comparison @ 2:d1197d8ee0bb draft default tip

author elixir-it
date Tue, 16 Feb 2021 09:05:48 +0000
equal deleted inserted replaced
1:9b8afa0b6da4 2:d1197d8ee0bb
1 $fss=13468;
3 unless (-e "GCF_009858895.2_ASM985889v3_genomic.fna")
4 {
6 system("wget -i");
7 system("gzip -d GCF_009858895.2_ASM985889v3_genomic.fna.gz");
8 }
10 $gen_code="genetic_code";
11 die("need genetic code file in the current folder\n") unless -e "genetic_code";
12 open(IN,$gen_code);
13 while(<IN>)
14 {
15 ($triplet,$oneL)=(split());
16 $code{$triplet}=$oneL;
17 }
19 $genome="GCF_009858895.2_ASM985889v3_genomic.fna ";
20 die("need reference genome file in the current folder\n") unless -e "GCF_009858895.2_ASM985889v3_genomic.fna";
21 open(IN,$genome);
22 while(<IN>)
23 {
24 next if $_=~/^>/;
25 chomp;
26 $seq.=$_;
27 }
28 $table="";#"simple_annot_mirror";#"";#sl5 29728 29768 reg
29 die("need detailed annotation file for SARS-CoV-2 in the current folder") unless -e "";
30 open(IN,$table);
33 while(<IN>)
34 {
35 chomp();
36 ($gene,$b1,$b2,$e,$annot,$notes)=(split(/\t/));
37 $annot{$b1}{$b2}=[$gene,$e,$annot,$notes];
38 #print "$gene $b1 $b2 $e $annot $notes\n";
39 $len=$b2-$b1+1;
40 if ($gene ne "nsp12" && $gene ne "orf1ab")
41 {
42 $seqgene=substr($seq,$b1-1,$len+3); #un codone inizio in più e un codone fine in più
43 }else{
44 $len1=$fss-$b1+1;
45 $part1=substr($seq,$b1-1,$len1);
46 $len2=$b2-$fss+1;
47 $part2=substr($seq,$fss-1,$len2+3);
48 $seqgene="$part1$part2";
50 }
51 $annot_seq{$gene}=$seqgene;
52 $Lgenes{$gene}=length($seqgene);
53 ($NSTOP_G,$Tseq,$pos_Stop_R)=translate($seqgene,\%code);
54 @seq_res=split('',$Tseq);
55 for ($i=0;$i<=$#seq_res;$i++)
56 {
57 $pos=$i+1;
58 $res=$seq_res[$i];
59 }
60 }
61 %AF_data=%{read_simple_table("AF_current.csv")};
62 %MFE_data=%{read_simple_table("MFE_annot.csv")};
63 %epi_data=%{read_epitopes("epitopes_annot.csv")};
64 %hyphy_data=%{read_hyphy("hyphy_current.csv")};
68 $var_File=shift;#""cl7.csv";#"phenetic_indels_sars_cov2.csv";
69 $out_File=shift;
70 open(OUT,">$out_File");
71 die("no input\n") unless -e $var_File;
72 open(IN,$var_File);
73 $header=<IN>;
74 @header=(split(/\s+/,$header));
75 print OUT "POS\tREF\tALT\tannot\tAF\tEpitopes\tHyphy\tMFE\n";
76 while(<IN>)
77 {
78 ($change,@pos)=(split());
79 next unless $change=~/\|/;
80 ($pos,$allele)=(split(/_/,$change))[0,1];
81 ($ref,$alt)=(split(/\|/,$allele))[0,1];
82 $AF=$AF_data{"$pos$ref$alt"} ? $AF_data{"$pos$ref$alt"} : 0;
83 next if $alt=~/N/;
84 $annot_string="";
85 $contained=0;
86 $epitope_string="";
87 $hyphy_string="";
88 $MFE_string= $MFE_data{"$pos$ref$alt"} ? $MFE_data{"$pos$ref$alt"} : "NA";
89 #next if $ref eq"." || $alt eq ".";
90 foreach $b1 (sort{$a<=>$b} keys %annot)
91 {
92 foreach $b2 (sort{$a<=>$b} keys %{$annot{$b1}})
93 {
94 if ($pos<=$b2 && $pos>=$b1)
95 {
96 $contained=1;
97 $type=$annot{$b1}{$b2}[1];
98 $namegene=$annot{$b1}{$b2}[0];
99 if ($type eq "cds")
100 {
101 #print "cds";
102 @res=annot_CDS($pos,$ref,$alt,$namegene);
103 $annot_string.=$res[0];
