore = unique(clonalityScore)
-	clonalityScoreSplit = split(clonalityScore, f=clonalityScore[,"Sample"])
-	lapply(clonalityScoreSplit, FUN=ClonalityScorePrint)
-	clonalityOverview = clonalFreqCount[c("Sample", "Type", "Count", "Weight", "WeightedCount")]
-	ClonalityOverviewPrint <- function(dat){
-		write.table(dat[-1], paste("ClonalityOverView_", unique(dat[1])[1,1] , ".csv", sep=""), sep=",",quote=F,na="-",row.names=F,col.names=F)
-	}
-	clonalityOverviewSplit = split(clonalityOverview, f=clonalityOverview$Sample)
-	lapply(clonalityOverviewSplit, FUN=ClonalityOverviewPrint)
-if("Functionality" %in% colnames(test))
-	newData = data.frame(data.table(PROD)[,list(unique=.N, 
-				VH.DEL=mean(X3V.REGION.trimmed.nt.nb),
-				P1=mean(P3V.nt.nb),
-				N1=mean(N1.REGION.nt.nb),
-				P2=mean(P5D.nt.nb),
-				DEL.DH=mean(X5D.REGION.trimmed.nt.nb),
-				DH.DEL=mean(X3D.REGION.trimmed.nt.nb),
-				P3=mean(P3D.nt.nb),
-				N2=mean(N2.REGION.nt.nb),
-				P4=mean(P5J.nt.nb),
-				DEL.JH=mean(X5J.REGION.trimmed.nt.nb),
-				Total.Del=(	mean(X3V.REGION.trimmed.nt.nb) + 
-							mean(X5D.REGION.trimmed.nt.nb) + 
-							mean(X3D.REGION.trimmed.nt.nb) +
-							mean(X5J.REGION.trimmed.nt.nb)),
-				Total.N=(	mean(N1.REGION.nt.nb) +
-							mean(N2.REGION.nt.nb)),
-				Total.P=(	mean(P3V.nt.nb) +
-							mean(P5D.nt.nb) +
-							mean(P3D.nt.nb) +
-							mean(P5J.nt.nb))),
-				by=c("Sample")])
-	write.table(newData, "junctionAnalysis.csv" , sep=",",quote=F,na="-",row.names=F,col.names=F)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/RScript_b.r	Thu Sep 04 07:46:23 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,462 @@
+#options( show.error.messages=F, error = function () { cat( geterrmessage(), file=stderr() ); q( "no", 1, F ) } )
+args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
+inFile = args[1]
+outFile = args[2]
+outDir = args[3]
+clonalType = args[4]
+species = args[5]
+locus = args[6]
+selection = args[7]
+if (!("gridExtra" %in% rownames(installed.packages()))) {
+	install.packages("gridExtra", repos="") 
+if (!("ggplot2" %in% rownames(installed.packages()))) {
+	install.packages("ggplot2", repos="") 
+if (!("plyr" %in% rownames(installed.packages()))) {
+	install.packages("plyr", repos="") 
+if (!("data.table" %in% rownames(installed.packages()))) {
+	install.packages("data.table", repos="") 
+if (!("reshape2" %in% rownames(installed.packages()))) {
+	install.packages("reshape2", repos="") 
+test = read.table(inFile, sep="\t", header=TRUE, fill=T, comment.char="")
+test = test[test$Sample != "",]
+test$Top.V.Gene = gsub("[*]([0-9]+)", "", test$Top.V.Gene)
+test$Top.D.Gene = gsub("[*]([0-9]+)", "", test$Top.D.Gene)
+test$Top.J.Gene = gsub("[*]([0-9]+)", "", test$Top.J.Gene)
+#test$VDJCDR3 =, c(test[c("Top.V.Gene", "Top.D.Gene", "Top.J.Gene","CDR3.Seq.DNA")], sep = ":"))
+test$VDJCDR3 =, c(test[unlist(strsplit(clonalType, ","))], sep = ":"))
+PROD = test[test$VDJ.Frame != "In-frame with stop codon" & test$VDJ.Frame != "Out-of-frame" & test$CDR3.Found.How != "NOT_FOUND" , ]
+if("Functionality" %in% colnames(test)) {
+	PROD = test[test$Functionality == "productive" | test$Functionality == "productive (see comment)", ]
+NONPROD = test[test$VDJ.Frame == "In-frame with stop codon" | test$VDJ.Frame == "Out-of-frame" | test$CDR3.Found.How == "NOT_FOUND" , ]
+#PRODF = PROD[ -1]
+#PRODF = unique(PRODF)
+if(selection == "unique"){
+	PRODF = PRODF[!duplicated(PRODF$VDJCDR3), ]
+PRODFV = data.frame(data.table(PRODF)[, list(Length=.N), by=c("Sample", "Top.V.Gene")])
+PRODFV$Length = as.numeric(PRODFV$Length)
+Total = 0
+Total = ddply(PRODFV, .(Sample), function(x) data.frame(Total = sum(x$Length)))
+PRODFV = merge(PRODFV, Total, by.x='Sample', by.y='Sample', all.x=TRUE)
+PRODFV = ddply(PRODFV, c("Sample", "Top.V.Gene"), summarise, relFreq= (Length*100 / Total))
+PRODFD = data.frame(data.table(PRODF)[, list(Length=.N), by=c("Sample", "Top.D.Gene")])
+PRODFD$Length = as.numeric(PRODFD$Length)
+Total = 0
+Total = ddply(PRODFD, .(Sample), function(x) data.frame(Total = sum(x$Length)))
+PRODFD = merge(PRODFD, Total, by.x='Sample', by.y='Sample', all.x=TRUE)
+PRODFD = ddply(PRODFD, c("Sample", "Top.D.Gene"), summarise, relFreq= (Length*100 / Total))
+PRODFJ = data.frame(data.table(PRODF)[, list(Length=.N), by=c("Sample", "Top.J.Gene")])
+PRODFJ$Length = as.numeric(PRODFJ$Length)
+Total = 0
+Total = ddply(PRODFJ, .(Sample), function(x) data.frame(Total = sum(x$Length)))
+PRODFJ = merge(PRODFJ, Total, by.x='Sample', by.y='Sample', all.x=TRUE)
+PRODFJ = ddply(PRODFJ, c("Sample", "Top.J.Gene"), summarise, relFreq= (Length*100 / Total))
+V = c("\tchr.orderV")
+D = c("\tchr.orderD")
+J = c("\tchr.orderJ")
+if(species == "human"){
+	if(locus == "igh"){		
+		V = c("\tchr.orderV\nIGHV3-74\t1\nIGHV3-73\t2\nIGHV3-72\t3\nIGHV2-70\t4\nIGHV1-69D\t5\nIGHV1-69-2\t6\nIGHV2-70D\t7\nIGHV1-69\t8\nIGHV3-66\t9\nIGHV3-64\t10\nIGHV4-61\t11\nIGHV4-59\t12\nIGHV1-58\t13\nIGHV3-53\t14\nIGHV5-51\t15\nIGHV3-49\t16\nIGHV3-48\t17\nIGHV1-46\t18\nIGHV1-45\t19\nIGHV3-43\t20\nIGHV4-39\t21\nIGHV3-43D\t22\nIGHV4-38-2\t23\nIGHV4-34\t24\nIGHV3-33\t25\nIGHV4-31\t26\nIGHV3-30-5\t27\nIGHV4-30-4\t28\nIGHV3-30-3\t29\nIGHV4-30-2\t30\nIGHV4-30-1\t31\nIGHV3-30\t32\nIGHV4-28\t33\nIGHV2-26\t34\nIGHV1-24\t35\nIGHV3-23D\t36\nIGHV3-23\t37\nIGHV3-21\t38\nIGHV3-20\t39\nIGHV1-18\t40\nIGHV3-15\t41\nIGHV3-13\t42\nIGHV3-11\t43\nIGHV5-10-1\t44\nIGHV3-9\t45\nIGHV1-8\t46\nIGHV3-64D\t47\nIGHV3-7\t48\nIGHV2-5\t49\nIGHV7-4-1\t50\nIGHV4-4\t51\nIGHV1-3\t52\nIGHV1-2\t53\nIGHV6-1\t54")
+		D = c("\tchr.orderD\nIGHD1-7\t1\nIGHD2-8\t2\nIGHD3-9\t3\nIGHD3-10\t4\nIGHD5-12\t5\nIGHD6-13\t6\nIGHD2-15\t7\nIGHD3-16\t8\nIGHD4-17\t9\nIGHD5-18\t10\nIGHD6-19\t11\nIGHD1-20\t12\nIGHD2-21\t13\nIGHD3-22\t14\nIGHD5-24\t15\nIGHD6-25\t16\nIGHD1-26\t17\nIGHD7-27\t18")
+		J = c("\tchr.orderJ\nIGHJ1\t1\nIGHJ2\t2\nIGHJ3\t3\nIGHJ4\t4\nIGHJ5\t5\nIGHJ6\t6")
+	} else if (locus == "igk"){
+		V = c("\tchr.orderV\nIGKV3D-7\t1\nIGKV1D-8\t2\nIGKV1D-43\t3\nIGKV3D-11\t4\nIGKV1D-12\t5\nIGKV1D-13\t6\nIGKV3D-15\t7\nIGKV1D-16\t8\nIGKV1D-17\t9\nIGKV3D-20\t10\nIGKV2D-26\t11\nIGKV2D-28\t12\nIGKV2D-29\t13\nIGKV2D-30\t14\nIGKV1D-33\t15\nIGKV1D-39\t16\nIGKV2D-40\t17\nIGKV2-40\t18\nIGKV1-39\t19\nIGKV1-33\t20\nIGKV2-30\t21\nIGKV2-29\t22\nIGKV2-28\t23\nIGKV1-27\t24\nIGKV2-24\t25\nIGKV3-20\t26\nIGKV1-17\t27\nIGKV1-16\t28\nIGKV3-15\t29\nIGKV1-13\t30\nIGKV1-12\t31\nIGKV3-11\t32\nIGKV1-9\t33\nIGKV1-8\t34\nIGKV1-6\t35\nIGKV1-5\t36\nIGKV5-2\t37\nIGKV4-1\t38")
+		D = c("\tchr.orderD\n")
+		J = c("\tchr.orderJ\nIGKJ1\t1\nIGKJ2\t2\nIGKJ3\t3\nIGKJ4\t4\nIGKJ5\t5")
+	} else if (locus == "igl"){
+		V = c("\tchr.orderV\nIGLV4-69\t1\nIGLV8-61\t2\nIGLV4-60\t3\nIGLV6-57\t4\nIGLV5-52\t5\nIGLV1-51\t6\nIGLV9-49\t7\nIGLV1-47\t8\nIGLV7-46\t9\nIGLV5-45\t10\nIGLV1-44\t11\nIGLV7-43\t12\nIGLV1-41\t13\nIGLV1-40\t14\nIGLV5-39\t15\nIGLV5-37\t16\nIGLV1-36\t17\nIGLV3-27\t18\nIGLV3-25\t19\nIGLV2-23\t20\nIGLV3-22\t21\nIGLV3-21\t22\nIGLV3-19\t23\nIGLV2-18\t24\nIGLV3-16\t25\nIGLV2-14\t26\nIGLV3-12\t27\nIGLV2-11\t28\nIGLV3-10\t29\nIGLV3-9\t30\nIGLV2-8\t31\nIGLV4-3\t32\nIGLV3-1\t33")
+		D = c("\tchr.orderD\n")
+		J = c("\tchr.orderJ\nIGLJ1\t1\nIGLJ2\t2\nIGLJ3\t3\nIGLJ6\t4\nIGLJ7\t5")
+	}
+} else if (species == "mouse"){
+	if(locus == "igh"){
+		cat("mouse igh not yet implemented")
+	} else if (locus == "igk"){
+		cat("mouse igk not yet implemented")
+	} else if (locus == "igl"){
+		cat("mouse igl not yet implemented")
+	}
+useD = TRUE
+if(species == "human" && (locus == "igk" || locus == "igl")){
+	useD = FALSE
+tcV = textConnection(V)
+Vchain = read.table(tcV, sep="\t", header=TRUE)
+PRODFV = merge(PRODFV, Vchain, by.x='Top.V.Gene', by.y='', all.x=TRUE)
+tcD = textConnection(D)
+Dchain = read.table(tcD, sep="\t", header=TRUE)
+PRODFD = merge(PRODFD, Dchain, by.x='Top.D.Gene', by.y='', all.x=TRUE)
+tcJ = textConnection(J)
+Jchain = read.table(tcJ, sep="\t", header=TRUE)
+PRODFJ = merge(PRODFJ, Jchain, by.x='Top.J.Gene', by.y='', all.x=TRUE)
+write.table(PRODF, "allUnique.csv", sep=",",quote=F,row.names=F,col.names=T)
+pV = ggplot(PRODFV)
+pV = pV + geom_bar( aes( x=factor(reorder(Top.V.Gene, chr.orderV)), y=relFreq, fill=Sample), stat='identity', position="dodge") + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))
+pV = pV + xlab("Summary of V gene") + ylab("Frequency") + ggtitle("Relative frequency of V gene usage")
+write.table(x=PRODFV, file="VFrequency.csv", sep=",",quote=F,row.names=F,col.names=T)
+png("VPlot.png",width = 1280, height = 720)
+	pD = ggplot(PRODFD)
+	pD = pD + geom_bar( aes( x=factor(reorder(Top.D.Gene, chr.orderD)), y=relFreq, fill=Sample), stat='identity', position="dodge") + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))
+	pD = pD + xlab("Summary of D gene") + ylab("Frequency") + ggtitle("Relative frequency of D gene usage")
+	write.table(x=PRODFD, file="DFrequency.csv", sep=",",quote=F,row.names=F,col.names=T)
+	png("DPlot.png",width = 800, height = 600)
+	print(pD)
+pJ = ggplot(PRODFJ)
+pJ = pJ + geom_bar( aes( x=factor(reorder(Top.J.Gene, chr.orderJ)), y=relFreq, fill=Sample), stat='identity', position="dodge") + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))
+pJ = pJ + xlab("Summary of J gene") + ylab("Frequency") + ggtitle("Relative frequency of J gene usage")
+write.table(x=PRODFJ, file="JFrequency.csv", sep=",",quote=F,row.names=F,col.names=T)
+png("JPlot.png",width = 800, height = 600)
+VGenes = PRODF[,c("Sample", "Top.V.Gene")]
+VGenes$Top.V.Gene = gsub("-.*", "", VGenes$Top.V.Gene)
+VGenes = data.frame(data.table(VGenes)[, list(Count=.N), by=c("Sample", "Top.V.Gene")])
