changeset 0:c506e5dac2bb draft

planemo upload for repository commit b37186806a83fb3a59a1b4ccb1d44667d5224277-dirty
author galaxyp
date Fri, 02 Oct 2015 14:14:15 -0400
children 34f9e847dd4e
files COPYING PSM2SAM.R PSM2SAM.xml tool-data/exon_anno.RData tool-data/header_refseq_hg19.txt tool-data/procodingseq.RData tool-data/proseq.RData
diffstat 8 files changed, 731 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/COPYING	Fri Oct 02 14:14:15 2015 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+Creative Commons Legal Code
+CC0 1.0 Universal
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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/PSM2SAM.R	Fri Oct 02 14:14:15 2015 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
+## begin warning handler
+library(methods) # Because Rscript does not always do this
+options('useFancyQuotes' = FALSE)
+option_list <- list()
+option_list$passedPSM <- make_option('--passedPSM', type='character')
+option_list$XScolumn <- make_option('--XScolumn', type='character')
+option_list$exon_anno <- make_option('--exon_anno', type='character')
+option_list$proteinseq <- make_option('--proteinseq', type='character')
+option_list$procodingseq <- make_option('--procodingseq', type='character')
+option_list$header <- make_option('--header', type='character')
+option_list$OutputFile <- make_option('--OutputFile', type='character')
+opt <- parse_args(OptionParser(option_list=option_list))
+PSMtab2SAM <- function(
+	passedPSM_file = GalaxyInputFile(required=TRUE), 
+	exon_anno_file = GalaxyInputFile(),
+	proteinseq_file = GalaxyInputFile(),
+	procodingseq_file = GalaxyInputFile(),
+	header_file = GalaxyInputFile(),
+	XScolumn = GalaxyCharacterParam(required=TRUE), 
+	OutputFile = GalaxyOutput("proSAM","sam"))
+    if (length(exon_anno_file) == 0) { exon_anno_file = "/export/src/tools-galaxyp-chambm/tools/bumbershoot/psm_to_sam/tool-data/exon_anno.RData" }
+    if (length(proteinseq_file) == 0) { proteinseq_file = "/export/src/tools-galaxyp-chambm/tools/bumbershoot/psm_to_sam/tool-data/proseq.RData" }
+    if (length(procodingseq_file) == 0) { procodingseq_file = "/export/src/tools-galaxyp-chambm/tools/bumbershoot/psm_to_sam/tool-data/procodingseq.RData" }
+    if (length(header_file) == 0) { header_file = "/export/src/tools-galaxyp-chambm/tools/bumbershoot/psm_to_sam/tool-data/header_refseq_hg19.txt" }
+    if (!file.exists(header_file)) { gstop("failed to read header file") }
+    if (file.exists(OutputFile))
+    {
+        if ($size > 0) { gstop("output file already exists") }
+        else
+        {
+            tryCatch(
+            {
+                file.remove(OutputFile)
+            }, error=function(err)
+            {
+                gstop("failed to read empty existing file")
+            })
+        }
+    }
+    suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(GenomicRanges))
+    suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(Biostrings))
+    options(stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
+    scoreName = XScolumn
+    columnName = gsub(":", "_", scoreName)
+    passedPSM <- tryCatch({
+        #read.delim(passedPSM_file, row.names=1)
+        suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(RSQLite))
+        drv <- dbDriver("SQLite")
+        con <- dbConnect(drv, passedPSM_file)
+        # do case-insensitive search for the score name
+        res <- dbSendQuery(con, paste("SELECT Id, Name FROM PeptideSpectrumMatchScoreName WHERE lower(Name)=lower('", scoreName, "')", sep=""))
+        scoreInfo = fetch(res, n=1)
+        scoreId = scoreInfo["Id"]
