diff data2.R @ 0:56d5be6c03b9 draft

planemo upload for repository https://github.com/bernt-matthias/mb-galaxy-tools/tree/topic/dada2/tools/dada2 commit d63c84012410608b3b5d23e130f0beff475ce1f8-dirty
author matthias
date Fri, 08 Mar 2019 06:30:11 -0500
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/data2.R	Fri Mar 08 06:30:11 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+# library(DBI)
+# library(ggplot2)
+# library(RSQLite)
+# library(stringr)
+## source required R functions
+# print dada2 version
+print(paste("dada2 version: ", packageVersion("dada2")))
+# # R function to create fasta file from dada2 output data
+# outdir is directory to output fasta file
+# taxa is taxonomy file generated by dada2
+# prefix is string for desired prefix attached to output file names
+dada2fasta <- function(outdir, seqtab.nochim, prefix){
+  seq <- colnames(seqtab.nochim)
+  n <- 0
+  ASVs <- c()
+  for(i in seq){
+    n <- n + 1
+    ASV <- paste('ASV', as.character(n), sep = '_')
+    ASVs <- c(ASVs, ASV)
+    line1 <- paste('>',ASV,sep='')
+    write(line1, file.path(outdir,sprintf('%s.fasta',prefix)), append=T)
+    write(i, file.path(outdir,sprintf('%s.fasta',prefix)), append=T)
+  }
+  return(ASVs)
+# # R DADA2 workflow
+# wd is path to fastq files
+# r_path is path to user_input_functions.R
+# outdir is path to output directory 
+# prefix is string for desired prefix attached to output file names
+dada2run <- function(wd, r_path, outdir, prefix){
+  # read-in files-------------------------------------------------------
+  ## obtain vectors of forward and reverse reads based on 'R1' and 'R2' in file names
+  ## additionally obtain the coressponding sample names for these files
+  p1 <- c()
+  p2 <- c()
+  sample.names <- c()
+  for(f in list.files(wd, full.names=T)){
+    if(grepl('_1.fq', f)){
+      sample <- gsub('^.*[/](.*?)_1\\.fq\\.gz', '\\1', f)
+      sample.names <- c(sample.names, sample)
+      p1 <- c(p1, f)
+    }
+    if(grepl('_2.fq', f)){
+      p2 <- c(p2, f)
+    }
+  }
+  fnFs <- sort(p1)
+  fnRs <- sort(p2)
+  sample.names <- sort(sample.names)
+  save(list = ls(all.names = TRUE), file = file.path(outdir, paste0(prefix, 'state_test.Rdata')))
+  #load(file = file.path(outdir, paste0(prefix, 'state_test.Rdata')))
+  ## print for review
+  to_view <- data.frame(sample.names, fnFs, fnRs)
+  cat("The following fastq files were found:\n")
+  print(to_view)
+  # Perform quality filtering and trimming---------------------------------
+  ## assign new names to samples
+  filtFs <- file.path(outdir, paste0(sample.names, 'F_filt.fastq.gz'))
+  filtRs <- file.path(outdir, paste0(sample.names, 'R_filt.fastq.gz'))
+  ## plot forward and reverse quality so that user can decide on filtering parameters
+  cat('Plotting quality profile of forward reads...\n')
+  Fqp1 <- plotQualityProfile(fnFs[1])
+  #print(Fqp1)
+  ggsave(sprintf('%s_forward_1_qualityprofile.pdf',prefix), Fqp1, path = outdir, width = 20,height = 15,units = c("cm"))
+  #ggsave(sprintf('%s_forward_1_qualityprofile.emf',prefix), Fqp1, path = outdir, width = 20,height = 15,units = c("cm"))
+  Fqp2 <- plotQualityProfile(fnFs[2])
+  #print(Fqp2)
+  ggsave(sprintf('%s_forward_2_qualityprofile.pdf',prefix),Fqp2, path = outdir, width = 20,height = 15,units = c("cm"))
+  #ggsave(sprintf('%s_forward_2_qualityprofile.emf',prefix), Fqp2, path = outdir, width = 20,height = 15,units = c("cm"))
+  #cat('Which position would you like to truncate the forward reads at?\nPlease use the red-dashed lines as a guide, where they stop appearing indicates good quality.\nNOTE: Do NOT over-trim! You still require overlap between your forward and reverse reads in order to merge them later!\n')
+  len1 <- 240
+  cat('Plotting quality profile of reverse reads...\n')
+  Rqp1 <- plotQualityProfile(fnRs[1])
+  #print(Rqp1)
+  ggsave(sprintf('%s_reverse_1_qualityprofile.pdf',prefix),Rqp1, path = outdir, width = 20,height = 15,units = c("cm"))
