changeset 1:2056139d55d6 draft

author fubar
date Tue, 21 Oct 2014 22:53:49 -0400
parents b539dcdc6168
children 359c66be8677
files rglasso.xml rglasso_cox.xml test-data/cox_coxlassotest_glmnet_cvdeviance.pdf test-data/cox_coxlassotest_glmnetdev.pdf test-data/cox_test.xls test-data/coxlassotest.html test-data/coxlassotest_modelres.xls tool_dependencies.xml
diffstat 9 files changed, 348 insertions(+), 1827 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/	Sun Oct 19 06:04:51 2014 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,662 +0,0 @@
-# see
-# copyright ross lazarus (ross stop lazarus at gmail stop com) May 2012
-# all rights reserved
-# Licensed under the LGPL
-# suggestions for improvement and bug fixes welcome at
-# july 2014
-# added buffered read of sterror after run
-# august 2013
-# found a problem with GS if $TMP or $TEMP missing - now inject /tmp and warn
-# july 2013
-# added ability to combine images and individual log files into html output
-# just make sure there's a log file foo.log and it will be output
-# together with all images named like "foo_*.pdf
-# otherwise old format for html
-# January 2013
-# problem pointed out by Carlos Borroto
-# added escaping for <>$ - thought I did that ages ago...
-# August 11 2012 
-# changed to use shell=False and cl as a sequence
-# This is a Galaxy tool factory for simple scripts in python, R or whatever ails ye.
-# It also serves as the wrapper for the new tool.
-# you paste and run your script
-# Only works for simple scripts that read one input from the history.
-# Optionally can write one new history dataset,
-# and optionally collect any number of outputs into links on an autogenerated HTML page.
-# DO NOT install on a public or important site - please.
-# installed generated tools are fine if the script is safe.
-# They just run normally and their user cannot do anything unusually insecure
-# but please, practice safe toolshed.
-# Read the fucking code before you install any tool 
-# especially this one
-# After you get the script working on some test data, you can
-# optionally generate a toolshed compatible gzip file
-# containing your script safely wrapped as an ordinary Galaxy script in your local toolshed for
-# safe and largely automated installation in a production Galaxy.
-# If you opt for an HTML output, you get all the script outputs arranged
-# as a single Html history item - all output files are linked, thumbnails for all the pdfs.
-# Ugly but really inexpensive.
-# Patches appreciated please. 
-# long route to June 2012 product
-# Behold the awesome power of Galaxy and the toolshed with the tool factory to bind them
-# derived from an integrated script model  
-# called
-# Note to the unwary:
-#   This tool allows arbitrary scripting on your Galaxy as the Galaxy user
-#   There is nothing stopping a malicious user doing whatever they choose
-#   Extremely dangerous!!
-#   Totally insecure. So, trusted users only
-# preferred model is a developer using their throw away workstation instance - ie a private site.
-# no real risk. The universe_wsgi.ini admin_users string is checked - only admin users are permitted to run this tool.
-import sys 
-import shutil 
-import subprocess 
-import os 
-import time 
-import tempfile 
-import optparse
-import tarfile
-import re
-import shutil
-import math
-progname = os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[1] 
-myversion = 'V000.2 June 2012' 
-verbose = False 
-debug = False
-toolFactoryURL = ''
-buffsize = 1048576
-def timenow():
-    """return current time as a string
-    """
-    return time.strftime('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time()))
-html_escape_table = {
-     "&": "&amp;",
-     ">": "&gt;",
-     "<": "&lt;",
-     "$": "\$"
-     }
-def html_escape(text):
-     """Produce entities within text."""
-     return "".join(html_escape_table.get(c,c) for c in text)
-def cmd_exists(cmd):
-     return"type " + cmd, shell=True, 
-           stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) == 0
-class ScriptRunner:
-    """class is a wrapper for an arbitrary script
-    """
-    def __init__(self,opts=None,treatbashSpecial=True):
-        """
-        cleanup inputs, setup some outputs
-        """
-        self.useGM = cmd_exists('gm')
-        self.useIM = cmd_exists('convert')
-        self.useGS = cmd_exists('gs')
-        self.temp_warned = False # we want only one warning if $TMP not set
-        self.treatbashSpecial = treatbashSpecial
-        if opts.output_dir: # simplify for the tool tarball
-            os.chdir(opts.output_dir)
-        self.thumbformat = 'png'
-        self.opts = opts
-        self.toolname = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9_]+', '', opts.tool_name) # a sanitizer now does this but..
-        self.toolid = self.toolname
-        self.myname = sys.argv[0] # get our name because we write ourselves out as a tool later
-        self.pyfile = self.myname # crude but efficient - the cruft won't hurt much
-        self.xmlfile = '%s.xml' % self.toolname
-        s = open(self.opts.script_path,'r').readlines()
-        s = [x.rstrip() for x in s] # remove pesky dos line endings if needed
-        self.script = '\n'.join(s)
-        fhandle,self.sfile = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=self.toolname,suffix=".%s" % (opts.interpreter))
-        tscript = open(self.sfile,'w') # use self.sfile as script source for Popen
-        tscript.write(self.script)
-        tscript.close()
-        self.indentedScript = '\n'.join([' %s' % x for x in s]) # for restructured text in help
-        self.escapedScript = '\n'.join([html_escape(x) for x in s])
-        self.elog = os.path.join(self.opts.output_dir,"%s_error.log" % self.toolname)
-        self.tlog = os.path.join(self.opts.output_dir,"%s_runner.log" % self.toolname)
-        if opts.output_dir: # may not want these complexities 
-            art = '%s.%s' % (self.toolname,opts.interpreter)
-            artpath = os.path.join(self.opts.output_dir,art) # need full path
-            artifact = open(artpath,'w') # use self.sfile as script source for Popen
-            artifact.write(self.script)
-            artifact.close()
- = []
-        self.html = []
-        a =
-        a(opts.interpreter)
-        if self.treatbashSpecial and opts.interpreter in ['bash','sh']:
-            a(self.sfile)
-        else:
-            a('-') # stdin
-        a(opts.input_tab)
-        a(opts.output_tab)
-        self.outFormats = 'tabular' # TODO make this an option at tool generation time
-        self.inputFormats = 'tabular' # TODO make this an option at tool generation time
-        self.test1Input = '%s_test1_input.xls' % self.toolname
-        self.test1Output = '%s_test1_output.xls' % self.toolname
-        self.test1HTML = '%s_test1_output.html' % self.toolname
-    def makeXML(self):
-        """
-        Create a Galaxy xml tool wrapper for the new script as a string to write out
-        fixme - use templating or something less fugly than this example of what we produce
-        <tool id="reverse" name="reverse" version="0.01">
-            <description>a tabular file</description>
-            <command interpreter="python">
-   --script_path "$runMe" --interpreter "python" 
-            --tool_name "reverse" --input_tab "$input1" --output_tab "$tab_file" 
-            </command>
-            <inputs>
-            <param name="input1"  type="data" format="tabular" label="Select a suitable input file from your history"/><param name="job_name" type="text" label="Supply a name for the outputs to remind you what they contain" value="reverse"/>
-            </inputs>
-            <outputs>
-            <data format="tabular" name="tab_file" label="${job_name}"/>
-            </outputs>
-            <help>
-**What it Does**
-Reverse the columns in a tabular file
-            </help>
-            <configfiles>
-            <configfile name="runMe">
-# reverse order of columns in a tabular file
-import sys
-inp = sys.argv[1]
-outp = sys.argv[2]
-i = open(inp,'r')
-o = open(outp,'w')
-for row in i:
-     rs = row.rstrip().split('\t')
-     rs.reverse()
-     o.write('\t'.join(rs))
-     o.write('\n')
-            </configfile>
-            </configfiles>
-            </tool>
-        """ 
-        newXML="""<tool id="%(toolid)s" name="%(toolname)s" version="%(tool_version)s">
-            %(tooldesc)s
-            %(command)s
-            <inputs>
-            %(inputs)s
-            </inputs>
-            <outputs>
-            %(outputs)s
-            </outputs>
-            <configfiles>
-            <configfile name="runMe">
-            %(script)s
-            </configfile>
-            </configfiles>
-            %(tooltests)s
-            <help>
-            %(help)s
-            </help>
-            </tool>""" # needs a dict with toolname, toolid, interpreter, scriptname, command, inputs as a multi line string ready to write, outputs ditto, help ditto
-        newCommand="""<command interpreter="python">
-            %(toolname) --script_path "$runMe" --interpreter "%(interpreter)s" 
-            --tool_name "%(toolname)s" %(command_inputs)s %(command_outputs)s 
-            </command>""" # may NOT be an input or htmlout
-        tooltestsTabOnly = """<tests><test>
-        <param name="input1" value="%(test1Input)s" ftype="tabular"/>
-        <param name="job_name" value="test1"/>
-        <param name="runMe" value="$runMe"/>
-        <output name="tab_file" file="%(test1Output)s" ftype="tabular"/>
-        </test></tests>"""
-        tooltestsHTMLOnly = """<tests><test>
-        <param name="input1" value="%(test1Input)s" ftype="tabular"/>
-        <param name="job_name" value="test1"/>
-        <param name="runMe" value="$runMe"/>
-        <output name="html_file" file="%(test1HTML)s" ftype="html" lines_diff="5"/>
-        </test></tests>"""
-        tooltestsBoth = """<tests><test>
-        <param name="input1" value="%(test1Input)s" ftype="tabular"/>
-        <param name="job_name" value="test1"/>
-        <param name="runMe" value="$runMe"/>
-        <output name="tab_file" file="%(test1Output)s" ftype="tabular" />
-        <output name="html_file" file="%(test1HTML)s" ftype="html" lines_diff="10"/>
-        </test></tests>"""
-        xdict = {}
-        xdict['tool_version'] = self.opts.tool_version
-        xdict['test1Input'] = self.test1Input
-        xdict['test1HTML'] = self.test1HTML
-        xdict['test1Output'] = self.test1Output   
-        if self.opts.make_HTML and self.opts.output_tab <> 'None':
-            xdict['tooltests'] = tooltestsBoth % xdict
-        elif self.opts.make_HTML:
-            xdict['tooltests'] = tooltestsHTMLOnly % xdict
-        else:
-            xdict['tooltests'] = tooltestsTabOnly % xdict
-        xdict['script'] = self.escapedScript 
-        # configfile is least painful way to embed script to avoid external dependencies
-        # but requires escaping of <, > and $ to avoid Mako parsing
-        if self.opts.help_text:
-            xdict['help'] = open(self.opts.help_text,'r').read()
-        else:
-            xdict['help'] = 'Please ask the tool author for help as none was supplied at tool generation'
-        coda = ['**Script**','Pressing execute will run the following code over your input file and generate some outputs in your history::']
-        coda.append(self.indentedScript)
-        coda.append('**Attribution** This Galaxy tool was created by %s at %s\nusing the Galaxy Tool Factory.' % (self.opts.user_email,timenow()))
-        coda.append('See %s for details of that project' % (toolFactoryURL))
-        coda.append('Please cite: Creating re-usable tools from scripts: The Galaxy Tool Factory. Ross Lazarus; Antony Kaspi; Mark Ziemann; The Galaxy Team. ')
-        coda.append('Bioinformatics 2012; doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/bts573')
-        xdict['help'] = '%s\n%s' % (xdict['help'],'\n'.join(coda))
-        if self.opts.tool_desc:
-            xdict['tooldesc'] = '<description>%s</description>' % self.opts.tool_desc
-        else:
-            xdict['tooldesc'] = ''
-        xdict['command_outputs'] = '' 
-        xdict['outputs'] = '' 
-        if self.opts.input_tab <> 'None':
-            xdict['command_inputs'] = '--input_tab "$input1" ' # the space may matter a lot if we append something
-            xdict['inputs'] = '<param name="input1"  type="data" format="%s" label="Select a suitable input file from your history"/> \n' % self.inputFormats
-        else:
-            xdict['command_inputs'] = '' # assume no input - eg a random data generator       
-            xdict['inputs'] = ''
-        xdict['inputs'] += '<param name="job_name" type="text" label="Supply a name for the outputs to remind you what they contain" value="%s"/> \n' % self.toolname
-        xdict['toolname'] = self.toolname
-        xdict['toolid'] = self.toolid
-        xdict['interpreter'] = self.opts.interpreter
-        xdict['scriptname'] = self.sfile
-        if self.opts.make_HTML:
-            xdict['command_outputs'] += ' --output_dir "$html_file.files_path" --output_html "$html_file" --make_HTML "yes" '
-            xdict['outputs'] +=  ' <data format="html" name="html_file" label="${job_name}.html"/>\n'
-        if self.opts.output_tab <> 'None':
-            xdict['command_outputs'] += ' --output_tab "$tab_file"'
-            xdict['outputs'] += ' <data format="%s" name="tab_file" label="${job_name}"/>\n' % self.outFormats
-        xdict['command'] = newCommand % xdict
-        xmls = newXML % xdict
-        xf = open(self.xmlfile,'w')
-        xf.write(xmls)
-        xf.write('\n')
-        xf.close()
-        # ready for the tarball
-    def makeTooltar(self):
-        """
-        a tool is a gz tarball with eg
-        /toolname/tool.xml /toolname/ /toolname/test-data/ ...
