Mercurial > repos > bgruening > openbabel_svg_depiction
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planemo upload for repository commit d9c51279c061a1da948a2582d5b502ca7573adbf
author | bgruening |
date | Thu, 15 Aug 2024 10:55:39 +0000 |
parents | 177604236547 |
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#!/usr/bin/env python """ Small library with cheminformatic functions based on openbabel and pgchem. Copyright 2012, Bjoern Gruening and Xavier Lucas """ import glob import re import subprocess import sys import tempfile from multiprocessing import Pool try: from galaxy import eggs eggs.require("psycopg2") except ImportError: psycopg2 = None print( "psycopg2 is not available. It is currently used in the pgchem wrappers, that are not shipped with default CTB" ) try: from openbabel import openbabel, pybel openbabel.obErrorLog.StopLogging() except ImportError: openbabel, pybel = None, None print( "OpenBabel could not be found. A few functions are not available without OpenBabel." ) def CountLines(path): out = subprocess.Popen( ["wc", "-l", path], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT ).communicate()[0] return int(out.partition(b" ")[0]) def grep(pattern, file_obj): grepper = re.compile(pattern) for line in file_obj: if return True return False def check_filetype(filepath): mol = False possible_inchi = True for line_counter, line in enumerate(open(filepath)): if line_counter > 10000: break if line.find("$$$$") != -1: return "sdf" elif line.find("@<TRIPOS>MOLECULE") != -1: return "mol2" elif line.find("ligand id") != -1: return "drf" elif possible_inchi and re.findall("^InChI=", line): return "inchi" elif re.findall(r"^M\s+END", line): mol = True # first line is not an InChI, so it can't be an InChI file possible_inchi = False if mol: # END can occures before $$$$, so and SDF file will # be recognised as mol, if you not using this hack' return "mol" return "smi" def db_connect(args): try: db_conn = psycopg2.connect( "dbname=%s user=%s host=%s password=%s" % (args.dbname, args.dbuser, args.dbhost, args.dbpasswd) ) return db_conn except psycopg2.Error: sys.exit("Unable to connect to the db") ColumnNames = { "can_smiles": "Canonical SMILES", "can": "Canonical SMILES", "inchi": "InChI", "inchi_key": "InChI key", "inchi_key_first": "InChI key first", "inchi_key_last": "InChI key last", "molwt": "Molecular weight", "hbd": "Hydrogen-bond donors", "donors": "Hydrogen-bond donors", "hba": "Hydrogen-bond acceptors", "acceptors": "Hydrogen-bond acceptors", "rotbonds": "Rotatable bonds", "logp": "logP", "psa": "Polar surface area", "mr": "Molecular refractivity", "atoms": "Number of heavy atoms", "rings": "Number of rings", "set_bits": "FP2 bits", "id": "Internal identifier", "tani": "Tanimoto coefficient", "spectrophore": "Spectrophores(TM)", "dist_spectrophore": "Spectrophores(TM) distance to target", "synonym": "Entry id", } OBDescriptor = { "atoms": ["atoms", "Number of atoms"], "hatoms": [ "hatoms", "Number of heavy atoms", ], # self defined tag hatoms in plugindefines.txt "can_smiles": ["cansmi", "Canonical SMILES"], "can_smilesNS": ["cansmiNS", "Canonical SMILES without isotopes or stereo"], # ["abonds", "Number of aromatic bonds"], # ["bonds", "Number of bonds"], # ["dbonds", "Number of double bonds"], # ["formula", "Chemical formula"], "hba": ["HBA1", "Number of Hydrogen Bond Acceptors 1 (JoelLib)"], "hba2": ["HBA2", "Number of Hydrogen Bond Acceptors 2 (JoelLib)"], "hbd": ["HBD", "Number of Hydrogen Bond Donors (JoelLib)"], "inchi": ["InChI", "IUPAC InChI identifier"], "inchi_key": ["InChIKey", "InChIKey"], # ["L5", "Lipinski Rule of Five"], "logp": ["logP", "octanol/water partition coefficient"], "mr": ["MR", "molar refractivity"], "molwt": ["MW", "Molecular Weight filter"], # ["nF", "Number of Fluorine Atoms"], # ["s", "SMARTS filter"], # ["sbonds", "Number of single bonds"], # ["smarts", "SMARTS filter"], # ["tbonds", "Number of triple bonds"], # ["title", "For comparing a molecule's title"], "psa": ["TPSA", "topological polar surface area"], "rotbonds": ["ROTATABLE_BOND", "rotatable bonds"], } def print_output(args, rows): if args.oformat == "table": outfile = open(args.output, "w") requested_fields = ( filter(lambda