1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 # To kick off the script, run the following from the python directory:
3 # PYTHONPATH=`pwd` python testdaemon.py start
5 #standard python libs
6 import logging
7 import os
8 import signal
9 import subprocess
10 import sys
11 import time
12 import traceback
13 import xena_utils as xena
15 #third party libs
16 from daemon import runner
17 from lockfile import LockTimeout
20 class App():
22 def __init__(self):
23 xenaBaseDir = xena.baseDir()
24 if not os.path.exists(xenaBaseDir):
25 os.mkdir(xenaBaseDir)
26 self.pidfile_path = xenaBaseDir + "/xena-daemon.pid"
28 self.stdin_path = '/dev/null'
29 self.stdout_path = '/dev/null'
30 self.stderr_path = '/dev/null'
31 self.pidfile_timeout = 5
33 def run(self):
34 while True:
35 #Main code goes here ...
36 #Note that logger level needs to be set to logging.DEBUG before this shows up in the logs
37 xenaCmdline = "java -jar %s -r %s/files -d %s/db -t %s/tmp --logfile %s/xena.log -p %s -H --no-auto"
38 xenaBaseDir = xena.baseDir()
39 xenaCmd = xenaCmdline % (xena.jarPath(), xenaBaseDir,
40 xenaBaseDir, xenaBaseDir,
41 xenaBaseDir, xena.port())
42 logger.debug("Invoking Xena VM with command %s" % (xenaCmd))
43 xenaVm = subprocess.call(xenaCmd, shell=True)
44 logger.info("Starting Xena VM")
45 #logger.warn("Warning message")
46 #logger.error("Error message")
50 def processListeningOnPort(portID):
51 cmd = "lsof -t -i :%s -sTCP:LISTEN" % portID
52 pid = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True).rstrip()
53 return(int(pid))
56 fp = open(sys.argv[2], "w")
58 app = App()
59 logger = logging.getLogger("DaemonLog")
60 logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
61 formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s")
62 handler = logging.FileHandler(xena.baseDir() + "/xena-daemon.log")
63 handler.setFormatter(formatter)
64 logger.addHandler(handler)
66 hostname = subprocess.check_output("hostname -f", shell=True).rstrip()
68 #
69 # Check if there has been a Xena running on this system, and
70 # what its port number is or was.
71 #
72 xenaPort = xena.port()
73 if xenaPort == None:
74 # In this case, no Xena has been running on this sytem.
75 xenaIsRunning = False
76 else:
77 xenaIsRunning = xena.isRunning(xenaPort)
78 #rint "xena running", xenaIsRunning, "port", xenaPort
81 if sys.argv[1] == "status":
82 #
83 # When checking status, if Xena is running, then report that it's running
84 # with hostname and port. If it's not running, then report as such.
85 #
86 if xenaIsRunning:
87 fp.write("Xena VM currently running on %s:%s\n" % (hostname, xenaPort))
88 fp.write("You can add %s:%s to Xena Data Hub\n" % (hostname, xenaPort))
89 else:
90 fp.write("Xena VM is not currently running on %s\n" % (hostname))
92 elif sys.argv[1] == "start":
93 #
94 # When a start command came in, allocate a new port and prepare to start
95 # xena if it's not already running. If it is already running, then
96 # report as such. In either case, close the output file before this
97 # process goes into daemon mode.
98 #
99 if not xenaIsRunning:
100 xenaPort = xena.port(testIfAvailable=True, findNewPort=True)
101 fp.write("Starting Xena VM on %s:%s\n" % (hostname, xenaPort))
102 fp.write("You can add %s:%s to Xena Data Hub\n" % (hostname, xenaPort))
103 else:
104 fp.write("Xena VM already running on %s:%s\n" % (hostname, xenaPort))
105 fp.write("You can add %s:%s to Xena Data Hub\n" % (hostname, xenaPort))
106 fp.close()
108 elif sys.argv[1] == "stop":
109 #
110 # When stopping Xena, if it's currently running, report that Xena
111 # is being terminated and clean up the port. If it's not running,
112 # report as such.
113 #
114 if xenaIsRunning:
115 fp.write("Terminating Xena VM on %s:%s\n" % (hostname, xenaPort))
116 else:
117 fp.write("Xena VM is not currently running on %s\n" % (hostname))
119 else:
120 fp.write(("Error: Unexpected command %s" % sys.argv[1]))
123 #
124 # Here is where the starting and stopping of the Xena daemon takes place.
125 #
126 if sys.argv[1] == "start" or (sys.argv[1] == "stop" and xenaIsRunning):
127 daemon_runner = runner.DaemonRunner(app)
128 # This ensures that the logger file handle does not get closed during daemonization
129 daemon_runner.daemon_context.files_preserve=[handler.stream]
130 try:
131 daemon_runner.do_action()
132 except LockTimeout:
133 # Xena is already running. No need to do anything special, but this
134 # should be separated from the other exceptions.
135 pass
136 except:
137 exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
138 lines = traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)
139 allLines = ''.join('!! ' + line for line in lines)
140 fp.write("Unsuccessful: error %s\n" % allLines)
141 if sys.argv[1] == "stop":
142 #
143 # If the Xena stop command has been issued, then kill the Xena
144 # process.
145 #
146 xenaPid = processListeningOnPort(xenaPort)
147 logger.debug("Attempting to kill process with PID %d" % xenaPid)
148 os.kill(xenaPid, signal.SIGTERM)
149 if sys.argv[1] != "start":
150 fp.close()