view bam2consensus @ 1:2367d00c5182 draft default tip

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author jdv
date Tue, 28 Sep 2021 06:12:40 +0000
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line source

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.012;

use BioX::Seq;
use BioX::Seq::Stream;
use BioX::Seq::Fetch;
use File::Temp qw/tempfile/;
use IPC::Cmd qw/can_run/;
use Getopt::Long;
use List::Util qw/sum max first/;
use Pod::Usage;
use POSIX qw/floor ceil/;

my $fn_bam;
my $fn_ref;
my $fn_table;
my $fn_consensus;
my $fn_bedgraph;
my $min_qual       = 10;
my $min_depth      = 3;
my $trim_fraction  = 0.2;
my $sliding_window = 30;
my $bg_bin_figs    = 0;
my $verbose        = 0;

my $PROGRAM = 'bam2consensus';
my $VERSION = 0.004;


    'bam=s'         => \$fn_bam,
    'ref=s'         => \$fn_ref,
    'table=s'       => \$fn_table,
    'consensus=s'   => \$fn_consensus,
    'bedgraph=s'    => \$fn_bedgraph,
    'min_qual=i'    => \$min_qual,
    'min_depth=i'   => \$min_depth,
    'trim=f'        => \$trim_fraction,
    'window=i'      => \$sliding_window,
    'bg_bin_figs=i' => \$bg_bin_figs,
    'verbose'       => \$verbose,
    'help'          => sub{ pod2usage(-verbose => 2); },
    'version'       => sub{ print "This is $PROGRAM v$VERSION\n";exit; },

) or pod2usage( -verbose => 1);

# check for recent version of samtools
my $SAMTOOLS = can_run('samtools')
    // die "Samtools is required but not found\n";
my $v_string = `$SAMTOOLS --version`;
if ($v_string =~ /^samtools (\d+)\.(\d+)/m) {
    die "Requires samtools >= 1.3.0\n" if ($1 < 1 || $2 < 3);
} else {
    die "Error parsing samtools version string\n";

# check for mafft
my $MAFFT = can_run('mafft')
    // die "MAFFT is required but not found\n";

# misc param checking
die "Error: must specify at least one output target" if (! (
       defined $fn_table
    || defined $fn_consensus
    || defined $fn_bedgraph
die "Error: missing reference parameter"
    if (! defined $fn_ref);
die "Error reading reference"
    if (! -r $fn_ref);

# globals
my @errors;
my @lines = () if (defined $fn_table);

my %iupac = (
    A    => 'A',
    C    => 'C',
    G    => 'G',
    T    => 'T',
    AG   => 'R',
    CT   => 'Y',
    CG   => 'S',
    AT   => 'W',
    GT   => 'K',
    AC   => 'M',
    CGT  => 'B',
    AGT  => 'D',
    ACT  => 'H',
    ACG  => 'V',
    ACGT => 'N',

my @consensi;
my $bg = '';

my @curr_lines;
my $last_chr;

my $last_depth = undef;
my $last_loc   = 0;
my $bg_start   = 0;
my $bg_loc     = 0;

# initialize random-access sequence collection
my $seqs = BioX::Seq::Fetch->new($fn_ref) or die "Error loading reference";

# pipe from samtools mpileup command
# (note: this is much faster in testing than using Perl bindings, e.g.
# Bio::DB::HTS or the like)

$fn_bam //= '-'; # use stdin if BAM file not given
open my $fh, '-|', $SAMTOOLS,
    '-d' => 1000000,
    '-f' => $fn_ref,
    $fn_bam ;

while (my $line = <$fh>) {

    chomp $line;
    my ($chr, @other) = split "\t", $line;
    $last_chr //= $chr;

    if ($chr ne $last_chr) {
        @curr_lines = ();
        $last_chr = $chr;

    push @curr_lines, $line;

process(\@curr_lines); # don't forget last call

# output bedgraph if asked
if (defined $fn_bedgraph) {
    open my $fh_bedgraph, '>', $fn_bedgraph;
    print {$fh_bedgraph}
        "track type=bedGraph name=read_coverage maxHeightPixels=1000:80:20\n";
    print {$fh_bedgraph} $bg;
    close $fh_bedgraph;


