changeset 48:25f86a96c4c9 draft

"planemo upload for repository commit 8b5b3a72e5714b12142d0f863729f56964691244-dirty"
author peterjc
date Tue, 08 Sep 2020 16:38:13 +0000 (2020-09-08)
parents 00330a63ffcf
children 17f84d08f5a6
files tools/ncbi_blast_plus/README.rst
diffstat 1 files changed, 127 insertions(+), 126 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/tools/ncbi_blast_plus/README.rst	Fri Aug 21 12:44:41 2020 +0000
+++ b/tools/ncbi_blast_plus/README.rst	Tue Sep 08 16:38:13 2020 +0000
@@ -101,8 +101,10 @@
 You can download the NCBI provided databases as tar-balls from here:
-* (nucleotide and protein databases like NR)
-* (domain databases like CDD)
+* (nucleotide and protein databases like
+  NT and NR)
+* (domain databases like
+  CDD)
 If using the optional taxonomy columns, you will also need to download the
 NCBI taxonomy files (``taxdb.btd`` and ``taxdb.bti`` from ``taxdb.tar.gz`` on
@@ -131,56 +133,80 @@
 ======= ======================================================================
 Version Changes
 ------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-v0.0.11 - Final revision as part of the Galaxy main repository, and the
-          first release via the Tool Shed
-v0.0.12 - Implements genetic code option for translation searches.
-        - Changes ``<parallelism>`` to 1000 sequences at a time (to cope with
-          very large sets of queries where BLAST+ can become memory hungry)
-        - Include warning that BLAST+ with subject FASTA gives pairwise
-          e-values
-v0.0.13 - Use the new error handling options in Galaxy (the previously
-          bundled ```` script is no longer needed).
-v0.0.14 - Support for makeblastdb and blastdbinfo with local BLAST databases
-          in the history (using work from Edward Kirton), requires v0.0.14
-          of the ``blast_datatypes`` repository from the Tool Shed.
-v0.0.15 - Stronger warning in help text against searching against subject
-          FASTA files (better looking e-values than you might be expecting).
-v0.0.16 - Added repository_dependencies.xml for automates installation of the
-          ``blast_datatypes`` repository from the Tool Shed.
-v0.0.17 - The BLAST+ search tools now default to extended tabular output
-          (all too often our users where having to re-run searches just to
-          get one of the missing columns like query or subject length)
-v0.0.18 - Defensive quoting of filenames in case of spaces (where possible,
-          BLAST+ handling of some multi-file arguments is problematic).
-v0.0.19 - Added wrappers for rpsblast and rpstblastn, and new ``blastdb_d.loc``
-          for the domain databases they use (e.g. CDD, PFAM or SMART).
-        - Correct case of exception regular expression (for error handling
-          fall-back in case the return code is not set properly).
-        - Clearer naming of output files.
-v0.0.20 - Added unit tests for BLASTN and TBLASTX.
-        - Added percentage identity option to BLASTN.
-        - Fallback on ElementTree if cElementTree missing in XML to tabular.
-        - Link to Tool Shed added to help text and this documentation.
-        - Tweak dependency on ``blast_datatypes`` to also work on Test Tool Shed.
-        - Dependency on new ``package_blast_plus_2_2_26`` in Tool Shed.
-        - Adopted standard MIT License.
-        - Development moved to GitHub,
-        - Updated citation information (Cock et al. 2013).
-v0.0.21 - Use macros to simplify the XML wrappers (by John Chilton).
-        - Added wrapper for dustmasker.
-        - Enabled masking for makeblastdb (Nicola Soranzo).
-        - Requires ``maskinfo-asn1`` and ``maskinfo-asn1-binary`` datatypes,
-          defined in ``blast_datatypes`` v0.0.17  on Galaxy ToolShed.
-        - Tests updated for BLAST+ 2.2.27 instead of BLAST+ 2.2.26.
-        - Now depends on ``package_blast_plus_2_2_27`` in ToolShed.
-v0.0.22 - More use of macros to simplify the wrappers.
-        - Set number of threads via ``$GALAXY_SLOTS`` environment variable.
-        - More descriptive default output names.
-        - Tests require updated BLAST DB definitions (``blast_datatypes`` v0.0.18).
-        - Pre-check for duplicate identifiers in ``makeblastdb`` wrapper.
-        - Tests updated for BLAST+ 2.2.28 instead of BLAST+ 2.2.27.
-        - Now depends on ``package_blast_plus_2_2_28`` in ToolShed.
-        - Extended tabular output includes 'salltitles' as column 25.
+v0.3.3  - Fixed ``tool_dependencies.xml`` to use BLAST+ 2.7.1 (useful only for
+          older Galaxy instances - we recommend conda for dependencies now).
