diff vcf.py @ 0:60efb9214eaa

author melissacline
date Wed, 14 Jan 2015 13:54:03 -0500
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vcf.py	Wed Jan 14 13:54:03 2015 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+'''A VCFv4.0 parser for Python.
+The intent of this module is to mimic the ``csv`` module in the Python stdlib,
+as opposed to more flexible serialization formats like JSON or YAML.  ``vcf``
+will attempt to parse the content of each record based on the data types
+specified in the meta-information lines --  specifically the ##INFO and
+##FORMAT lines.  If these lines are missing or incomplete, it will check
+against the reserved types mentioned in the spec.  Failing that, it will just
+return strings.
+There is currently one piece of interface: ``VCFReader``.  It takes a file-like
+object and acts as a reader::
+    >>> import vcf
+    >>> vcf_reader = vcf.VCFReader(open('example.vcf', 'rb'))
+    >>> for record in vcf_reader:
+    ...     print record
+    Record(CHROM='20', POS=14370, ID='rs6054257', REF='G', ALT=['A'], QUAL=29,
+    FILTER='PASS', INFO={'H2': True, 'NS': 3, 'DB': True, 'DP': 14, 'AF': [0.5]
+    }, FORMAT='GT:GQ:DP:HQ', samples=[{'GT': '0', 'HQ': [58, 50], 'DP': 3, 'GQ'
+    : 49, 'name': 'NA00001'}, {'GT': '0', 'HQ': [65, 3], 'DP': 5, 'GQ': 3, 'nam
+    e' : 'NA00002'}, {'GT': '0', 'DP': 3, 'GQ': 41, 'name': 'NA00003'}])
+This produces a great deal of information, but it is conveniently accessed.
+The attributes of a Record are the 8 fixed fields from the VCF spec plus two
+more.  That is:
+    * ``Record.CHROM``
+    * ``Record.POS``
+    * ``Record.ID``
+    * ``Record.REF``
+    * ``Record.ALT``
+    * ``Record.QUAL``
+    * ``Record.FILTER``
+    * ``Record.INFO``
+plus two more attributes to handle genotype information:
+    * ``Record.FORMAT``
+    * ``Record.samples``
+``samples``, not being the title of any column, is left lowercase.  The format
+of the fixed fields is from the spec.  Comma-separated lists in the VCF are
+converted to lists.  In particular, one-entry VCF lists are converted to
+one-entry Python lists (see, e.g., ``Record.ALT``).  Semicolon-delimited lists
+of key=value pairs are converted to Python dictionaries, with flags being given
+a ``True`` value. Integers and floats are handled exactly as you'd expect::
+    >>> record = vcf_reader.next()
+    >>> print record.POS
+    17330
+    >>> print record.ALT
+    ['A']
+    >>> print record.INFO['AF']
+    [0.017]
+``record.FORMAT`` will be a string specifying the format of the genotype
+fields.  In case the FORMAT column does not exist, ``record.FORMAT`` is
+``None``.  Finally, ``record.samples`` is a list of dictionaries containing the
+parsed sample column::
+    >>> record = vcf_reader.next()
+    >>> for sample in record.samples:
+    ...     print sample['GT']
+    '1|2'
+    '2|1'
+    '2/2'
+Metadata regarding the VCF file itself can be investigated through the
+following attributes:
+    * ``VCFReader.metadata``
+    * ``VCFReader.infos``
+    * ``VCFReader.filters``
+    * ``VCFReader.formats``
+    * ``VCFReader.samples``
+For example::
+    >>> vcf_reader.metadata['fileDate']
+    20090805
+    >>> vcf_reader.samples
+    ['NA00001', 'NA00002', 'NA00003']
+    >>> vcf_reader.filters
+    {'q10': Filter(id='q10', desc='Quality below 10'),
+    's50': Filter(id='s50', desc='Less than 50% of samples have data')}
+    >>> vcf_reader.infos['AA'].desc
+    Ancestral Allele
+import collections
+import re
+# Metadata parsers/constants
+    'AA': 'String', 'AC': 'Integer', 'AF': 'Float', 'AN': 'Integer',
+    'BQ': 'Float', 'CIGAR': 'String', 'DB': 'Flag', 'DP': 'Integer',
+    'END': 'Integer', 'H2': 'Flag', 'MQ': 'Float', 'MQ0': 'Integer',
+    'NS': 'Integer', 'SB': 'String', 'SOMATIC': 'Flag', 'VALIDATED': 'Flag'
+    'GT': 'String', 'DP': 'Integer', 'FT': 'String', 'GL': 'Float',
+    'GQ': 'Float', 'HQ': 'Float'
+_Info = collections.namedtuple('Info', ['id', 'num', 'type', 'desc'])
+_Filter = collections.namedtuple('Filter', ['id', 'desc'])
+_Format = collections.namedtuple('Format', ['id', 'num', 'type', 'desc'])
+class _vcf_metadata_parser(object):
+    '''Parse the metadat in the header of a VCF file.'''