# output fasta if asked
if (defined $fn_consensus) {

    open my $out, '>', $fn_consensus;
    print {$out} $_->as_fasta for (@consensi);
    close $out;


# build and process table if asked
if (defined $fn_table) {

    # calculate sliding errors
    my @avg_errors;
    my $l = scalar(@errors);
    $sliding_window = $l if ($l < $sliding_window);
    my $left  = floor(($sliding_window-1)/2);
    my $right = ceil(($sliding_window-1)/2);
    my $lower = $left;
    my $upper = $l - $right;
    for my $i (0..$#errors) {
        my @pool;
        if ($i < $lower) {
            @pool = (@errors[0..$i-1] ,@errors[$i+1..$sliding_window-1]);
        elsif ($i >= $upper) {
            @pool = (@errors[$l-$sliding_window..$i-1], @errors[$i+1..$l-1]);
        else {
            @pool = (@errors[$i-$left..$i-1], @errors[$i+1..$i+$right]);
        die "bad pool size @pool at $i" if (scalar(@pool)+1 != $sliding_window);

        # calc trimmed mean
        @pool = sort {$a <=> $b} @pool;
        my $l = @pool;
        my @trimmed
            = @pool[ int($l*$trim_fraction), int($l*(1-$trim_fraction))+0.5 ];
        my $tm = scalar(@trimmed) > 0 ? sum(@trimmed)/scalar(@trimmed) : 'NA';
        push @avg_errors, $tm;

    open my $fh_table, '>', $fn_table;

    # print table header
    print {$fh_table} join( "\t", (
    ) ) . "\n";

    my $iter = 0;
    for (0..$#lines) {
        my @parts = @{ $lines[$_] };
        @parts[23] = sprintf '%.3f', $avg_errors[$_];
        print {$fh_table} join( "\t",@parts), "\n";
    close $fh_table;

sub process {

    my $ln_ref = shift;

    my $last_chr;
    $last_depth = undef;
    $last_loc = 0;
    $bg_start = 0;
    $bg_loc = 0;

    for my $line (@$ln_ref) {
        chomp $line;
        my @parts = split "\t", $line;
        my $chr         = $parts[0];
        my $loc         = $parts[1];
        my $ref         = uc $parts[2];
        my $depth       = $parts[3];
        my $read_string = $parts[4];
        my $qual_string = $parts[5];

        # check that chr hasn't changed (don't supported multiple refs)
        $last_chr   = $last_chr   // $chr;
        if ($chr ne $last_chr) {
            #process current, start new

        # simulate missing rows
        my $t = $last_loc + 1;
        while ($t < $loc) {
                $seqs->fetch_seq($chr, $t, $t),
                #substr($ref_seq, $t-1, 1),

        # send entry for handling
        $last_loc = $loc;


    # simulate missing rows at end
    my $t = $last_loc + 1;
    my $l = $seqs->length($last_chr);
    while ($t <= $l) {
            $seqs->fetch_seq($last_chr, $t, $t),
            #substr($ref_seq, $t-1, 1),

    if (defined $fn_bedgraph) {

        $bg .= join("\t", $last_chr, $bg_start, $bg_loc, $last_depth) . "\n";


sub handle_entry {

    my ($chr, $loc, $ref, $depth, $read_string, $qual_string) = @_;

    my $called = '';

    # handle zero-depth positions separately
    if ($depth < 1) {
        $called = 'N';
        print "Missing coverage at $chr pos $loc\n" if ($verbose);
        if (defined $fn_table) {
            push @lines, [
                (0) x 19,
        push @errors, 0;

    # everything else
    else {

        # handle insertions
        my %inserts;
        my $insert_count = 0;
        while ($read_string =~ /\+(\d+)((??{"[ATGCNatgcnRYSWKMBDHVryswkmbdhv-]{$^N}"}))/g) {
            $inserts{$2} += 1;

