view @ 0:22ed769665b6 draft default tip

author bgruening
date Sun, 01 Feb 2015 18:35:40 -0500
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env python


import sys
import argparse
from scipy import stats

def columns_to_values( args, line ):
    #here you go over every list
    samples = []
    for list in args:
        cols = line.split('\t')
        sample_list = []
        for row in list:
            sample_list.append( cols[row-1] )
        samples.append( map(int, sample_list) )
    return samples

def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('-i', '--infile', required=True, help='Tabular file.')
    parser.add_argument('-o', '--outfile', required=True, help='Path to the output file.')
    parser.add_argument("--sample_one_cols", help="Input format, like smi, sdf, inchi")
    parser.add_argument("--sample_two_cols", help="Input format, like smi, sdf, inchi")
    parser.add_argument("--sample_cols", help="Input format, like smi, sdf, inchi,separate arrays using ;")
    parser.add_argument("--test_id", help="statistical test method")
    parser.add_argument("--mwu_use_continuity", action="store_true", default = False,
                    help="Whether a continuity correction (1/2.) should be taken into account.")
    parser.add_argument("--equal_var", action="store_true", default = False,
                    help="If set perform a standard independent 2 sample test that assumes equal population variances. If not set, perform Welch's t-test, which does not assume equal population variance.")
    parser.add_argument("--reta", action="store_true", default = False,
                    help="Whether or not to return the internally computed a values.")
    parser.add_argument("--fisher", action="store_true", default = False,
                    help="if true then Fisher definition is used")
    parser.add_argument("--bias", action="store_true", default = False,
                    help="if false,then the calculations are corrected for statistical bias")
    parser.add_argument("--inclusive1", action="store_true", default= False ,
                    help="if false,lower_limit will be ignored")
    parser.add_argument("--inclusive2", action="store_true", default = False,
                    help="if false,higher_limit will be ignored")
    parser.add_argument("--inclusive", action="store_true", default = False,
                    help="if false,limit will be ignored")
    parser.add_argument("--printextras", action="store_true", default = False,
                    help="If True, if there are extra points a warning is raised saying how many of those points there are")
    parser.add_argument("--initial_lexsort", action="store_true", default="False",
                    help="Whether to use lexsort or quicksort as the sorting method for the initial sort of the inputs.")
    parser.add_argument("--correction", action="store_true", default = False,
                    help="continuity correction ")
    parser.add_argument("--axis", type=int, default=0,
                    help="Axis can equal None (ravel array first), or an integer (the axis over which to operate on a and b)")
    parser.add_argument("--n", type=int, default=0,
                    help="the number of trials. This is ignored if x gives both the number of successes and failures")
    parser.add_argument("--b", type=int, default=0,
                    help="The number of bins to use for the histogram")
    parser.add_argument("--N", type=int, default=0,
                    help="Score that is compared to the elements in a.")
    parser.add_argument("--ddof", type=int, default=0,
                    help="Degrees of freedom correction")
    parser.add_argument("--score", type=int, default=0,
                    help="Score that is compared to the elements in a.")
    parser.add_argument("--m", type=float, default=0.0,
    parser.add_argument("--mf", type=float, default=2.0,
                    help="lower limit")
    parser.add_argument("--nf", type=float, default=99.9,
    parser.add_argument("--p", type=float, default=0.5,
                    help="The hypothesized probability of success. 0 <= p <= 1. The default value is p = 0.5")
    parser.add_argument("--alpha", type=float, default=0.9,
    parser.add_argument("--new", type=float, default=0.0,
                    help="Value to put in place of values in a outside of bounds")
    parser.add_argument("--proportiontocut", type=float, default=0.0,
                    help="Proportion (in range 0-1) of total data set to trim of each end.")
    parser.add_argument("--lambda_", type=float, default=1.0,
                    help="lambda_ gives the power in the Cressie-Read power divergence statistic")
    parser.add_argument("--imbda", type=float, default=0,
                    help="If lmbda is not None, do the transformation for that value.If lmbda is None, find the lambda that maximizes the log-likelihood function and return it as the second output argument.")
