view varscan_mpileup.xml @ 5:6e4920c4285f draft default tip

planemo upload for repository commit 9a92cb9da7568fd0482be68dbedd5c30c4c931c7
author devteam
date Fri, 03 Feb 2017 08:25:53 -0500
parents 24670f9f6839
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line source

<tool id="varscan" name="VarScan" version="2.4.2">
    <description>for variant detection</description>

        <requirement type="package" version="2.4.2">varscan</requirement>

        <regex match="Exception" source="both" level="fatal" description="Tool exception"/>
        <regex match=".*" source="both" level="log" description="tool progress"/>

varscan 2>&1 | head -n 1

        ## Set up samples list file.
        #if $sample_names.strip() != '':
           echo $sample_names | awk -F ',' '{ for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) { print \$i; } }' > samples_list.txt &&
        #end if

        ## Set up command + input.
        varscan ${cmd} ${input}
        --min-coverage ${min_coverage} 
        --min-reads2 ${min_supporting_reads} 
        --min-avg-qual ${min_avg_qual}
        --min-var-freq ${min_var_freq}
        --min-freq-for-hom ${min_freq_for_hom}
        --p-value ${p_value}
        #if str($strand_filter) == 'yes':
          --strand-filter 1
        #end if

        ## Report only variants in consensus.
        #if str($cmd) == 'mpileup2cns':
        #end if
        ## Set up outputs.
        --output-vcf 1 > $output

        #if $sample_names.strip() != '':
            --vcf-sample-list samples_list.txt
        #end if

        <param format="pileup" name="input" type="data" label="Pileup dataset" help=""/>

        <param name="cmd" type="select" label="Analysis type">
          <option value="mpileup2snp" selected="True">single nucleotide variation</option>
          <option value="mpileup2indel">insertions and deletions</option>
          <option value="mpileup2cns">consensus genotype</option>

        <param name="min_coverage" type="integer" value="8" min="1" max="200" label="Minimum read depth" help="Minimum depth at a position to make a call"/>
        <param name="min_supporting_reads" type="integer" value="2" min="1" max="200" label="Minimum supporting reads" help="Minimum supporting reads at a position to make a call"/>
        <param name="min_avg_qual" type="integer" value="15" min="1" max="50" label="Minimum base quality at a position to count a read"/>
        <param name="min_var_freq" type="float" value="0.01" min="0" max="1" label="Minimum variant allele frequency threshold"/>
        <param name="min_freq_for_hom" type="float" value="0.75" min="0" max="1" label="Minimum frequency to call homozygote"/>
        <param name="p_value" type="float" value="0.99" min="0" max="1" label="p-value threshold for calling variants"/>
        <param name="strand_filter" type="select" label="Ignore variants with >90% support on one strand">
            <option value="no" selected="True">no</option>
            <option value="yes">yes</option>
        <param name="sample_names" type="text" value="" help="Separate sample names by comma; leave blank to use default sample names."/>

        <data name="output" format="vcf"/>
            <param name="input" value="test_in1.pileup" />
            <param name="cmd" value="mpileup2cns" />
            <param name="min_coverage" value="8" />
            <param name="min_supporting_reads" value="2" />
            <param name="min_avg_qual" value="15" />
            <param name="min_var_freq" value="0.01" />
            <param name="min_freq_for_hom" value="0.75" />
            <param name="p_value" value="0.99" />
            <param name="strand_filter" value="no" />
            <param name="sample_names" value="" />
            <output name="output" file="test_out1.vcf" lines_diff="0" />

**VarScan Overview**

VarScan_ performs variant detection for massively parallel sequencing data, such as exome, WGS, and transcriptome data. It calls variants from a mpileup dataset and produces a VCF 4.1 Full documentation is available online_.

.. _VarScan:
.. _online:



  mpileup file - The SAMtools mpileup file


VarScan produces a VCF 4.1 dataset as output.



  analysis type
    single nucleotide detection     Identify SNPs from an mpileup file
    insertions and deletion       Identify indels an mpileup file
    consensus genotype     Call consensus and variants from an mpileup file

    Minimum read depth at a position to make a call [8]

    Minimum supporting reads at a position to call variants [2]

    Minimum base quality at a position to count a read [15]

        Minimum variant allele frequency threshold [0.01]

    Minimum frequency to call homozygote [0.75]
    Default p-value threshold for calling variants [99e-02]
    Ignore variants with >90% support on one strand [1]
    If set to 1, outputs in VCF format
    For VCF output, a list of sample names in order, one per line
    Report only variant (SNP/indel) positions [0]

        <citation type="doi">10.1101/gr.129684.111</citation>