-        """
-        retval =
-        if retval:
-            print >> sys.stderr,'## Run failed. Cannot build yet. Please fix and retry'
-            sys.exit(1)
-        self.makeXML()
-        tdir = self.toolname
-        os.mkdir(tdir)
-        if self.opts.input_tab <> 'None': # no reproducible test otherwise? TODO: maybe..
-            testdir = os.path.join(tdir,'test-data')
-            os.mkdir(testdir) # make tests directory
-            shutil.copyfile(self.opts.input_tab,os.path.join(testdir,self.test1Input))
-            if self.opts.output_tab <> 'None':
-                shutil.copyfile(self.opts.output_tab,os.path.join(testdir,self.test1Output))
-            if self.opts.make_HTML:
-                shutil.copyfile(self.opts.output_html,os.path.join(testdir,self.test1HTML))
-            if self.opts.output_dir:
-                shutil.copyfile(self.tlog,os.path.join(testdir,'test1_out.log'))
-        op = '' % self.toolname # new name
-        outpiname = os.path.join(tdir,op) # path for the tool tarball
-        pyin = os.path.basename(self.pyfile) # our name - we rewrite ourselves (TM)
-        notes = ['# %s - a self annotated version of %s generated by running %s\n' % (op,pyin,pyin),]
-        notes.append('# to make a new Galaxy tool called %s\n' % self.toolname)
-        notes.append('# User %s at %s\n' % (self.opts.user_email,timenow()))
-        pi = open(self.pyfile,'r').readlines() # our code becomes new tool wrapper (!) - first Galaxy worm
-        notes += pi
-        outpi = open(outpiname,'w')
-        outpi.write(''.join(notes))
-        outpi.write('\n')
-        outpi.close()
-        stname = os.path.join(tdir,self.sfile)
-        if not os.path.exists(stname):
-            shutil.copyfile(self.sfile, stname)
-        xtname = os.path.join(tdir,self.xmlfile)
-        if not os.path.exists(xtname):
-            shutil.copyfile(self.xmlfile,xtname)
-        tarpath = "%s.gz" % self.toolname
-        tar =, "w:gz")
-        tar.add(tdir,arcname=self.toolname)
-        tar.close()
-        shutil.copyfile(tarpath,self.opts.new_tool)
-        shutil.rmtree(tdir)
-        ## TODO: replace with optional direct upload to local toolshed?
-        return retval
-    def compressPDF(self,inpdf=None,thumbformat='png'):
-        """need absolute path to pdf
-           note that GS gets confoozled if no $TMP or $TEMP
-           so we set it
-        """
-        assert os.path.isfile(inpdf), "## Input %s supplied to %s compressPDF not found" % (inpdf,self.myName)
-        our_env = os.environ.copy()
-        if not (our_env.get('TMP',None) or our_env.get('TEMP',None)):
-            our_env['TMP'] = '/tmp'
-            if not self.temp_warned:
-               print >> sys.stdout,'## WARNING - no $TMP or $TEMP!!! Please fix - using /tmp temporarily'
-               self.temp_warned = True          
-        hlog = os.path.join(self.opts.output_dir,"compress_%s.txt" % os.path.basename(inpdf))
-        sto = open(hlog,'w')
-        outpdf = '%s_compressed' % inpdf
-        cl = ["gs", "-sDEVICE=pdfwrite", "-dNOPAUSE", "-dUseCIEColor", "-dBATCH","-dPDFSETTINGS=/printer", "-sOutputFile=%s" % outpdf,inpdf]
-        x = subprocess.Popen(cl,stdout=sto,stderr=sto,cwd=self.opts.output_dir,env=our_env)
-        retval1 = x.wait()
-        sto.close()
-        if retval1 == 0:
-            os.unlink(inpdf)
-            shutil.move(outpdf,inpdf)
-            os.unlink(hlog)
-        else:
-            x = open(hlog,'r').readlines()
-            print >> sys.stdout,x
-        hlog = os.path.join(self.opts.output_dir,"thumbnail_%s.txt" % os.path.basename(inpdf))
-        sto = open(hlog,'w')
-        outpng = '%s.%s' % (os.path.splitext(inpdf)[0],thumbformat)
-        if self.useGM:        
-            cl2 = ['gm', 'convert', inpdf, outpng]
-        else: # assume imagemagick
-            cl2 = ['convert', inpdf, outpng]
-        x = subprocess.Popen(cl2,stdout=sto,stderr=sto,cwd=self.opts.output_dir,env=our_env)
-        retval2 = x.wait()
-        sto.close()
-        if retval2 <> 0:
-             x = open(hlog,'r').readlines()
-             print >> sys.stdout,x
-        else:
-             os.unlink(hlog)
-        retval = retval1 or retval2
-        return retval
-    def getfSize(self,fpath,outpath):
-        """
-        format a nice file size string
-        """
-        size = ''
-        fp = os.path.join(outpath,fpath)
-        if os.path.isfile(fp):
-            size = '0 B'
-            n = float(os.path.getsize(fp))
-            if n > 2**20:
-                size = '%1.1f MB' % (n/2**20)
-            elif n > 2**10:
-                size = '%1.1f KB' % (n/2**10)
-            elif n > 0:
-                size = '%d B' % (int(n))
-        return size
-    def makeHtml(self):
-        """ Create an HTML file content to list all the artifacts found in the output_dir
-        """
-        galhtmlprefix = """<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> 
-        <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> 
-        <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> 
-        <meta name="generator" content="Galaxy %s tool output - see" /> 
-        <title></title> 
-        <link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/style/base.css" type="text/css" /> 
-        </head> 
-        <body> 
-        <div class="toolFormBody"> 
-        """ 
-        galhtmlattr = """<hr/><div class="infomessage">This tool (%s) was generated by the <a href="">Galaxy Tool Factory</a></div><br/>""" 
-        galhtmlpostfix = """</div></body></html>\n"""
-        flist = os.listdir(self.opts.output_dir)
-        flist = [x for x in flist if x <> 'Rplots.pdf']
-        flist.sort()
-        html = []
-        html.append(galhtmlprefix % progname)
-        html.append('<div class="infomessage">Galaxy Tool "%s" run at %s</div><br/>' % (self.toolname,timenow()))
-        fhtml = []
-        if len(flist) > 0:
-            logfiles = [x for x in flist if x.lower().endswith('.log')] # log file names determine sections
-            logfiles.sort()
-            logfiles = [x for x in logfiles if os.path.abspath(x) <> os.path.abspath(self.tlog)]
-            logfiles.append(os.path.abspath(self.tlog)) # make it the last one
-            pdflist = []
-            npdf = len([x for x in flist if os.path.splitext(x)[-1].lower() == '.pdf'])
-            for rownum,fname in enumerate(flist):
-                dname,e = os.path.splitext(fname)
-                sfsize = self.getfSize(fname,self.opts.output_dir)
-                if e.lower() == '.pdf' : # compress and make a thumbnail
-                    thumb = '%s.%s' % (dname,self.thumbformat)
-                    pdff = os.path.join(self.opts.output_dir,fname)
-                    retval = self.compressPDF(inpdf=pdff,thumbformat=self.thumbformat)
-                    if retval == 0:
-                        pdflist.append((fname,thumb))
-                    else:
-                        pdflist.append((fname,fname))
-                if (rownum+1) % 2 == 0:
-                    fhtml.append('<tr class="odd_row"><td><a href="%s">%s</a></td><td>%s</td></tr>' % (fname,fname,sfsize))
-                else:
-                    fhtml.append('<tr><td><a href="%s">%s</a></td><td>%s</td></tr>' % (fname,fname,sfsize))
-            for logfname in logfiles: # expect at least tlog - if more
-                if os.path.abspath(logfname) == os.path.abspath(self.tlog): # handled later
-                    sectionname = 'All tool run'
-                    if (len(logfiles) > 1):
-                        sectionname = 'Other'
-                    ourpdfs = pdflist
-                else:
-                    realname = os.path.basename(logfname)
-                    sectionname = os.path.splitext(realname)[0].split('_')[0] # break in case _ added to log
-                    ourpdfs = [x for x in pdflist if os.path.basename(x[0]).split('_')[0] == sectionname]
-                    pdflist = [x for x in pdflist if os.path.basename(x[0]).split('_')[0] <> sectionname] # remove
-                nacross = 1
-                npdf = len(ourpdfs)
-                if npdf > 0:
-                    nacross = math.sqrt(npdf) ## int(round(math.log(npdf,2)))
-                    if int(nacross)**2 != npdf:
-                        nacross += 1
-                    nacross = int(nacross)
-                    width = min(400,int(1200/nacross))
-                    html.append('<div class="toolFormTitle">%s images and outputs</div>' % sectionname)
-                    html.append('(Click on a thumbnail image to download the corresponding original PDF image)<br/>')
-                    ntogo = nacross # counter for table row padding with empty cells
-                    html.append('<div><table class="simple" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">\n<tr>')
-                    for i,paths in enumerate(ourpdfs): 
-                        fname,thumb = paths
-                        s= """<td><a href="%s"><img src="%s" title="Click to download a PDF of %s" hspace="5" width="%d" 
-                           alt="Image called %s"/></a></td>\n""" % (fname,thumb,fname,width,fname)
-                        if ((i+1) % nacross == 0):
-                            s += '</tr>\n'
-                            ntogo = 0
-                            if i < (npdf - 1): # more to come
-                               s += '<tr>'
-                               ntogo = nacross
-                        else:
-                            ntogo -= 1
-                        html.append(s)
-                    if html[-1].strip().endswith('</tr>'):
-                        html.append('</table></div>\n')
-                    else:
-                        if ntogo > 0: # pad
-                           html.append('<td>&nbsp;</td>'*ntogo)
-                        html.append('</tr></table></div>\n')
-                logt = open(logfname,'r').readlines()
-                logtext = [x for x in logt if x.strip() > '']
-                html.append('<div class="toolFormTitle">%s log output</div>' % sectionname)
-                if len(logtext) > 1:
-                    html.append('\n<pre>\n')
-                    html += logtext
-                    html.append('\n</pre>\n')
-                else:
-                    html.append('%s is empty<br/>' % logfname)
-        if len(fhtml) > 0:
-           fhtml.insert(0,'<div><table class="colored" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3"><tr><th>Output File Name (click to view)</th><th>Size</th></tr>\n')
-           fhtml.append('</table></div><br/>')
-           html.append('<div class="toolFormTitle">All output files available for downloading</div>\n')
-           html += fhtml # add all non-pdf files to the end of the display
-        else:
-            html.append('<div class="warningmessagelarge">### Error - %s returned no files - please confirm that parameters are sane</div>' % self.opts.interpreter)
-        html.append(galhtmlpostfix)
-        htmlf = file(self.opts.output_html,'w')
-        htmlf.write('\n'.join(html))
-        htmlf.write('\n')
-        htmlf.close()
-        self.html = html
-    def run(self):
-        """
-        scripts must be small enough not to fill the pipe!
