diff cluster.tools/new.ccplus.R @ 2:b442996b66ae draft

author peter-waltman
date Wed, 27 Feb 2013 20:17:04 -0500
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cluster.tools/new.ccplus.R	Wed Feb 27 20:17:04 2013 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,773 @@
+##!/usr/bin/env Rscript
+## Consensus Clustering Script by Peter Waltman
+## May 31, 2011
+## License under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)
+#usage, options and doc goes here
+argspec <- c("consensus.clustering.R takes a clustering from ConsensusClusterPlus and clinical survival data
+and generates a KM-plot, along with the log-rank p-values
+        Usage: 
+                consensus.clustering.R -d <data.file> 
+        Optional:
+                -o <output.name>
+                -a <cluster.alg>  ## must be either 'hc' or 'km'
+                -m <distance.metric> ## must be one supported by ConsensusClusterPlus
+                -k <max.k>
+                -r <reps>
+                -f <filter>            ## filter, o/w no filtering
+                \n\n")
+args <- commandArgs(TRUE)
+if ( length( args ) == 1 && args =="--help") { 
+  write(argspec, stderr())
+  q();
+##  if any of the faster clustering methods are available on this system, load them
+require( amap )
+require( cluster )
+if ( any( c( 'flashClust', 'fastcluster' ) %in% installed.packages() ) ) {
+  if ( 'flashClust' %in% installed.packages() ) {
+    require( flashClust )
+  } else {
+    if ( 'fastcluster' %in% installed.packages() ) {
+      require( fastcluster )
+    }
+  }
+## code borrowed/updated from ConsensusClusterPlus
+ConsensusClusterPlus <- function( d=NULL,
+                                  maxK = 3,
+                                  reps=10,
+                                  pItem=0.8,
+                                  pFeature=1,
+                                  clusterAlg="hc",
+                                  title="untitled_consensus_cluster",
+                                  innerLinkage="average",
+                                  finalLinkage="average",
+                                  distance=ifelse( inherits(d,"dist"), attr( d, "method" ), "euclidean" ),
+                                  ml=NULL,
+                                  tmyPal=NULL,
+                                  seed=NULL,
+                                  plot=NULL,
+                                  writeTable=FALSE,
+                                  weightsItem=NULL,
+                                  weightsFeature=NULL,
+                                  verbose=F ) {
+  ##description: runs consensus subsamples 
+  if(is.null(seed)==TRUE){
+    seed=timeSeed = as.numeric(Sys.time())
+  }
+  set.seed(seed)
+  if(is.null(ml)==TRUE){
+    if ( inherits( distance, "dist" ) ) {
+      stop( "If you want to pass in a pre-calculated distance object, pass it in as the data, rather than the distance parameter\n" )
+    }
+    if ( ! class( d ) %in% c( "dist", "matrix", "ExpressionSet" ) ) {
+      stop("d must be a matrix, distance object or ExpressionSet (eset object)")
+    }
+    if ( inherits( d, "dist" ) ) {
+      ## if d is a distance matrix, fix a few things so that they don't cause problems with the analysis
+      ##  Note, assumption is that if d is a distance matrix, the user doesn't want to sample over the row features
+      if ( is.null( attr( d, "method" ) ) ) {
+        attr( d, "method" ) <- distance <- "unknown - user-specified"
+      }
+      if ( is.null( distance ) || ( distance != attr( d, "method" ) ) ) {
+        distance <- attr( d, "method" )
+      }
+      if ( ( ! is.null( pFeature ) ) && ( pFeature < 1 ) ) {
+        if ( verbose ) warning( "Cannot use the pFeatures parameter when specifying a distance matrix as the data object\n" )
+        pFeature <- 1
+      }
+      if ( ! is.null( weightsFeature ) ) {
+        if ( verbose ) warning( "Cannot use the weightsFeature parameter when specifying a distance matrix as the data object\n" )
+        weightsFeature <- NULL
+      }
+      if ( clusterAlg == "km" ) {
+        if ( verbose ) warning( "You are asking CCPLUS to use K-means to cluster a distance matrix (rather than the data itself) - this may produce unintended results. We suggest using PAM if you want to use alternate distance metrics/objects\n" )