    parser.add_argument("--base", type=float, default=1.6,
                    help="The logarithmic base to use, defaults to e")
    parser.add_argument("--dtype", help="dtype")
    parser.add_argument("--med", help="med")
    parser.add_argument("--cdf", help="cdf")
    parser.add_argument("--zero_method", help="zero_method options")
    parser.add_argument("--dist", help="dist options")
    parser.add_argument("--ties", help="ties options")
    parser.add_argument("--alternative", help="alternative options")
    parser.add_argument("--mode", help="mode options")
    parser.add_argument("--method", help="method options")
    parser.add_argument("--md", help="md options")
    parser.add_argument("--center", help="center options")
    parser.add_argument("--kind", help="kind options")
    parser.add_argument("--tail", help="tail options")
    parser.add_argument("--interpolation", help="interpolation options")
    parser.add_argument("--statistic", help="statistic options")

    args = parser.parse_args()
    infile = args.infile
    outfile = open(args.outfile, 'w+')
    test_id = args.test_id
    nf =
    mf =
    imbda = args.imbda
    inclusive1 = args.inclusive1
    inclusive2 = args.inclusive2
    sample0 = 0
    sample1 = 0
    sample2 = 0
    if args.sample_cols != None:
        sample0 = 1
        barlett_samples = []
        for sample in args.sample_cols.split(';'):
            barlett_samples.append( map(int, sample.split(',')) )
    if args.sample_one_cols != None:
        sample1 = 1
        sample_one_cols = args.sample_one_cols.split(',')
    if args.sample_two_cols != None:
        sample_two_cols = args.sample_two_cols.split(',')
        sample2 = 1
    for line in open( infile ):
        sample_one = []
        sample_two = []
        cols = line.strip().split('\t')
        if sample0 == 1:
            b_samples = columns_to_values( barlett_samples,line )
        if sample1 == 1:
            for index in sample_one_cols:
                sample_one.append( cols[ int(index) -1 ] )
        if sample2 == 1:
            for index in sample_two_cols:
                sample_two.append( cols[ int(index) -1 ] )
        if test_id.strip() == 'describe':
            size, min_max,mean,uv,bs,bk = stats.describe( map(float, sample_one) )
            cols.append( size )
            cols.append( min_max )
            cols.append( mean )
            cols.append( uv )
            cols.append( bs )
            cols.append( bk )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'mode':
            vals, counts = stats.mode( map(float, sample_one) )
            cols.append( vals )
            cols.append( counts )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'nanmean':
            m = stats.nanmean( map(float, sample_one))
            cols.append( m )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'nanmedian':
            m = stats.nanmedian( map(float, sample_one))
            cols.append( m )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'kurtosistest':
            z_value, p_value = stats.kurtosistest( map(float, sample_one) )
            cols.append( z_value )
            cols.append( p_value )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'variation':
            ra = stats.variation( map(float, sample_one))
            cols.append( ra )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'itemfreq':
            freq = stats.itemfreq( map(float, sample_one))
            for list in freq:
                elements = ','.join( map(str, list) )
                cols.append( elements )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'nanmedian':
            m = stats.nanmedian( map(float, sample_one))
            cols.append( m )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'variation':
            ra = stats.variation( map(float, sample_one))
            cols.append( ra )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'boxcox_llf':
            IIf = stats.boxcox_llf( imbda,map(float, sample_one) )
            cols.append( IIf )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'tiecorrect':
            fa = stats.tiecorrect( map(float, sample_one) )
            cols.append( fa )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'rankdata':
            r = stats.rankdata( map(float, sample_one), )
            cols.append( r )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'nanstd':
            s = stats.nanstd( map(float, sample_one),bias=args.bias )
            cols.append( s )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'anderson':
            A2, critical, sig = stats.anderson( map(float, sample_one), dist=args.dist )
            cols.append( A2 )
            for list in critical:
                cols.append( list )
            cols.append( ',' )
            for list in sig:
                cols.append( list )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'binom_test':
            p_value = stats.binom_test( map(float, sample_one), n=args.n, p=args.p )
            cols.append( p_value )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'gmean':
            gm = stats.gmean( map(float, sample_one), dtype=args.dtype )
