changeset 18:d26b184866b4 draft

Deleted selected files
author jeremie
date Tue, 01 Jul 2014 09:28:30 -0400
parents e7cb65b58ede
children 87a6ec1e2400
diffstat 2 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 896 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/	Tue Jul 01 09:28:20 2014 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,769 +0,0 @@
-#Create a BreakDancer configuration file from a set of bam files
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Getopt::Std;
-use Statistics::Descriptive;
-use GD::Graph::histogram;
-use FindBin qw($Bin);
-use lib "$FindBin::Bin";
-#use lib '/gscuser/kchen/1000genomes/analysis/scripts/';
-use AlnParser;
-my %opts = (q=>35, n=>10000, v=>1, c=>4, b=>50, s=>50);
-getopts('q:n:c:b:p:hmf:gCv:', \%opts);
-Usage: <bam files>
-         -q INT    Minimum mapping quality [$opts{q}]
-         -m        Using mapping quality instead of alternative mapping quality
-         -s        Minimal mean insert size [$opts{s}]
-         -C        Change default system from Illumina to SOLiD
-         -c FLOAT  Cutoff in unit of standard deviation [$opts{c}]
-         -n INT    Number of observation required to estimate mean and s.d. insert size [$opts{n}]
-         -v FLOAT  Cutoff on coefficients of variation [$opts{v}]
-         -f STRING A two column tab-delimited text file (RG, LIB) specify the RG=>LIB mapping, useful when BAM header is incomplete
-	 -b INT	   Number of bins in the histogram [$opts{b}] 
-         -g        Output mapping flag distribution
-         -h        Plot insert size histogram for each BAM library
-") unless (@ARGV);
-my $AP=new AlnParser(platform=>$opts{C});
-my %cRGlib; my %clibs;
-  open(RGLIB,"<$opts{f}") || die "unable to open $opts{f}\n";
-  while(<RGLIB>){
-    chomp;
-    my ($rg,$lib)=split;
-    $clibs{$lib}=1;
-    $cRGlib{$rg}=$lib;
-  }
-foreach my $fbam(@ARGV){
-  my %RGlib;
-  my %RGplatform;
-  my %libs;
-  my %insert_stat;
-  my %readlen_stat;
-  my %libpos;
-  my %flagHgram;
-  my $recordcounter=0;
-  my $expected_max;
-  if(defined $opts{f}){
-    %RGlib=%cRGlib;
-    %libs=%clibs;
-  }
-  my $ppos=0;
-  open(BAM,"samtools view -h $fbam |") || die "unable to open $fbam\n";
-  while(<BAM>){
-    chomp;
-    if(/^\@RG/){  #getting RG=>LIB mapping from the bam header
-      my ($id)=($_=~/ID\:(\S+)/);
-      my ($lib)=($_=~/LB\:(\S+)/);
-      my ($platform)=($_=~/PL\:(\S+)/);
-      my ($sample)=($_=~/SM\:(\S+)/);
-      my ($insertsize)=($_=~/PI\:(\d+)/);
-      #if(defined $insertsize && $insertsize>0){
-	#$lib=$sample . '_'. $lib;
-	$libs{$lib}=1;
-	$RGlib{$id}=$lib;
-        $RGplatform{$id}=$platform;
-      #}
-    }
-    else{
-      next if(/^\@/);
-      my @libas=keys %libs;
-      my @selected_libs=keys %insert_stat;
-      if($#libas<0){ 
-	if($#selected_libs>=0){
-	  last;
-	}
