changeset 0:0d66ec694153 draft

Uploaded test first test script
author sebastian
date Fri, 21 Feb 2014 08:04:58 -0500
children 924fec18933e
diffstat 1 files changed, 251 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Fri Feb 21 08:04:58 2014 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+''' - compute genomic coverage of gff intervals
+:Author: Andreas Heger
+:Release: $Id$
+:Date: |today|
+:Tags: Genomics Intervals Summary GFF
+This script computes the genomic coverage of intervals 
+in a :term:`gff` formatted file. The coverage is computed
+per feature.
+   python <script_name>.py --help
+   python <script_name>.py --help
+for command line help.
+Command line options
+import sys
+import string
+import re
+import optparse
+import time
+import os
+import shutil
+import tempfile
+import math
+import collections
+import CGAT.Experiment as E
+import CGAT.IndexedFasta as IndexedFasta
+import CGAT.IOTools as IOTools
+import CGAT.GTF as GTF
+def printValues( contig, max_size, window_size, values, options ):
+    """output values."""
+    outfile = E.openOutputFile( contig, "w" )
+    outfile.write( "abs_pos\trel_pos" )
+    for feature in options.features:
+        outfile.write("\tabs_%s\trel_%s" % (feature,feature) )
+    outfile.write("\n")
+    max_vv = []
+    for f in range(len(options.features)):
+        max_vv.append( float(max(map(lambda x: x[f], values ) )))
+    bin = 0
+    for vv in values:
+        outfile.write( "%i\t" % bin )
+        outfile.write( options.value_format % (float(bin) / max_size) )
+        for x in range(len(options.features)):
+            outfile.write( "\t%i\t%s" % (vv[x] ,
+                                         options.value_format % (vv[x] / max_vv[x]) ) )
+        outfile.write("\n" )            
+        bin += window_size
+    outfile.close()
+def processChunk( contig, chunk, options, fasta = None ):
+    """
+    This function requires segments to be non-overlapping.
+    """
+    if len(chunk) == 0: return
+    # check whether there are overlapping features or not
+    checked = []
+    for feature in chunk:
+        checked.append(feature)
+	others = [x for x in chunk if x not in checked]
+	for otherFeature in others:
+	   if GTF.Overlap(feature, otherFeature):
+		raise ValueError( " Histogram could not be created since the file contains overlapping features! \n%s\n%s  " % (feature, otherFeature) )
+    # clear auxiliary list
+    del checked[:]
+    # compute min_coordinate, max_coordinate for the histogram
+    min_coordinate = 1
+    max_coordinate = max( map( lambda x: x.end, chunk) )
+    ## compute window size
+    if options.window_size:
+        window_size = options.window_size
+        num_bins = int(math.ceil((float(max_coordinate) / window_size)))
+    elif options.num_bins and fasta:
+        contig_length = fasta.getLength( contig )
+        assert max_coordinate <= contig_length, "maximum coordinate (%i) larger than contig size (%i) for contig %s" % (max_coordinate, contig_length, contig )
+        max_coordinate = contig_length
+        window_size = int(math.floor( float(contig_length) / options.num_bins))
+        num_bins = options.num_bins
+    else:
+        raise ValueError("please specify a window size of provide genomic sequence with number of bins.")
+    values = [ [] for x in range(num_bins) ]
+    ## do several parses for each feature, slow, but easier to code
+    ## alternatively: sort by feature and location.
+    for feature in options.features:
+        total = 0
+        bin = 0
+        end = window_size
+        for entry in chunk:
+            if entry.feature != feature: continue
+            while end < entry.start:
+                values[bin].append( total )
+                bin += 1
+                end += window_size
+            while entry.end > end:
+                seg_start = max(entry.start, end - window_size)
+                seg_end = min(entry.end, end)
+                total += seg_end - seg_start
+                values[bin].append( total )                
+                end += window_size
+                bin += 1
+            else:
+                seg_start = max(entry.start, end - window_size)
+                seg_end = min(entry.end, end)
+                total += seg_end - seg_start
+        while bin < num_bins:
+            values[bin].append(total)
+            bin += 1
+    printValues( contig, max_coordinate, window_size, values, options )
+def main( argv = None ):
+    """script main.
+    parses command line options in sys.argv, unless *argv* is given.
+    """
+    if argv == None: argv = sys.argv
+    parser = E.OptionParser( version = "%prog version: $Id: 2781 2009-09-10 11:33:14Z andreas $", usage = globals()["__doc__"])
+    parser.add_option( "-g", "--genome-file", dest="genome_file", type="string",
+                       help="filename with genome [default=%default]"  )
+    parser.add_option( "-f", "--features", dest="features", type="string", action="append",
+                       help="features to collect " 
+                       "[default=%default]" )
+    parser.add_option( "-w", "--window-size", dest="window_size", type="int", 
+                       help="window size in bp for histogram computation. "
+                       "Determines the bin size.  "
+                       "[default=%default]" )
+    parser.add_option( "-b", "--num-bins", dest="num_bins", type="int", 
+                       help="number of bins for histogram computation "
+                       "if window size is not given. "
+                       "[default=%default]" )
+    parser.add_option( "-m", "--method", dest="method", type="choice",
+                       choices = ("genomic", "histogram", ),
+                       help="methods to apply. "
+                       "[default=%default]"  )
+    parser.set_defaults(
+        genome_file = None,
+        window_size = None,
+        num_bins = 1000,
+        value_format = "%6.4f",
+        features = [],
+        method = "genomic",
+        )
+    (options, args) = E.Start( parser, add_output_options = True )
+    if options.genome_file:
+        fasta = IndexedFasta.IndexedFasta( options.genome_file )
+    else:
+        fasta = None
+    if options.method == "histogram":
+        gff = GTF.readFromFile( sys.stdin )
+        gff.sort( lambda x,y: cmp( (x.contig, x.start), (y.contig, y.start) ) )
+        chunk = []
+        last_contig = None
+        for entry in gff:
+            if last_contig != entry.contig:
+                processChunk( last_contig, chunk, options, fasta )
+                last_contig = entry.contig
+                chunk = []
+            chunk.append( entry )
+        processChunk( last_contig, chunk, options, fasta )
+    elif options.method == "genomic":
+        intervals = collections.defaultdict( int )
+        bases = collections.defaultdict( int )
+        total = 0
+        for entry in GTF.iterator( sys.stdin ):
+            intervals[ (entry.contig, entry.source, entry.feature) ] += 1
+            bases[ (entry.contig, entry.source, entry.feature) ] += entry.end - entry.start
+            total += entry.end - entry.start
+        options.stdout.write( "contig\tsource\tfeature\tintervals\tbases" )
+        if fasta:
+            options.stdout.write( "\tpercent_coverage\ttotal_percent_coverage\n" )
+        else:
+            options.stdout.write( "\n" )
+        total_genome_size = sum( fasta.getContigSizes( with_synonyms = False ).values() )
+        for key in sorted (intervals.keys() ):
+            nbases = bases[key]
+            nintervals = intervals[key]
+            contig, source, feature = key
+            options.stdout.write( "\t".join( ( "\t".join(key),
+                                     str(nintervals),
+                                     str(nbases) ) ) )
+            if fasta: 
+                options.stdout.write( "\t%f" % ( 100.0 * float(nbases) / fasta.getLength( contig )))
+                options.stdout.write( "\t%f\n" % ( 100.0 * float(nbases) / total_genome_size ))
+            else: options.stdout.write( "\n" )
+    E.Stop()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    sys.exit( main( sys.argv) )