diff make_EAR.py @ 0:6af76d4371f8 draft

planemo upload for repository https://github.com/ERGA-consortium/EARs/tree/main commit a08f73e00550020ac83f4d45045075962a8a2251
author bgruening
date Thu, 04 Jul 2024 12:43:34 +0000
children 82450f7907ef
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/make_EAR.py	Thu Jul 04 12:43:34 2024 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1084 @@
+import argparse
+import glob
+import logging
+import math
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+from datetime import datetime
+import pytz
+import requests
+import yaml
+from reportlab.lib import colors
+from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import A4
+from reportlab.lib.styles import getSampleStyleSheet, ParagraphStyle
+from reportlab.lib.units import cm
+from reportlab.platypus import Image, PageBreak, Paragraph, SimpleDocTemplate, Spacer, Table, TableStyle
+# make_EAR_glxy.py
+# CAUTION: This is for the Galaxy version!
+# by Diego De Panis
+# ERGA Sequencing and Assembly Committee
+EAR_version = "v24.05.20_glxy_beta"
+def make_report(yaml_file):
+    logging.basicConfig(filename='EAR.log', level=logging.INFO)
+    # Read the content from EAR.yaml file
+    with open(yaml_file, "r") as file:
+        yaml_data = yaml.safe_load(file)
+    # FUNCTIONS ###################################################################################
+    def format_number(value):
+        try:
+            value_float = float(value)
+            if value_float.is_integer():
+                # format as an integer if no decimal part
+                return f'{int(value_float):,}'
+            else:
+                # format as a float
+                return f'{value_float:,}'
+        except ValueError:
+            # return the original value if it can't be converted to a float
+            return value
+    # extract gfastats values
+    def extract_gfastats_values(content, keys):
+        return [re.findall(f"{key}: (.+)", content)[0] for key in keys]
+    keys = [
+        "Total scaffold length",
+        "GC content %",
+        "# gaps in scaffolds",
+        "Total gap length in scaffolds",
+        "# scaffolds",
+        "Scaffold N50",
+        "Scaffold L50",
+        "Scaffold L90",
+        "# contigs",
+        "Contig N50",
+        "Contig L50",
+        "Contig L90",
+    ]
+    display_names = keys.copy()
+    display_names[display_names.index("Total scaffold length")] = "Total bp"
+    total_length_index = keys.index("Total scaffold length")
+    display_names[display_names.index("GC content %")] = "GC %"
+    display_names[display_names.index("Total gap length in scaffolds")] = "Total gap bp"
+    display_names[display_names.index("# scaffolds")] = "Scaffolds"
+    display_names[display_names.index("# contigs")] = "Contigs"
+    gaps_index = keys.index("# gaps in scaffolds")
+    exclusion_list = ["# gaps in scaffolds"]
+    # extract Total bp from gfastats report
+    def extract_total_bp_from_gfastats(gfastats_path):
+        with open(gfastats_path, "r") as f:
+            content = f.read()
+        total_bp = re.search(r"Total scaffold length: (.+)", content).group(1)
+        total_bp = int(total_bp.replace(',', ''))
+        return "{:,}".format(total_bp)
+    # compute EBP quality metric
+    def compute_ebp_metric(haplotype, gfastats_path, qv_value):
+        keys_needed = ["Contig N50", "Scaffold N50"]
+        content = ''
+        with open(gfastats_path, "r") as f:
+            content = f.read()
+        values = extract_gfastats_values(content, keys_needed)
+        contig_n50_log = math.floor(math.log10(int(values[0].replace(',', ''))))
+        scaffold_n50_log = math.floor(math.log10(int(values[1].replace(',', ''))))
+        return f"Obtained EBP quality metric for {haplotype}: {contig_n50_log}.{scaffold_n50_log}.Q{math.floor(float(qv_value))}"
+    # extract qv values
+    def get_qv_value(file_path, order, tool, haplotype):
+        try:
+            with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
+                lines = file.readlines()
+                if len(lines) > order and (len(lines) == 1 or lines[2].split('\t')[0].strip() == "Both"):
+                    target_line = lines[order]
+                    fourth_column_value = target_line.split('\t')[3]
+                    return fourth_column_value
+        except Exception as e:
+            logging.error(f"Error reading {file_path} for tool {tool} and haplotype {haplotype}: {str(e)}")
+        return ''
+    # extract Kmer completeness values
+    def get_completeness_value(file_path, order, tool, haplotype):
+        try:
+            with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
+                lines = file.readlines()
+                if len(lines) > order:
+                    target_line = lines[order]
+                    fifth_column_value = target_line.split('\t')[4].strip()
+                    return fifth_column_value
+        except Exception as e:
+            logging.warning(f"Error reading {file_path}: {str(e)}")
+            return ''
+    # Getting kmer plots for curated asm
+    def get_png_files(dir_path):
+        png_files = glob.glob(f"{dir_path}/*.ln.png")
+        if len(png_files) < 4:
+            logging.warning(f"Warning: Less than 4 png files found in {dir_path}. If this is diploid, some images may be missing.")
