1 """
2 Provides mapping between extensions and datatypes, mime-types, etc.
3 """
4 import os, sys, tempfile, threading, logging
5 import data, tabular, interval, images, sequence, qualityscore, genetics, xml, coverage, tracks, chrominfo, binary, assembly, ngsindex, wsf, annotation, ontology, termenrichment
6 import galaxy.util
7 from galaxy.util.odict import odict
8 from display_applications.application import DisplayApplication
10 class ConfigurationError( Exception ):
11 pass
13 class Registry( object ):
14 def __init__( self ):
15 self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
16 self.log.addHandler( logging.NullHandler() )
17 self.datatypes_by_extension = {}
18 self.mimetypes_by_extension = {}
19 self.datatype_converters = odict()
20 # Converters defined in local datatypes_conf.xml
21 self.converters = []
22 # Converters defined in datatypes_conf.xml included in installed tool shed repositories.
23 self.proprietary_converters = []
24 self.converter_deps = {}
25 self.available_tracks = []
26 self.set_external_metadata_tool = None
27 self.sniff_order = []
28 self.upload_file_formats = []
29 # Datatype elements defined in local datatypes_conf.xml that contain display applications.
30 self.display_app_containers = []
31 # Datatype elements in datatypes_conf.xml included in installed
32 # tool shed repositories that contain display applications.
33 self.proprietary_display_app_containers = []
34 # Map a display application id to a display application
35 self.display_applications = odict()
36 # The following 2 attributes are used in the to_xml_file()
37 # method to persist the current state into an xml file.
38 self.display_path_attr = None
39 self.converters_path_attr = None
40 # The 'default' converters_path defined in local datatypes_conf.xml
41 self.converters_path = None
42 # The 'default' display_path defined in local datatypes_conf.xml
43 self.display_applications_path = None
44 self.inherit_display_application_by_class = []
45 # Keep a list of imported proprietary datatype class modules.
46 self.imported_modules = []
47 self.datatype_elems = []
48 self.sniffer_elems = []
49 self.xml_filename = None
50 def load_datatypes( self, root_dir=None, config=None, deactivate=False, override=True ):
51 """
52 Parse a datatypes XML file located at root_dir/config. If deactivate is True, an installed tool shed
53 repository that includes proprietary datatypes is being deactivated, so appropriate loaded datatypes
54 will be removed from the registry. The value of override will be False when a tool shed repository is
55 being installed. Since installation is occurring after the datatypes registry has been initialized, its
56 contents cannot be overridden by new introduced conflicting data types.
57 """
58 def __import_module( full_path, datatype_module ):
59 sys.path.insert( 0, full_path )
60 imported_module = __import__( datatype_module )
61 sys.path.pop( 0 )
62 return imported_module
63 if root_dir and config:
64 handling_proprietary_datatypes = False
65 # Parse datatypes_conf.xml
66 tree = galaxy.util.parse_xml( config )
67 root = tree.getroot()
68 # Load datatypes and converters from config
69 if deactivate:
70 self.log.debug( 'Deactivating datatypes from %s' % config )
71 else:
72 self.log.debug( 'Loading datatypes from %s' % config )
73 registration = root.find( 'registration' )
74 # Set default paths defined in local datatypes_conf.xml.
75 if not self.converters_path:
76 self.converters_path_attr = registration.get( 'converters_path', 'lib/galaxy/datatypes/converters' )
77 self.converters_path = os.path.join( root_dir, self.converters_path_attr )
78 if not os.path.isdir( self.converters_path ):
79 raise ConfigurationError( "Directory does not exist: %s" % self.converters_path )
80 if not self.display_applications_path:
81 self.display_path_attr = registration.get( 'display_path', 'display_applications' )
82 self.display_applications_path = os.path.join( root_dir, self.display_path_attr )
83 # Proprietary datatype's <registration> tag may have special attributes, proprietary_converter_path and proprietary_display_path.