-	else{
-	  $libs{'NA'}=1;
-	  $RGlib{'NA'}='NA';
-	  $RGplatform{'NA'}=($opts{C})?'solid':'illumina';
-	}
-      }
-      if(!defined $expected_max || $expected_max<=0){
-	$expected_max=3*($#libas+1)*$opts{n};
-      }
-      last if($recordcounter>$expected_max);
-      my $t=$AP->in($_,'sam',\%RGplatform,$opts{m});
-      #die "Please sort bam by position\n" if($t->{pos}<$ppos);
-      next if($t->{pos}<$ppos);
-      $ppos=$t->{pos};
-      my $lib;
-      if(defined $t->{readgroup}){
-	if(defined $RGlib{$t->{readgroup}}){
-	  $lib=$RGlib{$t->{readgroup}};
-	}
-	else{
-	  $lib=$t->{readgroup};
-          $libs{$t->{readgroup}}=1;
-	  $RGlib{$t->{readgroup}}=$t->{readgroup};
-        }
-      }
-      else{
-	$lib='NA';
-      }
-      #my $lib=($t->{readgroup})?$RGlib{$t->{readgroup}}:'NA';  #when multiple libraries are in a BAM file
-      next unless(defined $lib && $libs{$lib});
-      $readlen_stat{$lib}=Statistics::Descriptive::Full->new() if(!defined $readlen_stat{$lib});
-      $readlen_stat{$lib}->add_data($t->{readlen});
-      next if ($t->{qual}<=$opts{q});  #skip low quality mapped reads
-      $recordcounter++;
-      $libpos{$lib}++;
-      if(defined $t->{readgroup}){
-	$flagHgram{$t->{readgroup}}{$t->{flag}}++;
-	$flagHgram{$t->{readgroup}}{all}++;
-      }
-      my $nreads=(defined $insert_stat{$lib})?$insert_stat{$lib}->count():1;
-      if($nreads/$libpos{$lib}<1e-4){  #single-end lane
-	delete $libs{$lib};
-	delete $insert_stat{$lib};
-      }
-      next unless(($t->{flag}==18 || $t->{flag}==20) && $t->{dist}>=0);
-      $insert_stat{$lib}=Statistics::Descriptive::Full->new() if(!defined $insert_stat{$lib});
-      $insert_stat{$lib}->add_data($t->{dist});
-      if($insert_stat{$lib}->count()>$opts{n}){
-	delete $libs{$lib};
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  close(BAM);
-  my %stdms;
-  my %stdps;
-  foreach my $lib(keys %insert_stat){
-    my $readlen=$readlen_stat{$lib}->mean();
-    my @isize=$insert_stat{$lib}->get_data();
-    my $mean=$insert_stat{$lib}->mean();
-    my $std=$insert_stat{$lib}->standard_deviation();
-    delete $insert_stat{$lib};
-    my $insertsize=Statistics::Descriptive::Full->new();
-    foreach my $x(@isize){
-      next if($x>$mean+5*$std);
-      $insertsize->add_data($x);
-    }
-    $mean=$insertsize->mean();
-    $std=$insertsize->standard_deviation();
-    next if($mean<$opts{s});
-    my $cv=$std/$mean;
-    if($cv>=$opts{v}){
-      print STDERR "Coefficient of variation $cv in library $lib is larger than the cutoff $opts{v}, poor quality data, excluding from further analysis.\n";
-      next;
-    }
-    my $num=$insertsize->count();
-    next if($num<100);
-    my ($stdm,$stdp)=(0,0);
-    my ($nstdm,$nstdp)=(0,0);
-    foreach my $x($insertsize->get_data()){
-      if($x>$mean){
-	$stdp+=($x-$mean)**2;