+        ##d <- as.matrix( d )  #this is now done w/in ccRun
+      }
+    } else {
+      if ( is.null( distance ) ) {
+        ## we should never get here, but just in case
+        distance <- "pearson"
+      }
+    }
+    if ( ( clusterAlg == "km" ) && inherits( distance, "character" ) && ( distance != "euclidean" ) ) {
+      warning( "WARNING: kmeans can only use the euclidean distance metric.  If you would like to use an alternate metric, we suggest using PAM or HC clustering instead. This parameter combinationwill use k-means, but will NOT use the specified distance metric\n" )
+      distance <- 'euclidean'
+    }
+    if ( inherits( d,"ExpressionSet" ) ) {
+      d <- exprs(d)
+    }
+    ml <- ccRun( d=d,
+                 maxK=maxK,
+                 repCount=reps,
+                 diss=inherits(d,"dist"),
+                 pItem=pItem,
+                 pFeature=pFeature,
+                 innerLinkage=innerLinkage,
+                 clusterAlg=clusterAlg,
+                 weightsFeature=weightsFeature,
+                 weightsItem=weightsItem,
+                 distance=distance,
+                 verbose=verbose)
+  }
+  res=list();
+  ##make results directory
+  if((is.null(plot)==FALSE | writeTable) & !file.exists(paste(title,sep=""))){
+    dir.create(paste(title,sep=""))
+  }
+  ##write log file
+  log <- matrix( ncol=2,
+                 byrow=T,
+                 c("title",title,
+                   "maxK",maxK,
+                   "input matrix rows",ifelse ( inherits( d, "matrix" ), nrow(d), "dist-mat" ), 
+                   "input matric columns",ifelse ( inherits( d, "matrix" ), ncol(d), ncol( as.matrix(d) ) ), 
+                   "number of bootstraps",reps,
+                   "item subsampling proportion",pItem,
+                   "feature subsampling proportion",ifelse( is.null(pFeature), 1, pFeature ),
+                   "cluster algorithm",clusterAlg,
+                   "inner linkage type",innerLinkage,
+                   "final linkage type",finalLinkage,
+                   "correlation method",distance,
+                   "plot",if(is.null(plot)) NA else plot,
+                   "seed",if(is.null(seed)) NA else seed))
+  colnames(log) = c("option","value")
+  if(writeTable){
+    write.csv(file=paste(title,"/",title,".log.csv",sep=""), log,row.names=F)
+  }
+  if(is.null(plot)){
+    ##nothing
+  }else if(plot=="png"){
+    png(paste(title,"/","consensus%03d.png",sep=""))
+  }else if (plot=="pdf"){
+    pdf(onefile=TRUE, paste(title,"/","consensus.pdf",sep=""))
+  }else if (plot=="ps"){
+    postscript(onefile=TRUE, paste(title,"/","consensus.ps",sep=""))
+  }	
+  colorList=list()
+  colorM = rbind() #matrix of colors.
+                                        #18 colors for marking different clusters
+  thisPal <- c("#A6CEE3","#1F78B4","#B2DF8A","#33A02C","#FB9A99","#E31A1C","#FDBF6F","#FF7F00","#CAB2D6","#6A3D9A","#FFFF99","#B15928",
+               "#bd18ea", #magenta
+               "#2ef4ca", #aqua
+               "#f4cced", #pink,
+               "#f4cc03", #lightorange
+               "#05188a", #navy,
+               "#e5a25a", #light brown
+               "#06f106", #bright green
+               "#85848f", #med gray
+               "#000000", #black
+               "#076f25", #dark green
+               "#93cd7f",#lime green
+               "#4d0776", #dark purple
+               "#ffffff" #white
+               )
+  ##plot scale
+  colBreaks=NA
+  if(is.null(tmyPal)==TRUE){
+    colBreaks=10
+    tmyPal = myPal(colBreaks)
+  }else{
+    colBreaks=length(tmyPal)
+  }
+  sc = cbind(seq(0,1,by=1/( colBreaks) )); rownames(sc) = sc[,1]
+  sc = cbind(sc,sc)
+  heatmap(sc, Colv=NA, Rowv=NA, symm=FALSE, scale='none', col=tmyPal, na.rm=TRUE,labRow=rownames(sc),labCol=F,main="consensus matrix legend")
+  for (tk in 2:maxK){
+    if(verbose){
+      message(paste("consensus ",tk))
+    }
+    fm = ml[[tk]]
+    hc=hclust( as.dist( 1 - fm ), method=finalLinkage);
+    message("clustered")	
+    ct = cutree(hc,tk)
+    names(ct) = colnames(d)
+    c = fm
+    ##colnames(c) = colnames(d)
+    ##rownames(c) = colnames(d)
+    colorList = setClusterColors(res[[tk-1]][[3]],ct,thisPal,colorList)
+    pc = c
+    pc=pc[hc$order,] #***pc is matrix for plotting, same as c but is row-ordered and has names and extra row of zeros.
