view falco-filter-report @ 67:61c0e184e50d draft

author stef
date Fri, 27 Feb 2015 08:56:05 -0500
line wrap: on
line source

use strict;
use Cwd 'abs_path';
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Basename;

my $absPath = abs_path($0);
my $dir = dirname($absPath);
my $lib = "$dir/../lib/";

my $vcf2tsv  = "$lib/perl/";
my $spliteff = "$lib/perl/";
my $filter   = "$lib/perl/";
my $plotPng  = "$lib/R/plotsPng.R";
my $mkReport = "$lib/perl/";

my $locifilt = "$dir/../ref/filters/filter.tsv";
my $manifest = "$dir/../ref/TSACP/TruSeq_Amplicon_Cancer_Panel_Manifest_AFP1_PN15032433.txt";

my $canonicals = "$dir/../ref/TSACP/canonicals.tsv";
my $clinvar    = "$dir/../ref/filters/clinvar_00-latest.f.vcf";
my $cosmic     = "$dir/../ref/filters/CosmicCodingMuts_v64_26032013_noLimit_wgs.f.vcf";
my $cosmicNC   = "$dir/../ref/filters/CosmicNonCodingVariants_v64_26032013_noLimit_wgs.f.vcf";

my $base = undef;
my $vcf = undef;
my $vcfOther = undef;
my $noFilt = undef;
my $noPlot = undef;

my $qc_ann_qual_txt = undef;
my $qc2_ann_txt = undef
my $qc_targets_txt = undef;

GetOptions (
	"vcf=s"        => \$vcf,
	"vcfOther=s"   => \$vcfOther,
	"output=s"     => \$base,
	"canonicals=s" => \$canonicals,
	"clinvar=s"    => \$clinvar,
	"cosmic=s"     => \$cosmic,
	"cosmicNC=s"   => \$cosmicNC,
	"noFilt"       => \$noFilt,
	"noPlot"       => \$noPlot,
	"qc_ann_qual_txt=s"  => \$qc_ann_qual_txt,
	"qc2_ann_txt=s"      => \$qc2_ann_txt,
	"qc_targets_txt=s"   => \$qc_targets_txt,
or die("Error in command line arguments\n");

## sanity checks
die( "No base name provided [-output]\n" ) unless defined($base) and $base ne '';
die( "No VCF file provided [-vcf]\n" ) unless defined($vcf) and -f $vcf;
die( "Missing input [-qc_ann_qual_txt]\n" ) unless defined($qc_ann_qual_txt) and -f $qc_ann_qual_txt;
die( "Missing input [-qc2_ann_txt]\n" ) unless defined($qc2_ann_txt) and -f $qc2_ann_txt;
die( "Missing input [-qc_targets_txt]\n" ) unless defined($qc_targets_txt) and -f $qc_targets_txt;
die( "Required file does not exists [$canonicals]\n" ) unless -f $canonicals;
die( "Required file does not exists [$clinvar]\n" ) unless -f $clinvar;
die( "Required file does not exists [$cosmic]\n" ) unless -f $cosmic;
die( "Required file does not exists [$cosmicNC]\n" ) unless -f $cosmicNC;

## Rscript check
my $rscript = `which Rscript`;
chomp $rscript;
if ($rscript !~ /Rscript$/) {
	print STDERR "No Rscript present in PATH\n";
	exit 1;

print STDOUT localtime() . " [$$] converting vcf to tsv\n";
system( "$vcf2tsv $vcf > $base\.tsv" );

print STDOUT localtime() . " [$$] splitting vcf columns\n";
system( "$spliteff $base\.tsv Falco >> $base\.res\.tsv" );

if ( defined($vcfOther) ){
	print STDOUT localtime() . " [$$] converting vcf to tsv\n";
	system( "$vcf2tsv $vcf > $base\.Other\.tsv" );
	print STDOUT localtime() . " [$$] splitting vcf columns\n";
	system( "$spliteff $base\.Other\.tsv Other >> $base\.res\.tsv" );

print STDOUT localtime() . " [$$] filtering data\n";
system( "$filter $base\.res\.tsv $canonicals $clinvar $cosmic $cosmicNC > $base\.res\.filtered\.tsv" );	

print STDOUT localtime() . " [$$] Creating plots\n";
system( "Rscript $plotPng $qc_ann_qual_txt $qc2_ann_txt $qc_targets_txt $base\.res\.filtered\.tsv $clinvar $locifilt $base" );

print STDOUT localtime() . " [$$] Creating HTML report\n";
system( "perl $mkReport $base" );