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planemo upload for repository commit 53cde5cc9b8c1adcccdc3cfa52d8ca82079aeda7
author stevecassidy
date Mon, 15 Jan 2018 18:34:57 -0500
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Is this the physics area or something 
No wait a minute it can't be 'cause I had 
No we're only 
Is this the second level or the third 
Is it 
That's why 
'Cause I got chemistry I used to have chemistry upstairs 
Yeah I thought it didn't look right I thought strange it didn't look like this when I had chemistry here 
Looked wrong 
It didn't 
More chocolate 
No thankyou 
It was very yummy forenameA thankyou 
You sure 
That's your share anyway forenameA 
I know but I don't want it all 
Yes you do 
Save it 
Save it for later 
So what's your last day been like forenameB 
All these people want me to send them postcards and tell them how I'm going and come and visit them when I come back 
familiarname1 even gave me a kiss 
That was nice of her 
Yeah you don't realize how much impression you might have made on people until you leave and say goodbye to them 
Really encouraging 
So hopefully I'll be able to make friends with similar type people down in Wollongong and um stick around long enough to make use of it 
Know more than their names 
Get to know them a bit 
So you going to visit us next year 
Of course 
I'm going to figure out when um Wollongong's on holidays and you guys aren't and if there's any weeks that are like that I'll come then 
Otherwise I'll just come in the holidays and get together with you at Windsor or somewhere my place dad's place 
Or I suppose you guys can always come to Wollongong too 
I'd like to visit 
Come to Vision Trip 
There's this official thing that Forename1 's organised that nobody's actually done yet called a Vision Trip 
What's that 
It's you come down to you go to a different uni and check out their student life and see what they're doing and get inspired 
I'd love to but it's what day is their meetings on are their meetings on 
It's really a bad day 

It's really good 'cause it goes Tuesday Macquarie Wednesday Wollongong Thursday Sydney 
So if you want to share speakers or anything you can 
Not that we usually do works well when frontliners come anyway 
If everyone does need to visit everyone else 
I'm tired 
Why forenameA 
What time'd you go to bed 
Oh it's not that it's I just had a prac 
It was the grossest prac 
I'm glad it's finished now 
Oh you don't you don't you don't want to know what we did 
You just you've just eaten so you don't want to really know 
Hmm hm 
I appreciate 
I'm scared 
when you say things like that rather than just tell us 
I hate it when people just 
Oh actually I was telling my sister during dinner last night 
Oh forenameA 
No but she no they've got cast iron stomachs um sort of 
I didn't go into any gruesome 
It's really bad sometimes 
having meals with nurses 
Or young mums 

Or young kids 
Or young doctors 
Yeah or doctors ohhh bad news 
'Cause they're just so so so frank 
Oh dear 
forenameA I really like your sweater 
It's really nice 
Oh thankyou 
It's part of a a tracksuit sort of thing 
What colour are the pants to it 
Oh well you can have two 
What have you got 
You got both 
Well I don't know if they both go with it or you know my mum just bought two 
Ah one's um one's got this green 
Oh right yeah 
And it's got um on the stripe it's got black and the pink 
And the other one's just a black pair of tracksuit pants 
But I don't wear them very of oh well I do but I wanted to wear jeans 

forenameA what are you doing in the holidays 
doing Christianity explained training 
Yeah I'm having 
When are you doing that 
Ask forenameB 
Dunno yet 
Got to figure out 
It won't be till after um Christmas I don't think 
'cause I go to Summer Frontline before exams finish so we can't do it a bit hard for everyone 
So it'll probably be some time in January early January 
I don't know besides that I guess I'll be working somewhere 
On what 
At a job you know 
I don't know maybe at my uncle's service station 
I don't know 
A bit 
Hopefully I can get a paying job it'll help 
Help my sister get a job 
Oh I've got to I've got to ring up I have to find out 'cause they're supposed to call her back today from the interview that she went on Monday 
Gonna call her back or she is gonna call them today see either way she'll know and I want to know hope she got it 
Yeah I remember when few weeks ago you know she was at she already had a feeling then she was gonna lose her job you know 'cause 
I'm glad though she is not working where she was working anymore 
They just treated her so bad 
You know 
It's Not good 
They just took advantage of her left right and centre and her boss is such a cheap skate 
I mean he she saw at the C E S that now she worked at Ashfield at a real estate agency and well we can't be a hundred percent sure whether it's the one where she worked but I'm quite sure because she saw C E S officers coming in and talking to her boss 
just recently and and now at this C E S she saw an ad and it had ah um that that they were looking for a seventeen a sixteen to seventeen year old 
Yeah 'cause they're cheaper 
Yeah five days a week 
Yeah so I mean it's not like you know they lied to her 
They said oh there's no more work you know 
That's why they were gonna let her 
That's terrible 
Still if that's the way they operate 
Actually they didn't 
maybe she's better off 
Actually they haven't even had the guts yet her boss hasn't even had the guts yet to you know lay her off her job 
What job is it 
In a round-about way, you know he said oh it's um she does she collects rent and stuff but she's a secretary receptionist like thing 
Oh right 
But she does a lot of the rental stuff for them 
And she collects the rent and you know a few things like that 
And I mean they made a mis they made a mistake somewhere or o or other along the track one day er a couple of weeks back was it last week 
It was on Monday or something they I dunno who who messed up and and eighty-five dollars went missing and they took it out of my sister's pay 
And it wasn't even her fault 
She had nothing to do with it 
That's awful 
But my sister you know she's quite shy and quiet and she wouldn't complain at all 
She's not and that's the thing you know she's always taken it 

