diff microsats_alignment_level.py @ 0:68d598b4433e

Imported from capsule None
author devteam
date Tue, 01 Apr 2014 09:12:28 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/microsats_alignment_level.py	Tue Apr 01 09:12:28 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+ #!/usr/bin/env python
+#Guruprasad Ananda
+Uses SPUTNIK to fetch microsatellites and extracts orthologous repeats from the sputnik output.
+import os
+import re
+import string
+import sys
+import tempfile
+def reverse_complement(text):
+    DNA_COMP = string.maketrans( "ACGTacgt", "TGCAtgca" )
+    comp = [ch for ch in text.translate(DNA_COMP)]
+    comp.reverse()
+    return "".join(comp)
+def main():
+    if len(sys.argv) != 8:
+        print >> sys.stderr, "Insufficient number of arguments."
+        sys.exit()
+    infile = open(sys.argv[1],'r')
+    separation = int(sys.argv[2])
+    outfile = sys.argv[3]
+    mono_threshold = int(sys.argv[5])
+    non_mono_threshold = int(sys.argv[6])
+    allow_different_units = int(sys.argv[7])
+    print "Min distance = %d bp; Min threshold for mono repeats = %d; Min threshold for non-mono repeats = %d; Allow different motifs = %s" % ( separation, mono_threshold, non_mono_threshold, allow_different_units==1 )
+    try:
+        fout = open(outfile, "w")
+        print >> fout, "#Block\tSeq1_Name\tSeq1_Start\tSeq1_End\tSeq1_Type\tSeq1_Length\tSeq1_RepeatNumber\tSeq1_Unit\tSeq2_Name\tSeq2_Start\tSeq2_End\tSeq2_Type\tSeq2_Length\tSeq2_RepeatNumber\tSeq2_Unit"
+        #sputnik_cmd = os.path.join(os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[0], "sputnik")
+        sputnik_cmd = "sputnik"
+        input = infile.read()
+        block_num = 0
+        input = input.replace('\r','\n')
+        for block in input.split('\n\n'):
+            block_num += 1
+            tmpin = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
+            tmpout = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
+            tmpin.write(block.strip())
+            cmdline = sputnik_cmd + " " + tmpin.name + "  > /dev/null 2>&1 >> " + tmpout.name
+            try:
+                os.system(cmdline)
+            except Exception:
+                continue
+            sputnik_out = tmpout.read()
+            tmpin.close()
+            tmpout.close()
+            if sputnik_out != "":
+                if len(block.split('>')[1:]) != 2:        #len(sputnik_out.split('>')):
+                    continue
+                align_block = block.strip().split('>')
+                lendict = {'mononucleotide':1, 'dinucleotide':2, 'trinucleotide':3, 'tetranucleotide':4, 'pentanucleotide':5, 'hexanucleotide':6}
+                blockdict = {}
+                r = 0
+                namelist = []
+                for k, sput_block in enumerate(sputnik_out.split('>')[1:]):
+                    whole_seq = ''.join(align_block[k+1].split('\n')[1:]).replace('\n','').strip()
+                    p = re.compile('\n(\S*nucleotide)')
+                    repeats = p.split(sput_block.strip())
+                    repeats_count = len(repeats)
+                    j = 1
+                    name = repeats[0].strip()
+                    try:
+                        coords = re.search('\d+[-_:]\d+', name).group()
+                        coords = coords.replace('_', '-').replace(':', '-')
+                    except Exception:
+                        coords = '0-0'
+                    r += 1
+                    blockdict[r] = {}
+                    try:
+                        sp_name = name[:name.index('.')]
