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view plotting.r @ 35:4ce22698acb0 draft
author | jeremyjliu |
date | Thu, 26 Feb 2015 22:54:09 -0500 |
parents | 0e031bf8c5b1 |
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library(graphics, quietly=TRUE) plot.verbose=F name.cleaner<-function(...,sep="",replace="_") {" ",replace,paste(...,sep=sep))"/",replace,",",replace,"'",replace,"\\+","plus","\\(","","\\)","", return( } plot.namer <- function(..., date=0, fig.dir=0, format="png",sep="") {,sep=sep) if(date==0) date=gsub("-","",as.character(Sys.Date())) if(fig.dir==0) fig.dir="/Users/alver/allplots","/",date,,".",format,sep="") if(plot.verbose) cat(" saving figure: ",,"\n") return( } plot.scatter <- function(x,y=NULL,f=0.1,same=FALSE,n.points=-1,draw.lowess=FALSE,write.r=TRUE,cex.r=1,col=NULL,col.line=NULL,lwd.line=1, draw.loess=FALSE,span=0.5,bandwidth=bandwidth,,xlog=FALSE,ylog=FALSE,cor.method="pearson",log="",ind=NULL, draw.spread=FALSE,...) { ## if col is the same length as x, use col for each point matching x. ## if col is the same length as ind, use col for each point matching x[ind]. ## else use densCols function based on col. ## if col is null, densCols is used with bluetone for first plot and redtone for same=T. #print(length(x)) #print(length(y)) xy <- xy.coords(x, y) x=xy$x y=xy$y output=list() col.use = col if(!is.null(ind)) { if(length(col.use)==length(x)) { col.use=col.use[ind] } x=x[ind] y=y[ind] } if(length(col.use)!=length(x)) { col.use=rep(NA,length(x)) } take=which(is.finite(x) & is.finite(y)) x=x[take] y=y[take] col.use=col.use[take] if(grepl("x",log)) xlog=TRUE if(grepl("y",log)) ylog=TRUE if(xlog) log="x" if(ylog) log=paste(log,"y",sep="") if(draw.lowess) { lo = lowess(x,y,f) output$lowess=lo } if(draw.loess | draw.spread) { px=x;py=y if(xlog) px=log(x) if(ylog) py=log(y) ind = which(is.finite(px+py)) px=px[ind] py=py[ind] lo = loess(py ~ px,span=span,iterations=5) lo.y=as.numeric(lo$fitted) lo.x=as.numeric(lo$x) if(draw.spread) = loess((lo.y-py)^2 ~ lo.x,span=span*1.5,iterations=5) if(xlog) lo.x=exp(lo.x) if(ylog) lo.y=exp(lo.y) lo =data.frame(x=lo.x,y=lo.y) if(draw.spread) {$fitted if(ylog)*lo.y*lo.y lo$sd=sqrt(pmax(0, } lo=unique(lo) lo = lo[order(lo$x),] output$loess=lo } if( { px=x;py=y if(xlog) px=log(x) p=prof(px,py,50) if(xlog) p$x=exp(p$x) output$prof=p } r=cor(x,y,method=cor.method) output$cor=r output$cor.method=cor.method len=length(x) if(n.points>0 & n.points<len) { take=sample(1:len,n.points) x=x[take] y=y[take] col.use=col.use[take] } if(xlog) { ind = which(x>0) x=x[ind] y=y[ind] col.use=col.use[ind] } xcol=x if(xlog) xcol=log(xcol) if(ylog) { ind = which(y>0) x=x[ind] xcol=xcol[ind] y=y[ind] col.use=col.use[ind] } ycol=y if(ylog) ycol=log(ycol) if(is.null(col)) { if(!same) { col=colorRampPalette(blues9[-(1:3)]) } else { col=colorRampPalette(c("lightpink","red","darkred")) } } if(![1])) { col=col.use } else { col= suppressPackageStartupMessages(densCols(xcol,ycol,col =col,bandwidth=bandwidth,nbin=500)) } if(!same) { plot(x,y,col=col,log=log,...) } else { points(x,y,col=col,...) } if(is.null(col.line)) { col.line="darkblue" if(same) col.line="darkred" } if(draw.lowess | draw.loess) lines(lo,col=col.line,lwd=lwd.line) if(draw.spread) { lines(lo$x,lo$y+lo$sd,col=col.line,lwd=lwd.line) lines(lo$x,lo$y-lo$sd,col=col.line,lwd=lwd.line) } if( { points(p) } if(write.r & !same) mtext(paste("r=",round(r,3),sep=""),cex=cex.r) return(invisible(output)) },586,465,257,490,100,74,24) #coli=1 #cols = integer() colramp.bwr = vector() colramp.byr = vector() = vector() colramp.bw2 = vector() setup.plotting <- function() { pdf.options(useDingbats = FALSE) # cols<<-colors()[] # cols<<-rep(cols,100) colramp.bwr <<- colorRampPalette(c("blue","white","red"),space="Lab")(100); colramp.byr <<- colorRampPalette(c("blue","yellow","red"),space="Lab")(100); <<- colorRampPalette(c("white","black"),space="Lab")(100) colramp.bw2 <<- colorRampPalette(c("grey92","grey5"),space="Lab")(100) } plot.cluster <- function(x,k,, image.sep=-1,col=NULL, reorder=FALSE) { x[which(]=0 if(reorder) { o=hclust(dist(t(x)))$order x=x[,o] } if(image.sep<0) { if(>0) { image.sep=ceiling(0.2* } else { image.sep=ceiling(0.2 * nrow(x) / nrow(k$centers)) } } distances<-dist(k$centers) hcl=hclust(distances) adjust.branch.sep <-function(ddr,lengths) { assign.branch.sep <- function(d,i.leaf) { if(is.leaf(d)) { attr(d,"members")<-lengths[i.leaf] i.leaf=i.leaf+1 output=list(d=d,i.leaf=i.leaf) return(output) } else{ input=assign.branch.sep(d[[1]],i.leaf) i.leaf=input$i.leaf d[[1]]=input$d input=assign.branch.sep(d[[2]],i.leaf) i.leaf=input$i.leaf d[[2]]=input$d attr(d,"members")<-attr(d[[1]],"members")+attr(d[[2]],"members") output=list(d=d,i.leaf=i.leaf) return(output) } } ddr<-as.dendrogram(ddr) ddr=assign.branch.sep(ddr,1)$d return(ddr) } n.points.actual=k$size if(>0) { k$size[which(k$size>] = } ddr<-adjust.branch.sep(hcl,k$size[hcl$order]+image.sep) centers=length(hcl$order) n.points=sum(k$size) n.dims=ncol(x) z=matrix(numeric((n.points+(centers-1)*image.sep)*n.dims),ncol=n.dims) last.row=0 cluster.y.pos=numeric(centers) for(i.c in hcl$order) { n.p=k$size[i.c] z[last.row+1:n.p,] = x[which(k$cluster==i.c)[1:n.p],] cluster.y.pos[i.c]=last.row+n.p/2 last.row=last.row+n.p+image.sep } zlim=c(0,max(z)) if(min(z)<0) { m=max(c(z,-z)) zlim=c(-m,m) } if(is.null(col)) { if(min(z)>=0) { col= } else { col= colorRampPalette(c("blue","yellow","red"),space="Lab")(100); } } l <- layout(matrix(1:2,ncol=2),widths=c(1,5)) par(mar = c(6,0.5,6,0)) my.plot.dendrogram(ddr,horiz=T,axes=F,yaxs="i",xaxs="i",leaflab="none",center=T,lwd=10) par(mar = c(6,0.1,6,2.1)) image(,,z=t(z),zlim=zlim,axes=FALSE,xlab="",col=col) mtext("cluster",side=4,adj=1.1) mtext("points",side=4,adj=1.1,line=1) mtext(seq1(centers),side=4,at=cluster.y.pos) mtext(n.points.actual,side=4,at=cluster.y.pos,line=1) if(!is.null(dimnames(x)[[2]])) { mtext(dimnames(x)[[2]],side=1,at=seq1(n.dims),las=2) } } plot.cluster2 <- function(k, n.clusters=-1, n.clusters.per.panel=4, cols=c("black","red","blue","darkgreen","orange"),f=0,xshift=0,...) { if(n.clusters<=0) n.clusters=nrow(k$centers) n.elements=as.numeric(unlist(lapply(seq1(n.clusters), function(cl) length(which(abs(k$cluster)==cl))))) distances<-dist(k$centers) n.panels = ceiling(n.clusters/n.clusters.per.panel) n.rows=ceiling(sqrt(n.panels)) n.cols=ceiling(n.panels/n.rows) n.panels.layout=n.rows*n.cols