view tools/blast_rbh/ @ 0:a96608a125fb draft

Uploaded v0.1.0, first release
author peterjc
date Thu, 15 May 2014 12:54:09 -0400
children 8aa6385b9a05
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""BLAST Reciprocal Best Hit (RBH) from two FASTA input files.

Takes the following command line options,
1. FASTA filename of species A
2. FASTA filename of species B
3. Sequence type (prot/nucl)
4. BLAST type (e.g. blastn, or blastp) consistent with sequence type
5. Minimum BLAST Percentage identity
6. Minimum BLAST query coverage
7. Output filename

import os
import sys
import tempfile
import shutil

def stop_err( msg ):
    sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % msg)

def run(cmd):
    return_code = os.system(cmd)
    if return_code:
        stop_err("Error %i from: %s" % (return_code, cmd))

if "--version" in sys.argv[1:]:
    #TODO - Capture version of BLAST+ binaries too?
    print "BLAST RBH v0.1.0"

#Parse Command Line
#TODO - optparse
    fasta_a, fasta_b, dbtype, blast_type, min_identity, min_coverage, out_file = sys.argv[1:]
    stop_err("Expect 7 arguments, got %i" % (len(sys.argv) - 1))

if not os.path.isfile(fasta_a):
    stop_err("Missing input file for species A: %r" % fasta_a)
if not os.path.isfile(fasta_b):
    stop_err("Missing input file for species B: %r" % fasta_b)
if os.path.abspath(fasta_a) == os.path.abspath(fasta_b):
    #TODO - is this ever useful, e.g. positive control?
    stop_err("Asked to compare the FASTA file to itself!")

    min_identity = float(min_identity)
except ValueError:
    stop_err("Expected number between 0 and 100 for minimum identity, not %r" % min_identity)
if not (0 <= min_identity <= 100):
    stop_err("Expected minimum identity between 0 and 100, not %0.2f" % min_identity)
    min_coverage = float(min_coverage)
except ValueError:
    stop_err("Expected number between 0 and 100 for minimum coverage, not %r" % min_coverage)
if not (0 <= min_coverage <= 100):
    stop_err("Expected minimum coverage between 0 and 100, not %0.2f" % min_coverage)

if dbtype == "nucl":
    if blast_type not in ["megablast", "blastn", "blastn-short", "dc-megablast"]:
        stop_err("Invalid BLAST type for BLASTN: %r" % blast_type)
    blast_exe = "blastn"
elif dbtype == "prot":
    if blast_type not in ["blastp", "blastp-short"]:
        stop_err("Invalid BLAST type for BLASTP: %r" % blast_type)
    blast_exe = "blastp"
    stop_err("Expected 'nucl' or 'prot' for BLAST database type, not %r" % blast_type)
makeblastdb_exe = "makeblastdb"

def run(cmd):
    return_code = os.system(cmd)
    if return_code:
        stop_err("Error %i from: %s" % (return_code, cmd))

def makeblastdb(fasta_file, dbtype, output_stem):
    cmd = "%s -dbtype %s -in %s -out %s" % (makeblastdb_exe, dbtype, fasta_file, output_stem)
    return run(cmd)

base_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
db_a = os.path.join(base_path, "SpeciesA")
db_b = os.path.join(base_path, "SpeciesB")
a_vs_b = os.path.join(base_path, "A_vs_B.tabular")
b_vs_a = os.path.join(base_path, "B_vs_A.tabular")
log = os.path.join(base_path, "blast.log")

cols = "qseqid sseqid bitscore pident qcovhsp" #Or qcovs?
c_query = 0
c_match = 1
c_score = 2
c_identity = 3
c_coverage = 4

#TODO - Report log in case of error?
run('%s -dbtype %s -in "%s" -out "%s" -logfile "%s"' % (makeblastdb_exe, dbtype, fasta_a, db_a, log))
run('%s -dbtype %s -in "%s" -out "%s" -logfile "%s"' % (makeblastdb_exe, dbtype, fasta_b, db_b, log))
print("BLAST databases prepared.")
run('%s -task %s -query "%s" -db "%s" -out "%s" -outfmt "6 %s"' % (blast_exe, blast_type, fasta_a, db_b, a_vs_b, cols))
print("BLAST species A vs species B done.")
run('%s -task %s -query "%s" -db "%s" -out "%s" -outfmt "6 %s"' % (blast_exe, blast_type, fasta_b, db_a, b_vs_a, cols))
print("BLAST species B vs species A done.")

#TODO - Include identity and coverage filters...

best_a_vs_b = dict()
for line in open(a_vs_b):
    if line.startswith("#"): continue
    parts = line.rstrip("\n").split("\t")
    a = parts[c_query]
    b = parts[c_match]
    if float(parts[c_identity]) < min_identity or float(parts[c_coverage]) < min_coverage:
    score = float(parts[c_score])
    if a not in best_a_vs_b or score > best_a_vs_b[a][1]:
        best_a_vs_b[a] = (b, score, parts[c_score])
b_short_list = set(b for (b,score, score_str) in best_a_vs_b.values())

best_b_vs_a = dict()
for line in open(b_vs_a):
    if line.startswith("#"): continue
    parts = line.rstrip("\n").split("\t")
    b = parts[c_query]
    a = parts[c_match]
    if a not in best_a_vs_b:
        #stop_err("The A-vs-B file does not have A-ID %r found in B-vs-A file" % a)
    if b not in b_short_list: continue
    if float(parts[c_identity])< min_identity or float(parts[c_coverage]) < min_coverage:
    score = float(parts[c_score])
    if b not in best_b_vs_a or score > best_b_vs_a[b][1]:
        best_b_vs_a[b] = (a, score, parts[c_score])
#TODO - Preserve order from A vs B?
a_short_list = sorted(set(a for (a,score,score_str) in best_b_vs_a.values()))

count = 0
outfile = open(out_file, 'w')
for a in a_short_list:
    b = best_a_vs_b[a][0]
    if b in best_b_vs_a and a == best_b_vs_a[b][0]:
        outfile.write("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" % (a, b, best_a_vs_b[a][2], best_b_vs_a[b][2]))
        count += 1
print "Done, %i RBH found" % count

#Remove temp files...