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author | jeremyjliu |
date | Wed, 12 Nov 2014 15:25:44 -0500 |
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# Region-Motif-Compare Tools Version 1.1 Released 2014 Park Laboratory Center for Biomedical Informatics Harvard University Contact Jeremy Liu ( Nils Gehlenborg ( ## Overview ### Structure The tool suite consists of: 1. Two Rscripts: region_motif_compare.r and region_motif_intersect.r 2. Two Xml Files: region_motif_compare.xml and region_motif_intersect.xml 3. Motif Database Directory: region_motif_db 4. Dependency Library Directory: region_motif_lib 5. Galaxy Workflows: Files with suffix ".ga" that can be imported into the local Galaxy instance after installation of the tool. ### Description 1. **region_motif_intersect.r** (1 bed -> 1 tsv): Takes one bed file of regions as input. Then it calculates the number of intersections of the regions and the motifs. region_motifs_intersect.r outputs a tab separated values (tsv) file of motif names and intersection counts. **Important Note:** region_motif_intersect.r makes no assumptions about the nature of the input regions. For example, if overlapping regions are inputted, motifs that intersect the overlap will be double counted. Thus, it is recommended that regions be merged before using this tool, using the merge tool in the Galaxy toolshed. 2. **region_motif_compare.r** (2 tsv -> 2 tsv & 1 png): Takes as input two tsv files of motifs / regions intersection counts. These generally originate from running region_motif_intersect.r on two sets of different regions with the same query motif database. Based on the counts, region_motif_compare.r then determines the enrichment (or depletion) of certain motifs across the two regions. This is done by a correcting for the size and gc content of the region, and applying a Poisson test to the counts. Then, region_motif_compare.r outputs the most significant enriched or depleted motifs as a tsv. In addition, the tool outputs a diagnostic plot containing graphical representations of the motif counts, gc correction curves, and significant motifs that distinguish the two regions (selected via p value). 3. **region_motif_db**: Contains motif positions as compressed, indexed tabix files. 4. **region_motif_lib**: Contains dependencies (i.e. plotting.r) for region_motif_compare.r ## Installation Directions for installing the region-motif-compare tools into a personal computer and a local Galaxy instance. 1. Follow the online directions to install a local instance of Galaxy ( Optionally, follow the directions to install Refinery ( 2. Clone the github repository to your local computer ```` git clone cd refinery-galaxy-tools/region-motif-compare ```` 3. Make a directory for the tools in Galaxy instance. This serves as a category for the tool in the tools sidebar. You can also place the tools in an existing or alternatively named directory, but remember to update tool_conf.xml to reflect this. ```` cd ~/galaxy-dist/tools/ mkdir my_tools cd my_tools ```` 4. Copy over ".r" and ".xml" files, as well as `region_motif_db` and `region_motif_lib` ```` cd refinery-galaxy-tools/region-motif-compare cp *.r ~/galaxy-dist/tools/my_tools cp *.xml ~/galaxy-dist/tools/my_tools cp -r region_motif_db ~/galaxy-dist/tools/my_tools cp -r region_motif_lib ~/galaxy-dist/tools/my_tools ```` 5. Edit `~/galaxy-dist/tool_conf.xml` to reflect the addition of the new tools. Add the following lines within the `<toolbox>` tags. If in Step 3 you copied the tools to a different directory than `my_tools`, edit the code snippet to reflect the correct path name. ```` <section id="mTools" name="My Tools"> <tool file="my_tools/region_motif_intersect.xml" /> <tool file="my_tools/region_motif_compare.xml" /> </section> ```` 6. Download the motif databases and place them into `region_motif_db` ```` cd ~/galaxy-dist/tools/my_tools/region_motif_db wget ????/pouya_motifs.bed.bgz wget ????/pouya_motifs.bed.bgz.tbi wget ????/jaspar_jolma_motifs.bed.bgz wget ????/jaspar_jolma_motifs.bed.bgz.tbi wget ????/mm9_motifs.bed.bgz wget ????