104 if ($namegene ne "orf1ab")
105 {
106 $hyphy_string.=$res[1];
107 $epitope_string.=$res[2];
108 }
109 }else{
110 $rel_pos=$pos-$b1+1;
111 $annot_string.="$namegene:nc.$ref$rel_pos$alt,NA,NA;";
112 $epitope_string="NA" if $epitope_string eq "";
113 $hyphy_string="NA" if $hyphy_string eq "";
114 }
115 }
116 }
117 }
118 $epitope_string=~s/\s+/;/g;
119 #$epitope_string="EpiT:$epitope_string" unless $epitope_string eq "NA";
120 print OUT "$pos\t$ref\t$alt\t$annot_string\t$AF\t$epitope_string\t$hyphy_string\t$MFE_string\n" #if $contained==1;
121 }
123 sub translate
124 {
125 @orig_seq=split('',$_[0]);
126 %gen_code=%{$_[1]};
127 $type="";
128 $NSTOP=0;
129 $Tseq="";
130 $pos_Stop=0;
131 for ($i=0;$i<=$#orig_seq;$i+=3)
132 {
133 $AA=join('',@orig_seq[$i..$i+2]);
134 $res=$gen_code{$AA};
135 $pos_Stop=$i if $pos_Stop ==0 && $res eq "*";
136 $NSTOP++ if $res eq "*";
137 $Tseq.=$res;
138 }
139 #print "$seq\n";
140 return($NSTOP,$Tseq,$pos_Stop);
141 }
143 sub annot_CDS
144 {
145 $pos=$_[0];
146 $ref=$_[1];
147 $alt=$_[2];
148 $namegene=$_[3];
149 my $hyphy_string="NA";
150 my $epitopes_string="NA";
151 #print "$pos $ref $alt $namegene\n";
152 $pos_inG=$pos-$b1+1;
153 $pos_inG++ if $pos >$fss && ($annot{$b1}{$b2}[0] eq "nsp12" || $annot{$b1}{$b2}[0] eq "orf1ab");
154 $mod=$pos_inG%3;
155 $rel_pos=int($pos_inG/3);
156 $rel_pos++ if $mod !=0;
158 if (length($ref)==1 && $ref ne "."&& $alt ne ".")
159 {
161 if ($mod ==1)
162 {
163 $triplet=substr($seq,$pos-1,3);
164 @Bs=split('',$triplet);
165 die("1\n $triplet b:$Bs[0] r:$ref") unless ($Bs[0] eq $ref);
166 $Bs[0]=$alt;
167 }elsif ($mod==2){
168 $triplet=substr($seq,$pos-2,3);
169 @Bs=split('',$triplet);
170 die("2\n $triplet b:$Bs[1] r:$ref")unless ($Bs[1] eq $ref);
171 $Bs[1]=$alt;
172 }elsif ($mod==0){
173 $triplet=substr($seq,$pos-3,3);
174 @Bs=split('',$triplet);
175 die("$_ 3\n $triplet b:$Bs[2] r:$ref")unless ($Bs[2] eq $ref);
176 $Bs[2]=$alt;
177 }
178 #print "$pos_inG $relpos $mod @Bs\n";
179 $Atriplet=join("",@Bs);
180 $A1=$code{$triplet};
181 $A2=$code{$Atriplet};
182 $eff=$A1 eq $A2 ? "synonymous" : "missense";
183 $eff="start_lost" if $eff eq "missense" && $rel_pos ==1;
184 $eff="stopGain" if $A2 eq "*" && $A1 ne "*"; #stopG
185 $eff="stopLoss" if $A1 eq "*" && $A2 ne "*"; #stopL
186 $eff="S" if $A2 eq "*" && $A1 eq "*";
187 $hyphy_string=$hyphy_data{"$namegene$rel_pos"} if $hyphy_data{"$namegene$rel_pos"};
188 $epitopes_string=join(" ",@{$epi_data{"$namegene$rel_pos$A1"}}) if $epi_data{"$namegene$rel_pos$A1"};
189 #return("$namegene:c.$pos_inG$ref>$alt,p.$A1$rel_pos$A2,$mod,$eff;",$hyphy_string,$epitopes_string);
190 return("$namegene:c.$pos_inG$ref>$alt,p.$A1$rel_pos$A2,$eff;",$hyphy_string,$epitopes_string);
191 }else{
192 $eff="";
193 $gene=$annot_seq{$namegene};
194 $lgene=length($gene);
195 $upstream=substr($gene,0,$pos_inG-1);
196 $change=substr($gene,$pos_inG,length($ref));
197 $downstream=substr($gene,$pos_inG+length($ref)-1);
198 $len=length($alt);
199 unless ($ref=~/\./)
200 {