+TotalPerSample = data.frame(data.table(VGenes)[, list(total=sum(.SD$Count)), by=Sample])
+VGenes = merge(VGenes, TotalPerSample, by="Sample")
+VGenes$Frequency = VGenes$Count * 100 / VGenes$total
+VPlot = ggplot(VGenes)
+VPlot = VPlot + geom_bar(aes( x = Top.V.Gene, y = Frequency, fill = Sample), stat='identity', position='dodge' ) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) + 
+				ggtitle("Distribution of V gene families") + 
+				ylab("Percentage of sequences")
+write.table(x=VGenes, file="VFFrequency.csv", sep=",",quote=F,row.names=F,col.names=T)
+	DGenes = PRODF[,c("Sample", "Top.D.Gene")]
+	DGenes$Top.D.Gene = gsub("-.*", "", DGenes$Top.D.Gene)
+	DGenes = data.frame(data.table(DGenes)[, list(Count=.N), by=c("Sample", "Top.D.Gene")])
+	TotalPerSample = data.frame(data.table(DGenes)[, list(total=sum(.SD$Count)), by=Sample])
+	DGenes = merge(DGenes, TotalPerSample, by="Sample")
+	DGenes$Frequency = DGenes$Count * 100 / DGenes$total
+	DPlot = ggplot(DGenes)
+	DPlot = DPlot + geom_bar(aes( x = Top.D.Gene, y = Frequency, fill = Sample), stat='identity', position='dodge' ) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) + 
+					ggtitle("Distribution of D gene families") + 
+					ylab("Percentage of sequences")
+	png("DFPlot.png")
+	print(DPlot)
+	write.table(x=DGenes, file="DFFrequency.csv", sep=",",quote=F,row.names=F,col.names=T)
+JGenes = PRODF[,c("Sample", "Top.J.Gene")]
+JGenes$Top.J.Gene = gsub("-.*", "", JGenes$Top.J.Gene)
+JGenes = data.frame(data.table(JGenes)[, list(Count=.N), by=c("Sample", "Top.J.Gene")])
+TotalPerSample = data.frame(data.table(JGenes)[, list(total=sum(.SD$Count)), by=Sample])
+JGenes = merge(JGenes, TotalPerSample, by="Sample")
+JGenes$Frequency = JGenes$Count * 100 / JGenes$total
+JPlot = ggplot(JGenes)
+JPlot = JPlot + geom_bar(aes( x = Top.J.Gene, y = Frequency, fill = Sample), stat='identity', position='dodge' ) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) + 
+				ggtitle("Distribution of J gene families") + 
+				ylab("Percentage of sequences")
+write.table(x=JGenes, file="JFFrequency.csv", sep=",",quote=F,row.names=F,col.names=T)
+CDR3Length = data.frame(data.table(PRODF)[, list(Count=.N), by=c("Sample", "CDR3.Length.DNA")])
+TotalPerSample = data.frame(data.table(CDR3Length)[, list(total=sum(.SD$Count)), by=Sample])
+CDR3Length = merge(CDR3Length, TotalPerSample, by="Sample")
+CDR3Length$Frequency = CDR3Length$Count * 100 / CDR3Length$total
+CDR3LengthPlot = ggplot(CDR3Length)
+CDR3LengthPlot = CDR3LengthPlot + geom_bar(aes( x = CDR3.Length.DNA, y = Frequency, fill = Sample), stat='identity', position='dodge' ) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) + 
+				ggtitle("Length distribution of CDR3") + 
+				xlab("CDR3 Length") + 
+				ylab("Percentage of sequences")
+png("CDR3LengthPlot.png",width = 1280, height = 720)
+write.table(x=CDR3Length, file="CDR3LengthPlot.csv", sep=",",quote=F,row.names=F,col.names=T)
+revVchain = Vchain
+revDchain = Dchain
+revVchain$chr.orderV = rev(revVchain$chr.orderV)
+revDchain$chr.orderD = rev(revDchain$chr.orderD)
+	plotVD <- function(dat){
+		if(length(dat[,1]) == 0){
+			return()
+		}
+		img = ggplot() + 
+		geom_tile(data=dat, aes(x=factor(reorder(Top.D.Gene, chr.orderD)), y=factor(reorder(Top.V.Gene, chr.orderV)), fill=relLength)) + 
+		theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) + 
+		scale_fill_gradient(low="gold", high="blue", na.value="white") + 
+		ggtitle(paste(unique(dat$Sample), " (N=" , sum(dat$Length, na.rm=T) ,")", sep="")) + 
+		xlab("D genes") + 
+		ylab("V Genes")
+		png(paste("HeatmapVD_", unique(dat[3])[1,1] , ".png", sep=""), width=150+(15*length(Dchain$, height=100+(15*length(Vchain$
+		print(img)
+		write.table(x=acast(dat, Top.V.Gene~Top.D.Gene, value.var="Length"), file=paste("HeatmapVD_", unique(dat[3])[1,1], ".csv", sep=""), sep=",",quote=F,row.names=T,col.names=NA)
+	}
+	VandDCount = data.frame(data.table(PRODF)[, list(Length=.N), by=c("Top.V.Gene", "Top.D.Gene", "Sample")])
+	VandDCount$l = log(VandDCount$Length)
+	maxVD = data.frame(data.table(VandDCount)[, list(max=max(l)), by=c("Sample")])
+	VandDCount = merge(VandDCount, maxVD, by.x="Sample", by.y="Sample", all.x=T)
+	VandDCount$relLength = VandDCount$l / VandDCount$max
+	cartegianProductVD = expand.grid(Top.V.Gene = Vchain$, Top.D.Gene = Dchain$, Sample = unique(test$Sample))
+	completeVD = merge(VandDCount, cartegianProductVD, all.y=TRUE)
+	completeVD = merge(completeVD, revVchain, by.x="Top.V.Gene", by.y="", all.x=TRUE)
+	completeVD = merge(completeVD, Dchain, by.x="Top.D.Gene", by.y="", all.x=TRUE)
+	VDList = split(completeVD, f=completeVD[,"Sample"])
+	lapply(VDList, FUN=plotVD)
+plotVJ <- function(dat){
+	if(length(dat[,1]) == 0){
+		return()
+	}
+	cat(paste(unique(dat[3])[1,1]))
+	img = ggplot() + 
+	geom_tile(data=dat, aes(x=factor(reorder(Top.J.Gene, chr.orderJ)), y=factor(reorder(Top.V.Gene, chr.orderV)), fill=relLength)) + 
+	theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) + 
+	scale_fill_gradient(low="gold", high="blue", na.value="white") + 
+	ggtitle(paste(unique(dat$Sample), " (N=" , sum(dat$Length, na.rm=T) ,")", sep="")) + 
+	xlab("J genes") + 
+	ylab("V Genes")
+	png(paste("HeatmapVJ_", unique(dat[3])[1,1] , ".png", sep=""), width=150+(15*length(Jchain$, height=100+(15*length(Vchain$
+	print(img)
+	write.table(x=acast(dat, Top.V.Gene~Top.J.Gene, value.var="Length"), file=paste("HeatmapVJ_", unique(dat[3])[1,1], ".csv", sep=""), sep=",",quote=F,row.names=T,col.names=NA)
+VandJCount = data.frame(data.table(PRODF)[, list(Length=.N), by=c("Top.V.Gene", "Top.J.Gene", "Sample")])
+VandJCount$l = log(VandJCount$Length)
+maxVJ = data.frame(data.table(VandJCount)[, list(max=max(l)), by=c("Sample")])
+VandJCount = merge(VandJCount, maxVJ, by.x="Sample", by.y="Sample", all.x=T)
+VandJCount$relLength = VandJCount$l / VandJCount$max
+cartegianProductVJ = expand.grid(Top.V.Gene = Vchain$, Top.J.Gene = Jchain$, Sample = unique(test$Sample))
+completeVJ = merge(VandJCount, cartegianProductVJ, all.y=TRUE)
+completeVJ = merge(completeVJ, revVchain, by.x="Top.V.Gene", by.y="", all.x=TRUE)
+completeVJ = merge(completeVJ, Jchain, by.x="Top.J.Gene", by.y="", all.x=TRUE)
+VJList = split(completeVJ, f=completeVJ[,"Sample"])
+lapply(VJList, FUN=plotVJ)
+	plotDJ <- function(dat){
+		if(length(dat[,1]) == 0){
+			return()
+		}
+		img = ggplot() + 
+		geom_tile(data=dat, aes(x=factor(reorder(Top.J.Gene, chr.orderJ)), y=factor(reorder(Top.D.Gene, chr.orderD)), fill=relLength)) + 
+		theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) + 
+		scale_fill_gradient(low="gold", high="blue", na.value="white") + 
+		ggtitle(paste(unique(dat$Sample), " (N=" , sum(dat$Length, na.rm=T) ,")", sep="")) + 
+		xlab("J genes") + 
+		ylab("D Genes")
+		png(paste("HeatmapDJ_", unique(dat[3])[1,1] , ".png", sep=""), width=150+(15*length(Jchain$, height=100+(15*length(Dchain$
+		print(img)
+		write.table(x=acast(dat, Top.D.Gene~Top.J.Gene, value.var="Length"), file=paste("HeatmapDJ_", unique(dat[3])[1,1], ".csv", sep=""), sep=",",quote=F,row.names=T,col.names=NA)
+	}
+	DandJCount = data.frame(data.table(PRODF)[, list(Length=.N), by=c("Top.D.Gene", "Top.J.Gene", "Sample")])
+	DandJCount$l = log(DandJCount$Length)
+	maxDJ = data.frame(data.table(DandJCount)[, list(max=max(l)), by=c("Sample")])
+	DandJCount = merge(DandJCount, maxDJ, by.x="Sample", by.y="Sample", all.x=T)
+	DandJCount$relLength = DandJCount$l / DandJCount$max
+	cartegianProductDJ = expand.grid(Top.D.Gene = Dchain$, Top.J.Gene = Jchain$, Sample = unique(test$Sample))
+	completeDJ = merge(DandJCount, cartegianProductDJ, all.y=TRUE)
+	completeDJ = merge(completeDJ, revDchain, by.x="Top.D.Gene", by.y="", all.x=TRUE)
+	completeDJ = merge(completeDJ, Jchain, by.x="Top.J.Gene", by.y="", all.x=TRUE)
+	DJList = split(completeDJ, f=completeDJ[,"Sample"])
+	lapply(DJList, FUN=plotDJ)
+sampleFile <- file("samples.txt")
+un = unique(test$Sample)
+un = paste(un, sep="\n")
+writeLines(un, sampleFile)
+if("Replicate" %in% colnames(test))
+	clonalityFrame = PROD
+	clonalityFrame$ReplicateConcat =, c(clonalityFrame[c("VDJCDR3", "Sample", "Replicate")], sep = ":"))
+	clonalityFrame = clonalityFrame[!duplicated(clonalityFrame$ReplicateConcat), ]
+	write.table(clonalityFrame, "clonalityComplete.csv", sep=",",quote=F,row.names=F,col.names=T)
+	ClonalitySampleReplicatePrint <- function(dat){
+	    write.table(dat, paste("clonality_", unique(dat$Sample) , "_", unique(dat$Replicate), ".csv", sep=""), sep=",",quote=F,row.names=F,col.names=T)
+	}
+    clonalityFrameSplit = split(clonalityFrame, f=clonalityFrame[,c("Sample", "Replicate")])
+    #lapply(clonalityFrameSplit, FUN=ClonalitySampleReplicatePrint)
+    ClonalitySamplePrint <- function(dat){
+	    write.table(dat, paste("clonality_", unique(dat$Sample) , ".csv", sep=""), sep=",",quote=F,row.names=F,col.names=T)
+	}
+    clonalityFrameSplit = split(clonalityFrame, f=clonalityFrame[,"Sample"])
+    #lapply(clonalityFrameSplit, FUN=ClonalitySamplePrint)
+	clonalFreq = data.frame(data.table(clonalityFrame)[, list(Type=.N), by=c("Sample", "VDJCDR3")])
+	clonalFreqCount = data.frame(data.table(clonalFreq)[, list(Count=.N), by=c("Sample", "Type")])
+	clonalFreqCount$realCount = clonalFreqCount$Type * clonalFreqCount$Count
+	clonalSum = data.frame(data.table(clonalFreqCount)[, list(Reads=sum(realCount)), by=c("Sample")])
+	clonalFreqCount = merge(clonalFreqCount, clonalSum, by.x="Sample", by.y="Sample")
+	ct = c('Type\tWeight\n2\t1\n3\t3\n4\t6\n5\t10\n6\t15')
+	tcct = textConnection(ct)
+	CT  = read.table(tcct, sep="\t", header=TRUE)
+	close(tcct)
