diff cluster.tools/heatmap.from.cluster.result.R @ 2:b442996b66ae draft

author peter-waltman
date Wed, 27 Feb 2013 20:17:04 -0500
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cluster.tools/heatmap.from.cluster.result.R	Wed Feb 27 20:17:04 2013 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
+argspec <- c("tab.2.cdt.R converts a data matrix to cdt format
+        Usage: 
+                tab.2.cdt.R -d <data.file> 
+        Optional:
+                            -o <output_file>
+                \n\n")
+args <- commandArgs(TRUE)
+if ( length( args ) == 1 && args =="--help") { 
+  write(argspec, stderr())
+  q();
+lib.load.quiet <- function( package ) {
+   package <- as.character(substitute(package))
+   suppressPackageStartupMessages( do.call( "library", list( package=package ) ) )
+lib.load.quiet( gplots )
+lib.load.quiet( ctc )
+if ( any( c( 'flashClust', 'fastcluster' ) %in% installed.packages() ) ) {
+  if ( 'flashClust' %in% installed.packages() ) {
+    lib.load.quiet( flashClust )
+  } else {
+    if ( 'fastcluster' %in% installed.packages() ) {
+      lib.load.quiet( fastcluster )
+    }
+  }
+spec <- matrix( c( "dataset",             "d", 1, "character",
+                   "second.dir",          "s", 2, "character",
+                   "dataset2",            "D", 2, "character",
+                   "reverse.rows",        "r", 2, "character",
+                   "image.format",        "i", 2, "character",
+                   "plot.kms",            "k", 2, "character",
+                   "output.fname",        "o", 2, "character",
+                   "output.report.html",  "h", 2, "character",
+                   "output.report.dir",   "p", 2, "character",
+                   "output.treeview",     "t", 2, "character",
+                   "survival.script",     "z", 2, "character",
+                   "cluster.fname",       "C", 2, "character",
+                   "survival.fname",      "S", 2, "character",
+                   "survival.image",      "I", 2, "character",
+                   "mode",                "M", 2, "character",
+                   "title",               "T", 2, "character"
+                   ),
+                nc=4,
+                byrow=TRUE
+               )
+opt <- getopt( spec=spec )
+if ( is.null( opt$image.format ) ){
+  opt$image.format <- "png"
+} else {
+  if ( ! opt$image.format %in% c( "pdf", "png" ) ) stop( 'invalid image format specified\n' )
+if ( is.null( opt$output.report.dir ) ) { opt$output.report.dir <- "report" }
+if ( is.null( opt$output.report.html ) ) {
+  if ( opt$image.format == "pdf" ) opt$output.report.html <- "report/heatmap.pdf"
+  if ( opt$image.format == "png" ) opt$output.report.html <- "report/index.html"
+if ( is.null( opt$plot.kms ) ) {
+  opt$plot.kms <- TRUE
+}  else {
+  if ( ! opt$plot.kms %in% c( "no", "yes" ) ) {
+    stop( "invalid input to plot.kms param", opt$plot.kms, "\n" )
+  }
+  ##  set to TRUE/FALSE
+  opt$plot.kms <- ( opt$plot.kms == "yes" )
+  if ( opt$plot.kms ) {
+    opt$cluster.fname <- opt$dataset
+    if ( is.null( opt$survival.script ) || ( !file.exists( opt$survival.script ) ) ) stop( 'must provide a valid file w/clinical data\n' )
+    if ( is.null(opt$mode ) ) {
+      opt$mode <- "all"
+    } else {
+      if ( ! opt$mode %in% c( 'all', 'one', 'both' ) ) {
+        stop( "invalid mode specified,' -m", opt$mode, "'.  must be either {all, one, both}\n" )
+      }
+    }
+    if ( is.null( opt$title ) ) {
+      opt$title <- opt$cluster.fname
+      opt$title <- strsplit( opt$title, "\\/" )[[1]]