+    pc = rbind(pc,0)
+    heatmap(pc, Colv=as.dendrogram(hc), Rowv=NA, symm=FALSE, scale='none', col=tmyPal, na.rm=TRUE,labRow=F,labCol=F,mar=c(5,5),main=paste("consensus matrix k=",tk,sep="") , ColSideCol=colorList[[1]])
+    legend("topright",legend=unique(ct),fill=unique(colorList[[1]]),horiz=FALSE )
+    res[[tk]] = list(consensusMatrix=c,consensusTree=hc,consensusClass=ct,ml=ml[[tk]],clrs=colorList)
+    colorM = rbind(colorM,colorList[[1]]) 
+  }
+  CDF(ml)
+  clusterTrackingPlot(colorM[,res[[length(res)]]$consensusTree$order])
+  if(is.null(plot)==FALSE){
+    dev.off();
+  }
+  res[[1]] = colorM
+  if(writeTable){
+    for(i in 2:length(res)){
+      write.csv(file=paste(title,"/",title,".k=",i,".consensusMatrix.csv",sep=""), res[[i]]$consensusMatrix)
+      write.table(file=paste(title,"/",title,".k=",i,".consensusClass.csv",sep=""), res[[i]]$consensusClass,col.names = F,sep=",")
+    }
+  }
+  return(res)
+calcICL = function(res,title="untitled_consensus_cluster",plot=NULL,writeTable=FALSE){
+  #calculates and plots cluster consensus and item consensus
+  cc=rbind()
+  cci = rbind()
+  sumRes=list()
+  colorsArr=c()
+  #make results directory
+  if((is.null(plot)==FALSE | writeTable) & !file.exists(paste(title,sep=""))){
+	dir.create(paste(title,sep=""))
+  }
+  if(is.null(plot)){
+    #to screen
+  }else if(plot=="pdf"){
+    pdf(onefile=TRUE, paste(title,"/","icl.pdf",sep=""))
+  }else if(plot=="ps"){
+    postscript(onefile=TRUE, paste(title,"/","icl.ps",sep=""))
+  }else if (plot=="png"){
+    png(paste(title,"/","icl%03d.png",sep=""))
+  }
+  par(mfrow=c(3,1),mar=c(4,3,2,0))
+  for (k in 2:length(res)){ #each k
+    eiCols = c();
+    o = res[[k]]
+    m = o$consensusMatrix
+    m = triangle(m,mode=2)
+    for (ci in sort(unique(o$consensusClass))){ #each cluster in k
+	items = which(o$consensusClass==ci)
+	nk = length(items)
+	mk = sum( m[items,items], na.rm=T)/((nk*(nk-1))/2)
+	cc=rbind(cc,c(k,ci,mk)) #cluster-consensus
+      for (ei in rev(res[[2]]$consensusTree$order) ){
+		denom = if (ei %in% items) { nk - 1} else { nk }
+        	mei = sum( c(m[ei,items],m[items,ei]), na.rm=T)/denom  # mean item consensus to a cluster.
+		cci = rbind(cci,c(k,ci,ei,mei)) #cluster, cluster index, item index, item-consensus
+      }
+      eiCols = c(eiCols, rep(ci,length(o$consensusClass)) )
+    }
+	  cck = cci[which(cci[,1]==k),] #only plot the new k data.
+	  #group by item, order by cluster i
+	  w=lapply(split(cck,cck[,3]), function(x) { y=matrix(unlist(x),ncol=4); y[order(y[,2]),4] }) 
+	  q = matrix(as.numeric(unlist(w)),ncol=length(w),byrow=F)
+	  q = q[,res[[2]]$consensusTree$order] #order by leave order of k=2
+ 	  #q is a matrix of k rows and sample columns, values are item consensus of sample to the cluster.
