view samtools_flagstat.xml @ 10:9b44224f5a76 draft default tip

"planemo upload for repository commit 0f75269223c0821c6c82acf98fde947d0f816f2b"
author iuc
date Tue, 28 Sep 2021 16:02:06 +0000
parents 5fbe9dcaef98
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line source

<tool id="samtools_flagstat" name="Samtools flagstat" version="2.0.4" profile="@PROFILE@">
    <description>tabulate descriptive stats for BAM datset</description>

    <expand macro="requirements"/>
    <expand macro="stdio"/>
    <expand macro="version_command"/>

    samtools flagstat -@ \$addthreads 
    #if $output_fmt != 'txt'
        --output-fmt $output_fmt
    #end if
    > '$output1'

        <param name="input1" type="data" format="sam,bam,cram" label="BAM File to report statistics of" />
        <param argument="--output-fmt" type="select" label="Output format">
            <option value="txt">txt</option>
            <option value="tsv">tsv</option>
            <option value="json">json</option>

        <data name="output1" format="txt">
                <when input="output_fmt" value="tsv" format="tabular" />
                <when input="output_fmt" value="json" format="json" />

            <param name="input1" value="samtools_flagstat_input1.bam" ftype="bam" />
            <output name="output1" file="samtools_flagstat_out1.txt" ftype="txt"/>
            <param name="input1" value="samtools_flagstat_input1.bam" ftype="bam" />
            <param name="output_fmt" value="tsv"/>
            <output name="output1" file="samtools_flagstat_out1.tsv" ftype="tabular" />
            <param name="input1" value="samtools_flagstat_input1.bam" ftype="bam" />
            <param name="output_fmt" value="json"/>
            <output name="output1" file="samtools_flagstat_out1.json" ftype="json" />
**What it does**

Uses ``samtools flagstat`` command to print descriptive information for a BAM dataset. Here is an example of such information::

  200 + 0 in total (QC-passed reads + QC-failed reads)
  0 + 0 secondary
  0 + 0 supplementary
  0 + 0 duplicates
  25 + 0 mapped (12.50%:nan%)
  200 + 0 paired in sequencing
  100 + 0 read1
  100 + 0 read2
  0 + 0 properly paired (0.00%:nan%)
  0 + 0 with itself and mate mapped
  25 + 0 singletons (12.50%:nan%)
  0 + 0 with mate mapped to a different chr
  0 + 0 with mate mapped to a different chr (mapQ>=5)

The results of samtools flagstat can be visualized with MultiQC.
    <expand macro="citations"/>