+            # fill missing with None
+            while len(png_files) < 4:
+                png_files.append(None)
+        return png_files[:4]
+    # get unique part in file names
+    def find_unique_parts(file1, file2):
+        # Split filenames into parts
+        parts1 = file1.split('.')
+        parts2 = file2.split('.')
+        # Find unique parts
+        unique_parts1 = [part for part in parts1 if part not in parts2]
+        unique_parts2 = [part for part in parts2 if part not in parts1]
+        return ' '.join(unique_parts1), ' '.join(unique_parts2)
+    # extract BUSCO values
+    def extract_busco_values(file_path):
+        try:
+            with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
+                content = file.read()
+                results_line = re.findall(r"C:.*n:\d+", content)[0]
+                s_value = re.findall(r"S:(\d+\.\d+%)", results_line)[0]
+                d_value = re.findall(r"D:(\d+\.\d+%)", results_line)[0]
+                f_value = re.findall(r"F:(\d+\.\d+%)", results_line)[0]
+                m_value = re.findall(r"M:(\d+\.\d+%)", results_line)[0]
+                return s_value, d_value, f_value, m_value
+        except Exception as e:
+            logging.warning(f"Error reading {file_path}: {str(e)}")
+            return '', '', '', ''
+    # extract BUSCO info
+    def extract_busco_info(file_path):
+        busco_version = None
+        lineage_info = None
+        try:
+            with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
+                content = file.read()
+                version_match = re.search(r"# BUSCO version is: ([\d.]+)", content)
+                if version_match:
+                    busco_version = version_match.group(1)
+                lineage_match = re.search(r"The lineage dataset is: (.*?) \(Creation date:.*?, number of genomes: (\d+), number of BUSCOs: (\d+)\)", content)
+                if lineage_match:
+                    lineage_info = lineage_match.groups()
+                if not lineage_info:
+                    lineage_match = re.search(r"The lineage dataset is: (.*?) \(Creation date:.*?, number of species: (\d+), number of BUSCOs: (\d+)\)", content)
+                    if lineage_match:
+                        lineage_info = lineage_match.groups()
+        except Exception as e:
+            logging.warning(f"Error reading {file_path}: {str(e)}")
+        return busco_version, lineage_info
+    # Function to check and generate warning messages
+    def generate_warning_paragraphs(expected, observed, trait):
+        paragraphs = []
+        try:
+            if trait == "Haploid size (bp)":
+                expected_val = int(expected.replace(',', ''))
+                observed_val = int(observed.replace(',', ''))
+                if abs(expected_val - observed_val) / expected_val > 0.20:
+                    message = f". Observed {trait} has >20% difference with Expected"
+                    paragraphs.append(Paragraph(message, styles["midiStyle"]))
+            elif trait in ["Haploid Number", "Ploidy"]:
+                # Ensure both values are integers for comparison
+                expected_val = int(expected)
+                observed_val = int(observed)
+                if expected_val != observed_val:
+                    message = f". Observed {trait} is different from Expected"
+                    paragraphs.append(Paragraph(message, styles["midiStyle"]))
+            elif trait == "Sample Sex":
+                # Compare case-insensitive and trimmed strings
+                if expected.strip().lower() != observed.strip().lower():
+                    message = ". Observed sex is different from Sample sex"
+                    paragraphs.append(Paragraph(message, styles["midiStyle"]))
+        except Exception as e:
+            logging.warning(f"Error in generating warning for {trait}: {str(e)}")
+        return paragraphs
+    # Generate warnings for curated haplotypes (qv, kcomp, busco)
+    def generate_curated_warnings(haplotype, qv_value, completeness_value, busco_scores):
+        paragraphs = []
+        try:
+            # Ensure values are correctly interpreted as floats
+            qv_val = float(qv_value)
+            completeness_val = float(completeness_value)
+            s_value = float(busco_scores[0].rstrip('%'))
+            d_value = float(busco_scores[1].rstrip('%'))
+            # Check QV value
+            if qv_val < 40:
+                message = f". QV value is less than 40 for {haplotype}"
+                paragraphs.append(Paragraph(message, styles["midiStyle"]))
+            # Check Kmer completeness value