        # ...and strip extra characters
        $read_string =~ s/\^.//g;
        $read_string =~ s/[\+\-](\d+)(??{"[ATGCNatgcnRYSWKMBDHVryswkmbdhv-]{$^N}"})//g;
        $read_string =~ s/[^\.\,\w\*]//g;
        # simple parse check
        my $l1 = length($read_string);
        my $l2 = length($qual_string);
        die "read/qual mismatch ($l1 v $l2)" if ($l1 != $l2);

        die "unexpected char at $chr pos $loc\n"
            if ($read_string =~ /[^.,ATGCNatgcn*]/);

        my $lc = lc $ref;
        $read_string =~ s/\./$ref/g;
        $read_string =~ s/\,/$lc/g;
        $read_string =~ s/n/N/g;

        # split into arrays
        my %counts = map {$_ => 0} qw/A T G C N a t g c */;
        my %cons_counts = map {$_ => 0} qw/A T G C N a t g c */;
        my @chars  = split '', $read_string;
        my @quals  = map {ord($_) - 33} split('', $qual_string);

        for my $i (0..$#chars) {
            ++$cons_counts{ uc($chars[$i]) };
            ++$counts{ $chars[$i] } if ($quals[$i] >= $min_qual);

        # calculate strand bias and collapse counts
        my %sb;
        for my $b (qw/A T G C/) {
            my $n = $counts{$b} + $counts{lc($b)}; 
            $sb{$b} = $n > 0
                ? ($n-1)/$n*(2*max($counts{$b}/$n, ($n-$counts{$b})/$n)-1)
                : 0;
            $counts{$b} += $counts{lc($b)};
            delete $counts{lc($b)};

        $counts{$ref} = $counts{$ref} // 0; # some IUPAC codes not defined above
        $cons_counts{$ref} = $cons_counts{$ref} // 0; # some IUPAC codes not defined above
        my $mismatches    = sum map {$counts{$_}} grep {$_ ne $ref} keys %counts;
        my $counted_depth = $counts{$ref} + $mismatches;
        my $cons_depth    = sum map {$cons_counts{$_}} keys %counts;
        my $error_rate    = $counted_depth == 0
            ? 0
            : sprintf '%.4f', $mismatches/$counted_depth;
        push @errors, $error_rate;

        my @insert_strings = ();
        my $consensus_insert = '';

        #create case-insensitive insert hash
        my %combined_inserts;
        for (keys %inserts) {
            $combined_inserts{uc($_)} += $inserts{$_};

        if (scalar(keys %combined_inserts) > 0) {
            my @sorted_inserts = sort {
                $combined_inserts{$b} <=> $combined_inserts{$a}
             || $a cmp $b
            } keys %combined_inserts;
            for (@sorted_inserts) {
                my $f_count = $inserts{$_} // 0;
                my $r_count = $inserts{lc($_)} // 0;
                my $n = $combined_inserts{$_};
                my $sb = sprintf '%.3f', ($n-1)/$n*max($f_count/$n, ($n-$f_count)/$n);
                push @insert_strings, "$_($f_count,$r_count:$sb)";

            # decide whether to include insert in consensus
            if ($insert_count/$l1 > 0.5) {
                my @realigned = realign(\%combined_inserts);
                for my $i (0..$#realigned) {
                    my @b = sort {
                        $realigned[$i]->{$b} <=> $realigned[$i]->{$a}
                    } keys %{ $realigned[$i] };
                    if ($realigned[$i]->{$b[0]}/$l1 > 0.5) {
                        $consensus_insert .= uc $b[0];
        if ($cons_depth < $min_depth) {
            $called = 'N';
        else {
            my @sorted
                = sort {$cons_counts{$b} <=> $cons_counts{$a}} keys %cons_counts;

            # get all top hits that aren't gaps
            my @equal_hits = grep {
                $cons_counts{$_} eq $cons_counts{$sorted[0]} && $_ ne '*'
            } @sorted;
            if (scalar(@equal_hits)) {
                my $tag = join('',sort {$a cmp $b} @equal_hits);
                die "bad tag $tag" if (! defined $iupac{$tag});
                $called = $iupac{$tag};
        $called .= $consensus_insert;

        print "consensus/reference difference at $chr pos $loc (ref: $ref cons: $called)\n"
            if ($verbose && $called ne $ref);

        if (defined $fn_table) {
            push @lines, [
                $called eq '' ? '-' : $called,

    my $consensus = first {$_->id eq $chr} @consensi;
    if (! defined $consensus) {
        $consensus = BioX::Seq->new('',$chr);
        push @consensi, $consensus;
    $consensus->seq .= $called;

    my $cons_len = length($called);