-        """
-        my_env = os.environ.copy()
-        if self.treatbashSpecial and self.opts.interpreter in ['bash','sh']:
-          retval = self.runBash(pth)
-        else:
-            if self.opts.output_dir:
-                ste = open(self.elog,'w')
-                sto = open(self.tlog,'w')
-                sto.write('## Toolfactory generated command line = %s\n' % ' '.join(
-                sto.flush()
-                p = subprocess.Popen(,shell=False,stdout=sto,stderr=ste,stdin=subprocess.PIPE,cwd=self.opts.output_dir,env=my_env)
-            else:
-                p = subprocess.Popen(,shell=False,stdin=subprocess.PIPE,env=my_env)
-            p.stdin.write(self.script)
-            p.stdin.close()
-            retval = p.wait()
-            if self.opts.output_dir:
-                sto.close()
-                ste.close()
-                # get stderr, allowing for case where it's very large
-                tmp_stderr = open( self.elog, 'rb' )
-                stderr = ''
-                try:
-                    while True:
-                        stderr += buffsize )
-                        if not stderr or len( stderr ) % buffsize != 0:
-                            break
-                except OverflowError:
-                    pass
-                tmp_stderr.close()
-                if retval != 0:
-                    raise Exception, stderr
-            if self.opts.make_HTML:
-                self.makeHtml()
-        return retval
-    def runBash(self):
-        """
-        cannot use - for bash so use self.sfile
-        """
-        if self.opts.output_dir:
-            s = '## Toolfactory generated command line = %s\n' % ' '.join(
-            ste = open(self.elog,'w')
-            sto = open(self.tlog,'w')
-            sto.write(s)
-            sto.flush()
-            p = subprocess.Popen(,shell=False,stdout=sto,stderr=ste,cwd=self.opts.output_dir)
-        else:
-            p = subprocess.Popen(,shell=False)            
-        retval = p.wait()
-        if self.opts.output_dir:
-            sto.close()
-            ste.close()
-            # get stderr, allowing for case where it's very large
-            tmp_stderr = open(self.elog, 'rb' )
-            stderr = ''
-            try:
-                while True:
-                    stderr += buffsize )
-                    if not stderr or len( stderr ) % buffsize != 0:
-                        break
-            except OverflowError:
-                pass
-            tmp_stderr.close()
-            if retval != 0:
-                raise Exception, stderr
-        if self.opts.make_HTML:
-            self.makeHtml()
-        return retval
-def main():
-    u = """
-    This is a Galaxy wrapper. It expects to be called by a special purpose tool.xml as:
-    <command interpreter="python"> --script_path "$scriptPath" --tool_name "foo" --interpreter "Rscript"
-    </command>
-    """
-    op = optparse.OptionParser()
-    a = op.add_option
-    a('--script_path',default=None)
-    a('--tool_name',default=None)
-    a('--interpreter',default=None)
-    a('--output_dir',default=None)
-    a('--output_html',default=None)
-    a('--input_tab',default="None")
-    a('--output_tab',default="None")
-    a('--user_email',default='Unknown')
-    a('--bad_user',default=None)
-    a('--make_Tool',default=None)
-    a('--make_HTML',default=None)
-    a('--help_text',default=None)
-    a('--tool_desc',default=None)
-    a('--new_tool',default=None)
-    a('--tool_version',default=None)
-    opts, args = op.parse_args()
-    assert not opts.bad_user,'UNAUTHORISED: %s is NOT authorized to use this tool until Galaxy admin adds %s to admin_users in universe_wsgi.ini' % (opts.bad_user,opts.bad_user)
-    assert opts.tool_name,'## Tool Factory expects a tool name - eg --tool_name=DESeq'
-    assert opts.interpreter,'## Tool Factory wrapper expects an interpreter - eg --interpreter=Rscript'
-    assert os.path.isfile(opts.script_path),'## Tool Factory wrapper expects a script path - eg --script_path=foo.R'
-    if opts.output_dir:
-        try:
-            os.makedirs(opts.output_dir)
-        except:
-            pass
-    r = ScriptRunner(opts)
-    if opts.make_Tool:
-        retcode = r.makeTooltar()
-    else:
-        retcode =
-    os.unlink(r.sfile)
-    if retcode:
-        sys.exit(retcode) # indicate failure to job runner
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    main()
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/rglasso.xml	Tue Oct 21 22:53:49 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+<tool id="rglasso" name="Lasso" version="0.01">
+  <description>and ridge regression using glmnet</description>
+  <requirements>
+      <requirement type="package" version="3.1.1">R_3_1_1</requirement>
+      <requirement type="package" version="1.3.18">graphicsmagick</requirement>
+      <requirement type="package" version="9.10">ghostscript</requirement>
+      <requirement type="package" version="2.14">glmnet_lars_2_14</requirement>
+  </requirements>
+   <stdio>
+     <exit_code range="4"   level="fatal"   description="Number of subject ids must match total number of samples in the input matrix" />
+   </stdio>
+  <command interpreter="python">
+ --script_path "$runme" --interpreter "Rscript" --tool_name "rglasso" 
+    --output_dir "$html_file.files_path" --output_html "$html_file" --make_HTML "yes"
+  </command>
+  <inputs>
+     <param name="title" type="text" value="lasso test" size="80" label="Title for job outputs" help="Typing a short, meaningful text here will help remind you (and explain to others) what the outputs represent">
+      <sanitizer invalid_char="">
+        <valid initial="string.letters,string.digits"><add value="_" /> </valid>
+      </sanitizer>
+    </param>
+    <param name="input1"  type="data" format="tabular" label="Select an input tabular file. Each row should contain a different measurement (phenotype) to be analysed."
+    multiple='False' help="Tabular data with samples as rows, phenotypes as columns with a header row of names and unique sample ID in first column" />
+    <param name="yvar_cols" label="Select columns containing variables to use as dependent (y) in lasso regressions" type="data_column" data_ref="input1" numerical="True" 
+         multiple="True" use_header_names="True"  help = "Each selected variable will be run and reported separately."/>
+    <param name="xvar_cols" label="Select columns containing variables to use as predictor (x) vars in each y lasso" type="data_column" data_ref="input1" numerical="True" 
+         multiple="True" use_header_names="True" />
+    <param name="logtrans" type="select" label="Perform a log transformation on all predictors" >
+            <option value="False" selected="true">No log transformation of predictors</option>
+            <option value="True">Log 2 transform predictors before model</option>
+    </param>
+    <param name="do_standard" type="select" label="Standardise x vars" 
+         help="If all measurements on same scale, may not be needed. Coefficients are always returned on the original scale.">
+            <option value="False" selected="true">No standardisation of predictors</option>
+            <option value="True">Standardise predictors before model</option>
+    </param>
+    <param name="alpha" type="float" value="0.95" size="5" min="0.01" max="1.0" label="Alpha - see glmnet docs. 1-> lasso. 0.025-> ridge regression"
+     help="Default 0.95 allows lasso to cope better with expected predictor collinearity. Use (eg) 0.5 for hybrid regularised regression or (eg) 0.025 for ridge regression"/>
+    <param name="nfold" type="integer" value="10" size="5" label="Number of folds for internal cross validation"
+     help="Default of 10 is usually ok"/>
+    <param name="fdrthresh" type="float" value="0.05" size="5" label="P value threshold for FDR filtering for amily wise error rate control"
+     help="Conventional default value of 0.05 recommended"/>
+    <param name="fdrtype" type="select" label="FDR (Type II error) control method" 
+         help="Use fdr or bh typically to control for the number of tests in a reliable way">
+            <option value="fdr" selected="true">fdr</option>
+            <option value="BH">Benjamini Hochberg</option>
+            <option value="BY">Benjamini Yukateli</option>
+            <option value="bonferroni">Bonferroni</option>
+            <option value="hochberg">Hochberg</option>
+            <option value="holm">Holm</option>
+            <option value="hommel">Hommel</option>
+            <option value="none">no control for multiple tests</option>
+    </param>
+  </inputs>
+  <outputs>
+    <data format="html" name="html_file" label="${title}.html"/>
+    <data format="tabular" name="model_file" label="${title}_modelres.xls"/>
+  </outputs>
+ <tests>
+<param name='finput' value='test_bams2mx.xls' ftype='tabular' />
+ <param name='treatment_name' value='case' />
+ <param name='title' value='edgeRtest' />
+ <param name='useNDF' value='' />
+ <param name='fdrtype' value='fdr' />
+ <param name='priordf' value="0" />
+ <param name='fdrthresh' value="0.05" />
+ <param name='control_name' value='control' />
+ <param name='subjectids' value='' />
+  <param name='Treat_cols' value='3,4,5,9' />
+ <param name='Control_cols' value='2,6,7,8' />
+ <output name='outtab' file='edgeRtest1out.xls' compare='diff' />
+ <output name='html_file' file='edgeRtest1out.html'  compare='diff' lines_diff='20' />
+<configfile name="runme">
+do_lasso = function(x=NA,y=NA,do_standard=T,p.cutoff=0.05,debugOn=T,defaultFam="gaussian",logtransform=T,descr='description',
+                    indx=1,target='target',sane=F,alpha=1.0,nfold=10)
+  logf = file(paste(target,"rglasso.log",sep='_'), open = "wt")
+  sink(logf,type = c("output", "message"))
+  res = NULL
+  phe_is_bin = (length(unique(y)) == 2)
+  cat('i=',indx,'target=',target,'logtrans=',logtransform,'is binary=',phe_is_bin,'dim(x)=',dim(x),'length(y)=',length(y),'\n')
+  fam = "gaussian"
+  if (defaultFam %in% c("poisson","binomial","gaussian","multinomial")) fam=defaultFam
+  if (phe_is_bin == T) {
+    fam = "binomial"
+  } 
+  do_standard = do_standard
+  standardize = do_standard 
+  normalize = do_standard
+  if (fam == "binomial") 
+  {
+    larsres = try(glmnet(x,y,family=fam,standardize=standardize,maxit=10000,alpha=alpha,type.logistic = "modified.Newton" ),T)
+  } else {
+    larsres = try(glmnet(x,y,family=fam,standardize=standardize,maxit=10000,alpha=alpha,type.gaussian="covariance"),T)
+  }
+  if (class(larsres) == "try-error")
+  {
+    print.noquote(paste('Unable to run glmnet on your data for',target))
+    return(NA)
+  }
+  mt = paste(descr,'glmnet on',target)
+  outpdf = paste(target,descr,'glmnetPath.pdf',sep='_')
+  pdf(outpdf)
+  try(
+      {
+      plot(larsres,main=mtitle,label=T) 
+      grid()
+      },T)
+  outpdf = paste(target,descr,'glmnetDeviance.pdf',sep='_')
+  pdf(outpdf)
+  mt2 = paste(descr,'Deviance for',target)
+  try( {
+        plot(larsres,xvar="dev",main=mt2,label=T)
+        grid()
+        },T)
+  larscv = NA
+  if (fam=="binomial") {
+    tmain = paste(target,'AUC')
+    outpdf = paste(target,descr,'glmnetCV_AUC.pdf',sep='_')
+    larscv = try(cv.glmnet(x=x,y=y,family=fam,type.measure='auc'),T)
+  } else {
+    tmain = paste(target,'CV MSE')
+    outpdf = paste(target,descr,'glmnetCV_MSE.pdf',sep='_')
+    larscv = try(cv.glmnet(x,y,family=fam,type.measure='mse'),T)
+  }
+  if (class(larscv) == "try-error") { return(NA) }
+  pdf(outpdf)
+  try(
+     {
+     plot(larscv,main=tmain)
+     grid()
+     },T)
+  best_lambda = larscv\$lambda.min
+  bestpred = as.matrix(coef(larscv, s = "lambda.min"))
+  inmodel = which(bestpred != 0)
+  coefs = bestpred[inmodel,1]
+  preds = rownames(bestpred)[inmodel]
+  names(coefs) = preds
+  if (debugOn) {cat(indx,'best_lambda=',best_lambda,'saving',fam,'respreds=',names(coefs),'as predictors of',target,'coefs=',coefs,'\n')}
+  res = try(data.frame(i=indx,pred=target,regulator=names(coefs),coef=coefs,glmnet_model=fam),T)
+  if (class(res) == "try-error") { return(NA) }
+  print.noquote(res)
+  return(res)
+  sink()
+dolasso_generic = function(predvars=NA,depvars=NA,debugOn=T,p.cutoff = 0.05,maxsteps=100, alpha=alpha,nfold=10,xcolnames=c(),ycolnames=c(),
+                           descr="describe me",logtransform=F,do_standard=F,defaultFam="gaussian")
+  xdat = predvars
+  if (logtransform) {
+        small = 1e-10
+        predvars = try(log(predvars+small),T)
+        descr = paste('logxformed',descr,sep='_')
+  }
+  if (class(predvars) == "try-error")
+          {
+          print.noquote('Unable to log transform your predictors')
+          return(NA)
+          }
+  xm = as.matrix(xdat)
+  res = NULL
+  depnames = ycolnames
+  ndep = length(depnames)
+  for (i in c(1:max(1,ndep)))   {
+    target = depnames[i]
+    if (length(target) < 1) { target='y' }
+    if (i %% 100 == 0) { cat(i,target,'\n') }
+    if (ndep <= 1) {
+       y=depvars
+    } else {
+       y = depvars[,i]
+    }
+    x = xm
+    ok = complete.cases(x,y)
+    if (sum(! ok) > 0) {
+      y = y[(ok)]
+      x = xm[(ok),]
+    }
+    if (sum(ok) == 0 ) {
+      print(paste("No complete cases found for",target,"in input x dim =",dim(xm),"length y=",length(y)))
+    } else {
+      regres = do_lasso(x=x,y=y,do_standard=do_standard,p.cutoff=p.cutoff,debugOn=debugOn,defaultFam=defaultFam,
+                        logtransform=logtransform,descr=descr,indx=i,target=target,alpha=alpha,nfold=nfold)
+      if (! { res = rbind(res,regres) }
+    }
+  }
+  if (! {
+    rownames(res) = c(1:length(res\$i))
+  }
+  return(res)
+corPlot=function(xdat=c(),main='main title',is_raw=T)
+  library(pheatmap)   
+  library(gplots)
+  if (is_raw) {
+    cxdat = cor(xdat,method="spearman",use="pairwise.complete.obs")
+  } else {
+    cxdat=xdat
+  }
+  xro = nrow(cxdat)
+  if (xro > 1000) stop("Too many rows for heatmap, who can read?!")