+	  thisColors = unique(cbind(res[[k]]$consensusClass,res[[k]]$clrs[[1]]))
+	  thisColors=thisColors[order(as.numeric(thisColors[,1])),2]
+	  colorsArr=c(colorsArr,thisColors)
+	  sumRes[[k]] = rankedBarPlot(q,thisColors,cc=res[[k]]$consensusClass[res[[2]]$consensusTree$order],paste("k=",k,sep="") )
+  }
+  ys=cs=lab=c()
+  lastk=cc[1,1]
+  for(i in 1:length(colorsArr)){
+    if(lastk != cc[i,1]){
+      ys=c(ys,0,0)
+      cs=c(cs,NA,NA)
+      lastk=cc[i,1]
+      lab=c(lab,NA,NA)
+    }
+    ys=c(ys,cc[i,3])
+    cs=c(cs,colorsArr[i])
+    lab=c(lab,cc[i,1])
+  }
+  names(ys) = lab
+  par(mfrow=c(3,1),mar=c(4,3,2,0))
+  barplot(ys,col=cs,border=cs,main="cluster-consensus",ylim=c(0,1),las=1)
+  if(is.null(plot)==FALSE){
+	  dev.off()
+  }
+  colnames(cc) = c("k","cluster","clusterConsensus")
+  colnames(cci) = c("k","cluster","item","itemConsensus")
+  cci[,"item"] = names(res[[2]]$consensusClass)[ cci[,"item"] ]
+  #type cci
+  cci = data.frame( k=as.numeric(cci[,"k"]), cluster=as.numeric(cci[,"cluster"]), item=cci[,"item"], itemConsensus=as.numeric(cci[,"itemConsensus"])) 
+  #write to file.
+  if(writeTable){
+	write.csv(file=paste(title,"/",title,".summary.cluster.consensus.csv",sep=""),row.names=F, cc)
+	write.csv(file=paste(title,"/",title,".summary.item.consensus.csv",sep=""), row.names=F, cc)
+  }
+  return(list(clusterConsensus=cc,itemConsensus=cci))
+ccRun <- function( d=d,
+                   maxK=NULL,
+                   repCount=NULL,
+                   diss=inherits( d, "dist" ),
+                   pItem=NULL,
+                   pFeature=NULL,
+                   innerLinkage=NULL,
+                   distance=ifelse( inherits(d,"dist"), attr( d, "method" ), "euclidean" ),
+                   clusterAlg=NULL,
+                   weightsItem=NULL,
+                   weightsFeature=NULL,
+                   verbose=NULL) {
+  m = vector(mode='list', repCount)
+  ml = vector(mode="list",maxK)
+  n <- ifelse( diss, ncol( as.matrix(d) ), ncol(d) )
+  mCount = mConsist = matrix(c(0),ncol=n,nrow=n)
+  ml[[1]] = c(0);
+  if (is.null( distance ) ) distance <- 'euclidean'  ## necessary if d is a dist object and attr( d, "method" ) == NULLa
+  require( amap )
+  ##  we're going to use the amap Dist function, but they misname their correlation
+  ##  functions, so re-name them correctly
+  amap.distance <- c( "euclidean", "maximum", "manhattan", "canberra", "binary",
+                      "pearson", "abspearson", "correlation", "abscorrelation", "spearman", "kendall" )
+  names( amap.distance ) <- c( "euclidean", "maximum", "manhattan", "canberra", "binary",
+                               "cosine", "abscosine", "pearson", "abspearson", "spearman", "kendall" )
+  main.dist.obj <- NULL
+  ##browser()
+  if ( diss ){
+    main.dist.obj <- d
+    ## reset the pFeature & weightsFeature params if they've been set (irrelevant if d is a dist matrix)
+    if ( ( !is.null(pFeature) ) &&
+         ( pFeature < 1 ) ) {
+      if (verbose) warning( "user-supplied data is a distance matrix; ignoring user-specified pFeature parameter\n" )
+      pFeature <- 1 # set it to 1 to avoid problems with sampleCols
+    }
+    if ( ! is.null( weightsFeature ) ) {
+      if (verbose) warning( "user-supplied data is a distance matrix; ignoring user-specified weightsFeature parameter\n" )
+      weightsFeature <- NULL  # set it to NULL to avoid problems with sampleCols
+    }
+  } else { ## d is a data matrix
+    ## we're not sampling over the features
+    if ( ( clusterAlg != "km" ) &&
+         ( is.null( pFeature ) ||
+           ( ( pFeature == 1 ) && is.null( weightsFeature ) ) ) ) {
+      ## only generate a main.dist.object IFF 1) d is a matrix, 2) we're not sampling the features, and 3) the algorithm isn't 'km'
+      if ( inherits( distance, "character" ) ) {
+        if ( ! distance %in% names( amap.distance ) ) stop("unsupported distance.")