+v0.3.2  - Fixed incomplete ``@CLI_OPTIONS@`` macro in the help text for the
+          ``tblastn`` and ``blastdbcmd`` wrappers.
+v0.3.1  - Clarify help text for max hits option, confusing as depending on the
+          output format it must be mapped to different command line arguments.
+        - Extend gzipped query support to all the command line tools.
+        - Workaround for gzipped support under Galaxy release 16.01 or older.
+v0.3.0  - Updated for NCBI BLAST+ 2.7.1,
+        - Depends on BioConda or legacy ToolShed ``package_blast_plus_2_7_1``.
+        - Document the BLAST+ 2.6.0 change in the standard 12 column output
+          from ``qacc,sacc,...`` to ``qaccver,saccver,...`` instead.
+        - Accept gzipped FASTA inputs for subject files, queries to ``blastn``
+          and input to ``makeblastdb`` (contribution from Anton Nekrutenko).
+v0.2.02 - Document the BLAST+ 2.5.0 change in the standard 12 column output
+          from ``qseqid,sseqid,...`` to ``qacc,sacc,...`` instead.
+        - Support for per-matrix recommended gaps settings (``-gapopen`` and
+          ``-gapextend``, contribution from Caleb Easterly and Jim Johnson).
+        - Support for ``-window_size``, ``-threshold``, ``-comp_based_stats``
+          and revising ``-word_size`` to avoid using zero to mean default
+          (contribution from Caleb Easterly).
+v0.2.01 - Use ``<command detect_errors="aggressive">`` (internal change only).
+        - Single quote command line arguments (internal change only).
+        - Show BLAST command line argument corresponding to each tool
+          parameter (contribution from Nicola Soranzo).
+        - Add ``-max_hsps`` option (contribution from Nicola Soranzo).
+        - Add ``-use_sw_tback`` option for BLASTP (Nicola Soranzo).
+v0.2.00 - Updated for NCBI BLAST+ 2.5.0, where GI numbers are less visible,
+          tabular output changes with `-parse_deflines`, and percentage
+          identifies are now given to 3dp rather than 2dp.
+        - Depends on ``package_blast_plus_2_5_0`` in ToolShed, or BioConda.
+        - ``blastxml_to_tabular`` now also gives percentage idenity to 3dp.
+        - Removed never-used binary and Python module dependency declarations
+          (internal change only).
+v0.1.08 - Allow searching against multiple locally installed databases
+          (contribution from Gildas Le Corguillé and Emma Prudent).
+        - Minor XML and Python style changes (internal change only).
+        - Set ``allow_duplicate_entries="False"`` in sample configuration file
+          ``tool_data_table_conf.xml``.
+        - Fix identifers with pipes in ``blastdbcmd`` wrapper (Devon Ryan).
+v0.1.07 - Re-enabled some ``*.loc`` file tests (these had not been supported
+          on the Tool Shed test framework, but that is not currently in use).
+        - Fixed macro problem with version field in blastxml_to_tabular.xml
+          (contribution from Bjoern Gruening and Daniel Blankenberg).
+v0.1.06 - Now depends on ``package_blast_plus_2_2_31`` in ToolShed.
+        - Tests updated for BLAST+ 2.2.31 instead of BLAST+ 2.2.30.
+v0.1.05 - Define ``parallelism`` tag via a macro (internal change only).
+        - Define wrapper versions via a macro (internal change only).
+        - Update citation information now GigaScience paper is out.
+v0.1.04 - Fixed regression using BLAST databases from the history. Currently
+          Galaxy inputs must still use ``.extra_files_path`` rather than the
+          more consise ``.extra_files`` available for output files (Issue #69)
+v0.1.03 - Reorder XML elements (internal change only).
+        - Planemo for Tool Shed upload (``.shed.yml``, internal change only).
+v0.1.02 - Now depends on ``package_blast_plus_2_2_30`` in ToolShed.
+        - Tests updated for BLAST+ 2.2.30 instead of BLAST+ 2.2.29.
+        - New tasks ``blastp-fast``, ``blastx-fast`` and ``tblastn-fast``.
+        - New minimum query HSP coverage option, ``-qcov_hsp_perc``.
+        - Removed ``-word_size`` from RPS-BLAST and RPS-TBLASTN wrappers, this
+          is set during database construction and should not have been offered
+          as a command line option in releases prior to BLAST+ 2.2.30.
+        - BLAST database ``blastdb*.loc`` files now accessed via the XML
+          table definitions in Galaxy's ``tool_data_table_conf.xml`` file,
+          setup via ``tool-data/tool_data_table_conf.xml.sample``
+        - Replace ``.extra_files_path`` with ``.files_path`` (internal change,
+          thanks to Bjoern Gruening and John Chilton).
+        - Added *"NCBI BLAST+ integrated into Galaxy"* preprint citation.
