changeset 2:6985104392b9 draft

Deleted selected files
author fubar
date Wed, 06 Jun 2012 23:05:58 -0400
parents ab0148be2111
children 5dbaf051b2e7
files inkblotheatmap/inkblotheatmap.Rscript inkblotheatmap/ inkblotheatmap/inkblotheatmap.xml
diffstat 3 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 467 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/inkblotheatmap/inkblotheatmap.Rscript	Wed Jun 06 23:04:16 2012 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-# note this script takes NO input or output because it generates random data
-foo = data.frame(a=runif(100),b=runif(100),c=runif(100),d=runif(100),e=runif(100),f=runif(100))
-bar = as.matrix(foo)
-pdf( "heattest.pdf" )
-heatmap(bar,main='Random Heatmap')
--- a/inkblotheatmap/	Wed Jun 06 23:04:16 2012 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,428 +0,0 @@
-# this is a tool factory for simple scripts in python, R or whatever ails ye.
-# you paste and run your script
-# Only works for simple scripts that read one input from the history.
-# Optionally can write one new history dataset,
-# and optionally collect any number of outputs into links on an autogenerated HTML page.
-# DO NOT install on a public or important site - please.
-# installed generated tools are fine if the script is safe.
-# They just run normally and their user cannot do anything unusually insecure
-# but please, practice safe toolshed.
-# Read the fucking code before you install any tool 
-# especially this one
-# After you get the script working on some test data, you can
-# optionally generate a toolshed compatible gzip file
-# containing your script safely wrapped as an ordinary Galaxy script in your local toolshed for
-# safe and largely automated installation in a production Galaxy.
-# If you opt for an HTML output, you get all the script outputs arranged
-# as a single Html history item - all output files are linked, thumbnails for all the pdfs.
-# Ugly but really inexpensive.
-# Patches appreciated please. 
-# long route to June 2012 product
-# Behold the awesome power of Galaxy and the toolshed with the tool factory binds to bind them
-# derived from an integrated script model  
-# called
-# Note to the unwary:
-#   This tool allows arbitrary scripting on your Galaxy as the Galaxy user
-#   There is nothing stopping a malicious user doing whatever they choose
-#   Extremely dangerous!!
-#   Totally insecure. So, trusted users only
-# preferred model is a developer using their throw away workstation instance - ie a private site.
-# no real risk. The universe_wsgi.ini admin_users string is checked - only admin users are permitted to run this tool.
-# copyright ross lazarus (ross stop lazarus at gmail stop com) May 2012
-# all rights reserved
-# Licensed under the LGPL if you want to improve it, feel free
-import sys 
-import shutil 
-import subprocess 
-import os 
-import time 
-import tempfile 
-import optparse
-import tarfile
-import re
-import shutil
-progname = os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[1] 
-myversion = 'V000.1 May 2012' 
-verbose = False 
-debug = False
-def timenow():
-    """return current time as a string
-    """
-    return time.strftime('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time()))
-# characters that are allowed but need to be escaped
-class ScriptRunner:
-    """class is a wrapper for an arbitrary script
-    """
-    def __init__(self,opts=None):
-        """
-        cleanup inputs, setup some outputs
-        """
-        if opts.output_dir: # simplify for the tool tarball
-            os.chdir(opts.output_dir)
-        self.thumbformat = 'jpg'
-        self.opts = opts
-        self.toolname = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9_]+', '', opts.tool_name)
-        self.toolid = self.toolname
-        s = open(self.opts.script_path,'r').read()