+  #ggsave(sprintf('%s_reverse_1_qualityprofile.emf',prefix), Rqp1, path = outdir, width = 20,height = 15,units = c("cm"))
+  Rqp2 <- plotQualityProfile(fnRs[2])
+  #print(Rqp2)
+  ggsave(sprintf('%s_reverse_2_qualityprofile.pdf',prefix), Rqp2, path = outdir, width = 20,height = 15,units = c("cm"))
+  #ggsave(sprintf('%s_reverse_2_qualityprofile.emf',prefix), Rqp2, path = outdir, width = 20,height = 15,units = c("cm"))
+  #cat('Which position would you like to truncate the forward reads at?\nPlease use the red-dashed lines as a guide, where they stop appearing indicates good quality.\nNOTE: Do NOT over-trim! You still require overlap between your forward and reverse reads in order to merge them later!\n')
+  len2 <- 240
+  ## filter and trim
+  ## remaining parameters set to recommended defaults
+  ## maxN must be set to 0 (DADA2 requries no Ns)
+  ## The maxEE parameter sets the maximum number of "expected errors" allowed in a read, which is a better filter than simply averaging quality scores.
+  ## If not using Windows, you may set multithread to TRUE
+  ## NOTE: Do not use the truncLen parameter for ITS sequencing
+  ## trimLeft needs to be varied based on the size of your primers (i.e. it is used to trim your primer sequences)!! 
+  cat('Filtering and trimming sequences...\n')
+  out <- filterAndTrim(fnFs, filtFs, fnRs, filtRs, truncLen=c(len1,len2), maxN=0, maxEE=c(2,2), truncQ=2, rm.phix=T, compress=T, multithread=threads, trimLeft=15)
+  ## have user review read count changes, and relax error rate if too many reads are lost
+  ## for example, you may especially want to relax the number of expected errors on the reverse reads (i.e. maxEE=c(2,5)), as the reverse is prone to error on the Illumina sequencing platform
+  print(head(out))
+  check2 <- T
+  while(check2 == F){
+    maxF <- numeric_input("What would you like the maximum number of expected errors in the forward reads to be?\nDefault 2:", 2)
+    maxR <- numeric_input("What would you like the maximum number of expected errors in the reverse reads to be?\nDefault 5:", 5)
+    out <- filterAndTrim(fnFs, filtFs, fnRs, filtRs, truncLen=c(len1,len2), maxN=0, maxEE=c(maxF,maxR), truncQ=2, rm.phix=T, compress=T, multithread=threads)
+    print(head(out))
+    check2 <- yn_input('Proceed? If you lost too many reads, you can choose to not proceed and you will have the option to relax the error rate. Default yes:',T)
+  }
+  # Have DADA2 learn the error rates-----------------------------------------------
+  ## If not using Windows, you may set multithread to TRUE
+  read.subset <- 1e6
+  cat('Learning error rate of forward reads...\n')
+  errF <- learnErrors(filtFs, nreads=read.subset, multithread=threads)
+  ## have user check estimated error rates
+  ## note the calculations are done with a subset of the total reads, as it is computationally intensive
+  ## if the fit is poor, the user has the option to try again with an increased subset number of reads
+  Error_f <- plotErrors(errF, nominalQ = T)
+  #print(Error_f)
+  ggsave(sprintf('%s_forward_Error_plot.pdf',prefix), Error_f, path = outdir, width = 20,height = 15,units = c("cm"))
+  #ggsave(sprintf('%s_forward_Error_plot.emf',prefix), Error_f, path = outdir, width = 20,height = 15,units = c("cm"))
+  check3a <- T
+  while(check3a == F){
+    read.subset <- numeric_input('Please specify the number of reads you would like dada2 to utilize to calculate the error rate.\nThe default previously used was 1e6.\nThe newly recommended default is 10-fold greater,\n1e7:',1e7)
+    errF <- learnErrors(filtFs, nreads=read.subset, multithread=threads)
+    print(Error_f)
+    ggsave(sprintf('%s_forward_Error_plot.pdf',prefix), path = outdir, width = 20,height = 15,units = c("cm"))
+    ggsave(sprintf('%s_forward_Error_plot.emf',prefix), path = outdir, width = 20,height = 15,units = c("cm"))