+v0.1.01 - Requires ``blastdbd`` datatype (``blast_datatypes`` v0.0.19).
+        - Wrapper for makeprofiledb added to create protein domain databases
+          (based on contribution from Bjoern Gruening).
+        - The RPS-BLAST and RPS-TBLASTN wrappers support using a protein
+          domain database from the user's history.
+        - Tool definitions now embed citation information (by John Chilton).
+        - BLAST tools support GI and SeqID filters (added by Bjoern Gruening).
 v0.1.00 - Now depends on ``package_blast_plus_2_2_29`` in ToolShed.
         - Tabular output now includes option to pick specific columns
           (based on contribution from Jim Johnson), including previously
@@ -194,80 +220,55 @@
         - Supports setting a taxonomy ID in ``makeblastdb`` wrapper.
         - Subtle changes like new conditional settings will require some old
           workflows be updated to cope.
-v0.1.01 - Requires ``blastdbd`` datatype (``blast_datatypes`` v0.0.19).
-        - Wrapper for makeprofiledb added to create protein domain databases
-          (based on contribution from Bjoern Gruening).
-        - The RPS-BLAST and RPS-TBLASTN wrappers support using a protein
-          domain database from the user's history.
-        - Tool definitions now embed citation information (by John Chilton).
-        - BLAST tools support GI and SeqID filters (added by Bjoern Gruening).
-v0.1.02 - Now depends on ``package_blast_plus_2_2_30`` in ToolShed.
-        - Tests updated for BLAST+ 2.2.30 instead of BLAST+ 2.2.29.
-        - New tasks ``blastp-fast``, ``blastx-fast`` and ``tblastn-fast``.
-        - New minimum query HSP coverage option, ``-qcov_hsp_perc``.
-        - Removed ``-word_size`` from RPS-BLAST and RPS-TBLASTN wrappers, this
-          is set during database construction and should not have been offered
-          as a command line option in releases prior to BLAST+ 2.2.30.
-        - BLAST database ``blastdb*.loc`` files now accessed via the XML
-          table definitions in Galaxy's ``tool_data_table_conf.xml`` file,
-          setup via ``tool-data/tool_data_table_conf.xml.sample``
-        - Replace ``.extra_files_path`` with ``.files_path`` (internal change,
-          thanks to Bjoern Gruening and John Chilton).
-        - Added *"NCBI BLAST+ integrated into Galaxy"* preprint citation.
-v0.1.03 - Reorder XML elements (internal change only).
-        - Planemo for Tool Shed upload (``.shed.yml``, internal change only).
-v0.1.04 - Fixed regression using BLAST databases from the history. Currently
-          Galaxy inputs must still use ``.extra_files_path`` rather than the
-          more consise ``.extra_files`` available for output files (Issue #69)
-v0.1.05 - Define ``parallelism`` tag via a macro (internal change only).
-        - Define wrapper versions via a macro (internal change only).
-        - Update citation information now GigaScience paper is out.
-v0.1.06 - Now depends on ``package_blast_plus_2_2_31`` in ToolShed.
-        - Tests updated for BLAST+ 2.2.31 instead of BLAST+ 2.2.30.
-v0.1.07 - Re-enabled some ``*.loc`` file tests (these had not been supported
-          on the Tool Shed test framework, but that is not currently in use).
-        - Fixed macro problem with version field in blastxml_to_tabular.xml
-          (contribution from Bjoern Gruening and Daniel Blankenberg).
-v0.1.08 - Allow searching against multiple locally installed databases
-          (contribution from Gildas Le Corguillé and Emma Prudent).
-        - Minor XML and Python style changes (internal change only).
-        - Set ``allow_duplicate_entries="False"`` in sample configuration file
-          ``tool_data_table_conf.xml``.
-        - Fix identifers with pipes in ``blastdbcmd`` wrapper (Devon Ryan).
-v0.2.00 - Updated for NCBI BLAST+ 2.5.0, where GI numbers are less visible,
-          tabular output changes with `-parse_deflines`, and percentage
-          identifies are now given to 3dp rather than 2dp.
-        - Depends on ``package_blast_plus_2_5_0`` in ToolShed, or BioConda.
-        - ``blastxml_to_tabular`` now also gives percentage idenity to 3dp.
-        - Removed never-used binary and Python module dependency declarations
-          (internal change only).
-v0.2.01 - Use ``<command detect_errors="aggressive">`` (internal change only).
-        - Single quote command line arguments (internal change only).
-        - Show BLAST command line argument corresponding to each tool
-          parameter (contribution from Nicola Soranzo).
-        - Add ``-max_hsps`` option (contribution from Nicola Soranzo).
-        - Add ``-use_sw_tback`` option for BLASTP (Nicola Soranzo).