+            if completeness_val < 90:
+                message = f". Kmer completeness value is less than 90 for {haplotype}"
+                paragraphs.append(Paragraph(message, styles["midiStyle"]))
+            # Check BUSCO s_value
+            if s_value < 90:
+                message = f". BUSCO single copy value is less than 90% for {haplotype}"
+                paragraphs.append(Paragraph(message, styles["midiStyle"]))
+            # Check BUSCO d_value
+            if d_value > 5:
+                message = f". BUSCO duplicated value is more than 5% for {haplotype}"
+                paragraphs.append(Paragraph(message, styles["midiStyle"]))
+        except Exception as e:
+            logging.warning(f"Error in generating warnings for {haplotype}: {str(e)}")
+        return paragraphs
+    # Generate warnings for curated haplotypes (loss, gaps, 90inChrom)
+    def generate_assembly_warnings(asm_data, gaps_per_gbp_data, obs_haploid_num):
+        warnings = []
+        # Iterate over haplotypes and generate warnings based on the criteria
+        for haplotype in asm_stages:
+            pre_curation_bp = extract_total_bp_from_gfastats(asm_data['Pre-curation'][haplotype]['gfastats--nstar-report_txt'])
+            curated_bp = extract_total_bp_from_gfastats(asm_data['Curated'][haplotype]['gfastats--nstar-report_txt'])
+            scaffold_l90 = float(gfastats_data[('Curated', haplotype)][display_names.index('Scaffold L90')].replace(',', ''))
+            # Check for assembly length loss > 3%
+            if pre_curation_bp and curated_bp:
+                loss_percentage = (float(pre_curation_bp.replace(',', '')) - float(curated_bp.replace(',', ''))) / float(pre_curation_bp.replace(',', '')) * 100
+                if loss_percentage > 3:
+                    warnings.append(Paragraph(f". Assembly length loss > 3% for {haplotype}", styles["midiStyle"]))
+            # Check for more than 1000 gaps/Gbp
+            gaps_gbp = gaps_per_gbp_data.get(('Curated', haplotype), 0)
+            if gaps_gbp > 1000:
+                warnings.append(Paragraph(f". More than 1000 gaps/Gbp for {haplotype}", styles["midiStyle"]))
+            # Check if Scaffold L90 value is more than Observed Haploid number
+            if scaffold_l90 > float(obs_haploid_num):
+                warnings.append(Paragraph(f". Not 90% of assembly in chromosomes for {haplotype}", styles["midiStyle"]))
+        return warnings
+    # Parse pipeline and generate "tree"
+    def generate_pipeline_tree(pipeline_data):
+        tree_lines = []
+        indent = "&nbsp;" * 2  # Adjust indent spacing as needed
+        for tool_version_param in pipeline_data:
+            parts = tool_version_param.split('|')
+            tool_version = parts[0]
+            tool, version = tool_version.split('_v') if '_v' in tool_version else (tool_version, "NA")
+            # Handle parameters: join all but the first (which is tool_version) with ', '
+            param_text = ', '.join(parts[1:]) if len(parts) > 1 else "NA"
+            # Tool line
+            tool_line = f"- <b>{tool}</b>"
+            tree_lines.append(tool_line)
+            # Version line
+            version_line = f"{indent*2}|_ <i>ver:</i> {version}"
+            tree_lines.append(version_line)
+            # Param line(s)
+            if param_text != "NA":
+                for param in param_text.split(','):
+                    param = param.strip()
+                    param_line = f"{indent*2}|_ <i>key param:</i> {param if param else 'NA'}"
+                    tree_lines.append(param_line)
+            else:
+                param_line = f"{indent*2}|_ <i>key param:</i> NA"
+                tree_lines.append(param_line)
+        # Join lines with HTML break for paragraph
+        tree_diagram = "<br/>".join(tree_lines)
+        return tree_diagram
+    # Reading SAMPLE INFORMATION section from yaml ################################################
+    # Check for required fields
+    required_fields = ["ToLID", "Species", "Sex", "Submitter", "Affiliation", "Tags"]
+    missing_fields = [field for field in required_fields if field not in yaml_data or not yaml_data[field]]
+    if missing_fields:
+        logging.error(f"# GENERAL INFORMATION section in the yaml file is missing or empty for the following information: {', '.join(missing_fields)}")
+        sys.exit(1)
+    # Check that "Species" field is a string
+    if not isinstance(yaml_data["Species"], str):
+        logging.error(f"# GENERAL INFORMATION section in the yaml file contains incorrect data type for 'Species'. Expected 'str' but got '{type(yaml_data['Species']).__name__}'.")
