changeset 0:de6a6afc5a79 draft default tip

author drosofff
date Tue, 24 Jun 2014 12:16:43 -0400
files FeaturesParser.xml MirDeepStar.xml MirParser.xml annotation_collector.xml bowtie_indices.loc.sample piRNAsignature.xml readmap.xml sRbowtie.xml sRbowtieCascade.xml sRbowtieParser.xml size_histogram.xml static/.DS_Store static/._.DS_Store static/images/readmap.png static/images/size_histogram.png test-data/sRbowtie.fa test-data/sRbowtie.out test-data/yac.fastq test-data/yac.out tool_data_table_conf.xml.sample yac.xml
diffstat 33 files changed, 3123 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Tue Jun 24 12:16:43 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# python parser module to analyse Features in sRbowtie alignments (guided by a GFF3 file)
+# version 0.9
+# Usage  <1:index source> <2:extraction directive> <3:output> <4:GFF3 guide file> <5:6:7 filePath:FileExt:FileLabel> <.. ad  lib>
+import sys
+from smRtools import *
+from collections import *
+IndexSource = sys.argv[1]
+ExtractionDirective = sys.argv[2]
+if ExtractionDirective == "--do_not_extract_index":
+  genomeRefFormat = "fastaSource"
+elif  ExtractionDirective == "--extract_index":
+  genomeRefFormat = "bowtieIndex"
+Output = sys.argv[3]
+GFF3_file = sys.argv[4]
+Triplets = [sys.argv[5:][i:i+3] for i in xrange(0, len(sys.argv[5:]), 3)]
+MasterListOfGenomes = {}
+FeatureDict = defaultdict(dict)
+for [filePath, FileExt, FileLabel] in Triplets:
+  MasterListOfGenomes[FileLabel] = HandleSmRNAwindows (filePath, FileExt, IndexSource, genomeRefFormat) 
+  FeatureDict[FileLabel] = MasterListOfGenomes[FileLabel].CountFeatures(GFF3=GFF3_file)
+# add some code to pick up the GFF3 features in their order of appearence.
+F = open(GFF3_file, "r")
+featureList = []
+for line in F:
+  if line[0] == "#": continue
+  feature = line.split()[2]
+  if feature not in featureList:
+    featureList.append(feature)
+header = ["#Feature"]
+for [filePath, FileExt, FileLabel] in Triplets:
+  header.append(FileLabel)
+F = open (sys.argv[3], "w")
+print >> F, "\t".join(header)
+for feature in  featureList:
+  line=[feature]
+  for sample in header[1:]:
+    count = str (FeatureDict[sample][feature])
+# uncomment to get percentage in addition to counts
+#    percent = float(FeatureDict[sample][feature]) / MasterListOfGenomes[sample].alignedReads
+#    value = "%s | %0.2f" % (count, percent)
+#    line.append(value)
+    line.append(count)
+  print >> F,  "\t".join(line )
+line = ["Unfeatured"]
+for sample in header[1:]:
+  matched = 0
+  for feature in FeatureDict[sample]:
+    matched += FeatureDict[sample][feature]
+  unmatched = MasterListOfGenomes[sample].alignedReads - matched
+# uncomment to get percentage in addition to counts
+#  percent = float (unmatched) / (matched + unmatched)
+#  value = "%s | %0.2f" % (unmatched, percent)
+#  line.append(value)
+  line.append("%s" % unmatched)
+print >> F,  "\t".join(line)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/FeaturesParser.xml	Tue Jun 24 12:16:43 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+<tool id="FeaturesParser" name="Parse GFF3 features" version="0.9.1">
+  <description>in sRbowtie alignment</description>
+  <requirements><requirement type='package'>bowtie-inspect</requirement></requirements>
+  <parallelism method="basic"></parallelism>
+<command interpreter="python">
+	          #if $refGenomeSource.genomeSource == "history":
+                    $refGenomeSource.ownFile ## index source  ## 1
+         	    --do_not_extract_index  ## 2
+          	  #else:
+		    #silent reference= filter( lambda x: str( x[0] ) == str( $input_list.dbkey ), $__app__.tool_data_tables[ 'bowtie_indexes' ].get_fields() )[0][-1]
+            	    $reference   ## index source ## 1
+            	    --extract_index  ## 2
+          	  #end if
+		  $output ## 3
+		  $gff3 ## 4
+		  #for $i in $refGenomeSource.input_list
+    		    $i $i.ext "$"
+		  #end for
+  <inputs>
+       <conditional name="refGenomeSource">
+           <param name="genomeSource" type="select" label="Will you select a reference genome from your history or use a built-in index?" help="Built-ins were indexed using default options">
+               <option value="indexed">Use a built-in index</option>
+               <option value="history">Use one from the history</option>
+           </param>
+           <when value="indexed">
+               <param name="input_list" type="data" label="Select multiple alignments to parse" multiple="true">
+                  <validator type="dataset_metadata_in_data_table" table_name="bowtie_indexes" metadata_name="dbkey" metadata_column="0" message="database not set for this bowtie output. Select the database(=genome used for matching) manually, or select a reference fasta from your history."/>
+               </param>
+           </when>
+           <when value="history">
+                <param name="ownFile" type="data" format="fasta"  label="Select the fasta reference" />
+	        <param name="input_list" type="data" label="Select multiple alignments to parse" multiple="true"/>
+           </when>
+       </conditional>  <!-- refGenomeSource -->
+       <param name="gff3" type="data" format="gff3" label="A GFF3 with features' coordinates"/>
+   </inputs>
+   <outputs>
+   <data format="tabular" name="output" label="Feature Counts  Lists"/>
+   </outputs>
+  <help>
+**What it does**
+Parses Features Counts from one or several sRBowtie alignments (in tabular, Sam or Bam format).
+Both sense and antisense alignments are counted
+The library labels are infered from the input dataset names in the galaxy history.
+**It is thus essential that input datasets are appropriately renamed**
+**it is preferable that you do not put any space in this input dataset names. You may edit these names in the history**
+  </help>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Tue Jun 24 12:16:43 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# mirdeep* python wrapper
+# refactoring a python version of the
+# Usage <fasta input> <MDS genome> <gff3_output> <data.result> <data.cluster>
+import sys, re, os, subprocess, shlex, tempfile, shutil
+def stop_err( msg ):
+    sys.stderr.write( '%s\n' % msg )
+    sys.exit()
+MDS_path = "/home/galaxy/bin/MDS_command_line_v32/MDS_command_line"
+input_full_path = sys.argv[1]
+MDS_genome = sys.argv[2]
+gff3_output = sys.argv[3]
+dataresult = sys.argv[4]
+datacluster = sys.argv[5]
+tmp_MDS_work_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir = MDS_path) # make temp directory for MDS analysis
+os.symlink(input_full_path, tmp_MDS_work_dir+"/data.fa" ) # symlink between the fasta source file and the required "data.fa" input
+os.symlink(MDS_path+"/MDS_command_line.jar", tmp_MDS_work_dir+"/MDS_command_line.jar" ) # symlink to jar source in working directory
+os.symlink(MDS_path+"/genome", tmp_MDS_work_dir+"/genome")
+os.symlink(MDS_path+"/targetScan", tmp_MDS_work_dir+"/targetScan")
+os.symlink(MDS_path+"/targetScan_files", tmp_MDS_work_dir+"/targetScan_files")
+# execute MirDeep*
+command_line = "java -Xmx4g -jar " + MDS_path + "/MDS_command_line.jar -r 5 -g " + MDS_genome + " data.fa" # -Xmx12g
+print command_line
+#tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( dir=tmp_MDS_work_dir ).name
+#tmp_stderr = open( tmp, 'wb' )
+  os.chdir(tmp_MDS_work_dir)
+  p = subprocess.Popen(args=command_line, cwd=tmp_MDS_work_dir, shell=True, stderr=sys.stderr)
+  returncode = p.wait()
+  shutil.copy2 ("data.result", dataresult)
+  shutil.copy2 ("data.cluster", datacluster)
+  dataFILE = open("data.result", "r")
+  datafile = dataFILE.readlines()
+  dataFILE.close()
+  GFF3OUT = open(gff3_output, "w")
+  print >> GFF3OUT,"##gff-version 3"
+  print >> GFF3OUT, "##Seqid	Source	Type	Start	End	Score	Strand	Phase	Attributes"
+  print >> GFF3OUT, "##"
+  for line in datafile[1:]:
+    fields = line.split("\t")
+    Seqid, Source, Type, Start, End, Score, Strand, Phase = fields[2], "MirDeep*", "hairPin_loci", fields[4].split("-")[0], fields[4].split("-")[1], fields[1], fields[3], "."
+    ID = "ID=%s;%s_reads;%s;%s;mature_seq:%s" % (fields[0],fields[5],fields[7],fields[8],fields[9])
+    print >> GFF3OUT, "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" % (Seqid, Source, Type, Start, End, Score, Strand, Phase, ID)
+  GFF3OUT.close()
+  if os.path.exists( tmp_MDS_work_dir ):
+    shutil.rmtree( tmp_MDS_work_dir )
+  else:
+    print "Error in cleaning tmp working directory"
+except Exception, e:
+  # clean up temp dir
+  if os.path.exists( tmp_MDS_work_dir ):
+    shutil.rmtree( tmp_MDS_work_dir )
+    stop_err( 'Error running MDS_command_line.jar\n' + str( e ) )
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/MirDeepStar.xml	Tue Jun 24 12:16:43 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+<tool id="MirDeepStar" name="MirDeepStar">
+<command interpreter="python"> $input $genome $output $output2 $output3</command>
+        <param name="input" type="data" format="fasta" label="input fasta file"/>
+        <param name="genome" type="select" label="MirDeep* reference genome">
+                <option value="AgamP4">SoftMasked Anopheles Gambiae P4</option>
+                <option value="AgamF">SoftMasked Anopheles Gambiae P3</option>
+                <option value="hg19">Human (hg19)</option>
+                <option value="mm9">Mouse (mm9)</option>
+                <option value="Dmel">Dmel (5.49)</option>
+        </param>
+        <data name="output3" format="tabular" label="mirdeep* clusters"/>
+        <data name="output2" format="tabular" label="mirdeep* raw output"/>
+	<data name="output" format="gff3" label="mirdeep* GFF output"/>
+**What it does**
+MirDeep* wrapper
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Tue Jun 24 12:16:43 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# python parser module for pre-mir and mature miRNAs, guided by GFF3
+# version 0.0.9 (1-6-2014)
+# Usage  <1:index source> <2:extraction directive> <3:output pre-mir> <4: output mature miRs> <5:mirbase GFF3>
+#                     <6:pathToLatticeDataframe or "dummy_dataframe_path"> <7:Rcode or "dummy_plotCode"> <8:latticePDF or "dummy_latticePDF">
+#                     <9:10:11 filePath:FileExt:FileLabel> <.. ad  lib>
+import sys, subprocess
+from smRtools import *
+IndexSource = sys.argv[1]
+ExtractionDirective = sys.argv[2]
+if ExtractionDirective == "--do_not_extract_index":
+  genomeRefFormat = "fastaSource"
+elif  ExtractionDirective == "--extract_index":
+  genomeRefFormat = "bowtieIndex"
+OutputPre_mirs = sys.argv[3]
+OutputMature_Mirs = sys.argv[4]
+GFF3_file = sys.argv[5]
+lattice = sys.argv[6]
+Rcode = sys.argv[7]
+latticePDF = sys.argv[8]
+Triplets = [sys.argv[9:][i:i+3] for i in xrange(0, len(sys.argv[9:]), 3)]
+MasterListOfGenomes = {}
+for [filePath, FileExt, FileLabel] in Triplets:
+  print FileLabel
+  MasterListOfGenomes[FileLabel] = HandleSmRNAwindows (alignmentFile=filePath, alignmentFileFormat=FileExt, genomeRefFile=IndexSource, genomeRefFormat=genomeRefFormat, biosample=FileLabel) 
+header = ["gene"]
+for [filePath, FileExt, FileLabel] in Triplets:
+  header.append(FileLabel)
+hit_table = ["\t".join(header)] # table header: gene, sample1, sample2, sample3, etc. separated by tabulation
+## read GFF3 to subinstantiate
+gff3 = open (GFF3_file, "r")
+lattice_dataframe = []
+for line in gff3:
+  if line[0] == "#": continue
+  gff_fields = line[:-1].split("\t")
+  chrom = gff_fields[0]
+  gff_name = gff_fields[-1].split("Name=")[-1].split(";")[0] # to isolate the GFF Name
+  item_upstream_coordinate = int(gff_fields[3])
+  item_downstream_coordinate = int(gff_fields[4])
+  if gff_fields[6] == "+":
+    item_polarity = "forward"
+  else:
+    item_polarity = "reverse"
+  item_line = [gff_name]
+  for sample in header[1:]:
+    count = MasterListOfGenomes[sample].instanceDict[chrom].readcount(upstream_coord=item_upstream_coordinate, downstream_coord=item_downstream_coordinate, polarity=item_polarity)
+    item_line.append(str(count))
+    ## subtreatement for lattice
+    if lattice != "dummy_dataframe_path":
+      if ("5p" not in gff_name) and  ("3p" not in gff_name):
+        lattice_dataframe.append(MasterListOfGenomes[sample].instanceDict[chrom].readcoverage(upstream_coord=item_upstream_coordinate, downstream_coord=item_downstream_coordinate, windowName=gff_name+"_"+sample) )
+    ## end of subtreatement for lattice
+  hit_table.append("\t".join(item_line) )
+Fpremirs = open (OutputPre_mirs, "w")
+print >> Fpremirs, hit_table[0]
+finalPreList = [ i for i in sorted(hit_table[1:]) if ("5p" not in i) and  ("3p" not in i)] 
+print >> Fpremirs, "\n".join(finalPreList )
+Fmaturemires = open (OutputMature_Mirs, "w")
+print >> Fmaturemires, hit_table[0]
+finalMatureList = [ i for i in sorted(hit_table[1:]) if ("5p" in i) or ("3p" in i)]
+print >> Fmaturemires, "\n".join(finalMatureList )
+if lattice != "dummy_dataframe_path":
+  Flattice = open(lattice, "w")
+  print >> Flattice, "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" % ("sample", "mir", "offset", "offsetNorm", "counts","countsNorm",  "polarity")
+  print >> Flattice, "\n".join(lattice_dataframe)
+  Flattice.close()
+  R_command="Rscript "+ Rcode
+  process = subprocess.Popen(R_command.split())
+  process.wait()
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/MirParser.xml	Tue Jun 24 12:16:43 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+<tool id="MirParser" name="Parse miRNAs" version="0.9.1">
+  <description>from sRbowtie aligment</description>
+  <requirements><requirement type='package'>bowtie-inspect</requirement></requirements>
+  <parallelism method="basic"></parallelism>
+<command interpreter="python">
+	          #if $refGenomeSource.genomeSource == "history":
+                    $refGenomeSource.ownFile ## index source sys.arg[1]
+         	    --do_not_extract_index  ## sys.argv[2]
+          	  #else:
+		    #silent reference= filter( lambda x: str( x[0] ) == str( $input_list.dbkey ), $__app__.tool_data_tables[ 'bowtie_indexes' ].get_fields() )[0][-1]
+		    $reference   ## sys.argv[1]
+		    --extract_index  ## sys.argv[2]
+          	  #end if
+		  $output1 ## for pre-mirs  ## sys.argv[3]
+		  $output2 ## for mature mirs  ## sys.argv[4]
+		  $GFF3    ## sys.argv[5]
+		  #if $plotting.plottingOption == "yes":
+		    $lattice_dataframe   ## sys.argv[6]
+		    $plotCode   ## sys.argv[7]
+		    $latticePDF ## sys.argv[8]
+		  #else:
+		    "dummy_dataframe_path"   ## sys.argv[6]
+                    "dummy_plotCode"   ## sys.argv[7]
+		    "dummy_latticePDF" ## sys.argv[8]
+		  #end if
+		  #for $i in $refGenomeSource.input_list
+    		    $i $i.ext "$" ## sys.argv[9,10,11] modulo 3
+		  #end for
+                  #silent plottingoption = $plotting.plottingOption
+  <inputs>
+       <conditional name="refGenomeSource">
+           <param name="genomeSource" type="select" label="Will you select a reference genome from your history or use a built-in index?" help="Built-ins were indexed using default options">
+               <option value="indexed">Use a built-in index</option>
+               <option value="history">Use one from the history</option>
+           </param>
+           <when value="indexed">
+	       <param name="input_list" type="data" label="Select multiple alignments to parse" multiple="true">
+                  <validator type="dataset_metadata_in_data_table" table_name="bowtie_indexes" metadata_name="dbkey" metadata_column="0" message="database not set for this bowtie output. Select the database(=genome used for matching) manually, or select a reference fasta from your history."/>
+               </param>
+           </when>
+           <when value="history">
+	       <param name="input_list" type="data" label="Select multiple alignments to parse" multiple="true"/>
+               <param name="ownFile" type="data" format="fasta"  label="Select the fasta reference" />
+           </when>
+       </conditional>  <!-- refGenomeSource -->
+       <param name="GFF3" type="data" label="miRbase GFF3 guide" />
+       <conditional name="plotting">
+           <param name="plottingOption" type="select" label="Additional mir coverage graphs">
+               <option value="no" selected="True">No</option>
+               <option value="yes">YES</option>
+           </param>
+           <when value="yes">
+               <param name="display" type="select" label="Display Coverage with absolute number of reads or relatively to the total number of read matching the gene or mir">
+                 <option value="relative" selected="True">Relative Coverage</option>
+                 <option value="absolute">Absolute Coverage</option>
+               </param>
+           </when>
+       </conditional>
+   </inputs>
+   <configfiles>
+     <configfile name="plotCode">
+	#if  $plotting.plottingOption == "yes":
+          graph_type = "${plotting.display}" ## "relative" or "absolute"
+          ## Setup R error handling to go to stderr
+          options( show.error.messages=F,
+                 error = function () { cat( geterrmessage(), file=stderr() ); q( "no", 1, F ) } )
+          library(lattice)
+          coverage = read.delim("${lattice_dataframe}", header=T)
+          Numb_of_biosamples = length(levels(coverage\$sample))
+          if (graph_type=="relative") {
+          graph = xyplot(countsNorm~offsetNorm | mir, data=coverage, groups=polarity, col=c("red", "blue"), type="l", lwd=1,
+                        scales=list(x=list(cex=.5), y=list(cex=.5)), par.strip.text=list(cex=.5), strip=strip.custom(which.given=1, bg="lightblue"), layout=c(Numb_of_biosamples,15), as.table=TRUE, main="miRNA coverage maps")
+          } else {
+          graph = xyplot(counts~offset | mir, data=coverage, groups=polarity, col=c("red", "blue"), type="l", lwd=1,
+                        scales=list(x=list(cex=.5), y=list(cex=.5)), par.strip.text=list(cex=.5), strip=strip.custom(which.given=1, bg="lightblue"), layout=c(Numb_of_biosamples,15), as.table=TRUE, main="miRNA coverage maps")
+          }
+          ## pdf output
+          pdf(file="${latticePDF}", paper="special", height=11.69, width=8.2677)
+          plot(graph, newpage = T)
+        #end if
+     </configfile>
+   </configfiles>
+   <outputs>
+   <data format="tabular" name="output1" label="Premirs Count  Lists"/>
+   <data format="tabular" name="output2" label="Mature Mirs Count  Lists"/>
+   <data format="tabular" name="lattice_dataframe" label="Lattice Dataframe">
+        <filter>plotting['plottingOption'] == "yes"</filter>
+   </data>
+   <data format="pdf" name="latticePDF" label="Mir coverage">
+        <filter>plotting['plottingOption'] == "yes"</filter>
+   </data>
+   </outputs>
+  <help>
+**What it does**
+This tool uses a specie-specific GFF3 file from mirBase_ to guide the parsing of an alignment file produced with the sRbowtie tool.