    # Generate bedgraph output
    if (defined $fn_bedgraph && $cons_len > 0) {

        # bin depth if requested
        if ($bg_bin_figs > 0) {
            my $divisor = 10**max(0, length($depth)-$bg_bin_figs);
            $depth = int($depth/$divisor) * $divisor;

        # output on depth change
        if (! defined $last_depth || $depth != $last_depth) {
            $bg .= join("\t",$last_chr, $bg_start, $bg_loc, $last_depth) . "\n"
                if (defined $last_depth);
            $last_depth = $depth;
            $bg_start = $bg_loc;

        $bg_loc += $cons_len;



sub realign {

    # calculate a local realignment at indel using MAFFT
    # TODO: reimplement using native code

    my ($hash) = @_;

    my @seqs = keys %{ $hash };
    my @weights = map {$hash->{$_}} @seqs;
    my @scores;
    if (scalar(@seqs) > 1) {
        my ($fh, $fn) = tempfile;
        for (0..$#seqs) {
            my $n = $_ + 1;
            print {$fh} ">$n\n$seqs[$_]\n";
        close $fh;
        open my $stream, '-|', $MAFFT,
            '--op'  => 0,
            '--lop' => 0,
        my $p = BioX::Seq::Stream->new($stream);
        while (my $seq = $p->next_seq) {
            my $w = shift @weights;
            for (0..length($seq)-1) {
                my $base = substr $seq, $_, 1;
                next if ($base eq '-');
                $scores[$_] = {} if (! defined $scores[$_]);
                $scores[$_]->{$base} += $w;
    else {
        my $seq = $seqs[0];
        my $w   = $weights[0];
        for (0..length($seq)-1) {
            my $base = substr $seq, $_, 1;
            next if ($base eq '-');
            $scores[$_] = {} if (! defined $scores[$_]);
            $scores[$_]->{$base} += $w;
    return @scores;


=head1 NAME

bam2consensus - consensus calling (etc) from BAM alignment


bam2consensus --bam <in.bam> --ref <in.fasta> [options] --consensus <out.fasta>


Re-calls a consensus sequence based on a BAM alignment to reference, with
various knobs and optional output formats


Requires the following non-core Perl libraries:

=over 1

=item * BioX::Seq


as well as the following binaries:

=over 1

=item * samtools (>= 1.3.1)

=item * mafft


=head1 OPTIONS

=head2 Input (required)

=over 4

=item B<--bam> I<filename>

Path to input BAM alignments

=item B<--ref> I<filename>

Path to reference sequence used to generate BAM alignments


=head2 Output (at least one is required, can specify more than one)

=over 4

=item B<--consensus>

Path to write consensus sequence to (as FASTA)

=item B<--bedgraph>

Path to write coverage file to (as bedgraph)

=item B<--table>

Path to write coverage file to (as tab-separated table)


=head2 Configuration 

=over 4

=item B<--min_qual>

Minimum quality for a base to be considered in consensus calling. Default: 10.

=item B<--min_depth>

Minimum read depth for consensus to be called (otherwise called as "N").  Default: 3.

=item B<--trim>

Fraction to trim from each end when calculating trimmed mean of error window.
Default: 0.2.

=item B<--window>

Size of sliding window used to calculate local error rates. Default: 30.

=item B<--bg_bin_figs> <integer>

If greater than zero, the number of significant figures used to bin depths in
bedgraph output. If zero, no binning is applied. This option is useful to
reduce the size of bedgraph output by binning similar depth values when high
resolution is not important. Default: 0 (disabled).



Please submit bug reports to the issue tracker in the distribution repository.

=head1 AUTHOR

Jeremy Volkening (


Copyright 2014-17 Jeremy Volkening

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.