+        sys.exit(1)
+    # Get data for Header, ToLID table and submitter
+    tol_id = yaml_data["ToLID"]
+    species = yaml_data["Species"]
+    sex = yaml_data["Sex"]
+    submitter = yaml_data["Submitter"]
+    affiliation = yaml_data["Affiliation"]
+    tags = yaml_data["Tags"]
+    # Check if tag is valid
+    valid_tags = ["ERGA-BGE", "ERGA-Pilot", "ERGA-Satellite"]
+    if tags not in valid_tags:
+        tags += "[INVALID TAG]"
+        logging.warning("# SAMPLE INFORMATION section in the yaml file contains an invalid tag. Valid tags are ERGA-BGE, ERGA-Pilot and ERGA-Satellite")
+    # Get data from GoaT based on species name
+    # urllib.parse.quote to handle special characters and spaces in the species name
+    species_name = requests.utils.quote(species)
+    # Get stuff from GoaT
+    goat_response = requests.get(f'https://goat.genomehubs.org/api/v2/search?query=tax_name%28{species_name}%29&result=taxon')
+    goat_data = goat_response.json()  # convert json to dict
+    taxon_number = goat_data['results'][0]['result']['taxon_id']
+    goat_results = goat_data['results']
+    class_name = 'NA'
+    order_name = 'NA'
+    haploid_number = 'NA'
+    haploid_source = 'NA'
+    ploidy = 'NA'
+    ploidy_source = 'NA'
+    for result in goat_results:
+        lineage = result['result']['lineage']
+        for node in lineage:
+            if node['taxon_rank'] == 'class':
+                class_name = node['scientific_name']
+            if node['taxon_rank'] == 'order':
+                order_name = node['scientific_name']
+    goat_second_response = requests.get(f'https://goat.genomehubs.org/api/v2/record?recordId={taxon_number}&result=taxon&taxonomy=ncbi')
+    goat_second_data = goat_second_response.json()
+    ploidy_info = goat_second_data['records'][0]['record']['attributes']['ploidy']
+    ploidy = ploidy_info['value']
+    ploidy_source = ploidy_info['aggregation_source']
+    haploid_info = goat_second_data['records'][0]['record']['attributes']['haploid_number']
+    haploid_number = haploid_info['value']
+    haploid_source = haploid_info['aggregation_source']
+    sp_data = [
+        ["TxID", "ToLID", "Species", "Class", "Order"],
+        [taxon_number, tol_id, species, class_name, order_name]
+    ]
+    # Transpose the data
+    transposed_sp_data = list(map(list, zip(*sp_data)))
+    # Reading SEQUENCING DATA section from yaml ###################################################
+    # get DATA section from yaml
+    data_list = yaml_data.get('DATA', [])
+    # Prepare headers
+    headers = ['Data']
+    data_values = ['Coverage']
+    # Extract data from YAML and format it for the table
+    for item in data_list:
+        for technology, coverage in item.items():
+            headers.append(technology)
+            data_values.append('NA' if not coverage else coverage)
+    # Create a list of lists for the table
+    table_data = [headers, data_values]
+    # Extract pipeline data from 'Pre-curation' category
+    asm_pipeline_data = yaml_data.get('ASSEMBLIES', {}).get('Pre-curation', {}).get('pipeline', [])
+    asm_pipeline_tree = generate_pipeline_tree(asm_pipeline_data)
+    # Extract pipeline data from 'Curated' category
+    curation_pipeline_data = yaml_data.get('ASSEMBLIES', {}).get('Curated', {}).get('pipeline', [])
+    curation_pipeline_tree = generate_pipeline_tree(curation_pipeline_data)
+    # Reading GENOME PROFILING DATA section from yaml #############################################
+    profiling_data = yaml_data.get('PROFILING')
+    # Check if profiling_data is available
+    if not profiling_data:
+        logging.error('Error: No profiling data found in the YAML file.')
+        sys.exit(1)
+    # Handle GenomeScope specific processing
+    genomescope_data = profiling_data.get('GenomeScope')
+    if genomescope_data:
+        summary_file = genomescope_data.get('genomescope_summary_txt')
+        if summary_file and os.path.exists(summary_file):
+            with open(summary_file, "r") as f:
+                summary_txt = f.read()
+            genome_haploid_length = re.search(r"Genome Haploid Length\s+([\d,]+) bp", summary_txt).group(1)
+            proposed_ploidy_match = re.search(r"p = (\d+)", summary_txt)
+            proposed_ploidy = proposed_ploidy_match.group(1) if proposed_ploidy_match else 'NA'
+        else:
+            logging.error(f"File {summary_file} not found for GenomeScope.")
+            sys.exit(1)
+    else:
+        logging.error("GenomeScope data is missing in the PROFILING section.")