+        main.dist.obj <- Dist( t(d), method=as.character( amap.distance[ distance ] ) )
+        ## now fix dumb amap naming convention for distance metrics
+        attr( main.dist.obj, "method" ) <- as.character( amap.distance[ distance ] )
+      } else stop("unsupported distance specified.")
+    } else {
+      ## pFeature < 1 or a weightsFeature != NULL
+      ## since d is a data matrix, the user wants to sample over the gene features, so main.dist.obj is left as NULL
+    }
+  }
+  for (i in 1:repCount){
+    ##browser()  
+    if(verbose){
+      message(paste("random subsample",i));
+    }
+    ## take expression matrix sample, samples and genes
+    sample_x = sampleCols( d, pItem, pFeature, weightsItem, weightsFeature )
+    this_dist = NA
+    if ( ! is.null( main.dist.obj ) ) {
+      boot.cols <- sample_x$subcols
+      this_dist <- as.matrix( main.dist.obj )[ boot.cols, boot.cols ]
+      if ( clusterAlg != "km" ) {
+        ## if this isn't kmeans, then convert to a distance object
+        this_dist <- as.dist( this_dist )
+        attr( this_dist, "method" ) <- attr( main.dist.obj, "method" )
+      }
+    } else {
+      ## if main.dist.obj is NULL, then d is a data matrix, and either:
+      ##   1) clusterAlg is 'km'
+      ##   2) pFeatures < 1 or weightsFeatures have been specified, or
+      ##   3) both
+      ## so we can't use a main distance object and for every iteration, we will have to re-calculate either
+      ##   1) the distance matrix (because we're also sampling the features as well), or
+      ##   2) the submat (if using km) 
+      if ( clusterAlg != "km" )  {
+        if ( ! distance %in% names( amap.distance ) ) stop("unsupported distance.")
+        ## good, we have a supported distance type
+        this_dist <- Dist( t( sample_x$submat ), method=as.character( amap.distance[ distance ] ) )
+        ## now fix dumb amap naming convention for distance metrics
+        attr( this_dist, "method" ) <- as.character( amap.distance[ distance ] )
+      } else {
+        ##browser()
+        ##clusterAlg == "km" 
+        ## if we're not sampling the features, then grab the colslice
+        if ( is.null( pFeature ) ||
+            ( ( pFeature == 1 ) && is.null( weightsFeature ) ) ) {
+          this_dist <- d[, sample_x$subcols ]
+        } else {
+          if ( is.na( sample_x$submat ) ) {
+            save( "ccrun.submat.eq.na.dbg.rda" )
+            stop( "Houston, we have a problem.  sample_x$submat is NA in ccRun when it should be specified - saving state\n" )
+          }
+          this_dist <- sample_x$submat
+        } 
+      }
+    }
+    ## cluster samples for HC.
+    this_cluster=NA
+    if(clusterAlg=="hc"){
+      this_cluster = hclust( this_dist, method=innerLinkage)
+    }
+    ##browser()
+    ##mCount is possible number of times that two sample occur in same random sample, independent of k
+    ##mCount stores number of times a sample pair was sampled together.
+    mCount <- connectivityMatrix( rep( 1,length(sample_x[[3]])),
+                                  mCount,
+                                  sample_x[[3]] ) 
+    ##use samples for each k		
+    for (k in 2:maxK){
+      if(verbose){
+        message(paste("  k =",k))
+      }
+      if (i==1){
+        ml[[k]] = mConsist #initialize
+      }
+      this_assignment=NA
+      if(clusterAlg=="hc"){
+        ##prune to k for hc
+        this_assignment = cutree(this_cluster,k)
+        ##browser()
+      }else if(clusterAlg=="km"){
+        ##this_dist should now be a matrix corresponding to the result from sampleCols
+        this_assignment <- kmeans( t( this_dist ),
+                                   k,
+                                   iter.max = 10,
+                                   nstart = 1,
+                                   algorithm = c("Hartigan-Wong") )$cluster
+      }else if ( clusterAlg == "pam" ) {
+        require( cluster )
+        this_assignment <- pam( x=this_dist,
+                                k,
+                                diss=TRUE,
+                                metric=distance, 
+                                cluster.only=TRUE )
+      } else{
+        ##optional cluterArg Hook.