+  fontsize_col = 5.0
+  pheatmap(cxdat, main=main, show_colnames = F, width=30, height=30,
+           fontsize_row=fontsize_col, border_color=NA)
+mdsPlot = function(dm,myTitle,groups)
+  samples = colnames(dm)
+  mt = paste(unlist(strsplit(myTitle,' ')),collapse=" ")
+  outpdfname=paste(mt,"MDS.pdf",sep='_')
+  gu = unique(groups)
+  colours = rainbow(length(gu),start=0.1,end=0.9)
+  pcols = colours[match(groups,gu)]
+  mydata = t(dm) 
+  d = dist(mydata) 
+  fit = cmdscale(d,eig=TRUE, k=2) 
+  x = fit\$points[,1]
+  y = fit\$points[,2]
+  pdf(outpdfname)
+  plot(x, y, xlab="Dimension 1", ylab="Dimension 2",
+       main=paste(mt,"MDS Plot"),type="n", col=pcols)
+  text(x, y, labels = row.names(mydata), cex=0.3, col=pcols)
+  grid(col="lightgray",lty="dotted")
+runTest = function(n=10)
+  set.seed (NULL)
+  Y = data.frame(y1=runif (n),y2=runif(n))
+  Xv <- runif(n*n)
+  X <- matrix(Xv, nrow = n, ncol = n)
+  mydf <- data.frame(Y, X)
+  regres_out = dolasso_generic(predvars=X,depvars=Y,debugOn=T,p.cutoff = 0.05,maxsteps=10000,nfold=10,
+                               descr='randomdata',logtransform=F,do_standard=do_standard,defaultFam="gaussian",alpha=0.05)
+  return(regres_out)
+alpha = $alpha
+nfold = $nfold
+Out_Dir = "$html_file.files_path"
+Input =  "$input1"
+yvar_cols = "$yvar_cols"
+xvar_cols= "$xvar_cols"
+fdrtype = "$fdrtype"
+fdrthresh = $fdrthresh
+myTitle = "$title"
+outtab = "$model_file"
+logtrans = as.logical("$logtrans")
+do_standard = as.logical("$do_standard")
+indat = read.table(Input,head=T,sep='\t')
+datcols = colnames(indat)
+if (length(yvar_cols) == 1) {yvar_cols = c(yvar_cols)}
+if (length(xvar_cols) == 1) {xvar_cols = c(xvar_cols)}
+yvar_cols = as.numeric(strsplit(yvar_cols,",")[[1]])
+xvar_cols = as.numeric(strsplit(xvar_cols,",")[[1]])
+y = indat[,yvar_cols]
+x = indat[,xvar_cols]
+xcolnames = colnames(indat)[xvar_cols]
+ycolnames = colnames(indat)[yvar_cols]
+cat('Got yvar=',paste(ycolnames,collapse=','),'cols',yvar_cols,'n preds=',length(xcolnames),'\n')
+if (file.exists(Out_Dir) == F) dir.create(Out_Dir)
+regres_out = dolasso_generic(predvars=x,depvars=y,debugOn=T,p.cutoff = fdrthresh,maxsteps=10000,nfold=nfold,xcolnames=xcolnames,ycolnames=ycolnames,
+                             descr=myTitle,logtransform=logtrans,do_standard=do_standard,defaultFam="gaussian",alpha=alpha)
+write.table(regres_out,outtab,quote=FALSE, sep="\t",row.names=F)
+**What it does**
+Runs Bioconductor glmnet code on your data
+glmnet allows you to use extremely efficient code providing blazing fast coordinate descent solution to lasso (or by altering alpha from 1.0, hybrid ridge/elastic-net) 
+regularised regression models. These are highly optimised forward stepwise regressions which (in very broad terms) use penalties on
+the number of coefficients in a clever way and usually find a pretty good, sane, sparse set of predictors for the dependent variable. 
+These provide all optimal solutions starting with all zero regression parameters, allowing one to become non-zero at a time, stepwise.
+Internal cross validation is used to optimise the choice of lambda based on CV AUC for logistic (binomial outcome) models, or CV mse for gaussian.
+Sufficiently big jobs will take a while (eg each lasso regression with 20k features on 1k samples takes about 2 minutes on our aged cluster)
+Assuming you have more measurements than samples, you supply data as a tabular text file where each row is a sample and columns
+are variables. You specify which columns are dependent (predictors) and which are observations for each sample. Each of multiple
+dependent variable columns will be run and reported independently.
+For each selected dependent regression variable, a brief report of the model coefficients predicted at the
+'optimal' nfold CV value of lambda.
+glmnet_ is a tutorial introduction worth reading - based on the vignette but easier to follow.
+See above for Bioconductor package documentation for packages exposed in Galaxy by this tool and app store package.
+Galaxy_ (that's what you are using right now!) for gluing everything together 
+Otherwise, all code and documentation comprising this tool was written by Ross Lazarus and is 
+licensed to you under the LGPL_ like other rgenetics artefacts
+.. _LGPL:
+.. _glmnet:
+.. _Galaxy:
--- a/rglasso_cox.xml	Sun Oct 19 06:04:51 2014 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,490 +0,0 @@
-<tool id="rglasso_cox" name="Lasso" version="0.02">
-  <description>and cox regression using elastic net</description>
-  <requirements>
-      <requirement type="package" version="3.1.1">R_3_1_1</requirement>
-      <requirement type="package" version="1.3.18">graphicsmagick</requirement>
-      <requirement type="package" version="9.10">ghostscript</requirement>
-      <requirement type="package" version="2.14">glmnet_lars_2_14</requirement>
-  </requirements>
-  <command interpreter="python">
- --script_path "$runme" --interpreter "Rscript" --tool_name "rglasso" 
-    --output_dir "$html_file.files_path" --output_html "$html_file" --make_HTML "yes"
-  </command>
-  <inputs>
-     <param name="title" type="text" value="lasso test" size="80" label="Title for job outputs" help="Typing a short, meaningful text here will help remind you (and explain to others) what the outputs represent">
-      <sanitizer invalid_char="">
-        <valid initial="string.letters,string.digits"><add value="_" /> </valid>
-      </sanitizer>
-    </param>
-    <param name="input1"  type="data" format="tabular" label="Select an input tabular text file from your history. Rows represent samples; Columns are measured phenotypes"
-    multiple='False' help="Tabular text data with samples as rows, phenotypes as columns with a header row of column identifiers" />
-    <param name="xvar_cols" label="Select columns containing numeric variables to use as predictor (x) variables" type="data_column" data_ref="input1" numerical="True" 
-         multiple="True" use_header_names="True" />
-    <param name="force_xvar_cols" label="Select numeric columns containing variables ALWAYS included as predictors in cross validation" type="data_column" data_ref="input1" numerical="True" 
-         multiple="True" use_header_names="True" optional="True"/>
-    <conditional name="model">
-        <param name="fam" type="select" label="GLM Link function for models" 
-             help="Binary dependant variables will automatically be set to Binomial no matter what this is set to">
-             "gaussian","binomial","poisson","multinomial","cox","mgaussian"
-                <option value="gaussian" selected="true">Gaussian - continuous dependent (y)</option>
-                <option value="binomial">Binomial dependent variables</option>
-                <option value="poisson">Poisson (eg counts)</option>
-                <option value="cox">Cox models - require special setup for y variables - see below</option>
-        </param>
-        <when value="gaussian">
-            <param name="yvar_cols" label="Select numeric columns containing variables to use as the dependent (y) in elasticnet" type="data_column" data_ref="input1" numerical="True" 
-             multiple="True" use_header_names="True"  help = "If multiple, each will be modelled against all the x variables and reported separately."/>
-        </when>
-        <when value="binomial">
-            <param name="yvar_cols" label="Select numeric columns containing variables to use as the dependent (y) in elasticnet" type="data_column" data_ref="input1" numerical="True" 
-             multiple="True" use_header_names="True"  help = "If multiple, each will be modelled against all the x variables and reported separately."/>
-        </when>
-        <when value="poisson">
-            <param name="yvar_cols" label="Select columns containing variables to use as the dependent (y) in elasticnet" type="data_column" data_ref="input1" numerical="True" 
-             multiple="True" use_header_names="True"  help = "If multiple, each will be modelled against all the x variables and reported separately."/>
-        </when>
-        <when value="cox">
-             <param name="cox_time" label="Select column containing time under observation for Cox regression"
-                 type="data_column" data_ref="input1" numerical="True" optional="False"
-                 multiple="False" use_header_names="True"  help = "This MUST contain a time period - eg continuous years or days to failure or right censoring"/>
-             <param name="cox_status" label="Select column containing status = 1 for outcome of interest at the end of the time under observation or 0 for right censoring"
-                 type="data_column" data_ref="input1" numerical="True" optional="False"
-                 multiple="False" use_header_names="True"  help = "This MUST contain 1 for subjects who had an event at that time or 0 for a right censored observation"/>
-        </when>
-    </conditional>
-    <param name="logtrans" type="select" label="Perform a log transformation on all predictors" help="A tiny number (1e-10) will be added to prevent taking logs of zero">
-            <option value="False" selected="true">No log transformation of predictors</option>
-            <option value="True">Log 2 transform predictors before modelling - will fail if negative values!</option>
-    </param>
-    <param name="do_standard" type="select" label="Standardise x vars" 
-         help="If all measurements on same scale, may not be needed. Coefficients are always returned on the original scale.">
-            <option value="False" selected="true">No standardisation of predictors</option>l
-            <option value="True">Standardise predictors before model</option>
-    </param>
-    <param name="alpha" type="float" value="0.95" size="5" min="0.01" max="1.0" label="Alpha - see glmnet docs. 1 for pure lasso. 0.0 for pure ridge regression"
-     help="Default 0.95 allows lasso to cope better with expected predictor collinearity. Use (eg) 0.5 for hybrid regularised regression or (eg) 0.025 for ridge regression"/>
-    <param name="nfold" type="integer" value="10" size="5" label="Number of folds for internal cross validation"
-     help="Default of 10 is usually ok"/>
-  </inputs>
-  <outputs>
-    <data format="html" name="html_file" label="${title}.html"/>
-    <data format="tabular" name="model_file" label="${title}_modelres.xls"/>
-  </outputs>
- <tests>
-    <test>
-     <param name='input1' value='cox_test.xls' ftype='tabular' />
-     <param name='treatment_name' value='case' />
-     <param name='title' value='Cox glmnet test' />
-     <param name='nfold' value='10' />
-     <param name='logtrans' value='False' />
-     <param name='alpha' value='0.95' />
-     <param name='do_standard' value="True" />
-     <param name='cox_time' value='1' />
-     <param name='cox_status' value='2' />
-     <param name='fam' value='cox' />
-     <param name='model.yvar_cols' value='' />
-     <param name='xvar_cols' value='3,4,5' />
-     <param name='force_xvar_cols' value='3' />
-     <output name='model_file'> 
-          <assert_contents>
-                <has_text text="rhubarb" />
-                <has_text text="TRUE" />
-                <!-- &#009; is XML escape code for tab -->
-                <has_line line="regulator&#009;partial_likelihood&#009;forced_in&#009;glmnet_model&#009;best_lambda" />
-                <has_n_columns n="5" />
-           </assert_contents>
-     </output>
-     <output name='html_file' file='coxlassotest.html'  compare='diff' lines_diff='10' />
-    </test>
-**Before you start**
-Please read the glmnet documentation @ glmnet_
-This Galaxy wrapper merely exposes that code and the glmnet_ documentation is essential reading
-before getting useful results here.
-**What it does**
-From documentation at glmnet_ ::
- Glmnet is a package that fits a generalized linear model via penalized maximum likelihood.
- The regularization path is computed for the lasso or elasticnet penalty at a grid of values for the regularization parameter lambda.
- The algorithm is extremely fast, and can exploit sparsity in the input matrix x.
- It fits linear, logistic and multinomial, poisson, and Cox regression models.
- A variety of predictions can be made from the fitted models.
-All solutions starting with all zero regression parameters, allowing one to become non-zero at a time 
-in a forward stepwise manner, are estimated by coordinate descent, each point corresponding to a value for lambda.
-Internal cross validation is used to optimise the choice of lambda based on CV AUC for logistic (binomial outcome) models, or CV mse for gaussian.
-Sufficiently big jobs will take a while (eg each lasso regression with 20k features on 1k samples takes about 2-3 minutes on our aged cluster)
-Assuming you have more measurements than samples, you supply data as a tabular text file where each row is a sample and columns
-are variables. You specify which columns are dependent (predictors) and which are observations for each sample. Each of multiple
-dependent variable columns will be run and reported independently. Prectors can be forced in to the model.