+        sys.exit(1)
+    # Handle Smudgeplot specific processing
+    smudgeplot_data = profiling_data.get('Smudgeplot')
+    if smudgeplot_data:
+        verbose_summary_file = smudgeplot_data.get('smudgeplot_verbose_summary_txt')
+        if verbose_summary_file and os.path.exists(verbose_summary_file):
+            with open(verbose_summary_file, "r") as f:
+                smud_summary_txt = f.readlines()
+            for line in smud_summary_txt:
+                if line.startswith("* Proposed ploidy"):
+                    proposed_ploidy = line.split(":")[1].strip()
+                    break
+        else:
+            logging.warning(f"Verbose summary file {verbose_summary_file} not found for Smudgeplot; skipping detailed Smudgeplot analysis.")
+    else:
+        logging.warning("Smudgeplot data is missing in the PROFILING section; skipping Smudgeplot analysis.")
+    # Reading ASSEMBLY DATA section from yaml #####################################################
+    asm_data = yaml_data.get('ASSEMBLIES', {})
+    # make a list from the assemblies available in asm_data
+    asm_stages = []
+    for asm_stage, stage_properties in asm_data.items():
+        for haplotypes in stage_properties.keys():
+            if haplotypes != 'pipeline' and haplotypes not in asm_stages:
+                asm_stages.append(haplotypes)
+    # get gfastats-based data
+    gfastats_data = {}
+    for asm_stage, stage_properties in asm_data.items():
+        for haplotypes, haplotype_properties in stage_properties.items():
+            if isinstance(haplotype_properties, dict):
+                if 'gfastats--nstar-report_txt' in haplotype_properties:
+                    file_path = haplotype_properties['gfastats--nstar-report_txt']
+                    with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
+                        content = file.read()
+                    gfastats_data[(asm_stage, haplotypes)] = extract_gfastats_values(content, keys)
+    gaps_per_gbp_data = {}
+    for (asm_stage, haplotypes), values in gfastats_data.items():
+        try:
+            gaps = float(values[gaps_index])
+            total_length = float(values[total_length_index])
+            gaps_per_gbp = round((gaps / total_length * 1_000_000_000), 2)
+            gaps_per_gbp_data[(asm_stage, haplotypes)] = gaps_per_gbp
+        except (ValueError, ZeroDivisionError):
+            gaps_per_gbp_data[(asm_stage, haplotypes)] = ''
+    # Define the contigging table (column names) DON'T MOVE THIS AGAIN!!!!!!!
+    asm_table_data = [["Metrics"] + [f'{asm_stage} \n {haplotypes}' for asm_stage in asm_data for haplotypes in asm_stages if haplotypes in asm_data[asm_stage]]]
+    # Fill the table with the gfastats data
+    for i in range(len(display_names)):
+        metric = display_names[i]
+        if metric not in exclusion_list:
+            asm_table_data.append([metric] + [format_number(gfastats_data.get((asm_stage, haplotypes), [''])[i]) if (asm_stage, haplotypes) in gfastats_data else '' for asm_stage in asm_data for haplotypes in asm_stages if haplotypes in asm_data[asm_stage]])
+    # Add the gaps/gbp in between
+    gc_index = display_names.index("GC %")
+    gc_index
+    asm_table_data.insert(gaps_index + 1, ['Gaps/Gbp'] + [format_number(gaps_per_gbp_data.get((asm_stage, haplotypes), '')) for asm_stage in asm_data for haplotypes in asm_stages if haplotypes in asm_data[asm_stage]])
+    # get QV, Kmer completeness and BUSCO data
+    qv_data = {}
+    completeness_data = {}
+    busco_data = {metric: {} for metric in ['BUSCO sing.', 'BUSCO dupl.', 'BUSCO frag.', 'BUSCO miss.']}
+    for asm_stage, stage_properties in asm_data.items():
+        asm_stage_elements = [element for element in stage_properties.keys() if element != 'pipeline']
+        for i, haplotypes in enumerate(asm_stage_elements):
+            haplotype_properties = stage_properties[haplotypes]
+            if isinstance(haplotype_properties, dict):
+                if 'merqury_qv' in haplotype_properties:
+                    qv_data[(asm_stage, haplotypes)] = get_qv_value(haplotype_properties['merqury_qv'], i, asm_stage, haplotypes)
+                if 'merqury_completeness_stats' in haplotype_properties:
+                    completeness_data[(asm_stage, haplotypes)] = get_completeness_value(haplotype_properties['merqury_completeness_stats'], i, asm_stage, haplotypes)
+                if 'busco_short_summary_txt' in haplotype_properties:
+                    s_value, d_value, f_value, m_value = extract_busco_values(haplotype_properties['busco_short_summary_txt'])