+        realScoreName = scoreInfo["Name"] # original case
+        dbClearResult(res)
+        sql <- paste("SELECT ss.Name as SourceName, s.NativeID",
+                     ", psm.ObservedNeutralMass AS precursor_neutral_mass",
+                     ", psm.Charge AS assumed_charge",
+                     ", s.ScanTimeInSeconds AS retention_time_sec",
+                     ", psm.Rank AS hit_rank",
+                     ", IFNULL(SUBSTR(pd.Sequence, pi.Offset+1, pi.Length), pep.DecoySequence) AS peptide",
+                     ", pro.Accession AS protein",
+                     ", COUNT(DISTINCT pro.Id) AS num_tot_proteins",
+                     ", psm.ObservedNeutralMass - (psm.MonoisotopicMassError - ROUND(psm.MonoisotopicMassError) * 1.0026) AS calc_neutral_pep_mass",
+                     ", psm.MonoisotopicMassError - ROUND(psm.MonoisotopicMassError) * 1.0026 AS massdiff",
+                     ", CTerminusIsSpecific+NTerminusIsSpecific AS num_tol_term",
+                     ", MissedCleavages AS num_missed_cleavages",
+                     ", psm.QValue AS qvalue",
+                     ", psmScore.Value AS ", columnName,
+                     ", GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT pm.Offset || ';' || mod.MonoMassDelta) AS modification",
+                     "FROM PeptideSpectrumMatch psm",
+                     "JOIN Spectrum s ON psm.Spectrum=s.Id",
+                     "JOIN SpectrumSource ss ON s.Source=ss.Id",
+                     "JOIN PeptideInstance pi ON psm.Peptide=pi.Peptide",
+                     "JOIN Protein pro ON pi.Protein=pro.Id",
+                     "JOIN Peptide pep ON pi.Peptide=pep.Id",
+                     "JOIN PeptideSpectrumMatchScore psmScore ON psmScore.PsmId=psm.Id AND ScoreNameId=", scoreId,
+                     "LEFT JOIN ProteinData pd ON pro.Id=pd.Id",
+                     "LEFT JOIN PeptideModification pm ON psm.Id=pm.PeptideSpectrumMatch",
+                     "LEFT JOIN Modification mod ON pm.Modification=mod.Id",
+                     "GROUP BY psm.Id"
+                    )
+        res <- dbSendQuery(con, sql)
+        passedPSM <- fetch(res, n=-1)
+        dbClearResult(res)
+        dbDisconnect(con)
+        passedPSM
+    }, error=function(err) {
+        gstop("failed to read passedPSM: ", err)
+    })
+    tryCatch({
+        load(exon_anno_file)
+        exon_anno <- exon
+    }, error=function(err) {
+        gstop("failed to read exon_anno: ", conditionMessage(err))
+    })
+    tryCatch({
+        load(proteinseq_file)
+    }, error=function(err) {
+        gstop("failed to read proteinseq: ", conditionMessage(err))
+    })
+    tryCatch({
+        load(procodingseq_file)
+    }, error=function(err) {
+        gstop("failed to read procodingseq: ", conditionMessage(err))
+    })
+    PEP <- passedPSM[, 'peptide']
+    #Spectrumid <- paste(passedPSM[, 'SourceName'], gsub(" ", "_", passedPSM[, 'NativeID']), sep="/")
+    Spectrumid <- paste(passedPSM[, 'SourceName'], passedPSM[, 'NativeID'], sep="/")
+    #PEP_SEQ <- formatPep(spectra[, 'Sequence'])
+    SAM <- c()
+    spectrumcount <- table(Spectrumid)
+    for(i in 1:dim(passedPSM)[1]){
+        #print(i)
+        peptide <- PEP[i]
+        QNAME <- Spectrumid[i]
+        idx <- grep(peptide, proteinseq[, 'peptide'], fixed=TRUE)
+        if(length(idx) == 0){
+            RNAME <- '*' 
+            MAPQ <- 255
+            RNEXT <- '*'
+            PNEXT <- 0
+            TLEN <- 0
+            QUAL <- '*'
+            POS <- 0
+            SEQ <- '*'
+            CIGAR <- '*'            
+            FLAG <- 0x4 
+            annoted <- '?'