+	clonalFreqCount = merge(clonalFreqCount, CT, by.x="Type", by.y="Type", all.x=T)
+	clonalFreqCount$WeightedCount = clonalFreqCount$Count * clonalFreqCount$Weight
+	ReplicateReads = data.frame(data.table(clonalityFrame)[, list(Type=.N), by=c("Sample", "Replicate", "VDJCDR3")])
+	ReplicateReads = data.frame(data.table(ReplicateReads)[, list(Reads=.N), by=c("Sample", "Replicate")])
+	clonalFreqCount$Reads = as.numeric(clonalFreqCount$Reads)
+	ReplicateReads$squared = ReplicateReads$Reads * ReplicateReads$Reads
+	ReplicatePrint <- function(dat){
+		write.table(dat[-1], paste("ReplicateReads_", unique(dat[1])[1,1] , ".csv", sep=""), sep=",",quote=F,na="-",row.names=F,col.names=F)
+	}
+	ReplicateSplit = split(ReplicateReads, f=ReplicateReads[,"Sample"])
+	lapply(ReplicateSplit, FUN=ReplicatePrint)
+	ReplicateReads = data.frame(data.table(ReplicateReads)[, list(ReadsSum=sum(Reads), ReadsSquaredSum=sum(squared)), by=c("Sample")])
+	clonalFreqCount = merge(clonalFreqCount, ReplicateReads, by.x="Sample", by.y="Sample", all.x=T)
+	ReplicateSumPrint <- function(dat){
+		write.table(dat[-1], paste("ReplicateSumReads_", unique(dat[1])[1,1] , ".csv", sep=""), sep=",",quote=F,na="-",row.names=F,col.names=F)
+	}
+	ReplicateSumSplit = split(ReplicateReads, f=ReplicateReads[,"Sample"])
+	lapply(ReplicateSumSplit, FUN=ReplicateSumPrint)
+	clonalFreqCountSum = data.frame(data.table(clonalFreqCount)[, list(Numerator=sum(WeightedCount, na.rm=T)), by=c("Sample")])
+	clonalFreqCount = merge(clonalFreqCount, clonalFreqCountSum, by.x="Sample", by.y="Sample", all.x=T)
+	clonalFreqCount$ReadsSum = as.numeric(clonalFreqCount$ReadsSum) #prevent integer overflow
+	clonalFreqCount$Denominator = (((clonalFreqCount$ReadsSum * clonalFreqCount$ReadsSum) - clonalFreqCount$ReadsSquaredSum) / 2)
+	clonalFreqCount$Result = (clonalFreqCount$Numerator + 1) / (clonalFreqCount$Denominator + 1)
+	ClonalityScorePrint <- function(dat){
+		write.table(dat$Result, paste("ClonalityScore_", unique(dat[1])[1,1] , ".csv", sep=""), sep=",",quote=F,na="-",row.names=F,col.names=F)
+	}
+	clonalityScore = clonalFreqCount[c("Sample", "Result")]
+	clonalityScore = unique(clonalityScore)
+	clonalityScoreSplit = split(clonalityScore, f=clonalityScore[,"Sample"])
+	lapply(clonalityScoreSplit, FUN=ClonalityScorePrint)
+	clonalityOverview = clonalFreqCount[c("Sample", "Type", "Count", "Weight", "WeightedCount")]
+	ClonalityOverviewPrint <- function(dat){
+		write.table(dat[-1], paste("ClonalityOverView_", unique(dat[1])[1,1] , ".csv", sep=""), sep=",",quote=F,na="-",row.names=F,col.names=F)
+	}
+	clonalityOverviewSplit = split(clonalityOverview, f=clonalityOverview$Sample)
+	lapply(clonalityOverviewSplit, FUN=ClonalityOverviewPrint)
+if("Functionality" %in% colnames(test))
+	newData = data.frame(data.table(PROD)[,list(unique=.N, 
+				VH.DEL=mean(X3V.REGION.trimmed.nt.nb),
+				P1=mean(P3V.nt.nb),
+				N1=mean(N1.REGION.nt.nb),
+				P2=mean(P5D.nt.nb),
+				DEL.DH=mean(X5D.REGION.trimmed.nt.nb),
+				DH.DEL=mean(X3D.REGION.trimmed.nt.nb),
+				P3=mean(P3D.nt.nb),
+				N2=mean(N2.REGION.nt.nb),
+				P4=mean(P5J.nt.nb),
+				DEL.JH=mean(X5J.REGION.trimmed.nt.nb),
+				Total.Del=(	mean(X3V.REGION.trimmed.nt.nb) + 
+							mean(X5D.REGION.trimmed.nt.nb) + 
+							mean(X3D.REGION.trimmed.nt.nb) +
+							mean(X5J.REGION.trimmed.nt.nb)),
+				Total.N=(	mean(N1.REGION.nt.nb) +
+							mean(N2.REGION.nt.nb)),
+				Total.P=(	mean(P3V.nt.nb) +
+							mean(P5D.nt.nb) +
+							mean(P3D.nt.nb) +
+							mean(P5J.nt.nb))),
+				by=c("Sample")])
+	write.table(newData, "junctionAnalysis.csv" , sep=",",quote=F,na="-",row.names=F,col.names=F)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/RScript_t.r	Thu Sep 04 07:46:23 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,499 @@
+#options( show.error.messages=F, error = function () { cat( geterrmessage(), file=stderr() ); q( "no", 1, F ) } )
+args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
+inFile = args[1]
+outFile = args[2]
+outDir = args[3]
+clonalType = args[4]
+species = args[5]
+locus = args[6]
+selection = args[7]
+if (!("gridExtra" %in% rownames(installed.packages()))) {
+	install.packages("gridExtra", repos="") 
+if (!("ggplot2" %in% rownames(installed.packages()))) {
+	install.packages("ggplot2", repos="") 
+if (!("plyr" %in% rownames(installed.packages()))) {
+	install.packages("plyr", repos="") 
+if (!("data.table" %in% rownames(installed.packages()))) {
+	install.packages("data.table", repos="") 
+if (!("reshape2" %in% rownames(installed.packages()))) {
+	install.packages("reshape2", repos="") 
+test = read.table(inFile, sep="\t", header=TRUE, fill=T, comment.char="")
+test = test[test$Sample != "",]
+test$Top.V.Gene = gsub("[*]([0-9]+)", "", test$Top.V.Gene)
+test$Top.D.Gene = gsub("[*]([0-9]+)", "", test$Top.D.Gene)
+test$Top.J.Gene = gsub("[*]([0-9]+)", "", test$Top.J.Gene)
+#test$VDJCDR3 =, c(test[c("Top.V.Gene", "Top.D.Gene", "Top.J.Gene","CDR3.Seq.DNA")], sep = ":"))
+test$VDJCDR3 =, c(test[unlist(strsplit(clonalType, ","))], sep = ":"))
+PROD = test[test$VDJ.Frame != "In-frame with stop codon" & test$VDJ.Frame != "Out-of-frame" & test$CDR3.Found.How != "NOT_FOUND" , ]
+if("Functionality" %in% colnames(test)) {
+	PROD = test[test$Functionality == "productive" | test$Functionality == "productive (see comment)", ]
+NONPROD = test[test$VDJ.Frame == "In-frame with stop codon" | test$VDJ.Frame == "Out-of-frame" | test$CDR3.Found.How == "NOT_FOUND" , ]
+#PRODF = PROD[ -1]
+#PRODF = unique(PRODF)
+if(any(grepl(pattern="_", x=PRODF$ID))){ #dumb and way to simple
+	PRODF$freq = gsub("^[0-9]+_", "", PRODF$ID)
+	PRODF$freq = gsub("_.*", "", PRODF$freq)
+	PRODF$freq = as.numeric(PRODF$freq)
+	if(any($freq))){ #fix the dumbness if it fails
+		PRODF$freq = 1
+		if(selection == "unique"){
+			PRODF = PRODF[!duplicated(PRODF$VDJCDR3), ]
+		}
+	}
+} else {
+	PRODF$freq = 1
+	if(selection == "unique"){
+		PRODF = PRODF[!duplicated(PRODF$VDJCDR3), ]
+	}
+PRODFV = data.frame(data.table(PRODF)[, list(Length=sum(freq)), by=c("Sample", "Top.V.Gene")])
+PRODFV$Length = as.numeric(PRODFV$Length)
+Total = 0
+Total = ddply(PRODFV, .(Sample), function(x) data.frame(Total = sum(x$Length)))
+PRODFV = merge(PRODFV, Total, by.x='Sample', by.y='Sample', all.x=TRUE)
+PRODFV = ddply(PRODFV, c("Sample", "Top.V.Gene"), summarise, relFreq= (Length*100 / Total))
+PRODFD = data.frame(data.table(PRODF)[, list(Length=sum(freq)), by=c("Sample", "Top.D.Gene")])
+PRODFD$Length = as.numeric(PRODFD$Length)
+Total = 0
+Total = ddply(PRODFD, .(Sample), function(x) data.frame(Total = sum(x$Length)))
+PRODFD = merge(PRODFD, Total, by.x='Sample', by.y='Sample', all.x=TRUE)
+PRODFD = ddply(PRODFD, c("Sample", "Top.D.Gene"), summarise, relFreq= (Length*100 / Total))
+PRODFJ = data.frame(data.table(PRODF)[, list(Length=sum(freq)), by=c("Sample", "Top.J.Gene")])
+PRODFJ$Length = as.numeric(PRODFJ$Length)
+Total = 0
+Total = ddply(PRODFJ, .(Sample), function(x) data.frame(Total = sum(x$Length)))
+PRODFJ = merge(PRODFJ, Total, by.x='Sample', by.y='Sample', all.x=TRUE)
+PRODFJ = ddply(PRODFJ, c("Sample", "Top.J.Gene"), summarise, relFreq= (Length*100 / Total))
+V = c("\tchr.orderV\n")
+D = c("\tchr.orderD\n")	
+J = c("\tchr.orderJ\n")
+if(species == "human"){
+	if(locus == "trb"){		
+		V = c("\tchr.orderV\nTRBV2\t1\nTRBV3-1\t2\nTRBV4-1\t3\nTRBV5-1\t4\nTRBV6-1\t5\nTRBV4-2\t6\nTRBV6-2\t7\nTRBV4-3\t8\nTRBV6-3\t9\nTRBV7-2\t10\nTRBV6-4\t11\nTRBV7-3\t12\nTRBV9\t13\nTRBV10-1\t14\nTRBV11-1\t15\nTRBV10-2\t16\nTRBV11-2\t17\nTRBV6-5\t18\nTRBV7-4\t19\nTRBV5-4\t20\nTRBV6-6\t21\nTRBV5-5\t22\nTRBV7-6\t23\nTRBV5-6\t24\nTRBV6-8\t25\nTRBV7-7\t26\nTRBV6-9\t27\nTRBV7-8\t28\nTRBV5-8\t29\nTRBV7-9\t30\nTRBV13\t31\nTRBV10-3\t32\nTRBV11-3\t33\nTRBV12-3\t34\nTRBV12-4\t35\nTRBV12-5\t36\nTRBV14\t37\nTRBV15\t38\nTRBV16\t39\nTRBV18\t40\nTRBV19\t41\nTRBV20-1\t42\nTRBV24-1\t43\nTRBV25-1\t44\nTRBV27\t45\nTRBV28\t46\nTRBV29-1\t47\nTRBV30\t48")
+		D = c("\tchr.orderD\nTRBD1\t1\nTRBD2\t2\n")	
+		J = c("\tchr.orderJ\nTRBJ1-1\t1\nTRBJ1-2\t2\nTRBJ1-3\t3\nTRBJ1-4\t4\nTRBJ1-5\t5\nTRBJ1-6\t6\nTRBJ2-1\t7\nTRBJ2-2\t8\nTRBJ2-3\t9\nTRBJ2-4\t10\nTRBJ2-5\t11\nTRBJ2-6\t12\nTRBJ2-7\t13")
+	} else if (locus == "tra"){
+		V = c("\tchr.orderVTRAV1-1\t1\nTRAV1-2\t2\nTRAV2\t3\nTRAV3\t4\nTRAV4\t5\nTRAV5\t6\nTRAV6\t7\nTRAV7\t8\nTRAV8-1\t9\nTRAV9-1\t10\nTRAV10\t11\nTRAV12-1\t12\nTRAV8-2\t13\nTRAV8-3\t14\nTRAV13-1\t15\nTRAV12-2\t16\nTRAV8-4\t17\nTRAV13-2\t18\nTRAV14/DV4\t19\nTRAV9-2\t20\nTRAV12-3\t21\nTRAV8-6\t22\nTRAV16\t23\nTRAV17\t24\nTRAV18\t25\nTRAV19\t26\nTRAV20\t27\nTRAV21\t28\nTRAV22\t29\nTRAV23/DV6\t30\nTRAV24\t31\nTRAV25\t32\nTRAV26-1\t33\nTRAV27\t34\nTRAV29/DV5\t35\nTRAV30\t36\nTRAV26-2\t37\nTRAV34\t38\nTRAV35\t39\nTRAV36/DV7\t40\nTRAV38-1\t41\nTRAV38-2/DV8\t42\nTRAV39\t43\nTRAV40\t44\nTRAV41\t45\n")
+		D = c("\tchr.orderD\n")	
+		J = c("\tchr.orderJ\nTRAJ57\t1\nTRAJ56\t2\nTRAJ54\t3\nTRAJ53\t4\nTRAJ52\t5\nTRAJ50\t6\nTRAJ49\t7\nTRAJ48\t8\nTRAJ47\t9\nTRAJ46\t10\nTRAJ45\t11\nTRAJ44\t12\nTRAJ43\t13\nTRAJ42\t14\nTRAJ41\t15\nTRAJ40\t16\nTRAJ39\t17\nTRAJ38\t18\nTRAJ37\t19\nTRAJ36\t20\nTRAJ34\t21\nTRAJ33\t22\nTRAJ32\t23\nTRAJ31\t24\nTRAJ30\t25\nTRAJ29\t26\nTRAJ28\t27\nTRAJ27\t28\nTRAJ26\t29\nTRAJ24\t30\nTRAJ23\t31\nTRAJ22\t32\nTRAJ21\t33\nTRAJ20\t34\nTRAJ18\t35\nTRAJ17\t36\nTRAJ16\t37\nTRAJ15\t38\nTRAJ14\t39\nTRAJ13\t40\nTRAJ12\t41\nTRAJ11\t42\nTRAJ10\t43\nTRAJ9\t44\nTRAJ8\t45\nTRAJ7\t46\nTRAJ6\t47\nTRAJ5\t48\nTRAJ4\t49\nTRAJ3\t50")
+	} else if (locus == "trg"){
+		V = c("\tchr.orderV\nTRGV9\t1\nTRGV8\t2\nTRGV5\t3\nTRGV4\t4\nTRGV3\t5\nTRGV2\t6")
+		D = c("\tchr.orderD\n")	