+                        chr_name = name[name.index('.'):name.index('(')]
+                        namelist.append(sp_name + chr_name)
+                    except:
+                        namelist.append(name[:20])
+                    while j < repeats_count:
+                        try:
+                            if repeats[j].strip() not in lendict:
+                                j += 2
+                                continue
+                            if blockdict[r].has_key('types'):
+                                blockdict[r]['types'].append(repeats[j].strip())  #type of microsat
+                            else:
+                                blockdict[r]['types'] = [repeats[j].strip()]  #type of microsat
+                            start = int(repeats[j+1].split('--')[0].split(':')[0].strip())
+                            #check to see if there are gaps before the start of the repeat, and change the start accordingly
+                            sgaps = 0
+                            ch_pos = start - 1
+                            while ch_pos >= 0:
+                                if whole_seq[ch_pos] == '-':
+                                    sgaps += 1
+                                else:
+                                    break    #break at the 1st non-gap character
+                                ch_pos -= 1
+                            if blockdict[r].has_key('starts'):
+                                blockdict[r]['starts'].append(start+sgaps)  #start co-ords adjusted with alignment co-ords to include GAPS
+                            else:
+                                blockdict[r]['starts'] = [start+sgaps]
+                            end = int(repeats[j+1].split('--')[0].split(':')[1].strip())
+                            #check to see if there are gaps after the end of the repeat, and change the end accordingly
+                            egaps = 0
+                            for ch in whole_seq[end:]:
+                                if ch == '-':
+                                    egaps += 1
+                                else:
+                                    break    #break at the 1st non-gap character
+                            if blockdict[r].has_key('ends'):
+                                blockdict[r]['ends'].append(end+egaps)  #end co-ords adjusted with alignment co-ords to include GAPS
+                            else:
+                                blockdict[r]['ends'] = [end+egaps]
+                            repeat_seq = ''.join(repeats[j+1].replace('\r','\n').split('\n')[1:]).strip()       #Repeat Sequence
+                            repeat_len = repeats[j+1].split('--')[1].split()[1].strip()
+                            gap_count = repeat_seq.count('-')
+                            #print repeats[j+1].split('--')[1], len(repeat_seq), repeat_len, gap_count
+                            repeat_len = str(int(repeat_len) - gap_count)
+                            rel_start = blockdict[r]['starts'][-1]
+                            gaps_before_start = whole_seq[:rel_start].count('-')
+                            if blockdict[r].has_key('gaps_before_start'):
+                                blockdict[r]['gaps_before_start'].append(gaps_before_start)  #lengths
+                            else:
+                                blockdict[r]['gaps_before_start'] = [gaps_before_start]  #lengths
+                            whole_seq_start = int(coords.split('-')[0])
+                            if blockdict[r].has_key('whole_seq_start'):
+                                blockdict[r]['whole_seq_start'].append(whole_seq_start)  #lengths
+                            else:
+                                blockdict[r]['whole_seq_start'] = [whole_seq_start]  #lengths
+                            if blockdict[r].has_key('lengths'):
+                                blockdict[r]['lengths'].append(repeat_len)  #lengths
+                            else:
+                                blockdict[r]['lengths'] = [repeat_len]  #lengths
+                            if blockdict[r].has_key('counts'):
+                                blockdict[r]['counts'].append(str(int(repeat_len)/lendict[repeats[j].strip()]))  #Repeat Unit
+                            else:
+                                blockdict[r]['counts'] = [str(int(repeat_len)/lendict[repeats[j].strip()])]         #Repeat Unit
+                            if blockdict[r].has_key('units'):
+                                blockdict[r]['units'].append(repeat_seq[:lendict[repeats[j].strip()]])  #Repeat Unit
+                            else:
+                                blockdict[r]['units'] = [repeat_seq[:lendict[repeats[j].strip()]]]         #Repeat Unit
+                        except Exception:
+                            pass
+                        j += 2
+                    #check the co-ords of all repeats corresponding to a sequence and remove adjacent repeats separated by less than the user-specified 'separation'.