+.. _mirBase:
+.. class:: warningmark
+the Guide GFF3 file must be in the following format:
+2L	.	miRNA_primary_transcript	243035	243141	.	-	.	ID=MI0005821;Alias=MI0005821;Name=dme-mir-965
+2L	.	miRNA	243055	243076	.	-	.	ID=MIMAT0005480;Alias=MIMAT0005480;Name=dme-miR-965-3p;Derives_from=MI0005821
+2L	.	miRNA	243096	243118	.	-	.	ID=MIMAT0020861;Alias=MIMAT0020861;Name=dme-miR-965-5p;Derives_from=MI0005821
+2L	.	miRNA_primary_transcript	857542	857632	.	+	.	ID=MI0005813;Alias=MI0005813;Name=dme-mir-375
+2L	.	miRNA	857596	857617	.	+	.	ID=MIMAT0005472;Alias=MIMAT0005472;Name=dme-miR-375-3p;Derives_from=MI0005813
+2L	.	miRNA	857556	857579	.	+	.	ID=MIMAT0020853;Alias=MIMAT0020853;Name=dme-miR-375-5p;Derives_from=MI0005813
+2L	.	miRNA_primary_transcript	1831685	1831799	.	-	.	ID=MI0011290;Alias=MI0011290;Name=dme-mir-2280
+With name for mature miRNA (3rd column = miRNA) containing either the -3p or -5p string in the attribute Name (Name=dme-miR-965-3p, for instance)
+**Input formats**
+1. One or sereral alignment files generated with sRbowtie tool and **renamed** according to the name of the biosample (avoid spaces in biosample labels)
+.. class:: warningmark
+Alignment datasets generated with sRbowtie must be renamed according to a biosample name
+2. A GFF3 file retrieved from mirBase_
+Two count list files for counts of reads aligned to pre-mir or mature miRNA
+A pdf of pre-mir coverages. Red coverages indicate that the mir gene is in the genomic up strand, blue coverages indicate that the mir gene is in the genomic down strand.
+  </help>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Tue Jun 24 12:16:43 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# command: $output input1, label1, input2, label2, etc...
+import sys, os
+def countlineinfile(file):
+  F = open (file, "r")
+  count = 0
+  for line in F:
+    count += 1
+  F.close()
+  return count/2
+results = []
+for file, label in zip (sys.argv[2:-1:2], sys.argv[3:-1:2]):
+  results.append ( (countlineinfile(file), label) )
+Fout = open (sys.argv[1], "w")
+print >> Fout, "# %s" % (sys.argv[-1])
+for filecount, label in results:
+  print >> Fout, "%s\t%s\t%.2f %%" % (label, filecount, filecount/float(results[0][0])*100 )
+print >> Fout  
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/annotation_collector.xml	Tue Jun 24 12:16:43 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+<tool id="annotation_collector" name="Collect Annotation counts" version="0.9.0">
+    <description> from matched fasta files</description>
+    <command interpreter="python">
+        $out_file
+        $input1 $label1
+        #for $q in $queries
+            ${q.input2} ${q.label2}
+        #end for
+        $title
+    </command>
+    <inputs>
+       <param name="title" type="text" label="Annotation Title"/>
+       <param name="input1" type="data" label="fasta file to annotate"/>
+       <param name="label1" type="text" label="category label"/>
+        <repeat name="queries" title="Additional fasta file and label">
+            <param name="input2" type="data" label="Select" />
+            <param name="label2" type="text" label="Label" />
+        </repeat>
+    </inputs>
+    <outputs>
+        <data name="out_file" format="tabular" metadata_source="input1" label="Annotations"/>
+    </outputs>
+    <help>
+.. class:: warningmark
+**WARNING:** Be careful not to agregate datasets of different kinds (e.g., datasets must be matched fasta files). This tool does not check if the datasets being annotated are in the same format.
+**What it does**
+Generates Annotation Table from fasta files
+   </help>
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bowtie_indices.loc.sample	Tue Jun 24 12:16:43 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+#This is a sample file distributed with Galaxy that enables tools
+#to use a directory of Bowtie indexed sequences data files. You will
+#need to create these data files and then create a bowtie_indices.loc
+#file similar to this one (store it in this directory) that points to
+#the directories in which those files are stored. The bowtie_indices.loc
+#file has this format (longer white space characters are TAB characters):
+#<unique_build_id>   <dbkey>   <display_name>   <file_base_path>
+#So, for example, if you had hg18 indexed stored in
+#then the bowtie_indices.loc entry would look like this:
+#hg18	hg18	hg18	/depot/data2/galaxy/bowtie/hg18/hg18
+#and your /depot/data2/galaxy/bowtie/hg18/ directory
+#would contain hg18.*.ebwt files:
+#-rw-r--r--  1 james    universe 830134 2005-09-13 10:12 hg18.1.ebwt
+#-rw-r--r--  1 james    universe 527388 2005-09-13 10:12 hg18.2.ebwt
+#-rw-r--r--  1 james    universe 269808 2005-09-13 10:12 hg18.3.ebwt
+#Your bowtie_indices.loc file should include an entry per line for each
+#index set you have stored. The "file" in the path does not actually
+#exist, but it is the prefix for the actual index files. For example:
+#hg18canon			hg18	hg18 Canonical	/depot/data2/galaxy/bowtie/hg18/hg18canon
+#hg18full			hg18	hg18 Full		/depot/data2/galaxy/bowtie/hg18/hg18full
+#/orig/path/hg19	hg19	hg19			/depot/data2/galaxy/bowtie/hg19/hg19
+#Note that for backwards compatibility with workflows, the unique ID of
+#an entry must be the path that was in the original loc file, because that
+#is the value stored in the workflow for that parameter. That is why the
+#hg19 entry above looks odd. New genomes can be better-looking.
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Tue Jun 24 12:16:43 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# script for computing overlap signatures from a bowtie output
+# Christophe Antoniewski <>
+# Usage <1:input> <2:format of input> <3:minsize query> <4:maxsize query> <5:minsize target> <6:maxsize target>
+#			  <7:minscope> <8:maxscope> <9:output> <10:bowtie index> <11:procedure option> <12: graph (global or lattice)>
+#			  <13: R code>
+import sys, subprocess
+from smRtools import *
+from collections import defaultdict # test whether it is required
+if sys.argv[11] == "--extract_index":
+  if sys.argv[2] == "tabular":
+    Genome = HandleSmRNAwindows (sys.argv[1],"tabular",sys.argv[10],"bowtieIndex")
+  elif sys.argv[2] == "sam":
+    Genome = HandleSmRNAwindows (sys.argv[1],"sam",sys.argv[10],"bowtieIndex")
+  else:
+    Genome = HandleSmRNAwindows (sys.argv[1],"bam",sys.argv[10],"bowtieIndex")
+  if sys.argv[2] == "tabular":
+    Genome = HandleSmRNAwindows (sys.argv[1],"tabular",sys.argv[10],"fastaSource") 
+  elif sys.argv[2] == "sam":
+    Genome = HandleSmRNAwindows (sys.argv[1],"sam",sys.argv[10],"fastaSource")
+  else:
+    Genome = HandleSmRNAwindows (sys.argv[1],"bam",sys.argv[10],"fastaSource")
+# this decisional tree may be simplified if sam and bam inputs are treated the same way by pysam
+# replace objDic by Genome.instanceDict or... objDic = Genome.instanceDict
+objDic = Genome.instanceDict
+minquery = int(sys.argv[3])
+maxquery = int(sys.argv[4])
+mintarget = int(sys.argv[5])
+maxtarget = int(sys.argv[6])
+minscope = int(sys.argv[7])
+maxscope = int(sys.argv[8]) + 1
+general_frequency_table = dict ([(i,0) for i in range(minscope,maxscope)])
+general_percent_table = dict ([(i,0) for i in range(minscope,maxscope)])
+OUT = open (sys.argv[9], "w")
+if sys.argv[12] == "global":
+  ###### for normalized summing of local_percent_table(s)
+  readcount_dic = {}
+  Total_read_in_objDic = 0
+  for item in objDic:
+    readcount_dic[item] = objDic[item].readcount(minquery, maxquery)
+    Total_read_in_objDic += readcount_dic[item]
+  ######
+  for x in (objDic):
+    local_frequency_table = objDic[x].signature( minquery, maxquery, mintarget, maxtarget, range(minscope,maxscope) )
+    local_percent_table = objDic[x].hannon_signature( minquery, maxquery, mintarget, maxtarget, range(minscope,maxscope) )
+    try:
+      for overlap in local_frequency_table.keys():
+        general_frequency_table[overlap] = general_frequency_table.get(overlap, 0) + local_frequency_table[overlap]
+    except:
+      pass
+    try:
+      for overlap in local_percent_table.keys():
+        general_percent_table[overlap] = general_percent_table.get(overlap, 0) + (1./Total_read_in_objDic*readcount_dic[x]*local_percent_table[overlap])
+    except:
+      pass
+  print >> OUT, "overlap\tnum of pairs\tprobability"
+  for classe in sorted(general_frequency_table):
+    print >> OUT, "%i\t%i\t%f" % (classe, general_frequency_table[classe], general_percent_table[classe])
+  print >> OUT, "overlap\tnum of pairs\tprobability\titem"
+  for x in (objDic):
+    local_frequency_table = objDic[x].signature( minquery, maxquery, mintarget, maxtarget, range(minscope,maxscope) )
+    local_percent_table = objDic[x].hannon_signature( minquery, maxquery, mintarget, maxtarget, range(minscope,maxscope) )
+    for classe in range(minscope,maxscope):
+      print >> OUT, "%i\t%i\t%f\t%s" % (classe, local_frequency_table[classe], local_percent_table[classe], x)
+## Run the R script that is defined in the xml using the Rscript binary provided with R.
+R_command="Rscript "+ sys.argv[13]
+process = subprocess.Popen(R_command.split())
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/piRNAsignature.xml	Tue Jun 24 12:16:43 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+<tool id="piRNAsignature" name="piRNA Signatures" version="1.0.1">
+	<description></description>
+	<command interpreter="python">
+ $refGenomeSource.input $refGenomeSource.input.ext $minquery $maxquery $mintarget $maxtarget $minscope $maxscope $output
+          #if $refGenomeSource.genomeSource == "history":
+            $refGenomeSource.ownFile
+            --do_not_extract_index
+          #else:
+            #silent reference= filter( lambda x: str( x[0] ) == str( $input.dbkey ), $__app__.tool_data_tables[ 'bowtie_indexes' ].get_fields() )[0][-1]
+            $reference
+            --extract_index
+          #end if
+	  $graph_type 
+          $sigplotter
+       </command>
+	<inputs>
+          <conditional name="refGenomeSource">
+             <param name="genomeSource" type="select" label="Will you select a reference genome from your history or use a built-in index?" help="Built-ins were indexed using default options">
+               <option value="indexed">Use a built-in index</option>
+               <option value="history">Use one from the history</option>
+             </param>
+	     <when value="indexed">
+  	        <param name="input" type="data" format="tabular,sam,bam" label="Compute signature from this bowtie standard output">
+		  <validator type="dataset_metadata_in_data_table" table_name="bowtie_indexes" metadata_name="dbkey" metadata_column="0" message="database not set for this bowtie output. Select the database(=genome used for matching) manually, or select a reference fasta from your history."/>
+	        </param>
+	     </when>
+             <when value="history">
+                <param name="ownFile" type="data" format="fasta"  label="Select the fasta reference" />
+  	        <param name="input" type="data" format="tabular,sam,bam" label="Compute signature from this bowtie standard output"/>
+             </when>
+          </conditional>  <!-- refGenomeSource -->
+		<param name="minquery" type="integer" size="3" value="23" label="Min size of query small RNAs" help="'23' = 23 nucleotides"/>
+		<param name="maxquery" type="integer" size="3" value="29" label="Max size of query small RNAs" help="'29' = 29 nucleotides"/>
+                <param name="mintarget" type="integer" size="3" value="23" label="Min size of target small RNAs" help="'23' = 23 nucleotides"/>
+                <param name="maxtarget" type="integer" size="3" value="29" label="Max size of target small RNAs" help="'29' = 29 nucleotides"/>
+                <param name="minscope" type="integer" size="3" value="1" label="Minimal relative overlap analyzed" help="'1' = 1 nucleotide overlap"/>
+                <param name="maxscope" type="integer" size="3" value="26" label="Maximal relative overlap analyzed" help="'1' = 1 nucleotide overlap"/>
+		<param name="graph_type" type="select" label="Graph type" help="Signature can be computed globally or by item present in the alignment file">
+		  <option value="global" selected="True">Global</option>
+                  <option value="lattice">Lattice</option>
+		</param>
+	</inputs>
+  <configfiles>
+    <configfile name="sigplotter">
+      graph_type = "${graph_type}"
+      globalgraph = function () {
+        ## Setup R error handling to go to stderr
+        options( show.error.messages=F,
+                 error = function () { cat( geterrmessage(), file=stderr() ); q( "no", 1, F ) } )
+        signature = read.delim("${output}", header=TRUE)
+        ## Open output1 PDF file
+        pdf( "${output1}" )
+        signaturez=(signature[,2] -mean(signature[,2]))/sd(signature[,2])
+        plot(signaturez, type = "b", main="signature", cex.main=2, xlab="overlap (nt)", ylab="z-score", pch=19, cex=0.8, col="darkslateblue", lwd=3, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.4, xaxt="n")
+        axis(1, at=seq(from=1, to=length(signature[,1]), by=3) )
+        devname =
+        ## Close the PDF file
+        ## Open output2 PDF file
+        pdf( "${output2}" )
+        YLIM=max(signature[,2])
+        plot(signature[,1:2], type = "h", xlab="overlap (nt)", ylim=c(0,YLIM), ylab="number of pairs", col="darkslateblue", lwd=7)
+        devname =
+        ## Close the PDF file
+        ## Open output3 PDF file
+        pdf( "${output3}" )
+        plot(signature[,1], signature[,3]*100, type = "l", main="ping-pong Signature of ${minquery}-${maxquery} against ${mintarget}-${maxtarget}nt small RNAs",
+             cex.main=1, xlab="overlap (nt)", ylab="ping-pong signal [%]", ylim=c(0,50),
+             pch=19, col="darkslateblue", lwd =4, cex.lab=1.2, cex.axis=1, xaxt="n")
+        axis(1, at=seq(from=1, to=length(signature[,1]), by=3) )
+        devname =
+        ## Close the PDF file
+      }
+      treillisgraph = function () {
+        ## Open output3 PDF file
+        pdf( "${output3}", paper="special", height=11.69, width=8.2677 )
+        signature = read.delim("${output}", header=TRUE)
+        options( show.error.messages=F,
+               error = function () { cat( geterrmessage(), file=stderr() ); q( "no", 1, F ) } )
+        library(lattice)
+        print (xyplot(signature[,3]*100~signature[,1]|signature[,4], type = "l", xlim=c(1,26), main="ping-pong Signature of ${minquery}-${maxquery} against ${mintarget}-${maxtarget}nt small RNAs",
+             par.strip.text=list(cex=.5), strip=strip.custom(which.given=1, bg="lightblue"), scales=list(cex=0.5),
+             cex.main=1, cex=.5, xlab="overlap (nt)", ylab="ping-pong signal [%]",
+             pch=19, col="darkslateblue", lwd =1.5, cex.lab=1.2, cex.axis=1.2,
+             layout=c(4,12), as.table=TRUE, newpage = T) )
+        devnname =
+      }
+      if (graph_type=="global") {
+	globalgraph()
+      }
+      if(graph_type=="lattice") {
+        treillisgraph()
+      }
+    </configfile>
+  </configfiles>
+        <outputs>
+                <data name="output" format="tabular" label = "signature data frame"/>
+                <data name="output2" format="pdf" label="number of pairs signature">
+                <filter>(graph_type == "global")</filter>
+                </data>
+                <data name="output1" format="pdf" label="z-score signature">
+                <filter>(graph_type == "global")</filter>
+                </data>
+                <data name="output3" format="pdf" label="ping-pong signal (hannon algo.)"/>
+        </outputs>
+        <help>
+**What it does**
+This tool computes the number of pairs by overlap classes (in nt) from a bowtie output file, the z-score calculated from these numbers of pairs, and the ping-pong signal as described in Brennecke et al (2009) Science.