-For each selected dependent regression variable, a brief report of the model coefficients predicted at the
-'optimal' nfold CV value of lambda.
-glmnet_ is the R package exposed by this Galaxy tool.
-Galaxy_ (that's what you are using right now!) for gluing everything together 
-Otherwise, all code and documentation comprising this tool was written by Ross Lazarus and is 
-licensed to you under the LGPL_ like other rgenetics artefacts
-.. _LGPL:
-.. _glmnet:
-.. _Galaxy:
-<configfile name="runme">
-dolasso_cox = function(x,y,debugOn=F,maxsteps=10000,nfold=10,xcolnames,ycolnames,
-                             descr='Cox test',logtransform=F,do_standard=F,alpha=0.9,penalty=c())
-  logf = file("cox_rglasso.log", open = "wt")
-  sink(logf,type = c("output", "message"))
-  res = NULL
-  do_standard = do_standard
-  standardize = do_standard 
-  normalize = do_standard
-  larsres = try(glmnet(x,y,family='cox',standardize=standardize,alpha=alpha ),T)
-  if (class(larsres) == "try-error")
-  {
-    print.noquote('Unable to run cox glmnet on your data')
-    print(larsres)
-    sink()
-    return(NA)
-  }
-  minlambda = min(larsres\$lambda)
-  print(paste('All partial likelihood coefficients from Cox model at minimum lambda of ',minlambda,':',sep=''))
-  print(coef(larsres,s=minlambda))
-  outpdf = paste('cox',descr,'glmnetdev.pdf',sep='_')
-  try(
-      {
-      pdf(outpdf)
-      plot(larsres,main='cox glmnet',label=T) 
-      grid()
-      },T)
-  larscv = NA
-  larscv = try(cv.glmnet(x,y,family=fam,type.measure='deviance',penalty=penalty),T)
-  if (class(larscv) == "try-error") { return(NA) }
-  outpdf = paste('cox',descr,'glmnet_cvdeviance.pdf',sep='_')
-  try(
-     {
-     pdf(outpdf)
-     plot(larscv,main='Deviance',label=T)
-     grid()
-     },T)
-  best_lambda = larscv\$lambda.min
-  bestcoef = coef(larscv, s = "lambda.min")
-  inmodel = which(bestcoef != 0)
-  coefs = bestcoef[inmodel,1]
-  preds = rownames(bestcoef)[inmodel]
-  names(coefs) = preds
-  pen = as.logical( ! penalty[inmodel])
-  if (debugOn) {
-      print.noquote(paste('best_lambda=',best_lambda,'saving cox respreds=',paste(names(coefs),collapse=','),'as predictors of survival. Coefs=',paste(coefs,collapse=',')))
-      }
-  res = try(data.frame(regulator=names(coefs),partial_likelihood=coefs,forced_in=pen,glmnet_model='cox',best_lambda=best_lambda),T)
-  if (class(res) == "try-error") { return(NA) }
-  if (debugOn) {
-      print.noquote('CV results:')
-      print.noquote(res)
-      }
-  sink()
-  return(res)
-do_lasso = function(x=NA,y=NA,do_standard=T,debugOn=T,defaultFam="gaussian",logtransform=T,descr='description',
-                    indx=1,target='target',sane=F,alpha=1.0,nfold=10,penalty=c())
-  logf = file(paste(target,"rglasso.log",sep='_'), open = "wt")
-  sink(logf,type = c("output", "message"))
-  res = NA
-  phe_is_bin = (length(unique(y)) == 2)
-  forcedin = paste(colnames(x)[which(penalty == 0)],collapse=',')
-  print.noquote(paste('i=',indx,'target=',target,'logtrans=',logtransform,'is binary=',phe_is_bin,'dim(x)=',paste(dim(x),collapse=','),'length(y)=',length(y),'force=',forcedin))
-  fam = "gaussian"
-  if (defaultFam %in% c("poisson","binomial","gaussian","multinomial")) fam=defaultFam
-  if (phe_is_bin == T) {
-    fam = "binomial"
-  } 
-  do_standard = do_standard
-  standardize = do_standard 
-  normalize = do_standard
-  if (fam == "binomial") 
-  {
-    larsres = try(glmnet(x,y,family=fam,standardize=standardize,maxit=10000,alpha=alpha,type.logistic = "modified.Newton" ),T)
-  } else {
-    larsres = try(glmnet(x,y,family=fam,standardize=standardize,maxit=10000,alpha=alpha,type.gaussian="covariance"),T)
-  }
-  if (class(larsres) == "try-error")
-  {
-    print.noquote(paste('Unable to run glmnet on your data for',target))
-    sink()
-    return(NA)
-  }
-  mt = paste(descr,'glmnet on',target)
-  outpdf = paste(target,descr,'glmnetPath.pdf',sep='_')
-  pdf(outpdf)
-  try(
-      {
-      plot(larsres,main=mt,label=T) 
-      grid()
-      },T)
-  outpdf = paste(target,descr,'glmnetDeviance.pdf',sep='_')
-  pdf(outpdf)
-  mt2 = paste(descr,'Deviance for',target)
-  try( {
-        plot(larsres,xvar="dev",main=mt2,label=T)
-        grid()
-        },T)
-  larscv = NA
-  if (fam=="binomial") {
-    tmain = paste(target,'AUC')
-    outpdf = paste(target,descr,'glmnetCV_AUC.pdf',sep='_')
-    larscv = try(cv.glmnet(x=x,y=y,family=fam,type.measure='auc',penalty=penalty),T)
-  } else {
-    tmain = paste(target,'CV MSE')
-    outpdf = paste(target,descr,'glmnetCV_MSE.pdf',sep='_')
-    larscv = try(cv.glmnet(x,y,family=fam,type.measure='mse',penalty=penalty),T)
-  }
-  if (class(larscv) == "try-error") { return(NA) }
-  pdf(outpdf)
-  try(
-     {
-     plot(larscv,main=tmain)
-     grid()
-     },T)
-  ipenalty = c(0,penalty)
-  ### must include intercept which is always forced
-  best_lambda = larscv\$lambda.min
-  bestpred = as.matrix(coef(larscv, s = "lambda.min"))
-  inmodel = which(bestpred != 0)
-  coefs = bestpred[inmodel,1]
-  iforced = ipenalty[inmodel]
-  forced = ! as.logical(iforced)
-  preds = rownames(bestpred)[inmodel]
-  names(coefs) = preds
-  if (debugOn) {cat(indx,'best_lambda=',best_lambda,'saving',fam,'respreds=',names(coefs),'as predictors of',target,'coefs=',coefs,'\n')}
-  res = try(data.frame(i=indx,pred=target,regulator=names(coefs),coef=coefs,forced_in=forced,glmnet_model=fam),T)
-  if (class(res) == "try-error") {
-    sink()
-    return(NA) }
-  print.noquote(res)
-  sink()
-  return(res)
-dolasso_generic = function(predvars=NA,depvars=NA,debugOn=T,maxsteps=100, alpha=alpha,nfold=10,xcolnames=c(),ycolnames=c(),
-                           descr="describe me",logtransform=F,do_standard=F,defaultFam="gaussian",penalty=penalty)
-  xdat = predvars
-  if (logtransform) {
-        small = 1e-10
-        try( { lpred = log(predvars) },T)
-        if (class(lpred) == "try-error")
-            try( { lpred = log(predvars+small) }, T)
-            if (class(lpred) == "try-error")
-            {
-            print.noquote('Unable to logtransform your data')
-            return(NA)
-            }
-        descr = paste('logx',descr,sep='_')
-  }
-  xm = as.matrix(xdat)
-  res = NA
-  depnames = ycolnames
-  ndep = length(depnames)
-  for (i in c(1:max(1,ndep)))   {
-    target = depnames[i]
-    if (length(target) < 1) { target='y' }
-    if (i %% 100 == 0) { cat(i,target,'\n') }
-    if (ndep <= 1) {
-       y=depvars
-    } else {
-       y = depvars[,i]
-    }
-    x = xm
-    ok = complete.cases(x,y)
-    if (sum(! ok) > 0) {
-      y = y[(ok)]
-      x = xm[(ok),]
-    }
-    if (sum(ok) == 0 ) {
-      print(paste("No complete cases found for",target,"in input x dim =",paste(dim(xm),collapse=','),"length y=",length(y)))
-    } else {
-      regres = do_lasso(x=x,y=y,do_standard=do_standard,debugOn=debugOn,defaultFam=defaultFam,
-                        logtransform=logtransform,descr=descr,indx=i,target=target,alpha=alpha,nfold=nfold,penalty=penalty)
-      if (! { res = rbind(res,regres) }
-    }
-  }
-  if (! {
-    rownames(res) = c(1:length(res\$i))
-  }
-  return(res)
-corPlot=function(xdat=c(),main='main title',is_raw=T)
-  library(pheatmap)   
-  library(gplots)
-  if (is_raw) {
-    cxdat = cor(xdat,method="spearman",use="pairwise.complete.obs")
-  } else {
-    cxdat=xdat
-  }
-  xro = nrow(cxdat)
-  if (xro > 1000) stop("Too many rows for heatmap, who can read?!")