-	$nstdp++;
-      }
-      else{
-	$stdm+=($x-$mean)**2;
-	$nstdm++;
-      }
-    }
-    $stdm=sqrt($stdm/($nstdm-1));
-    $stdp=sqrt($stdp/($nstdp-1));
-    $stdms{$lib}=$stdm;
-    $stdps{$lib}=$stdp;
-    $insert_stat{$lib}=$insertsize;
-  }
-  foreach my $rg(keys %RGlib){
-    my $lib=$RGlib{$rg};
-    my $platform=$RGplatform{$rg} || 'illumina';  #default illumina
-    next unless($insert_stat{$lib});
-    my $readlen=$readlen_stat{$lib}->mean();
-    my $mean=$insert_stat{$lib}->mean();
-    my $std=$insert_stat{$lib}->standard_deviation();
-    my $num=$insert_stat{$lib}->count();
-    my $upper=$mean+$opts{c}*$stdps{$lib} if(defined $opts{c});
-    my $lower=$mean-$opts{c}*$stdms{$lib} if(defined $opts{c});
-    $lower=0 if(defined $lower && $lower<0);
-    printf "readgroup\:%s\tplatform:%s\tmap\:%s\treadlen\:%.2f\tlib\:%s\tnum:%d",$rg,$platform,$fbam,$readlen,$lib,$num;
-    printf "\tlower\:%.2f\tupper\:%.2f",$lower,$upper if(defined $upper && defined $lower);
-    printf "\tmean\:%.2f\tstd\:%.2f",$mean,$std;
-    # compute the normality
-    my @data=$insert_stat{$lib}->get_data();
-    my $n_data = @data;
-    @data = sort {$a <=> $b} @data;
-    my $n_data_ = @data;
-    my $p_value = ShapiroWilk(\@data);
-    if($p_value>0) {
-      my $log_p_value = log($p_value)/log(10);
-      printf "\tSWnormality\:%.2f",$log_p_value;
-    }
-    elsif($p_value == -1) { 
-      printf "\tSWnormality\:data not qualified -1"; 
-    } 
-    elsif($p_value == -2.1){
-      printf "\tSWnormality\:data not qualified -2.1";
-    }
-    elsif($p_value == -2.2){
-      printf "\tSWnormality\:data not qualified -2.2";
-    }
-    elsif($p_value == -2.3){
-      printf "\tSWnormality\:data not qualified -2.3";
-    }
-    elsif($p_value == 0) { 
-      printf "\tSWnormality\:minus infinity";
-    }
-    if($opts{g}){
-      printf "\tflag:";
-      foreach my $f(sort keys %{$flagHgram{$rg}}){
-	next if($f eq 'all');
-	printf "%d(%.2f%%)",$f,($flagHgram{$rg}{$f} || 0)*100/$flagHgram{$rg}{all};
-      }
-      printf "%d",$flagHgram{$rg}{all};
-    }
-    printf "\texe:samtools view\n";
-  }
-  if($opts{h}){  # plot insert size histogram for each library
-    foreach my $lib(keys %insert_stat){
-      my $graph = new GD::Graph::histogram(1000,600);
-      my $library="$fbam.$lib";
-      $graph->set(
-		  x_label         => 'Insert Size (bp)',
-		  y_label         => 'Count',
-		  title           => $library,
-		  x_labels_vertical => 1,
-		  bar_spacing     => 0,
-		  shadow_depth    => 1,
-		  shadowclr       => 'dred',
-		  transparent     => 0,
-		  histogram_bins   => $opts{b},
-		 ) or warn $graph->error;
-      my @data=$insert_stat{$lib}->get_data();
-      my $gd = $graph->plot(\@data) or die $graph->error;
-      $library=~s/.*\///g;
-      my $imagefile="$library.insertsize_histogram.png";