+    def __init__(self, aggressive=False):
+        super(_vcf_metadata_parser, self).__init__()
+        self.aggro = aggressive
+        self.info_pattern = re.compile(r'''\#\#INFO=<
+            ID=(?P<id>[^,]+),
+            Number=(?P<number>\d+|\.|[AG]),
+            Type=(?P<type>Integer|Float|Flag|Character|String),
+            Description="(?P<desc>[^"]*)"
+            >''', re.VERBOSE)
+        self.filter_pattern = re.compile(r'''\#\#FILTER=<
+            ID=(?P<id>[^,]+),
+            Description="(?P<desc>[^"]*)"
+            >''', re.VERBOSE)
+        self.format_pattern = re.compile(r'''\#\#FORMAT=<
+            ID=(?P<id>.+),
+            Number=(?P<number>\d+|\.|[AG]),
+            Type=(?P<type>.+),
+            Description="(?P<desc>.*)"
+            >''', re.VERBOSE)
+        self.meta_pattern = re.compile(r'''##(?P<key>.+)=(?P<val>.+)''')
+    def read_info(self, info_string):
+        '''Read a meta-information INFO line.'''
+        match = self.info_pattern.match(info_string)
+        if not match:
+            raise SyntaxError(
+                "One of the INFO lines is malformed: {}".format(info_string))
+        try:
+            num = int(match.group('number'))
+        except ValueError:
+            num = None if self.aggro else '.'
+        info = _Info(match.group('id'), num,
+                     match.group('type'), match.group('desc'))
+        return (match.group('id'), info)
+    def read_filter(self, filter_string):
+        '''Read a meta-information FILTER line.'''
+        match = self.filter_pattern.match(filter_string)
+        if not match:
+            raise SyntaxError(
+                "One of the FILTER lines is malformed: {}".format(
+                    filter_string))
+        filt = _Filter(match.group('id'), match.group('desc'))
+        return (match.group('id'), filt)
+    def read_format(self, format_string):
+        '''Read a meta-information FORMAT line.'''
+        match = self.format_pattern.match(format_string)
+        if not match:
+            raise SyntaxError(
+                "One of the FORMAT lines is malformed: {}".format(
+                    format_string))
+        try:
+            num = int(match.group('number'))
+        except ValueError:
+            num = None if self.aggro else '.'
+        form = _Format(match.group('id'), num,
+                       match.group('type'), match.group('desc'))
+        return (match.group('id'), form)
+    def read_meta(self, meta_string):
+        match = self.meta_pattern.match(meta_string)
+        return match.group('key'), match.group('val')
+# Reader class
+class _meta_info(object):
+    '''Decorator for a property stored in the header info.'''
+    def __init__(self, func):
+        self.func = func
+    def __call__(self, fself):
+        if getattr(fself, "_%s" % self.func.__name__) is None:
+            fself._parse_metainfo()
+        return self.func(fself)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        '''Return the function's docstring.'''
+        return self.func.__doc__
+    def __doc__(self):
+        '''Return the function's docstring.'''