+        this_assignment <- get(clusterAlg)(this_dist, k)
+      }
+      ##add to tally				
+      ml[[k]] <- connectivityMatrix( this_assignment,
+                                     ml[[k]],
+                                     sample_x[[3]] )
+    }
+  }
+  ##consensus fraction
+  res = vector(mode="list",maxK)
+  for (k in 2:maxK){
+    ##fill in other half of matrix for tally and count.
+    tmp = triangle(ml[[k]],mode=3)
+    tmpCount = triangle(mCount,mode=3)
+    res[[k]] = tmp / tmpCount
+    res[[k]][which(tmpCount==0)] = 0
+  }
+  message("end fraction")
+  return(res)
+connectivityMatrix <- function( clusterAssignments, m, sampleKey){
+  ##input: named vector of cluster assignments, matrix to add connectivities
+  ##output: connectivity matrix
+  names( clusterAssignments ) <- sampleKey 
+  cls <- lapply( unique( clusterAssignments ), function(i) as.numeric( names( clusterAssignments[ clusterAssignments %in% i ] ) ) )
+  for ( i in 1:length( cls ) ) {
+    nelts <- 1:ncol( m )
+    cl <- as.numeric( nelts %in% cls[[i]] ) ## produces a binary vector
+    updt <- outer( cl, cl )
+    m <- m + updt
+  }
+  return(m)
+## returns a list with the sample columns, as well as the sub-matrix & sample features (if necessary)
+##  if no sampling over the features is performed, the submatrix & sample features are returned as NAs
+##  to reduce memory overhead
+sampleCols <- function( d,
+                        pSamp=NULL,
+                        pRow=NULL,
+                        weightsItem=NULL,
+                        weightsFeature=NULL ){
+  space <- ifelse( inherits( d, "dist" ), ncol( as.matrix(d) ), ncol(d) )
+  sampleN <- floor(space*pSamp)
+  sampCols <- sort( sample(space, sampleN, replace = FALSE, prob = weightsItem) )
+  this_sample <- sampRows <- NA
+  if ( inherits( d, "matrix" ) ) {
+    if ( (! is.null( pRow ) ) &&
+         ( (pRow < 1 ) || (! is.null( weightsFeature ) ) ) ) {
+      ## only sample the rows and generate a sub-matrix if we're sampling over the row/gene/features
+      space = nrow(d)
+      sampleN = floor(space*pRow)
+      sampRows = sort( sample(space, sampleN, replace = FALSE, prob = weightsFeature) )
+      this_sample <- d[sampRows,sampCols]
+      dimnames(this_sample) <- NULL
+    } else {
+      ## do nothing
+    }
+  }
+  return( list( submat=this_sample,
+                subrows=sampRows,
+                subcols=sampCols ) )
+  #plot CDF distribution
+  plot(c(0),xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,1),col="white",bg="white",xlab="consensus index",ylab="CDF",main="consensus CDF", las=2)
+  k=length(ml)
+  this_colors = rainbow(k-1)
+  areaK = c()
+  for (i in 2:length(ml)){
+    v=triangle(ml[[i]],mode=1)
+    #empirical CDF distribution. default number of breaks is 100    
+    h = hist(v, plot=FALSE, breaks=seq(0,1,by=1/breaks))
+    h$counts = cumsum(h$counts)/sum(h$counts)
+    #calculate area under CDF curve, by histogram method.
+    thisArea=0
+    for (bi in 1:(length(h$breaks)-1)){
+       thisArea = thisArea + h$counts[bi]*(h$breaks[bi+1]-h$breaks[bi]) #increment by height by width
+       bi = bi + 1
+    }
+    areaK = c(areaK,thisArea)
+    lines(h$mids,h$counts,col=this_colors[i-1],lwd=2,type='l')
+  }
+  legend(0.8,0.5,legend=paste(rep("",k-1),seq(2,k,by=1),sep=""),fill=this_colors)
+  #plot area under CDF change.
+  deltaK=areaK[1] #initial auc at k=2
+  for(i in 2:(length(areaK))){
+    #proportional increase relative to prior K.