+    check3a <- yn_input('Proceed?\nThe estimated error rate (black line) should fit to the observed error rates for each consensus quality score (black points).\nAdditionally, the error rates expected under the nominal definition of the Q-value (quality score) should decrease as the quality score increases (or flat-line).\nIf you do not have a good fit, you may want dada2 to re-learn the error rates with a higher number of reads in the utilized subset.\nA subset of reads is always used as the algorithm is computationally intensive.\nDefault yes:',T)
+  }
+  ## also do for reverseL
+  cat('Learning error rate of reverse reads...\n')
+  errR <- learnErrors(filtRs, nreads=read.subset, multithread=threads)
+  Error_r <- plotErrors(errR, nominalQ=T)
+  #print(Error_r)
+  ggsave(sprintf('%s_reverse_Error_plot.pdf',prefix), Error_r, path = outdir, width = 20,height = 15,units = c("cm"))
+  #ggsave(sprintf('%s_reverse_Error_plot.emf',prefix), Error_r, path = outdir, width = 20,height = 15,units = c("cm"))
+  check3b <- T
+  while(check3b == F){
+    read.subset <- numeric_input('Please specify the number of reads you would like dada2 to utilize to calculate the error rate.\nThe default previously used was 1e6.\nThe newly recommended default is 10-fold greater,\n1e7:',1e7)
+    errR <- learnErrors(filtRs, nreads=read.subset, multithread=threads)
+    print(Error_r)
+    ggsave(sprintf('%s_reverse_Error_plot.pdf',prefix), path = outdir, width = 20,height = 15,units = c("cm"))
+    #ggsave(sprintf('%s_reverse_Error_plot.emf',prefix), path = outdir, width = 20,height = 15,units = c("cm"))
+    check3b <- yn_input('Proceed?\nThe estimated error rate (black line) should fit to the observed error rates for each consensus quality score (black points).\nAdditionally, the error rates expected under the nominal definition of the Q-value (quality score) should decrease as the quality score increases (or flat-line).\nIf you do not have a good fit, you may want dada2 to re-learn the error rates with a higher number of reads in the utilized subset.\nA subset of reads is always used as the algorithm is computationally intensive.\nDefault yes:',T)
+  }
+  save(list = ls(all.names = TRUE), file = file.path(outdir, paste0(prefix, 'state_post_learning.Rdata')))
+  #load(file = file.path(outdir, paste0(prefix, 'state_post_learning.Rdata')))
+  # Dereplicate sequences to generate unique sequence fastq files with corresponding count tables-------------------------
+  ## NOTE: if your dataset is huge, you may run out of RAM. Please see https://benjjneb.github.io/dada2/bigdata.html for details.
+  cat('Dereplicating forward reads...\n')
+  derepFs <- derepFastq(filtFs, verbose=T)
+  cat('Dereplicating reverse reads...\n')
+  derepRs <- derepFastq(filtRs, verbose=T)
+  ## name the derep-class objects by sample names
+  names(derepFs) <- sample.names
+  names(derepRs) <- sample.names
+  save(list = ls(all.names = TRUE), file = file.path(outdir, paste0(prefix, 'state_post_derep.Rdata')))
+  #load(file = file.path(outdir, paste0(prefix, 'state_post_derep.Rdata')))
+  # Infer sequence variants using learned error rates---------------------------------
+  ## If not using Windows, you may set multithread to TRUE
+  ## NOTE: if your dataset is huge, you may run out of RAM. Please see https://benjjneb.github.io/dada2/bigdata.html for details.
+  ## NOTE2: you can use DADA2 for 454 or IonTorrent data as well. Please see https://benjjneb.github.io/dada2/tutorial.html.
+  s.pool = F
+  cat('Inferring sequence variants of forward reads...\n')
+  dadaFs <- dada(derepFs, err=errF, pool=s.pool, multithread=threads)
+  ## have user inspect detected number of sequence variants, to ensure it is logical based on the biological context of their samples
+  ## if you have low sampling depths, you may not want to process each sample independently as per default, but set pool=T. It gives better results at increased computation time. The user will have the option to do this if the number of sequence variants doesn't make sense.