+            XA <- paste('XA:Z:', annoted, sep='')
+            res <- c(FLAG, RNAME, POS, MAPQ, CIGAR, RNEXT, PNEXT, TLEN, 
+                    as.character(SEQ), QUAL, XA)
+            res <-  unique(data.frame(t(res))) 
+        }else{
+            pro <- proteinseq[idx, ]
+            sta_pos <- unlist(lapply(pro[, 'peptide'], function(x) 
+                        regexpr(peptide, x, fixed=TRUE)))
+            pep_len <- nchar(peptide)
+            end_pos <- sta_pos + pep_len - 1
+            coding <- procodingseq[match(pro[, 'pro_name'], 
+                                        procodingseq[, 'pro_name']), ]
+            code_s <- (sta_pos-1) * 3 + 1
+            code_e <- end_pos * 3
+            codingseq <- substring(coding[, 'coding'], code_s, code_e)
+            exonp <- lapply(pro[, 'tx_name'], function(x)
+                        exon_anno[exon_anno[, 'tx_name']==x, ])
+            exonp <- lapply(exonp, function(x){
+                            if(length(unique(x[, 'tx_id'])) > 1){
+                                x[grep(x[1, 'tx_id'], x[, 'tx_id'], 
+                                fixed=TRUE), ]
+                            }else x
+                        })
+            if(passedPSM[i, 'hit_rank'] == 1) pri <- TRUE else pri <- FALSE
+            res <- mapply(function(x, y, z, m) 
+                    if(dim(z)[1] == 0){
+                        .proteinUnannotated(x, y, z, m, primary=pri)
+                    }else{
+                        if((nchar(m) != 3*pep_len) | (y > max(z[, 'cds_end'], 
+                            na.rm = TRUE))){
+                        #if(toString(translate(DNAString(m))) != peptide){
+                            .peptideUnannotated(x, y, z, m, primary=pri)
+                        }else{
+                            .MapCoding2genome(x, y, z, m, primary=pri)
+                        }
+                    }, 
+                    code_s, code_e, exonp, codingseq) 
+            res <-  unique(data.frame(t(res)))
+        }
+        XL <- paste('XL:i:', as.numeric(spectrumcount[QNAME]), sep='')
+        NH <- paste('NH:i:', dim(res)[1], sep='')
+        XP <- paste('XP:Z:', peptide, sep='')
+        #XF <- paste('XF:f:', round(passedPSM[i, XFcolumn], digits=4), sep='')
+        XC <- paste('XC:i:', passedPSM[i, 'assumed_charge'], sep='')
+        XS <- paste('XS:f:', round(as.numeric(passedPSM[i, columnName]), 
+                        digits=4), sep='')
+        #XA <- paste('XA:Z:', annoted, sep='')
+        XN <- paste('XN:i:', passedPSM[i, 'num_missed_cleavages'], sep='')
+        XT <- paste('XT:i:', passedPSM[i, 'num_tol_term'], sep='')
+        XM <-  ifelse([i, 'modification']), paste('XM:Z:-'),
+                    paste('XM:Z:', passedPSM[i, 'modification'], sep=''))
+        res <- cbind(QNAME, res, NH, XL, XP, XC, XS, XM, XN, XT)    
+        SAM <- rbind(SAM, res)
+    }
+    file.copy(header_file, OutputFile)
+    write.table(SAM, file=OutputFile, sep='\t', quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, append=TRUE)
+.proteinUnannotated <-function(c_sta, c_end, exon_anno, cseq, primary=TRUE, ...)
+    RNAME <- '*' 
+    MAPQ <- 255
+    RNEXT <- '*'
+    PNEXT <- 0
+    TLEN <- 0
+    QUAL <- '*'
+    POS <- 0
+    SEQ <- '*'
+    CIGAR <- '*'
+    annoted <- 2
+    XA <- paste('XA:Z:', annoted, sep='')
+    FLAG <- 0x4 
+                as.character(SEQ), QUAL, XA)
+    tmp
+.peptideUnannotated <- function(c_sta, c_end, exon_anno, cseq, primary=TRUE, ...)
+    #RNAME <- as.character(exon_anno[1, 'chromosome_name']) 
+    RNAME <- '*'
+    MAPQ <- 255
+    RNEXT <- '*'
+    PNEXT <- 0
+    TLEN <- 0
+    QUAL <- '*'
+    POS <- 0
+    SEQ <- '*'
+    CIGAR <- '*'
+    annoted <- 1
+    XA <- paste('XA:Z:', annoted, sep='')
+    FLAG <- 0x4 
+    #if(exon_anno[1, 'strand'] == '+'){        
+    #    FLAG <- ifelse(primary==TRUE, 0x00, 0x00+0x100) 
+    #}else{
+    #    FLAG <- ifelse(primary==TRUE, 0x10, 0x10+0x100)   
+    #}
+                as.character(SEQ), QUAL, XA)
+    tmp
+.MapCoding2genome <- function(c_sta, c_end, exon_anno, cseq, primary=TRUE, ...)