84 proprietary_converter_path = registration.get( 'proprietary_converter_path', None )
85 proprietary_display_path = registration.get( 'proprietary_display_path', None )
86 if proprietary_converter_path or proprietary_display_path and not handling_proprietary_datatypes:
87 handling_proprietary_datatypes = True
88 for elem in registration.findall( 'datatype' ):
89 try:
90 extension = elem.get( 'extension', None )
91 dtype = elem.get( 'type', None )
92 type_extension = elem.get( 'type_extension', None )
93 mimetype = elem.get( 'mimetype', None )
94 display_in_upload = elem.get( 'display_in_upload', False )
95 make_subclass = galaxy.util.string_as_bool( elem.get( 'subclass', False ) )
96 # Proprietary datatypes included in installed tool shed repositories will include two special attributes
97 # (proprietary_path and proprietary_datatype_module) if they depend on proprietary datatypes classes.
98 proprietary_path = elem.get( 'proprietary_path', None )
99 proprietary_datatype_module = elem.get( 'proprietary_datatype_module', None )
100 if proprietary_path or proprietary_datatype_module and not handling_proprietary_datatypes:
101 handling_proprietary_datatypes = True
102 if deactivate:
103 # We are deactivating an installed tool shed repository, so eliminate the
104 # datatype elem from the in-memory list of datatype elems.
105 for in_memory_elem in self.datatype_elems:
106 in_memory_extension = in_memory_elem.get( 'extension', None )
107 if in_memory_extension == extension:
108 in_memory_dtype = elem.get( 'type', None )
109 in_memory_type_extension = elem.get( 'type_extension', None )
110 in_memory_mimetype = elem.get( 'mimetype', None )
111 in_memory_display_in_upload = elem.get( 'display_in_upload', False )
112 in_memory_make_subclass = galaxy.util.string_as_bool( elem.get( 'subclass', False ) )
113 if in_memory_dtype == dtype and in_memory_type_extension == type_extension and in_memory_mimetype == mimetype \
114 and in_memory_display_in_upload == display_in_upload and in_memory_make_subclass == make_subclass:
115 self.datatype_elems.remove( in_memory_elem )
116 else:
117 # Keep an in-memory list of datatype elems to enable persistence.
118 self.datatype_elems.append( elem )
119 if extension and extension in self.datatypes_by_extension and deactivate:
120 # We are deactivating an installed tool shed repository, so eliminate the datatype from the registry.
121 # TODO: Handle deactivating datatype converters, etc before removing from self.datatypes_by_extension.
122 self.log.debug( "Removing datatype with extension '%s' from the registry." % extension )
123 del self.datatypes_by_extension[ extension ]
124 can_process_datatype = False
125 else:
126 can_process_datatype = ( extension and ( dtype or type_extension ) ) and ( extension not in self.datatypes_by_extension or override )
127 if can_process_datatype:
128 if dtype:
129 fields = dtype.split( ':' )
130 datatype_module = fields[0]
131 datatype_class_name = fields[1]
132 datatype_class = None
133 if proprietary_path and proprietary_datatype_module:
134 # We need to change the value of sys.path, so do it in a way that is thread-safe.
135 lock = threading.Lock()
136 lock.acquire( True )
137 try:
138 imported_module = __import_module( proprietary_path, proprietary_datatype_module )
139 if imported_module not in self.imported_modules:
140 self.imported_modules.append( imported_module )
141 if hasattr( imported_module, datatype_class_name ):
142 datatype_class = getattr( imported_module, datatype_class_name )
143 except Exception, e:
144 full_path = os.path.join( full_path, proprietary_datatype_module )
145 self.log.debug( "Exception importing proprietary code file %s: %s" % ( str( full_path ), str( e ) ) )
146 finally:
147 lock.release()
148 if datatype_class is None:
149 # The datatype class name must be contained in one of the datatype modules in the Galaxy distribution.