+  print(dadaFs[[1]])
+  check4 <- T
+  if(check4 == F){
+    s.pool = T
+    dadaFs <- dada(derepFs, err=errF, pool=s.pool, multithread=threads)
+    print(dadaFs[[1]])
+    cat('Hopefully, these results make more sense.\nOtherwise, there is not much more you can do except start over!\n')
+    check <- yn_input('Proceed? Default yes, no to quit:',T)
+    if(check == F){
+      stop()
+    }
+  }
+  ## also do for reverse, but don't need to re-check as you need to keep the pool consistent between the forward and reverse!
+  cat('Inferring sequence variants of reversed reads...\n')
+  dadaRs <- dada(derepRs, err=errR, pool=s.pool, multithread=threads)
+  save(list = ls(all.names = TRUE), file = file.path(outdir, paste0(prefix, 'state_post_dada.Rdata')))
+  #load(file = file.path(outdir, paste0(prefix, 'state_post_dada.Rdata')))
+  # Merge forward and reverse reads-------------------------------------------------
+  cat('Merging paired-end reads...\n')
+  mergers <- mergePairs(dadaFs, derepFs, dadaRs, derepRs, verbose=T)
+  #cat('Most of your reads should have been retained (i.e. were able to merge, see above).\nOtherwise, there is not much more you can do except start over (i.e. did you over-trim your sequences??)!\n')
+  check <- T
+  if(check == F){
+    stop()
+  }
+  # Construct sequences table-------------------------------------------------------
+  cat('Constructing sequence table...\n')
+  seqtab <- makeSequenceTable(mergers)
+  save(list = ls(all.names = TRUE), file = file.path(outdir, paste0(prefix, 'state_post_merge.Rdata')))
+  #load(file = file.path(outdir, paste0(prefix, 'state_post_merge.Rdata')))
+  ## inspect distribution of sequence lengths
+  ## give user the option to filter out overly long or short sequneces
+  cat('Sequence length distribution listed below:\n')
+  print(table(nchar(getSequences(seqtab))))
+  check5 <- T
+  if(check5 == F){
+    min.cutoff <- numeric_input('Please input desired minimum length of sequences:',NULL)
+    max.cutoff <- numeric_input('Please input desired maximum length of sequences:',NULL)
+    seqtab <- seqtab[,nchar(colnames(seqtab)) %in% seq(min.cutoff,max.cutoff)]
+  }
+  # Remove chimeras------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ## If not using Windows, you may set multithread to TRUE
+  cat('Removing chimeras...\n')
+  seqtab.nochim <- removeBimeraDenovo(seqtab, method='consensus', multithread=threads, verbose=T)
+  ## display percentage of chimeras removed
+  ## this number should be small (<5%), otherwise some processing parameters need to be revisited
+  percent.nochim <- (sum(seqtab.nochim)/sum(seqtab))*100
+  percent.nochim <- paste(as.character(percent.nochim),'of reads retained after chimera removal.\n',sep=' ')
+  cat(percent.nochim)
+  #cat('Most of your reads should have been retained.\nOtherwise, there is not much more you can do except start over!\n')
+  check <- T
+  if(check == F){
+    stop()
+  }
+  # Final sanity check--------------------------------------------------------------
+  ## track reads removed throughout the pipeline
+  ## If processing a single sample, remove the sapply calls: e.g. replace sapply(dadaFs, getN) with getN(dadaFs)
+  getN <- function(x) sum(getUniques(x))
+  track <- cbind(out, sapply(dadaFs, getN), sapply(mergers, getN), rowSums(seqtab), rowSums(seqtab.nochim))
+  colnames(track) <- c("input", "filtered", "denoised", "merged", "tabled", "nonchim")
+  rownames(track) <- sample.names
+  print(head(track))
+  #cat('Most of your reads should have been retained.\nOtherwise, there is not much more you can do except start over!\n')
+  check <- T
+  if(check == F){