+        return self.func.__doc__
+_Record = collections.namedtuple('Record', [
+    'CHROM', 'POS', 'ID', 'REF', 'ALT', 'QUAL', 'FILTER', 'INFO', 'FORMAT',
+    'samples'
+class VCFReader(object):
+    '''Read and parse a VCF v 4.0 file'''
+    def __init__(self, fsock, aggressive=False):
+        super(VCFReader, self).__init__()
+        self.aggro = aggressive
+        self._metadata = None
+        self._infos = None
+        self._filters = None
+        self._formats = None
+        self._samples = None
+        self.reader = fsock
+        if aggressive:
+            self._mapper = self._none_map
+        else:
+            self._mapper = self._pass_map
+    def __iter__(self):
+        return self
+    @property
+    @_meta_info
+    def metadata(self):
+        '''Return the information from lines starting "##"'''
+        return self._metadata
+    @property
+    @_meta_info
+    def infos(self):
+        '''Return the information from lines starting "##INFO"'''
+        return self._infos
+    @property
+    @_meta_info
+    def filters(self):
+        '''Return the information from lines starting "##FILTER"'''
+        return self._filters
+    @property
+    @_meta_info
+    def formats(self):
+        '''Return the information from lines starting "##FORMAT"'''
+        return self._formats
+    @property
+    @_meta_info
+    def samples(self):
+        '''Return the names of the genotype fields.'''
+        return self._samples
+    def _parse_metainfo(self):
+        '''Parse the information stored in the metainfo of the VCF.
+        The end user shouldn't have to use this.  She can access the metainfo
+        directly with ``self.metadata``.'''
+        for attr in ('_metadata', '_infos', '_filters', '_formats'):
+            setattr(self, attr, {})
+        parser = _vcf_metadata_parser()
+        line = self.reader.next()
+        while line.startswith('##'):
+            line = line.strip()
+            if line.startswith('##INFO'):
+                key, val = parser.read_info(line)
+                self._infos[key] = val
+            elif line.startswith('##FILTER'):
+                key, val = parser.read_filter(line)
+                self._filters[key] = val
+            elif line.startswith('##FORMAT'):
+                key, val = parser.read_format(line)
+                self._formats[key] = val
+            else:
+                key, val = parser.read_meta(line.strip())
+                self._metadata[key] = val
+            line = self.reader.next()
+        fields = line.split()
+        self._samples = fields[9:]
+    def _none_map(self, func, iterable, bad='.'):
+        '''``map``, but make bad values None.'''
+        return [func(x) if x != bad else None
+                for x in iterable]
+    def _pass_map(self, func, iterable, bad='.'):
+        '''``map``, but make bad values None.'''
+        return [func(x) if x != bad else bad
+                for x in iterable]
+    def _parse_info(self, info_str):
+        '''Parse the INFO field of a VCF entry into a dictionary of Python
+        types.
+        '''
+        entries = info_str.split(';')
+        retdict = {}
+        for entry in entries:
+            entry = entry.split('=')
+            ID = entry[0]
+            try:
+                entry_type = self.infos[ID].type
+            except KeyError:
+                try:
+                    entry_type = RESERVED_INFO[ID]
+                except KeyError:
+                    if entry[1:]:
+                        entry_type = 'String'
+                    else:
+                        entry_type = 'Flag'
+            if entry_type == 'Integer':
+                vals = entry[1].split(',')
+                val = self._mapper(int, vals)
+            elif entry_type == 'Float':
+                vals = entry[1].split(',')
+                val = self._mapper(float, vals)
+            elif entry_type == 'Flag':
+                val = True
+            elif entry_type == 'String':
+                val = entry[1]
+            try:
+                if self.infos[ID].num == 1:
+                    val = val[0]
+            except KeyError:
+                pass
+            retdict[ID] = val
+        return retdict
+    def _parse_samples(self, samples, samp_fmt):
+        '''Parse a sample entry according to the format specified in the FORMAT
+        column.'''
+        samp_data = []
+        samp_fmt = samp_fmt.split(':')
+        for sample in samples:
+            sampdict = dict(zip(samp_fmt, sample.split(':')))
+            for fmt in sampdict:
+                vals = sampdict[fmt].split(',')
+                try:
+                    entry_type = self.formats[fmt].type
+                except KeyError:
+                    try:
+                        entry_type = RESERVED_FORMAT[fmt]
+                    except KeyError:
+                        entry_type = 'String'
+                if entry_type == 'Integer':
+                    sampdict[fmt] = self._mapper(int, vals)
+                elif entry_type == 'Float' or entry_type == 'Numeric':
+                    sampdict[fmt] = self._mapper(float, vals)
+                elif sampdict[fmt] == './.' and self.aggro:
+                    sampdict[fmt] = None
+            samp_data.append(sampdict)
+        for name, data in zip(self.samples, samp_data):
+            data['name'] = name
+        return samp_data
+    def next(self):
+        '''Return the next record in the file.'''
