view test-data/raw_qc_report @ 10:551510b684b7 draft

planemo upload for repository commit eec0a4d5a7c5ba4ec0fbd2ead8280c3d143bb9d8
author iuc
date Fri, 27 Apr 2018 03:19:28 -0400 (2018-04-27)
parents 673c3280e576
children 34ea556ba897
line wrap: on
line source

File	matrix.h5		
Pairs considered	983		
Min rest. site distance	300		
Max library insert size	1000		

#	count	(percentage w.r.t. total sequenced reads)
Pairs mappable, unique and high quality	300	(30.52)
Pairs used	215	(21.87)
One mate unmapped	506	(51.48)
One mate not unique	13	(1.32)
One mate low quality	164	(16.68)

#	count	(percentage w.r.t. mappable, unique and high quality pairs)
dangling end	0	(0.00)
self ligation (removed)	0	(0.00)
One mate not close to rest site	0	(0.00)
same fragment	85	(28.33)
self circle	0	(0.00)
duplicated pairs	0	(0.00)

#	count	(percentage w.r.t. total valid pairs used)
inter chromosomal	24	(11.16)
short range < 20kb	61	(28.37)
long range	130	(60.47)
inward pairs	42	(19.53)
outward pairs	66	(30.70)
left pairs	48	(22.33)
right pairs	35	(16.28)