150 fields = datatype_module.split( '.' )
151 module = __import__( fields.pop(0) )
152 for mod in fields:
153 module = getattr( module, mod )
154 datatype_class = getattr( module, datatype_class_name )
155 elif type_extension:
156 datatype_class = self.datatypes_by_extension[type_extension].__class__
157 if make_subclass:
158 datatype_class = type( datatype_class_name, (datatype_class,), {} )
159 if extension in self.datatypes_by_extension:
160 self.log.warning( "Overriding conflicting datatype with extension '%s', using datatype from %s." % ( extension, config ) )
161 self.datatypes_by_extension[ extension ] = datatype_class()
162 if mimetype is None:
163 # Use default mime type as per datatype spec
164 mimetype = self.datatypes_by_extension[ extension ].get_mime()
165 self.mimetypes_by_extension[ extension ] = mimetype
166 if hasattr( datatype_class, "get_track_type" ):
167 self.available_tracks.append( extension )
168 if display_in_upload:
169 self.upload_file_formats.append( extension )
170 # Max file size cut off for setting optional metadata
171 self.datatypes_by_extension[ extension ].max_optional_metadata_filesize = elem.get( 'max_optional_metadata_filesize', None )
172 for converter in elem.findall( 'converter' ):
173 # Build the list of datatype converters which will later be loaded into the calling app's toolbox.
174 converter_config = converter.get( 'file', None )
175 target_datatype = converter.get( 'target_datatype', None )
176 depends_on = converter.get( 'depends_on', None )
177 if depends_on and target_datatype:
178 if extension not in self.converter_deps:
179 self.converter_deps[extension] = {}
180 self.converter_deps[extension][target_datatype] = depends_on.split(',')
181 if converter_config and target_datatype:
182 #if imported_modules:
183 if proprietary_converter_path:
184 self.proprietary_converters.append( ( converter_config, extension, target_datatype ) )
185 else:
186 self.converters.append( ( converter_config, extension, target_datatype ) )
187 for composite_file in elem.findall( 'composite_file' ):
188 # add composite files
189 name = composite_file.get( 'name', None )
190 if name is None:
191 self.log.warning( "You must provide a name for your composite_file (%s)." % composite_file )
192 optional = composite_file.get( 'optional', False )
193 mimetype = composite_file.get( 'mimetype', None )
194 self.datatypes_by_extension[extension].add_composite_file( name, optional=optional, mimetype=mimetype )
195 for display_app in elem.findall( 'display' ):
196 #if imported_modules:
197 if proprietary_display_path:
198 if elem not in self.proprietary_display_app_containers:
199 self.proprietary_display_app_containers.append( elem )
200 else:
201 if elem not in self.display_app_containers:
202 self.display_app_containers.append( elem )
203 elif not deactivate:
204 # A new tool shed repository that contains proprietary datatypes is being installed, and since installation
205 # is occurring after the datatypes registry has been initialized, its contents cannot be overridden by new
206 # introduced conflicting data types.
207 self.log.warning( "Ignoring conflicting datatype with extension '%s' from %s." % ( extension, config ) )
208 except Exception, e:
209 if deactivate:
210 self.log.warning( "Error deactivating datatype with extension '%s': %s" % ( extension, str( e ) ) )
211 else:
212 self.log.warning( "Error loading datatype with extension '%s': %s" % ( extension, str( e ) ) )
213 # Load datatype sniffers from the config
214 sniffers = root.find( 'sniffers' )
215 if sniffers:
216 for elem in sniffers.findall( 'sniffer' ):
217 # Keep an in-memory list of sniffer elems to enable persistence.
218 self.sniffer_elems.append( elem )
219 dtype = elem.get( 'type', None )
220 if dtype:
221 try:
222 fields = dtype.split( ":" )
223 datatype_module = fields[0]
224 datatype_class_name = fields[1]
225 module = None
226 #if imported_modules:
227 if handling_proprietary_datatypes:
228 # See if one of the imported modules contains the datatype class name.
229 for imported_module in self.imported_modules:
230 if hasattr( imported_module, datatype_class_name ):
231 module = imported_module
232 break
233 if module is None:
234 # The datatype class name must be contained in one of the datatype modules in the Galaxy distribution.