+      opt$title <- opt$title[ length( opt$title ) ]
+    }
+  }
+if ( is.null( opt$output.treeview ) ) {
+  opt$output.treeview <- FALSE
+} else {
+  if ( ! opt$output.treeview %in% c( "no", "yes" ) ) {
+    stop( "invalid input to output.treeview param", opt$output.treeview, "\n" )
+  }
+  ##  set to TRUE/FALSE
+  opt$output.treeview <- ( opt$output.treeview == "yes" )
+if ( is.null( opt$reverse.rows ) ) {
+  opt$reverse.rows <- TRUE
+}  else {
+  if ( ! opt$reverse.rows %in% c( "no", "yes" ) ) {
+    stop( "invalid input to reverse.rows param", opt$reverse.rows, "\n" )
+  }
+  ##  set to TRUE/FALSE
+  opt$reverse.rows <- ( opt$reverse.rows == "yes" )
+if ( is.null( opt$second.dir ) ) { opt$second.dir <- "no" }
+if ( is.null( opt$second.dir ) && is.null( opt$dataset2 ) ) stop( "must specify an rdata file to load if a previous result is to be used to cluster the 2nd direction\n" )
+if ( ( opt$image.format == "png" ) || opt$output.treeview ) {
+  if ( !file.exists( opt$output.report.dir ) ){
+    dir.create(opt$output.report.dir, recursive=T)
+  }
+load( opt$dataset )  ## should load the cl, treecl.res (or partcl.res) and data
+##  pre-set the cluster results for rows & cols to NULL
+hr <- hr.cl <- hc <- hc.cl <- row.ddr <- col.ddr <- NULL
+if ( exists( 'treecl.res' ) ) {
+  if ( is.null( treecl.res$dist.method ) ) treecl.res$dist.method <- 'euclidean'  # just set it to some stub so that the ctc fn's don't complain
+  if ( all( names( cl ) %in% rownames( data ) ) ) {
+    hr <- treecl.res
+    hr.cl <- cl
+  } else if ( all( names( cl ) %in% colnames( data ) ) ) {
+    hc <- treecl.res
+    hc.cl <- cl
+  } else {
+    stop( "Specified cluster result does not come from this data set\n" )
+  }
+} else {
+  if ( exists( 'partcl.res' ) ) {
+    if ( all( names( cl ) %in% rownames( data ) ) ) {
+      hr <- NA
+      hr.cl <- cl
+      orig.data <- data
+      data <- data[ names( cl ), ]  ## partcl.res should now be sorted in order of cluster
+    } else if ( all( names( cl ) %in% colnames( data ) ) ) {
+      hc <- NA
+      hc.cl <- cl
+      orig.data <- data
+      data <- data[ , names( cl ) ]  ## partcl.res should now be sorted in order of cluster
+    } else {
+      stop( "Specified cluster result does not come from this data set\n" )
+    }
+  }
+  else {
+    stop( 'could not find a valid cluster result to use for primary direction\n' )
+  }
+if ( opt$second.dir %in% c( "yes", "prev" ) ) {
+  if ( opt$second.dir == "yes" ) {
+    if ( is.null( hr ) ) {
+      hr <- hclust( dist( data ) )
+    } else if ( is.null( hc ) ) {
+      hc <- hclust( dist( t( data ) ) )
+    } 
+  } else {  ## opt$second.dir == "prev"
+    ## prep for loading new cluster result
+    if ( ! exists( 'orig.data' ) ) orig.data <- data
+    if ( exists( "treecl.res" ) ) {
+      rm( treecl.res )
+    } else if ( exists( "partcl.res" ) ) {
+      rm( partcl.res )
+    } else stop( "no primary clustering found when generating the 2nd\n" )
+    rm( cl, data )
+    load( opt$dataset2 ) ## this should bring in the cl obj for the 2nd direction
+    ## check the data 1st
+    if ( length( orig.data ) != length( data ) ) stop( "incompatible cluster results in 2nd results file - matrices are diff lengths\n" )
+    if ( nrow( orig.data ) != nrow( data ) ) stop( "incompatible cluster results in 2nd results file - matrices have diff dimensions\n" )
+    if ( any( is.na( orig.data ) ) ) {
+      nas <- which( is.na( orig.data ) )
+      num.nas <- length( nas )
+      ## 1st, chk the NAs
+      if ( sum( which( is.na( data ) ) != nas ) == num.nas ) stop( "incompatible cluster results in 2nd results file - matrices contain diff contents\n" )
