2015-09-22 |
jingchunzhu |
2015-09-22 |
jingchunzhu |
accept chr1 and 1
2015-09-18 |
jingchunzhu |
2015-09-18 |
jingchunzhu |
better instructions on browser
2015-09-18 |
jingchunzhu |
merge mutation data conform to new mutationVector data standard
2015-09-18 |
jingchunzhu |
introduce normal_CNV parameter
2015-09-17 |
jingchunzhu |
2015-09-17 |
jingchunzhu |
better handle of input file
2015-09-17 |
jingchunzhu |
better handle of input
2015-08-26 |
jingchunzhu |
2015-08-14 |
jingchunzhu |
multiple files
2015-08-14 |
jingchunzhu |
xena header
2015-08-14 |
jingchunzhu |
parse snpEff output
2015-08-14 |
jingchunzhu |
add snpEff code
2015-08-14 |
jingchunzhu |
start vcfToXena
2015-08-07 |
jingchunzhu |
2015-08-07 |
jingchunzhu |
improve messages
2015-08-06 |
jingchunzhu |
2015-08-06 |
jingchunzhu |
2015-08-01 |
jingchunzhu |
modify help
2015-08-01 |
jingchunzhu |
new tool
2015-07-31 |
jingchunzhu |
2015-07-27 |
melissacline |
Updated synapseGetDataset to look at the filename rather than the (no longer existant) content type field to determine if the data is in zip format
2015-07-27 |
melissacline |
Removing the dependency on synapseclient version, testing that...
2015-07-24 |
jingchunzhu |
2015-07-24 |
jingchunzhu |
remove binary
2015-07-24 |
jingchunzhu |
remove binary file
2015-07-24 |
jingchunzhu |
change segToMatrix.xml location
2015-07-24 |
jingchunzhu |
add seg2matrix tool
2015-07-23 |
melissacline |
Rolling back synapseClient to version 1.0
2015-07-22 |
melissacline |
Rolling the synapseClient dependency back to version 1.1
2015-07-22 |
melissacline |
Rolling back synapseClient to version 1.2
2015-07-22 |
melissacline |
Updating the synapse package version to 1.3
2015-07-20 |
melissacline |
Trying without the install version specification for synapseClient
2015-07-20 |
melissacline |
Fixing another merge conflict
2015-07-20 |
melissacline |
Fixing a merge conflict
2015-07-20 |
melissacline |
Fixed uppercase/lowercase mismatch problem
2015-07-20 |
melissacline |
Rolled the synapseClient dependency back to version 1.0
2015-03-20 |
melissacline |
Merged with head, tweaked labels on merge mutation data tool
2015-03-20 |
melissacline |
Debugged the merge mutation data tool
2015-03-20 |
melissacline |
2015-03-20 |
melissacline |
2015-03-20 |
melissacline |
Cleaned up the output dataset names for Merge Genomic Datasets
2015-03-11 |
melissacline |
Trying to get out of merge hell
2015-03-11 |
melissacline |
Trying one more thing for synapse versioning
2015-03-11 |
melissacline |
Committing changes that hadn't made it in yet, merge hell
2015-03-11 |
melissacline |
Setting the explicing synapse client version to 1.2
2015-03-11 |
melissacline |
Trying again to commit missing changes...
2015-03-11 |
melissacline |
Experimenting with no version info in the tool dependencies
2015-03-11 |
melissacline |
Removed an extraneous line of code from the last revision
2015-03-11 |
melissacline |
Updated the synapseclient version number
2015-03-10 |
melissacline |
When opening files for reading, changed the open() mode from 'r' to 'U' to accommodate non-unix systems
2015-03-10 |
melissacline |
Expanded the functionality of the merge genomic datasets tool, to generate an output dataset with the file (or label) indicating where each column came from
2015-02-12 |
melissacline |
2015-02-12 |
melissacline |
2015-02-12 |
melissacline |
Added a proper first line
2015-02-12 |
melissacline |
Creating a tool to merge genomic datasets
2015-01-28 |
melissacline |
Trying one more time to get this push to happen...
2015-01-28 |
melissacline |
Updated synapseGetDataset.py to automatically unzip if the file downloaded is a zip archive.
2015-01-14 |
melissacline |