x: x not in ["[", "]", "'"], args.fetch) ).split(", ") if args.header: outfile.write( "Identifier\t" + "\t".join([ColumnNames[key] for key in requested_fields]) + "\n" ) for row in rows: outfile.write( row["synonym"] + "\t" + "\t".join([str(row[key]) for key in requested_fields]) + "\n" ) elif args.oformat in ["sdf", "mol2"]: outfile = pybel.Outputfile(args.oformat, args.output, overwrite=True) for row in rows: try: mol = pybel.readstring("sdf", row["mol"]) if args.oformat == "sdf": keys = filter(lambda x: x not in ["[", "]", "'"], args.fetch).split( ", " ){ColumnNames["synonym"]: row["synonym"]}) if "inchi_key" in keys: keys = ( ", ".join(keys).replace( "inchi_key", "inchi_key_first, inchi_key_last" ) ).split(", ") [{ColumnNames[key]: row[key]}) for key in keys if key ] outfile.write(mol) except OSError: pass else: outfile = open(args.output, "w") outfile.write( "\n".join(["%s\t%s" % (row[args.oformat], row["synonym"]) for row in rows]) ) outfile.close() def pybel_stop_logging(): openbabel.obErrorLog.StopLogging() def get_properties_ext(mol): HBD = pybel.Smarts("[!#6;!H0]") HBA = pybel.Smarts( ( "[$([$([#8,#16]);!$(*=N~O);" "!$(*~N=O);X1,X2]),$([#7;v3;" "!$([nH]);!$(*(-a)-a)])]" ) ) calc_desc_dict = mol.calcdesc() try: logp = calc_desc_dict["logP"] except KeyError: logp = calc_desc_dict["LogP"] return { "molwt": mol.molwt, "logp": logp, "donors": len(HBD.findall(mol)), "acceptors": len(HBA.findall(mol)), "psa": calc_desc_dict["TPSA"], "mr": calc_desc_dict["MR"], "rotbonds": mol.OBMol.NumRotors(), "can": mol.write("can") .split()[0] .strip(), # tthis one works fine for both zinc and chembl (no ZINC code added after can descriptor string) "inchi": mol.write("inchi").strip(), "inchi_key": get_inchikey(mol).strip(), "rings": len(mol.sssr), "atoms": mol.OBMol.NumHvyAtoms(), "spectrophore": OBspectrophore(mol), } def get_inchikey(mol): conv = openbabel.OBConversion() conv.SetInAndOutFormats("mol", "inchi") conv.SetOptions("K", conv.OUTOPTIONS) inchikey = conv.WriteString(mol.OBMol) return inchikey def OBspectrophore(mol): spectrophore = pybel.ob.OBSpectrophore() # Parameters: rotation angle = 20, normalization for mean and sd, accuracy = 3.0 A and non-stereospecific cages. spectrophore.SetNormalization(spectrophore.NormalizationTowardsZeroMeanAndUnitStd) return ", ".join( ["%.3f" % value for value in spectrophore.GetSpectrophore(mol.OBMol)] ) def split_library(lib_path, lib_format="sdf", package_size=None): """ Split a library of compounds. Usage: split_library(lib_path, lib_format, package_size) IT currently ONLY WORKS FOR SD-Files """ pack = 1 mol_counter = 0 outfile = open( "/%s/%s_pack_%i.%s" % ( "/".join(lib_path.split("/")[:-1]), lib_path.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0], pack, "sdf", ), "w", ) for line in open(lib_path, "r"): outfile.write(line) if line.strip() == "$$$$": mol_counter += 1 if mol_counter % package_size == 0: outfile.close() pack += 1 outfile = open( "/%s/%s_pack_%i.%s" % ( "/".join(lib_path.split("/")[:-1]), lib_path.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0], pack, "sdf", ), "w", ) if mol_counter * 10 % package_size == 0: print( "%i molecules parsed, starting pack nr. %i" % (mol_counter, pack - 1) ) outfile.close() return True def split_smi_library(smiles_file, structures_in_one_file): """ Split a file with SMILES to several files for multiprocessing usage. Usage: split_smi_library(smiles_file, 10) """ output_files = [] tfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) smiles_handle = open(smiles_file, "r") for count, line in enumerate(smiles_handle): if count % structures_in_one_file == 0 and count != 0: tfile.close() output_files.append( tfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) tfile.write(line) tfile.close() output_files.append( smiles_handle.close() return output_files def mp_run(input_path, regex, PROCESSES, function_to_call): paths = [] [ paths.append(compound_file) for compound_file in glob.glob(str(input_path) + str(regex)) ] paths.sort() pool = Pool(processes=PROCESSES) print("Process initialized with", PROCESSES, "processors") result = pool.map_async(function_to_call, paths) result.get() return paths if __name__ == "__main__": print(check_filetype(sys.argv[1]))