-      open(IMG, ">$imagefile") or die $!;
-      binmode IMG;
-      print IMG $gd->png;
-      my $datafile="$library.insertsize_histogram";
-      open(OUT,">$datafile");
-      foreach my $x(@data){
-	print OUT "$x\n";
-      }
-      close(OUT);
-    }
-  }
-###################################################### Shapiro Wilk Normality test (including functions ppnd, alnorm, poly, min, sign and asin) #########################################################
-sub ShapiroWilk {
-# read input
-my ($x) = @_;
-my $n=@$x;
-my $w = 0;
-my $ifault = 2;
-my $init = 0;
-my $n2 = $n/2;
-my @a;
-my $n1 = $n;
-my $upper = 1;
-my @c1 = (0.0, 0.221157, -0.147981, -2.07119, 4.434685, -2.706056);
-my @c2 = (0.0, 0.042981, -0.293762, -1.752461, 5.682633, -3.582633);
-my @c3 = (0.5440, -0.39978, 0.025054, -0.6714*(10**(-3)));
-my @c4 = (1.3822, -0.77857, 0.062767, -0.0020322);
-my @c5 = (-1.5861, -0.31082, -0.083751, 0.0038915);
-my @c6 = (-0.4803, -0.082676, 0.0030302);
-my @c7 = (0.164, 0.533);
-my @c8 = (0.1736, 0.315);
-my @c9 = (0.256, -0.00635);
-my @g  = (-2.273, 0.459);
-my $z90 = 1.2816;
-my $z95 = 1.6449;
-my $z99 = 2.3263;
-my $zm = 1.7509;
-my $zss = 0.56268;
-my $bf1 = 0.8378; 
-my $xx90 = 0.556;
-my $xx95 = 0.622;
-my $zero = 0.0;
-my $one = 1.0;
-my $two = 2.0;
-my $three = 3.0;
-my $sqrth = 0.70711;
-my $qtr = 0.25;
-my $th = 0.375;
-my $small = 1*(10**(-19));
-my $pi6 = 1.909859;
-my $stqr = 1.047198;
-my $summ2;
-my $ssumm2;
-my $fac;
-my $rsn;
-my $an;
-my $an25;
-my $a1;
-my $a2;
-my $delta;
-my $range;
-my $sa;
-my $sx;
-my $ssx;
-my $ssa;
-my $sax;
-my $asa;
-my $xsx;
-my $ssassx;
-my $w1;
-my $y;
-my $xx;
-my $xi;
-my $gamma;
-my $m;
-my $s;
-my $ld;
-my $bf;
-my $z90f;
-my $z95f;
-my $z99f;
-my $zfm;
-my $zsd;
-my $zbar;
-my $ncens;
-my $nn2;
-my $i;
-my $i1;
-my $j;
-my $pw  =  $one;
-if($w >= $zero) {$w = $one;}
-$an = $n;
-$ifault = 3;
-$nn2 = $n/2;
-if($n2 < $nn2) {return (-1);}
-$ifault = 1;
-if($n < 3) {return (-1);}
-# If INIT is false, calculates coefficients for the test
-  if($n == 3) {
-    $a[1-1] = $sqrth;}	
-  else {
-    $an25 = $an + $qtr;
-    $summ2 = $zero;
-    for(my $i = 1; $i <= $n2; $i++){
-      ($a[$i-1], $ifault) = ppnd(($i - $th)/$an25);
-      my $a_val = $a[$i-1];
-      $summ2 = $summ2 + $a[$i-1] ** 2;
-    }
-    $summ2 = $summ2 * $two;
-    $ssumm2 = $summ2 ** 0.5;
-    $rsn = $one / ($an ** 0.5);
-    my $poly_result = poly_(\@c1, 6, $rsn);
-    $a1 = $poly_result - $a[1-1] / $ssumm2;
-# Normalize coefficients
-    if($n > 5) {
-      $i1 = 3;
-      $a2 = -$a[2-1]/$ssumm2 + poly_(\@c2, 6, $rsn);
-      my $a_val1_new = $a[1-1];
-      my $a_val2_new = $a[2-1];
-      my $temp1 = $summ2 - $two * $a[1-1] ** 2 - $two * $a[2-1] ** 2;
-      my $temp2 = $one - $two * $a1 ** 2 - $two * $a2 ** 2;