+      if ( ( sum( orig.data == data, na.rm=T )+num.nas ) != length( orig.data ) ) {
+        stop( "incompatible cluster results in 2nd results file - matrices contain diff contents\n" )
+      }
+    } else {
+      if ( sum( orig.data == data ) != length( orig.data ) )  stop( "incompatible cluster results in 2nd results file - matrices contain diff contents\n" )
+    }
+    ## looks like data is the same, so drop a copy and start chugging
+    rm( orig.data ); gc()
+    if ( exists( 'treecl.res' ) ) {
+      if ( is.null( treecl.res$dist.method ) ) treecl.res$dist.method <- 'euclidean'  # just set it to some stub so that the ctc fn's don't complain
+      if ( is.null( hr ) ) {
+        if ( all( rownames( cl ) %in% rownames( data ) ) ) {
+          hr <- treecl.res
+          hr.cl <- cl
+        } else {
+          stop( "results file for 2nd direction doesn't contain cluster for 2ndary direction (rows in this case)\n" )
+        }
+      } else if ( is.null( hc ) ) {
+        if ( all( rownames( cl ) %in% colnames( data ) ) ) {
+          hc <- treecl.res
+          hc.cl <- cl
+        } else {
+          stop( "results file for 2nd direction doesn't contain cluster for 2ndary direction (genes in this case)\n" )
+        }
+      } else {
+        stop( "should never get here\n" )
+      }
+    } else if ( exists( 'partcl.res' ) ) {
+      if ( is.null( hr ) ) {
+        if ( all( names( cl ) %in% rownames( data ) ) ) {
+          hr <- NA
+          hr.cl <- cl
+          data <- data[ names( cl ), ]  ## partcl.res should now be sorted in order of cluster
+        } else {
+          stop( "results file for 2nd direction doesn't contain cluster for 2ndary direction (rows in this case)\n" )
+        }
+      } else if ( is.null( hc ) ) {
+        if ( all( names( cl ) %in% colnames( data ) ) ) {
+          hc <- NA
+          hc.cl <- cl
+          data <- data[ , names( cl ) ]  ## partcl.res should now be sorted in order of cluster
+        } else {
+          stop( "results file for 2nd direction doesn't contain cluster for 2ndary direction (genes in this case)\n" )
+        }
+      } else {
+        stop( "should never get here\n" )
+      }      
+    }
+  }
+## Now, re-set hc & nr to NULL if they were set to NA
+## we used NA to signify that they were set by kmeans/pam, but now, we need to reset them
+## for the following lines (that generate the dendrograms (if there was an hclust result)
+if ( ( !is.null( hr ) ) && is.na( hr ) ) hr <- NULL
+if ( ( !is.null( hc ) ) && is.na( hc ) ) hc <- NULL
+if ( ! is.null( hr ) ) {
+  row.ddr <- as.dendrogram( hr )
+  ##  need this to make sure that the heatmap is oriented the same way as it is in TreeView
+  if ( opt$reverse.rows ) row.ddr <- rev( row.ddr )  
+if ( ! is.null( hc ) ) {
+  col.ddr <- as.dendrogram( hc )
+if ( ( ! is.null( row.ddr ) ) && ( ! is.null( col.ddr ) ) ) {
+  dend.param <- "both"
+} else {
+  dend.param <- "none"
+  if ( ! is.null( row.ddr ) ) dend.param <- "row"
+  if ( ! is.null( col.ddr ) ) dend.param <- "column"
+param.list <- list( x=data,
+                    Rowv=row.ddr,
+                    Colv=col.ddr,
+                    dendrogram=dend.param,
+                    trace="none",
+                    col=hmcols,
+                    scale="none",
+                    labRow="",
+                    labCol="" ) #,
+                    ##key=FALSE )
+if ( ! is.null( hr.cl ) ) {
+  hrcols <- rainbow( max( as.numeric( hr.cl ) ) )
+  names( hrcols ) <- sort( unique( as.numeric( hr.cl ) ) )