+    idxs <- intersect(which(exon_anno[, 'cds_start'] <= c_sta), 
+                        which(exon_anno[, 'cds_end'] >= c_sta))
+    idxe <- intersect(which(exon_anno[, 'cds_start'] <= c_end), 
+                        which(exon_anno[, 'cds_end'] >= c_end))              
+    len <- c_end - c_sta + 1 
+    RNAME <- as.character(exon_anno[1, 'chromosome_name']) 
+    MAPQ <- 255
+    RNEXT <- '*'
+    PNEXT <- 0
+    TLEN <- 0
+    QUAL <- '*'
+    annoted <- 0
+    XA <- paste('XA:Z:', annoted, sep='')
+    if(exon_anno[1, 'strand'] == '+'){
+            POS <- exon_anno[idxs, 'cds_chr_start'] + c_sta - 
+                    exon_anno[idxs, 'cds_start']
+            SEQ <- DNAString(cseq)
+            FLAG <- ifelse(primary==TRUE, 0x00, 0x00+0x100) 
+     }else{
+            POS <- exon_anno[idxe, 'cds_chr_start'] +  
+                    exon_anno[idxe, 'cds_end'] - c_end
+            SEQ <- reverseComplement(DNAString(cseq))
+            FLAG <- ifelse(primary==TRUE, 0x10, 0x10 + 0x100) 
+     }
+    if(idxe == idxs){
+        CIGAR <- paste(len, 'M', sep='')        
+    }else{
+         if(exon_anno[1, 'strand'] == '+'){
+            #insert <- exon_anno[idxe, 'cds_chr_start'] - exon_anno[idxs, 
+            #                        'cds_chr_end']- 1
+            part1 <- exon_anno[idxs, 'cds_end'] - c_sta + 1 
+            part2 <- c_end - exon_anno[idxe, 'cds_start'] + 1  
+            insert <- unlist(lapply(1:(idxe - idxs), function(x) 
+                paste(exon_anno[idxs + x, 'cds_chr_start'] - 
+                    exon_anno[idxs+x-1, 'cds_chr_end']- 1, 'N', sep='')))
+            if(idxe-idxs >1){
+                innerexon <- unlist(lapply(1:(idxe-idxs-1), function(x) 
+                        paste(exon_anno[idxs + x, 'cds_chr_end'] - 
+                        exon_anno[idxs + x, 'cds_chr_start'] + 1, 'M', 
+                        sep=''))) 
+            }else{ innerexon <- ''}
+            #ifelse(idxe-idxs >1, unlist(lapply(1:(idxe-idxs-1), function(x) 
+            #paste(exon_anno[idxs+x, 'cds_chr_end'] - 
+            #             exon_anno[idxs+x, 'cds_chr_start']+1, 
+            #             'M', sep=''))), '')
+            midpattern <- rep(NA, length(insert) + length(innerexon))
+            midpattern[seq(1, length(insert) + length(innerexon), 
+                                                        by=2)] <- insert
+            midpattern[seq(2, length(insert) + length(innerexon), 
+                                                        by=2)] <- innerexon
+            midpattern <- paste(midpattern, collapse='') 
+        }else{
+            #insert <- exon_anno[idxs, 'cds_chr_start'] - 
+            #            exon_anno[idxe, 'cds_chr_end']- 1
+            part1 <- c_end- exon_anno[idxe, 'cds_start'] + 1 
+            part2 <- exon_anno[idxs, 'cds_end'] - c_sta + 1  
+            insert <- unlist(lapply(1:(idxe-idxs), function(x) 
+                paste(exon_anno[idxe - x, 'cds_chr_start'] - 
+                        exon_anno[idxe-x + 1, 'cds_chr_end']- 1, 
+                        'N', sep='')))
+            if(idxe-idxs >1){
+                innerexon <- unlist(lapply(1:(idxe-idxs-1), function(x) 
+                        paste(exon_anno[idxe-x, 'cds_chr_end'] - 
+                        exon_anno[idxe-x, 'cds_chr_start']+1, 'M', sep='')))
+            }else{ innerexon <-''}
+            midpattern <- rep(NA, length(insert)+length(innerexon))
+            midpattern[seq(1, length(insert) + length(innerexon), 
+                                                        by=2)] <- insert
+            midpattern[seq(2, length(insert) + length(innerexon), 
+                                                        by=2)] <- innerexon
+            midpattern <- paste(midpattern, collapse='') 
+        }
+        CIGAR <- paste(part1, 'M', midpattern, part2, 'M', sep='')    
+    }
+                as.character(SEQ), QUAL, XA)
+    tmp
+params <- list()
+for(param in names(opt))
+    if (!param == "help")
+        params[param] <- opt[param]
+setClass("GalaxyRemoteError", contains="character")
+wrappedFunction <- function(f)
+    tryCatch(, params),