She's always just taken it you know whatever he's dished out 
She's just taken it without complaining 
Actually I'm the one who complains 

She gets treated bad and I complain 'cause I mean I can see what it's doing to her I mean especially in the last few weeks when she knew that you know when she saw that her hours were being cut you know really drastically like from four days to three days to two days 
And she knew that you know she er that she might lose her job and that scared her a bit 'cause she didn't want to be unemployed again 
She's not gonna go back to go she she doesn't want to go to back to Petersham C E S to get a job from them anymore 'cause she you know every time she gets a job from them it's really temporary and 

There's one in Parramatta 
Yeah she's been looking there and she looks in the paper and and oh you know things like that 
She she looks everywhere 
So the C E S is all localised 
Like do you go to the one that do they mainly handle jobs in the area 
Or do they just handle anything 
Well mostly jobs in the area 
I guess if you've got a contact a good friend in the C E S you know you can go to that one and they'll help you out like at Petersham here they helped my my dad 
I'm grateful that they helped my Dad get a job 'cause he was scared he wasn't going to get one 'cause he's too old 
And he's got a good job 
Actually they offered my dad a partnership in the business but 'cause they're extending it they're extending the fruit market there at Petersham and they're 
making a big area there a grocery grocery you know supermarket and but my dad can't afford it 
Partnerships are a bit dodgy anyway 
They seem to be good if they work but if they don't work it can cost you a lot of money 
Oh well they got two brothers in it 
One's got a fruit shop at Petersham one's got a big fruit shop at Leichhardt 
And they're doing really well 
Pretty successful 
Yeah, but like if things go well then if there's something that you can be personally liable like if the company goes down the drain and it's a partnership each partner is personally liable for the expenses 
Oh yeah 
Well it might just depend on how you organise it 
I don't know but I've heard that they're not the best things 
Mmm possible break in recording here, or participant bumps microphone 
forenameA you coming on Friday night to eat pizza 
I don't know 
It depends 
On what 
On whether my dad's better or not 
Oh right 
'Cause would he give you transport 
I don't know 
I guess 
He's the only one in the house with a car 
Oh yeah 
He'll drive he drives me wherever I need to be driven 
'Cause it'd be good if you could come 
It's gonna be unreal 
We're having party pizza 
It's a whole metre wide and three inches thick and forename2 's gonna have to eat half of it 

I'm bored of pizza 
I mean we eat it all the time oh not all the time 
Yeah but this is gonna be peter with a novel a pizza with a novelty 
It's gonna be huge 

Besides the main reason or my main reason that we're going there is to placate forename2 and get him to shut up about Belmonte's 

'Cause I'm sick of hearing about it 
He's been telling me all year since his brother's buck's party how unreal it was so it's about time we went there so that we all know so he doesn't have to tell us any more 
And then we're gonna watch um the video that we took at the Leadership Retreat 
Forename2 and I playing darts and and um what else is on it 
Forename3 playing pool 
Me being an idiot 
Oh and also we're wearing Forename4 's hat 

And he's looking like a bikie Santa Claus 

It's gonna be unreal 
And then we've got a video that Forename1 made as well a Student Life one 
We don't have to watch all of that but we may as well watch a bit just to tell him that we did 
Do you guys have anything like home movies you know like when you were younger 
My parents have got one of um some of me at Disneyland 
Ah ha 
You went to Disneyland 
Oh wow 
My dad used to be a travel agent so he said when you learn to walk we'll go to Disneyland so I did 
And we went 
Oh wow 
When I was about seven 
Its good 
So we got video of that and we've got I think some of New Zealand 
All my mum's films that she took my uncle put them on video for us 
Yeah I want to get 
Christmas ones 
I want to get mine on video too 
That'll be good 
'Cause mine are on that you know that those old projectors and that 
That's what ours was on 
No sound though 
Oh really 
I've got one of my baptism 
When I was when I was little and one of my first birthday