+  rowColLabs <- hrcols[ as.character( as.numeric( hr.cl ) ) ]
+  param.list <- c( param.list, list( RowSideColors=rowColLabs ) )
+if ( ! is.null( hc.cl ) ) {
+  hccols <- rainbow( max( as.numeric( hc.cl ) ) )
+  names( hccols ) <- sort( unique( as.numeric( hc.cl ) ) )
+  colColLabs <- hccols[ as.character( as.numeric( hc.cl ) ) ]
+  param.list <- c( param.list, list( ColSideColors=colColLabs ) )
+if ( opt$image.format == 'png' ) {
+  png.fname <- file.path( opt$output.report.dir, "cluster.heatmap.png")
+  plot.dev <- png( png.fname,
+                   width=8.5,
+                   height=11,
+                   units='in',
+                   res=72 )
+} else {
+  pdf.fname <- opt$output.report.html
+  pdf( opt$output.report.html,
+       paper="letter" )
+do.call( "heatmap.2", param.list )
+if ( opt$plot.kms ) {
+  if ( opt$image.format == 'png' ) {
+    dev.off() ## close the previous device
+    png.fname <- file.path( opt$output.report.dir, "kaplan.meier.survival.png")
+    plot.dev <- png( png.fname,
+                    width=8.5,
+                    height=11,
+                    units='in',
+                    res=72 )
+  }
+  bak <- opt$image.format; opt$image.format <- 'none'
+  source( opt$survival.script )
+  opt$image.format <- bak
+if ( opt$image.format == 'png' ) {
+  pngs = list.files(path=opt$output.report.dir, patt="png")
+  html.out <- paste( "<html>",
+                     paste( paste( paste( "<div><img src=\'", pngs, sep="" ), "\'/></div>", sep="" ), collapse=""),
+                     "</html>" )
+  cat( html.out, file=opt$output.report.html )
+if ( opt$output.treeview ) {
+  treeview.fname.stem <- file.path( opt$output.report.dir, "cluster.heatmap")
+  fnames <- character()
+  if ( ! is.null( hr ) ) {
+    fname <- paste( treeview.fname.stem, ".gtr", sep="" )
+    r2gtr( hr, file=fname )
+    fnames <- c( fnames, fname )
+  } else {
+    hr <- list( order=1:nrow( data ) )
+  }
+  if ( ! is.null( hc ) ) {
+    fname <- paste( treeview.fname.stem, ".atr", sep="" )
+    r2atr( hc, file=fname )
+    fnames <- c( fnames, fname )
+  } else {
+    hc <- list( order=1:ncol( data ) )
+  }
+  fname <- paste( treeview.fname.stem, ".cdt", sep="" )
+  r2cdt( hr, hc, data, file=fname )
+  fnames <- c( fnames, fname )
+  ## jtv file now
+  jtv.str <- '<DocumentConfig><UrlExtractor/><ArrayUrlExtractor/><Views><View type="Dendrogram" dock="1"><ColorExtractor contrast="2.0"><ColorSet zero="#FFFFFF" down="#0000FF"/></ColorExtractor><ArrayDrawer/><GlobalXMap current="Fill"><FixedMap type="Fixed"/><FillMap type="Fill"/><NullMap type="Null"/></GlobalXMap><GlobalYMap current="Fill"><FixedMap type="Fixed"/><FillMap type="Fill"/><NullMap type="Null"/></GlobalYMap><ZoomXMap><FixedMap type="Fixed"/><FillMap type="Fill"/><NullMap type="Null"/></ZoomXMap><ZoomYMap><FixedMap type="Fixed"/><FillMap type="Fill"/><NullMap type="Null"/></ZoomYMap><TextView><TextView face="Monospaced" size="14"><GeneSummary/></TextView><TextView face="Monospaced" size="14"><GeneSummary/></TextView><TextView face="Monospaced" size="14"><GeneSummary/></TextView><TextView face="Monospaced" size="14"><GeneSummary/></TextView></TextView><ArrayNameView face="Monospaced" size="14"><ArraySummary included="0"/></ArrayNameView><AtrSummary/><GtrSummary/></View></Views></DocumentConfig>'
+  fname <- paste( treeview.fname.stem, ".jtv", sep="" )
+  cat( jtv.str, file=fname )
+  fnames <- c( fnames, fname )
+  cmd <- paste( "tar -zcf", opt$output.fname, paste( "--directory=", opt$output.report.dir, sep="" ), paste( basename( fnames ), collapse=" " ) )
+  system( cmd )