            cols.append( gm )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'hmean':
            hm = stats.hmean( map(float, sample_one), dtype=args.dtype )
            cols.append( hm )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'kurtosis':
            k = stats.kurtosis( map(float, sample_one),axis=args.axis, fisher=args.fisher, bias=args.bias )
            cols.append( k )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'moment':
            n_moment = stats.moment( map(float, sample_one),n=args.n )
            cols.append( n_moment )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'normaltest':
            k2, p_value = stats.normaltest( map(float, sample_one) )
            cols.append( k2 )
            cols.append( p_value )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'skew':
            skewness = stats.skew( map(float, sample_one),bias=args.bias )
            cols.append( skewness )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'skewtest':
            z_value, p_value = stats.skewtest( map(float, sample_one))
            cols.append( z_value )
            cols.append( p_value )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'sem':
            s = stats.sem( map(float, sample_one),ddof=args.ddof )
            cols.append( s )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'zscore':
            z = stats.zscore( map(float, sample_one),ddof=args.ddof )
            for list in z:
                cols.append( list )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'signaltonoise':
            s2n = stats.signaltonoise( map(float, sample_one),ddof=args.ddof )
            cols.append( s2n )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'percentileofscore':
            p = stats.percentileofscore( map(float, sample_one),score=args.score,kind=args.kind )
            cols.append( p )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'bayes_mvs':
            c_mean, c_var,c_std = stats.bayes_mvs( map(float, sample_one),alpha=args.alpha )
            cols.append( c_mean )
            cols.append( c_var )
            cols.append( c_std )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'sigmaclip':
            c, c_low,c_up = stats.sigmaclip( map(float, sample_one),low=args.m,high=args.n )
            cols.append( c )
            cols.append( c_low )
            cols.append( c_up )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'kstest':
            d, p_value = stats.kstest(map(float, sample_one), cdf=args.cdf , N=args.N,alternative=args.alternative,mode=args.mode )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'chi2_contingency':
            chi2, p, dof, ex = stats.chi2_contingency( map(float, sample_one), correction=args.correction ,lambda_=args.lambda_)
            cols.append( chi2 )
            cols.append( p )
            cols.append( dof )
            cols.append( ex )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'tmean':
            if nf is 0 and mf is 0:
                mean = stats.tmean( map(float, sample_one))
                mean = stats.tmean( map(float, sample_one),( mf, nf ),( inclusive1, inclusive2 ))
            cols.append( mean )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'tmin':
            if mf is 0:
                min = stats.tmin( map(float, sample_one))
                min = stats.tmin( map(float, sample_one),lowerlimit=mf,inclusive=args.inclusive)
            cols.append( min )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'tmax':
            if nf is 0:
                max = stats.tmax( map(float, sample_one))
                max = stats.tmax( map(float, sample_one),upperlimit=nf,inclusive=args.inclusive)
            cols.append( max )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'tvar':
            if nf is 0 and mf is 0:
                var = stats.tvar( map(float, sample_one))
                var = stats.tvar( map(float, sample_one),( mf, nf ),( inclusive1, inclusive2 ))
            cols.append( var )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'tstd':
            if nf is 0 and mf is 0:
                std = stats.tstd( map(float, sample_one))
                std = stats.tstd( map(float, sample_one),( mf, nf ),( inclusive1, inclusive2 ))
            cols.append( std )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'tsem':
            if nf is 0 and mf is 0:
                s = stats.tsem( map(float, sample_one))
                s = stats.tsem( map(float, sample_one),( mf, nf ),( inclusive1, inclusive2 ))
            cols.append( s )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'scoreatpercentile':
            if nf is 0 and mf is 0:
                s = stats.scoreatpercentile( map(float, sample_one),map(float, sample_two),interpolation_method=args.interpolation )
                s = stats.scoreatpercentile( map(float, sample_one),map(float, sample_two),( mf, nf ),interpolation_method=args.interpolation )
            for list in s:
                cols.append( list )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'relfreq':
            if nf is 0 and mf is 0:
                rel, low_range, binsize, ex = stats.relfreq( map(float, sample_one),args.b)
                rel, low_range, binsize, ex = stats.relfreq( map(float, sample_one),args.b,( mf, nf ))
            for list in rel:
                cols.append( list )
            cols.append( low_range )
            cols.append( binsize )
            cols.append( ex )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'binned_statistic':
            if nf is 0 and mf is 0:
                st, b_edge, b_n = stats.binned_statistic( map(float, sample_one),map(float, sample_two),statistic=args.statistic,bins=args.b )
                st, b_edge, b_n = stats.binned_statistic( map(float, sample_one),map(float, sample_two),statistic=args.statistic,bins=args.b,range=( mf, nf ) )
            cols.append( st )
            cols.append( b_edge )
            cols.append( b_n )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'threshold':
            if nf is 0 and mf is 0:
                o = stats.threshold( map(float, sample_one), )
                o = stats.threshold( map(float, sample_one),mf,nf, )
            for list in o:
                cols.append( list )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'trimboth':
            o = stats.trimboth( map(float, sample_one),proportiontocut=args.proportiontocut )
            for list in o:
                cols.append( list )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'trim1':
            t1 = stats.trim1( map(float, sample_one),proportiontocut=args.proportiontocut,tail=args.tail )
            for list in t1:
                cols.append( list )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'histogram':
            if nf is 0 and mf is 0:
                hi, low_range, binsize, ex = stats.histogram( map(float, sample_one),args.b)
                hi, low_range, binsize, ex = stats.histogram( map(float, sample_one),args.b,( mf, nf ))
            cols.append( hi )
            cols.append( low_range )
            cols.append( binsize )
            cols.append( ex )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'cumfreq':
            if nf is 0 and mf is 0:
                cum, low_range, binsize, ex = stats.cumfreq( map(float, sample_one),args.b)
                cum, low_range, binsize, ex = stats.cumfreq( map(float, sample_one),args.b,( mf, nf ))
            cols.append( cum )
            cols.append( low_range )
            cols.append( binsize )
            cols.append( ex )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'boxcox_normmax':
            if nf is 0 and mf is 0:
                ma = stats.boxcox_normmax( map(float, sample_one))
                ma = stats.boxcox_normmax( map(float, sample_one),( mf, nf ),method=args.method)
            cols.append( ma )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'boxcox':
            if imbda is 0:
                box, ma, ci = stats.boxcox( map(float, sample_one),alpha=args.alpha )
                cols.append( box )
                cols.append( ma )
                cols.append( ci )
                box = stats.boxcox( map(float, sample_one),imbda,alpha=args.alpha )
                cols.append( box )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'histogram2':
            h2 = stats.histogram2( map(float, sample_one), map(float, sample_two) )
            for list in h2:
                cols.append( list )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'ranksums':
            z_statistic, p_value = stats.ranksums( map(float, sample_one), map(float, sample_two) )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'ttest_1samp':
            t, prob = stats.ttest_1samp( map(float, sample_one), map(float, sample_two) )
            for list in t:
                cols.append( list )
            for list in prob:
                cols.append( list )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'ansari':
            AB, p_value = stats.ansari( map(float, sample_one), map(float, sample_two) )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'linregress':
            slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, stderr = stats.linregress( map(float, sample_one), map(float, sample_two) )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'pearsonr':
            cor, p_value = stats.pearsonr( map(float, sample_one), map(float, sample_two) )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'pointbiserialr':
            r, p_value = stats.pointbiserialr( map(float, sample_one), map(float, sample_two) )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'ks_2samp':
            d, p_value = stats.ks_2samp( map(float, sample_one), map(float, sample_two) )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'mannwhitneyu':
            mw_stats_u, p_value = stats.mannwhitneyu( map(float, sample_one), map(float, sample_two), use_continuity=args.mwu_use_continuity )
            cols.append( mw_stats_u )
            cols.append( p_value )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'zmap':
            z = stats.zmap( map(float, sample_one),map(float, sample_two),ddof=args.ddof )
            for list in z:
                cols.append( list )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'ttest_ind':
