Mercurial > repos > devteam > tophat
view @ 0:51c6602b46b9 draft
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author | devteam |
date | Thu, 23 Jan 2014 12:30:49 -0500 |
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children |
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#!/usr/bin/env python import optparse, os, shutil, subprocess, sys, tempfile, fileinput def stop_err( msg ): sys.stderr.write( "%s\n" % msg ) sys.exit() def __main__(): #Parse Command Line parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option( '-p', '--num-threads', dest='num_threads', help='Use this many threads to align reads. The default is 1.' ) parser.add_option( '-C', '--color-space', dest='color_space', action='store_true', help='This indicates color-space data' ) parser.add_option( '-J', '--junctions-output', dest='junctions_output_file', help='Junctions output file; formate is BED.' ) parser.add_option( '-H', '--hits-output', dest='accepted_hits_output_file', help='Accepted hits output file; formate is BAM.' ) parser.add_option( '', '--own-file', dest='own_file', help='' ) parser.add_option( '-D', '--indexes-path', dest='index_path', help='Indexes directory; location of .ebwt and .fa files.' ) parser.add_option( '-r', '--mate-inner-dist', dest='mate_inner_dist', help='This is the expected (mean) inner distance between mate pairs. \ For, example, for paired end runs with fragments selected at 300bp, \ where each end is 50bp, you should set -r to be 200. There is no default, \ and this parameter is required for paired end runs.') parser.add_option( '', '--mate-std-dev', dest='mate_std_dev', help='Standard deviation of distribution on inner distances between male pairs.' ) parser.add_option( '-a', '--min-anchor-length', dest='min_anchor_length', help='The "anchor length". TopHat will report junctions spanned by reads with at least this many bases on each side of the junction.' ) parser.add_option( '-m', '--splice-mismatches', dest='splice_mismatches', help='The maximum number of mismatches that can appear in the anchor region of a spliced alignment.' ) parser.add_option( '-i', '--min-intron-length', dest='min_intron_length', help='The minimum intron length. TopHat will ignore donor/acceptor pairs closer than this many bases apart.' ) parser.add_option( '-I', '--max-intron-length', dest='max_intron_length', help='The maximum intron length. When searching for junctions ab initio, TopHat will ignore donor/acceptor pairs farther than this many bases apart, except when such a pair is supported by a split segment alignment of a long read.' ) parser.add_option( '-g', '--max_multihits', dest='max_multihits', help='Maximum number of alignments to be allowed' ) parser.add_option( '', '--initial-read-mismatches', dest='initial_read_mismatches', help='Number of mismatches allowed in the initial read mapping' ) parser.add_option( '', '--seg-mismatches', dest='seg_mismatches', help='Number of mismatches allowed in each segment alignment for reads mapped independently' ) parser.add_option( '', '--seg-length', dest='seg_length', help='Minimum length of read segments' ) parser.add_option( '', '--library-type', dest='library_type', help='TopHat will treat the reads as strand specific. Every read alignment will have an XS attribute tag. Consider supplying library type options below to select the correct RNA-seq protocol.' ) parser.add_option( '', '--allow-indels', action="store_true", help='Allow indel search. Indel search is disabled by default.(Not used since version 1.3.0)' ) parser.add_option( '', '--max-insertion-length', dest='max_insertion_length', help='The maximum insertion length. The default is 3.' ) parser.add_option( '', '--max-deletion-length', dest='max_deletion_length', help='The maximum deletion length. The default is 3.' ) # Options for supplying own junctions parser.add_option( '-G', '--GTF', dest='gene_model_annotations', help='Supply TopHat with a list of gene model annotations. \ TopHat will use the exon records in this file to build \ a set of known splice junctions for each gene, and will \ attempt to align reads to these junctions even if they \ would not normally be covered by the initial mapping.') parser.add_option( '-j', '--raw-juncs', dest='raw_juncs', help='Supply TopHat with a list of raw