+The numerical options set the min and max size of both the query small rna class and the target small rna class
+Three type of signals are plotted in separate pdf files, the number of pairs founds, the z-score calculated from these numbers of pairs, and the ping-pong signal as described in Brennecke et al (2009) Science.
+        </help>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Tue Jun 24 12:16:43 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+# python parser module for for readmaps and size distributions, guided by GFF3
+# version 0.9.1 (1-6-2014)
+# Usage  <1:index source> <2:extraction directive> <3:output pre-mir> <4: output mature miRs> <5:mirbase GFF3>
+#                     <6:pathToLatticeDataframe or "dummy_dataframe_path"> <7:Rcode or "dummy_plotCode"> <8:latticePDF or "dummy_latticePDF">
+#                     <9:10:11 filePath:FileExt:FileLabel> <.. ad  lib>
+import sys, subprocess, argparse
+from smRtools import *
+from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
+import os
+def Parser():
+  the_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+  the_parser.add_argument('--output_readmap', action="store", type=str, help="readmap dataframe")
+  the_parser.add_argument('--output_size_distribution', action="store", type=str, help="size distribution dataframe")
+  the_parser.add_argument('--reference_fasta', action="store", type=str, help="output file")
+  the_parser.add_argument('--reference_bowtie_index',action='store', help="paths to indexed or fasta references")
+  the_parser.add_argument('--input',nargs='+', help="paths to multiple input files")
+  the_parser.add_argument('--ext',nargs='+', help="input file type")
+  the_parser.add_argument('--label',nargs='+', help="labels of multiple input files")
+  the_parser.add_argument('--normalization_factor',nargs='+', type=float, help="Normalization factor for input file")
+  the_parser.add_argument('--gff', type=str, help="GFF containing regions of interest")
+  the_parser.add_argument('--minquery', type=int, help="Minimum readsize")
+  the_parser.add_argument('--maxquery', type=int, help="Maximum readsize")
+  the_parser.add_argument('--rcode', type=str, help="R script")
+  args = the_parser.parse_args()
+  return args
+if args.reference_fasta:
+  genomeRefFormat = "fastaSource"
+  genomeRefFile = args.reference_fasta  
+if args.reference_bowtie_index:
+  genomeRefFormat = "bowtieIndex"
+  genomeRefFile = args.reference_bowtie_index  
+Rcode = args.rcode
+MasterListOfGenomes = OrderedDict()
+def process_samples(filePath):
+  for i, filePath in enumerate(filePath):
+    norm=normalization_factor[i]
+    print fileLabel[i]
+    MasterListOfGenomes[fileLabel[i]] = HandleSmRNAwindows (alignmentFile=filePath, alignmentFileFormat=fileExt[i], genomeRefFile=genomeRefFile, genomeRefFormat=genomeRefFormat,\
+                        biosample=fileLabel[i], size_inf=minquery, size_sup=maxquery, norm=norm)
+  return MasterListOfGenomes
+def write_readplot_dataframe(readDict, readmap_file):
+  with open(readmap_file, 'w') as readmap:
+    print >>readmap, "gene\tcoord\tcount\tpolarity\tsample"
+    for sample in readDict.keys():
+      if args.gff:
+        dict=readDict[sample]
+      else:
+        dict=readDict[sample].instanceDict
+      for gene in dict.keys():
+        plottable = dict[gene].readplot()
+        for line in plottable:
+          print >>readmap, "%s\t%s" % (line, sample)
+def write_size_distribution_dataframe(readDict, size_distribution_file):
+  with open(size_distribution_file, 'w') as size_distrib:
+    print >>size_distrib, "gene\tpolarity\tsize\tcount\tsample"
+    for sample in readDict.keys():
+      if args.gff:
+        dict=readDict[sample]
+      else:
+        dict=readDict[sample].instanceDict
+      for gene in dict.keys():
+        histogram = dict[gene].size_histogram()
+        for polarity in histogram.keys():
+          for item in histogram[polarity].iteritems():
+            print >>size_distrib, "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" % (gene, polarity, item[0], item[1], sample)
+def gff_item_subinstances(readDict, gff3):
+  GFFinstanceDict=OrderedDict()
+  with open(gff3) as gff:
+    for line in gff:
+      if line[0] == "#": continue
+      gff_fields = line[:-1].split("\t")
+      chrom = gff_fields[0]
+      gff_name = gff_fields[-1].split("Name=")[-1].split(";")[0] # to isolate the GFF Name
+      item_upstream_coordinate = int(gff_fields[3])
+      item_downstream_coordinate = int(gff_fields[4])
+      item_polarity = gff_fields[6]
+      for sample in readDict.keys():
+	if not GFFinstanceDict.has_key(sample):
+          GFFinstanceDict[sample]={}
+        subinstance=extractsubinstance(item_upstream_coordinate, item_downstream_coordinate, readDict[sample].instanceDict[chrom])
+        if item_polarity == '-':
+          subinstance.readDict={key*-1:value for key, value in subinstance.readDict.iteritems()}
+        subinstance.gene=gff_name
+        GFFinstanceDict[sample][gff_name]=subinstance
+  return GFFinstanceDict
+if args.gff:
+  MasterListOfGenomes=gff_item_subinstances(MasterListOfGenomes, args.gff)
+write_readplot_dataframe(MasterListOfGenomes, readmap_file)
+write_size_distribution_dataframe(MasterListOfGenomes, size_distribution_file)
+R_command="Rscript "+ Rcode
+process = subprocess.Popen(R_command.split())
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/readmap.xml	Tue Jun 24 12:16:43 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+<tool id="Readmap" name="Generate readmap and histograms from alignment files" version="0.9.2">
+  <description>from sRbowtie aligment</description>
+  <requirements><requirement type='package'>bowtie-inspect</requirement></requirements>
+  <parallelism method="basic"></parallelism>
+<command interpreter="python">
+	          #if $refGenomeSource.genomeSource == "history":
+         	    --reference_fasta  ## sys.argv[2]
+                    $refGenomeSource.ownFile ## index source
+          	  #else:
+                    #silent reference= filter( lambda x: str( x[0] ) == str( $refGenomeSource.series[0].input.dbkey ), $__app__.tool_data_tables[ 'bowtie_indexes' ].get_fields() )[0][-1]
+		    --reference_bowtie_index
+                    $reference
+          	  #end if
+		  --rcode
+		  $plotCode
+		  --output_readmap
+		  $readmap_dataframe
+		  --output_size_distribution
+		  $size_distribution_dataframe
+		  --minquery
+		  $minquery
+		  --maxquery
+		  $maxquery
+		  --input
+		  #for $i in $refGenomeSource.series
+    		    $i.input 
+		  #end for
+		  --ext
+		  #for $i in $refGenomeSource.series
+    		    $i.input.ext 
+		  #end for
+		  --label
+		  #for $i in $refGenomeSource.series
+    		    "$" 
+		  #end for
+		  --normalization_factor
+		  #for $i in $refGenomeSource.series
+    		    $i.norm
+		  #end for
+		  #if $gff:
+		    --gff
+                    $gff
+                  #end if
+  <inputs>
+       <conditional name="refGenomeSource">
+           <param name="genomeSource" type="select" label="Will you select a reference genome from your history or use a built-in index?" help="Built-ins were indexed using default options">
+               <option value="indexed">Use a built-in index</option>
+               <option value="history">Use one from the history</option>
+           </param>
+           <when value="indexed">
+	     <repeat name="series" title="Add alignment files">
+	       <param name="input" type="data" label="Select multiple alignments to parse">
+                  <validator type="dataset_metadata_in_data_table" table_name="bowtie_indexes" metadata_name="dbkey" metadata_column="0" message="database not set for this bowtie output. Select the database(=genome used for matching) manually, or select a reference fasta from your history."/>
+               </param>
+	       <param name="norm" type="float" value="1" label="Indicate a normalization factor to compare multiple aligments"/>
+	     </repeat>
+           </when>
+           <when value="history">
+	     <repeat name="series" title="Add alignment files">
+	       <param name="input" type="data" label="Select multiple alignments to parse"/>
+	       <param name="norm" type="integer" value="1" label="Indicate a normalization factor to compare multiple aligments"/>
+	     </repeat>
+	   </when>
+       </conditional>
+                <param name="gff" type="data" optional="true" label="Optional: select a GFF to investigate regions of interest" help="GFF must match genome build"/>
+                 <!-- <validator type="dataset_metadata_in_data_table" table_name="bowtie_indexes" metadata_name="dbkey" metadata_column="0" message="GFF database and alignment file databse do not match!"/> -->
+                <param name="minquery" type="integer" size="3" value="18" label="Min size of query small RNAs" help="'18' = 18 nucleotides"/>
+                <param name="maxquery" type="integer" size="3" value="28" label="Max size of query small RNAs" help="'28' = 28 nucleotides"/>
+                <param name="title" type="text" size="15" value= "Readmaps and size distributions" label="Main Titles"/>
+                <param name="xlabel" type="text" size="15" value="Coordinates/read size" label="x axis label"/>
+                <param name="ylabel" type="text" size="15" value="Number of reads" label="y axis label"/>
+                <param name="rows_per_page" type="text" size="9" value="8" label="How many items to display per page?">
+		  <validator type="in_range" min="6" max="20" message="Select between 6 and 20 rows, as the readability will suffer otherwise."/>
+                </param>
+  </inputs>
+   <configfiles>
+     <configfile name="plotCode">
+      ## Setup R error handling to go to stderr
+      options( show.error.messages=F,
+               error = function () { cat( geterrmessage(), file=stderr() ); q( "no", 1, F ) } )
+      library(RColorBrewer)
+      library(lattice)
+      library(latticeExtra)
+      library(grid)
+      library(gridExtra)
+      ##cheetahtemplate data frame implementation
+      rm=read.delim("${readmap_dataframe}", header=T, row.names=NULL)
+      pdf(file="${readmap_PDF}", paper="special", height=11.69, width=8.2677)
+      n_samples=length(unique(rm\$sample))
+      genes=unique(levels(rm\$gene))
+      per_gene_readmap=lapply(genes, function(x) subset(rm, gene==x))
+      n_genes=length(per_gene_readmap)
+      par.settings.readmap=list(layout.heights=list(top.padding=0, bottom.padding=-3), fontsize = list(text=96/${rows_per_page}, points=8))
+      par.settings.size=list(layout.heights=list(top.padding=-1, bottom.padding=-3), fontsize = list(text=96/${rows_per_page}, points=8))
+      par.settings.combination.readmap=list(layout.heights=list(top.padding=0, bottom.padding=-3), fontsize = list(text=96/${rows_per_page}, points=8))
+      par.settings.combination.size=list(layout.heights=list(top.padding=-2, bottom.padding=-0.5), fontsize = list(text=96/${rows_per_page}, points=8))
+      plot_readmap=function(df, ...) {
+      combineLimits(xyplot(count~coord|factor(sample, levels=unique(sample))+reorder(gene, count, function(x) -sum(abs(x))), 
+      data=df, 
+      type='h', 
+      scales= list(relation="free", x=list(rot=0, cex=0.75, axs="i", tck=0.5), y=list(tick.number=4, rot=90, cex=0.75)),
+      xlab=NULL, main=NULL, ylab=NULL, 
+      as.table=T, 
+      origin = 0, 
+      horizontal=FALSE, 
+      group=polarity,
+      col=c("red","blue"),
+      ...))
+      }
+      plot_size_distribution= function(df, ...) {
+          smR.prepanel=function(x,y,...){; yscale=c(-max(abs(y)), max(abs(y)));list(ylim=yscale);}
+         bc= barchart(count~as.factor(size)|factor(sample, levels=unique(sample))+gene, data = df, origin = 0,
+          horizontal=FALSE,
+	  group=polarity,
+	  stack=TRUE,
+          col=c('red', 'blue'),
+          cex=0.75,
+          scales=list(y=list(tick.number=4, rot=90, relation="free"), cex=0.75),
+          prepanel=smR.prepanel,
+          xlab = NULL,
+          ylab = NULL,
+#          par.settings=list(layout.heights=list(top.padding=-2, bottom.padding=-3), fontsize = list(text=8, points=8)),
+          main = NULL , as.table=TRUE, newpage = T, ...)
+          combineLimits(bc)
+          }
+      for (i in seq(1,n_genes,${rows_per_page})) {
+        start=i
+        end=i+${rows_per_page}-1
+        if (end>n_genes) {end=n_genes}
+	readmap_plot.list=lapply(per_gene_readmap[start:end], function(x) plot_readmap(x, par.settings=par.settings.readmap))
+	args.list=c(readmap_plot.list, list(nrow=${rows_per_page}, ncol=1, main="readmaps", left="${ylabel}", sub="readmap coordinate"))
+, args.list)
+      }
+      size=read.delim("${size_distribution_dataframe}", header=T, row.names=NULL)
+      per_gene_size=lapply(genes, function(x) subset(size, gene==x))
+      pdf(file="${size_PDF}", paper="special", height=11.69, width=8.2677)
+      for (i in seq(1,n_genes,${rows_per_page})) {
+        start=i
+        end=i+${rows_per_page}-1
+        if (end>n_genes) {end=n_genes}
+        plot.list=lapply(per_gene_size[start:end], function(x) plot_size_distribution(x, par.settings=par.settings.size))
+        args.list=c(plot.list, list(nrow=${rows_per_page}, ncol=1, main="size distribution", left="${ylabel}", sub="readsize in nucleotides"))
+, args.list)
+      }
+      pdf(file="${combi_PDF}", paper="special", height=11.69, width=8.2677)
+      for (i in seq(1,n_genes,${rows_per_page}/2)) {
+        start=i
+        end=i+${rows_per_page}/2-1
+        if (end>n_genes) {end=n_genes}
+	read_plot.list=lapply(per_gene_readmap[start:end], function(x) plot_readmap(x, par.settings=par.settings.combination.readmap))
+        size_plot.list=lapply(per_gene_size[start:end], function(x) plot_size_distribution(x, strip=FALSE, par.settings=par.settings.combination.size))
+	plot.list=rbind(read_plot.list, size_plot.list )
+        args.list=c(plot.list, list(nrow=${rows_per_page}, ncol=1, main="${title}", left="${ylabel}", sub="${xlabel}"))
+, args.list)
+      }
+     </configfile>
+   </configfiles>
+   <outputs>
+   <data format="tabular" name="readmap_dataframe" label="Readmap dataframe"/>
+   <data format="tabular" name="size_distribution_dataframe" label="Size distribution dataframe"/>
+   <data format="pdf" name="readmap_PDF" label="Readmaps"/>
+   <data format="pdf" name="size_PDF" label="Size distribution"/>
+   <data format="pdf" name="combi_PDF" label="Size distribution and Readmaps"/>
+   </outputs>
+**What it does**
+Takes one or more alignment files (BAM, SAM or tabular bowtie output) as input and produces a "Readmap", 
+where by default for each "chromosome" the position of the read is recorded on the x-axis, and the y-axis indicates 
+the number of reads per position. Reads that map in sense are on the top, reads that map antisense are on the bottom.
+.. class:: warningmark
+'''TIP''' The input data can be produced using the sRbowtie tool.