235 module = __import__( datatype_module )
236 for comp in datatype_module.split( '.' )[ 1: ]:
237 module = getattr( module, comp )
238 aclass = getattr( module, datatype_class_name )()
239 if deactivate:
240 for sniffer_class in self.sniff_order:
241 if sniffer_class.__class__ == aclass.__class__:
242 self.sniff_order.remove( sniffer_class )
243 break
244 self.log.debug( "Deactivated sniffer for datatype '%s'" % dtype )
245 else:
246 # See if we have a conflicting sniffer already loaded.
247 conflict = False
248 for conflict_loc, sniffer_class in enumerate( self.sniff_order ):
249 if sniffer_class.__class__ == aclass.__class__:
250 # We have a conflicting sniffer, so replace the one previously loaded.
251 conflict = True
252 if override:
253 del self.sniff_order[ conflict_loc ]
254 self.log.debug( "Replaced conflicting sniffer for datatype '%s'" % dtype )
255 break
256 if conflict:
257 if override:
258 self.sniff_order.append( aclass )
259 self.log.debug( "Loaded sniffer for datatype '%s'" % dtype )
260 else:
261 self.sniff_order.append( aclass )
262 self.log.debug( "Loaded sniffer for datatype '%s'" % dtype )
263 except Exception, exc:
264 if deactivate:
265 self.log.warning( "Error deactivating sniffer for datatype '%s': %s" % ( dtype, str( exc ) ) )
266 else:
267 self.log.warning( "Error appending sniffer for datatype '%s' to sniff_order: %s" % ( dtype, str( exc ) ) )
268 self.upload_file_formats.sort()
269 # Persist the xml form of the registry into a temporary file so that it
270 # can be loaded from the command line by tools and set_metadata processing.
271 self.to_xml_file()
272 # Default values.
273 if not self.datatypes_by_extension:
274 self.datatypes_by_extension = {
275 ## required for galaxy-obo:
276 'obo' : ontology.Obo(),
277 'owl' : ontology.Owl(),
278 'ontology' : ontology.Ontology(),
279 'gaf' : annotation.Gaf(),
280 'terf' : termenrichment.TerfTab(),
282 'ab1' : binary.Ab1(),
283 'axt' : sequence.Axt(),
284 'bam' : binary.Bam(),
285 'bed' : interval.Bed(),
286 'blastxml' : xml.BlastXml(),
287 'coverage' : coverage.LastzCoverage(),
288 'customtrack' : interval.CustomTrack(),
289 'csfasta' : sequence.csFasta(),
290 'fasta' : sequence.Fasta(),
291 'eland' : tabular.Eland(),
292 'fastq' : sequence.Fastq(),
293 'fastqsanger' : sequence.FastqSanger(),
294 'gtf' : interval.Gtf(),
295 'gff' : interval.Gff(),
296 'gff3' : interval.Gff3(),
297 'genetrack' : tracks.GeneTrack(),
298 'interval' : interval.Interval(),
299 'laj' : images.Laj(),
300 'lav' : sequence.Lav(),
301 'maf' : sequence.Maf(),
302 'pileup' : tabular.Pileup(),
303 'qualsolid' : qualityscore.QualityScoreSOLiD(),
304 'qualsolexa' : qualityscore.QualityScoreSolexa(),
305 'qual454' : qualityscore.QualityScore454(),
306 'sam' : tabular.Sam(),
307 'scf' : binary.Scf(),
308 'sff' : binary.Sff(),
309 'tabular' : tabular.Tabular(),
310 'taxonomy' : tabular.Taxonomy(),
311 'txt' : data.Text(),
312 'wig' : interval.Wiggle(),
313 'xml' : xml.GenericXml(),
314 }
315 self.mimetypes_by_extension = {
316 'ab1' : 'application/octet-stream',
317 'axt' : 'text/plain',
318 'bam' : 'application/octet-stream',
319 'bed' : 'text/plain',
320 'blastxml' : 'application/xml',
321 'customtrack' : 'text/plain',
322 'csfasta' : 'text/plain',
323 'eland' : 'application/octet-stream',
324 'fasta' : 'text/plain',
325 'fastq' : 'text/plain',
326 'fastqsanger' : 'text/plain',
327 'gtf' : 'text/plain',
328 'gff' : 'text/plain',
329 'gff3' : 'text/plain',
330 'interval' : 'text/plain',
331 'laj' : 'text/plain',
332 'lav' : 'text/plain',
333 'maf' : 'text/plain',
334 'memexml' : 'application/xml',
335 'pileup' : 'text/plain',
336 'qualsolid' : 'text/plain',
337 'qualsolexa' : 'text/plain',
338 'qual454' : 'text/plain',
339 'sam' : 'text/plain',
340 'scf' : 'application/octet-stream',
341 'sff' : 'application/octet-stream',
342 'tabular' : 'text/plain',
343 'taxonomy' : 'text/plain',
344 'txt' : 'text/plain',
345 'wig' : 'text/plain',
346 'xml' : 'application/xml',
347 }
348 # super supertype fix for input steps in workflows.