junctions. Junctions are \ specified one per line, in a tab-delimited format. Records \ look like: <chrom> <left> <right> <+/-> left and right are \ zero-based coordinates, and specify the last character of the \ left sequenced to be spliced to the first character of the right \ sequence, inclusive.') parser.add_option( '', '--no-novel-juncs', action="store_true", dest='no_novel_juncs', help="Only look for junctions indicated in the \ supplied GFF file. (ignored without -G)") parser.add_option( '', '--no-novel-indels', action="store_true", dest='no_novel_indels', help="Skip indel search. Indel search is enabled by default.") # Types of search. parser.add_option( '', '--microexon-search', action="store_true", dest='microexon_search', help='With this option, the pipeline will attempt to find alignments incident to microexons. Works only for reads 50bp or longer.') parser.add_option( '', '--closure-search', action="store_true", dest='closure_search', help='Enables the mate pair closure-based search for junctions. Closure-based search should only be used when the expected inner distance between mates is small (<= 50bp)') parser.add_option( '', '--no-closure-search', action="store_false", dest='closure_search' ) parser.add_option( '', '--coverage-search', action="store_true", dest='coverage_search', help='Enables the coverage based search for junctions. Use when coverage search is disabled by default (such as for reads 75bp or longer), for maximum sensitivity.') parser.add_option( '', '--no-coverage-search', action="store_false", dest='coverage_search' ) parser.add_option( '', '--min-segment-intron', dest='min_segment_intron', help='Minimum intron length that may be found during split-segment search' ) parser.add_option( '', '--max-segment-intron', dest='max_segment_intron', help='Maximum intron length that may be found during split-segment search' ) parser.add_option( '', '--min-closure-exon', dest='min_closure_exon', help='Minimum length for exonic hops in potential splice graph' ) parser.add_option( '', '--min-closure-intron', dest='min_closure_intron', help='Minimum intron length that may be found during closure search' ) parser.add_option( '', '--max-closure-intron', dest='max_closure_intron', help='Maximum intron length that may be found during closure search' ) parser.add_option( '', '--min-coverage-intron', dest='min_coverage_intron', help='Minimum intron length that may be found during coverage search' ) parser.add_option( '', '--max-coverage-intron', dest='max_coverage_intron', help='Maximum intron length that may be found during coverage search' ) # Wrapper options. parser.add_option( '-1', '--input1', dest='input1', help='The (forward or single-end) reads file in Sanger FASTQ format' ) parser.add_option( '-2', '--input2', dest='input2', help='The reverse reads file in Sanger FASTQ format' ) parser.add_option( '', '--single-paired', dest='single_paired', help='' ) parser.add_option( '', '--settings', dest='settings', help='' ) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # output version # of tool try: tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile().name tmp_stdout = open( tmp, 'wb' ) proc = subprocess.Popen( args='tophat -v', shell=True, stdout=tmp_stdout ) tmp_stdout.close() returncode = proc.wait() stdout = open(, 'rb' ).readline().strip() if stdout: sys.stdout.write( '%s\n' % stdout ) else: raise Exception except: sys.stdout.write( 'Could not determine Tophat version\n' ) # Color or base space space = '' if options.color_space: space = '-C' # Creat bowtie index if necessary. tmp_index_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() if options.own_file: index_path = os.path.join( tmp_index_dir, '.'