/mm9_motifs.bed.bgz.tbi ```` 7. Install the Bioconductor R package Rsamtools for dealing with tabix files ``` $ R > source("") > biocLite("Rsamtools") ```` 8. If in Step 3 you copied the tools to an existing directory or an alternatively named directory, you must edit the following file paths. In `region_motif_intersect.r` and `region_motif_compare.r` edit `commonDir`: ```` # Replace this line commonDir = concat(workingDir, "/tools/my_tools") # With this edited line commonDir = concat(workingDir, "<relative_path_from_galaxy_root>/<tool_directory>") ```` In addition, edit `region_motif_intersect.xml` and `region_motif_compare.xml` to reflect the path of the tools relative to the galaxy root directory. ```` <command interpreter="bash"> /usr/bin/R --slave --vanilla -f $GALAXY_ROOT_DIR/<path_to_tools>/region_motif_intersect.r --args $GALAXY_ROOT_DIR $db_type $in_bed $out_tab </command> ```` ```` <command interpreter="bash"> /usr/bin/R --slave --vanilla -f $GALAXY_ROOT_DIR/<path_to_tools>/region_motif_compare.r --args $GALAXY_ROOT_DIR $db_type $in_tab_1 $in_tab_2 $out_enriched $out_depleted $out_plots </command> ```` ## Running the Tools ### Running from Galaxy 1. To run the tools as workflows, import the .ga workflows included in the github via the Galaxy workflow user interface. Then, upload and select two input BED files. 2. To run the tools individually, select the tool from the tools toolbar, provide a BED file (Region Motif Intersect) or two tsv files (Region Motif Compare), and select a query database from the dropdown menu. ### Running from Refinery 1. Import the .ga workflows into a local Galaxy instance. These workflows have already been annotated for Refinery. 2. Add the local Galaxy instance to the Refinery installation. ```` python create_workflowengine <instance_id> "<group_name>" ```` 3. Import the Galaxy workflows into Refinery. ```` python import_workflows ```` 4. Run the tools from the Refinery user interface. ### Running as Command Line Tools You can also run the tools from the command line, an example of which is shown below. More information is found in the headers of the r source files. ```` cd ~/galaxy-dist/tools/my_tools R --slave --vanilla -f region_motif_intersect.r --args ~/galaxy-dist p <path_to_bed_file> <path_to_output_tsv> R --slave --vanilla -f region_motif_compare.r --args ~/galaxy-dist p <path_to_region1_counts> <path_to_region2_counts> <enriched_motifs_output_tsv> <depleted_motifs_output_tsv> <plots_png> ```` ## Interpreting Results ### Motif Database and Result Notation TF motif positions for hg19 and mm9 were curated from three databases: ENCODE TF motif database "Pouya" ( JASPAR database "Jaspar" ( DNA binding specificities of human transciption factors "Jolma" ( For ENCODE TF motifs, the genomic locations were taken straight from the database. In addition, position weight matrices (pwms) were obtained by averaging the sites in the genome for a motif. These are labeled with "\_8mer\_". Fake motifs were also generated, by shuffling the pwms of actual motifs and mapping to the genome and are labeled with "_8mer_C". For JASPAR and Jolma motifs, mast was run to determine genomic locations from the provided pwms. The motif alignmment thresholds were set to the top 5k, 20k, 100k, and 250k sites and the redundant maps removed with the top 30k sites have the same score. These are labeled with "_t5000" and likewise. ## Motif Tabix File Creation Starting with a BED file of motif positions (minimal chr, start, end), follow below to generate a tabix file that can be placed in `region_motif_db` and used by the tools. 1. Download Tabix ( and install. Add `tabix` and `bgzip` binaries to your file path. ```` tar -xvjf tabix-0.2.6.tar.bz2 cd tabix-0.2.6 make ```` 2. Construct bgzip files and index files. ```` cd ~/galaxy-dist/tools/my_tools/region_motif/db (grep ^"#" jaspar_motifs.bed; grep -v ^"#" jaspar_motifs.bed | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n) | bgzip > jaspa_motifs.bed.bgz tabix -p bed jaspar_motifs.bed.bgz # this generates jaspar_motifs.bed.bgz.tbi ```` 3. Add the path to `jaspar_motifs.bed.bgz` to the selection options for the variable `motifDB` in `region_motif_intersect.r` and `region_motif_compare.r`. To enable the new database in Galaxy, you will have to edit the xml files for both tools.