+Query sequence::
+For a SAM file as the following:
+  5	16	2L_79	24393	255	17M	*	0	0	CCTTCATCTTTTTTTTT	IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII	XA:i:0	MD:Z:17	NM:i:0
+produce a plot like this:
+.. image:: static/images/readmap.png 
+    :height: 800 
+    :width: 500
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Tue Jun 24 12:16:43 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# small RNA oriented bowtie wrapper
+# version 1.01 29-5-2014
+# Usage <1 input_fasta_file> <2 alignment method> <3 -v mismatches> <4 out_type> <5 buildIndexIfHistory> <6 fasta/bowtie index> <7 bowtie output> <8 ali_fasta> <9 unali_fasta> <10 --num-threads \${GALAXY_SLOTS:-4}>
+# current rev: for bowtie __norc, move from --supress 2,6,7,8 to --supress 6,7,8. Future Parser must be updated to take into account this standardisation
+# To Do:
+# implement an arg parser
+# Christophe Antoniewski <>
+import sys, os, subprocess, tempfile, shutil
+def stop_err( msg ):
+    sys.stderr.write( '%s\n' % msg )
+    sys.exit()
+def bowtieCommandLiner (alignment_method, v_mis, out_type, aligned, unaligned, input, index, output, pslots="12"):
+    if alignment_method=="RNA":
+        x = "-v %s -M 1 --best --strata -p %s --norc --suppress 6,7,8" % (v_mis, pslots)
+    elif alignment_method=="unique":
+        x =  "-v %s -m 1 -p %s --suppress 6,7,8" % (v_mis, pslots)
+    elif  alignment_method=="multiple":
+        x = "-v %s -M 1 --best --strata -p %s --suppress 6,7,8" % (v_mis, pslots)
+    elif alignment_method=="k_option":
+        x = "-v %s -k 1 --best -p %s --suppress 6,7,8" % (v_mis, pslots)
+    elif alignment_method=="n_option":
+        x = "-n %s -M 1 --best -p %s --suppress 6,7,8" % (v_mis, pslots)
+    elif alignment_method=="a_option":
+        x = "-v %s -a --best -p %s --suppress 6,7,8" % (v_mis, pslots)
+    if aligned == "None" and unaligned == "None": fasta_command = ""
+    elif aligned != "None" and unaligned == "None": fasta_command= " --al %s" % aligned
+    elif aligned == "None" and unaligned != "None": fasta_command = " --un %s" % unaligned
+    else: fasta_command = " --al %s --un %s" % (aligned, unaligned)
+    x = x + fasta_command
+    if out_type == "tabular":
+        return "bowtie %s %s -f %s > %s" % (x, index, input, output)
+    elif out_type=="sam":
+        return "bowtie %s -S %s -f %s > %s" % (x, index, input, output)
+    elif out_type=="bam":
+        return "bowtie %s -S %s -f %s |samtools view -bS - > %s" % (x, index, input, output)
+def bowtie_squash(fasta):
+  tmp_index_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() # make temp directory for bowtie indexes
+  ref_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( dir=tmp_index_dir )
+  ref_file_name =
+  ref_file.close() # by default, delete the temporary file, but is now stored in ref_file_name
+  os.symlink( fasta, ref_file_name ) # symlink between the fasta source file and the deleted ref_file name
+  cmd1 = 'bowtie-build -f %s %s' % (ref_file_name, ref_file_name ) # bowtie command line, which will work after changing dir (cwd=tmp_index_dir)
+  try:
+    FNULL = open(os.devnull, 'w')
+    tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( dir=tmp_index_dir ).name # a path string for a temp file in tmp_index_dir. Just a string
+    tmp_stderr = open( tmp, 'wb' ) # creates and open a file handler pointing to the temp file
+    proc = subprocess.Popen( args=cmd1, shell=True, cwd=tmp_index_dir, stderr=FNULL, stdout=FNULL ) # both stderr and stdout of bowtie-build are redirected in  dev/null
+    returncode = proc.wait()
+    tmp_stderr.close()
+    FNULL.close()
+    sys.stdout.write(cmd1 + "\n")
+  except Exception, e:
+    # clean up temp dir
+    if os.path.exists( tmp_index_dir ):
+      shutil.rmtree( tmp_index_dir )
+      stop_err( 'Error indexing reference sequence\n' + str( e ) )
+  # no Cleaning if no Exception, tmp_index_dir has to be cleaned after bowtie_alignment()
+  index_full_path = os.path.join(tmp_index_dir, ref_file_name) # bowtie fashion path without extention
+  return tmp_index_dir, index_full_path  
+def bowtie_alignment(command_line, flyPreIndexed=''):
+  # make temp directory just for stderr
+  tmp_index_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+  tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( dir=tmp_index_dir ).name
+  tmp_stderr = open( tmp, 'wb' )
+  # conditional statement for sorted bam generation viewable in Trackster
+  if "samtools" in command_line:
+    target_file = command_line.split()[-1] # recover the final output file name
+    path_to_unsortedBam = os.path.join(tmp_index_dir, "unsorted.bam")
+    path_to_sortedBam = os.path.join(tmp_index_dir, "unsorted.bam.sorted")
+    first_command_line = " ".join(command_line.split()[:-3]) + " -o " + path_to_unsortedBam + " - "
+    # example: bowtie -v 0 -M 1 --best --strata -p 12 --suppress 6,7,8 -S /home/galaxy/galaxy-dist/bowtie/Dmel/dmel-all-chromosome-r5.49 -f /home/galaxy/galaxy-dist/database/files/003/dataset_3460.dat |samtools view -bS -o /tmp/tmp_PgMT0/unsorted.bam -
+    second_command_line = "samtools sort  %s %s" % (path_to_unsortedBam, path_to_sortedBam) # generates an "unsorted.bam.sorted.bam file", NOT an "unsorted.bam.sorted" file
+    p = subprocess.Popen(args=first_command_line, cwd=tmp_index_dir, shell=True, stderr=tmp_stderr.fileno()) # fileno() method return the file descriptor number of tmp_stderr
+    returncode = p.wait()
+    sys.stdout.write("%s\n" % first_command_line + str(returncode))
+    p = subprocess.Popen(args=second_command_line, cwd=tmp_index_dir, shell=True, stderr=tmp_stderr.fileno())
+    returncode = p.wait()
+    sys.stdout.write("\n%s\n" % second_command_line + str(returncode))
+    if os.path.isfile(path_to_sortedBam + ".bam"):
+      shutil.copy2(path_to_sortedBam + ".bam", target_file)
+  else:
+    p = subprocess.Popen(args=command_line, shell=True, stderr=tmp_stderr.fileno())
+    returncode = p.wait()
+    sys.stdout.write(command_line + "\n")
+  tmp_stderr.close()
+  ## cleaning if the index was created in the fly
+  if os.path.exists( flyPreIndexed ):
+    shutil.rmtree( flyPreIndexed )
+  # cleaning tmp files and directories
+  if os.path.exists( tmp_index_dir ):
+    shutil.rmtree( tmp_index_dir )
+  return
+def __main__():
+  F = open (sys.argv[7], "w")
+  if sys.argv[5] == "history":
+    tmp_dir, index_path = bowtie_squash(sys.argv[6])
+  else:
+    tmp_dir, index_path = "dummy/dymmy", sys.argv[6]
+  command_line = bowtieCommandLiner(sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4], sys.argv[8], sys.argv[9], sys.argv[1], index_path, sys.argv[7], sys.argv[10])
+  bowtie_alignment(command_line, flyPreIndexed=tmp_dir)
+  F.close()
+if __name__=="__main__": __main__()
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sRbowtie.xml	Tue Jun 24 12:16:43 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+<tool id="bowtieForSmallRNA" name="sRbowtie" version="1.0.1">
+  <description>for FASTA small reads</description>
+  <requirements>
+	<requirement type='package'>bowtie</requirement>
+  </requirements>
+  <parallelism method="basic"></parallelism>
+  <command interpreter="python"> $input
+                                                    $method
+                                                    $v_mismatches
+                                                    $output_type
+                                                    $refGenomeSource.genomeSource
+                                                    ## the very source of the index (indexed or fasta file)
+                                                    #if $refGenomeSource.genomeSource == "history":
+                                                        $refGenomeSource.ownFile
+                                                    #else:
+                                                        $refGenomeSource.index.fields.path
+                                                    #end if
+                                                    $output
+                                                    $aligned
+                                                    $unaligned
+						    \${GALAXY_SLOTS:-4} ## number of processors to be handled by bowtie
+  </command>
+  <inputs>
+      <param name="input" type="data" format="fasta" label="Input fasta file: reads clipped from their adapter" help="Only with clipped, raw fasta files"/>
+<!-- which method will be used --> 
+      <param name="method" type="select" label="What kind of matching do you want to do?" help="bowtie parameters adjusted to the type of matching. RNA option match to only one strand">
+        <option value="RNA">Match on sense strand RNA reference index, multiple mappers randomly matched at a single position</option>
+        <option value="unique">Match unique mappers on DNA reference index</option>
+        <option value="multiple" selected="true">Match on DNA, multiple mappers randomly matched at a single position</option>
+        <option value="k_option">Match on DNA as fast as possible, without taking care of mapping issues (for raw annotation of reads)</option>
+        <option value="n_option">Match on DNA - RNAseq mode (-n bowtie option)</option>
+        <option value="a_option">Match and report all valid alignments</option>
+      </param>
+<!-- END of which method will be used -->
+    <param name="v_mismatches" type="select" label="Number of mismatches allowed" help="specify the -v bowtie option">
+        <option value="0">0</option>
+        <option value="1" selected="true">1</option>
+        <option value="2">2</option>
+        <option value="3">3</option>
+    </param>
+<!-- bowtie index selection -->
+    <conditional name="refGenomeSource">
+      <param name="genomeSource" type="select" label="Will you select a reference genome from your history or use a built-in index?" help="Built-ins were indexed using default options">
+        <option value="indexed">Use a built-in index</option>
+        <option value="history">Use one from the history</option>
+      </param>
+      <when value="indexed">
+        <param name="index" type="select" label="Select a DNA reference index" help="if your genome of interest is not listed - contact GED team">
+          <options from_data_table="bowtie_indexes">
+      <!--      <filter type="sort_by" column="2" />
+            <validator type="no_options" message="No indexes are available" /> -->
+          </options>
+        </param>
+      </when>
+      <when value="history">
+        <param name="ownFile" type="data" format="fasta" label="Select a fasta file, to serve as index reference" />
+      </when>
+    </conditional>
+<!-- END bowtie index selection -->
+       <param name="output_type" type="select" label="Select output format" help="Note that the BAM will be viewable in trackster only if you choose a full genome referenced for Trackster usage. see the doc below">
+          <option value="tabular" select="true">tabular</option>
+          <option value="sam">sam</option>
+          <option value="bam">bam</option>
+       </param>
+       <param name="additional_fasta" type="select" label="additional fasta output" help="to get aligned and unaligned reads in fasta format">
+          <option value="No" select="true">No</option>
+          <option value="al">aligned</option>
+          <option value="unal">unaligned</option>
+          <option value="al_and_unal">both aligned and unaligned</option>
+       </param>
+   </inputs>
+   <outputs>
+   <data format="tabular" name="output" label="Bowtie Output">
+        <change_format>
+            <when input="output_type" value="sam" format="sam" />
+            <when input="output_type" value="bam" format="bam" />
+        </change_format>
+<!-- Set metadata based on reference genome -->
+      <actions>
+        <conditional name="refGenomeSource.genomeSource">
+          <when value="indexed">
+            <action type="metadata" name="dbkey">
+              <option type="from_data_table" name="bowtie_indexes" column="1" offset="0">
+                <filter type="param_value" column="0" value="#" compare="startswith" keep="False"/>
+                <filter type="param_value" ref="refGenomeSource.index" column="0"/>
+              </option>
+            </action>
+          </when>
+          <when value="history">
+            <action type="metadata" name="dbkey">
+              <option type="from_param" name="refGenomeSource.ownFile" param_attribute="dbkey" />
+            </action>
+          </when>
+        </conditional>
+      </actions>
+   </data>
+   <data format="fasta" name="aligned" label="Matched reads">
+	<filter>additional_fasta == "al" or additional_fasta == "al_and_unal"</filter>
+   </data>
+   <data format="fasta" name="unaligned" label ="Unmatched reads">
+        <filter>additional_fasta == "unal" or additional_fasta == "al_and_unal"</filter>
+   </data>
+   </outputs>
+    <test>
+      <param name="genomeSource" value="indexed" />
+      <param name="index" value="/home/galaxy/galaxy-dist/bowtie/Dmel/dmel-all-chromosome-r5.49" />
+      <param name="method" value="multiple" />
+      <param name="input" ftype="fasta" value="sRbowtie.fa" />
+      <param name="v_mismatches" value="1" />
+      <param name="output_type" value="tabular" />
+      <output name="output" ftype="tabular" value="sRbowtie.out" />
+      <output name="aligned" value="None" />
+      <output name="unaligned" value="None" />
+    </test>
+  <help>
+**What it does**
+Bowtie_ is a short read aligner designed to be ultrafast and memory-efficient. It is developed by Ben Langmead and Cole Trapnell. Please cite: Langmead B, Trapnell C, Pop M, Salzberg SL. Ultrafast and memory-efficient alignment of short DNA sequences to the human genome. Genome Biology 10:R25.
+.. _Bowtie:
+A generic "Map with Bowtie for Illumina" Galaxy tool is available in the main Galaxy distribution.
+However, this Bowtie wrapper tool only takes FASTQ files as inputs.
+The sRbowtie wrapper specifically works with short reads FASTA inputs (-v bowtie mode)
+.. class:: infomark
+This script uses Bowtie to match reads on a reference index.
+Depending on the type of matching, different bowtie options are used:
+**Match on sense strand RNA reference index, multiple mappers randomly matched at a single position**
+Match on RNA reference, SENSE strand, randomly attributing multiple mapper to target with least mismatches, the polarity column is suppressed in the bowtie tabular report:
+*-v [0,1,2,3] -M 1 --best --strata -p 12 --norc --suppress 2,6,7,8*
+**Match unique mappers on DNA reference index**
+Match ONLY unique mappers on DNA reference index
+*-v [0,1,2,3] -m 1 -p 12 --suppress 6,7,8*
+Note that using this option with -v values other than 0 is questionnable...
+**Match on DNA, multiple mappers randomly matched at a single position**
+Match multiple mappers, randomly attributing multiple mapper to target with least mismatches, number of mismatch allowed specified by -v option:
+*-v [0,1,2,3] -M 1 --best --strata -p 12 --suppress 6,7,8*
+**Match on DNA as fast as possible, without taking care of mapping issues (for raw annotation of reads)**
+Match with highest speed, not guaranteeing best hit for speed gain:
+*-v [0,1,2,3] -k 1 --best -p 12 --suppress 6,7,8*
+**Input formats**
+.. class:: warningmark
+*The only accepted format for the script is a raw fasta list of reads, clipped from their adapter*
+If you choose tabular as the output format, you will obtain the matched reads in standard bowtie output format, having the following columns::
+    Column    Description
+  --------    --------------------------------------------------------
+   1 FastaID  fasta identifier
+   2 polarity + or - depending whether the match was reported on the forward or reverse strand
+   3 target     name of the matched target
+   4 Offset   O-based coordinate of the miR on the miRBase pre-miR sequence
+   5 Seq      sequence of the matched Read
+If you choose SAM, you will get the output in unordered SAM format.
+.. class:: warningmark
+if you choose BAM, the output will be in sorted BAM format.
+To be viewable in Trackster, several condition must be fulfilled:
+.. class:: infomark
+Reads must have been matched to a genome whose chromosome names are compatible with Trackster genome indexes
+.. class:: infomark
+the database/Build (dbkey) which is indicated for the dataset (Pencil - Database/Build field) must match a Trackster genome index.
+Please contact the Galaxy instance administrator if your genome is not referenced
+**Matched and unmatched fasta reads can be retrieved, for further analyses**
+  </help>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Tue Jun 24 12:16:43 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# small RNA oriented bowtie wrapper in cascade for small RNA data set genome annotation
+# version 0.9 13-6-2014
+# Usage see Parser() for valid arguments
+# Christophe Antoniewski <>
+import sys, os, subprocess, tempfile, shutil, argparse
+from collections import defaultdict
+def Parser():
+  the_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+  the_parser.add_argument('--output', action="store", type=str, help="output file")
+  the_parser.add_argument('--num-threads', dest="num_threads", action="store", type=str, help="number of bowtie threads")
+  the_parser.add_argument('--mismatch', action="store", type=str, help="number of mismatches allowed")
+  the_parser.add_argument('--indexing-flags', dest="indexing_flags", nargs='+', help="whether the index should be generated or not by bowtie-buid")
+  the_parser.add_argument('--index',nargs='+', help="paths to indexed or fasta references")
+  the_parser.add_argument('--indexName',nargs='+', help="Names of the indexes")
+  the_parser.add_argument('--input',nargs='+', help="paths to multiple input files")
+  the_parser.add_argument('--label',nargs='+', help="labels of multiple input files")
+  args = the_parser.parse_args()
+  return args
+def stop_err( msg ):
+  sys.stderr.write( '%s\n' % msg )
+  sys.exit()
+def bowtie_squash(fasta):
+  tmp_index_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() # make temp directory for bowtie indexes
+  ref_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( dir=tmp_index_dir )
+  ref_file_name =
+  ref_file.close() # by default, delete the temporary file, but is now stored in ref_file_name
+  os.symlink( fasta, ref_file_name ) # symlink between the fasta source file and the deleted ref_file name
+  cmd1 = 'bowtie-build -f %s %s' % (ref_file_name, ref_file_name ) # bowtie command line, which will work after changing dir (cwd=tmp_index_dir)
+  try:
+    FNULL = open(os.devnull, 'w')
+    tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( dir=tmp_index_dir ).name # a path string for a temp file in tmp_index_dir. Just a string
+    tmp_stderr = open( tmp, 'wb' ) # creates and open a file handler pointing to the temp file
+    proc = subprocess.Popen( args=cmd1, shell=True, cwd=tmp_index_dir, stderr=FNULL, stdout=FNULL ) # both stderr and stdout of bowtie-build are redirected in  dev/null
+    returncode = proc.wait()
+    tmp_stderr.close()
+    FNULL.close()
+    sys.stdout.write(cmd1 + "\n")
+  except Exception, e:
+    # clean up temp dir
+    if os.path.exists( tmp_index_dir ):
+      shutil.rmtree( tmp_index_dir )
+      stop_err( 'Error indexing reference sequence\n' + str( e ) )
+  # no Cleaning if no Exception, tmp_index_dir has to be cleaned after bowtie_alignment()
+  index_full_path = os.path.join(tmp_index_dir, ref_file_name) # bowtie fashion path without extention
+  return index_full_path  
+def make_working_dir():
+  working_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+  return working_dir
+def Clean_TempDir(directory):
+  if os.path.exists( directory ):
+    shutil.rmtree( directory )
+  return
+def bowtie_alignment(command_line="None", working_dir = ""):
+  FNULL = open(os.devnull, 'w')
+  p = subprocess.Popen(args=command_line, cwd=working_dir, shell=True, stderr=FNULL, stdout=FNULL)
+  returncode = p.wait()
+  sys.stdout.write("%s\n" % command_line)
+  FNULL.close()
+  #p = subprocess.Popen(["wc", "-l", "%s/al.fasta"%working_dir], cwd=working_dir, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+  #aligned =  p.communicate()[0].split()[0]
+  aligned = 0
+  F = open ("%s/al.fasta" % working_dir, "r")
+  for line in F:
+    aligned += 1
+  F.close()
+  sys.stdout.write("Aligned: %s\n" % aligned)
+  return aligned/2
+def CommandLiner (v_mis="1", pslots="12", index="dum/my", input="dum/my", working_dir=""):
+  return "bowtie -v %s -k 1 --best -p %s --al %s/al.fasta --un %s/unal.fasta --suppress 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 %s -f %s" % (v_mis, pslots, working_dir, working_dir, index, input)
+def __main__():
+  args = Parser()
+  ## first we make all indexes available. They can be already available or be squashed by bowtie-build
+  ## we keep them in a list that alternates indexPath and "toClear" or "DoNotDelete"
+  BowtieIndexList = []
+  for indexing_flags, bowtiePath in zip (args.indexing_flags, args.index):
+    if indexing_flags == "history":
+      BowtieIndexList.append ( bowtie_squash (bowtiePath) )
+      BowtieIndexList.append ( "toClear" )
+    else:
+      BowtieIndexList.append ( bowtiePath )
+      BowtieIndexList.append ( "DoNotDelete") 
+  ###### temporary Indexes are generated. They must be deleted at the end (after removing file name in the temp path) 
+  ResultDict = defaultdict(list)
+  for label, input in zip(args.label, args.input): ## the main cascade, iterating over samples and bowtie indexes
+    workingDir = make_working_dir()
+    cmd = CommandLiner (v_mis=args.mismatch, pslots=args.num_threads, index=BowtieIndexList[0], input=input, working_dir=workingDir)
+    ResultDict[label].append( bowtie_alignment(command_line=cmd, working_dir = workingDir) ) # first step of the cascade
+    if len(BowtieIndexList) > 2: # is there a second step to perform ?