+		J = c("\tchr.orderJ\nTRGJ2\t1\nTRGJP2\t2\nTRGJ1\t3\nTRGJP1\t4")
+	} else if (locus == "trd"){
+		V = c("\tchr.orderV\nTRDV1\t1\nTRDV2\t2\nTRDV3\t3")
+		D = c("\tchr.orderD\nTRDD1\t1\nTRDD2\t2\nTRDD3\t3")	
+		J = c("\tchr.orderJ\nTRDJ1\t1\nTRDJ4\t2\nTRDJ2\t3\nTRDJ3\t4")
+	}
+} else if (species == "mouse"){
+	if(locus == "trb"){		
+		cat("mouse trb not yet implemented")
+	} else if (locus == "tra"){
+		cat("mouse tra not yet implemented")
+	} else if (locus == "trg"){
+		cat("mouse trg not yet implemented")
+	} else if (locus == "trd"){
+		cat("mouse trd not yet implemented")
+	}
+useD = TRUE
+if(species == "human" && locus == "tra"){
+	useD = FALSE
+	cat("No D Genes in this species/locus")
+tcV = textConnection(V)
+Vchain = read.table(tcV, sep="\t", header=TRUE)
+PRODFV = merge(PRODFV, Vchain, by.x='Top.V.Gene', by.y='', all.x=TRUE)
+tcD = textConnection(D)
+Dchain = read.table(tcD, sep="\t", header=TRUE)
+PRODFD = merge(PRODFD, Dchain, by.x='Top.D.Gene', by.y='', all.x=TRUE)
+tcJ = textConnection(J)
+Jchain = read.table(tcJ, sep="\t", header=TRUE)
+PRODFJ = merge(PRODFJ, Jchain, by.x='Top.J.Gene', by.y='', all.x=TRUE)
+write.table(PRODF, "allUnique.csv", sep=",",quote=F,row.names=F,col.names=T)
+pV = ggplot(PRODFV)
+pV = pV + geom_bar( aes( x=factor(reorder(Top.V.Gene, chr.orderV)), y=relFreq, fill=Sample), stat='identity', position="dodge") + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))
+pV = pV + xlab("Summary of V gene") + ylab("Frequency") + ggtitle("Relative frequency of V gene usage")
+write.table(x=PRODFV, file="VFrequency.csv", sep=",",quote=F,row.names=F,col.names=T)
+png("VPlot.png",width = 1280, height = 720)
+pD = ggplot(PRODFD)
+pD = pD + geom_bar( aes( x=factor(reorder(Top.D.Gene, chr.orderD)), y=relFreq, fill=Sample), stat='identity', position="dodge") + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))
+pD = pD + xlab("Summary of D gene") + ylab("Frequency") + ggtitle("Relative frequency of D gene usage")
+write.table(x=PRODFD, file="DFrequency.csv", sep=",",quote=F,row.names=F,col.names=T)
+png("DPlot.png",width = 800, height = 600)
+pJ = ggplot(PRODFJ)
+pJ = pJ + geom_bar( aes( x=factor(reorder(Top.J.Gene, chr.orderJ)), y=relFreq, fill=Sample), stat='identity', position="dodge") + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))
+pJ = pJ + xlab("Summary of J gene") + ylab("Frequency") + ggtitle("Relative frequency of J gene usage")
+write.table(x=PRODFJ, file="JFrequency.csv", sep=",",quote=F,row.names=F,col.names=T)
+png("JPlot.png",width = 800, height = 600)
+VGenes = PRODF[,c("Sample", "Top.V.Gene", "freq")]
+VGenes$Top.V.Gene = gsub("-.*", "", VGenes$Top.V.Gene)
+VGenes = data.frame(data.table(VGenes)[, list(Count=sum(freq)), by=c("Sample", "Top.V.Gene")])
+TotalPerSample = data.frame(data.table(VGenes)[, list(total=sum(.SD$Count)), by=Sample])
+VGenes = merge(VGenes, TotalPerSample, by="Sample")
+VGenes$Frequency = VGenes$Count * 100 / VGenes$total
+VPlot = ggplot(VGenes)
+VPlot = VPlot + geom_bar(aes( x = Top.V.Gene, y = Frequency, fill = Sample), stat='identity', position='dodge' ) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) + 
+				ggtitle("Distribution of V gene families") + 
+				ylab("Percentage of sequences")
+write.table(x=VGenes, file="VFFrequency.csv", sep=",",quote=F,row.names=F,col.names=T)
+DGenes = PRODF[,c("Sample", "Top.D.Gene", "freq")]
+DGenes$Top.D.Gene = gsub("-.*", "", DGenes$Top.D.Gene)
+DGenes = data.frame(data.table(DGenes)[, list(Count=sum(freq)), by=c("Sample", "Top.D.Gene")])
+TotalPerSample = data.frame(data.table(DGenes)[, list(total=sum(.SD$Count)), by=Sample])
+DGenes = merge(DGenes, TotalPerSample, by="Sample")
+DGenes$Frequency = DGenes$Count * 100 / DGenes$total
+DPlot = ggplot(DGenes)
+DPlot = DPlot + geom_bar(aes( x = Top.D.Gene, y = Frequency, fill = Sample), stat='identity', position='dodge' ) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) + 
+				ggtitle("Distribution of D gene families") + 
+				ylab("Percentage of sequences")
+write.table(x=DGenes, file="DFFrequency.csv", sep=",",quote=F,row.names=F,col.names=T)
+JGenes = PRODF[,c("Sample", "Top.J.Gene", "freq")]
+JGenes$Top.J.Gene = gsub("-.*", "", JGenes$Top.J.Gene)
+JGenes = data.frame(data.table(JGenes)[, list(Count=sum(freq)), by=c("Sample", "Top.J.Gene")])
+TotalPerSample = data.frame(data.table(JGenes)[, list(total=sum(.SD$Count)), by=Sample])
+JGenes = merge(JGenes, TotalPerSample, by="Sample")
+JGenes$Frequency = JGenes$Count * 100 / JGenes$total
+JPlot = ggplot(JGenes)
+JPlot = JPlot + geom_bar(aes( x = Top.J.Gene, y = Frequency, fill = Sample), stat='identity', position='dodge' ) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) + 
+				ggtitle("Distribution of J gene families") + 
+				ylab("Percentage of sequences")
+write.table(x=JGenes, file="JFFrequency.csv", sep=",",quote=F,row.names=F,col.names=T)
+CDR3Length = data.frame(data.table(PRODF)[, list(Count=sum(freq)), by=c("Sample", "CDR3.Length.DNA")])
+TotalPerSample = data.frame(data.table(CDR3Length)[, list(total=sum(.SD$Count)), by=Sample])
+CDR3Length = merge(CDR3Length, TotalPerSample, by="Sample")
+CDR3Length$Frequency = CDR3Length$Count * 100 / CDR3Length$total
+CDR3LengthPlot = ggplot(CDR3Length)
+CDR3LengthPlot = CDR3LengthPlot + geom_bar(aes( x = CDR3.Length.DNA, y = Frequency, fill = Sample), stat='identity', position='dodge' ) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) + 
+				ggtitle("Length distribution of CDR3") + 
+				xlab("CDR3 Length") + 
+				ylab("Percentage of sequences")
+png("CDR3LengthPlot.png",width = 1280, height = 720)
+write.table(x=CDR3Length, file="CDR3LengthPlot.csv", sep=",",quote=F,row.names=F,col.names=T)
+revVchain = Vchain
+revDchain = Dchain
+revVchain$chr.orderV = rev(revVchain$chr.orderV)
+revDchain$chr.orderD = rev(revDchain$chr.orderD)
+plotVD <- function(dat){
+	if(length(dat[,1]) == 0){
+		return()
+	}
+	img = ggplot() + 
+	geom_tile(data=dat, aes(x=factor(reorder(Top.D.Gene, chr.orderD)), y=factor(reorder(Top.V.Gene, chr.orderV)), fill=relLength)) + 
+	theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) + 
+	scale_fill_gradient(low="gold", high="blue", na.value="white") + 
+	ggtitle(paste(unique(dat$Sample), " (N=" , sum(dat$Length, na.rm=T) ,")", sep="")) + 
+	xlab("D genes") + 
+	ylab("V Genes")
+	png(paste("HeatmapVD_", unique(dat[3])[1,1] , ".png", sep=""), width=150+(15*length(Dchain$, height=100+(15*length(Vchain$
+	print(img)
+	write.table(x=acast(dat, Top.V.Gene~Top.D.Gene, value.var="Length"), file=paste("HeatmapVD_", unique(dat[3])[1,1], ".csv", sep=""), sep=",",quote=F,row.names=T,col.names=NA)
+VandDCount = data.frame(data.table(PRODF)[, list(Length=sum(freq)), by=c("Top.V.Gene", "Top.D.Gene", "Sample")])
+VandDCount$l = log(VandDCount$Length)
+maxVD = data.frame(data.table(VandDCount)[, list(max=max(l)), by=c("Sample")])
+VandDCount = merge(VandDCount, maxVD, by.x="Sample", by.y="Sample", all.x=T)
+VandDCount$relLength = VandDCount$l / VandDCount$max
+cartegianProductVD = expand.grid(Top.V.Gene = Vchain$, Top.D.Gene = Dchain$, Sample = unique(test$Sample))
+completeVD = merge(VandDCount, cartegianProductVD, all.y=TRUE)
+completeVD = merge(completeVD, revVchain, by.x="Top.V.Gene", by.y="", all.x=TRUE)
+completeVD = merge(completeVD, Dchain, by.x="Top.D.Gene", by.y="", all.x=TRUE)
+VDList = split(completeVD, f=completeVD[,"Sample"])
+lapply(VDList, FUN=plotVD)
+plotVJ <- function(dat){
+	if(length(dat[,1]) == 0){
+		return()
+	}
+	img = ggplot() + 
+	geom_tile(data=dat, aes(x=factor(reorder(Top.J.Gene, chr.orderJ)), y=factor(reorder(Top.V.Gene, chr.orderV)), fill=relLength)) + 
+	theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) + 
+	scale_fill_gradient(low="gold", high="blue", na.value="white") + 
+	ggtitle(paste(unique(dat$Sample), " (N=" , sum(dat$Length, na.rm=T) ,")", sep="")) + 
+	xlab("J genes") + 
+	ylab("V Genes")
+	png(paste("HeatmapVJ_", unique(dat[3])[1,1] , ".png", sep=""), width=150+(15*length(Jchain$, height=100+(15*length(Vchain$
+	print(img)
+	write.table(x=acast(dat, Top.V.Gene~Top.J.Gene, value.var="Length"), file=paste("HeatmapVJ_", unique(dat[3])[1,1], ".csv", sep=""), sep=",",quote=F,row.names=T,col.names=NA)
+VandJCount = data.frame(data.table(PRODF)[, list(Length=sum(freq)), by=c("Top.V.Gene", "Top.J.Gene", "Sample")])
+VandJCount$l = log(VandJCount$Length)
+maxVJ = data.frame(data.table(VandJCount)[, list(max=max(l)), by=c("Sample")])
+VandJCount = merge(VandJCount, maxVJ, by.x="Sample", by.y="Sample", all.x=T)
+VandJCount$relLength = VandJCount$l / VandJCount$max
+cartegianProductVJ = expand.grid(Top.V.Gene = Vchain$, Top.J.Gene = Jchain$, Sample = unique(test$Sample))
+completeVJ = merge(VandJCount, cartegianProductVJ, all.y=TRUE)
+completeVJ = merge(completeVJ, revVchain, by.x="Top.V.Gene", by.y="", all.x=TRUE)
+completeVJ = merge(completeVJ, Jchain, by.x="Top.J.Gene", by.y="", all.x=TRUE)
+VJList = split(completeVJ, f=completeVJ[,"Sample"])
+lapply(VJList, FUN=plotVJ)
+plotDJ <- function(dat){
+	if(length(dat[,1]) == 0){
+		return()
+	}
+	img = ggplot() + 
+	geom_tile(data=dat, aes(x=factor(reorder(Top.J.Gene, chr.orderJ)), y=factor(reorder(Top.D.Gene, chr.orderD)), fill=relLength)) + 
+	theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) + 
+	scale_fill_gradient(low="gold", high="blue", na.value="white") + 
+	ggtitle(paste(unique(dat$Sample), " (N=" , sum(dat$Length, na.rm=T) ,")", sep="")) + 
+	xlab("J genes") + 
+	ylab("D Genes")
+	png(paste("HeatmapDJ_", unique(dat[3])[1,1] , ".png", sep=""), width=150+(15*length(Jchain$, height=100+(15*length(Dchain$
+	print(img)