+    deltaK = c(deltaK,( areaK[i] - areaK[i-1])/areaK[i-1])
+  }
+  plot(1+(1:length(deltaK)),y=deltaK,xlab="k",ylab="relative change in area under CDF curve",main="Delta area",type="b")
+myPal = function(n=10){
+  #returns n colors
+  seq = rev(seq(0,255,by=255/(n)))
+  palRGB = cbind(seq,seq,255)
+  rgb(palRGB,maxColorValue=255)
+setClusterColors = function(past_ct,ct,colorU,colorList){
+	#description: sets common color of clusters between different K
+	newColors = c()
+	if(length(colorList)==0){
+		#k==2
+		newColors = colorU[ct]
+		colori=2
+	}else{
+		newColors = rep(NULL,length(ct))
+		colori = colorList[[2]]
+		mo=table(past_ct,ct)
+		m=mo/apply(mo,1,sum)
+			for(tci in 1:ncol(m)){ # for each cluster
+				maxC = max(m[,tci])
+				pci = which(m[,tci] == maxC)				
+				if( sum(m[,tci]==maxC)==1 & max(m[pci,])==maxC & sum(m[pci,]==maxC)==1  )  {
+				#if new column maximum is unique, same cell is row maximum and is also unique
+				##Note: the greatest of the prior clusters' members are the greatest in a current cluster's members.
+					newColors[which(ct==tci)] = unique(colorList[[1]][which(past_ct==pci)]) # one value
+				}else{ #add new color.
+					colori=colori+1
+					newColors[which(ct==tci)] = colorU[colori]
+				}
+			}
+	}
+	return(list(newColors,colori,unique(newColors) ))
+clusterTrackingPlot = function(m){
+  #description: plots cluster tracking plot
+  #input: m - matrix where rows are k, columns are samples, and values are cluster assignments.
+  plot(NULL,xlim=c(-0.1,1),ylim=c(0,1),axes=FALSE,xlab="samples",ylab="k",main="tracking plot")
+  for(i in 1:nrow(m)){
+    rect(  xleft=seq(0,1-1/ncol(m),by=1/ncol(m)),  ybottom=rep(1-i/nrow(m),ncol(m)) , xright=seq(1/ncol(m),1,by=1/ncol(m)), ytop=rep(1-(i-1)/nrow(m),ncol(m)), col=m[i,],border=NA)   
+  }
+  #hatch lines to indicate samples
+  xl = seq(0,1-1/ncol(m),by=1/ncol(m))
+  segments(  xl, rep(-0.1,ncol(m)) , xl, rep(0,ncol(m)), col="black")    #** alt white and black color?
+  ypos = seq(1,0,by=-1/nrow(m))-1/(2*nrow(m))
+  text(x=-0.1,y=ypos[-length(ypos)],labels=seq(2,nrow(m)+1,by=1))
+triangle = function(m,mode=1){
+  #mode=1 for CDF, vector of lower triangle.
+  #mode==3 for full matrix.
+  #mode==2 for calcICL; nonredundant half matrix coun
+  #mode!=1 for summary 
+  n=dim(m)[1]
+  nm = matrix(0,ncol=n,nrow=n)
+  fm = m
+  nm[upper.tri(nm)] = m[upper.tri(m)] #only upper half
+  fm = t(nm)+nm
+  diag(fm) = diag(m)
+  nm=fm
+  nm[upper.tri(nm)] = NA
+  diag(nm) = NA
+  vm = m[lower.tri(nm)]
+  if(mode==1){
+    return(vm) #vector 		
+  }else if(mode==3){
+    return(fm) #return full matrix
+  }else if(mode == 2){
+    return(nm) #returns lower triangle and no diagonal. no double counts.
+  }
+	colors = rbind() #each row is a barplot series
+	byRank = cbind()
+	spaceh = 0.1 #space between bars
+	for(i in 1:ncol(d)){
+	  byRank = cbind(byRank,sort(d[,i],na.last=F))
+	  colors = rbind(colors,order(d[,i],na.last=F))
+	}
+	maxH = max(c(1.5,apply(byRank,2,sum)),na.rm=T) #maximum height of graph
+	#barplot largest to smallest so that smallest is in front.