-      $fac = (($summ2 - $two * $a[1-1] ** 2 - $two * $a[2-1] ** 2)/($one - $two * $a1 ** 2 - $two * $a2 ** 2)) ** 0.5;
-      $a[1-1] = $a1;
-      $a[2-1] = $a2;
-    }
-    else {
-      $i1 = 2;
-      $fac = (($summ2 - $two * $a[1-1] ** 2)/ ($one - $two * $a1 ** 2)) ** 0.5;
-      $a[1-1] = $a1;
-    }
-    for($i = $i1; $i <= $nn2; $i++){
-      $a[$i-1] = -$a[$i-1]/$fac;
-      my $a_val = $a[$i-1];
-    }
-    for($i = 1; $i <= $nn2; $i++){
-      my $a_value = $a[$i-1];
-    }
-  }
-  $init = 1;
-if($n1 < 3) {return (-1);}
-$ncens = $n - $n1;
-$ifault = 4;
-if($ncens < 0 || ($ncens > 0 && $n < 20)) {return (-1);}
-$ifault = 5;
-$delta = $ncens/$an;
-if($delta > 0.8) {return (-2.1);}
-# If W input as negative, calculate significance level of -W
-if($w < $zero) {
-  $w1 = $one + $w;
-  $ifault = 0;
-# Check for zero range
-  $ifault = 6;
-  $range = @$x[$n1-1] - @$x[1-1];
-  if($range < $small) {return (-2.2);}
-# Check for correct sort order on range - scaled X
-  $ifault = 7;
-  $xx = @$x[1-1]/$range;
-  $sx = $xx;
-  $sa = -$a[1-1];
-  $j = $n - 1;
-  for($i = 2; $i <= $n1; $i++){
-    $xi = @$x[$i-1]/$range;
-    if($xx-$xi > $small){
-      return (-2.3);
-    }
-    $sx = $sx + $xi;    
-    if($i != $j) {
-      my $sign_value = sign($i - $j);
-      my $min_value = $a[min($i, $j)-1];
-      my $min_ = min($i, $j);
-      $sa = $sa + sign($i - $j) * $a[min($i, $j)-1];
-    } 
-    $xx = $xi;
-    $j = $j - 1;
-  }
-  $ifault = 0;
-  if($n > 5000) {$ifault = 2};
-# Calculate W statistic as squared correlation between data and coefficients
-  $sa = $sa/$n1;
-  $sx = $sx/$n1;
-  $ssa = $zero;
-  $ssx = $zero;
-  $sax = $zero;
-  $j = $n;
-  for($i = 1; $i <= $n1; $i ++){
-    if($i != $j) {
-      my $sign_result = sign($i - $j);
-      my $min_result = min($i, $j);
-      $asa = sign($i - $j) * $a[min($i, $j)-1] - $sa;
-    } 
-    else {
-      $asa = -$sa;
-    }
-    $xsx = @$x[$i-1]/$range - $sx;
-    $ssa = $ssa + $asa * $asa;
-    $ssx = $ssx + $xsx * $xsx;
-    $sax = $sax + $asa * $xsx;
-    $j = $j - 1;
-  }
-# W1 equals (1-W) claculated to avoid excessive rounding error for W very near 1 (a potential problem in very large samples)
-  $ssassx = ($ssa * $ssx) ** 0.5;
-  $w1 = ($ssassx - $sax) * ($ssassx + $sax)/($ssa * $ssx);
-$w = $one - $w1;
-# Calculate significance level for W (exact for N=3)
-if($n == 3){
-  $pw = $pi6 * (asin($w**0.5) - $stqr); 
-  return ($pw);
-$y = log($w1);
-$xx = log($an);
-$m = $zero;
-$s = $one;
-if($n <= 11){
-  $gamma = poly_(\@g, 2, $an); 
-  if($y >= $gamma){
-    $pw = $small;
-    return ($pw);
-  }
-  $y = -log($gamma - $y);
-  $m = poly_(\@c3, 4, $an);
-  $s = exp(poly_(\@c4, 4, $an))
-  $m = poly_(\@c5, 4, $xx);
-  $s = exp(poly_(\@c6, 3, $xx));
-if($ncens > 0){
-# Censoring by proportion NCENS/N.  Calculate mean and sd of normal equivalent deviate of W.