+	write.table(x=acast(dat, Top.D.Gene~Top.J.Gene, value.var="Length"), file=paste("HeatmapDJ_", unique(dat[3])[1,1], ".csv", sep=""), sep=",",quote=F,row.names=T,col.names=NA)
+DandJCount = data.frame(data.table(PRODF)[, list(Length=.N), by=c("Top.D.Gene", "Top.J.Gene", "Sample")])
+DandJCount$l = log(DandJCount$Length)
+maxDJ = data.frame(data.table(DandJCount)[, list(max=max(l)), by=c("Sample")])
+DandJCount = merge(DandJCount, maxDJ, by.x="Sample", by.y="Sample", all.x=T)
+DandJCount$relLength = DandJCount$l / DandJCount$max
+cartegianProductDJ = expand.grid(Top.D.Gene = Dchain$, Top.J.Gene = Jchain$, Sample = unique(test$Sample))
+completeDJ = merge(DandJCount, cartegianProductDJ, all.y=TRUE)
+completeDJ = merge(completeDJ, revDchain, by.x="Top.D.Gene", by.y="", all.x=TRUE)
+completeDJ = merge(completeDJ, Jchain, by.x="Top.J.Gene", by.y="", all.x=TRUE)
+DJList = split(completeDJ, f=completeDJ[,"Sample"])
+lapply(DJList, FUN=plotDJ)
+sampleFile <- file("samples.txt")
+un = unique(test$Sample)
+un = paste(un, sep="\n")
+writeLines(un, sampleFile)
+if("Replicate" %in% colnames(test))
+	clonalityFrame = PROD
+	clonalityFrame$ReplicateConcat =, c(clonalityFrame[c("VDJCDR3", "Sample", "Replicate")], sep = ":"))
+	clonalityFrame = clonalityFrame[!duplicated(clonalityFrame$ReplicateConcat), ]
+	write.table(clonalityFrame, "clonalityComplete.csv", sep=",",quote=F,row.names=F,col.names=T)
+	ClonalitySampleReplicatePrint <- function(dat){
+	    write.table(dat, paste("clonality_", unique(dat$Sample) , "_", unique(dat$Replicate), ".csv", sep=""), sep=",",quote=F,row.names=F,col.names=T)
+	}
+	clonalityFrameSplit = split(clonalityFrame, f=clonalityFrame[,c("Sample", "Replicate")])
+	#lapply(clonalityFrameSplit, FUN=ClonalitySampleReplicatePrint)
+	ClonalitySamplePrint <- function(dat){
+	    write.table(dat, paste("clonality_", unique(dat$Sample) , ".csv", sep=""), sep=",",quote=F,row.names=F,col.names=T)
+	}
+	clonalityFrameSplit = split(clonalityFrame, f=clonalityFrame[,"Sample"])
+	#lapply(clonalityFrameSplit, FUN=ClonalitySamplePrint)
+	clonalFreq = data.frame(data.table(clonalityFrame)[, list(Type=.N), by=c("Sample", "VDJCDR3")])
+	clonalFreqCount = data.frame(data.table(clonalFreq)[, list(Count=.N), by=c("Sample", "Type")])
+	clonalFreqCount$realCount = clonalFreqCount$Type * clonalFreqCount$Count
+	clonalSum = data.frame(data.table(clonalFreqCount)[, list(Reads=sum(realCount)), by=c("Sample")])
+	clonalFreqCount = merge(clonalFreqCount, clonalSum, by.x="Sample", by.y="Sample")
+	ct = c('Type\tWeight\n2\t1\n3\t3\n4\t6\n5\t10\n6\t15')
+	tcct = textConnection(ct)
+	CT  = read.table(tcct, sep="\t", header=TRUE)
+	close(tcct)
+	clonalFreqCount = merge(clonalFreqCount, CT, by.x="Type", by.y="Type", all.x=T)
+	clonalFreqCount$WeightedCount = clonalFreqCount$Count * clonalFreqCount$Weight
+	ReplicateReads = data.frame(data.table(clonalityFrame)[, list(Type=.N), by=c("Sample", "Replicate", "VDJCDR3")])
+	ReplicateReads = data.frame(data.table(ReplicateReads)[, list(Reads=.N), by=c("Sample", "Replicate")])
+	clonalFreqCount$Reads = as.numeric(clonalFreqCount$Reads)
+	ReplicateReads$squared = ReplicateReads$Reads * ReplicateReads$Reads
+	ReplicatePrint <- function(dat){
+		write.table(dat[-1], paste("ReplicateReads_", unique(dat[1])[1,1] , ".csv", sep=""), sep=",",quote=F,na="-",row.names=F,col.names=F)
+	}
+	ReplicateSplit = split(ReplicateReads, f=ReplicateReads[,"Sample"])
+	lapply(ReplicateSplit, FUN=ReplicatePrint)
+	ReplicateReads = data.frame(data.table(ReplicateReads)[, list(ReadsSum=sum(Reads), ReadsSquaredSum=sum(squared)), by=c("Sample")])
+	clonalFreqCount = merge(clonalFreqCount, ReplicateReads, by.x="Sample", by.y="Sample", all.x=T)
+	ReplicateSumPrint <- function(dat){
+		write.table(dat[-1], paste("ReplicateSumReads_", unique(dat[1])[1,1] , ".csv", sep=""), sep=",",quote=F,na="-",row.names=F,col.names=F)
+	}
+	ReplicateSumSplit = split(ReplicateReads, f=ReplicateReads[,"Sample"])
+	lapply(ReplicateSumSplit, FUN=ReplicateSumPrint)
+	writeClonalitySequences <- function(dat){
+		for(i in c(2,3,4,5,6)){
+			fltr = dat[dat$Type == i,]
+			if(length(fltr[,1]) == 0){
+				next
+			}
+			tmp = clonalityFrame[clonalityFrame$Sample == fltr$Sample[1] & clonalityFrame$VDJCDR3 %in% fltr$VDJCDR3,]
+			tmp = tmp[order(tmp$VDJCDR3),]
+			write.table(tmp, paste("ClonalitySequences_", unique(dat[1])[1,1] , "_", i, ".csv", sep=""), sep=",",quote=F,na="-",row.names=F,col.names=T)
+		}
+	}
+	freqsplt = split(clonalFreq[clonalFreq$Type > 1,], clonalFreq[clonalFreq$Type > 1,]$Sample)
+	lapply(freqsplt, FUN=writeClonalitySequences)
+	clonalFreqCountSum = data.frame(data.table(clonalFreqCount)[, list(Numerator=sum(WeightedCount, na.rm=T)), by=c("Sample")])
+	clonalFreqCount = merge(clonalFreqCount, clonalFreqCountSum, by.x="Sample", by.y="Sample", all.x=T)
+	clonalFreqCount$ReadsSum = as.numeric(clonalFreqCount$ReadsSum) #prevent integer overflow
+	clonalFreqCount$Denominator = (((clonalFreqCount$ReadsSum * clonalFreqCount$ReadsSum) - clonalFreqCount$ReadsSquaredSum) / 2)
+	clonalFreqCount$Result = (clonalFreqCount$Numerator + 1) / (clonalFreqCount$Denominator + 1)
+	ClonalityScorePrint <- function(dat){
+		write.table(dat$Result, paste("ClonalityScore_", unique(dat[1])[1,1] , ".csv", sep=""), sep=",",quote=F,na="-",row.names=F,col.names=F)
+	}
+	clonalityScore = clonalFreqCount[c("Sample", "Result")]
+	clonalityScore = unique(clonalityScore)
+	clonalityScoreSplit = split(clonalityScore, f=clonalityScore[,"Sample"])
+	lapply(clonalityScoreSplit, FUN=ClonalityScorePrint)
+	clonalityOverview = clonalFreqCount[c("Sample", "Type", "Count", "Weight", "WeightedCount")]
+	ClonalityOverviewPrint <- function(dat){
+		write.table(dat[-1], paste("ClonalityOverView_", unique(dat[1])[1,1] , ".csv", sep=""), sep=",",quote=F,na="-",row.names=F,col.names=F)
+	}
+	clonalityOverviewSplit = split(clonalityOverview, f=clonalityOverview$Sample)
+	lapply(clonalityOverviewSplit, FUN=ClonalityOverviewPrint)
+if("Functionality" %in% colnames(test))
+	newData = data.frame(data.table(PROD)[,list(unique=.N, 
+				VH.DEL=mean(X3V.REGION.trimmed.nt.nb),
+				P1=mean(P3V.nt.nb),
+				N1=mean(N1.REGION.nt.nb),
+				P2=mean(P5D.nt.nb),
+				DEL.DH=mean(X5D.REGION.trimmed.nt.nb),
+				DH.DEL=mean(X3D.REGION.trimmed.nt.nb),
+				P3=mean(P3D.nt.nb),
+				N2=mean(N2.REGION.nt.nb),
+				P4=mean(P5J.nt.nb),
+				DEL.JH=mean(X5J.REGION.trimmed.nt.nb),
+				Total.Del=(	mean(X3V.REGION.trimmed.nt.nb) + 
+							mean(X5D.REGION.trimmed.nt.nb) + 
+							mean(X3D.REGION.trimmed.nt.nb) +
+							mean(X5J.REGION.trimmed.nt.nb)),
+				Total.N=(	mean(N1.REGION.nt.nb) +
+							mean(N2.REGION.nt.nb)),
+				Total.P=(	mean(P3V.nt.nb) +
+							mean(P5D.nt.nb) +
+							mean(P3D.nt.nb) +
+							mean(P5J.nt.nb))),
+				by=c("Sample")])
+	write.table(newData, "junctionAnalysis.csv" , sep=",",quote=F,na="-",row.names=F,col.names=F)
--- a/	Fri May 09 09:35:32 2014 -0400
+++ b/	Thu Sep 04 07:46:23 2014 -0400
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-dataCount=`expr $# - 6`
-echo ${inputData[@]}
+outputFile=$3/index.html #$1
 dir="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && pwd)"
 echo "<html><h3>Progress</h3><table><tr><td>info</td></tr>" > $html
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 	echo "<tr><td>Finished blast of sample $3 of patient $2</td></tr>" >> $html
 	echo "<tr><td>Starting parse of sample $3 of patient $2</td></tr>" >> $html
-	perl $dir/ $PWD/$4 0 | grep -v "D:" | cut -f2- > $5
+	perl $dir/ $PWD/$4 0 | grep -v "D:" | cut -f2- > "$5"
 	echo "<tr><td>Finished parse of sample $3 of patient $2</td></tr>" >> $html
@@ -36,17 +36,20 @@
-for current in $inputData; do
-    if [[ "$current" != *"$forwardSlash"* ]]; then
-        id=$current
-        count=0
-        mergerInput+=($id)
-        continue
-    fi
+echo "Before loop"
+for current in "${inputFiles[@]}"
+	if [[ "$current" != *"$forwardSlash"* ]]; then
+			id="$current"
+			mergerInput+=($id)
+			count=1
+			continue
+	fi
+	echo "working on $current"
 	fileName=$(basename $current)
@@ -66,139 +69,28 @@
+echo "after loop"
 echo "<tr><td>-----------------------------------</td></tr>" >> $html
 echo "<tr><td>merging</td></tr>" >> $html
-python $dir/ ${mergerInput[*]}  --output $PWD/merged.txt
+python $dir/ ${mergerInput[*]}  --output $PWD/merged.txt
 echo "<tr><td>done</td></tr>" >> $html
 echo "<tr><td>-----------------------------------</td></tr>" >> $html
 echo "<tr><td>plotting</td></tr>" >> $html
-mkdir $outputDir
-Rscript --verbose $dir/RScript.r $inputFile $outputDir $outputDir $clonalType $species $locus $selection 2>&1
-cp $dir/tabber.js $outputDir
-cp $dir/style.css $outputDir
-cp $dir/script.js $outputDir
-echo "<html><center><h1><a href='index.html'>Click here for the results</a></h1>Tip: Open it in a new tab (middle mouse button or right mouse button -> 'open in new tab' on the link above)</center></html>" > $html
-echo "<html><head><title>Report on:" >> $outputFile
-for sample in $samples; do
-	echo " $sample" >> $outputFile
-echo "</title><script type='text/javascript' src='jquery-1.11.0.min.js'></script>" >> $outputFile
-echo "<script type='text/javascript' src='tabber.js'></script>" >> $outputFile
-echo "<script type='text/javascript' src='script.js'></script>" >> $outputFile
-echo "<script type='text/javascript' src='jquery.tablesorter.min.js'></script>" >> $outputFile
-echo "<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='style.css'></head>" >> $outputFile
-echo "<div class='tabber'><div class='tabbertab' title='Gene frequencies'>" >> $outputFile