+                    busco_data['BUSCO sing.'].update({(asm_stage, haplotypes): s_value})
+                    busco_data['BUSCO dupl.'].update({(asm_stage, haplotypes): d_value})
+                    busco_data['BUSCO frag.'].update({(asm_stage, haplotypes): f_value})
+                    busco_data['BUSCO miss.'].update({(asm_stage, haplotypes): m_value})
+    # Fill the table with the QV data
+    asm_table_data.append(['QV'] + [qv_data.get((asm_stage, haplotypes), '') for asm_stage in asm_data for haplotypes in asm_stages if haplotypes in asm_data[asm_stage]])
+    # Fill the table with the Kmer completeness data
+    asm_table_data.append(['Kmer compl.'] + [completeness_data.get((asm_stage, haplotypes), '') for asm_stage in asm_data for haplotypes in asm_stages if haplotypes in asm_data[asm_stage]])
+    # Fill the table with the BUSCO data
+    for metric in ['BUSCO sing.', 'BUSCO dupl.', 'BUSCO frag.', 'BUSCO miss.']:
+        asm_table_data.append([metric] + [busco_data[metric].get((asm_stage, haplotypes), '') for asm_stage in asm_data for haplotypes in asm_stages if haplotypes in asm_data[asm_stage]])
+    # Reading CURATION NOTES section from yaml ####################################################
+    obs_haploid_num = yaml_data.get("NOTES", {}).get("Obs_Haploid_num", "NA")
+    obs_sex = yaml_data.get("NOTES", {}).get("Obs_Sex", "NA")
+    interventions_per_gb = yaml_data.get("NOTES", {}).get("Interventions_per_Gb", "NA")
+    contamination_notes = yaml_data.get("NOTES", {}).get("Contamination_notes", "NA")
+    other_notes = yaml_data.get("NOTES", {}).get("Other_notes", "NA")
+    # Extract Total bp for each haplotype and find the maximum
+    curated_assemblies = yaml_data.get('ASSEMBLIES', {}).get('Curated', {})
+    total_bp_values = []
+    for haplotype, properties in curated_assemblies.items():
+        if 'gfastats--nstar-report_txt' in properties:
+            total_bp = extract_total_bp_from_gfastats(properties['gfastats--nstar-report_txt'])
+            total_bp_values.append(total_bp)
+    max_total_bp = max(total_bp_values, default='NA')
+    # Create table data
+    genome_traits_table_data = [
+        ["Genome Traits", "Expected", "Observed"],
+        ["Haploid size (bp)", genome_haploid_length, f"{max_total_bp}"],
+        ["Haploid Number", f"{haploid_number} (source: {haploid_source})", obs_haploid_num],
+        ["Ploidy", f"{ploidy} (source: {ploidy_source})", proposed_ploidy],
+        ["Sample Sex", sex, obs_sex]
+    ]
+    # Get curator notes
+    curator_notes_text = (
+        f". Interventions/Gb: {interventions_per_gb}<br/>"
+        f". Contamination notes: &quot;{contamination_notes}&quot;<br/>"
+        f". Other observations: &quot;{other_notes}&quot;"
+    )
+    # PDF CONSTRUCTION ############################################################################
+    # Set up the PDF file
+    pdf_filename = "EAR.pdf"
+    margin = 0.5 * 72  # 0.5 inch in points (normal margin is 1 inch)
+    pdf = SimpleDocTemplate(pdf_filename,
+                            pagesize=A4,
+                            leftMargin=margin,
+                            rightMargin=margin,
+                            topMargin=margin,
+                            bottomMargin=margin)
+    elements = []
+    # Set all the styles
+    styles = getSampleStyleSheet()
+    styles.add(ParagraphStyle(name='TitleStyle', fontName='Courier', fontSize=20))
+    styles.add(ParagraphStyle(name='subTitleStyle', fontName='Courier', fontSize=16))
+    styles.add(ParagraphStyle(name='normalStyle', fontName='Courier', fontSize=12))
+    styles.add(ParagraphStyle(name='midiStyle', fontName='Courier', fontSize=10))
+    styles.add(ParagraphStyle(name='LinkStyle', fontName='Courier', fontSize=10, textColor='blue', underline=True))
+    styles.add(ParagraphStyle(name='treeStyle', fontName='Courier', fontSize=10, leftIndent=12))
+    styles.add(ParagraphStyle(name='miniStyle', fontName='Courier', fontSize=8))
+    styles.add(ParagraphStyle(name='FileNameStyle', fontName='Courier', fontSize=6))
+    # PDF SECTION 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # Add the title
+    title = Paragraph("ERGA Assembly Report", styles['TitleStyle'])
+    elements.append(title)
+    # Spacer
+    elements.append(Spacer(1, 12))
+    # Add version
+    ver_paragraph = Paragraph(EAR_version, styles['normalStyle'])
+    elements.append(ver_paragraph)
+    # Spacer
+    elements.append(Spacer(1, 12))
+    # Add tags
+    tags_paragraph = Paragraph(f"Tags: {tags}", styles['normalStyle'])
+    elements.append(tags_paragraph)