+    stop()
+  }
+  write.csv(track,file=file.path(outdir, sprintf('%s_read_count-quality_control.csv',prefix)))
+  save(list = ls(all.names = TRUE), file = file.path(outdir, paste0(prefix, 'state_post_chimera.Rdata')))
+#   load(file = file.path(outdir, paste0(prefix, 'state_post_chimera.Rdata')))
+  # Assign taxonomy-----------------------------------------------------------------
+  ## require silva database files
+  ## If not using Windows, you may set multithread to TRUE
+  ## Minimum boot strap should be 80, but for sequnce length =< 250 Minimum bootstrap set to 50 (which is also the default)
+  ## SILVA
+  cat('Assigning taxonomy to genus level using SILVA...\n')
+  taxa_silva <- assignTaxonomy(seqtab.nochim, file.path(wd,"silva_nr_v132_train_set.fa.gz"), multithread=threads, minBoot=80, tryRC=T)
+  cat('Assigning taxonomy at species level using SILVA...\n')
+  taxa_silva <- addSpecies(taxa_silva, file.path(wd,"silva_species_assignment_v132.fa.gz"), allowMultiple=T, tryRC=T)
+  write.csv(taxa_silva,file=file.path(outdir, sprintf('%s_taxonomy_silva.csv',prefix)))
+  ## RDP - used for copy number correction
+  cat('Assigning taxonomy to genus level using RDP...\n')
+  taxa_rdp <- assignTaxonomy(seqtab.nochim, file.path(wd,"rdp_train_set_16.fa.gz"), multithread=threads, minBoot=80, tryRC=T)
+  cat('Assigning taxonomy at species level using RDP...\n')
+  taxa_rdp <- addSpecies(taxa_rdp, file.path(wd,"rdp_species_assignment_16.fa.gz"), allowMultiple=T, tryRC=T)
+  write.csv(taxa_rdp,file=file.path(outdir, sprintf('%s_taxonomy_rdp.csv',prefix)))
+  save(list = ls(all.names = TRUE), file = file.path(outdir, paste0(prefix, 'state_post_tax.Rdata')))
+  #load(file = file.path(outdir, paste0(prefix, 'state_post_tax.Rdata')))
+  # Return data----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  cat('Returning data...\n')
+  ## create fasta file
+  ASVs <- dada2fasta(outdir, seqtab.nochim, prefix)
+  ## create master dataframe for each classification
+  ## Assigning ASVs to count table
+  sequences <- colnames(seqtab.nochim)
+  colnames(seqtab.nochim) <- ASVs
+  seqtab.nochim <- t(seqtab.nochim)
+  ## silva
+  taxa_silva <- taxa_silva[match(sequences, rownames(taxa_silva)),]
+  rownames(taxa_silva) <- ASVs
+  d <- merge(seqtab.nochim, taxa_silva, by='row.names')
+  colnames(d)[1] <- 'ASV'
+  ## create database of all information
+  db <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), file.path(outdir, sprintf('%s.sqlite',prefix)))
+  dbWriteTable(db, 'dada2_results_silva', d)
+  ## write master dataframe for user, and return it
+  write.table(d, file.path(outdir, sprintf('%s_dada2_results_silva.txt',prefix)), sep='\t', quote=F, row.names=F)
+  ## rdp
+  taxa_rdp <- taxa_rdp[match(sequences, rownames(taxa_rdp)),]
+  rownames(taxa_rdp) <- ASVs
+  d <- merge(seqtab.nochim, taxa_rdp, by='row.names')
+  colnames(d)[1] <- 'ASV'
+  ## create database of all information
+  dbWriteTable(db, 'dada2_results_rdp', d)
+  dbDisconnect(db)
+  ## write master dataframe for user, and return it
+  write.table(d, file.path(outdir, sprintf('%s_dada2_results_rdp.txt',prefix)), sep='\t', quote=F, row.names=F)
+  return(d)
+  cat('DADA2 processing completed!\n')
+option_list = list(
+  make_option(c("-t", "--threads"), type = "integer", default = 1,
+              help = "number of threads to use", metavar = "THREADS")
+opt_parser = OptionParser(option_list=option_list);
+opt = parse_args(opt_parser);
+threads = as.integer(Sys.getenv("NSLOTS", "1"))
+dada2run(wd='/work/haange/Leaky_gut/', r_path='/work/haange/Leaky_gut', outdir='/work/haange/Leaky_gut/results', prefix='Leaky_gut')