+        error=function(e) new("GalaxyRemoteError", conditionMessage(e)))
+suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(RGalaxy)), params)
+## end warning handler
+}, warning = function(w) {
+    cat(paste("Warning:", conditionMessage(w), "\n"))
+    invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/PSM2SAM.xml	Fri Oct 02 14:14:15 2015 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+<tool id="PSMtoSAM" name="PSM to SAM" version="1.3.2">
+  <description>Generate SAM files from PSMs.</description>
+  <command interpreter="Rscript --vanilla">PSM2SAM.R
+       #if str($input).strip() != "":
+          --passedPSM="$input"
+       #end if
+       #if str($scoreColumn).strip() != "":
+          --XScolumn="$scoreColumn"
+       #end if
+       #if str($optionalUserInput.exonAnno).strip() != "None":
+          --exon_anno="$optionalUserInput.exonAnno"
+       #end if
+       #if str($optionalUserInput.proteinSeq).strip() != "None":
+          --proteinseq="$optionalUserInput.proteinSeq"
+       #end if
+       #if str($optionalUserInput.proCodingSeq).strip() != "None":
+          --procodingseq="$optionalUserInput.proCodingSeq"
+       #end if
+       #if str($optionalUserInput.header).strip() != "None":
+          --header="$optionalUserInput.header"
+       #end if
+       #if str($output).strip() != "":
+          --OutputFile="$output"
+       #end if
+  <inputs>
+    <param name="input" type="data" format="idpdb" help="An IDPicker idpDB file to convert to SAM" label="Input PSMs">
+      <validator type="empty_field" message="This field is required."/>
+    </param>
+    <param name="scoreColumn" type="text" help="The name of a PSM score to include in the SAM output (e.g. &quot;MyriMatch:mvh&quot;)" size="60" label="Score Name">
+      <validator type="empty_field" message="This field is required."/>
+    </param>
+    <section name="optionalUserInput" label="Override Default Exon Annotation and Coding Sequences">
+      <param name="exonAnno" type="data" format="RData" help="A dataframe of exon annotations in an RData file" label="Exon Annotations" optional="true" />
+      <param name="proteinSeq" type="data" format="RData" help="A dataframe containing protein ids and protein sequences in an RData file" label="Protein Sequences" optional="true" />
+      <param name="proCodingSeq" type="data" format="RData" help="A dataframe cotaining coding sequences for each protein in an RData file" label="Protein Coding Sequences" optional="true" />
+      <param name="header" type="data" format="txt" help="A text file of SAM headers to include in the output file, usually corresponding to the exon and coding sequences used." label="SAM Headers" optional="true" />
+    </section>
+  </inputs>
+  <outputs>
+    <data format="sam" name="output" label="${'.',1)[0]}.sam"/>
+  </outputs>
+  <!--<tests>
+    <test>
+      <param name="input" value="dbo_z_20101126_JK_Res_Sens_Set2_H1819_A_07-subset.idpDB.gz" />
+      <param name="scoreColumn" value="Myrimatch:MVH" />
+      <output name="output" file="dbo_z_20101126_JK_Res_Sens_Set2_H1819_A_07-subset.sam" />
+    </test>
+    <test>
+      <param name="input" value="Ellis_033_2700_261_07-unrefined-subset.idpDB.gz" />
+      <param name="scoreColumn" value="Myrimatch:MVH" />
+      <output name="output" file="Ellis_033_2700_261_07-unrefined-subset.sam" />
+    </test>
+  </tests>-->
+  <help>
+Generate SAM files from confident peptide-spectrum-matches (PSMs).
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Fri Oct 02 14:14:15 2015 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+GalaxyP - PSM to SAM
+* Home: <>
+* Galaxy Tool Shed: <>
+* Tool ID: `PSMtoSAM`
+Generate proBAMr SAM files from IDPicker peptide-spectrum-matches.
+* <>
+GalaxyP Community
+Current governing community policies for [GalaxyP]( and other information can be found at:
+Copyright (c) 2015 Vanderbilt University and Authors listed below.
+To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without any warranty.
+You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along with this software. If not, see <>.
+You can copy, modify, distribute and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.