layout(matrix(seq1(n.panels.layout),nrow=n.rows,byrow=TRUE)) min=min(k$centers) max=max(k$centers) if(f>0) { for(i.cluster in seq1(n.clusters)) { k$centers[i.cluster,]=lowess(k$centers[i.cluster,],f=f)$y } } ## hcl=hclust(distances) hcl=list() hcl$order=1:n.clusters for(i.cluster in seq1(n.clusters)) { if(i.cluster %% n.clusters.per.panel == 1 ) { clusters.of.panel=i.cluster:(i.cluster+n.clusters.per.panel-1) clusters.of.panel=clusters.of.panel[which(clusters.of.panel<=n.clusters)] clusters.of.panel=hcl$order[clusters.of.panel] plot(c(0,length(k$centers[1,]))+xshift,c(min,max),type="n",...) mtext(paste(clusters.of.panel," (",n.elements[clusters.of.panel],")",sep=""),line=length(clusters.of.panel)-seq1(length(clusters.of.panel)),col=cols[seq1(length(clusters.of.panel)) %% n.clusters.per.panel+1] ) } # lines(k$centers[hcl$order[i.cluster],],col=cols[i.cluster %% n.clusters.per.panel+1]) lines(seq1(length(k$centers[1,]))+xshift,k$centers[hcl$order[i.cluster],],col=cols[i.cluster %% n.clusters.per.panel+1]) } } my.colors <- function(n) { few.colors=c("black","red","blue","green3","mediumorchid3","gold2","darkcyan","sienna2") if(n<=length(few.colors)) return(few.colors [seq1(n)]) col=integer(n) n.families=7 n.members=ceiling(n/n.families) for(i in seq1(n)) { member=ceiling(i/n.families) ratio=(member-1)/(n.members-1) c2=0+0.8*ratio if(member %% 2 == 1) ratio=-ratio c1=0.8-0.2*ratio c3=0.75-0.2*ratio if(i %% n.families == 1) {col[i]=rgb(c2,c2,c2)} if(i %% n.families == 2) {col[i]=rgb(c1,c1/2,c1/2)} if(i %% n.families == 3) {col[i]=rgb(c1/2,0.9*c1,c1/2)} if(i %% n.families == 4) {col[i]=rgb(c1/2,c1/2,c1)} if(i %% n.families == 5) {col[i]=rgb(c3,c3,c3/2)} if(i %% n.families == 6) {col[i]=rgb(c3,c3/2,c3)} if(i %% n.families == 0) {col[i]=rgb(c3/2,c3,c3)} } return(col) } <-function(n) { x11() col=my.colors(n) plot(x=c(0,n),y=c(0,1),type="n") segments(seq1(n)-1,runif(n),seq1(n),runif(n),col=col) } plot.colors <-function() { x11(width=10,height=10) plot(c(0,26),c(0,26),type="n") c=colors() n=length(c) i=1:n x=i%%26 y=floor(i/26) rect(x,y,x+1,y+1,col=c[i],border=c[i]) text(x+0.5,y+0.5,i) } adjust.branch.sep <-function(ddr,lengths) { assign.branch.sep <- function(d,i.leaf) { if(is.leaf(d)) { attr(d,"members")<-lengths[i.leaf] i.leaf=i.leaf+1 output=list(d=d,i.leaf=i.leaf) return(output) } else{ input=assign.branch.sep(d[[1]],i.leaf) i.leaf=input$i.leaf d[[1]]=input$d input=assign.branch.sep(d[[2]],i.leaf) i.leaf=input$i.leaf d[[2]]=input$d attr(d,"members")<-attr(d[[1]],"members")+attr(d[[2]],"members") output=list(d=d,i.leaf=i.leaf) return(output) } } ddr<-as.dendrogram(ddr) ddr=assign.branch.sep(ddr,1)$d return(ddr) } t.dhcol <- function(dr,h,cols=c(1)) { # check child heights if(attr(dr[[1]],"height")<h) { # color ecol <- cols[coli]; coli <<- coli+1; dr[[1]] <- dendrapply(dr[[1]],function(e) { attr(e,"edgePar") <- list(col=ecol); e}); attr(dr[[1]],"edgePar") <- list(col=ecol,p.border=NA,p.col=NA,t.col=1,t.cex=1.3); } else { dr[[1]] <- t.dhcol(dr[[1]],h,cols); } if(attr(dr[[2]],"height")<h) { # color ecol <- cols[coli]; coli <<- coli+1; dr[[2]] <- dendrapply(dr[[2]],function(e) { attr(e,"edgePar") <- list(col=ecol); e}); attr(dr[[2]],"edgePar") <- list(col=ecol,p.border=NA,p.col=NA,t.col=1,t.cex=1.3); } else { dr[[2]] <- t.dhcol(dr[[2]],h,cols); } return(dr); } ### The rest is PeterK's my.plot.dendogram ## FIXME: need larger par("mar")[1] or [4] for longish labels ! ## {probably don't change, just print a warning ..