-echo "<img src='CDR3LengthPlot.png'/><br />" >> $outputFile
-echo "<img src='VFPlot.png'/>" >> $outputFile
-echo "<img src='DFPlot.png'/>" >> $outputFile
-echo "<img src='JFPlot.png'/>" >> $outputFile
-echo "<img src='VPlot.png'/>" >> $outputFile
-echo "<img src='DPlot.png'/>" >> $outputFile
-echo "<img src='JPlot.png'/></div>" >> $outputFile
-samples=`cat $outputDir/samples.txt`
-echo "<div class='tabbertab' title='Heatmaps'><div class='tabber'>" >> $outputFile
-for sample in $samples; do
-	echo "<div class='tabbertab' title='$sample'><table border='1'><tr>" >> $outputFile
-	mv "$outputDir/HeatmapVD_$sample.png" "$outputDir/VD_$sample.png"
-	echo "<td><img src='VD_$sample.png'/></td>" >> $outputFile
-	mv "$outputDir/HeatmapVJ_$sample.png" "$outputDir/VJ_$sample.png"
-	echo "<td><img src='VJ_$sample.png'/></td>" >> $outputFile
-	mv "$outputDir/HeatmapDJ_$sample.png" "$outputDir/DJ_$sample.png"
-	echo "<td><img src='DJ_$sample.png'/></td></tr></table></div>" >> $outputFile
-	count=$((count+1))
-echo "</div></div>" >> $outputFile
+if [ "$locus" == "igh" ] || [ "$locus" == "igk" ] || [ "$locus" == "igl" ]; then
+	bash $dir/ $PWD/merged.txt $2 $outputDir $clonalType $species $locus $selection
+	bash $dir/ $PWD/merged.txt $2 $outputDir $clonalType $species $locus $selection
-hasReplicateColumn="$(if head -n 1 $inputFile | grep -q 'Replicate'; then echo 'Yes'; else echo 'No'; fi)"
-#if its a 'new' merged file with replicate info
-if [[ "$hasReplicateColumn" == "Yes" ]] ; then
-	echo "<div class='tabbertab' title='Clonality'><div class='tabber'>" >> $outputFile
-	for sample in $samples; do
-		clonalityScore="$(cat $outputDir/ClonalityScore_$sample.csv)"
-		echo "<div class='tabbertab' title='$sample'><table border='1'>" >> $outputFile
-		echo "<tr><td colspan='4'>Clonality Score: $clonalityScore</td></tr>" >> $outputFile
-		#replicate,reads,squared
-		echo "<tr><td>Replicate ID</td><td>Number of Reads</td><td>Reads Squared</td><td></td></tr>" >> $outputFile
-		while IFS=, read replicate reads squared
-		do
-			echo "<tr><td>$replicate</td><td>$reads</td><td>$squared</td><td></td></tr>" >> $outputFile
-		done < $outputDir/ReplicateReads_$sample.csv
-		#sum of reads and reads squared
-		while IFS=, read readsSum squaredSum
-			do
-				echo "<tr><td>Sum</td><td>$readsSum</td><td>$squaredSum</td></tr>" >> $outputFile
-		done < $outputDir/ReplicateSumReads_$sample.csv
-		#overview
-		echo "<tr><td>Coincidence Type</td><td>Raw Coincidence Freq</td><td>Coincidence Weight</td><td>Coincidences, Weighted</td></tr>" >> $outputFile
-		while IFS=, read type count weight weightedCount
-		do
-			echo "<tr><td>$type</td><td>$count</td><td>$weight</td><td>$weightedCount</td></tr>" >> $outputFile
-		done < $outputDir/ClonalityOverView_$sample.csv
-		echo "</table></div>" >> $outputFile
-	done
-	echo "</div></div>" >> $outputFile
-hasJunctionData="$(if head -n 1 $inputFile | grep -q '3V-REGION trimmed-nt nb'; then echo 'Yes'; else echo 'No'; fi)"
-if [[ "$hasJunctionData" == "Yes" ]] ; then
-	echo "<div class='tabbertab' title='Junction Analysis'><table border='1' id='junction_table'  class='tablesorter'><thead><tr><th>Sample</th><th>unique</th><th>VH.DEL</th><th>P1</th><th>N1</th><th>P2</th><th>DEL.DH</th><th>DH.DEL</th><th>P3</th><th>N2</th><th>P4</th><th>DEL.JH</th><th>Total.Del</th><th>Total.N</th><th>Total.P</th><thead></tr><tbody>" >> $outputFile
-	while IFS=, read Sample unique VHDEL P1 N1 P2 DELDH DHDEL P3 N2 P4 DELJH TotalDel TotalN TotalP
-	do
-		echo "<tr><td>$Sample</td><td>$unique</td><td>$VHDEL</td><td>$P1</td><td>$N1</td><td>$P2</td><td>$DELDH</td><td>$DHDEL</td><td>$P3</td><td>$N2</td><td>$P4</td><td>$DELJH</td><td>$TotalDel</td><td>$TotalN</td><td>$TotalP</td></tr>" >> $outputFile
-	done < $outputDir/junctionAnalysis.csv
-	echo "</tbody></table></div>" >> $outputFile
-echo "<div class='tabbertab' title='Comparison'><table border='1'><tr><th>ID</th><th>Include</th></tr>" >> $outputFile
-for sample in $samples; do
-	echo "<tr><td>$sample</td><td><input type='checkbox' onchange=\"javascript:compareAdd('$sample')\" id='compare_checkbox_$sample'/></td></tr>" >> $outputFile
-echo "</table><div name='comparisonarea'>" >> $outputFile
-echo "<table><tr id='comparison_table_vd'></tr></table>" >> $outputFile
-echo "<table><tr id='comparison_table_vj'></tr></table>" >> $outputFile
-echo "<table><tr id='comparison_table_dj'></tr></table>" >> $outputFile
-echo "</div></div>" >> $outputFile
-echo "<div class='tabbertab' title='Downloads'>" >> $outputFile
-echo "<table border='1'>" >> $outputFile
-echo "<tr><th>Description</th><th>Link</th></tr>" >> $outputFile
-echo "<tr><td>The dataset used to generate the frequency graphs and the heatmaps (Unique based on clonaltype, $clonalType)</td><td><a href='allUnique.csv'>Download</a></td></tr>" >> $outputFile
-echo "<tr><td>The dataset used to calculate clonality score (Unique based on clonaltype, $clonalType)</td><td><a href='clonalityComplete.csv'>Download</a></td></tr>" >> $outputFile
-echo "<tr><td>The dataset used to generate the CDR3 length frequency graph</td><td><a href='CDR3LengthPlot.csv'>Download</a></td></tr>" >> $outputFile
-echo "<tr><td>The dataset used to generate the V gene family frequency graph</td><td><a href='VFFrequency.csv'>Download</a></td></tr>" >> $outputFile
-echo "<tr><td>The dataset used to generate the D gene family frequency graph</td><td><a href='DFFrequency.csv'>Download</a></td></tr>" >> $outputFile
-echo "<tr><td>The dataset used to generate the J gene family frequency graph</td><td><a href='JFFrequency.csv'>Download</a></td></tr>" >> $outputFile
-echo "<tr><td>The dataset used to generate the V gene frequency graph</td><td><a href='VFrequency.csv'>Download</a></td></tr>" >> $outputFile
-echo "<tr><td>The dataset used to generate the D gene frequency graph</td><td><a href='DFrequency.csv'>Download</a></td></tr>" >> $outputFile
-echo "<tr><td>The dataset used to generate the J gene frequency graph</td><td><a href='JFrequency.csv'>Download</a></td></tr>" >> $outputFile
-for sample in $samples; do
-	echo "<tr><td>The data used to generate the VD heatmap for $sample.</td><td><a href='HeatmapVD_$sample.csv'>Download</a></td></tr>" >> $outputFile
-	echo "<tr><td>The data used to generate the VJ heatmap for $sample.</td><td><a href='HeatmapVJ_$sample.csv'>Download</a></td></tr>" >> $outputFile
-	echo "<tr><td>The data used to generate the DJ heatmap for $sample.</td><td><a href='HeatmapDJ_$sample.csv'>Download</a></td></tr>" >> $outputFile
-echo "</table>" >> $outputFile
-echo "</div></html>" >> $outputFile
--- a/complete_immunerepertoire.xml	Fri May 09 09:35:32 2014 -0400
+++ b/complete_immunerepertoire.xml	Thu Sep 04 07:46:23 2014 -0400
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
 <tool id="complete_immunerepertoire_igg" name="Complete ImmuneRepertoire" version="1.0">
 	<description> </description>
 	<command interpreter="bash">
+ "
 		#for $i, $f in enumerate($patients)
-			${}
+ ${}
             #for $j, $g in enumerate($f.samples)
-            	${g.sample}
+ ${g.sample}
             #end for
 		#end for
-		"$clonaltype_select" $out_file $out_file.files_path $species $locus $selection
+" $out_file $out_file.files_path "$clonaltype_select" $species $locus $selection
 		<repeat name="patients" title="Patients" min="1" default="1">
-            <repeat name="samples" title="Sample" min="1" default="1">
-                <param name="sample" type="data" label="Sample to Process" />
-            </repeat>
+			<repeat name="samples" title="Sample" min="1" default="1">
+					<param name="sample" type="data" label="Sample to Process" />
+			</repeat>
 			<param name="id" type="text" label="ID" />
 		<param name="clonaltype_select" type="select" label="Clonal Type Definition">
@@ -34,6 +34,10 @@
 			<option value="igh">IGH</option>
 			<option value="igk">IGK</option>
 			<option value="igl">IGL</option>
+			<option value="trb">TRB</option>
+			<option value="tra">TRA</option>
+			<option value="trg">TRG</option>
+			<option value="trd">TRD</option>
 		<param name="selection" type="select" label="Selection">
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Sep 04 07:46:23 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+import sys
+import pandas as pd
+def main():
+	patients = {}
+	files = []
+	sample_id = sys.argv[1]
+	imgt_files = 0
+	blast_files = 0
+	#organize files
+	for arg in sys.argv[2:-2]:
+		if arg.find("/") is -1:
+			patients[sample_id] = files
+			files = []
+			sample_id = arg
+		else:
+			df = pd.read_csv(arg, sep="\t", dtype=object)
+			if "Functionality" in list(df.columns.values):
+				df["VDJ Frame"][df["Functionality"] != "productive"] = "In-frame with stop codon"
+				imgt_files += 1
+			else:
+				blast_files += 1
+			files.append(df)
+	patients[sample_id] = files
+	columns = [u'ID', u'VDJ Frame', u'Top V Gene', u'Top D Gene', u'Top J Gene', u'CDR1 Seq', u'CDR1 Length', u'CDR2 Seq', u'CDR2 Length', u'CDR3 Seq', u'CDR3 Length', u'CDR3 Seq DNA', u'CDR3 Length DNA', u'Strand', u'CDR3 Found How', u'Functionality', 'V-REGION identity %', 'V-REGION identity nt', 'D-REGION reading frame', 'AA JUNCTION', 'Functionality comment', 'Sequence', 'FR1-IMGT', 'FR2-IMGT', 'FR3-IMGT', 'CDR3-IMGT', 'JUNCTION', 'J-REGION', 'FR4-IMGT', 'P3V-nt nb', 'N1-REGION-nt nb', 'P5D-nt nb', 'P3D-nt nb', 'N2-REGION-nt nb', 'P5J-nt nb', '3V-REGION trimmed-nt nb', '5D-REGION trimmed-nt nb', '3D-REGION trimmed-nt nb', '5J-REGION trimmed-nt nb', u'Sample', u'Replicate']
+	if blast_files is not 0:
+		print "Has a parsed blastn file, using limited columns."