201 $modSeq="$upstream$alt$downstream";
202 }else{
203 $modSeq="$upstream$alt$change$downstream";
204 }
205 $modSeq=~s/\.//g;
207 ($NSTOP_G,$Tseq_R,$pos_Stop_R)=translate($gene,\%code);
208 ($NSTOP_R,$Tseq_alt,$pos_Stop_T)=translate($modSeq,\%code);
209 $CDS_annot_string=".";
210 #print "$namegene,aa: sr:$NSTOP_G sa:$NSTOP_R psr:$pos_Stop_R psa:$pos_Stop_T\n";
211 if ($NSTOP_R>$NSTOP_G && ($ref=~/\./ || $alt=~/\./))
212 {
214 $eff="frameshift";
215 $eff.="Ins" if $ref=~/\./;
216 $eff.="Del" if $alt=~/\./;
217 $truncation=$pos_Stop_T/3;
218 $ref_Seq=substr($Tseq_R,$truncation-1,1);
219 return("$namegene:c.$pos_inG$ref>$alt,p.$ref_Seq$truncation*,$eff;",$hyphy_string,$epitopes_string);
220 #return("$namegene:$pos_inG,$rel_pos,$mod,Frameshift,$eff;",$hyphy_string,$epitopes_string);#\t$CDS_annot_string");
221 }elsif($NSTOP_R==$NSTOP_G && $pos_Stop_T<($pos_Stop_R-$len) ){
222 # print "2\n";
223 $truncation=$pos_Stop_T/3;
224 $ref_Seq=substr($Tseq_R,$truncation-1,1);
225 $eff="Truncating";
226 $eff.="Ins" if $ref=~/\./;
227 $eff.="Del" if $alt=~/\./;
228 return("$namegene:c.$pos_inG$ref>$alt,p.$ref_Seq$truncation*,$eff;",$hyphy_string,$epitopes_string);
229 #return("$namegene:$pos_inG,$rel_pos,$mod,Trunc:$truncation,$eff;",$hyphy_string,$epitopes_string);#\t$CDS_annot_string=");
230 }else{
231 %used_epitopes=();
232 $hyphy_string="";
233 $epitopes_string="";
234 $pre="";
235 $Cref=$ref;
236 $Calt=$alt;
237 if ($mod==0)
238 {
239 $pre=substr($gene,$pos_inG-3,2);
240 }elsif($mod==2){
241 $pre=substr($gene,$pos_inG-2,1);
242 }
243 $Cref="$pre$Cref";
244 $Calt="$pre$Calt";
245 $post=$pos_inG+length($ref)-1;
246 while (length($Cref) %3!=0)
247 {
248 $Cref.=substr($gene,$post,1);
249 $Calt.=substr($gene,$post,1);
250 $post++;
251 if ($post>length($gene))
252 {
253 $local_gene=substr($gene,0,length($gene)-3);
254 $eff="TruncatingDel";
255 #print "$post\n";
256 $copy_pos=$pos_inG;
257 #print "$pos_inG\n";
258 #print length($gene)."\n";
259 #die("muoro");
260 $Loc_Ref=substr($local_gene,$copy_pos);
261 $Talt="-";
262 while(length($Loc_Ref)%3!=0)
263 {
264 $copy_pos--;
265 $Loc_Ref=substr($local_gene,$copy_pos);
266 }
267 $rel_pos=int($copy_pos/3);
268 $rel_pos++ if $mod !=0;
269 $Tref=(translate($Loc_Ref,\%code))[1];
270 return("$namegene:c.$pos_inG$ref>$alt,p.$Tref$rel_pos$Talt,$eff;",$hyphy_string,$epitopes_string);
271 #return("$namegene:$pos_inG,$rel_pos,$mod,$Tref->$Talt,$eff;",$hyphy_string,$epitopes_string)
272 }
273 }
274 if ($alt=~/\./ || $ref=~/\./)
275 {
276 $Tref="-";
277 $Talt="-";
278 $eff="inframe";
279 if ($ref=~/\./)
280 {
281 $eff.="Ins";
282 $Talt=(translate($Calt,\%code))[1];
283 if ($Cref=~/[ACTG]{1,}/)
284 {
285 $Cref=~s/\.//g;
286 $Tref=(translate($Cref,\%code))[1];
287 }
289 }
290 if ($alt=~/\./)
291 {
292 $eff.="Del";
293 $Tref=(translate($Cref,\%code))[1];
294 if ($Calt=~/[ACTG]{1,}/)
295 {
296 $Calt=~s/\.//g;
297 $Talt=(translate($Calt,\%code))[1];
298 }
299 }
300 if ($eff=~/Del/)
301 {
302 @Tref=split('',$Ttref);
303 for ($i=0;$i<=$#Tref;$i++)