+Contributions to this repository are reviewed through pull requests. If you would like your work acknowledged, please also add yourself to the Authors section. If your pull request is accepted, you will also be acknowledged in <>
+Authors and contributors:
+* Matt Chambers <>
+  Vanderbilt University Medical Center
+* Xiaojing Wang
+  Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Binary file tool-data/exon_anno.RData has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tool-data/header_refseq_hg19.txt	Fri Oct 02 14:14:15 2015 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+@HD	VN:1.0	SO:coordinate
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+@SQ	SN:chr17_gl000203_random	LN:37498
+@SQ	SN:chr17_gl000204_random	LN:81310
+@SQ	SN:chr17_gl000205_random	LN:174588
+@SQ	SN:chr17_gl000206_random	LN:41001
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+@SQ	SN:chr18_gl000207_random	LN:4262
+@SQ	SN:chr19	LN:59128983
+@SQ	SN:chr19_gl000208_random	LN:92689
+@SQ	SN:chr19_gl000209_random	LN:159169
+@SQ	SN:chr1_gl000191_random	LN:106433
+@SQ	SN:chr1_gl000192_random	LN:547496
+@SQ	SN:chr2	LN:243199373
+@SQ	SN:chr20	LN:63025520
+@SQ	SN:chr21	LN:48129895
+@SQ	SN:chr21_gl000210_random	LN:27682
+@SQ	SN:chr22	LN:51304566
+@SQ	SN:chr3	LN:198022430
+@SQ	SN:chr4	LN:191154276
+@SQ	SN:chr4_ctg9_hap1	LN:590426
+@SQ	SN:chr4_gl000193_random	LN:189789
+@SQ	SN:chr4_gl000194_random	LN:191469
+@SQ	SN:chr5	LN:180915260
+@SQ	SN:chr6	LN:171115067
+@SQ	SN:chr6_apd_hap1	LN:4622290
+@SQ	SN:chr6_cox_hap2	LN:4795371
+@SQ	SN:chr6_dbb_hap3	LN:4610396
+@SQ	SN:chr6_mann_hap4	LN:4683263
+@SQ	SN:chr6_mcf_hap5	LN:4833398
+@SQ	SN:chr6_qbl_hap6	LN:4611984
+@SQ	SN:chr6_ssto_hap7	LN:4928567
+@SQ	SN:chr7	LN:159138663
+@SQ	SN:chr7_gl000195_random	LN:182896
+@SQ	SN:chr8	LN:146364022
+@SQ	SN:chr8_gl000196_random	LN:38914
+@SQ	SN:chr8_gl000197_random	LN:37175
+@SQ	SN:chr9	LN:141213431
+@SQ	SN:chr9_gl000198_random	LN:90085
+@SQ	SN:chr9_gl000199_random	LN:169874
+@SQ	SN:chr9_gl000200_random	LN:187035
+@SQ	SN:chr9_gl000201_random	LN:36148
+@SQ	SN:chrM	LN:16571
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+@SQ	SN:chrUn_gl000212	LN:186858
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+@SQ	SN:chrUn_gl000222	LN:186861
+@SQ	SN:chrUn_gl000223	LN:180455
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+@SQ	SN:chrUn_gl000225	LN:211173
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+@SQ	SN:chrUn_gl000228	LN:129120
+@SQ	SN:chrUn_gl000229	LN:19913
+@SQ	SN:chrUn_gl000230	LN:43691
+@SQ	SN:chrUn_gl000231	LN:27386
+@SQ	SN:chrUn_gl000232	LN:40652
+@SQ	SN:chrUn_gl000233	LN:45941
+@SQ	SN:chrUn_gl000234	LN:40531
+@SQ	SN:chrUn_gl000235	LN:34474
+@SQ	SN:chrUn_gl000236	LN:41934
+@SQ	SN:chrUn_gl000237	LN:45867
+@SQ	SN:chrUn_gl000238	LN:39939
+@SQ	SN:chrUn_gl000239	LN:33824
+@SQ	SN:chrUn_gl000240	LN:41933
+@SQ	SN:chrUn_gl000241	LN:42152
+@SQ	SN:chrUn_gl000242	LN:43523
+@SQ	SN:chrUn_gl000243	LN:43341
+@SQ	SN:chrUn_gl000244	LN:39929
+@SQ	SN:chrUn_gl000245	LN:36651
+@SQ	SN:chrUn_gl000246	LN:38154
+@SQ	SN:chrUn_gl000247	LN:36422
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+@SQ	SN:chrUn_gl000249	LN:38502
+@SQ	SN:chrX	LN:155270560
+@SQ	SN:chrY	LN:59373566
+@PG	ID:proBAM
Binary file tool-data/procodingseq.RData has changed
Binary file tool-data/proseq.RData has changed