-  fontsize_col = 5.0
-  pheatmap(cxdat, main=main, show_colnames = F, width=30, height=30,
-           fontsize_row=fontsize_col, border_color=NA)
-mdsPlot = function(dm,myTitle,groups)
-  samples = colnames(dm)
-  mt = paste(unlist(strsplit(myTitle,' ')),collapse=" ")
-  outpdfname=paste(mt,"MDS.pdf",sep='_')
-  gu = unique(groups)
-  colours = rainbow(length(gu),start=0.1,end=0.9)
-  pcols = colours[match(groups,gu)]
-  mydata = t(dm) 
-  d = dist(mydata) 
-  fit = cmdscale(d,eig=TRUE, k=2) 
-  x = fit\$points[,1]
-  y = fit\$points[,2]
-  pdf(outpdfname)
-  plot(x, y, xlab="Dimension 1", ylab="Dimension 2",
-       main=paste(mt,"MDS Plot"),type="n", col=pcols)
-  text(x, y, labels = row.names(mydata), cex=0.3, col=pcols)
-  grid(col="lightgray",lty="dotted")
-runTest = function(n=10)
-  set.seed (NULL)
-  Y = data.frame(y1=runif (n),y2=runif(n))
-  Xv <- runif(n*n)
-  X <- matrix(Xv, nrow = n, ncol = n)
-  mydf <- data.frame(Y, X)
-  regres_out = dolasso_generic(predvars=X,depvars=Y,debugOn=T,p.cutoff = 0.05,maxsteps=10000,nfold=10,
-                               descr='randomdata',logtransform=F,do_standard=do_standard,defaultFam="gaussian",alpha=0.05)
-  return(regres_out)
-alpha = $alpha
-nfold = $nfold
-Out_Dir = "$html_file.files_path"
-Input =  "$input1"
-myTitle = "$title"
-outtab = "$model_file"
-logtrans = as.logical("$logtrans")
-do_standard = as.logical("$do_standard")
-fam = "$model.fam"
-xvar_cols_in = "$xvar_cols"
-force_xvar_cols_in = "$force_xvar_cols"
-xvar_cols = as.numeric(strsplit(xvar_cols_in,",")[[1]])
-force_xvar_cols = c()
-if (force_xvar_cols_in > "")
-  force_xvar_cols = as.numeric(strsplit(force_xvar_cols_in,",")[[1]])
-  allx = c(xvar_cols,force_xvar_cols)
-  xvar_cols = unique(allx)
-  xvar_cols = xvar_cols[order(xvar_cols)]
-indat = read.table(Input,head=T,sep='\t')
-datcols = colnames(indat)
-x = indat[,xvar_cols]
-xcolnames = datcols[xvar_cols]
-penalties = rep(1,length(datcols))
-penalty = penalties[xvar_cols]
-if (force_xvar_cols_in > "")
-  penalties[force_xvar_cols] = 0
-  penalty = penalties[xvar_cols]
-  forcedin = paste(datcols[which(penalties == 0)],collapse=',')
-if (file.exists(Out_Dir) == F) dir.create(Out_Dir)
-#if $model.fam == "cox":
-  cox_time = $model.cox_time
-  cox_status = $model.cox_status
-  yvar_cols = c(cox_time,cox_status)
-  ycolnames = c('time','status')
-  y = data.frame(time = as.double(indat[,cox_time]),status = as.double(indat[,cox_status]))
-  y = as.matrix(y)
-  x = as.matrix(x)
-  print.noquote(paste('Cox model: Got yvar=',paste(ycolnames,collapse=','),'cols',paste(yvar_cols,sep=','),'n preds=',length(xcolnames),
-    'forced in=',paste(force_xvar_cols,collapse=',')))
-  regres_out = dolasso_cox(x=x,y=y,debugOn=F,maxsteps=10000,nfold=nfold,xcolnames=xcolnames,ycolnames=ycolnames,
-                             descr=myTitle,logtransform=logtrans,do_standard=do_standard,alpha=alpha,penalty=penalty)
-    yvar_cols = "$model.yvar_cols"
-    yvar_cols = as.numeric(strsplit(yvar_cols,",")[[1]])
-    y = indat[,yvar_cols]
-    ycolnames = colnames(indat)[yvar_cols]
-    print.noquote(paste('Got yvar=',paste(ycolnames,collapse=','),'cols',paste(yvar_cols,collapse=','),'n preds=',length(xcolnames),'forced in=',paste(force_xvar_cols,collapse=',')))
-    regres_out = dolasso_generic(predvars=x,depvars=y,debugOn=F, maxsteps=10000,nfold=nfold,xcolnames=xcolnames,ycolnames=ycolnames,
-                             descr=myTitle,logtransform=logtrans,do_standard=do_standard,defaultFam=fam,alpha=alpha,penalty=penalty)
-#end if
-print.noquote('Results preview:')
-write.table(regres_out,outtab,quote=FALSE, sep="\t",row.names=F)
-print.noquote('SessionInfo for this R session:')
Binary file test-data/cox_coxlassotest_glmnet_cvdeviance.pdf has changed
Binary file test-data/cox_coxlassotest_glmnetdev.pdf has changed
--- a/test-data/cox_test.xls	Sun Oct 19 06:04:51 2014 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,502 +0,0 @@
-time	status	rhubarb	vegemite	apple
-575.966708	0	452.405468	30.339584	32286.089057
-1539.245319	1	329.689929	30.603839	15735.863202
-2072.798422	0	534.379263	32.474983	22639.136685
-1638.450154	0	362.522161	30.925996	31108.364370
-1771.625630	0	417.167751	31.444652	31317.491931
-4413.484706	1	459.947526	30.069033	11232.037882
-1519.376431	1	576.868414	30.102709	16539.948172
-4805.620290	0	554.756164	30.685550	9979.125726
-657.497124	0	439.481951	32.305768	22301.057122
-181.498205	1	581.498091	32.549519	10499.737992
-1630.552909	0	580.670671	30.825057	22321.821037
-2285.043061	1	588.034529	32.799742	8067.710675
-3697.405336	0	400.195630	31.826099	20975.730587
-3821.226480	0	561.466202	32.333230	17887.547850
-4810.837196	0	447.004938	32.547717	25383.925946
-3195.877681	1	482.169788	31.420740	27659.409774
-4556.750833	1	415.144072	31.960725	18401.138992
-3797.192061	1	484.492359	30.789882	7431.214452
-3734.484446	1	587.339066	32.052766	29443.923798
-567.665985	1	377.599777	31.203617	30148.076752
-2551.367122	0	447.623689	31.795708	15922.972458
-3.724234	1	534.080187	31.175131	8259.786167
-3528.906130	0	471.293653	31.225006	18307.543198
-3649.459162	1	443.804109	32.390564	9720.974163
-1490.640766	1	456.837379	32.099378	15292.782705
-4023.629633	1	443.869307	30.022985	23145.513801
-1389.288557	0	497.850711	30.361120	28757.227200
-535.427950	1	437.634304	32.307966	18289.733136
-3115.819953	0	587.593182	31.317353	21533.733397
-1561.895566	1	472.250365	31.550546	8724.067134
-2579.785003	0	331.955830	32.992176	12105.988070
-1592.819387	0	361.242026	31.011367	12823.339723
-4473.715814	0	334.539193	30.448049	9621.600487
-4328.198133	0	537.782739	32.683122	19090.292579
-3761.244687	1	392.916387	32.665889	22119.375302
-4638.730675	0	514.168146	30.548414	20651.266975
-1531.289211	0	451.404672	32.437627	21748.461852
-3844.140593	0	427.404840	32.894070	25824.198908
-4542.766339	0	366.992470	30.814372	6090.765585
-3296.236419	0	575.910564	32.509193	4050.864668
-710.915095	0	395.062092	32.940952	9086.464980
-3211.769396	0	428.608771	30.918481	29996.819084
-4448.442217	0	300.153203	31.160941	8735.458385
-4215.329607	0	504.064526	32.040819	29036.000397
-3249.725224	0	489.538009	32.863547	27520.919952
-3388.033079	0	485.938597	30.920035	20395.348731
-1465.239279	0	435.641977	30.193093	20469.748911
-2022.519649	0	362.011214	32.756787	18367.094394
-1474.662644	0	448.727985	31.194883	18456.157990
-2680.178585	0	553.521680	32.339108	17386.094437
-254.953131	1	467.930054	32.705913	28823.817908
-2080.749522	0	387.588403	30.520279	3389.418182
-4609.398123	1	471.568096	31.101077	27574.777543
-2506.254687	1	466.233702	32.928613	24693.847389
-1418.686322	0	519.402535	32.685931	9055.300824
-1716.501599	0	305.671024	31.453871	25382.505028
-2080.668376	0	589.514396	31.143248	24546.670311
-4051.441999	1	431.028785	30.854820	32291.736106
-221.739141	1	435.123612	30.465214	19077.175842
-3945.564918	0	559.566964	32.871624	18320.616591
-3543.190633	1	548.960006	30.269711	6259.113819
-4141.263169	1	418.013926	30.159280	12806.181141
-4613.643735	1	467.593153	30.584036	28998.377681
-2526.696757	1	442.602416	31.075723	24392.589804
-661.056610	0	306.186743	30.071900	4931.492293
-420.059232	0	557.043309	30.889234	30410.871000
-3777.621646	1	564.397202	30.810439	25359.485010
-4210.010862	0	541.943504	31.109403	18240.759045
-2251.752128	1	442.108369	31.308836	14136.141189
-4037.391365	1	467.892619	32.089289	14540.468274
-2478.012769	0	305.600832	30.653583	7117.580065
-2435.693015	0	551.918277	30.355254	29969.743529
-3816.690227	0	314.516061	31.511033	9880.067119
-531.400047	0	565.141705	30.722177	11252.478408
-4367.861436	0	421.500739	31.696812	16879.486148
-634.857316	1	476.587731	30.741441	31351.695315
-2757.953233	1	484.171370	31.510266	7767.961089
-676.813083	0	412.948756	30.174301	11123.425270
-3672.369695	0	374.771725	30.531392	32349.940422
-2572.842389	0	554.137199	32.777709	12727.962812
-4960.699040	0	560.164589	30.206776	3453.492367
-4316.475328	1	484.168551	32.069106	31984.273406
-4015.881070	1	400.274241	30.658886	11783.352436
-3052.451190	1	398.216589	30.358316	27928.803920
-1398.823206	0	446.521178	30.185715	31193.500034
-3922.909840	1	575.609185	32.724842	10233.363838
-182.803149	0	370.875903	30.856525	23954.116536
-2632.176915	1	426.948756	30.641145	30860.455084
-1060.390433	0	300.347626	31.143117	23615.898639
-3178.728283	1	514.261332	31.356224	26944.147061
-763.218442	1	463.367562	31.274306	7509.665226
-953.708474	0	384.301310	31.065789	15102.331493
-4434.527995	1	431.967331	32.369140	7177.785265
-623.914857	0	495.381873	32.915097	22739.985454
-3157.386533	1	515.293513	32.210421	31073.191185
-521.293142	0	593.449301	30.668076	29606.157493
-2845.587324	1	367.180408	32.424788	7052.350189
-4832.119270	1	465.679571	30.019029	5249.534096
-2856.445302	1	591.090965	31.133381	32498.377584
-2572.527257	1	409.021421	31.885768	13743.016360
-1413.194580	1	330.844512	32.740409	5441.606816
-2918.271731	0	304.169439	31.256918	22384.990257
-1674.024061	1	589.100300	32.763039	13305.351548
-2808.138084	0	491.357574	31.150814	17202.472869
-1424.663181	0	359.990029	31.343898	28564.024266
-2718.446177	1	580.778432	31.842978	29231.311831
-3735.730841	0	573.549637	30.079704	31952.172593
-4641.585855	0	365.172295	32.894223	17289.384320
-4071.637795	0	505.251583	32.472570	9633.518042
-471.788564	1	322.257982	32.546866	30076.426907
-1266.346159	1	335.749836	31.646670	32477.736291
-2695.370600	1	509.475837	31.947731	22351.940960
-3631.475811	0	584.575140	30.366829	13700.704821
-488.174184	0	522.383785	30.637536	29035.941989
-2645.805895	1	390.848623	31.639290	3004.701971
-4037.703358	1	425.444485	32.775358	28720.752294
-2196.610999	1	547.619331	32.640598	29108.134173
-1081.264261	1	350.044271	32.021783	19844.288986
-1074.305164	1	497.881588	32.048148	16325.089356
-1643.851420	0	372.156064	30.815571	12924.845649
-4919.287039	0	470.345027	31.043515	6953.198088
-3961.891671	1	353.750322	32.386195	10074.185995
-1643.427847	0	521.758887	31.784944	10303.308946
-2714.177818	0	363.519932	31.954710	4089.970927
-1958.737870	0	372.752456	32.778447	25735.088968
-72.430537	1	374.015311	30.406160	3519.910494
-666.824775	0	443.814245	31.382885	32222.429084
-179.203304	0	339.335011	30.911475	29294.393947
-3193.179459	1	329.239965	32.270432	7539.157039
-1405.955780	1	575.062041	31.769778	26056.208652
-4378.622335	1	583.779711	30.280724	12958.062814
-4933.985803	0	474.998284	30.835755	8298.116085
-479.970673	0	311.469610	31.110600	16498.771798
-194.917302	1	533.735116	32.682195	17363.293404
-3126.230367	1	568.043474	32.209623	22525.398240
-3605.775657	0	519.068951	30.750083	21588.128190
-68.236883	1	316.956971	32.735304	5303.699685
-2956.632516	1	359.835070	31.735527	26701.676218
-1273.924283	1	346.804469	31.185254	29977.854210
-1530.707021	1	568.442488	31.510433	20716.251168
-3847.696838	1	487.304670	32.242322	5276.023316
-3121.510941	0	518.612631	30.448810	10702.449428
-2693.401144	1	533.008711	32.964097	31390.744850
-1774.742268	1	588.145493	30.487710	21800.531169
-2216.272824	0	467.093275	31.533770	7991.454914
-1526.314833	0	433.703579	32.809884	11209.353005
-2089.304275	0	321.084472	31.021678	27856.425967
-3046.990363	1	460.307711	32.631130	7182.074497
-1317.038946	0	593.108863	31.275244	26560.416891
-1352.101840	0	306.529955	30.979817	21571.506540
-3163.866962	0	304.262526	30.303302	24717.381911
-3417.487105	1	367.150160	31.345893	13987.483107
-4582.950578	0	478.091198	32.280854	23336.546777
-1183.214096	1	435.761798	31.182880	32631.545653