+                    delete_index_list = []
+                    for ind, item in enumerate(blockdict[r]['ends']):
+                        try:
+                            if blockdict[r]['starts'][ind+1]-item < separation:
+                                if ind not in delete_index_list:
+                                    delete_index_list.append(ind)
+                                if ind+1 not in delete_index_list:
+                                    delete_index_list.append(ind+1)
+                        except Exception:
+                            pass
+                    for index in delete_index_list:    #mark them for deletion
+                        try:
+                            blockdict[r]['starts'][index] = 'marked'
+                            blockdict[r]['ends'][index] = 'marked'
+                            blockdict[r]['types'][index] = 'marked'
+                            blockdict[r]['gaps_before_start'][index] = 'marked'
+                            blockdict[r]['whole_seq_start'][index] = 'marked'
+                            blockdict[r]['lengths'][index] = 'marked'
+                            blockdict[r]['counts'][index] = 'marked'
+                            blockdict[r]['units'][index] = 'marked'
+                        except Exception:
+                            pass
+                    #remove 'marked' elements from all the lists
+                    """
+                    for key in blockdict[r].keys():
+                        for elem in blockdict[r][key]:
+                            if elem == 'marked':
+                                blockdict[r][key].remove(elem)
+                    """
+                    #print blockdict
+                #make sure that the blockdict has keys for both the species
+                if (1 not in blockdict) or (2 not in blockdict):
+                    continue
+                visited_2 = [0 for x in range(len(blockdict[2]['starts']))]
+                for ind1, coord_s1 in enumerate(blockdict[1]['starts']):
+                    if coord_s1 == 'marked':
+                        continue
+                    coord_e1 = blockdict[1]['ends'][ind1]
+                    out = []
+                    for ind2, coord_s2 in enumerate(blockdict[2]['starts']):
+                        if coord_s2 == 'marked':
+                            visited_2[ind2] = 1
+                            continue
+                        coord_e2 = blockdict[2]['ends'][ind2]
+                        #skip if the 2 repeats are not of the same type or don't have the same repeating unit.
+                        if allow_different_units == 0:
+                            if (blockdict[1]['types'][ind1] != blockdict[2]['types'][ind2]):
+                                continue
+                            else:
+                                if (blockdict[1]['units'][ind1] not in blockdict[2]['units'][ind2]*2) and (reverse_complement(blockdict[1]['units'][ind1]) not in blockdict[2]['units'][ind2]*2):
+                                    continue
+                        #print >> sys.stderr, (reverse_complement(blockdict[1]['units'][ind1]) not in blockdict[2]['units'][ind2]*2)
+                        #skip if the repeat number thresholds are not met
+                        if blockdict[1]['types'][ind1] == 'mononucleotide':
+                            if (int(blockdict[1]['counts'][ind1]) < mono_threshold):
+                                continue
+                        else:
+                            if (int(blockdict[1]['counts'][ind1]) < non_mono_threshold):
+                                continue
+                        if blockdict[2]['types'][ind2] == 'mononucleotide':
+                            if (int(blockdict[2]['counts'][ind2]) < mono_threshold):
+                                continue
+                        else:
+                            if (int(blockdict[2]['counts'][ind2]) < non_mono_threshold):
+                                continue
+                        #print "s1,e1=%s,%s; s2,e2=%s,%s" % ( coord_s1, coord_e1, coord_s2, coord_e2 )
+                        if (coord_s1 in range(coord_s2, coord_e2)) or (coord_e1 in range(coord_s2, coord_e2)):
+                            out.append(str(block_num))
+                            out.append(namelist[0])
+                            rel_start = blockdict[1]['whole_seq_start'][ind1] + coord_s1 - blockdict[1]['gaps_before_start'][ind1]
+                            rel_end = rel_start + int(blockdict[1]['lengths'][ind1])
+                            out.append(str(rel_start))
+                            out.append(str(rel_end))
+                            out.append(blockdict[1]['types'][ind1])
+                            out.append(blockdict[1]['lengths'][ind1])
+                            out.append(blockdict[1]['counts'][ind1])
+                            out.append(blockdict[1]['units'][ind1])
+                            out.append(namelist[1])
+                            rel_start = blockdict[2]['whole_seq_start'][ind2] + coord_s2 - blockdict[2]['gaps_before_start'][ind2]
+                            rel_end = rel_start + int(blockdict[2]['lengths'][ind2])
+                            out.append(str(rel_start))
+                            out.append(str(rel_end))
+                            out.append(blockdict[2]['types'][ind2])
+                            out.append(blockdict[2]['lengths'][ind2])
+                            out.append(blockdict[2]['counts'][ind2])
+                            out.append(blockdict[2]['units'][ind2])
+                            print >> fout, '\t'.join(out)
+                            visited_2[ind2] = 1
+                            out = []
+                if 0 in visited_2:    #there are still some elements in 2nd set which haven't found orthologs yet.