+    # Spacer
+    elements.append(Spacer(1, 24))
+    # Create the SPECIES DATA table with the transposed data
+    sp_data_table = Table(transposed_sp_data)
+    # Style the table
+    sp_data_table.setStyle(TableStyle([
+        ("BACKGROUND", (0, 0), (0, -1), '#e7e7e7'),  # Grey background for column 1
+        ("BACKGROUND", (1, 0), (1, -1), colors.white),  # White background for column 2
+        ("ALIGN", (0, 0), (-1, -1), "CENTER"),
+        ('FONTNAME', (0, 0), (0, 0), 'Courier'),  # Regular font for row1, col1
+        ('FONTNAME', (1, 0), (1, 0), 'Courier'),
+        ('FONTNAME', (0, 1), (-1, -1), 'Courier'),  # Regular font for the rest of the table
+        ('FONTNAME', (1, 1), (1, 1), 'Courier-Bold'),  # Bold font for row1, col2
+        ("FONTSIZE", (0, 0), (-1, -1), 14),
+        ('BOTTOMPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 8),
+        ("GRID", (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.5, colors.black)
+    ]))
+    # Add SPECIES DATA table
+    elements.append(sp_data_table)
+    # Spacer
+    elements.append(Spacer(1, 32))
+    # Create the GENOME TRAITS table
+    genome_traits_table = Table(genome_traits_table_data)
+    # Style the table
+    genome_traits_table.setStyle(TableStyle([
+        ('BACKGROUND', (0, 0), (0, -1), '#e7e7e7'),
+        ('ALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'CENTER'),
+        ('FONTNAME', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'Courier'),
+        ('FONTSIZE', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 12),
+        ('BOTTOMPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 8),
+        ("GRID", (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.5, colors.black)
+    ]))
+    # Add GENOME TRAITS table
+    elements.append(genome_traits_table)
+    # Spacer
+    elements.append(Spacer(1, 28))
+    # Add EBP METRICS SECTION subtitle
+    subtitle = Paragraph("EBP metrics summary and curation notes", styles['subTitleStyle'])
+    elements.append(subtitle)
+    # Spacer
+    elements.append(Spacer(1, 24))
+    # Iterate over haplotypes in the Curated category to get data for EBP metrics
+    curated_assemblies = yaml_data.get('ASSEMBLIES', {}).get('Curated', {})
+    haplotype_names = [key for key in curated_assemblies.keys() if key != 'pipeline']
+    for haplotype in haplotype_names:
+        properties = curated_assemblies[haplotype]
+        if 'gfastats--nstar-report_txt' in properties and 'merqury_qv' in properties:
+            gfastats_path = properties['gfastats--nstar-report_txt']
+            order = haplotype_names.index(haplotype)  # Determine the order based on the position of the haplotype in the list
+            qv_value = get_qv_value(properties['merqury_qv'], order, 'Curated', haplotype)
+            ebp_quality_metric = compute_ebp_metric(haplotype, gfastats_path, qv_value)
+            EBP_metric_paragraph = Paragraph(ebp_quality_metric, styles["midiStyle"])
+            # Add the EBP quality metric paragraph to elements
+            elements.append(EBP_metric_paragraph)
+    # Spacer
+    elements.append(Spacer(1, 8))
+    # Add sentence
+    Textline = Paragraph("The following metrics were automatically flagged as below EBP recommended standards or different from expected:", styles['midiStyle'])
+    elements.append(Textline)
+    # Spacer
+    elements.append(Spacer(1, 4))
+    # Apply checks and add warning paragraphs to elements
+    elements += generate_warning_paragraphs(genome_haploid_length, max_total_bp, "Haploid size (bp)")
+    elements += generate_warning_paragraphs(haploid_number, obs_haploid_num, "Haploid Number")
+    elements += generate_warning_paragraphs(proposed_ploidy, ploidy, "Ploidy")
+    elements += generate_warning_paragraphs(sex, obs_sex, "Sample Sex")
+    # Spacer
+    elements.append(Spacer(1, 4))
+    # Iterate over haplotypes in the Curated category and apply checks
+    for haplotype in haplotype_names:
+        properties = curated_assemblies[haplotype]
+        if isinstance(properties, dict) and 'merqury_qv' in properties and 'merqury_completeness_stats' in properties and 'busco_short_summary_txt' in properties:
+            order = haplotype_names.index(haplotype)
+            qv_value = get_qv_value(properties['merqury_qv'], order, "Curated", haplotype)
+            completeness_value = get_completeness_value(properties['merqury_completeness_stats'], order, "Curated", haplotype)
+            busco_scores = extract_busco_values(properties['busco_short_summary_txt'])