349 if 'data' not in self.datatypes_by_extension:
350 self.datatypes_by_extension['data'] = data.Data()
351 self.mimetypes_by_extension['data'] = 'application/octet-stream'
352 # Default values - the order in which we attempt to determine data types is critical
353 # because some formats are much more flexibly defined than others.
354 if len(self.sniff_order) < 1:
355 self.sniff_order = [
356 binary.Bam(),
357 binary.Sff(),
358 xml.BlastXml(),
359 xml.GenericXml(),
360 sequence.Maf(),
361 sequence.Lav(),
362 sequence.csFasta(),
363 qualityscore.QualityScoreSOLiD(),
364 qualityscore.QualityScore454(),
365 sequence.Fasta(),
366 sequence.Fastq(),
367 interval.Wiggle(),
368 images.Html(),
369 sequence.Axt(),
370 interval.Bed(),
371 interval.CustomTrack(),
372 interval.Gtf(),
373 interval.Gff(),
374 interval.Gff3(),
375 tabular.Pileup(),
376 interval.Interval(),
377 tabular.Sam(),
378 tabular.Eland()
379 ]
380 def append_to_sniff_order():
381 # Just in case any supported data types are not included in the config's sniff_order section.
382 for ext in self.datatypes_by_extension:
383 datatype = self.datatypes_by_extension[ext]
384 included = False
385 for atype in self.sniff_order:
386 if isinstance(atype, datatype.__class__):
387 included = True
388 break
389 if not included:
390 self.sniff_order.append(datatype)
391 append_to_sniff_order()
392 def get_available_tracks(self):
393 return self.available_tracks
394 def get_mimetype_by_extension(self, ext, default = 'application/octet-stream' ):
395 """Returns a mimetype based on an extension"""
396 try:
397 mimetype = self.mimetypes_by_extension[ext]
398 except KeyError:
399 #datatype was never declared
400 mimetype = default
401 self.log.warning('unknown mimetype in data factory %s' % ext)
402 return mimetype
403 def get_datatype_by_extension(self, ext ):
404 """Returns a datatype based on an extension"""
405 try:
406 builder = self.datatypes_by_extension[ext]
407 except KeyError:
408 builder = data.Text()
409 return builder
410 def change_datatype(self, data, ext, set_meta = True ):
411 data.extension = ext
412 # call init_meta and copy metadata from itself. The datatype
413 # being converted *to* will handle any metadata copying and
414 # initialization.
415 if data.has_data():
416 data.set_size()
417 data.init_meta( copy_from=data )
418 if set_meta:
419 #metadata is being set internally
420 data.set_meta( overwrite = False )
421 data.set_peek()
422 return data
423 def old_change_datatype(self, data, ext):
424 """Creates and returns a new datatype based on an existing data and an extension"""
425 newdata = factory(ext)(id=data.id)
426 for key, value in data.__dict__.items():
427 setattr(newdata, key, value)
428 newdata.ext = ext
429 return newdata
430 def load_datatype_converters( self, toolbox, installed_repository_dict=None, deactivate=False ):
431 """
432 If deactivate is False, add datatype converters from self.converters or self.proprietary_converters
433 to the calling app's toolbox. If deactivate is True, eliminates relevant converters from the calling
434 app's toolbox.
435 """
436 if installed_repository_dict:
437 # Load converters defined by datatypes_conf.xml included in installed tool shed repository.