-        self.script = s
-        self.myname = sys.argv[0] # get our name because we write ourselves out as a tool later
-        self.pyfile = self.myname # crude but efficient - the cruft won't hurt much
-        self.xmlfile = '%s.xml' % self.toolname
-        self.sfile = '%s.%s' % (self.toolname,opts.interpreter)
-        if opts.output_dir: # may not want these complexities 
-            self.tlog = os.path.join(opts.output_dir,"%s_runner.log" % self.toolname)
-            artifactpath = os.path.join(opts.output_dir,'%s_run.script' % self.toolname) 
-            artifact = open(artifactpath,'w')
-            artifact.write(self.script)
-            artifact.write('\n')
-            artifact.close()
-        if opts.make_Tool: # need this code and the user script for the tarball 
-            localscript = open(self.sfile,'w')
-            localscript.write(self.script)
-            localscript.close()
-            shutil.copyfile(self.myname,'' % self.toolname) # for tool and for user 
- = []
-        self.html = []
-        a =
-        a(opts.interpreter)
-        a('-') # use stdin
-        a(opts.input_tab)
-        a(opts.output_tab)
-        self.outFormats = 'tabular' # TODO make this an option at tool generation time
-        self.inputFormats = 'tabular' # TODO make this an option at tool generation time
-        self.test1Input = 'test1_input.xls'
-        self.test1Output = 'test1_output.xls'
-        self.test1HTML = 'test1_output.html'
-    def makeXML(self):
-        """
-        Create a Galaxy xml tool wrapper for the new script as a string to write out
-        fixme - use templating or something less fugly than this example of what we produce
-        <tool id="reverse" name="reverse" version="0.01">
-            <description>a tabular file</description>
-            <command interpreter="python">
-   --script_path "$runMe" --interpreter "python" 
-            --tool_name "reverse" --input_tab "$input1" --output_tab "$tab_file" 
-            </command>
-            <inputs>
-            <param name="input1"  type="data" format="tabular" label="Select a suitable input file from your history"/><param name="job_name" type="text" label="Supply a name for the outputs to remind you what they contain" value="reverse"/>
-            </inputs>
-            <outputs>
-            <data format="tabular" name="tab_file" label="${job_name}"/>
-            </outputs>
-            <help>
-**What it Does**
-Reverse the columns in a tabular file
-            </help>
-            <configfiles>
-            <configfile name="runMe">
-# reverse order of columns in a tabular file
-import sys
-inp = sys.argv[1]
-outp = sys.argv[2]
-i = open(inp,'r')
-o = open(outp,'w')
-for row in i:
-     rs = row.rstrip().split('\t')
-     rs.reverse()
-     o.write('\t'.join(rs))
-     o.write('\n')
-            </configfile>
-            </configfiles>
-            </tool>
-        """    
-        newXML="""<tool id="%(toolid)s" name="%(toolname)s" version="0.01">
-            %(tooldesc)s
-            %(command)s
-            <inputs>
-            %(inputs)s
-            </inputs>
-            <outputs>
-            %(outputs)s
-            </outputs>
-            <help>
-            %(help)s
-            </help>
-            <configfiles>
-            <configfile name="runMe">
-            %(script)s
-            </configfile>
-            </configfiles>
-            </tool>""" # needs a dict with toolname, toolid, interpreter, scriptname, command, inputs as a multi line string ready to write, outputs ditto, help ditto
-        newCommand="""<command interpreter="python">
-            %(toolname) --script_path "$runMe" --interpreter "%(interpreter)s" 
-            --tool_name "%(toolname)s" %(command_inputs)s %(command_outputs)s 
-            </command>""" # may NOT be an input or htmlout