.join( os.path.split( options.own_file )[1].split( '.' )[:-1] ) ) try: options.own_file, index_path + '.fa' ) except: # Tophat prefers (but doesn't require) fasta file to be in same directory, with .fa extension pass cmd_index = 'bowtie-build %s -f %s %s' % ( space, options.own_file, index_path ) try: tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( dir=tmp_index_dir ).name tmp_stderr = open( tmp, 'wb' ) proc = subprocess.Popen( args=cmd_index, shell=True, cwd=tmp_index_dir, stderr=tmp_stderr.fileno() ) returncode = proc.wait() tmp_stderr.close() # get stderr, allowing for case where it's very large tmp_stderr = open( tmp, 'rb' ) stderr = '' buffsize = 1048576 try: while True: stderr += buffsize ) if not stderr or len( stderr ) % buffsize != 0: break except OverflowError: pass tmp_stderr.close() if returncode != 0: raise Exception, stderr except Exception, e: if os.path.exists( tmp_index_dir ): shutil.rmtree( tmp_index_dir ) stop_err( 'Error indexing reference sequence\n' + str( e ) ) else: index_path = options.index_path # Build tophat command. cmd = 'tophat %s %s %s' reads = options.input1 if options.input2: reads += ' ' + options.input2 opts = '-p %s %s' % ( options.num_threads, space ) if options.single_paired == 'paired': opts += ' -r %s' % options.mate_inner_dist if options.settings == 'preSet': cmd = cmd % ( opts, index_path, reads ) else: try: if int( options.min_anchor_length ) >= 3: opts += ' -a %s' % options.min_anchor_length else: raise Exception, 'Minimum anchor length must be 3 or greater' opts += ' -m %s' % options.splice_mismatches opts += ' -i %s' % options.min_intron_length opts += ' -I %s' % options.max_intron_length opts += ' -g %s' % options.max_multihits # Custom junctions options. if options.gene_model_annotations: opts += ' -G %s' % options.gene_model_annotations if options.raw_juncs: opts += ' -j %s' % options.raw_juncs if options.no_novel_juncs: opts += ' --no-novel-juncs' if options.library_type: opts += ' --library-type %s' % options.library_type if options.no_novel_indels: opts += ' --no-novel-indels' else: if options.max_insertion_length: opts += ' --max-insertion-length %i' % int( options.max_insertion_length ) if options.max_deletion_length: opts += ' --max-deletion-length %i' % int( options.max_deletion_length ) # Max options do not work for Tophat v1.2.0, despite documentation to the contrary. (Fixed in version 1.3.1) # need to warn user of this fact #sys.stdout.write( "Max insertion length and max deletion length options don't work in Tophat v1.2.0\n" ) # Search type options. if options.coverage_search: opts += ' --coverage-search --min-coverage-intron %s --max-coverage-intron %s' % ( options.min_coverage_intron, options.max_coverage_intron ) else: opts += ' --no-coverage-search' if options.closure_search: opts += ' --closure-search --min-closure-exon %s --min-closure-intron %s --max-closure-intron %s' % ( options.min_closure_exon, options.min_closure_intron, options.max_closure_intron ) else: opts += ' --no-closure-search' if options.microexon_search: opts += ' --microexon-search' if options.single_paired == 'paired': opts += ' --mate-std-dev %s' % options.mate_std_dev if options.initial_read_mismatches: opts += ' --initial-read-mismatches %d' % int( options.initial_read_mismatches ) if options.seg_mismatches: opts += ' --segment-mismatches %d' % int( options.seg_mismatches ) if options.seg_length: opts += ' --segment-length %d' % int( options.seg_length ) if options.min_segment_intron: opts += ' --min-segment-intron %d' % int( options.min_segment_intron ) if options.max_segment_intron: opts += ' --max-segment-intron %d' % int( options.max_segment_intron ) cmd = cmd % ( opts, index_path, reads ) except Exception, e: # Clean up temp dirs if os.path.exists( tmp_index_dir ): shutil.rmtree( tmp_index_dir ) stop_err( 'Something is wrong with the alignment parameters and the alignment could not be run\n' + str( e ) ) #print cmd # Run try: tmp_out = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile().name tmp_stdout = open( tmp_out, 'wb' ) tmp_err = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile().name tmp_stderr = open( tmp_err, 'wb' ) print cmd proc = subprocess.Popen( args=cmd, shell=True, cwd=".", stdout=tmp_stdout, stderr=tmp_stderr ) returncode = proc.wait() tmp_stderr.close() # get stderr, allowing for case where it's very large tmp_stderr = open( tmp_err, 'rb' ) stderr = '' buffsize = 1048576 try: while True: stderr += buffsize ) if not stderr or len( stderr ) % buffsize != 0: break except OverflowError: pass tmp_stdout.close() tmp_stderr.close() if returncode != 0: raise Exception, stderr # TODO: look for errors in program output. except Exception, e: stop_err( 'Error in tophat:\n' + str( e ) ) # Clean up temp dirs if os.path.exists( tmp_index_dir ): shutil.rmtree( tmp_index_dir ) if __name__=="__main__": __main__()