+      os.rename("%s/al.fasta"%workingDir, "%s/toAlign.fasta"%workingDir) ## end of first step. the aligned reads are the input of the next step
+      cmd = CommandLiner (v_mis=args.mismatch, pslots=args.num_threads, index=BowtieIndexList[2], input="%s/toAlign.fasta"%workingDir, working_dir=workingDir)
+      ResultDict[label].append( bowtie_alignment(command_line=cmd, working_dir = workingDir) )## second step of the cascade
+    if len(BowtieIndexList) > 4:  ## remaining steps
+      for BowtieIndexPath in BowtieIndexList[4::2]:
+        os.rename("%s/unal.fasta"%workingDir, "%s/toAlign.fasta"%workingDir)
+        cmd = CommandLiner (v_mis=args.mismatch, pslots=args.num_threads, index=BowtieIndexPath, input="%s/toAlign.fasta"%workingDir, working_dir=workingDir)
+        ResultDict[label].append( bowtie_alignment(command_line=cmd, working_dir = workingDir) )
+    Fun = open("%s/unal.fasta"%workingDir, "r") ## to finish, compute the number of unmatched reads
+    n = 0
+    for line in Fun:
+      n += 1
+    ResultDict[label].append(n/2)
+    Fun.close()
+    Clean_TempDir (workingDir) # clean the sample working directory
+  ## cleaning
+  for IndexPath, IndexFlag in zip(BowtieIndexList[::2], BowtieIndexList[1::2]):
+    if IndexFlag == "toClear":
+      Clean_TempDir ("/".join(IndexPath.split("/")[:-1]))
+  ## end of cleaning
+  F = open (args.output, "w")
+  print >> F, "alignment reference\t%s" % "\t".join(args.label)
+  for i, reference in enumerate(args.indexName):
+    F.write ("%s" % reference)
+    for sample in args.label:
+      F.write ("\t%s" % "{:,}".format(ResultDict[sample][i]) )
+    print >> F
+  F.write ("Remaining Unmatched")
+  for sample in args.label:
+    F.write ("\t%s" % "{:,}".format(ResultDict[sample][-1]) ) 
+  print >> F
+  F.close()
+if __name__=="__main__": __main__()
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sRbowtieCascade.xml	Tue Jun 24 12:16:43 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+<tool id="sRbowtie_cascade" name="Annotate smRNA datasets" version="0.9.0">
+  <description>Using iterative sRbowtie Alignments</description>
+  <requirements>
+	<requirement type='package'>bowtie</requirement>
+  </requirements>
+  <parallelism method="basic"></parallelism>
+  <command interpreter="python"> --output $output
+                                                    --num-threads \${GALAXY_SLOTS:-4} ## number of processors to be handled by bowtie
+                                                    --mismatch $mismatches
+                                                    --input
+						    #for $i in $input:
+						      $i
+						    #end for
+                                                   --label
+                                                    #for $i in $input:
+                                                      "$"
+                                                    #end for
+                                                   --index
+                                                    #if $refGenomeSource1.genomeSource == "history":
+                                                      $refGenomeSource1.ownFile
+                                                    #else:
+                                                      $refGenomeSource1.index.fields.path
+                                                    #end if
+                                                    #for $i in $AdditionalQueries:
+						      #if $i.refGenomeSource.genomeSource == "history":
+						        $i.refGenomeSource.ownFile
+                                                      #else:
+                                                        $i.refGenomeSource.index.fields.path
+                                                      #end if
+                                                    #end for
+                                                   --indexing-flags
+						    $refGenomeSource1.genomeSource
+                                                    #for $i in $AdditionalQueries:
+						      $i.refGenomeSource.genomeSource
+                                                    #end for
+                                                   --indexName
+                                                    #if $refGenomeSource1.genomeSource == "history":
+                                                      "$"
+                                                    #else:
+                                                      "$"
+                                                    #end if
+                                                    #for $i in $AdditionalQueries:
+                                                      #if $i.refGenomeSource.genomeSource == "history":
+                                                        "$"
+                                                      #else:
+                                                        "$"
+                                                      #end if
+                                                    #end for
+  </command>
+  <inputs>
+      <param name="input" type="data" format="fasta" label="Input fasta file: reads clipped from their adapter" help="Only with clipped, raw fasta files" multiple="true"/>
+    <param name="mismatches" type="select" label="Number of mismatches allowed" help="specify the number of mismatches allowed during alignments">
+        <option value="0">0</option>
+        <option value="1" selected="true">1</option>
+        <option value="2">2</option>
+        <option value="3">3</option>
+    </param>
+<!-- First bowtie index selection -->
+    <conditional name="refGenomeSource1">
+      <param name="genomeSource" type="select" label="Will you select a reference genome from your history or use a built-in index?" help="Built-ins were indexed using default options">
+        <option value="indexed">Use a built-in index</option>
+        <option value="history">Use one from the history</option>
+      </param>
+      <when value="indexed">
+        <param name="index" type="select" label="Select a DNA reference index" help="if your genome of interest is not listed - contact GED team">
+          <options from_data_table="bowtie_indexes"/>
+        </param>
+      </when>
+      <when value="history">
+        <param name="ownFile" type="data" format="fasta" label="Select a fasta file, to serve as index reference" />
+      </when>
+    </conditional>
+<!-- End of first bowtie index selection -->
+<!-- other  bowtie index selections -->
+    <repeat name="AdditionalQueries" title="Additional Alignment Step">
+	<conditional name="refGenomeSource">
+      		<param name="genomeSource" type="select" label="Will you select a reference genome from your history or use a built-in index?" help="Built-ins were indexed using default options">
+			<option value="indexed">Use a built-in index</option>
+			<option value="history">Use one from the history</option>
+		</param>
+		<when value="indexed">
+			<param name="index" type="select" label="Select a DNA reference index" help="if your genome of interest is not listed - contact GED team">
+				<options from_data_table="bowtie_indexes"/>
+			</param>
+		</when>
+		<when value="history">
+			<param name="ownFile" type="data" format="fasta" label="Select a fasta file, to serve as index reference" />
+		</when>
+        </conditional>
+    </repeat>
+<!-- End of other bowtie index selections -->
+   </inputs>
+   <outputs>
+   <data format="tabular" name="output" label="Cascade Annotation Analysis"/>
+   </outputs>
+    <test>
+    </test>
+  <help>
+Bowtie_ is a short read aligner designed to be ultrafast and memory-efficient.
+A generic "Map with Bowtie for Illumina" Galaxy tool is available in the main Galaxy distribution.
+However, this Bowtie wrapper tool only takes FASTQ files as inputs.
+Here The sRbowtie wrapper specifically works with short reads FASTA inputs (-v bowtie mode, with -k 1)
+.. _Bowtie:
+**What it does**
+.. class:: infomark
+This script uses the sRbowtie wrapper to iteratively match reads on a reference indexes.
+Reads are Matched on DNA references as fast as possible, without taking care of mapping issues
+*-v [0,1,2,3] -k 1 --best -p 12 --suppress 6,7,8*
+unaligned reads at step N are used input for sRbowtie at step N+1
+**Input formats**
+.. class:: warningmark
+*The only accepted format for the script is a raw fasta list of reads, clipped from their adapter*
+**Annotation table**
+  </help>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Tue Jun 24 12:16:43 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# python parser module to analyse sRbowtie alignments
+# version 0.9
+# Usage  <1:index source> <2:extraction directive> <3:outputL> <4:polarity> <5:6:7 filePath:FileExt:FileLabel> <.. ad  lib>
+import sys
+from smRtools import *
+IndexSource = sys.argv[1]
+ExtractionDirective = sys.argv[2]
+if ExtractionDirective == "--do_not_extract_index":
+  genomeRefFormat = "fastaSource"
+elif  ExtractionDirective == "--extract_index":
+  genomeRefFormat = "bowtieIndex"
+Output = sys.argv[3]
+Polarity = sys.argv[4] # maybe "both", "forward", "reverse"
+Triplets = [sys.argv[5:][i:i+3] for i in xrange(0, len(sys.argv[5:]), 3)]
+MasterListOfGenomes = {}
+for [filePath, FileExt, FileLabel] in Triplets:
+  MasterListOfGenomes[FileLabel] = HandleSmRNAwindows (filePath, FileExt, IndexSource, genomeRefFormat) 
+header = ["gene"]
+for [filePath, FileExt, FileLabel] in Triplets:
+  header.append(FileLabel)
+F = open (sys.argv[3], "w")
+print >> F, "\t".join(header)
+for item in sorted (MasterListOfGenomes[header[1]].instanceDict.keys() ):
+  line=[item]
+  for sample in header[1:]:
+    count = str (MasterListOfGenomes[sample].instanceDict[item].readcount(polarity=Polarity))
+    line.append(count)
+  print >> F,  "\t".join(line )
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sRbowtieParser.xml	Tue Jun 24 12:16:43 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+<tool id="sRbowtieParser" name="Parse items in sRbowtie alignment" version="0.9.1">
+  <description></description>
+  <requirements><requirement type='package'>bowtie-inspect</requirement></requirements>
+  <parallelism method="basic"></parallelism>
+<command interpreter="python">
+	          #if $refGenomeSource.genomeSource == "history":
+                    $refGenomeSource.ownFile ## index source
+         	    --do_not_extract_index
+          	  #else:
+		    #silent reference= filter( lambda x: str( x[0] ) == str( $input_list.dbkey ), $__app__.tool_data_tables[ 'bowtie_indexes' ].get_fields() )[0][-1]
+            	    $reference   ## index source
+            	    --extract_index
+          	  #end if
+		  $output
+		  $polarity
+		  #for $i in $refGenomeSource.input_list
+    		    $i $i.ext "$"
+		  #end for
+  <inputs>
+       <conditional name="refGenomeSource">
+           <param name="genomeSource" type="select" label="Will you select a reference genome from your history or use a built-in index?" help="Built-ins were indexed using default options">
+               <option value="indexed">Use a built-in index</option>
+               <option value="history">Use one from the history</option>
+           </param>
+           <when value="indexed">
+               <param name="input_list" type="data" label="Select multiple alignments to parse" multiple="true">
+                  <validator type="dataset_metadata_in_data_table" table_name="bowtie_indexes" metadata_name="dbkey" metadata_column="0" message="database not set for this bowtie output. Select the database(=genome used for matching) manually, or select a reference fasta from your history."/>
+               </param>
+           </when>
+           <when value="history">
+                <param name="ownFile" type="data" format="fasta"  label="Select the fasta reference" />
+	        <param name="input_list" type="data" label="Select multiple alignments to parse" multiple="true"/>
+           </when>
+       </conditional>  <!-- refGenomeSource -->
+       <param name="polarity" type="select" label="how to count sense and antisense reads">
+         <option value="both">count both sense and antisense reads</option>
+         <option value="forward">count only sense reads</option>
+         <option value="reverse">count only antisense reads</option>
+       </param>
+   </inputs>
+   <outputs>
+   <data format="tabular" name="output" label="Read Count  Lists"/>
+   </outputs>
+  <help>
+**What it does**
+Parses read counts from one or several sRBowtie alignments (in tabular, Sam or Bam format).
+Here a bowtie match done against an index composed of a set of items is parsed and expressed as a hit list of the corresponding items
+Sense, antisense or both sense and antisense alignments can be counted
+The library labels are infered from the input dataset names in the galaxy history.