} my.plot.dendrogram <- function (x, type = c("rectangle", "triangle"), center = FALSE, edge.root = is.leaf(x) || !is.null(attr(x, "edgetext")), nodePar = NULL, edgePar = list(), leaflab = c("perpendicular", "textlike", "none"), dLeaf = NULL, xlab = "", ylab = "", xaxt="n", yaxt="s", horiz = FALSE, frame.plot = FALSE, ...) { type <- match.arg(type) leaflab <- match.arg(leaflab) hgt <- attr(x, "height") if (edge.root && is.logical(edge.root)) edge.root <- 0.0625 * if(is.leaf(x)) 1 else hgt mem.x <- .my.memberDend(x) yTop <- hgt + edge.root if(center) { x1 <- 0.5 ; x2 <- mem.x + 0.5 } else { x1 <- 1 ; x2 <- mem.x } xlim <- c(x1 - 1/2, x2 + 1/2) ylim <- c(0, yTop) if (horiz) {## swap and reverse direction on `x': xl <- xlim; xlim <- rev(ylim); ylim <- xl tmp <- xaxt; xaxt <- yaxt; yaxt <- tmp } plot(0, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, type = "n", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, xaxt = xaxt, yaxt = yaxt, frame.plot = frame.plot, ...) if(is.null(dLeaf)) dLeaf <- .75*(if(horiz) strwidth("w") else strheight("x")) if (edge.root) { ### FIXME: the first edge + edgetext is drawn here, all others in plotNode() ### ----- maybe use trick with adding a single parent node to the top ? x0 <- my.plotNodeLimit(x1, x2, x, center)$x if (horiz) segments(hgt, x0, yTop, x0) else segments(x0, hgt, x0, yTop) if (!is.null(et <- attr(x, "edgetext"))) { my <- mean(hgt, yTop) if (horiz) text(my, x0, et) else text(x0, my, et) } } my.plotNode(x1, x2, x, type = type, center = center, leaflab = leaflab, dLeaf = dLeaf, nodePar = nodePar, edgePar = edgePar, horiz = horiz) } ### the work horse: plot node (if pch) and lines to all children my.plotNode <- function(x1, x2, subtree, type, center, leaflab, dLeaf, nodePar, edgePar, horiz = FALSE) { inner <- !is.leaf(subtree) && x1 != x2 yTop <- attr(subtree, "height") bx <- my.plotNodeLimit(x1, x2, subtree, center) xTop <- bx$x usrpar <- par("usr"); ## handle node specific parameters in "nodePar": hasP <- !is.null(nPar <- attr(subtree, "nodePar")) if(!hasP) nPar <- nodePar if(getOption("verbose")) { cat(if(inner)"inner node" else "leaf", ":") if(!is.null(nPar)) { cat(" with node pars\n"); str(nPar) } cat(if(inner)paste(" height", formatC(yTop),"; "), "(x1,x2)= (",formatC(x1,wid=4),",",formatC(x2,wid=4),")", "--> xTop=", formatC(xTop, wid=8),"\n", sep="") } Xtract <- function(nam, L, default, indx) rep(if(nam %in% names(L)) L[[nam]] else default, length.out = indx)[indx] asTxt <- function(x) # to allow 'plotmath' labels: if(is.character(x) || is.expression(x) || is.null(x)) x else as.character(x) i <- if(inner || hasP) 1 else 2 # only 1 node specific par if(!is.null(nPar)) { ## draw this node pch <- Xtract("pch", nPar, default = 1:2, i) cex <- Xtract("cex", nPar, default = c(1,1), i) col <- Xtract("col", nPar, default = par("col"), i) bg <- Xtract("bg", nPar, default = par("bg"), i) points(if (horiz) cbind(yTop, xTop) else cbind(xTop, yTop), pch = pch, bg = bg, col = col, cex = cex) } if(leaflab == "textlike") p.col <- Xtract("p.col", nPar, default = "white", i) lab.col <- Xtract("lab.col", nPar, default = par("col"), i) lab.cex <- Xtract("lab.cex", nPar, default = c(1,1), i) lab.font <- Xtract("lab.font", nPar, default = par("font"), i) if (is.leaf(subtree)) { ## label leaf if (leaflab == "perpendicular") { # somewhat like plot.hclust if(horiz) { X <- yTop + dLeaf * lab.cex Y <- xTop; srt <- 0; adj <- c(0, 0.5) } else { Y <- yTop - dLeaf * lab.cex X <- xTop; srt <- 90; adj <- 1 } nodeText <- asTxt(attr(subtree,"label")) text(X, Y, nodeText, xpd = TRUE, srt = srt, adj = adj, cex = lab.cex, col = lab.col, font = lab.font) } } else if (inner) { segmentsHV <- function(x0, y0, x1, y1) { if (horiz) segments(y0, x0, y1, x1, col = col, lty = lty, lwd = lwd) else segments(x0, y0, x1, y1, col = col, lty = lty, lwd = lwd) } for (k in 1:length(subtree)) { child <- subtree[[k]] ## draw lines to the children and draw them recursively yBot <- attr(child, "height") if (getOption("verbose")) cat("ch.", k, "@ h=", yBot, "; ") if (is.null(yBot)) yBot <- 0 xBot <- if (center) mean(bx$limit[k:(k + 1)]) else bx$limit[k] + .my.midDend(child) hasE <- !is.null(ePar <- attr(child, "edgePar")) if (!hasE) ePar <- edgePar i <- if (!is.leaf(child) || hasE) 1 else 2 ## define line attributes for segmentsHV(): col <- Xtract("col", ePar, default = par("col"), i) lty <- Xtract("lty", ePar, default = par("lty"), i) lwd <- Xtract("lwd", ePar, default = par("lwd"), i) if (type == "triangle") { segmentsHV(xTop, yTop, xBot, yBot) } else { # rectangle segmentsHV(xTop,yTop, xBot,yTop)# h segmentsHV(xBot,yTop, xBot,yBot)# v } vln <- NULL if (is.leaf(child) && leaflab == "textlike") { nodeText <- asTxt(attr(child,"label")) if(getOption("verbose")) cat('-- with "label"',format(nodeText)) hln <- 0.6 * strwidth(nodeText, cex = lab.cex)/2 vln <- 1.5 * strheight(nodeText, cex = lab.cex)/2 rect(xBot - hln, yBot, xBot + hln, yBot + 2 * vln, col = p.col) text(xBot, yBot + vln, nodeText, xpd = TRUE, cex = lab.cex, col = lab.col, font = lab.font) } if (!is.null(attr(child, "edgetext"))) { edgeText <- asTxt(attr(child, "edgetext")) if(getOption("verbose")) cat('-- with "edgetext"',format(edgeText)) if (!is.null(vln)) { mx <- if(type == "triangle") (xTop+ xBot+ ((xTop - xBot)/(yTop - yBot)) * vln)/2 else xBot my <- (yTop + yBot + 2 * vln)/2 } else { mx <- if(type == "triangle") (xTop + xBot)/2 else xBot my <- (yTop + yBot)/2 } ## Both for "triangle" and "rectangle" : Diamond + Text p.col <- Xtract("p.col", ePar, default = "white", i) p.border <- Xtract("p.border", ePar, default = par("fg"), i) ## edge label pars: defaults from the segments pars p.lwd <- Xtract("p.lwd", ePar, default = lwd, i) p.lty <- Xtract("p.lty", ePar, default = lty, i) t.col <- Xtract("t.col", ePar, default = col, i) t.cex <- Xtract("t.cex", ePar, default = 1, i) t.font<- Xtract("t.font",ePar, default= par("font"), i) t.shift <- Xtract("t.shift", ePar, default = 0.01, i) vlm <- strheight(c(edgeText,"h"), cex = t.cex)/2 hlm <- strwidth (c(edgeText,"m"), cex = t.cex)/2 hl3 <- c(hlm[1], hlm[1] + hlm[2], hlm[1]) #polygon(mx+ c(-hl3, hl3), my + sum(vlm)*c(-1:1,1:-1), # col = p.col, border= p.border, lty = p.lty, lwd = p.lwd) #text(mx, my, edgeText, cex = t.cex, col = t.col, font = t.font) if(horiz) { text(my, mx+t.shift*abs(usrpar[3]-usrpar[4]), edgeText, cex = t.cex, col = t.col, font = t.font) } else { text(mx+t.shift*abs(usrpar[2]-usrpar[1]), my, edgeText, cex = t.cex, col = t.col, font = t.font) } } my.plotNode(bx$limit[k], bx$limit[k + 1], subtree = child, type, center, leaflab, dLeaf, nodePar, edgePar, horiz) } } } my.plotNodeLimit <- function(x1, x2, subtree, center) { ## get the left borders limit[k] of all children k=1..K, and ## the handle point `x' for the edge connecting to the parent. inner <- !is.leaf(subtree) && x1 != x2 if(inner) { K <- length(subtree) mTop <- .my.memberDend(subtree) limit <- integer(K) xx1 <- x1 for(k in 1:K) { m <- .my.memberDend(subtree[[k]]) ##if(is.null(m)) m <- 1 xx1 <- xx1 + (if(center) (x2-x1) * m/mTop else m) limit[k] <- xx1 } limit <- c(x1, limit) } else { ## leaf limit <- c(x1, x2) } mid <- attr(subtree, "midpoint") center <- center || (inner && !is.numeric(mid)) x <- if(center) mean(c(x1,x2)) else x1 + (if(inner) mid else 0) list(x = x, limit = limit) } .my.memberDend <- function(x) { r <- attr(x,"x.member") if(is.null(r)) { r <- attr(x,"members") if(is.null(r)) r <- 1:1 } r } .my.midDend <- function(x) if(is.null(mp <- attr(x, "midpoint"))) 0 else mp ## original Andy Liaw; modified RG, MM : my.heatmap <- function (x, Rowv=NULL, Colv=if(symm)"Rowv" else NULL, distfun = dist, hclustfun = hclust, reorderfun = function(d,w) reorder(d,w), add.expr, symm = FALSE, revC = identical(Colv, "Rowv"), scale = c("row", "column", "none"), na.rm=TRUE, margins = c(5, 5), ColSideColors, RowSideColors, cexRow = 0.2 + 1/log10(nr), cexCol = 0.2 + 1/log10(nc), labRow = NULL, labCol = NULL, main = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, keep.dendro = FALSE, verbose = getOption("verbose"), imageSize=4, imageVSize=imageSize,imageHSize=imageSize,lasCol=2, lasRow=2, respect=F, ...) { scale <- if(symm && missing(scale)) "none" else match.arg(scale) if(length(di <- dim(x)) != 2 || !is.numeric(x)) stop("'x' must be a numeric matrix") nr <- di[1] nc <- di[2] if(nr <= 1 || nc <= 1) stop("'x' must have at least 2 rows and 2 columns") if(!is.numeric(margins) || length(margins) != 2) stop("'margins' must be a numeric vector of length 2") doRdend <- !identical(Rowv,NA) doCdend <- !identical(Colv,NA) ## by default order by row/col means if(is.null(Rowv)) Rowv <- rowMeans(x, na.rm = na.rm) if(is.null(Colv)) Colv <- colMeans(x, na.rm = na.rm) ## get the dendrograms and reordering indices if(doRdend) { if(inherits(Rowv, "dendrogram")) ddr <- Rowv else { hcr <- hclustfun(distfun(x)) ddr <- as.dendrogram(hcr) if(!is.logical(Rowv) || Rowv) ddr <- reorderfun(ddr, Rowv) } if(nr != length(rowInd <- order.dendrogram(ddr))) stop("row dendrogram ordering gave index of wrong length") } else rowInd <- 1:nr if(doCdend) { if(inherits(Colv, "dendrogram")) ddc <- Colv else if(identical(Colv, "Rowv")) { if(nr != nc) stop('Colv = "Rowv" but nrow(x) != ncol(x)') ddc <- ddr } else { hcc <- hclustfun(distfun(if(symm)x else t(x))) ddc <- as.dendrogram(hcc) if(!is.logical(Colv) || Colv) ddc <- reorderfun(ddc, Colv) } if(nc != length(colInd <- order.dendrogram(ddc))) stop("column dendrogram ordering gave index of wrong length") } else colInd <- 1:nc ## reorder x x <- x[rowInd, colInd] labRow <- if(is.null(labRow)) if(is.null(rownames(x))) (1:nr)[rowInd] else rownames(x) else labRow[rowInd] labCol <- if(is.null(labCol)) if(is.null(colnames(x))) (1:nc)[colInd] else colnames(x) else labCol[colInd] if(scale == "row") { x <- sweep(x, 1, rowMeans(x, na.rm = na.rm)) sx <- apply(x, 1, sd, na.rm = na.rm) x <- sweep(x, 1, sx, "/") } else if(scale == "column") { x <- sweep(x, 2, colMeans(x, na.rm = na.rm)) sx <- apply(x, 2, sd, na.rm = na.rm) x <- sweep(x, 2, sx, "/") } ## Calculate the plot layout lmat <- rbind(c(NA, 3), 2:1) lwid <- c(if(doRdend) 1 else 0.05, imageHSize) lhei <- c((if(doCdend) 1 else 0.05) + if(!is.null(main)) 0.2 else 0, imageVSize) if(!missing(ColSideColors)) { ## add middle row to layout if(!is.character(ColSideColors) || length(ColSideColors) != nc) stop("'ColSideColors' must be a character vector of length ncol(x)") lmat <- rbind(lmat[1,]+1, c(NA,1), lmat[2,]+1) lhei <- c(lhei[1], 0.2, lhei[2]) } if(!missing(RowSideColors)) { ## add middle column to layout if(!is.character(RowSideColors) || length(RowSideColors) != nr) stop("'RowSideColors' must be a character vector of length nrow(x)") lmat <- cbind(lmat[,1]+1, c(rep(NA, nrow(lmat)-1), 1), lmat[,2]+1) lwid <- c(lwid[1], 0.2, lwid[2]) } lmat[] <- 0 if(verbose) { cat("layout: widths = ", lwid, ", heights = ", lhei,"; lmat=\n") print(lmat) } ## Graphics `output' ----------------------- op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) on.exit(par(op)) layout(lmat, widths = lwid, heights = lhei, respect = respect) ## draw the side bars if(!missing(RowSideColors)) { par(mar = c(margins[1],0, 0,0.5)) image(rbind(1:nr), col = RowSideColors[rowInd], axes = FALSE) } if(!missing(ColSideColors)) { par(mar = c(0.5,0, 0,margins[2])) image(cbind(1:nc), col = ColSideColors[colInd], axes = FALSE) } ## draw the main carpet par(mar = c(margins[1], 0, 0, margins[2])) if(!symm || scale != "none") x <- t(x) if(revC) { # x columns reversed iy <- nr:1 ddr <- rev(ddr) x <- x[,iy] } else iy <- 1:nr image(1:nc, 1:nr, x, xlim = 0.5+ c(0, nc), ylim = 0.5+ c(0, nr), axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", ...) axis(1, 1:nc, labels= labCol, las= lasCol, line= -0.5, tick= 0, cex.axis= cexCol) if(!is.null(xlab)) mtext(xlab, side = 1, line = margins[1] - 1.25) axis(4, iy, labels= labRow, las= lasRow, line= -0.5, tick= 0, cex.axis= cexRow) if(!is.null(ylab)) mtext(ylab, side = 4, line = margins[2] - 1.25,las=lasRow) if (!missing(add.expr)) eval(substitute(add.expr)) ## the two dendrograms : par(mar = c(margins[1], 0, 0, 0)) if(doRdend) my.plot.dendrogram(ddr, horiz = TRUE, axes = FALSE, yaxs = "i", leaflab = "none") else frame() par(mar = c(0, 0, if(!is.null(main)) 1 else 0, margins[2])) if(doCdend) my.plot.dendrogram(ddc, axes = FALSE, xaxs = "i", leaflab = "none") else if(!is.null(main)) frame() ## title if(!is.null(main)) title(main, cex.main = 1.5*op[["cex.main"]]) invisible(list(rowInd = rowInd, colInd = colInd, Rowv = if(keep.dendro && doRdend) ddr, Colv = if(keep.dendro && doCdend) ddc )) }