-  $ld = -log($delta);
-  $bf = $one + $xx * $bf1;
-  $z90f = $z90 + $bf * poly_(\@c7, 2, $xx90 ** $xx) ** $ld;
-  $z95f = $z95 + $bf * poly_(\@c8, 2, $xx95 ** $xx) ** $ld;
-  $z99f = $z99 + $bf * poly_(\@c9, 2, $xx) ** $ld;
-# Regress Z90F,...,Z99F on normal deviates Z90,...,Z99 to get pseudo-mean and pseudo-sd of z as the slope and intercept
-  $zfm = ($z90f + $z95f + $z99f)/$three;
-  $zsd = ($z90*($z90f-$zfm)+$z95*($z95f-$zfm)+$z99*($z99f-$zfm))/$zss;
-  $zbar = $zfm - $zsd * $zm;
-  $m = $m + $zbar * $s;
-  $s = $s * $zsd;
-$pw = alnorm(($y - $m)/$s, $upper);
-return ($pw);
-############################################### ppnd function############################################################
-sub ppnd {
-# read input
-my ($p) = @_;
-# define output
-my $ifault;
-my $normal_dev;
-# Local variables
-my $zero = 0.0;
-my $one = 1.0;
-my $half = 0.5;
-my $split1 = 0.425;
-my $split2 = 5.0;
-my $const1 = 0.180625;
-my $const2 = 1.6;
-my $q;
-my $r;
-# Coefficients for P close to 0.5
-my $a0 = 3.3871327179;
-my $a1 = 5.0434271938*10;
-my $a2 = 1.5929113202*10**2;
-my $a3 = 5.9109374720*10;
-my $b1 = 1.7895169469*10;
-my $b2 = 7.8757757664*10;
-my $b3 = 6.7187563600*10;
-# HASH SUM AB          32.3184577772
-# Coefficients for P not close to 0, 0.5 or 1.
-my $c0 = 1.4234372777;
-my $c1 = 2.7568153900;
-my $c2 = 1.3067284816;
-my $c3 = 1.7023821103*(10**(-1));
-my $d1 = 7.3700164250*(10**(-1));
-my $d2 = 1.2021132975*(10**(-1));
-# HASH SUM CD          15.7614929821
-# Coefficients for P near 0 or 1.
-my $e0 = 6.6579051150;
-my $e1 = 3.0812263860;
-my $e2 = 4.2868294337*(10**(-1));
-my $e3 = 1.7337203997*(10**(-2));
-my $f1 = 2.4197894225*(10**(-1));
-my $f2 = 1.2258202635*(10**(-2));
-# HASH SUM EF          19.4052910204
-$ifault = 0;
-$q = $p - $half;
-if(abs($q) <= $split1) { 
-  $r = $const1 - $q * $q;
-  $normal_dev = $q * ((($a3 * $r + $a2) * $r + $a1) * $r + $a0) / ((($b3 * $r + $b2) * $r + $b1) * $r + $one);
-  if($q < $zero) {
-    $r = $p;}
-  else {
-    $r = $one - $p;
-  }
-  if($r <= $zero) {
-    $ifault = 1;
-    $normal_dev = $zero;
-    return ($normal_dev, $ifault);
-  }
-  $r = (-log($r))**0.5;
-  if($r <= $split2) {
-    $r = $r - $const2;
-    $normal_dev = ((($c3 * $r + $c2) * $r + $c1) * $r + $c0) / (($d2 * $r + $d1) * $r + $one);
-  }
-  else{
-    $r = $r - $split2;
-    $normal_dev = ((($e3 * $r + $e2) * $r + $e1) * $r + $e0) / (($f2 * $r + $f1) * $r + $one);
-  }
-  if($q < $zero) {$normal_dev = - $normal_dev;}
-  return ($normal_dev, $ifault);
-################################ alnorm function #####################################################################
-#FUNCTION alnorm(x, upper) RESULT(fn_val)
-#  Evaluates the tail area of the standardised normal curve from x to infinity if upper is .true. or
-#  from minus infinity to x if upper is .false.
