diff region_motif_lib/regions.r @ 0:19d2cffb8db3 draft

Initial upload
author jeremyjliu
date Wed, 06 Aug 2014 15:36:46 -0400 (2014-08-06)
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/region_motif_lib/regions.r	Wed Aug 06 15:36:46 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+#common.dir = "/Users/jeremyliu1/galaxy-dist/tools/my_tools"
+# commonDir from region_motif_intersect.r sourcing file
+dyn.load(paste(commonDir, "/region_motif_lib/regions.so",sep=""))
+##reg = matrix(cbind(from,to)) from<to
+##region[[chr]] = reg
+##pos = unique(integer())
+##poslist = list(chr,pos, optional(strand=c(-1,0,+1)))
+merge.reg <- function(...,sep=1) {
+  ##This function returns union of regs.
+  reg = rbind(...)
+  x=.C("merge_regions",as.integer(t(reg)),as.integer(nrow(reg)),as.integer(sep))
+  reg=matrix(x[[1]][1:(x[[2]]*2)],ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)
+  reg = matrix(reg[which(reg[,2]>reg[,1]),],ncol=2)
+  reg[which(reg==0)]=1
+  return(reg)
+merge.regions<-function(...,sep=1) {
+  ##This function returns union of regions.
+    regions=list(...)
+    chrs = unique(unlist(lapply(regions,names),use.names=F))
+    region = list()
+    for(chr in chrs) {
+        region[[chr]] = do.call("merge.reg",c(lapply(regions,function(i) i[[chr]]),sep=sep))
+  }
+  return(region)
+plot.reg<-function(reg,xlim=NULL,y=NULL,vertical=FALSE,...) {
+  ##This function does not stack if reg is overlapping.
+  ##new plot is made unless y is specified.
+  if(nrow(reg)==0) return()
+  if(is.null(xlim)) xlim=range(reg)
+  if(is.null(y)) {
+    plot(xlim,c(0,1),type="n",axes=FALSE,xlab=" ",ylab=" ")
+    y=0.5
+  }
+  segments(reg[,1],y,reg[,2],...)
+  if(vertical) abline(v=reg)
+distance.to.closest.reg.of.reg <- function(reg,reg2) {
+  ##for each element of reg, what is the closest distance to any element of reg2?
+  reg2 = merge.reg(reg2)
+  reg2 = c(-Inf,t(reg2),Inf)
+  s=reg[,1]
+  e=reg[,2]
+  sbin = as.integer(cut(s,reg2))
+  ebin = as.integer(cut(e,reg2))
+  d = pmin(s-reg2[sbin], reg2[sbin+1]-s, e-reg2[ebin], reg2[ebin+1]-e)
+  d[which(sbin!=ebin | sbin%%2==0)] = 0
+  return(d)
+distance.to.closest.reg.of.pos <- function(pos,reg) {
+  ##for each element of pos, what is the closest distance to any element of reg?
+  reg = merge.reg(reg)
+  reg = c(-Inf,t(reg),Inf)
+  pbin = as.integer(cut(pos,reg))
+  d = pmin(pos-reg[pbin], reg[pbin+1]-pos)
+  d[which(pbin%%2==0)] = 0
+  return(d)
+distance.to.closest.pos.of.reg <- function(reg,pos,pos.strand=NULL,index.return=FALSE) {
+  ##for each element of reg, what is the closest distance to any element of pos?
+  ##if strand is provided, distance is along strand
+  o = order(pos)
+  pos =  c(-Inf,pos[o],Inf)
+  o = c(o[1],o,o[length(o)])
+  s=reg[,1]
+  e=reg[,2]
+  sbin = as.integer(cut(s,pos))
+  ebin = as.integer(cut(e,pos))
+  d=integer(nrow(reg))
+  s.is.closer = s-pos[sbin] < pos[sbin+1]-e
+  if(index.return) {
+    return(ifelse(s.is.closer,o[sbin],o[sbin+1]))
+  }
+  d = ifelse(s.is.closer, s-pos[sbin], e-pos[sbin+1])
+  d[which(sbin!=ebin)] = 0
+  if(!is.null(pos.strand)) {
+    reg.strand = ifelse(s.is.closer,pos.strand[o][sbin],pos.strand[o][sbin+1])
+    d = d * reg.strand
+  }
+  return(d)
+if(F) {
+    pos = sample(seq(0,1000,200))
+    pos2 = sample(seq(10,1010,100))
+    pos.strand = sample(c(1,-1),6,replace = T)
+    pos2.strand = sample(c(1,-1),11,replace = T)
+distance.to.closest.pos.of.pos <- function(pos,pos2,pos.strand=NULL,pos2.strand=NULL, ignore.pos.strand=TRUE,index.return=FALSE) {
+  ##for each element of pos, what is the closest distance to any element of pos2?