-        tooltests = """<tests><test>
-        <param name="input1" value="%s" ftype="%s"/>
-        <param name="job_name" value="test1"/>
-        <param name="runMe" value="$runMe"/>
-        </test><tests>"""
-        xdict = {}
-        xdict['script'] = self.script # configfile is least painful way to embed script to avoid external dependencies
-        if self.opts.help_text:
-            xdict['help'] = open(self.opts.help_text,'r').read()
-        else:
-            xdict['help'] = 'Please ask the tool author for help as none was supplied at tool generation'
-        if self.opts.tool_desc:
-            xdict['tooldesc'] = '<description>%s</description>' % self.opts.tool_desc
-        else:
-            xdict['tooldesc'] = ''
-        xdict['command_outputs'] = '' 
-        xdict['outputs'] = '' 
-        if self.opts.input_tab <> 'None':
-            xdict['command_inputs'] = '--input_tab "$input1"'
-            xdict['inputs'] = '<param name="input1"  type="data" format="%s" label="Select a suitable input file from your history"/>' % self.inputFormats
-        else:
-            xdict['command_inputs'] = '' # assume no input - eg a random data generator          
-            xdict['inputs'] = ''
-        xdict['inputs'] += '<param name="job_name" type="text" label="Supply a name for the outputs to remind you what they contain" value="%s"/>\n' % self.toolname
-        xdict['toolname'] = self.toolname
-        xdict['toolid'] = self.toolid
-        xdict['interpreter'] = self.opts.interpreter
-        xdict['scriptname'] = self.sfile
-        if self.opts.make_HTML:
-            xdict['command_outputs'] += '--output_dir "$html_file.files_path" --output_html "$html_file" --make_HTML "yes"'
-            xdict['outputs'] +=  '<data format="html" name="html_file" label="${job_name}.html"/>\n'
-        if self.opts.output_tab <> 'None':
-            xdict['command_outputs'] += '--output_tab "$tab_file"'
-            xdict['outputs'] += '<data format="%s" name="tab_file" label="${job_name}"/>\n' % self.outFormats
-        xdict['command'] = newCommand % xdict
-        xmls = newXML % xdict
-        xf = open(self.xmlfile,'w')
-        xf.write(xmls)
-        xf.write('\n')
-        xf.close()
-        # ready for the tarball
-    def makeTooltar(self):
-        """
-        a tool is a gz tarball with eg
-        /toolname/tool.xml /toolname/ /toolname/test-data/ ...
-        """
-        retval =
-        if retval:
-            print >> sys.stderr,'## Run failed. Cannot build yet. Please fix and retry'
-            sys.exit(1)
-        self.makeXML()
-        tdir = self.toolname
-        os.mkdir(tdir)
-        if self.opts.input_tab <> 'None': # we may have test data?
-            testdir = os.path.join(tdir,'test-data')
-            os.mkdir(testdir) # make tests directory
-            shutil.copyfile(self.opts.input_tab,os.path.join(testdir,self.test1Input))
-            if self.opts.output_tab <> 'None':
-                shutil.copyfile(self.opts.output_tab,os.path.join(testdir,self.test1Output))
-            if self.opts.make_HTML:
-                shutil.copyfile(self.opts.output_html,os.path.join(testdir,self.test1HTML))
-            if self.opts.output_dir:
-                shutil.copyfile(self.tlog,os.path.join(testdir,'test1_out.log'))
-        shutil.copyfile(self.xmlfile,os.path.join(tdir,self.xmlfile))
-        shutil.copyfile(self.pyfile,os.path.join(tdir,'' % self.toolname))
-        shutil.copyfile(self.sfile,os.path.join(tdir,self.sfile))
-        tarpath = "%s.gz" % self.toolname
-        tar =, "w:gz")
-        tar.add(tdir,arcname=self.toolname)
-        tar.close()
-        shutil.copy(tarpath,self.opts.new_tool)
-        shutil.rmtree(tdir)
-        ## TODO: replace with optional direct upload to local toolshed?