+		columns = [u'ID', u'VDJ Frame', u'Top V Gene', u'Top D Gene', u'Top J Gene', u'CDR1 Seq', u'CDR1 Length', u'CDR2 Seq', u'CDR2 Length', u'CDR3 Seq', u'CDR3 Length', u'CDR3 Seq DNA', u'CDR3 Length DNA', u'Strand', u'CDR3 Found How', u'Sample', u'Replicate']
+	result = None
+	for patient_id, samples in patients.iteritems():
+		count = 1
+		for sample in samples:
+			sample['Sample'] = patient_id
+			sample['Replicate'] = str(count)
+			count += 1
+			if result is None:
+				result = sample[columns]
+			else:
+				result = result.append(sample[columns])
+	result.to_csv(sys.argv[-1], sep="\t", index=False, index_label="index")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+	main()
--- a/	Fri May 09 09:35:32 2014 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-import pandas as pd
-def main():
-	patients = {}
-	files = []
-	sample_id = sys.argv[1]
-	imgt_files = 0
-	blast_files = 0
-	#organize files
-	for arg in sys.argv[2:-2]:
-		if arg.find("/") is -1:
-			patients[sample_id] = files
-			files = []
-			sample_id = arg
-		else:
-			df = pd.read_csv(arg, sep="\t")
-			if "Functionality" in list(df.columns.values):
-				df["VDJ Frame"][df["Functionality"] != "productive"] = "In-frame with stop codon"
-				imgt_files += 1
-			else:
-				blast_files += 1
-			files.append(df)
-	patients[sample_id] = files
-	columns = [u'ID', u'VDJ Frame', u'Top V Gene', u'Top D Gene', u'Top J Gene', u'CDR1 Seq', u'CDR1 Length', u'CDR2 Seq', u'CDR2 Length', u'CDR3 Seq', u'CDR3 Length', u'CDR3 Seq DNA', u'CDR3 Length DNA', u'Strand', u'CDR3 Found How', u'Functionality', 'V-REGION identity %', 'V-REGION identity nt', 'D-REGION reading frame', 'AA JUNCTION', 'Functionality comment', 'Sequence', 'FR1-IMGT', 'FR2-IMGT', 'FR3-IMGT', 'CDR3-IMGT', 'JUNCTION', 'J-REGION', 'FR4-IMGT', 'P3V-nt nb', 'N1-REGION-nt nb', 'P5D-nt nb', 'P3D-nt nb', 'N2-REGION-nt nb', 'P5J-nt nb', '3V-REGION trimmed-nt nb', '5D-REGION trimmed-nt nb', '3D-REGION trimmed-nt nb', '5J-REGION trimmed-nt nb', u'Sample', u'Replicate']
-	if blast_files is not 0:
-		print "Has a parsed blastn file, using limited columns."
-		columns = [u'ID', u'VDJ Frame', u'Top V Gene', u'Top D Gene', u'Top J Gene', u'CDR1 Seq', u'CDR1 Length', u'CDR2 Seq', u'CDR2 Length', u'CDR3 Seq', u'CDR3 Length', u'CDR3 Seq DNA', u'CDR3 Length DNA', u'Strand', u'CDR3 Found How', u'Sample', u'Replicate']
-	result = None
-	for patient_id, samples in patients.iteritems():
-		count = 1
-		for sample in samples:
-			sample['Sample'] = patient_id
-			sample['Replicate'] = str(count)
-			count += 1
-			if result is None:
-				result = sample[columns]
-			else:
-				result = result.append(sample[columns])
-	result.to_csv(sys.argv[-1], sep="\t", index=False, index_label="index")
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-	main()
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Sep 04 07:46:23 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+outputFile=$3/index.html #$2
+if [[ "$species" == "human" && "$locus" = "igh" ]] ; then
+	useD="true"
+dir="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && pwd)"
+mkdir $3
+Rscript --verbose $dir/RScript_b.r $inputFile $outputDir $outputDir $clonalType $species $locus $selection 2>&1
+cp $dir/tabber.js $outputDir
+cp $dir/style.css $outputDir
+cp $dir/script.js $outputDir
+cp $dir/jquery-1.11.0.min.js $outputDir
+cp $dir/jquery.tablesorter.min.js $outputDir
+cp $dir/asc.gif $outputDir
+cp $dir/desc.gif $outputDir
+cp $dir/bg.gif $outputDir
+samples=`cat $outputDir/samples.txt`
+echo "<html><center><h1><a href='index.html'>Click here for the results</a></h1>Tip: Open it in a new tab (middle mouse button or right mouse button -> 'open in new tab' on the link above)</center></html>" > $2
+echo "<html><head><title>Report on:" >> $outputFile
+for sample in $samples; do
+	echo " $sample" >> $outputFile
+echo "</title><script type='text/javascript' src='jquery-1.11.0.min.js'></script>" >> $outputFile
+echo "<script type='text/javascript' src='tabber.js'></script>" >> $outputFile
+echo "<script type='text/javascript' src='script.js'></script>" >> $outputFile
+echo "<script type='text/javascript' src='jquery.tablesorter.min.js'></script>" >> $outputFile
+echo "<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='style.css'></head>" >> $outputFile
+echo "<div class='tabber'><div class='tabbertab' title='Gene frequencies'>" >> $outputFile
+echo "<img src='CDR3LengthPlot.png'/><br />" >> $outputFile
+echo "<img src='VFPlot.png'/>" >> $outputFile
+if [[ "$useD" == "true" ]] ; then
+	echo "<img src='DFPlot.png'/>" >> $outputFile
+echo "<img src='JFPlot.png'/>" >> $outputFile
+echo "<img src='VPlot.png'/>" >> $outputFile
+if [[ "$useD" == "true" ]] ; then
+	echo "<img src='DPlot.png'/>" >> $outputFile
+echo "<img src='JPlot.png'/></div>" >> $outputFile
+echo "<div class='tabbertab' title='Heatmaps'><div class='tabber'>" >> $outputFile
+for sample in $samples; do
+	echo "<div class='tabbertab' title='$sample'><table border='1'><tr>" >> $outputFile
+	if [[ "$useD" == "true" ]] ; then
+		echo "<td><img src='HeatmapVD_$sample.png'/></td>" >> $outputFile
+	fi
+	echo "<td><img src='HeatmapVJ_$sample.png'/></td>" >> $outputFile
+	if [[ "$useD" == "true" ]] ; then
+		echo "<td><img src='HeatmapDJ_$sample.png'/></td>" >> $outputFile
+	fi
+	echo "</tr></table></div>" >> $outputFile
+	count=$((count+1))
+echo "</div></div>" >> $outputFile
+#echo "<div class='tabbertab' title='Interactive'><svg class='chart'></svg><script src=''></script></div>" >> $outputFile
+hasReplicateColumn="$(if head -n 1 $inputFile | grep -q 'Replicate'; then echo 'Yes'; else echo 'No'; fi)"
+echo "$hasReplicateColumn"
+#if its a 'new' merged file with replicate info
+if [[ "$hasReplicateColumn" == "Yes" ]] ; then
+	echo "<div class='tabbertab' title='Clonality'><div class='tabber'>" >> $outputFile
+	for sample in $samples; do
+		clonalityScore="$(cat $outputDir/ClonalityScore_$sample.csv)"
+		echo "<div class='tabbertab' title='$sample'><table border='1'>" >> $outputFile
+		echo "<tr><td colspan='4'>Clonality Score: $clonalityScore</td></tr>" >> $outputFile
+		#replicate,reads,squared
+		echo "<tr><td>Replicate ID</td><td>Number of Reads</td><td>Reads Squared</td><td></td></tr>" >> $outputFile
+		while IFS=, read replicate reads squared
+		do
+			echo "<tr><td>$replicate</td><td>$reads</td><td>$squared</td><td></td></tr>" >> $outputFile
+		done < $outputDir/ReplicateReads_$sample.csv
+		#sum of reads and reads squared
+		while IFS=, read readsSum squaredSum
+			do
+				echo "<tr><td>Sum</td><td>$readsSum</td><td>$squaredSum</td></tr>" >> $outputFile
+		done < $outputDir/ReplicateSumReads_$sample.csv
+		#overview
+		echo "<tr><td>Coincidence Type</td><td>Raw Coincidence Freq</td><td>Coincidence Weight</td><td>Coincidences, Weighted</td></tr>" >> $outputFile
+		while IFS=, read type count weight weightedCount
+		do
+			echo "<tr><td>$type</td><td>$count</td><td>$weight</td><td>$weightedCount</td></tr>" >> $outputFile
+		done < $outputDir/ClonalityOverView_$sample.csv
+		echo "</table></div>" >> $outputFile
+	done
+	echo "</div></div>" >> $outputFile
+hasJunctionData="$(if head -n 1 $inputFile | grep -q '3V-REGION trimmed-nt nb'; then echo 'Yes'; else echo 'No'; fi)"
+if [[ "$hasJunctionData" == "Yes" ]] ; then
+	echo "<div class='tabbertab' title='Junction Analysis'><table border='1' id='junction_table'  class='tablesorter'><thead><tr><th>Sample</th><th>unique</th><th>VH.DEL</th><th>P1</th><th>N1</th><th>P2</th><th>DEL.DH</th><th>DH.DEL</th><th>P3</th><th>N2</th><th>P4</th><th>DEL.JH</th><th>Total.Del</th><th>Total.N</th><th>Total.P</th><thead></tr><tbody>" >> $outputFile
+	while IFS=, read Sample unique VHDEL P1 N1 P2 DELDH DHDEL P3 N2 P4 DELJH TotalDel TotalN TotalP
+	do
+		echo "<tr><td>$Sample</td><td>$unique</td><td>$VHDEL</td><td>$P1</td><td>$N1</td><td>$P2</td><td>$DELDH</td><td>$DHDEL</td><td>$P3</td><td>$N2</td><td>$P4</td><td>$DELJH</td><td>$TotalDel</td><td>$TotalN</td><td>$TotalP</td></tr>" >> $outputFile
+	done < $outputDir/junctionAnalysis.csv
+	echo "</tbody></table></div>" >> $outputFile
+echo "<div class='tabbertab' title='Comparison'><table border='1'><tr><th>ID</th><th>Include</th></tr>" >> $outputFile
+for sample in $samples; do
+	echo "<tr><td>$sample</td><td><input type='checkbox' onchange=\"javascript:compareAdd('$sample')\" id='compare_checkbox_$sample'/></td></tr>" >> $outputFile
+echo "</table><div name='comparisonarea'>" >> $outputFile
+echo "<table><tr id='comparison_table_vd'></tr></table>" >> $outputFile
+echo "<table><tr id='comparison_table_vj'></tr></table>" >> $outputFile
+echo "<table><tr id='comparison_table_dj'></tr></table>" >> $outputFile
+echo "</div></div>" >> $outputFile
+echo "<div class='tabbertab' title='Downloads'>" >> $outputFile
+echo "<table border='1'>" >> $outputFile
+echo "<tr><th>Description</th><th>Link</th></tr>" >> $outputFile
+echo "<tr><td>The dataset used to generate the frequency graphs and the heatmaps (Unique based on clonaltype, $clonalType)</td><td><a href='allUnique.csv'>Download</a></td></tr>" >> $outputFile
+echo "<tr><td>The dataset used to calculate clonality score (Unique based on clonaltype, $clonalType)</td><td><a href='clonalityComplete.csv'>Download</a></td></tr>" >> $outputFile
+echo "<tr><td>The dataset used to generate the CDR3 length frequency graph</td><td><a href='CDR3LengthPlot.csv'>Download</a></td></tr>" >> $outputFile
+echo "<tr><td>The dataset used to generate the V gene family frequency graph</td><td><a href='VFFrequency.csv'>Download</a></td></tr>" >> $outputFile
+if [[ "$useD" == "true" ]] ; then
+	echo "<tr><td>The dataset used to generate the D gene family frequency graph</td><td><a href='DFFrequency.csv'>Download</a></td></tr>" >> $outputFile
+echo "<tr><td>The dataset used to generate the J gene family frequency graph</td><td><a href='JFFrequency.csv'>Download</a></td></tr>" >> $outputFile
+echo "<tr><td>The dataset used to generate the V gene frequency graph</td><td><a href='VFrequency.csv'>Download</a></td></tr>" >> $outputFile
+if [[ "$useD" == "true" ]] ; then
+	echo "<tr><td>The dataset used to generate the D gene frequency graph</td><td><a href='DFrequency.csv'>Download</a></td></tr>" >> $outputFile
+echo "<tr><td>The dataset used to generate the J gene frequency graph</td><td><a href='JFrequency.csv'>Download</a></td></tr>" >> $outputFile
+for sample in $samples; do
+	if [[ "$useD" == "true" ]] ; then
+		echo "<tr><td>The data used to generate the VD heatmap for $sample.</td><td><a href='HeatmapVD_$sample.csv'>Download</a></td></tr>" >> $outputFile
+	fi
+	echo "<tr><td>The data used to generate the VJ heatmap for $sample.</td><td><a href='HeatmapVJ_$sample.csv'>Download</a></td></tr>" >> $outputFile
+	if [[ "$useD" == "true" ]] ; then