-549.532217	0	436.107384	32.534391	23409.562965
-4018.079504	1	514.150908	32.582211	11007.862101
-4537.862661	0	474.720396	31.380999	6160.620917
-2023.882772	1	576.659734	31.873967	24564.400593
-301.339657	0	525.192309	30.612934	19844.142010
-989.521636	0	323.610331	30.471812	6456.387005
-3647.414661	1	353.160773	30.687803	20893.860619
-184.390450	0	367.556798	32.894773	7004.911101
-2851.709060	1	420.820133	32.238140	4715.183972
-3988.318894	0	352.860472	31.705620	18426.123706
-2244.796525	0	332.927674	31.617697	20768.384056
-726.779082	0	370.641547	32.668547	5629.086601
-2379.683675	1	566.970531	30.287987	26943.017249
-2039.968848	0	550.042019	31.203815	6686.226792
-949.545757	1	302.786734	30.845201	7393.079915
-2509.519553	1	378.264518	31.980310	16762.542739
-2949.998835	0	472.701800	32.896473	12708.457939
-3958.575946	1	402.750276	30.318068	10667.350272
-550.167142	0	394.589505	30.431805	32262.087079
-1462.278890	1	534.727448	31.514861	27759.667272
-2696.454522	1	535.656182	32.096399	32431.581354
-3756.029506	1	332.505291	32.486460	26887.712404
-1948.023625	1	470.099353	31.100519	31437.137850
-2008.758594	1	489.846790	31.656842	18513.611970
-889.052994	0	378.045215	30.360086	30999.351259
-956.860624	0	498.874188	31.238091	32986.760129
-1596.180150	1	468.477647	32.876509	10708.862352
-2044.623310	0	341.364451	30.831209	4377.873160
-1670.382802	0	344.655922	31.528413	25861.700033
-2751.419144	0	525.374048	31.427506	23893.998314
-1139.794772	0	510.822662	32.192052	27853.949410
-1951.275598	1	355.760660	30.362940	26312.111688
-3652.432308	0	330.985338	32.585428	25167.952966
-500.427055	1	453.806271	30.774837	16661.345691
-2884.409660	0	529.815414	31.683479	3317.970560
-2365.322179	0	540.382433	31.999929	29498.364669
-3853.672492	1	367.171163	32.671321	7512.370365
-938.719173	0	569.038125	31.387703	23444.121607
-3058.327259	1	411.675057	31.700811	28738.835254
-4215.442937	0	425.942827	31.617841	19505.555179
-1639.143130	1	310.802062	31.996376	24378.789768
-3015.816015	1	397.865213	30.774914	32208.055822
-1361.137094	1	314.093792	30.698064	21667.130306
-1900.651819	1	582.449408	30.643572	26755.743826
-2038.834435	1	359.535511	31.758170	26389.582514
-4217.395801	1	532.389233	32.367523	28128.901119
-4048.824843	1	415.408543	30.661216	6695.688224
-3278.940683	0	590.282168	31.148497	17706.150830
-2590.370816	1	467.475790	32.894899	31984.209283
-2961.953200	1	409.350826	30.412768	26800.587858
-757.305077	0	531.036597	32.692111	23056.009036
-4823.679979	0	547.031467	31.700254	4679.396986
-2159.887871	1	461.722894	31.554845	23118.215328
-1990.158592	0	436.583574	32.276433	22516.752446
-4010.528172	0	315.169873	31.546055	4521.472077
-527.527936	0	429.812828	32.161079	26933.467576
-2517.395024	1	442.643281	32.903345	11566.976782
-3973.530406	0	444.298671	30.860264	30738.467879
-909.115735	1	548.278268	31.969666	3061.067051
-1003.138129	0	599.492409	32.731826	5268.191640
-496.214281	1	525.539783	32.288968	18314.877509
-3321.884314	1	518.880235	31.593901	27585.403619
-531.060305	0	311.564795	30.660864	26630.390327
-1985.865186	0	468.954849	30.022861	7126.223629
-1075.080978	0	566.983564	32.548614	4189.576013
-2899.914447	0	501.981481	31.522821	3699.352956
-1209.686792	1	397.096875	30.589148	26885.709293
-1061.484419	0	399.802412	31.376845	21631.836258
-2341.148192	0	599.041273	32.705976	7273.381892
-2350.754927	1	578.118121	32.505017	16776.353449
-3715.290307	1	374.328239	31.642496	24018.734911
-353.266473	1	306.976330	30.935877	17228.695180
-739.123546	1	529.022431	30.659845	18290.776722
-465.537407	0	308.998940	31.824504	3898.463033
-3524.840397	1	385.275512	30.348328	6065.321632
-751.616003	0	322.281940	30.576017	20828.524508
-4989.405682	1	381.074571	30.437314	16844.697669
-488.563077	0	318.125000	31.138994	28854.306278
-4558.130890	0	479.058472	31.076337	3808.209751
-3644.754920	0	437.984557	30.038643	24302.584238
-4595.447449	0	323.287824	31.904699	24911.538572
-1064.168831	1	541.625023	30.168168	12380.733046
-4197.068049	0	418.764938	31.133507	14481.902057
-3593.303853	0	545.685419	30.904012	27860.611155
-3842.381434	0	596.665096	31.650039	32071.065698
-781.763222	0	544.786508	32.895055	4905.803177
-3941.386557	1	362.501808	32.489031	8386.976863
-4285.917626	1	373.105515	31.909823	18733.487831
-4152.435642	1	440.036083	30.439913	4669.690889
-2326.656610	0	409.061810	31.219523	17268.378337
-887.243489	1	458.991888	32.904742	32560.558550
-2383.154926	0	402.990252	31.501777	32165.195285
-1575.020117	1	567.576879	31.223480	11851.574021
-2681.793474	0	382.275765	30.672297	31505.220294
-3745.755933	1	524.831384	31.755858	20277.860327
-2310.372497	0	381.887619	32.549019	23884.208743
-1934.629896	0	430.992059	30.090286	16064.349955
-228.815046	1	510.344577	30.272399	13314.791074
-106.494754	0	421.895617	30.249703	6022.257615
-107.758807	1	352.048161	31.015999	27010.353099
-2366.497161	1	589.257754	32.599191	29060.870687
-3652.314844	1	325.392214	30.378902	9562.454775
-4628.382437	0	389.680904	30.488690	21333.408550
-3992.522719	1	460.945057	30.259246	21474.935828
-3116.879118	0	470.551054	30.384387	23511.934422
-3669.891947	1	468.454570	30.792238	6696.682439
-2455.615625	1	536.995869	30.130133	27385.537567
-334.254171	0	510.509005	31.195189	15166.910603
-2392.466005	1	503.464732	31.609503	28757.028622
-563.741633	0	535.281334	31.242527	11455.193241
-2683.204132	0	530.400221	30.122120	21995.611523
-116.891969	0	458.723324	30.381523	5852.247596
-2817.127744	1	547.927894	32.877328	22278.789600
-323.704077	0	432.630710	31.643437	8793.259513
-2223.194666	1	584.593612	31.798636	4232.455807
-4836.806252	0	328.278741	31.551587	28407.563886
-2302.391657	1	304.186017	30.683099	21760.214902
-1597.778913	1	593.734794	32.275770	26311.401980
-3231.228313	0	469.955959	31.155902	21789.637085
-4329.078171	1	326.299894	30.629070	28598.928501
-3004.531335	0	345.517768	31.874809	20075.187439
-3426.658667	0	407.558711	32.882949	32961.004750
-2942.293151	1	474.436479	30.681717	10297.918976
-2790.908728	1	372.634696	31.883438	18617.426989
-3645.736003	0	338.768900	30.271779	13340.959790
-4954.230936	0	475.204218	32.305344	31368.726270
-1374.169666	0	322.794825	32.054615	29507.251607
-952.311143	0	466.066676	31.283949	31527.207980
-1582.935333	1	430.497522	32.636945	6365.677867
-1574.488078	1	512.547475	32.000036	3214.800133
-3675.314941	0	420.357568	30.365188	24034.010725
-3737.900636	0	310.463467	32.944674	19212.098849
-453.453905	1	307.998144	31.734006	6696.312537
-180.430188	0	500.121289	31.647589	25439.918801
-2223.386978	0	342.168201	31.413275	10321.858985
-3347.152707	0	450.255234	32.419409	21979.139997
-2032.988552	1	359.268392	32.444386	4151.429949
-1855.874006	1	486.902129	32.194183	28734.066535
-576.472090	0	491.131111	30.250436	21183.624322
-2629.739140	1	490.880496	30.706030	20741.966223
-3234.449151	0	591.702238	31.565719	9467.501732
-4568.779861	0	391.821980	31.778473	12171.711242
-1369.135728	1	352.424832	32.501343	24914.054783
-1203.818730	1	453.408627	30.021814	9344.375802
-1328.193901	1	326.714975	31.957412	22506.010391
-3143.392191	0	488.722719	30.906428	20404.329854
-1516.300551	1	524.551137	30.783381	26784.582992
-4401.773609	1	490.129039	31.474209	27673.989380
-471.342147	0	345.653763	30.714091	27614.068357
-2846.556659	0	387.773914	32.101213	25758.358083
-3113.332960	0	340.017571	31.250862	8517.797718
-569.863929	1	507.285752	32.723247	7350.729977
-1351.433366	1	355.255156	31.629009	10035.728199
-2057.479962	0	504.044203	31.725231	14699.764489
-2029.207221	1	326.501058	31.883646	25956.067323
-4987.734533	0	391.140321	30.918262	15723.785267
-2728.957211	1	498.936107	32.017269	21531.521853
-2885.926679	0	458.513681	31.221876	23111.352960
-1214.796671	0	531.593343	32.409879	26260.051485
-4073.228494	1	563.045005	31.629048	5742.795393
-632.393708	1	428.087852	32.360714	20236.813182
-4548.671698	0	387.645357	30.048297	28095.140888
-735.589017	0	510.876342	30.202972	28887.002260
-2683.928468	1	352.751328	31.385745	3968.105767
-3761.692766	1	470.650685	31.713693	21645.943688
-3949.678238	0	572.913454	32.230970	18919.434641
-1695.346973	0	387.076598	32.045632	8265.498458
-4805.534106	0	322.040787	30.256378	20922.671974
-3834.130476	0	548.536590	30.581470	12530.815196
-3700.095266	0	434.154537	30.131024	28914.087338
-2083.132166	1	435.468758	31.961937	24155.150686
-2566.436697	1	455.368285	30.113525	23903.526223
-3372.416477	1	439.390127	32.380970	8312.312507
-3341.243804	1	496.573292	32.055384	9484.908468
-1289.638171	1	346.709851	31.116968	13853.905474
-441.798476	1	395.115019	32.820316	27178.509065
-3876.357092	1	501.568592	30.100469	3872.161975
-3082.204963	0	445.140351	31.403349	21141.060076
-1222.633709	1	510.019589	32.832816	12522.872061
-3257.092925	1	567.760441	30.935411	17780.698060
-4978.318869	0	488.434181	31.349966	20399.317688
-268.617967	0	563.410236	30.677835	13353.114481
-3668.370880	1	432.604476	31.336602	18298.862821
-1616.920156	1	528.362539	30.664065	18290.365790
-1582.470140	1	566.928554	31.829775	31526.762426
-1894.952274	0	576.611659	32.930078	5451.111476
-130.599064	1	357.672426	30.192175	5127.046275
-1658.869611	0	518.418202	30.222626	21787.150970
-1930.327624	0	539.744396	31.409771	11998.451350
-1360.478477	1	357.741711	32.358872	4894.722814
-2762.405397	1	498.202228	32.110196	20926.903902
-66.089100	0	525.721147	30.742496	28773.910408
-4617.260796	0	388.807122	31.052491	19010.672351
-4046.674710	1	363.050835	32.600458	8208.205191
-103.101768	0	401.874765	30.885852	29276.307064
-2870.170146	1	479.961929	31.997551	19841.555525
-1069.648823	1	598.655109	31.936390	10655.006702
-1988.650561	0	483.709224	31.937744	11014.379454
-2983.772162	0	328.380916	32.023817	8974.076899
-4534.002381	0	311.260565	30.136494	25947.551507
-3064.855784	1	369.080218	31.164070	29129.542680
-1746.878916	0	313.512424	30.992758	20731.078669
-4018.774695	1	497.866125	31.834090	3971.821700
-3742.871097	1	353.541863	30.115952	20815.885581
-2828.315773	1	454.655490	32.424599	26891.927439
-637.033003	1	424.553960	31.428681	20585.183759
-3087.856465	1	536.195443	31.597533	12661.823700
-604.873967	1	378.515493	30.925004	22439.100233
-3748.531033	1	515.115463	32.625710	6408.313067
-1558.535013	1	433.937532	32.380082	8383.657584
-2365.992186	0	409.216710	31.115409	32511.614098
-1183.022513	0	362.544664	30.959448	5065.906749
-3789.375438	0	595.724663	30.914010	20244.524890
-850.273991	1	387.136972	31.618840	5094.567581
-1231.544018	1	322.683917	31.457545	20767.599384
-1581.181089	1	305.296620	31.856051	17539.248499
-4880.147078	1	316.598007	31.317619	11086.097072
-4013.027211	0	485.648876	31.953258	30138.577997
-31.538821	0	486.966298	30.424936	3940.149283
-1735.735564	1	453.551097	30.972695	29273.785203
-4682.372724	1	426.064369	30.915967	29848.714453
-1419.673303	1	410.849400	31.957769	20423.937410
-4735.693777	0	331.994083	30.314568	21510.813276
-796.562868	0	502.136561	31.584336	14765.778268
-2637.389588	1	550.253910	31.759164	29206.835372
-1596.336472	0	367.679269	32.352327	5586.166324
-4673.788569	0	380.575280	32.897426	12723.911545
-2339.522676	0	405.444884	30.501805	20468.692308
-2935.072522	0	458.797029	30.585909	9955.177397
-2865.796979	0	497.765242	31.556959	27770.325805
-1032.502528	1	390.204545	31.050812	26330.543896
-1571.491134	1	454.897576	32.799730	4600.369582
-453.244362	0	513.834562	31.693168	18448.030313
-2566.490430	1	370.231825	31.371622	3530.831525
-2470.800433	1	506.755104	32.707049	15365.573438
-1674.578908	1	484.850818	31.657126	31034.118967
-1569.707807	0	380.339060	31.625216	26765.694375