-        return retval
-    def compressPDF(self,inpdf=None,thumbformat='png'):
-        """need absolute path to pdf
-        """
-        assert os.path.isfile(inpdf), "## Input %s supplied to %s compressPDF not found" % (inpdf,self.myName)
-        hf,hlog = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix="%s.log" % self.toolname)
-        sto = open(hlog,'w')
-        outpdf = '%s_compressed' % inpdf
-        cl = ["gs", "-sDEVICE=pdfwrite", "-dNOPAUSE", "-dBATCH", "-sOutputFile=%s" % outpdf,inpdf]
-        x = subprocess.Popen(cl,stdout=sto,stderr=sto,cwd=self.opts.output_dir)
-        retval1 = x.wait()
-        if retval1 == 0:
-            os.unlink(inpdf)
-            shutil.move(outpdf,inpdf)
-        outpng = '%s.%s' % (os.path.splitext(inpdf)[0],thumbformat)
-        cl2 = ['convert', inpdf, outpng]
-        x = subprocess.Popen(cl2,stdout=sto,stderr=sto,cwd=self.opts.output_dir)
-        retval2 = x.wait()
-        sto.close()
-        retval = retval1 or retval2
-        return retval
-    def getfSize(self,fpath,outpath):
-        """
-        format a nice file size string
-        """
-        size = ''
-        fp = os.path.join(outpath,fpath)
-        if os.path.isfile(fp):
-            n = float(os.path.getsize(fp))
-            if n > 2**20:
-                size = ' (%1.1f MB)' % (n/2**20)
-            elif n > 2**10:
-                size = ' (%1.1f KB)' % (n/2**10)
-            elif n > 0:
-                size = ' (%d B)' % (int(n))
-        return size
-    def makeHtml(self):
-        """ Create an HTML file content to list all the artefacts found in the output_dir
-        """
-        galhtmlprefix = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> 
-        <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> 
-        <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> 
-        <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> 
-        <meta name="generator" content="Galaxy %s tool output - see" /> 
-        <title></title> 
-        <link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/style/base.css" type="text/css" /> 
-        </head> 
-        <body> 
-        <div class="document"> 
-        """ 
-        galhtmlattr = """<hr/><b><a href="">Galaxy Tool Factory Script Wrapper</a> tool output %s run at %s</b><br/>""" 
-        galhtmlpostfix = """</div></body></html>\n"""
-        flist = os.listdir(self.opts.output_dir)
-        flist = [x for x in flist if x <> 'Rplots.pdf']
-        flist.sort()
-        html = [galhtmlprefix % progname,]
-        html.append('<h2>Galaxy %s outputs run at %s</h2><br/>\n' % (self.toolname,timenow()))
-        fhtml = []
-        if len(flist) > 0:
-            html.append('<table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3">\n')
-            for fname in flist:
-                dname,e = os.path.splitext(fname)
-                sfsize = self.getfSize(fname,self.opts.output_dir)
-                if e.lower() == '.pdf' : # compress and make a thumbnail
-                    thumb = '%s.%s' % (dname,self.thumbformat)
-                    pdff = os.path.join(self.opts.output_dir,fname)
-                    retval = self.compressPDF(inpdf=pdff,thumbformat=self.thumbformat)
-                    if retval == 0:
-                        s= '<tr><td><a href="%s"><img src="%s" title="Click to download a PDF of %s" hspace="10" width="600"></a></td></tr>\n' % (fname,thumb,fname)
-                        html.append(s)
-                    fhtml.append('<li><a href="%s">%s %s</a></li>' % (fname,fname,sfsize))
-                else:
-                    fhtml.append('<li><a href="%s">%s %s</a></li>' % (fname,fname,sfsize))
-            html.append('</table>\n')
-        if len(fhtml) > 0:
-           fhtml.insert(0,'<ul>')
-           fhtml.append('</ul><br/>')
-           html += fhtml # add all non-pdf files to the end of the display
-        else:
-            html.append('<h2>### Error - %s returned no files - please confirm that parameters are sane</h1>' % self.opts.interpreter)