+		echo "<tr><td>The data used to generate the DJ heatmap for $sample.</td><td><a href='HeatmapDJ_$sample.csv'>Download</a></td></tr>" >> $outputFile
+	fi
+echo "</table>" >> $outputFile
+echo "</div></html>" >> $outputFile
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Sep 04 07:46:23 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+outputFile=$3/index.html #$2
+if [[ "$species" == "human" && "$locus" = "tra" ]] ; then
+	useD="false"
+dir="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && pwd)"
+mkdir $3
+Rscript --verbose $dir/RScript_t.r $inputFile $outputDir $outputDir $clonalType $species $locus $selection 2>&1
+cp $dir/tabber.js $outputDir
+cp $dir/style.css $outputDir
+cp $dir/script.js $outputDir
+cp $dir/jquery-1.11.0.min.js $outputDir
+cp $dir/jquery.tablesorter.min.js $outputDir
+cp $dir/asc.gif $outputDir
+cp $dir/desc.gif $outputDir
+cp $dir/bg.gif $outputDir
+echo "<html><center><h1><a href='index.html'>Click here for the results</a></h1>Tip: Open it in a new tab (middle mouse button or right mouse button -> 'open in new tab' on the link above)</center></html>" > $2
+echo "<html<head>" >> $outputFile
+echo "<script type='text/javascript' src='jquery-1.11.0.min.js'></script>" >> $outputFile
+echo "<script type='text/javascript' src='tabber.js'></script>" >> $outputFile
+echo "<script type='text/javascript' src='script.js'></script>" >> $outputFile
+echo "<script type='text/javascript' src='jquery.tablesorter.min.js'></script>" >> $outputFile
+echo "<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='style.css'></head>" >> $outputFile
+echo "<div class='tabber'><div class='tabbertab' title='Gene frequencies'>" >> $outputFile
+echo "<img src='CDR3LengthPlot.png'/><br />" >> $outputFile
+echo "<img src='VFPlot.png'/>" >> $outputFile
+if [[ "$useD" == "true" ]] ; then
+	echo "<img src='DFPlot.png'/>" >> $outputFile
+echo "<img src='JFPlot.png'/>" >> $outputFile
+echo "<img src='VPlot.png'/>" >> $outputFile
+if [[ "$useD" == "true" ]] ; then
+	echo "<img src='DPlot.png'/>" >> $outputFile
+echo "<img src='JPlot.png'/></div>" >> $outputFile
+samples=`cat $outputDir/samples.txt`
+echo "<div class='tabbertab' title='Heatmaps'><div class='tabber'>" >> $outputFile
+for sample in $samples; do
+	echo "<div class='tabbertab' title='$sample'><table border='1'><tr>" >> $outputFile
+	if [[ "$useD" == "true" ]] ; then
+		echo "<td><img src='HeatmapVD_$sample.png'/></td>" >> $outputFile
+	fi
+	echo "<td><img src='HeatmapVJ_$sample.png'/></td>" >> $outputFile
+	if [[ "$useD" == "true" ]] ; then
+		echo "<td><img src='HeatmapDJ_$sample.png'/></td>" >> $outputFile
+	fi
+	echo "</tr></table></div>" >> $outputFile
+	count=$((count+1))
+echo "</div></div>" >> $outputFile
+hasReplicateColumn="$(if head -n 1 $inputFile | grep -q 'Replicate'; then echo 'Yes'; else echo 'No'; fi)"
+echo "$hasReplicateColumn"
+#if its a 'new' merged file with replicate info
+if [[ "$hasReplicateColumn" == "Yes" ]] ; then
+	echo "<div class='tabbertab' title='Clonality'><div class='tabber'>" >> $outputFile
+	for sample in $samples; do
+		clonalityScore="$(cat $outputDir/ClonalityScore_$sample.csv)"
+		echo "<div class='tabbertab' title='$sample'><table border='1'>" >> $outputFile
+		echo "<tr><td colspan='4'>Clonality Score: $clonalityScore</td></tr>" >> $outputFile
+		#replicate,reads,squared
+		echo "<tr><td>Replicate ID</td><td>Number of Reads</td><td>Reads Squared</td><td></td></tr>" >> $outputFile
+		while IFS=, read replicate reads squared
+		do
+			echo "<tr><td>$replicate</td><td>$reads</td><td>$squared</td><td></td></tr>" >> $outputFile
+		done < $outputDir/ReplicateReads_$sample.csv
+		#sum of reads and reads squared
+		while IFS=, read readsSum squaredSum
+			do
+				echo "<tr><td>Sum</td><td>$readsSum</td><td>$squaredSum</td></tr>" >> $outputFile
+		done < $outputDir/ReplicateSumReads_$sample.csv
+		#overview
+		echo "<tr><td>Coincidence Type</td><td>Raw Coincidence Freq</td><td>Coincidence Weight</td><td>Coincidences, Weighted</td></tr>" >> $outputFile
+		while IFS=, read type count weight weightedCount
+		do
+			echo "<tr><td><a href='ClonalitySequences_${sample}_${type}.csv'>$type</a></td><td>$count</td><td>$weight</td><td>$weightedCount</td></tr>" >> $outputFile
+		done < $outputDir/ClonalityOverView_$sample.csv
+		echo "</table></div>" >> $outputFile
+	done
+	echo "</div></div>" >> $outputFile
+hasJunctionData="$(if head -n 1 $inputFile | grep -q '3V-REGION trimmed-nt nb'; then echo 'Yes'; else echo 'No'; fi)"
+if [[ "$hasJunctionData" == "Yes" ]] ; then
+	echo "<div class='tabbertab' title='Junction Analysis'><table border='1' id='junction_table'  class='tablesorter'><thead><tr><th>Sample</th><th>unique</th><th>VH.DEL</th><th>P1</th><th>N1</th><th>P2</th><th>DEL.DH</th><th>DH.DEL</th><th>P3</th><th>N2</th><th>P4</th><th>DEL.JH</th><th>Total.Del</th><th>Total.N</th><th>Total.P</th><thead></tr><tbody>" >> $outputFile
+	while IFS=, read Sample unique VHDEL P1 N1 P2 DELDH DHDEL P3 N2 P4 DELJH TotalDel TotalN TotalP
+	do
+		echo "<tr><td>$Sample</td><td>$unique</td><td>$VHDEL</td><td>$P1</td><td>$N1</td><td>$P2</td><td>$DELDH</td><td>$DHDEL</td><td>$P3</td><td>$N2</td><td>$P4</td><td>$DELJH</td><td>$TotalDel</td><td>$TotalN</td><td>$TotalP</td></tr>" >> $outputFile
+	done < $outputDir/junctionAnalysis.csv
+	echo "</tbody></table></div>" >> $outputFile
+echo "<div class='tabbertab' title='Comparison'><table border='1'><tr><th>ID</th><th>Include</th></tr>" >> $outputFile
+for sample in $samples; do
+	echo "<tr><td>$sample</td><td><input type='checkbox' onchange=\"javascript:compareAdd('$sample')\" id='compare_checkbox_$sample'/></td></tr>" >> $outputFile
+echo "</table><div name='comparisonarea'>" >> $outputFile
+echo "<table><tr id='comparison_table_vd'></tr></table>" >> $outputFile
+echo "<table><tr id='comparison_table_vj'></tr></table>" >> $outputFile
+echo "<table><tr id='comparison_table_dj'></tr></table>" >> $outputFile
+echo "</div></div>" >> $outputFile
+echo "<div class='tabbertab' title='Downloads'>" >> $outputFile
+echo "<table border='1'>" >> $outputFile
+echo "<tr><th>Description</th><th>Link</th></tr>" >> $outputFile
+echo "<tr><td>The dataset used to generate the frequency graphs and the heatmaps (Unique based on clonaltype, $clonalType)</td><td><a href='allUnique.csv'>Download</a></td></tr>" >> $outputFile
+echo "<tr><td>The dataset used to calculate clonality score (Unique based on clonaltype, $clonalType)</td><td><a href='clonalityComplete.csv'>Download</a></td></tr>" >> $outputFile
+echo "<tr><td>The dataset used to generate the CDR3 length frequency graph</td><td><a href='CDR3LengthPlot.csv'>Download</a></td></tr>" >> $outputFile
+echo "<tr><td>The dataset used to generate the V gene family frequency graph</td><td><a href='VFFrequency.csv'>Download</a></td></tr>" >> $outputFile
+if [[ "$useD" == "true" ]] ; then
+	echo "<tr><td>The dataset used to generate the D gene family frequency graph</td><td><a href='DFFrequency.csv'>Download</a></td></tr>" >> $outputFile
+echo "<tr><td>The dataset used to generate the J gene family frequency graph</td><td><a href='JFFrequency.csv'>Download</a></td></tr>" >> $outputFile
+echo "<tr><td>The dataset used to generate the V gene frequency graph</td><td><a href='VFrequency.csv'>Download</a></td></tr>" >> $outputFile
+if [[ "$useD" == "true" ]] ; then
+	echo "<tr><td>The dataset used to generate the D gene frequency graph</td><td><a href='DFrequency.csv'>Download</a></td></tr>" >> $outputFile
+echo "<tr><td>The dataset used to generate the J gene frequency graph</td><td><a href='JFrequency.csv'>Download</a></td></tr>" >> $outputFile
+for sample in $samples; do
+	if [[ "$useD" == "true" ]] ; then
+		echo "<tr><td>The data used to generate the VD heatmap for $sample.</td><td><a href='HeatmapVD_$sample.csv'>Download</a></td></tr>" >> $outputFile
+	fi
+	echo "<tr><td>The data used to generate the VJ heatmap for $sample.</td><td><a href='HeatmapVJ_$sample.csv'>Download</a></td></tr>" >> $outputFile
+	if [[ "$useD" == "true" ]] ; then
+		echo "<tr><td>The data used to generate the DJ heatmap for $sample.</td><td><a href='HeatmapDJ_$sample.csv'>Download</a></td></tr>" >> $outputFile
+	fi
+echo "</table>" >> $outputFile
+echo "</div></html>" >> $outputFile
--- a/script.js	Fri May 09 09:35:32 2014 -0400
+++ b/script.js	Thu Sep 04 07:46:23 2014 -0400
@@ -1,32 +1,36 @@
 function compareAdd(id){
 	var img = document.createElement('img');
-	img.setAttribute('src', 'VD_' + id + '.png');
+	img.setAttribute('src', 'HeatmapVD_' + id + '.png');
 	var td = document.createElement('td');
 	td.setAttribute('id', "comparison_vd_" + id);
-	document.getElementById('comparison_table_vd').appendChild(td);
+	$('#comparison_table_vd').append(td);
 	img = document.createElement('img');
-	img.setAttribute('src', 'VJ_' + id + '.png');
+	img.setAttribute('src', 'HeatmapVJ_' + id + '.png');
 	td = document.createElement('td');
 	td.setAttribute('id', "comparison_vj_" + id);
-	document.getElementById('comparison_table_vj').appendChild(td);
+	$('#comparison_table_vj').append(td);
 	img = document.createElement('img');
-	img.setAttribute('src', 'DJ_' + id + '.png');
+	img.setAttribute('src', 'HeatmapDJ_' + id + '.png');
 	td = document.createElement('td');
 	td.setAttribute('id', "comparison_dj_" + id);
-	document.getElementById('comparison_table_dj').appendChild(td);
+	$('#comparison_table_dj').append(td);
-	document.getElementById('compare_checkbox_' + id).setAttribute('onchange', "javascript:compareRemove('" + id + "')");
+	$('#compare_checkbox_' + id).attr('onchange', "javascript:compareRemove('" + id + "')");
 function compareRemove(id){
-	document.getElementById("comparison_vd_" + id).remove()
-	document.getElementById("comparison_vj_" + id).remove()
-	document.getElementById("comparison_dj_" + id).remove()
-	document.getElementById('compare_checkbox_' + id).setAttribute('onchange', "javascript:compareAdd('" + id + "')");
+	$("#comparison_vd_" + id).remove()
+	$("#comparison_vj_" + id).remove()
+	$("#comparison_dj_" + id).remove()
+	$("#compare_checkbox_" + id).attr('onchange', "javascript:compareAdd('" + id + "')");
+$( document ).ready(function () {
+	$('#junction_table').tablesorter();
--- a/tool_dependencies.xml	Fri May 09 09:35:32 2014 -0400
+++ b/tool_dependencies.xml	Thu Sep 04 07:46:23 2014 -0400
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 	<package name="igBlastn" version="1.0.0"> 
         <install version="1.0">
-            	<action type="shell_command">wget -P $INSTALL_DIR</action>
+            	<action type="shell_command">wget -P $INSTALL_DIR</action>
             	<action type="shell_command">tar zxvf $INSTALL_DIR/ncbi-igblast-1.0.0-x64-linux.tar.gz -C $INSTALL_DIR</action>
                 <action type="set_environment">
                 	<environment_variable name="PATH" action="prepend_to">$INSTALL_DIR/ncbi-igblast-1.0.0/bin</environment_variable>