438 converters = self.proprietary_converters
439 else:
440 # Load converters defined by local datatypes_conf.xml.
441 converters = self.converters
442 for elem in converters:
443 tool_config = elem[0]
444 source_datatype = elem[1]
445 target_datatype = elem[2]
446 if installed_repository_dict:
447 converter_path = installed_repository_dict[ 'converter_path' ]
448 config_path = os.path.join( converter_path, tool_config )
449 else:
450 config_path = os.path.join( self.converters_path, tool_config )
451 try:
452 converter = toolbox.load_tool( config_path )
453 if installed_repository_dict:
454 # If the converter is included in an installed tool shed repository, set the tool
455 # shed related tool attributes.
456 converter.tool_shed = installed_repository_dict[ 'tool_shed' ]
457 converter.repository_name = installed_repository_dict[ 'repository_name' ]
458 converter.repository_owner = installed_repository_dict[ 'repository_owner' ]
459 converter.installed_changeset_revision = installed_repository_dict[ 'installed_changeset_revision' ]
460 converter.old_id = converter.id
461 # The converter should be included in the list of tools defined in tool_dicts.
462 tool_dicts = installed_repository_dict[ 'tool_dicts' ]
463 for tool_dict in tool_dicts:
464 if tool_dict[ 'id' ] == converter.id:
465 converter.guid = tool_dict[ 'guid' ]
466 converter.id = tool_dict[ 'guid' ]
467 break
468 if deactivate:
469 del toolbox.tools_by_id[ converter.id ]
470 if source_datatype in self.datatype_converters:
471 del self.datatype_converters[ source_datatype ][ target_datatype ]
472 self.log.debug( "Deactivated converter: %s", converter.id )
473 else:
474 toolbox.tools_by_id[ converter.id ] = converter
475 if source_datatype not in self.datatype_converters:
476 self.datatype_converters[ source_datatype ] = odict()
477 self.datatype_converters[ source_datatype ][ target_datatype ] = converter
478 self.log.debug( "Loaded converter: %s", converter.id )
479 except Exception, e:
480 if deactivate:
481 self.log.exception( "Error deactivating converter (%s): %s" % ( config_path, str( e ) ) )
482 else:
483 self.log.exception( "Error loading converter (%s): %s" % ( config_path, str( e ) ) )
484 def load_display_applications( self, installed_repository_dict=None, deactivate=False ):
485 """
486 If deactivate is False, add display applications from self.display_app_containers or
487 self.proprietary_display_app_containers to appropriate datatypes. If deactivate is
488 True, eliminates relevant display applications from appropriate datatypes.
489 """
490 if installed_repository_dict:
491 # Load display applications defined by datatypes_conf.xml included in installed tool shed repository.
492 datatype_elems = self.proprietary_display_app_containers
493 else:
494 # Load display applications defined by local datatypes_conf.xml.
495 datatype_elems = self.display_app_containers
496 for elem in datatype_elems:
497 extension = elem.get( 'extension', None )
498 for display_app in elem.findall( 'display' ):
499 display_file = display_app.get( 'file', None )
500 if installed_repository_dict:
501 display_path = installed_repository_dict[ 'display_path' ]
502 display_file_head, display_file_tail = os.path.split( display_file )
503 config_path = os.path.join( display_path, display_file_tail )
504 else:
505 config_path = os.path.join( self.display_applications_path, display_file )
506 try:
507 inherit = galaxy.util.string_as_bool( display_app.get( 'inherit', 'False' ) )
508 display_app = DisplayApplication.from_file( config_path, self )
509 if display_app:
510 if display_app.id in self.display_applications:
511 if deactivate:
512 del self.display_applications[ display_app.id ]
513 else:
514 # If we already loaded this display application, we'll use the first one loaded.
515 display_app = self.display_applications[ display_app.id ]
516 elif installed_repository_dict:
517 # If the display application is included in an installed tool shed repository,
518 # set the tool shed related tool attributes.
