view tool_dependencies.xml @ 0:f02b4483eda2 draft

author chrisw
date Tue, 12 Feb 2019 12:51:34 -0500
children cb4c1efac7af
line wrap: on
line source

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <package name="htslib" version="1.9"/>
    <package name="libbigwig" version="0.4.2"/>
    <package name="bamcount" version="0.2.6">
        <install version="1.0">
                <actions architecture="x86_64" os="linux">
                    <action type="download_by_url"></action>
                    <action type="move_directory_files">
                <action type="set_environment">
                    <environment_variable action="prepend_to" name="PATH">$INSTALL_DIR</environment_variable>
bamcount 0.2.6

BAM and BigWig utility.

  bamcount <bam> [options]

  -h --help            Show this screen.
  --version            Show version.
  --threads            # of threads to do BAM decompression

Non-reference summaries:
  --alts <prefix>      Print differing from ref per-base coverages
                       Writes to a CSV file <prefix>.alts.tsv
  --include-softclip   Print a record for soft-clipped bases
  --include-n          Print mismatch records when mismatched read base is N
  --print-qual         Print quality values for mismatched bases
  --delta              Print POS field as +/- delta from previous
  --require-mdz        Quit with error unless MD:Z field exists everywhere it's
  --no-head            Don't print sequence names and lengths in header

Coverage and quantification:
  --coverage           Print per-base coverage (slow but totally worth it)
  --auc <prefix>       Print per-base area-under-coverage, will generate it for the genome
                       and for the annotation if --annotation is also passed in
                       Writes to a TSV file <prefix>.auc.tsv
  --bigwig <prefix>    Output coverage as BigWig file(s).  Writes to <prefix>
                       (also <prefix> when --min-unique-qual is specified).
                       Requires libBigWig.
  --annotation <bed> <prefix>
                       Path to BED file containing list of regions to sum coverage over
                       (tab-delimited: chrm,start,end)
  --min-unique-qual <int>
                       Output second bigWig consisting built only from alignments
                       with at least this mapping quality.  --bigwig must be specified.
                       Also produces second set of annotation sums based on this coverage
                       if --annotation is enabled
  --double-count       Allow overlapping ends of PE read to count twice toward
  --num-bases          Report total sum of bases in alignments processed (that pass filters)

Other outputs:
  --read-ends          Print counts of read starts/ends, if --min-unique-qual is set
                       then only the alignments that pass that filter will be counted here
                       Writes to 2 TSV files: <prefix>.starts.tsv, <prefix>.ends.tsv
  --frag-dist <prefix> Print fragment length distribution across the genome
                       Writes to a TSV file <prefix>.frags.tsv
  --echo-sam           Print a SAM record for each aligned read
  --ends               Report end coordinate for each read (useful for debugging)