diff filter.py @ 0:4502baf7ac42 draft default tip

Imported from capsule None
author devteam
date Thu, 23 Jan 2014 12:32:12 -0500
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/filter.py	Thu Jan 23 12:32:12 2014 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+import os.path
+import sys
+import optparse
+import vcfClass
+from vcfClass import *
+import tools
+from tools import *
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+  main()
+def filterFail(text, file):
+  print >> sys.stderr, text
+  if file != None: os.remove(file)
+  exit(1)
+def main():
+# Parse the command line options
+  usage = "Usage: vcfPytools.py filter [options]"
+  parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage = usage)
+  parser.add_option("-i", "--in",
+                    action="store", type="string",
+                    dest="vcfFile", help="input vcf file")
+  parser.add_option("-o", "--out",
+                    action="store", type="string",
+                    dest="output", help="output vcf file")
+  parser.add_option("-q", "--quality",
+                    action="store", type="int",
+                    dest="quality", help="filter out SNPs with qualities lower than selected value")
+  parser.add_option("-n", "--info",
+                    action="append", type="string", nargs=3,
+                    dest="infoFilters", help="filter based on entries in the info string")
+  parser.add_option("-r", "--remove-genotypes",
+                    action="store_true", default=False,
+                    dest="removeGeno", help="remove the genotype strings from the vcf file")
+  parser.add_option("-m", "--mark-as-pass",
+                    action="store_true", default=False,
+                    dest="markPass", help="Mark all records as having passed filters")
+  (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+# Check that a single vcf file is given.
+  if options.vcfFile == None:
+    parser.print_help()
+    print >> sys.stderr, "\nInput vcf file (-i, --input) is required for vcf filtering."
+    exit(1)
+# The --mark-as-pass option can only be used if no actual filters
+# have been specified.
+  if options.markPass and options.infoFilters:
+    print >> sys.stderr, "--mark-as-pass cannot be used in conjunction with filters."
+    exit(1)
+# Set the output file to stdout if no output file was specified.
+  outputFile, writeOut = setOutput(options.output) # tools.py
+  v = vcf() # Define vcf object.
+# Open the vcf file.
+  v.openVcf(options.vcfFile)
+# Read in the header information.
+  v.parseHeader(options.vcfFile, writeOut)
+  taskDescriptor = "##vcfPytools="
+  if options.infoFilters:
+    taskDescriptor += "filtered using the following filters: "
+    for filter, value, logic in options.infoFilters: taskDescriptor += str(filter) + str(value) + ","
+    taskDescriptor = taskDescriptor.rstrip(",")
+  if options.markPass: taskDescriptor += "marked all records as PASS"
+  writeHeader(outputFile, v, options.removeGeno, taskDescriptor)
+# Check that specified filters from the info field are either integers or floats.
+  if options.infoFilters:
+    v.processInfo = True # Process the info string
+    filters = {}
+    filterValues = {}
+    filterLogic = {}
+    for filter, value, logic in options.infoFilters:
+      filterName = str(filter) + str(value)
+      if "-" in filter or "-" in value or "-" in logic:
+        print >> sys.stderr, "\n--info (-n) requires three arguments, for example:"
+        print >> sys.stderr, "\t--info DP 5 lt: filter records with DP less than (lt) 5.\n"
+        print >> sys.stderr, "allowed logic arguments:\n\tgt: greater than\n\tlt: less than."
+        print >> sys.stderr, "\nError in:", filter
+        exit(1)
+      if logic != "gt" and logic != "lt":
+        print >> sys.stderr, "\nfilter logic not recognised."
+        print >> sys.stderr, "allowed logic arguments:\n\tgt: greater than\n\tlt: less than."
+        print >> sys.stderr, "\nError in:", filter
+        exit(1)
+      if v.infoHeaderTags.has_key(filter):
+        if v.infoHeaderTags[filter][1].lower() == "integer":
+          try:
+            filters[filterName] = filter
+            filterValues[filterName] = int(value)
+            filterLogic[filterName] = logic
+            #filterLogic[filterName] = logic
+          except ValueError:
+            text = "Filter " + filter + " requires an integer entry, not " + str(type(value))
+            filterFail(text, options.output)
+        if v.infoHeaderTags[filter][1].lower() == "float":
+          try:
+            filters[filterName] = filter
+            filterValues[filterName] = float(value)
+            filterLogic[filterName] = logic
+            #filters[filterName] = float(value)
+            #filterLogic[filterName] = logic
+          except ValueError:
+            text = "Filter " + filter + " requires an float entry, not " + str(type(value))
+            filterFail(text, options.output)
+      else:
+        text = "Filter " + filter + " has no explanation in the header.  Unknown type for the entry."
+        filterFail(text, options.output)
+# Parse the vcf file and check if any of the filters are failed.  If
+# so, build up a string of failed filters.
+  while v.getRecord():
+    filterString = ""
+# Mark the record as "PASS" if --mark-as-pass was applied.
+    if options.markPass: v.filters = "PASS"
+# Check for quality filtering.
+    if options.quality != None:
+      if v.quality < options.quality:
+        filterString = filterString + ";" + "Q" + str(options.quality) if filterString != "" else "Q" + str(options.quality)
+# Check for filtering on info string filters.
+    if options.infoFilters:
+      for filterName, filter in filters.iteritems():
+        value = filterValues[filterName]
+        logic = filterLogic[filterName]
+        if v.infoTags.has_key(filter):
+          if type(value) == int:
+            if logic == "lt" and int(v.infoTags[filter]) < value:
+              filterString = filterString + ";" + filter + str(value) if filterString != "" else filter + str(value)
+            if logic == "gt" and int(v.infoTags[filter]) > value:
+              filterString = filterString + ";" + filter + str(value) if filterString != "" else filter + str(value)
+          elif type(value) == float:
+            if logic == "lt" and float(v.infoTags[filter]) < value:
+              filterString = filterString + ";" + filter + str(value) if filterString != "" else filter + str(value)
+            if logic == "gt" and float(v.infoTags[filter]) > value:
+              filterString = filterString + ";" + filter + str(value) if filterString != "" else filter + str(value)
+    filterString = "PASS" if filterString == "" else filterString
+    v.filters = filterString
+    record = v.buildRecord(options.removeGeno)
+    outputFile.write(record)
+# Close the vcf files.
+  v.closeVcf(options.vcfFile)
+# Terminate the program.
+  return 0