-2048.318765	1	502.814703	32.061583	26794.094870
-4878.355942	1	308.718223	31.785469	9019.516491
-3394.948104	0	354.869800	31.553766	18461.635011
-3784.598905	0	506.145921	32.828899	22372.102070
-3648.947834	0	503.931222	32.468882	27102.757907
-1722.690965	1	389.086536	31.876640	5309.945334
-1266.660624	0	452.533007	30.468222	28572.903114
-794.701939	1	459.408945	32.075307	21311.040821
-1461.841041	0	370.527899	32.775555	10211.935095
-1976.852418	0	492.898069	30.817372	17854.725954
-859.962977	1	304.267257	30.348074	3439.856318
-2900.907710	1	396.919281	31.272958	4858.314485
-3693.615130	1	597.052502	30.903533	25716.531228
-1281.197465	1	470.854828	30.164368	9315.105349
-126.181622	1	381.237663	30.660067	28411.425041
-2517.244075	0	559.007071	30.373940	11135.538898
-2069.720704	1	544.708646	31.610539	16441.322232
-578.677623	1	591.867328	32.146388	21419.935158
-1918.809273	1	308.991680	31.457030	31410.129144
-1074.094412	0	336.860228	30.308287	17215.627286
-3034.994121	0	560.991229	31.862778	17867.418001
-4794.119298	1	480.292221	30.685158	11676.367480
-3307.911419	0	389.291016	30.558138	31108.361766
-457.891802	1	588.926068	32.330020	21119.054157
-1258.403059	0	332.016717	31.309245	16741.712001
-3312.429446	0	568.695418	31.010073	14155.107714
-3839.897879	0	370.810835	31.722406	16960.037012
-2068.214455	0	392.107828	30.058746	32853.457910
-2526.811696	0	510.287902	30.913056	22333.505644
-914.090787	1	323.087744	32.697177	14094.308393
-1890.199376	0	597.011219	31.259415	19326.502842
-1234.225123	0	536.105198	30.519191	9869.430841
-350.596239	1	320.162343	30.373749	5065.307636
-2846.841176	0	403.168597	31.624641	25354.766351
-1853.530932	1	564.965357	30.095729	11551.597590
-1183.876207	1	572.411649	32.013383	17167.971369
-3953.600477	0	404.253211	30.364392	17515.400202
-3289.696058	1	576.771217	31.015263	14654.467190
-2975.113909	1	587.011738	31.223106	7437.225919
-1404.141852	0	372.793625	30.325109	13500.525950
-1634.182114	0	569.705673	32.338410	27233.776345
-462.646125	1	467.892571	30.013450	27556.195432
-4138.443866	0	318.632678	30.348871	21795.067964
-4139.367443	1	304.173328	32.473154	29126.297266
-969.741373	1	599.886523	32.409973	16299.878199
-1494.463287	1	429.995117	30.484126	17461.996880
-4336.770459	1	416.241963	30.152207	32032.419174
-3064.782012	1	428.313584	31.688383	31731.608033
-2581.013362	0	490.480997	32.990983	17803.475008
-413.230864	1	430.932119	30.358681	18338.089371
-4469.602591	0	544.949864	30.599950	17579.676286
-2299.774314	1	532.263729	32.087371	25491.390739
-3570.957635	0	429.164688	30.798996	21783.084247
-2730.725224	0	434.512962	32.353024	8584.173078
-1859.613968	0	465.494240	30.853468	24199.875583
-3239.212454	1	585.752947	31.392592	17429.754381
-1626.243010	0	548.642457	32.586064	28320.002213
-4552.584886	0	411.908494	32.541147	18556.711124
-719.687465	1	437.155107	32.439905	18592.734838
-4528.629292	1	598.029535	30.261328	28073.717443
-1445.996134	1	407.243137	30.545202	28549.910302
-2143.373187	1	581.134422	30.728743	26291.822745
-4543.013656	0	406.670256	30.716994	24689.785142
-3479.794580	0	585.305633	31.528087	18146.824396
-2206.562888	0	526.292818	32.250928	6586.281804
-1796.678722	0	441.391846	32.716749	16294.189483
-2705.347154	0	551.894682	31.578422	11390.827042
-172.103511	1	320.919515	31.863888	29876.119334
-315.943273	1	512.197902	32.302445	17856.311999
-2750.695088	1	565.301177	31.514433	19939.221077
-4398.626158	0	418.977196	32.337330	4024.240756
-1522.050792	0	554.491924	32.249187	30588.435646
-3385.739992	1	496.030916	31.480018	17815.393181
-955.825566	1	393.353810	31.434487	26026.721071
-3971.619403	1	552.518065	30.319670	5068.002389
-2010.848206	1	569.817785	31.925723	26117.233780
-2181.752401	1	535.925058	30.952605	3509.328188
-905.194864	1	588.512406	30.229715	15643.423750
-3274.240917	0	590.044688	32.642379	13352.913630
-2061.196669	0	457.883033	30.745459	19655.487967
-4056.062516	0	354.337157	30.418176	24440.653038
-611.999600	0	432.598681	30.201091	19387.208118
-45.061679	1	437.997979	31.939322	21882.265038
-2091.842258	1	445.122275	32.963802	4496.459612
-2785.821696	1	535.953261	32.295237	5166.117813
-1272.363761	0	498.289820	31.101707	13536.602174
-2161.870929	0	487.379529	30.927239	22791.304718
-1230.121506	0	326.397921	31.953971	21880.979367
-2065.316190	0	405.291555	30.660933	28025.816633
-3230.173916	1	365.768097	30.055539	23327.051800
-4572.451029	1	323.399890	31.386897	21097.082477
-4916.172714	0	384.428209	32.754127	10981.900793
-4882.524497	0	399.434058	30.795923	18117.477126
-1457.322605	1	412.012101	30.834341	20230.063544
-1988.228627	0	566.906278	31.371606	15413.227181
-4337.262787	1	316.056609	32.556132	11299.235579
-2762.610907	1	454.177332	32.779747	14436.150973
-4756.268480	1	562.493863	32.727774	26209.569931
-3031.941096	0	313.505196	31.386484	9197.983181
-4586.200757	0	329.983728	30.115395	27039.250998
-300.892434	0	520.668472	32.713615	14579.471742
-392.962829	0	513.293270	30.568538	10311.182381
-2116.838847	1	355.318371	30.883049	18887.246656
-779.846218	1	407.952315	30.145534	22063.619725
-4236.655978	0	326.344600	32.797447	16004.751246
-4008.051049	1	319.382840	30.262423	20092.936132
-1550.891721	1	570.189663	32.238898	11686.528747
-2616.214276	1	448.726264	31.633295	26368.520969
-2775.847491	1	532.436984	30.938190	21751.684582
--- a/test-data/coxlassotest.html	Sun Oct 19 06:04:51 2014 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> 
-        <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> 
-        <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> 
-        <meta name="generator" content="Galaxy tool output - see" /> 
-        <title></title> 
-        <link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/style/base.css" type="text/css" /> 
-        </head> 
-        <body> 
-        <div class="toolFormBody"> 
-<div class="infomessage">Galaxy Tool "rglasso" run at 19/10/2014 13:11:14</div><br/>
-<div class="toolFormTitle">cox images and outputs</div>
-(Click on a thumbnail image to download the corresponding original PDF image)<br/>
-<div><table class="simple" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
-<td><a href="cox_Coxglmnettest_glmnet_cvdeviance.pdf"><img src="cox_Coxglmnettest_glmnet_cvdeviance.png" title="Click to download a PDF of cox_Coxglmnettest_glmnet_cvdeviance.pdf" hspace="5" width="400" 
-                           alt="Image called cox_Coxglmnettest_glmnet_cvdeviance.pdf"/></a></td>
-<td><a href="cox_Coxglmnettest_glmnetdev.pdf"><img src="cox_Coxglmnettest_glmnetdev.png" title="Click to download a PDF of cox_Coxglmnettest_glmnetdev.pdf" hspace="5" width="400" 
-                           alt="Image called cox_Coxglmnettest_glmnetdev.pdf"/></a></td>
-<div class="toolFormTitle">cox log output</div>
-[1] "All partial likelihood coefficients from Cox model at minimum lambda of 0.00138091491730048:"
-3 x 1 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
-                    1
-rhubarb  1.124517e-03
-vegemite 1.444990e-01
-apple    3.344565e-06
-<div class="toolFormTitle">rglasso log output</div>
-Loading required package: Matrix
-Loading required package: methods
-Loaded glmnet 1.9-8
-Loaded lars 1.2
-Warning messages:
-1: In if (class(larsres) == "try-error") { :
-  the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used
-2: In plot.window(...) : "label" is not a graphical parameter
-3: In plot.xy(xy, type, ...) : "label" is not a graphical parameter
-4: In axis(side = side, at = at, labels = labels, ...) :
-  "label" is not a graphical parameter
-5: In axis(side = side, at = at, labels = labels, ...) :
-  "label" is not a graphical parameter
-6: In box(...) : "label" is not a graphical parameter
-7: In title(...) : "label" is not a graphical parameter
-<div class="toolFormTitle">Other log output</div>
-## Toolfactory generated command line = Rscript - None None
-[1] Cox model: Got yvar= time,status cols 1 n preds= 3 forced in= 3
-[2] Cox model: Got yvar= time,status cols 2 n preds= 3 forced in= 3
-[1] Results preview:
-         regulator partial_likelihood forced_in glmnet_model best_lambda
-rhubarb    rhubarb        0.001180324      TRUE          cox  0.01508333
-vegemite  vegemite        0.093827440     FALSE          cox  0.01508333
-[1] SessionInfo for this R session:
-R version 3.1.0 (2014-04-10)
-Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit)
- [1] LC_CTYPE=en_AU.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C               LC_TIME=en_AU.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_AU.UTF-8    
- [5] LC_MONETARY=en_AU.UTF-8    LC_MESSAGES=en_AU.UTF-8    LC_PAPER=en_AU.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
-attached base packages:
-[1] methods   stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  base     
-other attached packages:
-[1] lars_1.2     glmnet_1.9-8 Matrix_1.1-4
-loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
-[1] grid_3.1.0      lattice_0.20-29
-<div class="toolFormTitle">All output files available for downloading</div>
-<div><table class="colored" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3"><tr><th>Output File Name (click to view)</th><th>Size</th></tr>
-<tr><td><a href="cox_Coxglmnettest_glmnet_cvdeviance.pdf">cox_Coxglmnettest_glmnet_cvdeviance.pdf</a></td><td>6.4 KB</td></tr>
-<tr class="odd_row"><td><a href="cox_Coxglmnettest_glmnetdev.pdf">cox_Coxglmnettest_glmnetdev.pdf</a></td><td>5.2 KB</td></tr>
-<tr><td><a href="cox_rglasso.log">cox_rglasso.log</a></td><td>228 B</td></tr>
-<tr class="odd_row"><td><a href="rglasso.Rscript">rglasso.Rscript</a></td><td>9.8 KB</td></tr>
-<tr><td><a href="rglasso_error.log">rglasso_error.log</a></td><td>671 B</td></tr>
-<tr class="odd_row"><td><a href="rglasso_runner.log">rglasso_runner.log</a></td><td>1.1 KB</td></tr>
--- a/test-data/coxlassotest_modelres.xls	Sun Oct 19 06:04:51 2014 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-regulator	partial_likelihood	forced_in	glmnet_model	best_lambda
-rhubarb	0.0011803238918088	TRUE	cox	0.0150833254995026
-vegemite	0.0938274399971897	FALSE	cox	0.0150833254995026
--- a/tool_dependencies.xml	Sun Oct 19 06:04:51 2014 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-  <package name="R_3_1_1" version="3.1.1">
-      <repository changeset_revision="6ca21e466ef6" name="package_r_3_1_1" owner="fubar" prior_installation_required="True" toolshed="" />
-    </package>
-    <package name="graphicsmagick" version="1.3.18">
-      <repository changeset_revision="2fd4eb971ba5" name="package_graphicsmagick_1_3" owner="iuc" prior_installation_required="True" toolshed="" />
-    </package>
-    <package name="ghostscript" version="9.10">
-      <repository changeset_revision="9345d2740f0c" name="package_ghostscript_9_10" owner="devteam" prior_installation_required="True" toolshed="" />
-    </package>
-    <package name="glmnet_lars_2_14" version="2.14">
-      <install version="1.0">
-          <actions>
-              <action type="setup_r_environment">
-                  <repository changeset_revision="6ca21e466ef6" name="package_r_3_1_1" owner="fubar" toolshed="">
-                      <package name="R_3_1_1" version="3.1.1" />
-                    </repository>
-                    <package></package>
-                    <package></package>
-                    <package></package>
-                </action>
-            </actions>
-        </install>
-        <readme>
-        Yeee Haaa!
-        Lasso for Galaxy
-        </readme>
-    </package>