+  ##if index.return==TRUE, index of pos2 closest to pos is returned
+  ##else if strand2 is provided, distance is along strand2
+  ##if strand and strand2 are both provided and !ignore.pos.strand
+  ##  then output is a list giving plus.up, plus.down, minus.up, minus.down
+  ##    plus.up: distance to closest upstream on the same same strand etc. etc. 
+  o = order(pos2)
+  pos2 =  c(-Inf,pos2[o],Inf)
+  if(!is.null(pos2.strand))   pos2.strand = c(-Inf,pos2.strand[o],Inf)
+  if(is.null(pos2.strand) | is.null(pos.strand) | ignore.pos.strand) {
+    pbin = as.integer(cut(pos,pos2))
+    pbin = ifelse(pos-pos2[pbin] < pos2[pbin+1]-pos,pbin,pbin+1)
+    d = pos-pos2[pbin]
+    if(!is.null(pos2.strand)) d = d * pos2.strand[pbin]
+    if(index.return) return(o[pbin-1])
+    return(d)
+  }
+  strands = list(plus=1,minus=-1)
+  relcoords = list(up=0,down=1)
+  ind = lapply(strands,function(strand) {
+    ind.p = c(1,which(pos2.strand==strand),length(pos2))
+    pbin.p = cut(pos,pos2[ind.p],labels=FALSE)
+    as.data.frame(lapply(relcoords,function(i) ind.p[pbin.p+i]))
+  })
+  ind.temp = ind
+  ind.minus = which(pos.strand==-1)
+  if(length(ind.minus)>0) {
+      ind[[1]][ind.minus,]=ind.temp[[2]][ind.minus,2:1]
+      ind[[2]][ind.minus,]=ind.temp[[1]][ind.minus,2:1]
+  }
+  ind = unlist(ind,recursive=FALSE)
+  if(index.return) {
+    return( lapply(ind,function(i) {
+      i[which(i==1)]=NA
+      i[which(i==length(pos2))]=NA
+      o[i-1]
+    }) )
+  }
+  return(lapply(ind,function(i) pos.strand*(pos2[i]-pos)))
+distance.to.closest.region.of.region <- function(region,region2) {
+  ##for each element of region[[chr]], what is the closest distance to any element of region2[[chr]]?
+  ##returns d[[chr]]
+  chrs = names(region)
+  d=list()
+  for(chr in chrs) {
+    if(is.null(region2[[chr]])) {
+      d[[chr]] = rep(Inf,nrow(region[[chr]]))
+    } else {
+      d[[chr]] = distance.to.closest.reg.of.reg(region[[chr]],region2[[chr]])
+    }
+  }
+  return(d)
+distance.to.closest.region.of.poslist <- function(poslist,region) {
+  ##for each element of poslist, what is the closest distance to any element of region?
+  chrs = names(table(poslist$chr))
+  d=integer()
+  for(chr in chrs) {
+    ind = which(poslist$chr==chr)
+    pos=poslist$pos[ind]
+    if(is.null(region[[chr]])) {
+      d[ind] = Inf
+    } else {
+      d[ind] = distance.to.closest.reg.of.pos(pos,region[[chr]])
+    }
+  }
+  return(d)
+distance.to.closest.poslist.of.region <- function(region,poslist,index.return=FALSE) {
+  ##for each element of region, what is the closest distance to any element of poslist?
+  chrs = names(region)
+  d=list()
+  for(chr in chrs) {
+    ind = which(poslist$chr==chr)
+    pos=poslist$pos[ind]
+    pos.strand=poslist$strand[ind]
+    d[[chr]] = distance.to.closest.pos.of.reg(region[[chr]],pos,pos.strand,index.return=index.return)
+    if(index.return) d[[chr]] = ind[d[[chr]]]
+  }
+  return(d)
+distance.to.closest.poslist.of.poslist <- function(poslist,poslist2,ignore.poslist.strand=TRUE,index.return=FALSE) {
+  ##for each element of poslist, what is the closest distance to any element of poslist2?
+  ##if poslist2$strand is provided, distance is along strand2
+  ##if strand and strand2 are provided and no ignore.poslist.strand
+  ##  then output is a list giving plus.up, plus.down, minus.up, minus.down
+  ##    plus.up: distance to closest upstream on the same same strand etc. etc. 