+**It is thus essential that input datasets are appropriately renamed**
+**it is preferable that you do not put any space in this input dataset names. You may edit these names in the history**
+  </help>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Tue Jun 24 12:16:43 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+# python parser module for size distributions, guided by GFF3
+# version 0.9.1 (1-6-2014)
+# Usage  <1:index source> <2:extraction directive> <3:output pre-mir> <4: output mature miRs> <5:mirbase GFF3>
+#                     <6:pathToLatticeDataframe or "dummy_dataframe_path"> <7:Rcode or "dummy_plotCode"> <8:latticePDF or "dummy_latticePDF">
+#                     <9:10:11 filePath:FileExt:FileLabel> <.. ad  lib>
+import sys, subprocess, argparse
+from smRtools import *
+from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
+import os
+def Parser():
+  the_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+  the_parser.add_argument('--output_size_distribution', action="store", type=str, help="size distribution dataframe")
+  the_parser.add_argument('--reference_fasta', action="store", type=str, help="output file")
+  the_parser.add_argument('--reference_bowtie_index',action='store', help="paths to indexed or fasta references")
+  the_parser.add_argument('--input',nargs='+', help="paths to multiple input files")
+  the_parser.add_argument('--ext',nargs='+', help="input file type")
+  the_parser.add_argument('--label',nargs='+', help="labels of multiple input files")
+  the_parser.add_argument('--normalization_factor',nargs='+', type=float, help="Normalization factor for input file")
+  the_parser.add_argument('--gff', type=str, help="GFF containing regions of interest")
+  the_parser.add_argument('--minquery', type=int, help="Minimum readsize")
+  the_parser.add_argument('--maxquery', type=int, help="Maximum readsize")
+  the_parser.add_argument('--rcode', type=str, help="R script")
+  the_parser.add_argument('--global_size', action="store_true", help="if specified, size distribution is calcilated for the sum of all items")
+  the_parser.add_argument('--collapse', action="store_true", help="if specified, forward and reverse reads are collapsed")
+  args = the_parser.parse_args()
+  return args
+if args.reference_fasta:
+  genomeRefFormat = "fastaSource"
+  genomeRefFile = args.reference_fasta  
+if args.reference_bowtie_index:
+  genomeRefFormat = "bowtieIndex"
+  genomeRefFile = args.reference_bowtie_index  
+Rcode = args.rcode
+if collapse:
+  pol=["both"]
+  pol=["F", "R"]
+MasterListOfGenomes = OrderedDict()
+def process_samples(filePath):
+  for i, filePath in enumerate(filePath):
+    norm=normalization_factor[i]
+    print fileLabel[i]
+    MasterListOfGenomes[fileLabel[i]] = HandleSmRNAwindows (alignmentFile=filePath, alignmentFileFormat=fileExt[i], genomeRefFile=genomeRefFile, genomeRefFormat=genomeRefFormat,\
+                        biosample=fileLabel[i], size_inf=minquery, size_sup=maxquery, norm=norm)
+  return MasterListOfGenomes
+def write_size_distribution_dataframe(readDict, size_distribution_file):
+  with open(size_distribution_file, 'w') as size_distrib:
+    print >>size_distrib, "gene\tpolarity\tsize\tcount\tsample"
+    for sample in readDict.keys():
+      if args.gff:
+        dict=readDict[sample]
+      else:
+        dict=readDict[sample].instanceDict
+      for gene in dict.keys():
+        histogram = dict[gene].size_histogram()
+        for polarity in histogram.keys():
+          for item in histogram[polarity].iteritems():
+            print >>size_distrib, "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" % (gene, polarity, item[0], item[1], sample)
+def write_size_distribution_dataframe_global(readDict, size_distribution_file, pol=["both"]):
+  with open(size_distribution_file, 'w') as size_distrib:
+    print >>size_distrib, "gene\tpolarity\tsize\tcount\tsample"
+    for sample in readDict.keys():
+      histogram = readDict[sample].size_histogram()
+      gene="sample"
+      for polarity in pol:
+        for item in histogram[polarity].iteritems():
+          if polarity=="R":
+            print >>size_distrib, "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" % (gene, polarity, item[0], -item[1], sample)
+          else:
+            print >>size_distrib, "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" % (gene, polarity, item[0], item[1], sample)
+def gff_item_subinstances(readDict, gff3):
+  GFFinstanceDict=OrderedDict()
+  with open(gff3) as gff:
+    for line in gff:
+      if line[0] == "#": continue
+      gff_fields = line[:-1].split("\t")
+      chrom = gff_fields[0]
+      gff_name = gff_fields[-1].split("Name=")[-1].split(";")[0] # to isolate the GFF Name
+      item_upstream_coordinate = int(gff_fields[3])
+      item_downstream_coordinate = int(gff_fields[4])
+      item_polarity = gff_fields[6]
+      for sample in readDict.keys():
+	if not GFFinstanceDict.has_key(sample):
+          GFFinstanceDict[sample]={}
+        subinstance=extractsubinstance(item_upstream_coordinate, item_downstream_coordinate, readDict[sample].instanceDict[chrom])
+        if item_polarity == '-':
+          subinstance.readDict={key*-1:value for key, value in subinstance.readDict.iteritems()}
+#          subinstance.readDict.setdefault(key, [])
+        subinstance.gene=gff_name
+        GFFinstanceDict[sample][gff_name]=subinstance
+  return GFFinstanceDict
+if args.gff:
+  MasterListOfGenomes=gff_item_subinstances(MasterListOfGenomes, args.gff)
+if global_size:
+  write_size_distribution_dataframe_global(MasterListOfGenomes, size_distribution_file, pol)
+  write_size_distribution_dataframe(MasterListOfGenomes, size_distribution_file)
+R_command="Rscript "+ Rcode
+process = subprocess.Popen(R_command.split())
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/size_histogram.xml	Tue Jun 24 12:16:43 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+<tool id="Size_histogram" name="Generate size histograms from alignment files" version="0.9.0">
+  <description>from sRbowtie aligment</description>
+  <requirements><requirement type='package'>bowtie-inspect</requirement></requirements>
+  <parallelism method="basic"></parallelism>
+<command interpreter="python">
+	          #if $refGenomeSource.genomeSource == "history":
+         	    --reference_fasta  ## sys.argv[2]
+                    $refGenomeSource.ownFile ## index source
+          	  #else:
+                    #silent reference= filter( lambda x: str( x[0] ) == str( $refGenomeSource.series[0].input.dbkey ), $__app__.tool_data_tables[ 'bowtie_indexes' ].get_fields() )[0][-1]
+		    --reference_bowtie_index
+                    $reference
+          	  #end if
+		  --rcode
+		  $plotCode
+		  --output_size_distribution
+		  $size_distribution_dataframe
+		  --minquery
+		  $minquery
+		  --maxquery
+		  $maxquery
+		  --input
+		  #for $i in $refGenomeSource.series
+    		    $i.input 
+		  #end for
+		  --ext
+		  #for $i in $refGenomeSource.series
+    		    $i.input.ext 
+		  #end for
+		  --label
+		  #for $i in $refGenomeSource.series
+    		    "$" 
+		  #end for
+		  --normalization_factor
+		  #for $i in $refGenomeSource.series
+    		    $i.norm
+		  #end for
+		  #if $gff:
+		    --gff
+                    $gff
+                  #end if
+                  #if $global.value == 'yes':
+                    --global_size
+                  #end if
+                  #if $collapsestrands.value == 'yes':
+                    --collapse
+                  #end if
+  <inputs>
+       <conditional name="refGenomeSource">
+           <param name="genomeSource" type="select" label="Will you select a reference genome from your history or use a built-in index?" help="Built-ins were indexed using default options">
+               <option value="indexed">Use a built-in index</option>
+               <option value="history">Use one from the history</option>
+           </param>
+           <when value="indexed">
+	     <repeat name="series" title="Add alignment files">
+	       <param name="input" type="data" label="Select multiple alignments to parse">
+                  <validator type="dataset_metadata_in_data_table" table_name="bowtie_indexes" metadata_name="dbkey" metadata_column="0" message="database not set for this bowtie output. Select the database(=genome used for matching) manually, or select a reference fasta from your history."/>
+               </param>
+	       <param name="norm" type="float" value="1" label="Indicate a normalization factor to compare multiple aligments"/>
+	     </repeat>
+           </when>
+           <when value="history">
+	     <repeat name="series" title="Add alignment files">
+	       <param name="input" type="data" label="Select multiple alignments to parse"/>
+	       <param name="norm" type="integer" value="1" label="Indicate a normalization factor to compare multiple aligments"/>
+	     </repeat>
+	   </when>
+       </conditional>
+                <param name="gff" type="data" optional="true" label="Optional: select a GFF to investigate regions of interest" help="GFF must match genome build"/>
+                 <!-- <validator type="dataset_metadata_in_data_table" table_name="bowtie_indexes" metadata_name="dbkey" metadata_column="0" message="GFF database and alignment file databse do not match!"/> -->
+		<param name="global" type="select" label="Generate size distribution for each item, or generate a global alignment">
+                  <option value="no">for each item</option>
+                  <option value="yes">global</option>
+                </param>
+                <param name="collapsestrands" type="select" label="Whether + and - reads should be collapsed or not">
+                  <option value="no">Do not collapse</option>
+                  <option value="yes">Collapse + and - reads</option>
+                </param>
+                <param name="minquery" type="integer" size="3" value="18" label="Min size of reads to plot" help="'15' = 15 nucleotides"/>
+                <param name="maxquery" type="integer" size="3" value="28" label="Max size of reads to plot" help="'30' = 30 nucleotides"/>
+                <param name="title" type="text" size="15" value="Size distribution" label="Main Titles"/>
+                <param name="xlabel" type="text" size="15" value="Size in nucleotides" label="x axis label"/>
+                <param name="ylabel" type="text" size="15" value="Number of reads" label="y axis label"/>
+                <param name="rows_per_page" type="text" size="9" value="8" label="How many items to display per page?">
+                  <validator type="in_range" min="6" max="20" message="Select between 6 and 20 rows, as the readability will suffer otherwise."/>
+		</param>
+  </inputs>
+   <configfiles>
+     <configfile name="plotCode">
+      ## Setup R error handling to go to stderr
+      options( show.error.messages=F,
+               error = function () { cat( geterrmessage(), file=stderr() ); q( "no", 1, F ) } )
+      library(RColorBrewer)
+      library(lattice)
+      library(latticeExtra)
+      library(grid)
+      library(gridExtra)
+      ##cheetahtemplate data frame implementation
+      size=read.delim("${size_distribution_dataframe}", header=T, row.names=NULL)
+      n_samples=length(unique(size\$sample))
+      genes=unique(levels(size\$gene))
+      n_genes=length(genes)
+      par.settings.size=list(layout.heights=list(top.padding=-1, bottom.padding=-3, strip = .75), fontsize = list(text=96/${rows_per_page}, points=8))
+      smR.prepanel=function(x,y,...){; yscale=c(-max(abs(y)), max(abs(y)));list(ylim=yscale);}
+      plot_size_distribution= function(df, ...) {
+         bc= barchart(count~as.factor(size)|factor(sample, levels=unique(sample))+gene, data = df, origin = 0,
+          horizontal=FALSE,
+	  group=polarity,
+	  stack=TRUE,
+          col=c('red', 'blue'),
+          strip = strip.custom(par.strip.text = list(cex = 0.5)),
+          cex=0.75,
+          scales=list(y=list(tick.number=4, rot=90, relation="free"), cex=0.75),
+          xlab = "readsize in nucleotides",
+          ylab = "${ylabel}",
+          main="${title}" ,
+          as.table=TRUE, newpage = T, ...)
+          combineLimits(update(useOuterStrips(bc), layout=c(n_samples,${rows_per_page})), margin.x=F, margin.y=1)
+          }
+      per_gene_size=lapply(genes, function(x) subset(size, gene==x))
+      global = "no"
+      #if $global.value == 'yes':
+        global = "yes"
+      #end if
+      if (global=="no") {
+      options(warn=-1)
+      pdf(file="${size_PDF}", paper="special", height=11.69, width=8.2677*n_samples/4)
+      plot_size_distribution(size, par.settings=par.settings.size, prepanel=smR.prepanel)
+      } else {
+      pdf(file="${size_PDF}", paper="special", height=11.69, width=8.2677)
+          bc= barchart(count~as.factor(size)|factor(sample, levels=unique(sample)), data = size, origin = 0,
+          horizontal=FALSE,
+	  group=polarity,
+	  stack=TRUE,
+          col=c('red', 'blue'),
+          cex=0.75,
+	  par.settings=list(fontsize = list(text=8, points=8)),
+          scales=list(y=list(tick.number=4, rot=90, relation="same"), cex=0.75),
+          xlab = "readsize in nucleotides",
+          ylab = "${ylabel}",
+          main="${title}" , as.table=TRUE, newpage = T,
+          aspect=0.5)
+          #layout=c(n_samples, ${rows_per_page}))
+          bc
+      }
+     </configfile>
+   </configfiles>
+   <outputs>
+   <data format="tabular" name="size_distribution_dataframe" label="Size distributionn dataframe"/>
+   <data format="pdf" name="size_PDF" label="Size distribution"/>
+   </outputs>
+**What it does**
+Takes one or more alignment files (BAM, SAM or tabular bowtie output) as input and produces a histogram of read sizes, 
+where by default for each "chromosome" a histogram of read sizes is drawn. 
+Reads that map in sense are on the top (red), reads that map antisense are on the bottom (blue).
+.. class:: warningmark
+'''TIP''' The input data can be produced using the sRbowtie tool.
+Query sequence::
+For a SAM file as the following:
+  5	16	2L_79	24393	255	17M	*	0	0	CCTTCATCTTTTTTTTT	IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII	XA:i:0	MD:Z:17	NM:i:0
+produce a plot like this:
+.. image:: static/images/size_histogram.png 
+    :height: 800 
+    :width: 500
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Tue Jun 24 12:16:43 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,704 @@
+# version 1 7-5-2012 unification of the SmRNAwindow class
+import sys, subprocess
+from collections import defaultdict
+from numpy import mean, median, std
+from scipy import stats
+def get_fasta (index="/home/galaxy/galaxy-dist/bowtie/5.37_Dmel/5.37_Dmel"):
+  '''This function will return a dictionary containing fasta identifiers as keys and the
+  sequence as values. Index must be the path to a fasta file.'''
+  p = subprocess.Popen(args=["bowtie-inspect","-a", "0", index], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) # bowtie-inspect outputs sequences on single lines
+  outputlines = p.stdout.readlines()
+  p.wait()
+  item_dic = {}
+  for line in outputlines:
+    if (line[0] == ">"):
+      try:
+        item_dic[current_item] = "".join(stringlist) # to dump the sequence of the previous item - try because of the keyerror of the first item
+      except: pass
+      current_item = line[1:].rstrip().split()[0] #take the first word before space because bowtie splits headers !
+      item_dic[current_item] = ""
+      stringlist=[]
+    else:
+      stringlist.append(line.rstrip() )
+  item_dic[current_item] = "".join(stringlist) # for the last item
+  return item_dic
+def get_fasta_headers (index):
+  p = subprocess.Popen(args=["bowtie-inspect","-n", index], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) # bowtie-inspect outputs sequences on single lines
+  outputlines = p.stdout.readlines()
+  p.wait()
+  item_dic = {}
+  for line in outputlines:
+    header = line.rstrip().split()[0] #take the first word before space because bowtie splits headers !
+    item_dic[header] = 1
+  return item_dic
+def get_file_sample (file, numberoflines):
+  '''import random to use this function'''
+  F=open(file)
+  fullfile =
+  F.close()
+  if len(fullfile) < numberoflines:
+    return "sample size exceeds file size"
+  return random.sample(fullfile, numberoflines)
+def get_fasta_from_history (file):
+  F = open (file, "r")
+  item_dic = {}
+  for line in F:
+    if (line[0] == ">"):
+      try:
+        item_dic[current_item] = "".join(stringlist) # to dump the sequence of the previous item - try because of the keyerror of the first item
+      except: pass
+      current_item = line[1:-1].split()[0] #take the first word before space because bowtie splits headers !
+      item_dic[current_item] = ""
+      stringlist=[]
+    else:
+      stringlist.append(line[:-1])
+  item_dic[current_item] = "".join(stringlist) # for the last item
+  return item_dic
+def antipara (sequence):
+    antidict = {"A":"T", "T":"A", "G":"C", "C":"G", "N":"N"}
+    revseq = sequence[::-1]
+    return "".join([antidict[i] for i in revseq])
+def RNAtranslate (sequence):
+    return "".join([i if i in "AGCN" else "U" for i in sequence])
+def DNAtranslate (sequence):
+    return "".join([i if i in "AGCN" else "T" for i in sequence])
+def RNAfold (sequence_list):
+  thestring= "\n".join(sequence_list)
+  p = subprocess.Popen(args=["RNAfold","--noPS"], stdin= subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+  output=p.communicate(thestring)[0]
+  p.wait()
+  output=output.split("\n")
+  if not output[-1]: output = output[:-1] # nasty patch to remove last empty line
+  buffer=[]
+  for line in output:
+    if line[0] in ["N","A","T","U","G","C"]:
+      buffer.append(DNAtranslate(line))
+    if line[0] in ["(",".",")"]:
+      fields=line.split("(")
+      energy= fields[-1]
+      energy = energy[:-1] # remove the ) parenthesis
+      energy=float(energy)
+      buffer.append(str(energy))
+  return dict(zip(buffer[::2], buffer[1::2]))
+def extractsubinstance (start, end, instance):
+  ''' Testing whether this can be an function external to the class to save memory'''
+  subinstance = SmRNAwindow (instance.gene, instance.sequence[start-1:end], start)
+  subinstance.gene = "%s %s %s" % (subinstance.gene, subinstance.windowoffset, subinstance.windowoffset + subinstance.size - 1)
+  upcoordinate = [i for i in range(start,end+1) if instance.readDict.has_key(i) ]
+  downcoordinate = [-i for i in range(start,end+1) if instance.readDict.has_key(-i) ]
+  for i in upcoordinate:
+    subinstance.readDict[i]=instance.readDict[i]
+  for i in downcoordinate:
+    subinstance.readDict[i]=instance.readDict[i]
+  return subinstance
+class HandleSmRNAwindows:
+  def __init__(self, alignmentFile="~", alignmentFileFormat="tabular", genomeRefFile="~", genomeRefFormat="bowtieIndex", biosample="undetermined", size_inf=None, size_sup=1000, norm=1.0):
+    self.biosample = biosample
+    self.alignmentFile = alignmentFile
+    self.alignmentFileFormat = alignmentFileFormat # can be "tabular" or "sam"
+    self.genomeRefFile = genomeRefFile
+    self.genomeRefFormat = genomeRefFormat # can be "bowtieIndex" or "fastaSource"
+    self.alignedReads = 0
+    self.instanceDict = {}
+    self.size_inf=size_inf
+    self.size_sup=size_sup
+    self.norm=norm
+    if genomeRefFormat == "bowtieIndex":
+      self.itemDict = get_fasta (genomeRefFile)
+    elif genomeRefFormat == "fastaSource":
+      self.itemDict = get_fasta_from_history (genomeRefFile)
+    for item in self.itemDict:
+      self.instanceDict[item] = SmRNAwindow(item, sequence=self.itemDict[item], windowoffset=1, biosample=self.biosample, norm=self.norm) # create as many instances as there is items
+    self.readfile()
+  def readfile (self) :
+    if self.alignmentFileFormat == "tabular":
+      F = open (self.alignmentFile, "r")
+      for line in F:
+        fields = line.split()
+        polarity = fields[1]
+        gene = fields[2]
+        offset = int(fields[3])
+        size = len (fields[4])
+        if self.size_inf:
+          if (size>=self.size_inf and size<= self.size_sup):
+            self.instanceDict[gene].addread (polarity, offset+1, size) # to correct to 1-based coordinates of SmRNAwindow
+            self.alignedReads += 1
+        else:
+          self.instanceDict[gene].addread (polarity, offset+1, size) # to correct to 1-based coordinates of SmRNAwindow
+          self.alignedReads += 1
+      F.close()
+      return self.instanceDict
+#    elif self.alignmentFileFormat == "sam":
+#      F = open (self.alignmentFile, "r")
+#      dict = {"0":"+", "16":"-"}
+#      for line in F:
+#        if line[0]=='@':
+#            continue
+#        fields = line.split()
+#        if fields[2] == "*": continue
+#        polarity = dict[fields[1]]
+#        gene = fields[2]
+#        offset = int(fields[3])
+#        size = len (fields[9])
+#        if self.size_inf:
+#          if (size>=self.size_inf and size<= self.size_sup):
+#            self.instanceDict[gene].addread (polarity, offset, size)
+#            self.alignedReads += 1
+#       else:
+#          self.instanceDict[gene].addread (polarity, offset, size)
+#          self.alignedReads += 1
+#      F.close()
+    elif self.alignmentFileFormat == "bam" or self.alignmentFileFormat == "sam":
+      import pysam
+      samfile = pysam.Samfile(self.alignmentFile)
+      for read in samfile:
+        if read.tid == -1:
+          continue # filter out unaligned reads
+        if read.is_reverse:
+          polarity="-"
+        else:
+          polarity="+"
+        gene = samfile.getrname(read.tid)
+        offset = read.pos
+        size = read.qlen
+        if self.size_inf:
+          if (size>=self.size_inf and size<= self.size_sup):
+            self.instanceDict[gene].addread (polarity, offset+1, size) # to correct to 1-based coordinates of SmRNAwindow
+            self.alignedReads += 1
+        else:
+          self.instanceDict[gene].addread (polarity, offset+1, size) # to correct to 1-based coordinates of SmRNAwindow
+          self.alignedReads += 1
+      return self.instanceDict
+  def size_histogram (self):
+    size_dict={}
+    size_dict['F']= defaultdict (int)
+    size_dict['R']= defaultdict (int)
+    size_dict['both'] = defaultdict (int)
+    for item in self.instanceDict:
+      buffer_dict_F = self.instanceDict[item].size_histogram()['F']
+      buffer_dict_R = self.instanceDict[item].size_histogram()['R']
+      for size in buffer_dict_F:
+        size_dict['F'][size] += buffer_dict_F[size]
+      for size in buffer_dict_R:
+        size_dict['R'][size] -= buffer_dict_R[size]
+    allSizeKeys = list (set (size_dict['F'].keys() + size_dict['R'].keys() ) )
+    for size in allSizeKeys:
+      size_dict['both'][size] = size_dict['F'][size] + size_dict['R'][size]
+    return size_dict
+  def CountFeatures (self, GFF3="path/to/file"):
+    featureDict = defaultdict(int)
+    F  = open (GFF3, "r")
+    for line in F:
+      if line[0] ==  "#": continue
+      fields = line[:-1].split()
+      chrom, feature, leftcoord, rightcoord, polarity = fields[0], fields[2], fields[3], fields[4], fields[6]
+      featureDict[feature] += self.instanceDict[chrom].readcount(upstream_coord=int(leftcoord), downstream_coord=int(rightcoord), polarity="both", method="destructive")
+    F.close()
+    return featureDict
+class SmRNAwindow:
+  def __init__(self, gene, sequence="ATGC", windowoffset=1, biosample="Undetermined", norm=1.0):
+    self.biosample = biosample
+    self.sequence = sequence
+    self.gene = gene
+    self.windowoffset = windowoffset
+    self.size = len(sequence)
+    self.readDict = defaultdict(list) # with a {+/-offset:[size1, size2, ...], ...}
+    self.matchedreadsUp = 0
+    self.matchedreadsDown = 0
+    self.norm=norm
+  def addread (self, polarity, offset, size):
+    ''' We removed the conversion from 0 to 1 based offset, as we do this now during readparsing.'''