-            html.append('<h3>%s log follows below</h3><hr/><pre><br/>\n' % self.opts.interpreter)
-        rlog = open(self.tlog,'r').readlines()
-        html += rlog
-        html.append('<br/>%s CL = %s<br/>\n' % (self.toolname,' '.join(sys.argv)))
-        html.append('</pre>\n')
-        html.append(galhtmlattr % (progname,timenow()))
-        html.append(galhtmlpostfix)
-        htmlf = file(self.opts.output_html,'w')
-        htmlf.write('\n'.join(html))
-        htmlf.write('\n')
-        htmlf.close()
-        self.html = html
-    def run(self):
-        """
-        """
-        if self.opts.output_dir:
-            sto = open(self.tlog,'w')
-            p = subprocess.Popen(' '.join(,shell=True,stdout=sto,stderr=sto,stdin=subprocess.PIPE,cwd=self.opts.output_dir)
-        else:
-            p = subprocess.Popen(' '.join(,shell=True,stdin=subprocess.PIPE)            
-        p.stdin.write(self.script)
-        p.stdin.close()
-        retval = p.wait()
-        if self.opts.output_dir:
-            sto.close()
-        if self.opts.make_HTML:
-            self.makeHtml()
-        return retval
-def main():
-    u = """
-    This is a Galaxy wrapper. It expects to be called by a special purpose tool.xml as:
-    <command interpreter="python"> --script_path "$scriptPath" --tool_name "foo" --interpreter "Rscript"
-    </command>
-    """
-    op = optparse.OptionParser()
-    a = op.add_option
-    a('--script_path',default=None)
-    a('--tool_name',default=None)
-    a('--interpreter',default=None)
-    a('--output_dir',default=None)
-    a('--output_html',default=None)
-    a('--input_tab',default="None")
-    a('--output_tab',default="None")
-    a('--user_email',default=None)
-    a('--bad_user',default=None)
-    a('--make_Tool',default=None)
-    a('--make_HTML',default=None)
-    a('--help_text',default=None)
-    a('--tool_desc',default=None)
-    a('--new_tool',default=None)
-    opts, args = op.parse_args()
-    assert not opts.bad_user,'%s is NOT authorized to use this tool. Please ask your friendly admin to add their ID to admin_users in universe_wsgi.ini' % (opts.bad_user)
-    assert opts.tool_name,'## Tool Factory expects a tool name - eg --tool_name=DESeq'
-    assert opts.interpreter,'## Tool Factory wrapper expects an interpreter - eg --interpreter=Rscript'
-    assert os.path.isfile(opts.script_path),'## Tool Factory wrapper expects a script path - eg --script_path=foo.R'
-    if opts.output_dir:
-        try:
-            os.makedirs(opts.output_dir)
-        except:
-            pass
-    r = ScriptRunner(opts)
-    if opts.make_Tool:
-        retcode = r.makeTooltar()
-    else:
-        retcode =
-    if retcode:
-        sys.exit(retcode) # indicate failure to job runner
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    main()
--- a/inkblotheatmap/inkblotheatmap.xml	Wed Jun 06 23:04:16 2012 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-<tool id="inkblotheatmap" name="inkblotheatmap" version="0.01">
-            <description>tool_desc</description>
-            <command interpreter="python">
-   --script_path "$runMe" --interpreter "Rscript" 
-            --tool_name "inkblotheatmap"  --output_dir "$html_file.files_path" --output_html "$html_file" --make_HTML "yes" 
-            </command>
-            <inputs>
-            <param name="job_name" type="text" label="Supply a name for the outputs to remind you what they contain" value="inkblotheatmap"/>
-            </inputs>
-            <outputs>
-            <data format="html" name="html_file" label="${job_name}.html"/>
-            </outputs>
-            <help>
-**What it Does**
-            </help>
-            <configfiles>
-            <configfile name="runMe">
-# note this script takes NO input or output because it generates random data
-foo = data.frame(a=runif(100),b=runif(100),c=runif(100),d=runif(100),e=runif(100),f=runif(100))
-bar = as.matrix(foo)
-pdf( "heattest.pdf" )
-heatmap(bar,main='Random Heatmap')
-            </configfile>
-            </configfiles>
-            </tool>