+                    for ind2, coord_s2 in enumerate(blockdict[2]['starts']):
+                        if coord_s2 == 'marked':
+                            continue
+                        if visited_2[ind] != 0:
+                            continue
+                        coord_e2 = blockdict[2]['ends'][ind2]
+                        out = []
+                        for ind1, coord_s1 in enumerate(blockdict[1]['starts']):
+                            if coord_s1 == 'marked':
+                                continue
+                            coord_e1 = blockdict[1]['ends'][ind1]
+                            #skip if the 2 repeats are not of the same type or don't have the same repeating unit.
+                            if allow_different_units == 0:
+                                if (blockdict[1]['types'][ind1] != blockdict[2]['types'][ind2]):
+                                    continue
+                                else:
+                                    if (blockdict[1]['units'][ind1] not in blockdict[2]['units'][ind2]*2):# and reverse_complement(blockdict[1]['units'][ind1]) not in blockdict[2]['units'][ind2]*2:
+                                        continue
+                            #skip if the repeat number thresholds are not met
+                            if blockdict[1]['types'][ind1] == 'mononucleotide':
+                                if (int(blockdict[1]['counts'][ind1]) < mono_threshold):
+                                    continue
+                            else:
+                                if (int(blockdict[1]['counts'][ind1]) < non_mono_threshold):
+                                    continue
+                            if blockdict[2]['types'][ind2] == 'mononucleotide':
+                                if (int(blockdict[2]['counts'][ind2]) < mono_threshold):
+                                    continue
+                            else:
+                                if (int(blockdict[2]['counts'][ind2]) < non_mono_threshold):
+                                    continue
+                            if (coord_s2 in range(coord_s1, coord_e1)) or (coord_e2 in range(coord_s1, coord_e1)):
+                                out.append(str(block_num))
+                                out.append(namelist[0])
+                                rel_start = blockdict[1]['whole_seq_start'][ind1] + coord_s1 - blockdict[1]['gaps_before_start'][ind1]
+                                rel_end = rel_start + int(blockdict[1]['lengths'][ind1])
+                                out.append(str(rel_start))
+                                out.append(str(rel_end))
+                                out.append(blockdict[1]['types'][ind1])
+                                out.append(blockdict[1]['lengths'][ind1])
+                                out.append(blockdict[1]['counts'][ind1])
+                                out.append(blockdict[1]['units'][ind1])
+                                out.append(namelist[1])
+                                rel_start = blockdict[2]['whole_seq_start'][ind2] + coord_s2 - blockdict[2]['gaps_before_start'][ind2]
+                                rel_end = rel_start + int(blockdict[2]['lengths'][ind2])
+                                out.append(str(rel_start))
+                                out.append(str(rel_end))
+                                out.append(blockdict[2]['types'][ind2])
+                                out.append(blockdict[2]['lengths'][ind2])
+                                out.append(blockdict[2]['counts'][ind2])
+                                out.append(blockdict[2]['units'][ind2])
+                                print >> fout, '\t'.join(out)
+                                visited_2[ind2] = 1
+                                out = []
+                    #print >> fout, blockdict
+    except Exception, exc:
+        print >> sys.stderr, "type(exc),args,exc: %s, %s, %s" % ( type(exc), exc.args, exc )
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()