+	barp = barplot( apply(byRank,2,sum) ,  col=myc[colors[,1]] ,space=spaceh,ylim=c(0,maxH),main=paste("item-consensus", title),border=NA,las=1  )
+	for(i in 2:nrow(byRank)){
+	  barplot( apply(matrix(byRank[i:nrow(byRank),],ncol=ncol(byRank))  ,2,sum), space=spaceh,col=myc[colors[,i]],ylim=c(0,maxH), add=T,border=NA,las=1  )
+	}
+	xr=seq(spaceh,ncol(d)+ncol(d)*spaceh,(ncol(d)+ncol(d)*spaceh)/ncol(d)  )
+	#class labels as asterisks
+	text("*",x=xr+0.5,y=maxH,col=myc[cc],cex=1.4) #rect(xr,1.4,xr+1,1.5,col=myc[cc] )
+##save.image( '/home/waltman/work.local/tmp/new.ccplus.R.dbg' )
+stop( "phw forced stop\n")
+spec <- matrix( c( "data.fname",         "d", 1, "character",
+                   "direction",          "n", 2, "character",
+                   "output.name",        "o", 2, "character",
+                   "cluster.alg",        "a", 2, "character", ## must be either 'hc' or 'km'
+                   "distance.metric",    "m", 2, "character", ## must be one supported by ConsensusClusterPlus
+                   "max.k",              "k", 2, "integer",
+                   "reps",               "r", 2, "integer",
+                   "innerLinkage",       "i", 1, "character",
+                   "finalLinkage",       "f", 1, "character",
+                   "out.report.dir",     "p", 2, "character",
+                   "out.report.html",    "h", 2, "character"
+                   ),
+                nc=4,
+                byrow=TRUE
+               )
+opt <- getopt( spec=spec )
+## default params for non-required params
+if ( is.null( opt$direction ) ) { opt$direction <- "cols"  }
+if ( is.null( opt$cluster.alg ) ) { opt$cluster.alg <- "pam" }
+if ( is.null( opt$output.name ) ) { opt$output.name <- "consensus.cluster.result" }
+if ( is.null( opt$distance.metric ) ) { opt$distance.metric <- "cosine" }
+if ( is.null( opt$max.k ) ) { opt$max.k <- 10 }
+if ( is.null( opt$reps ) ) { opt$reps <- 1000 }
+if ( is.null( opt$innerLinkage ) ) { opt$innerLinkage <- "average" }
+if ( is.null( opt$finalLinkage ) ) { opt$finalLinkage <- "average" }
+if ( is.null( opt$out.report.dir ) ) { opt$out.report.dir <- "report" }
+if ( is.null( opt$out.report.html ) ) { opt$out.report.html <- file.path( "report", "index.html" ) }
+## validate params here (make sure set to valid values)
+if ( !opt$cluster.alg %in% c( "hc", "km", "pam" ) ) {
+  stop( "invalid clustering algorithm specified", cluster.alg )
+data <- as.matrix( read.delim( opt$data.fname, header=T, row.names=1 , check.names=FALSE ) )
+## transpose the matrix if we want to cluster the rows (genes)
+if ( opt$direction == "rows" ) {
+  data <- t( data )
+title <- paste( opt$cluster.alg, opt$output.name, sep="." )
+##source( '~/bin/galaxy-dist/tools/ucsc.cancer.tools/cluster.tools/new.ccplus.R' )
+results <- ConsensusClusterPlus( data,
+                                 maxK=opt$max.k,
+                                 reps=opt$reps,
+                                 pItem=0.8,
+                                 ##pFeature=NULL,
+                                 pFeature=0.5,
+                                 title=opt$out.report.dir,
+                                 clusterAlg=opt$cluster.alg,
+                                 distance=opt$distance.metric,
+                                 innerLinkage=opt$innerLinkage,
+                                 finalLinkage=opt$finalLinkage,
+                                 plot='pdf',
+                                 writeTable=FALSE,
+                                 seed=100,
+                                 weightsFeature=abs( rnorm( nrow( orig.data ) ) ),
+                                 ##verbose=FALSE )
+                                 verbose=TRUE )
+pngs = list.files(path=opt$out.report.dir, patt="png")
+html.out <- paste( "<html>", 
+                   paste( paste( "<div><img src=\'", pngs, sep="" ), "\'/></div>", sep="" ),
+                   "</html>" )
+cat( html.out, file=opt$out.report.html )
+## re-transpose the matrix back if we've clustered the rows (genes)
+if ( opt$direction == "rows" ) {
+  data <- t( data )
+save( file=opt$output.name, data, results)