+        if self._samples is None:
+            self._parse_metainfo()
+        row = self.reader.next().split()
+        chrom = row[0]
+        pos = int(row[1])
+        if row[2] != '.':
+            ID = row[2]
+        else:
+            ID = None if self.aggro else row[2]
+        ref = row[3]
+        alt = self._mapper(str, row[4].split(','))
+        qual = float(row[5]) if '.' in row[5] else int(row[5])
+        filt = row[6].split(';') if ';' in row[6] else row[6]
+        if filt == 'PASS' and self.aggro:
+            filt = None
+        info = self._parse_info(row[7])
+        try:
+            fmt = row[8]
+        except IndexError:
+            fmt = None
+            samples = None
+        else:
+            samples = self._parse_samples(row[9:], fmt)
+        record = _Record(chrom, pos, ID, ref, alt, qual, filt, info, fmt,
+                         samples)
+        return record
+def main():
+    '''Parse the example VCF file from the specification and print every
+    record.'''
+    import contextlib
+    import StringIO
+    import textwrap
+    buff = '''\
+        ##fileformat=VCFv4.0
+        ##fileDate=20090805
+        ##source=myImputationProgramV3.1
+        ##reference=1000GenomesPilot-NCBI36
+        ##phasing=partial
+        ##INFO=<ID=NS,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Number of Samples With Data">
+        ##INFO=<ID=DP,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Total Depth">
+        ##INFO=<ID=AF,Number=.,Type=Float,Description="Allele Frequency">
+        ##INFO=<ID=AA,Number=1,Type=String,Description="Ancestral Allele">
+        ##INFO=<ID=DB,Number=0,Type=Flag,Description="dbSNP membership, build 129">
+        ##INFO=<ID=H2,Number=0,Type=Flag,Description="HapMap2 membership">
+        ##INFO=<ID=AC,Number=A,Type=Integer,Description="Total number of alternate alleles in called genotypes">
+        ##FILTER=<ID=q10,Description="Quality below 10">
+        ##FILTER=<ID=s50,Description="Less than 50% of samples have data">
+        ##FORMAT=<ID=GT,Number=1,Type=String,Description="Genotype">
+        ##FORMAT=<ID=GQ,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Genotype Quality">
+        ##FORMAT=<ID=DP,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Read Depth">
+        ##FORMAT=<ID=HQ,Number=2,Type=Integer,Description="Haplotype Quality">
+        #CHROM\tPOS\tID\tREF\tALT\tQUAL\tFILTER\tINFO\tFORMAT\tNA00001\tNA00002\tNA00003
+        20\t14370\trs6054257\tG\tA\t29\tPASS\tNS=3;DP=14;AF=0.5;DB;H2\tGT:GQ:DP:HQ\t0|0:48:1:51,51\t1|0:48:8:51,51\t1/1:43:5:.,.
+        20\t17330\t.\tT\tA\t3\tq10\tNS=3;DP=11;AF=0.017\tGT:GQ:DP:HQ\t0|0:49:3:58,50\t0|1:3:5:65,3\t0/0:41:3
+        20\t1110696\trs6040355\tA\tG,T\t67\tPASS\tNS=2;DP=10;AF=0.333,0.667;AA=T;DB\tGT:GQ:DP:HQ\t1|2:21:6:23,27\t2|1:2:0:18,2\t2/2:35:4
+        20\t1230237\t.\tT\t.\t47\tPASS\tNS=3;DP=13;AA=T\tGT:GQ:DP:HQ\t0|0:54:7:56,60\t0|0:48:4:51,51\t0/0:61:2
+        20\t1234567\tmicrosat1\tGTCT\tG,GTACT\t50\tPASS\tNS=3;DP=9;AA=G\tGT:GQ:DP\t./.:35:4\t0/2:17:2\t1/1:40:3
+        '''
+    with contextlib.closing(StringIO.StringIO(textwrap.dedent(buff))) as sock:
+        vcf_file = VCFReader(sock, aggressive=True)
+        for record in vcf_file:
+            print record
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()