304 {
305 $cur_res=$Tref[$i];
306 $cur_pos=$rel_pos+$i;
307 if ($epi_data{"$namegene$cur_res$cur_pos"})
308 {
309 $used_epitopes{join(' ',@{$epi_data{"$namegene$cur_res$cur_pos"}})}=1;
310 }
311 if ($hyphy_data{"$namegene$curpos"})
312 {
313 $hyphy_string.=$hyphy_data{"$namegene$curpos"} . ";";
314 }
315 }
316 $Nkeys=keys %used_epitopes;
317 $epitopes_string.=join(";",keys %used_epitopes) if $Nkeys>=1;
318 }
319 $hyphy_string="NA" if $hyphy_string eq "";
320 $epitopes_string="NA" if $epitopes_string eq "";
321 #print "$Talt\n";
322 return("$namegene:c.$pos_inG$ref>$alt,p.$Tref$rel_pos$Talt,$eff;",$hyphy_string,$epitopes_string);
323 #return("$namegene:$pos_inG,$rel_pos,$mod,$Tref->$Talt,$eff;",$hyphy_string,$epitopes_string);#\t$CDS_annot_string");
324 }else{
325 $Tref=(translate($Cref,\%code))[1];
326 $Talt=(translate($Calt,\%code))[1];
327 $eff="synonymous" if $Tref eq $Talt;
328 $eff="missense" if $Tref ne $Talt;
329 $eff="stopGain" if $Talt=~/\*/;
330 $eff="stopLoss" if $Tref=~/\*/ && !$Talt=~/\*/;
331 @Tref=split('',$Ttref);
332 for ($i=0;$i<=$#Tref;$i++)
333 {
334 $cur_res=$Tref[$i];
335 $cur_pos=$rel_pos+$i;
336 if ($epi_data{"$namegene$cur_res$cur_pos"})
337 {
338 $used_epitopes{join(' ',@{$epi_data{"$namegene$cur_res$cur_pos"}})}=1;
339 }
340 if ($hyphy_data{"$namegene$curpos"})
341 {
342 $hyphy_string.=$hyphy_data{"$namegene$curpos"} . ";";
343 }
344 }
345 $Nkeys=keys %used_epitopes;
346 $epitopes_string.=join(";",keys %used_epitopes) if $Nkeys>=1;
347 $hyphy_string="NA" if $hyphy_string eq "";
348 $epitopes_string="NA" if $epitopes_string eq "";
349 return("$namegene:c.$pos_inG$ref>$alt,p.$Tref$rel_pos$Talt,$eff;",$hyphy_string,$epitopes_string);
350 #return("$namegene:$pos_inG,$rel_pos,$mod,$Tref->$Talt,$eff;",$hyphy_string,$epitopes_string);#\t$CDS_annot_string");
351 }
352 }
353 }
354 }
357 sub read_simple_table
358 {
359 $file=$_[0];
360 die ("$file does not exist") unless -e $file;
361 my %data=();
362 open(IN,$file);
363 while(<IN>)
364 {
365 ($pos,$ref,$alt,$annot)=(split());
366 if ($annot=~/;/)
367 {
368 # $annot=(split(/\;/,$annot))[0];
369 }
370 $data{"$pos$ref$alt"}=$annot;
371 }
372 return \%data;
373 }
375 sub read_epitopes
376 {
377 $file=$_[0];
378 die("$file does not exist") unless -e $file;
379 my %data=();
380 open(IN,$file);
381 while(<IN>)
382 {
383 ($gene,$pos,$res,$EPIseq,$num,$HLA)=(split);
384 push(@{$data{"$gene$pos$res"}},"$EPIseq,$num,$HLA");
385 }
386 return \%data;
387 }
389 sub read_hyphy
390 {
391 $file=$_[0];
392 die("$file does not exist") unless -e $file;
393 my %data=();
394 open(IN,$file);
395 %kw=("fel"=>1,"meme"=>1,"kind"=>1);#"betas"=>1);
396 while(<IN>)
397 {
398 chomp();
399 ($gene,$pos,@annot)=(split(/\,/));
400 foreach $a (@annot)
401 {
402 $a=~s/{//g;
403 $a=~s/}//g;
404 ($ref,$key)=(split(/\:/,$a));
405 $ref=~s/"//g;
406 $key=~s/"//g;
407 #print "$gene $pos $ref $key\n";
408 if ($kw{$ref})
409 {
410 $data{"$gene$pos"}.="$ref:$key;";
411 }
412 }
414 }
415 return \%data;
416 }