-sub alnorm {
-# get the inputs
-my ($x, $upper) = @_;
-# define the output
-my $fn_val;
-my $zero = 0.0;
-my $one = 1.0;
-my $half = 0.5;
-my $con = 1.28;
-my $z;
-my $y;
-my $up;
-#!*** machine dependent constants
-my $ltone = 7.0;
-my $utzero = 18.66;
-my $p = 0.398942280444;
-my $q = 0.39990348504;
-my $r = 0.398942280385;
-my $a1 = 5.75885480458;
-my $a2 = 2.62433121679; 
-my $a3 = 5.92885724438;
-my $b1 = -29.8213557807; 
-my $b2 = 48.6959930692;
-my $c1 = -3.8052*(10**(-8)); 
-my $c2 = 3.98064794*(10**(-4));
-my $c3 = -0.151679116635; 
-my $c4 = 4.8385912808;
-my $c5 = 0.742380924027; 
-my $c6 = 3.99019417011;
-my $d1 = 1.00000615302; 
-my $d2 = 1.98615381364;
-my $d3 = 5.29330324926;
-my $d4 = -15.1508972451;
-my $d5 = 30.789933034;
-$up = $upper;
-$z = $x;
-if($z <  $zero){
-  if($up == 0){$up = 1;}
-  else {$up = 0;}
-  $z = -$z;
-if($z <= $ltone || $up && $z <= $utzero){
-  $y = $half*$z*$z;
-  if($z > $con) {$fn_val = $r*exp(-$y)/($z+$c1+$d1/($z+$c2+$d2/($z+$c3+$d3/($z+$c4+$d4/($z+$c5+$d5/($z+$c6))))));}
-  else {$fn_val = $half - $z*($p - $q*$y/($y+$a1+$b1/($y+$a2+$b2/($y+$a3))));}
-  $fn_val = $zero;
-if(!$up) {$fn_val = $one - $fn_val};
-return $fn_val;
-##################################### poly function #########################################################
-# FUNCTION poly(c, nord, x) RESULT(fn_val)
-# Calculates the algebraic polynomial of order nored-1 with array of coefficients c.  Zero order coefficient is c(1)
-sub poly_ {
-my ($c, $nord, $x) = @_;
-my $fn_val;
-my $i;
-my $j;
-my $n2;
-my $p;
-$fn_val = @$c[1-1];
-if($nord == 1) {return $fn_val;}
-$p = $x*@$c[$nord-1];
-if($nord == 2) {
-  $fn_val = $fn_val + $p; 
-else {
-  $n2 = $nord - 2;
-  $j = $n2 + 1;
-  for($i = 1; $i <= $n2; $i++){
-    $p = ($p + @$c[$j-1])*$x;
-    $j = $j - 1;
-  }
-  $fn_val = $fn_val + $p;
-return $fn_val;
-###################################### min function ############################################
-# FUNCTION min(a,b) RESULT min of a, b
-sub min {
-my ($a, $b) = @_;
-if($a <= $b) { return $a; }
-else { return $b; }
-###################################### sign function ############################################
-# FUNCTION sign(a,b) RESULT sign of a, b
-sub sign {
-my ($a) = @_;
-if($a >= 0) { return 1; }
-else { return -1; }
-###################################### asin function ############################################
-# FUNCTION asin(a) RESULT arcsin of a
-sub asin {
-my ($a) = @_;
-if($a > 1 || $a < -1) { 
-  print "error: abs sin value > 1";
-  return 0; }
-else {
-  my $b = (1-$a**2)**0.5;
-  my $fn_val = atan2($a, (1-$a**2)**0.5);
-  my $fn_test = (1-$a**2)**0.5;
-  return $fn_val;
--- a/	Tue Jul 01 09:28:20 2014 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-__copyright__ = """
-Copyright (C) 2013 - Tim te Beek
-Copyright (C) 2013 - Wai Yi Leung
-Copyright (C) 2013 AllBio (see AUTHORS file)
-__desc__ = """Convert breakdancer output to pseudo .vcf file format."""