519 display_app.tool_shed = installed_repository_dict[ 'tool_shed' ]
520 display_app.repository_name = installed_repository_dict[ 'repository_name' ]
521 display_app.repository_owner = installed_repository_dict[ 'repository_owner' ]
522 display_app.installed_changeset_revision = installed_repository_dict[ 'installed_changeset_revision' ]
523 display_app.old_id = display_app.id
524 # The display application should be included in the list of tools defined in tool_dicts.
525 tool_dicts = installed_repository_dict[ 'tool_dicts' ]
526 for tool_dict in tool_dicts:
527 if tool_dict[ 'id' ] == display_app.id:
528 display_app.guid = tool_dict[ 'guid' ]
529 display_app.id = tool_dict[ 'guid' ]
530 break
531 if deactivate:
532 del self.display_applications[ display_app.id ]
533 del self.datatypes_by_extension[ extension ].display_applications[ display_app.id ]
534 if inherit and ( self.datatypes_by_extension[ extension ], display_app ) in self.inherit_display_application_by_class:
535 self.inherit_display_application_by_class.remove( ( self.datatypes_by_extension[ extension ], display_app ) )
536 self.log.debug( "Deactivated display application '%s' for datatype '%s'." % ( display_app.id, extension ) )
537 else:
538 self.display_applications[ display_app.id ] = display_app
539 self.datatypes_by_extension[ extension ].add_display_application( display_app )
540 if inherit and ( self.datatypes_by_extension[ extension ], display_app ) not in self.inherit_display_application_by_class:
541 self.inherit_display_application_by_class.append( ( self.datatypes_by_extension[ extension ], display_app ) )
542 self.log.debug( "Loaded display application '%s' for datatype '%s', inherit=%s." % ( display_app.id, extension, inherit ) )
543 except Exception, e:
544 if deactivate:
545 self.log.exception( "Error deactivating display application (%s): %s" % ( config_path, str( e ) ) )
546 else:
547 self.log.exception( "Error loading display application (%s): %s" % ( config_path, str( e ) ) )
548 # Handle display_application subclass inheritance.
549 for extension, d_type1 in self.datatypes_by_extension.iteritems():
550 for d_type2, display_app in self.inherit_display_application_by_class:
551 current_app = d_type1.get_display_application( display_app.id, None )
552 if current_app is None and isinstance( d_type1, type( d_type2 ) ):
553 self.log.debug( "Adding inherited display application '%s' to datatype '%s'" % ( display_app.id, extension ) )
554 d_type1.add_display_application( display_app )
555 def load_external_metadata_tool( self, toolbox ):
556 """Adds a tool which is used to set external metadata"""
557 # We need to be able to add a job to the queue to set metadata. The queue will currently only accept jobs with an associated
558 # tool. We'll create a special tool to be used for Auto-Detecting metadata; this is less than ideal, but effective
559 # Properly building a tool without relying on parsing an XML file is near impossible...so we'll create a temporary file
560 tool_xml_text = """
561 <tool id="__SET_METADATA__" name="Set External Metadata" version="1.0.1" tool_type="set_metadata">
562 <type class="SetMetadataTool" module="galaxy.tools"/>
563 <action module="galaxy.tools.actions.metadata" class="SetMetadataToolAction"/>
564 <command>$__SET_EXTERNAL_METADATA_COMMAND_LINE__</command>
565 <inputs>
566 <param format="data" name="input1" type="data" label="File to set metadata on."/>
567 <param name="__ORIGINAL_DATASET_STATE__" type="hidden" value=""/>
568 <param name="__SET_EXTERNAL_METADATA_COMMAND_LINE__" type="hidden" value=""/>
569 </inputs>
570 </tool>
571 """
572 tmp_name = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
573 tmp_name.write( tool_xml_text )
574 tmp_name.flush()
575 set_meta_tool = toolbox.load_tool( tmp_name.name )
576 toolbox.tools_by_id[ set_meta_tool.id ] = set_meta_tool
577 self.set_external_metadata_tool = set_meta_tool