-v0.2.02 - Document the BLAST+ 2.5.0 change in the standard 12 column output
-          from ``qseqid,sseqid,...`` to ``qacc,sacc,...`` instead.
-        - Support for per-matrix recommended gaps settings (``-gapopen`` and
-          ``-gapextend``, contribution from Caleb Easterly and Jim Johnson).
-        - Support for ``-window_size``, ``-threshold``, ``-comp_based_stats``
-          and revising ``-word_size`` to avoid using zero to mean default
-          (contribution from Caleb Easterly).
-v0.3.0  - Updated for NCBI BLAST+ 2.7.1,
-        - Depends on BioConda or legacy ToolShed ``package_blast_plus_2_7_1``.
-        - Document the BLAST+ 2.6.0 change in the standard 12 column output
-          from ``qacc,sacc,...`` to ``qaccver,saccver,...`` instead.
-        - Accept gzipped FASTA inputs for subject files, queries to ``blastn``
-          and input to ``makeblastdb`` (contribution from Anton Nekrutenko).
-v0.3.1  - Clarify help text for max hits option, confusing as depending on the
-          output format it must be mapped to different command line arguments.
-        - Extend gzipped query support to all the command line tools.
-        - Workaround for gzipped support under Galaxy release 16.01 or older.
-v0.3.2  - Fixed incomplete ``@CLI_OPTIONS@`` macro in the help text for the
-          ``tblastn`` and ``blastdbcmd`` wrappers.
-v0.3.3  - Fixed ``tool_dependencies.xml`` to use BLAST+ 2.7.1 (useful only for
-          older Galaxy instances - we recommend conda for dependencies now).
+v0.0.21 - Use macros to simplify the XML wrappers (by John Chilton).
+        - Added wrapper for dustmasker.
+        - Enabled masking for makeblastdb (Nicola Soranzo).
+        - Requires ``maskinfo-asn1`` and ``maskinfo-asn1-binary`` datatypes,
+          defined in ``blast_datatypes`` v0.0.17  on Galaxy ToolShed.
+        - Tests updated for BLAST+ 2.2.27 instead of BLAST+ 2.2.26.
+        - Now depends on ``package_blast_plus_2_2_27`` in ToolShed.
+v0.0.20 - Added unit tests for BLASTN and TBLASTX.
+        - Added percentage identity option to BLASTN.
+        - Fallback on ElementTree if cElementTree missing in XML to tabular.
+        - Link to Tool Shed added to help text and this documentation.
+        - Tweak ``blast_datatypes`` to also work on Test Tool Shed.
+        - Dependency on new ``package_blast_plus_2_2_26`` in Tool Shed.
+        - Adopted standard MIT License.
+        - Development moved to GitHub,
+        - Updated citation information (Cock et al. 2013).
+v0.0.19 - Added wrappers for rpsblast and rpstblastn, and new ``blastdb_d.loc``
+          for the domain databases they use (e.g. CDD, PFAM or SMART).
+        - Correct case of exception regular expression (for error handling
+          fall-back in case the return code is not set properly).
+        - Clearer naming of output files.
+v0.0.17 - The BLAST+ search tools now default to extended tabular output
+          (all too often our users where having to re-run searches just to
+          get one of the missing columns like query or subject length)
+v0.0.16 - Added repository_dependencies.xml for automates installation of the
+          ``blast_datatypes`` repository from the Tool Shed.
+v0.0.15 - Stronger warning in help text against searching against subject
+          FASTA files (better looking e-values than you might be expecting).
+v0.0.14 - Support for makeblastdb and blastdbinfo with local BLAST databases
+          in the history (using work from Edward Kirton), requires v0.0.14
+          of the ``blast_datatypes`` repository from the Tool Shed.
+v0.0.13 - Use the new error handling options in Galaxy (the previously
+          bundled ```` script is no longer needed).
+v0.0.12 - Implements genetic code option for translation searches.
+        - Changes ``<parallelism>`` to 1000 sequences at a time (to cope with
+          very large sets of queries where BLAST+ can become memory hungry)
+        - Include warning that BLAST+ with subject FASTA gives pairwise
+          e-values
+v0.0.11 - Final revision as part of the Galaxy main repository, and the
+          first release via the Tool Shed
+v0.0.22 - More use of macros to simplify the wrappers.
+        - Set number of threads via ``$GALAXY_SLOTS`` environment variable.
+        - More descriptive default output names.
+        - Tests require updated BLAST DB definitions (``blast_datatypes``
+          v0.0.18).
+        - Pre-check for duplicate identifiers in ``makeblastdb`` wrapper.
+        - Tests updated for BLAST+ 2.2.28 instead of BLAST+ 2.2.27.
+        - Now depends on ``package_blast_plus_2_2_28`` in ToolShed.
+        - Extended tabular output includes 'salltitles' as column 25.
 ======= ======================================================================