+    if polarity == "+":
+      self.readDict[offset].append(size)
+      self.matchedreadsUp += 1
+    else:
+      self.readDict[-(offset + size -1)].append(size)
+      self.matchedreadsDown += 1
+    return
+  def barycenter (self, upstream_coord=None, downstream_coord=None):
+    '''refactored 24-12-2013 to save memory and introduce offset filtering see readcount method for further discussion on that
+    In this version, attempt to replace the dictionary structure by a list of tupple to save memory too'''
+    upstream_coord = upstream_coord or self.windowoffset
+    downstream_coord = downstream_coord or self.windowoffset+self.size-1
+    window_size = downstream_coord - upstream_coord +1
+    def weigthAverage (TuppleList):
+      weightSum = 0
+      PonderWeightSum = 0
+      for tuple in TuppleList:
+        PonderWeightSum += tuple[0] * tuple[1]
+        weightSum += tuple[1]
+      if weightSum > 0:
+        return PonderWeightSum / float(weightSum)
+      else:
+        return 0
+    forwardTuppleList = [(k, len(self.readDict[k])) for k in self.readDict.keys() if (k > 0 and abs(k) >= upstream_coord and abs(k) <= downstream_coord)] # both forward and in the proper offset window
+    reverseTuppleList = [(-k, len(self.readDict[k])) for k in self.readDict.keys() if (k < 0 and abs(k) >= upstream_coord and abs(k) <= downstream_coord)] # both reverse and in the proper offset window
+    Fbarycenter = (weigthAverage (forwardTuppleList) - upstream_coord) / window_size
+    Rbarycenter = (weigthAverage (reverseTuppleList) - upstream_coord) / window_size
+    return Fbarycenter, Rbarycenter
+  def correlation_mapper (self, reference, window_size):
+    '''to map correlation with a sliding window 26-2-2013'''
+    if window_size > self.size:
+      return []
+    F=open(reference, "r")
+    reference_forward = []
+    reference_reverse = []
+    for line in F:
+      fields=line.split()
+      reference_forward.append(int(float(fields[1])))
+      reference_reverse.append(int(float(fields[2])))
+    F.close()
+    local_object_forward=[]
+    local_object_reverse=[]
+    ## Dict to list for the local object
+    for i in range(1, self.size+1):
+      local_object_forward.append(len(self.readDict[i]))
+      local_object_reverse.append(len(self.readDict[-i]))
+    ## start compiling results by slides
+    results=[]
+    for coordinate in range(self.size - window_size):
+      local_forward=local_object_forward[coordinate:coordinate + window_size]
+      local_reverse=local_object_reverse[coordinate:coordinate + window_size]
+      if sum(local_forward) == 0 or sum(local_reverse) == 0: 
+        continue
+      try:
+        reference_to_local_cor_forward = stats.spearmanr(local_forward, reference_forward)
+        reference_to_local_cor_reverse = stats.spearmanr(local_reverse, reference_reverse)
+        if (reference_to_local_cor_forward[0] > 0.2 or  reference_to_local_cor_reverse[0]>0.2):
+          results.append([coordinate+1, reference_to_local_cor_forward[0], reference_to_local_cor_reverse[0]])
+      except:
+        pass
+    return results
+  def readcount (self, size_inf=0, size_sup=1000, upstream_coord=None, downstream_coord=None, polarity="both", method="conservative"):
+    '''refactored 24-12-2013 to save memory and introduce offset filtering
+    take a look at the defaut parameters that cannot be defined relatively to the instance are they are defined before instanciation
+    the trick is to pass None and then test
+    polarity parameter can take "both", "forward" or "reverse" as value'''
+    upstream_coord = upstream_coord or self.windowoffset
+    downstream_coord = downstream_coord or self.windowoffset+self.size-1
+    if upstream_coord == 1 and downstream_coord == self.windowoffset+self.size-1 and polarity == "both":
+      return self.matchedreadsUp +  self.matchedreadsDown
+    if upstream_coord == 1 and downstream_coord == self.windowoffset+self.size-1 and polarity == "forward":
+      return self.matchedreadsUp    
+    if upstream_coord == 1 and downstream_coord == self.windowoffset+self.size-1 and polarity == "reverse":
+      return self.matchedreadsDown    
+    n=0
+    if polarity == "both":
+      for offset in xrange(upstream_coord, downstream_coord+1):
+        if self.readDict.has_key(offset):
+          for read in self.readDict[offset]:
+            if (read>=size_inf and read<= size_sup):
+              n += 1
+          if method != "conservative":
+            del self.readDict[offset] ## Carefull ! precludes re-use on the self.readDict dictionary !!!!!! TEST
+        if self.readDict.has_key(-offset):
+          for read in self.readDict[-offset]:
+            if (read>=size_inf and read<= size_sup):
+              n += 1
+          if method != "conservative":
+            del self.readDict[-offset]
+      return n
+    elif polarity == "forward":
+      for offset in xrange(upstream_coord, downstream_coord+1):
+        if self.readDict.has_key(offset):
+          for read in self.readDict[offset]:
+            if (read>=size_inf and read<= size_sup):
+              n += 1
+      return n
+    elif polarity == "reverse":
+      for offset in xrange(upstream_coord, downstream_coord+1):
+        if self.readDict.has_key(-offset):
+          for read in self.readDict[-offset]:
+            if (read>=size_inf and read<= size_sup):
+              n += 1
+      return n
+  def readsizes (self):
+    '''return a dictionary of number of reads by size (the keys)'''
+    dicsize = {}
+    for offset in self.readDict:
+      for size in self.readDict[offset]:
+        dicsize[size] = dicsize.get(size, 0) + 1
+    for offset in range (min(dicsize.keys()), max(dicsize.keys())+1):
+      dicsize[size] = dicsize.get(size, 0) # to fill offsets with null values
+    return dicsize
+  def size_histogram(self):
+    norm=self.norm
+    hist_dict={}
+    hist_dict['F']={}
+    hist_dict['R']={}
+    for offset in self.readDict:
+      for size in self.readDict[offset]:
+        if offset < 0:
+          hist_dict['R'][size] = hist_dict['R'].get(size, 0) - 1*norm
+        else:
+         hist_dict['F'][size] = hist_dict['F'].get(size, 0) + 1*norm
+    return hist_dict
+  def statsizes (self, upstream_coord=None, downstream_coord=None):
+    ''' migration to memory saving by specifying possible subcoordinates
+    see the readcount method for further discussion'''
+    upstream_coord = upstream_coord or self.windowoffset
+    downstream_coord = downstream_coord or self.windowoffset+self.size-1
+    L = []
+    for offset in self.readDict:
+      if (abs(offset) < upstream_coord or abs(offset) > downstream_coord): continue
+      for size in self.readDict[offset]:
+        L.append(size)
+    meansize = mean(L)
+    stdv = std(L)
+    mediansize = median(L)         
+    return meansize, mediansize, stdv
+  def foldEnergy (self, upstream_coord=None, downstream_coord=None):
+    ''' migration to memory saving by specifying possible subcoordinates
+    see the readcount method for further discussion'''
+    upstream_coord = upstream_coord or self.windowoffset
+    downstream_coord = downstream_coord or self.windowoffset+self.size-1
+    Energy = RNAfold ([self.sequence[upstream_coord-1:downstream_coord] ])
+    return float(Energy[self.sequence[upstream_coord-1:downstream_coord]])
+  def Ufreq (self, size_scope, upstream_coord=None, downstream_coord=None):
+    ''' migration to memory saving by specifying possible subcoordinates
+    see the readcount method for further discussion. size_scope must be an interable'''
+    upstream_coord = upstream_coord or self.windowoffset
+    downstream_coord = downstream_coord or self.windowoffset+self.size-1
+    freqDic = {"A":0,"T":0,"G":0,"C":0, "N":0}
+    convertDic = {"A":"T","T":"A","G":"C","C":"G","N":"N"}
+    for offset in self.readDict:
+      if (abs(offset) < upstream_coord or abs(offset) > downstream_coord): continue
+      for size in self.readDict[offset]:
+        if size in size_scope:
+          startbase = self.sequence[abs(offset)-self.windowoffset]
+          if offset < 0:
+            startbase = convertDic[startbase]
+          freqDic[startbase] += 1
+    base_sum = float ( sum( freqDic.values()) )
+    if base_sum == 0:
+      return "."
+    else:
+      return freqDic["T"] / base_sum * 100
+  def Ufreq_stranded (self, size_scope, upstream_coord=None, downstream_coord=None):
+    ''' migration to memory saving by specifying possible subcoordinates
+    see the readcount method for further discussion. size_scope must be an interable
+    This method is similar to the Ufreq method but take strandness into account'''
+    upstream_coord = upstream_coord or self.windowoffset
+    downstream_coord = downstream_coord or self.windowoffset+self.size-1
+    freqDic = {"Afor":0,"Tfor":0,"Gfor":0,"Cfor":0, "Nfor":0,"Arev":0,"Trev":0,"Grev":0,"Crev":0, "Nrev":0}
+    convertDic = {"A":"T","T":"A","G":"C","C":"G","N":"N"}
+    for offset in self.readDict:
+      if (abs(offset) < upstream_coord or abs(offset) > downstream_coord): continue
+      for size in self.readDict[offset]:
+        if size in size_scope:
+          startbase = self.sequence[abs(offset)-self.windowoffset]
+          if offset < 0:
+            startbase = convertDic[startbase]
+            freqDic[startbase+"rev"] += 1
+          else:
+            freqDic[startbase+"for"] += 1
+    forward_sum = float ( freqDic["Afor"]+freqDic["Tfor"]+freqDic["Gfor"]+freqDic["Cfor"]+freqDic["Nfor"])
+    reverse_sum = float ( freqDic["Arev"]+freqDic["Trev"]+freqDic["Grev"]+freqDic["Crev"]+freqDic["Nrev"])
+    if forward_sum == 0 and reverse_sum == 0:
+      return ". | ."
+    elif reverse_sum == 0:
+      return "%s | ." % (freqDic["Tfor"] / forward_sum * 100)
+    elif forward_sum == 0:
+      return ". | %s" % (freqDic["Trev"] / reverse_sum * 100)
+    else:
+      return "%s | %s" % (freqDic["Tfor"] / forward_sum * 100, freqDic["Trev"] / reverse_sum * 100)
+  def readplot (self):
+    norm=self.norm
+    readmap = {}
+    for offset in self.readDict.keys():
+      readmap[abs(offset)] = ( len(self.readDict.get(-abs(offset),[]))*norm , len(self.readDict.get(abs(offset),[]))*norm )
+    mylist = []
+    for offset in sorted(readmap):
+      if readmap[offset][1] != 0:
+        mylist.append("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" % (self.gene, offset, readmap[offset][1], "F") )
+      if readmap[offset][0] != 0:
+        mylist.append("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" % (self.gene, offset, -readmap[offset][0], "R") )
+    return mylist
+  def readcoverage (self, upstream_coord=None, downstream_coord=None, windowName=None):
+    '''Use by MirParser tool'''
+    upstream_coord = upstream_coord or 1
+    downstream_coord = downstream_coord or self.size
+    windowName = windowName or "%s_%s_%s" % (self.gene, upstream_coord, downstream_coord)
+    forORrev_coverage = dict ([(i,0) for i in xrange(1, downstream_coord-upstream_coord+1)])
+    totalforward = self.readcount(upstream_coord=upstream_coord, downstream_coord=downstream_coord, polarity="forward")
+    totalreverse = self.readcount(upstream_coord=upstream_coord, downstream_coord=downstream_coord, polarity="reverse")
+    if totalforward > totalreverse:
+      majorcoverage = "forward"
+      for offset in self.readDict.keys():
+        if (offset > 0) and ((offset-upstream_coord+1) in forORrev_coverage.keys() ):
+          for read in self.readDict[offset]:
+            for i in xrange(read):
+              try:
+                forORrev_coverage[offset-upstream_coord+1+i] += 1
+              except KeyError:
+                continue # a sense read may span over the downstream limit
+    else:
+      majorcoverage = "reverse"
+      for offset in self.readDict.keys():
+        if (offset < 0) and (-offset-upstream_coord+1 in forORrev_coverage.keys() ):
+          for read in self.readDict[offset]:
+            for i in xrange(read):
+              try:
+                forORrev_coverage[-offset-upstream_coord-i] += 1 ## positive coordinates in the instance, with + for forward coverage and - for reverse coverage
+              except KeyError:
+                continue # an antisense read may span over the upstream limit
+    output_list = []
+    maximum = max (forORrev_coverage.values()) or 1
+    for n in sorted (forORrev_coverage):
+      output_list.append("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" % (self.biosample, windowName, n, float(n)/(downstream_coord-upstream_coord+1), forORrev_coverage[n], float(forORrev_coverage[n])/maximum, majorcoverage))
+    return "\n".join(output_list)
+  def signature (self, minquery, maxquery, mintarget, maxtarget, scope, zscore="no", upstream_coord=None, downstream_coord=None):
+    ''' migration to memory saving by specifying possible subcoordinates
+    see the readcount method for further discussion
+    scope must be a python iterable; scope define the *relative* offset range to be computed'''
+    upstream_coord = upstream_coord or self.windowoffset
+    downstream_coord = downstream_coord or self.windowoffset+self.size-1
+    query_range = range (minquery, maxquery+1)
+    target_range = range (mintarget, maxtarget+1)
+    Query_table = {}
+    Target_table = {}
+    frequency_table = dict ([(i, 0) for i in scope])
+    for offset in self.readDict:
+      if (abs(offset) < upstream_coord or abs(offset) > downstream_coord): continue
+      for size in self.readDict[offset]:
+        if size in query_range:
+          Query_table[offset] = Query_table.get(offset, 0) + 1
+        if size in target_range:
+          Target_table[offset] = Target_table.get(offset, 0) + 1
+    for offset in Query_table:
+      for i in scope:
+        frequency_table[i] += min(Query_table[offset], Target_table.get(-offset -i +1, 0))
+    if minquery==mintarget and maxquery==maxtarget: ## added to incorporate the division by 2 in the method (26/11/2013), see and
+      frequency_table = dict([(i,frequency_table[i]/2) for i in frequency_table])
+    if zscore == "yes":
+      z_mean = mean(frequency_table.values() )
+      z_std = std(frequency_table.values() )
+      if z_std == 0:
+        frequency_table = dict([(i,0) for i in frequency_table] )
+      else:
+        frequency_table = dict([(i, (frequency_table[i]- z_mean)/z_std) for i in frequency_table] )    
+    return frequency_table
+  def hannon_signature (self, minquery, maxquery, mintarget, maxtarget, scope, upstream_coord=None, downstream_coord=None):
+    ''' migration to memory saving by specifying possible subcoordinates see the readcount method for further discussion
+    note that scope must be an iterable (a list or a tuple), which specifies the relative offsets that will be computed'''
+    upstream_coord = upstream_coord or self.windowoffset
+    downstream_coord = downstream_coord or self.windowoffset+self.size-1
+    query_range = range (minquery, maxquery+1)
+    target_range = range (mintarget, maxtarget+1)
+    Query_table = {}
+    Target_table = {}
+    Total_Query_Numb = 0
+    general_frequency_table = dict ([(i,0) for i in scope])
+    ## filtering the appropriate reads for the study
+    for offset in self.readDict:
+      if (abs(offset) < upstream_coord or abs(offset) > downstream_coord): continue
+      for size in self.readDict[offset]:
+        if size in query_range:
+          Query_table[offset] = Query_table.get(offset, 0) + 1
+          Total_Query_Numb += 1
+        if size in target_range:
+          Target_table[offset] = Target_table.get(offset, 0) + 1
+    for offset in Query_table:
+      frequency_table = dict ([(i,0) for i in scope])
+      number_of_targets = 0
+      for i in scope:
+        frequency_table[i] += Query_table[offset] *  Target_table.get(-offset -i +1, 0)
+        number_of_targets += Target_table.get(-offset -i +1, 0)
+      for i in scope:
+        try:
+          general_frequency_table[i] += (1. / number_of_targets / Total_Query_Numb) * frequency_table[i]
+        except ZeroDivisionError :
+          continue
+    return general_frequency_table      
+  def phasing (self, size_range, scope):
+    ''' to calculate autocorelation like signal - scope must be an python iterable'''
+    read_table = {}
+    total_read_number = 0
+    general_frequency_table = dict ([(i, 0) for i in scope])
+    ## read input filtering
+    for offset in self.readDict:
+      for size in self.readDict[offset]:
+        if size in size_range:
+          read_table[offset] = read_table.get(offset, 0) + 1
+          total_read_number += 1
+    ## per offset read phasing computing
+    for offset in read_table:
+      frequency_table = dict ([(i, 0) for i in scope]) # local frequency table
+      number_of_targets = 0
+      for i in scope:
+        if offset > 0:
+          frequency_table[i] += read_table[offset] *  read_table.get(offset + i, 0)
+          number_of_targets += read_table.get(offset + i, 0)
+        else:
+          frequency_table[i] += read_table[offset] *  read_table.get(offset - i, 0)
+          number_of_targets += read_table.get(offset - i, 0)
+    ## inclusion of local frequency table in the general frequency table (all offsets average)
+      for i in scope:
+        try:
+          general_frequency_table[i] += (1. / number_of_targets / total_read_number) * frequency_table[i]
+        except ZeroDivisionError :
+          continue
+    return general_frequency_table
+  def z_signature (self, minquery, maxquery, mintarget, maxtarget, scope):
+    '''Must do: from numpy import mean, std, to use this method; scope must be a python iterable and defines the relative offsets to compute'''
+    frequency_table = self.signature (minquery, maxquery, mintarget, maxtarget, scope)
+    z_table = {}
+    frequency_list = [frequency_table[i] for i in sorted (frequency_table)]
+    if std(frequency_list):
+      meanlist = mean(frequency_list)
+      stdlist = std(frequency_list)
+      z_list = [(i-meanlist)/stdlist for i in frequency_list]
+      return dict (zip (sorted(frequency_table), z_list) ) 
+    else:
+      return dict (zip (sorted(frequency_table), [0 for i in frequency_table]) )
+  def percent_signature (self, minquery, maxquery, mintarget, maxtarget, scope):
+    frequency_table = self.signature (minquery, maxquery, mintarget, maxtarget, scope)
+    total = float(sum ([self.readsizes().get(i,0) for i in set(range(minquery,maxquery)+range(mintarget,maxtarget))]) )
+    if total == 0:
+      return dict( [(i,0) for i in scope])
+    return dict( [(i, frequency_table[i]/total*100) for i in scope])
+  def pairer (self, overlap, minquery, maxquery, mintarget, maxtarget):
+    queryhash = defaultdict(list)
+    targethash = defaultdict(list)
+    query_range = range (int(minquery), int(maxquery)+1)
+    target_range = range (int(mintarget), int(maxtarget)+1)
+    paired_sequences = []
+    for offset in self.readDict: # selection of data
+      for size in self.readDict[offset]:
+        if size in query_range:
+          queryhash[offset].append(size)
+        if size in target_range:
+          targethash[offset].append(size)
+    for offset in queryhash:
+      if offset >= 0: matched_offset = -offset - overlap + 1
+      else: matched_offset = -offset - overlap + 1
+      if targethash[matched_offset]:
+        paired = min ( len(queryhash[offset]), len(targethash[matched_offset]) )
+        if offset >= 0:
+          for i in range (paired):
+            paired_sequences.append("+%s" % RNAtranslate ( self.sequence[offset:offset+queryhash[offset][i]]) )
+            paired_sequences.append("-%s" % RNAtranslate (antipara (self.sequence[-matched_offset-targethash[matched_offset][i]+1:-matched_offset+1]) ) )
+        if offset < 0:
+          for i in range (paired):
+            paired_sequences.append("-%s" % RNAtranslate (antipara (self.sequence[-offset-queryhash[offset][i]+1:-offset+1]) ) )
+            paired_sequences.append("+%s" % RNAtranslate (self.sequence[matched_offset:matched_offset+targethash[matched_offset][i]] ) )
+    return paired_sequences
+  def pairable (self, overlap, minquery, maxquery, mintarget, maxtarget):
+    queryhash = defaultdict(list)
+    targethash = defaultdict(list)
+    query_range = range (int(minquery), int(maxquery)+1)
+    target_range = range (int(mintarget), int(maxtarget)+1)
+    paired_sequences = []
+    for offset in self.readDict: # selection of data
+      for size in self.readDict[offset]:
+        if size in query_range:
+          queryhash[offset].append(size)
+        if size in target_range:
+          targethash[offset].append(size)
+    for offset in queryhash:
+      matched_offset = -offset - overlap + 1
+      if targethash[matched_offset]:
+        if offset >= 0:
+          for i in queryhash[offset]:
+            paired_sequences.append("+%s" % RNAtranslate (self.sequence[offset:offset+i]) )
+          for i in targethash[matched_offset]:
+            paired_sequences.append( "-%s" % RNAtranslate (antipara (self.sequence[-matched_offset-i+1:-matched_offset+1]) ) )
+        if offset < 0:
+          for i in queryhash[offset]:
+            paired_sequences.append("-%s" %  RNAtranslate (antipara (self.sequence[-offset-i+1:-offset+1]) ) )
+          for i in targethash[matched_offset]:
+            paired_sequences.append("+%s" %  RNAtranslate (self.sequence[matched_offset:matched_offset+i] ) )
+    return paired_sequences
+  def newpairable_bowtie (self, overlap, minquery, maxquery, mintarget, maxtarget):
+    ''' revision of pairable on 3-12-2012, with focus on the offset shift problem (bowtie is 1-based cooordinates whereas python strings are 0-based coordinates'''
+    queryhash = defaultdict(list)
+    targethash = defaultdict(list)
+    query_range = range (int(minquery), int(maxquery)+1)
+    target_range = range (int(mintarget), int(maxtarget)+1)
+    bowtie_output = []
+    for offset in self.readDict: # selection of data
+      for size in self.readDict[offset]:
+        if size in query_range:
+          queryhash[offset].append(size)
+        if size in target_range:
+          targethash[offset].append(size)
+    counter = 0
+    for offset in queryhash:
+      matched_offset = -offset - overlap + 1
+      if targethash[matched_offset]:
+        if offset >= 0:
+          for i in queryhash[offset]:
+            counter += 1
+            bowtie_output.append("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" % (counter, "+", self.gene, offset-1, self.sequence[offset-1:offset-1+i]) ) # attention a la base 1-0 de l'offset 
+        if offset < 0:
+          for i in queryhash[offset]:
+            counter += 1
+            bowtie_output.append("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" % (counter, "-", self.gene, -offset-i, self.sequence[-offset-i:-offset])) # attention a la base 1-0 de l'offset
+    return bowtie_output
+def __main__(bowtie_index_path, bowtie_output_path):
+  sequenceDic = get_fasta (bowtie_index_path)
+  objDic = {}
+  F = open (bowtie_output_path, "r") # F is the bowtie output taken as input
+  for line in F:
+    fields = line.split()
+    polarity = fields[1]
+    gene = fields[2]
+    offset = int(fields[3])
+    size = len (fields[4])
+    try:
+      objDic[gene].addread (polarity, offset, size)
+    except KeyError:
+      objDic[gene] = SmRNAwindow(gene, sequenceDic[gene])
+      objDic[gene].addread (polarity, offset, size)
+  F.close()
+  for gene in objDic:
+    print gene, objDic[gene].pairer(19,19,23,19,23)
+if __name__ == "__main__" : __main__(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2]) 
Binary file static/.DS_Store has changed
Binary file static/._.DS_Store has changed
Binary file static/images/readmap.png has changed
Binary file static/images/size_histogram.png has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/sRbowtie.fa	Tue Jun 24 12:16:43 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/sRbowtie.out	Tue Jun 24 12:16:43 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+14	-	Uextra	7115665	GGTGGTGCCCTTCCGTCA
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/yac.fastq	Tue Jun 24 12:16:43 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+@SRR290479.1 HWI-EAS285:2:1:66:28/1
+@SRR290479.2 HWI-EAS285:2:1:67:348/1
+@SRR290479.3 HWI-EAS285:2:1:68:826/1
+@SRR290479.4 HWI-EAS285:2:1:68:65/1
+@SRR290479.5 HWI-EAS285:2:1:69:594/1
+@SRR290479.6 HWI-EAS285:2:1:70:700/1
+@SRR290479.7 HWI-EAS285:2:1:70:1679/1
+@SRR290479.8 HWI-EAS285:2:1:71:1400/1
+@SRR290479.9 HWI-EAS285:2:1:71:795/1
+@SRR290479.10 HWI-EAS285:2:1:71:596/1
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/yac.out	Tue Jun 24 12:16:43 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tool_data_table_conf.xml.sample	Tue Jun 24 12:16:43 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+    <!-- Locations of all fasta files under genome directory -->
+    <table name="all_fasta" comment_char="#">
+        <columns>value, dbkey, name, path</columns>
+        <file path="tool-data/all_fasta.loc" />
+    </table>
+    <!-- Locations of indexes in the BFAST mapper format -->
+    <table name="bfast_indexes" comment_char="#">
+        <columns>value, dbkey, formats, name, path</columns>
+        <file path="tool-data/bfast_indexes.loc" />
+    </table>
+    <!-- Locations of nucleotide (mega)blast databases -->
+    <table name="blastdb" comment_char="#">
+        <columns>value, name, path</columns>
+        <file path="tool-data/blastdb.loc" />
+    </table>
+    <!-- Locations of protein (mega)blast databases -->
+    <table name="blastdb_p" comment_char="#">
+        <columns>value, name, path</columns>
+        <file path="tool-data/blastdb_p.loc" />
+    </table>
+    <!-- Locations of indexes in the BWA mapper format -->
+    <table name="bwa_indexes" comment_char="#">
+        <columns>value, dbkey, name, path</columns>
+        <file path="tool-data/bwa_index.loc" />
+    </table>
+    <!-- Locations of indexes in the BWA color-space mapper format -->
+    <table name="bwa_indexes_color" comment_char="#">
+        <columns>value, dbkey, name, path</columns>
+        <file path="tool-data/bwa_index_color.loc" />
+    </table>
+    <!-- Locations of MAF files that have been indexed with bx-python -->
+    <table name="indexed_maf_files">
+        <columns>name, value, dbkey, species</columns>
+        <file path="tool-data/maf_index.loc" />
+    </table>
+    <!-- Locations of fasta files appropriate for NGS simulation -->
+    <table name="ngs_sim_fasta" comment_char="#">
+        <columns>value, dbkey, name, path</columns>
+        <file path="tool-data/ngs_sim_fasta.loc" />
+    </table>
+    <!-- Locations of PerM base index files -->
+    <table name="perm_base_indexes" comment_char="#">
+        <columns>value, name, path</columns>
+        <file path="tool-data/perm_base_index.loc" />
+    </table>
+    <!-- Locations of PerM color-space index files -->
+    <table name="perm_color_indexes" comment_char="#">
+        <columns>value, name, path</columns>
+        <file path="tool-data/perm_color_index.loc" />
+    </table>
+    <!-- Location of Picard dict file and other files -->
+    <table name="picard_indexes" comment_char="#">
+        <columns>value, dbkey, name, path</columns>
+        <file path="tool-data/picard_index.loc" />
+    </table>
+    <!-- Location of SRMA dict file and other files -->
+    <table name="srma_indexes" comment_char="#">
+        <columns>value, dbkey, name, path</columns>
+        <file path="tool-data/picard_index.loc" />
+    </table>
+    <!-- Location of Mosaik files -->
+    <table name="mosaik_indexes" comment_char="#">
+        <columns>value, dbkey, name, path</columns>
+        <file path="tool-data/mosaik_index.loc" />
+    </table>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Tue Jun 24 12:16:43 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# yac = yet another clipper
+# v 1.0.0
+# Usage  $input $output $adapter_to_clip $min $max $Nmode
+# Christophe Antoniewski <>
+import sys, string
+class Clip:
+  def __init__(self, inputfile, outputfile, adapter, minsize, maxsize):
+    self.inputfile = inputfile
+    self.outputfile = outputfile
+    self.adapter = adapter
+    self.minsize = int(minsize)
+    self.maxsize = int(maxsize)
+    def motives (sequence):
+      '''return a list of motives for perfect (6nt) or imperfect (7nt with one mismatch) search on import string module'''
+      sequencevariants = [sequence[0:6]] # initializes the list with the 6mer perfect match
+      dicsubst= {"A":"TGCN", "T":"AGCN", "G":"TACN", "C":"GATN"}
+      for pos in enumerate(sequence[:6]):
+        for subst in dicsubst[pos[1]]:
+          sequencevariants.append(sequence[:pos[0]]+ subst + sequence[pos[0]+1:7])
+      return sequencevariants
+    self.adaptmotifs= motives(self.adapter)
+  def scanadapt(self, adaptmotives=[], sequence=""):
+    '''scans sequence for adapter motives'''
+    if sequence.rfind(adaptmotives[0]) != -1:
+      return sequence[:sequence.rfind(adaptmotives[0])]
+    for motif in adaptmotives[1:]:
+      if sequence.rfind(motif) != -1:
+        return sequence[:sequence.rfind(motif)]
+    return sequence
+  def clip_with_N (self):
+    '''clips adapter sequences from inputfile. 
+    Reads containing N are retained.'''
+    iterator = 0
+    id = 0
+    F = open (self.inputfile, "r")
+    O = open (self.outputfile, "w")
+    for line in F:
+      iterator += 1
+      if iterator % 4 == 2:
+        trim = self.scanadapt (self.adaptmotifs, line.rstrip() )
+        if self.minsize <= len(trim) <= self.maxsize:
+          id += 1
+          print >> O, ">%i\n%s" % (id, trim)
+    F.close()
+    O.close()
+  def clip_without_N (self):
+    '''clips adapter sequences from inputfile. 
+    Reads containing N are rejected.'''
+    iterator = 0
+    id = 0
+    F = open (self.inputfile, "r")
+    O = open (self.outputfile, "w")
+    for line in F:
+      iterator += 1
+      if iterator % 4 == 2:
+        trim = self.scanadapt (self.adaptmotifs, line.rstrip() )
+        if "N" in trim: continue
+        if self.minsize <= len(trim) <= self.maxsize:
+          id += 1
+          print >> O, ">%i\n%s" % (id, trim)
+    F.close()
+    O.close()
+def __main__ (inputfile, outputfile, adapter, minsize, maxsize, Nmode):
+  instanceClip = Clip (inputfile, outputfile, adapter, minsize, maxsize)
+  if Nmode == "accept":
+    instanceClip.clip_with_N()
+  else:
+    instanceClip.clip_without_N()
+if __name__ == "__main__" :
+  input = sys.argv[1]
+  output = sys.argv[2]
+  adapter = sys.argv[3]
+  minsize = sys.argv[4]
+  maxsize = sys.argv[5]
+  Nmode = sys.argv[6]
+  __main__(input, output, adapter, minsize, maxsize, Nmode)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/yac.xml	Tue Jun 24 12:16:43 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ <tool id="yac" name="Clip adapter" version="1.0.0">
+  <description></description>
+  <command interpreter="python"> $input $output $clip_source.clip_sequence $min $max $Nmode</command>
+  <inputs>
+    <param format="fastq" name="input" type="data" label="Source file"/>
+    <param name="min" type="integer" size="4" value="15" label="min size"/>
+    <param name="max" type="integer" size="4" value="36" label="max size"/>
+    <param name="Nmode" type="select" label="Reads containing Nst">
+        <option value="accept" selected="True">accept</option>
+        <option value="reject">reject</option>
+    </param>
+    <conditional name="clip_source">
+   	 <param name="clip_source_list" type="select" label="Source" help="Built-in adapters or User-provided">
+         	<option value="prebuilt" selected="True">Use a built-in adapter (select from the list below)</option>
+         	<option value="user">Use custom sequence</option>
+         </param>
+         <when value="prebuilt">
+         	<param name="clip_sequence" type="select" label="Select Adapter to clip" help="if your adapter is not listed, input your own sequence">
+                	<option value="TCGTATGCCGTCTTCTGCTTG">Solexa TCGTATGCCGTCTTCTGCTTG</option>
+                        <option value="ATCTCGTATGCCGTCTTCTGCTT">Illumina ATCTCGTATGCCGTCTTCTGCTT</option>
+                        <option value="TGGAATTCTCGGGTGCCAAG" selected="True">Illumina TruSeq  TGGAATTCTCGGGTGCCAAG</option>
+                        <option value="CTGTAGGCACCATCAATCGT">IdT CTGTAGGCACCATCAATCGT</option>
+		</param>
+	</when>
+        <when value="user">
+		 <param name="clip_sequence" type="text" size="35"  label="Enter your Sequence" value="GAATCC"/>
+	</when>
+    </conditional>
+  </inputs>
+  <outputs>
+    <data format="fasta" name="output"  metadata="input" />
+  </outputs>
+  <help>
+<!-- write a decent doc ! -->
+This tool clips adapter sequences from a fastq file and fasta file of clipped reads with renumbered fasta headers.
+Clipped sequences with Ns can be discarded.
+Min size and max size filter clipped reads on their size.
+Note that unclipped reads that satisfy the min and max size conditions are kept.
+  </help>
+<!-- write a <test> section -->
+	<tests>
+                <test>
+                        <param name="input" value="yac.fastq" ftype="fastqsanger"/>
+                        <param name="min" value="18" />
+                        <param name="max" value="29" />
+                        <param name="clip_source_list" value="prebuilt" />
+                        <param name="clip_sequence" value="ATCTCGTATGCCGTCTTCTGCTT" />
+                        <param name="Nmode" value="accept" />
+                        <output name="output" file="yac.out" />
+                </test>
+        </tests>