578 self.log.debug( "Loaded external metadata tool: %s", self.set_external_metadata_tool.id )
579 def get_converters_by_datatype(self, ext):
580 """Returns available converters by source type"""
581 converters = odict()
582 source_datatype = type(self.get_datatype_by_extension(ext))
583 for ext2, dict in self.datatype_converters.items():
584 converter_datatype = type(self.get_datatype_by_extension(ext2))
585 if issubclass(source_datatype, converter_datatype):
586 converters.update(dict)
587 #Ensure ext-level converters are present
588 if ext in self.datatype_converters.keys():
589 converters.update(self.datatype_converters[ext])
590 return converters
591 def get_converter_by_target_type(self, source_ext, target_ext):
592 """Returns a converter based on source and target datatypes"""
593 converters = self.get_converters_by_datatype(source_ext)
594 if target_ext in converters.keys():
595 return converters[target_ext]
596 return None
597 def find_conversion_destination_for_dataset_by_extensions( self, dataset, accepted_formats, converter_safe = True ):
598 """Returns ( target_ext, existing converted dataset )"""
599 for convert_ext in self.get_converters_by_datatype( dataset.ext ):
600 if isinstance( self.get_datatype_by_extension( convert_ext ), accepted_formats ):
601 converted_dataset = dataset.get_converted_files_by_type( convert_ext )
602 if converted_dataset:
603 ret_data = converted_dataset
604 elif not converter_safe:
605 continue
606 else:
607 ret_data = None
608 return ( convert_ext, ret_data )
609 return ( None, None )
610 def get_composite_extensions( self ):
611 return [ ext for ( ext, d_type ) in self.datatypes_by_extension.iteritems() if d_type.composite_type is not None ]
612 def get_upload_metadata_params( self, context, group, tool ):
613 """Returns dict of case value:inputs for metadata conditional for upload tool"""
614 rval = {}
615 for ext, d_type in self.datatypes_by_extension.iteritems():
616 inputs = []
617 for meta_name, meta_spec in d_type.metadata_spec.iteritems():
618 if meta_spec.set_in_upload:
619 help_txt = meta_spec.desc
620 if not help_txt or help_txt == meta_name:
621 help_txt = ""
622 inputs.append( '<param type="text" name="%s" label="Set metadata value for "%s"" value="%s" help="%s"/>' % ( meta_name, meta_name, meta_spec.default, help_txt ) )
623 rval[ ext ] = "\n".join( inputs )
624 if 'auto' not in rval and 'txt' in rval: #need to manually add 'auto' datatype
625 rval[ 'auto' ] = rval[ 'txt' ]
626 return rval
627 @property
628 def integrated_datatypes_configs( self ):
629 if self.xml_filename and os.path.isfile( self.xml_filename ):
630 return self.xml_filename
631 self.to_xml_file()
632 return self.xml_filename
633 def to_xml_file( self ):
634 if self.xml_filename is not None:
635 # If persisted previously, attempt to remove
636 # the temporary file in which we were written.
637 try:
638 os.unlink( self.xml_filename )
639 except:
640 pass
641 self.xml_filename = None
642 fd, filename = tempfile.mkstemp()
643 self.xml_filename = os.path.abspath( filename )
644 if self.converters_path_attr:
645 converters_path_str = ' converters_path="%s"' % self.converters_path_attr
646 else:
647 converters_path_str = ''
648 if self.display_path_attr:
649 display_path_str = ' display_path="%s"' % self.display_path_attr
650 else:
651 display_path_str = ''
652 os.write( fd, '<?xml version="1.0"?>\n' )
653 os.write( fd, '<datatypes>\n' )
654 os.write( fd, '<registration%s%s>\n' % ( converters_path_str, display_path_str ) )
655 for elem in self.datatype_elems:
656 os.write( fd, '%s' % galaxy.util.xml_to_string( elem ) )
657 os.write( fd, '</registration>\n' )
658 os.write( fd, '<sniffers>\n' )
659 for elem in self.sniffer_elems:
660 os.write( fd, '%s' % galaxy.util.xml_to_string( elem ) )
661 os.write( fd, '</sniffers>\n' )
662 os.write( fd, '</datatypes>\n' )
663 os.close( fd )
664 os.chmod( self.xml_filename, 0644 )