1 <?xml version="1.0"?>
2 <job_conf>
3 <plugins workers="4">
4 <!-- "workers" is the number of threads for the runner's work queue.
5 The default from <plugins> is used if not defined for a <plugin>.
6 -->
7 <plugin id="plugin_local" type="runner" load="galaxy.jobs.runners.local:LocalJobRunner"/>
8 <plugin id="plugin_pulsar_rest" type="runner" load="galaxy.jobs.runners.pulsar:PulsarRESTJobRunner">
9 <!-- Allow optimized HTTP calls with libcurl (defaults to urllib) -->
10 <!-- <param id="transport">curl</param> -->
11 <!-- *Experimental Caching*: Next parameter enables caching.
12 Likely will not work with newer features such as MQ support.
13 If this is enabled be sure to specify a `file_cache_dir` in
14 the remote Pulsar's servers main configuration file.
15 -->
16 <!-- <param id="cache">True</param> -->
17 </plugin>
18 </plugins>
20 <destinations default="destination_local">
21 <destination id="destination_local" runner="plugin_local"/>
23 <destination id="destination_winserver_pulsar_rest" runner="plugin_pulsar_rest">
24 <param id="manager">_default_</param>
25 <param id="url">http://winserver.myu.edu:8900/</param>
26 <!-- If set, private_token must match token in remote Pulsar's
27 configuration. -->
28 <param id="private_token">your_ultra-secret_magic_token_here</param>
29 <!-- Uncomment the following statement to disable file staging (e.g.
30 if there is a shared file system between Galaxy and the Pulsar
31 server). Alternatively action can be set to 'copy' - to replace
32 http transfers with file system copies, 'remote_transfer' to cause
33 the Pulsar to initiate HTTP transfers instead of Galaxy, or
34 'remote_copy' to cause Pulsar to initiate file system copies.
35 If setting this to 'remote_transfer' be sure to specify a
36 'galaxy_url' attribute on the runner plugin above.
37 -->
38 <!-- <param id="default_file_action">none</param> -->
39 <!-- The above option is just the default, the transfer behavior
40 none|copy|http can be configured on a per path basis via the
41 following file. See Pulsar documentation for more details and
42 examples.
43 -->
44 <!-- <param id="file_action_config">file_actions.yaml</param> -->
45 <!-- The non-legacy Pulsar runners will attempt to resolve Galaxy
46 dependencies remotely - to enable this set a tool_dependency_dir
47 in Pulsar's configuration (can work with all the same dependency
48 resolutions mechanisms as Galaxy - tool Shed installs, Galaxy
49 packages, etc...). To disable this behavior, set the follow parameter
50 to none. To generate the dependency resolution command locally
51 set the following parameter local.
52 -->
53 <!-- <param id="dependency_resolution">none</params> -->
54 <!-- Uncomment following option to enable setting metadata on remote
55 Pulsar server. The 'use_remote_datatypes' option is available for
56 determining whether to use remotely configured datatypes or local
57 ones (both alternatives are a little brittle).
58 -->
59 <!-- <param id="remote_metadata">true</param> -->
60 <!-- <param id="use_remote_datatypes">false</param> -->
61 <!-- <param id="remote_property_galaxy_home">/path/to/remote/galaxy-central</param> -->
62 <!-- If remote Pulsar server is configured to run jobs as the real user,
63 uncomment the following line to pass the current Galaxy user
64 along.
65 -->
66 <!-- <param id="submit_user">$__user_name__</param> -->
67 <!-- Various other submission parameters can be passed along to the Pulsar
68 whose use will depend on the remote Pulsar's configured job manager.
69 For instance:
70 -->
71 <!-- <param id="submit_native_specification">-P bignodes -R y -pe threads 8</param> -->
72 <!-- Disable parameter rewriting and rewrite generated commands
73 instead. This may be required if remote host is Windows machine
74 but probably not otherwise.
75 -->
76 <!-- <param id="rewrite_parameters">false</params> -->
77 </destination>
79 </destinations>
81 <tools>
82 <tool id="msconvert_win" destination="destination_winserver_pulsar_rest"/>
83 </tools>
85 </job_conf>