            mw_stats_u, p_value = stats.ttest_ind( map(float, sample_one), map(float, sample_two), equal_var=args.equal_var )
            cols.append( mw_stats_u )
            cols.append( p_value )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'ttest_rel':
            t, prob = stats.ttest_rel( map(float, sample_one), map(float, sample_two), axis=args.axis )
            cols.append( t )
            cols.append( prob )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'mood':
            z, p_value = stats.mood( map(float, sample_one), map(float, sample_two), axis=args.axis )
            cols.append( z )
            cols.append( p_value )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'shapiro':
            W, p_value, a = stats.shapiro( map(float, sample_one), map(float, sample_two), args.reta )
            cols.append( W )
            cols.append( p_value )
            for list in a:
                cols.append( list )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'kendalltau':
            k, p_value = stats.kendalltau( map(float, sample_one), map(float, sample_two), initial_lexsort=args.initial_lexsort )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'entropy':
            s = stats.entropy( map(float, sample_one), map(float, sample_two), base=args.base )
            cols.append( s )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'spearmanr':
            if sample2 == 1 :
                rho, p_value = stats.spearmanr( map(float, sample_one), map(float, sample_two) )
                rho, p_value = stats.spearmanr( map(float, sample_one))
            cols.append( rho )
            cols.append( p_value )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'wilcoxon':
            if sample2 == 1 :
                T, p_value = stats.wilcoxon( map(float, sample_one), map(float, sample_two),zero_method=args.zero_method,correction=args.correction )
                T, p_value = stats.wilcoxon( map(float, sample_one),zero_method=args.zero_method,correction=args.correction )
            cols.append( T )
            cols.append( p_value )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'chisquare':
            if sample2 == 1 :
                rho, p_value = stats.chisquare( map(float, sample_one), map(float, sample_two),ddof=args.ddof )
                rho, p_value = stats.chisquare( map(float, sample_one),ddof=args.ddof)
            cols.append( rho )
            cols.append( p_value )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'power_divergence':
            if sample2 == 1 :
                stat, p_value = stats.power_divergence( map(float, sample_one), map(float, sample_two),ddof=args.ddof,lambda_=args.lambda_ )
                stat, p_value = stats.power_divergence( map(float, sample_one),ddof=args.ddof,lambda_=args.lambda_)
            cols.append( stat )
            cols.append( p_value )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'theilslopes':
            if sample2 == 1 :
                mpe, met, lo, up = stats.theilslopes( map(float, sample_one), map(float, sample_two),alpha=args.alpha )
                mpe, met, lo, up = stats.theilslopes( map(float, sample_one),alpha=args.alpha)
            cols.append( mpe )
            cols.append( met )
            cols.append( lo )
            cols.append( up )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'combine_pvalues':
            if sample2 == 1 :
                stat, p_value = stats.combine_pvalues( map(float, sample_one),,weights=map(float, sample_two) )
                stat, p_value = stats.combine_pvalues( map(float, sample_one),
            cols.append( stat )
            cols.append( p_value )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'obrientransform':
            ob = stats.obrientransform( *b_samples )
            for list in ob:
                elements = ','.join( map(str, list) )
                cols.append( elements )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'f_oneway':
            f_value, p_value = stats.f_oneway( *b_samples )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'kruskal':
            h, p_value = stats.kruskal( *b_samples )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'friedmanchisquare':
            fr, p_value = stats.friedmanchisquare( *b_samples )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'fligner':
            xsq, p_value = stats.fligner(,proportiontocut=args.proportiontocut,*b_samples )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'bartlett':
            T, p_value = stats.bartlett( *b_samples )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'levene':
            w, p_value = stats.levene(,proportiontocut=args.proportiontocut,*b_samples )
        elif test_id.strip() == 'median_test':
            stat, p_value, m, table = stats.median_test( ties=args.ties,correction=args.correction ,lambda_=args.lambda_,*b_samples )
            for list in table:
                elements = ','.join( map(str, list) )
                cols.append( elements )
        outfile.write( '%s\n' % '\t'.join( map(str, cols) ) )

if __name__ == '__main__':