+  ##if index.return==TRUE, index of pos2 closest to pos is returned
+  chrs = names(table(poslist$chr))
+  d=integer()
+  stranded = !(is.null(poslist2$strand) | is.null(poslist$strand) | ignore.poslist.strand)
+  if(stranded) {
+    brs = c("plus.up","plus.down","minus.up","minus.down")
+    d=list()
+    for(br in brs) d[[br]]=integer()
+  }
+  for(chr in chrs) {
+    ind = which(poslist$chr==chr)
+    ind2 = which(poslist2$chr==chr)
+    pos=poslist$pos[ind]
+    pos2=poslist2$pos[ind2]
+    pos.strand=poslist$strand[ind]
+    pos2.strand=poslist2$strand[ind2]
+    if(!stranded) {
+      d[ind] = distance.to.closest.pos.of.pos(pos,pos2,pos.strand,pos2.strand,ignore.poslist.strand,index.return=index.return)
+      if(index.return) d[ind] = ind2[d[ind]]
+    } else {
+      x =  distance.to.closest.pos.of.pos(pos,pos2,pos.strand,pos2.strand,ignore.poslist.strand)
+      for(br in brs) {
+        d[[br]][ind] = x[[br]]
+        if(index.return) d[[br]][ind] = ind2[d[[br]][ind]]
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return(d)
+reg.minus.reg <- function(reg,reg2) {
+  x = .C("region_minus_region",as.integer(t(reg)),as.integer(nrow(reg)),as.integer(t(reg2)),as.integer(nrow(reg2)),integer((nrow(reg)+nrow(reg2))*2))[[5]]
+  x=x[which(x>=0)]
+  return(matrix(x,ncol=2,byrow=TRUE))
+intersection.of.regs <- function(reg,reg2) {
+  x = .C("intersection_of_regions",as.integer(t(reg)),as.integer(nrow(reg)),as.integer(t(reg2)),as.integer(nrow(reg2)),integer((nrow(reg)+nrow(reg2))*2))[[5]]
+  x=x[which(x>=0)]
+  return(matrix(x,ncol=2,byrow=TRUE))
+region.minus.region<-function(region,region2) {
+  chrs = names(region)
+  for(chr in chrs) {
+    if(is.null(region[[chr]])) next
+    if(!is.null(region2[[chr]])) {
+      region[[chr]] = reg.minus.reg(region[[chr]],region2[[chr]])
+    }
+  }
+  return(region)
+intersection.of.regions<-function(region,region2) {
+  chrs = names(region)
+  for(chr in chrs) {
+    if(is.null(region2[[chr]])) {
+      region[[chr]]<-NULL
+    } else {
+      region[[chr]] = intersection.of.regs(region[[chr]],region2[[chr]])
+    }
+  }
+  return(region)
+reg.around.pos <-function(pos,range=500,strand=NULL) {
+  if(length(range)==1) range=c(range,range)
+  if(is.null(strand)) strand = 1;
+  reg = cbind(pos-range[1]*strand,pos+range[2]*strand);
+  ind = which(reg[,2]<reg[,1])
+  reg[ind,] =  reg[ind,2:1]
+  ind = which(reg<=0)
+  reg[ind] = 1
+  return(reg)
+region.around.poslist <-function(poslist,range=500) {
+  chrs = names(table(poslist$chr))
+  region=list()
+  for(chr in chrs) {
+    ind = which(poslist$chr==chr)
+    pos=poslist$pos[ind]
+    strand = 1
+    if(!is.null(poslist$strand)) {
+      strand = poslist$strand[ind]
+    }
+    region[[chr]] =  reg.around.pos(pos,range,strand)
+  }
+  return(region)
+poslist.of.region.centers <-function(region) {
+  chrs = names(region)
+  n=sapply(region,nrow)
+  return(data.frame(chr=rep(chrs,n),pos=unlist(lapply(region,function(chr)(chr[,1]+chr[,2])/2),use.names = FALSE)))
+write.gff.region<-function(region,outfname) {
+  region = lapply(region,function(chr) list(s=chr[,1],e=chr[,2]))
+  out=unlist.chr(region)
+  out$chr=rep(names(region),sapply(region,function(i) length(i$s)))
+  empty=rep(".",length(out$chr))
+  write.table(data.frame(out$chr,empty,empty,out$s,out$e,empty,empty,empty,empty),quote=FALSE,sep="\t",file=outfname,col.names=FALSE,row.names=FALSE)
+number.of.regions = function(region)sum(sapply(region,nrow))
+size.of.regions = function(region) sum(sapply(merge.regions(region),function(reg) sum(reg[,2]-reg[,1])))