-__created__ = "Mar 18, 2013"
-__author__ = "tbeek"
-import argparse
-import csv
-import os.path
-import sys
-def main(tsvfile, vcffile):
-    '''
-:param tsvfile: filename of input file.tsv
-:type tsvfile: string
-:param vcffile: filename of output file.vcf
-:type vcffile: string
-    with open(tsvfile) as reader:
-        # Parse file
-        dictreader = _parse_tsvfile(reader)
-        print dictreader.fieldnames
-        # Write out file
-        _format_vcffile(dictreader, vcffile)
-    # Quick output
-    with open(vcffile) as reader:
-        print
-def _parse_tsvfile(readable):
-    '''
-Read readable using csv.Sniffer and csv.DictReader
-:param readable: open file.tsv handle to read with csv.DictReader
-:type readable: file
-    prev, curr = 0, 0
-    while True:
-        line = readable.readline()
-        if not line.startswith('#'):
-            # lets start from prev # line, without the hash sign
-   + 1)
-            break
-        else:
-            prev = curr
-            curr = readable.tell()
-    # Determine dialect
-    curr = readable.tell()
-    #dialect = csv.Sniffer().sniff(
-    dialect = 'excel-tab'
-    # Read file
-    dictreader = csv.DictReader(readable, dialect=dialect)
-    return dictreader
-_tsv_fields = ('Chr1', 'Pos1', 'Orientation1',
-               'Chr2', 'Pos2', 'Orientation2',
-               'Type', 'Size', 'Score',
-               'num_Reads', 'num_Reads_lib',
-               'ERR031544.sort.bam')
-# 'Chr1': '1',
-# 'Pos1': '269907',
-# 'Orientation1': '39+39-',
-# 'Chr2': '1',
-# 'Pos2': '270919',
-# 'Orientation2': '39+39-',
-# 'Type': 'DEL',
-# 'Size': '99',
-# 'Score': '99',
-# 'num_Reads': '38',
-# 'num_Reads_lib': '/home/allbio/ERR031544.sort.bam|38',
-# 'ERR031544.sort.bam': 'NA'
-_vcf_fields = ('CHROM', 'POS', 'ID', 'REF', 'ALT', 'QUAL', 'FILTER', 'INFO')
-def _format_vcffile(dictreader, vcffile):
-    '''
-Create a pseudo .vcf file based on values read from DictReader instance.
-:param dictreader: DictReader instance to read data from
-:type dictreader: csv.DictRedaer
-:param vcffile: output file.vcf filename
-:type vcffile: string
-    with open(vcffile, mode='w') as writer:
-        writer.write('#{}\n'.format('\t'.join(_vcf_fields)))
-        output_vcf = []
-        for line in dictreader:
-            CHROM = line['Chr1']
-            # TODO Figure out whether we have zero or one based positioning
-            POS = int(line['Pos1'])
-            SVEND = int(line['Pos2'])
-            INFO = 'PROGRAM=breakdancer;SVTYPE={};SVLEN={}'.format(line['Type'],
-                                                                   0 - int(line['Size']))
-            if line['Type'] not in ['CTX']:
-                INFO += ";SVEND={}".format(SVEND)
-            # Create record
-            output_vcf.append([CHROM, POS, '.', '.', '.', '.', 'PASS', INFO])
-        # Sort all results
-        output_vcf.sort()
-        output = "\n".join(["\t".join(map(str,vcf_row)) for vcf_row in output_vcf])
-        # Write record
-        writer.write(output)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-    parser.add_argument('-i', '--breakdancertsv', dest='breakdancertsv', type=str,
-            help='Breakdancer TSV outputfile')
-    parser.add_argument('-o', '--outputvcf', dest='outputvcf', type=str,
-            help='Output vcf to')
-    args = parser.parse_args()
-    main(args.breakdancertsv, args.outputvcf)