+            warnings = generate_curated_warnings(haplotype, qv_value, completeness_value, busco_scores)
+            elements += warnings
+    assembly_warnings = generate_assembly_warnings(asm_data, gaps_per_gbp_data, obs_haploid_num)
+    elements.extend(assembly_warnings)
+    # Spacer
+    elements.append(Spacer(1, 24))
+    # Add small subtitle for Curator notes
+    subtitle = Paragraph("Curator notes", styles['normalStyle'])
+    elements.append(subtitle)
+    # Spacer
+    elements.append(Spacer(1, 8))
+    # Curator notes
+    curator_notes_paragraph = Paragraph(curator_notes_text, styles["midiStyle"])
+    elements.append(curator_notes_paragraph)
+    # Page break
+    elements.append(PageBreak())
+    # PDF SECTION 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # Add quality metrics section subtitle
+    subtitle = Paragraph("Quality metrics table", styles['TitleStyle'])
+    elements.append(subtitle)
+    # Spacer
+    elements.append(Spacer(1, 48))
+    # create QUALITY METRICS table
+    asm_table = Table(asm_table_data)
+    # Style the table
+    asm_table.setStyle(TableStyle([
+        ('BACKGROUND', (0, 0), (-1, 0), '#e7e7e7'),  # grey background for the header
+        ('ALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'CENTER'),       # center alignment
+        ('FONTNAME', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'Courier'),  # bold font for the header
+        ('FONTSIZE', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 11),           # font size
+        ('BOTTOMPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 8),
+        ("GRID", (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.5, colors.black)
+    ]))
+    # Add QUALITY METRICS table
+    elements.append(asm_table)
+    # Spacer
+    elements.append(Spacer(1, 5))
+    # Store BUSCO version and lineage information from each file in list
+    busco_info_list = []
+    for asm_stages, stage_properties in asm_data.items():
+        for haplotype_keys, haplotype_properties in stage_properties.items():
+            if isinstance(haplotype_properties, dict):
+                if 'busco_short_summary_txt' in haplotype_properties:
+                    busco_version, lineage_info = extract_busco_info(haplotype_properties['busco_short_summary_txt'])
+                    if busco_version and lineage_info:
+                        busco_info_list.append((busco_version, lineage_info))
+    # Checking if all elements in the list are identical
+    if all(info == busco_info_list[0] for info in busco_info_list):
+        busco_version, (lineage_name, num_genomes, num_buscos) = busco_info_list[0]
+        elements.append(Paragraph(f"BUSCO {busco_version} Lineage: {lineage_name} (genomes:{num_genomes}, BUSCOs:{num_buscos})", styles['miniStyle']))
+    else:
+        elements.append(Paragraph("Warning: BUSCO versions or lineage datasets are not the same across results", styles['miniStyle']))
+        logging.warning("WARNING!!! BUSCO versions or lineage datasets are not the same across results")
+    # Page break
+    elements.append(PageBreak())
+    # PDF SECTION 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # Add hic maps section subtitle
+    subtitle = Paragraph("HiC contact map of curated assembly", styles['TitleStyle'])
+    elements.append(subtitle)
+    # Spacer
+    elements.append(Spacer(1, 36))
+    # Initialize counter
+    tool_count = 0
+    # Add title and images for each step
+    for idx, (asm_stages, stage_properties) in enumerate(asm_data.items(), 1):
+        if asm_stages == 'Curated':
+            tool_elements = [element for element in stage_properties.keys() if element != 'pipeline']
+            images_with_names = []
+            for haplotype in tool_elements:
+                haplotype_properties = stage_properties[haplotype]
+                # Check if there is an image and/or a link
+                png_file = haplotype_properties.get('hic_FullMap_png', '')
+                link = haplotype_properties.get('hic_FullMap_link', '')
+                # Prepare paragraphs for the image and link
+                if png_file:
+                    # Create image object
+                    img = Image(png_file, width=11 * cm, height=11 * cm)
+                    images_with_names.append([img])
+                else:
+                    # Add paragraph for missing image
+                    missing_png_paragraph = Paragraph(f"<b>{haplotype}</b> HiC PNG is missing!", styles["midiStyle"])
+                    images_with_names.append([missing_png_paragraph])
+                # Add paragraph for the link
+                if link:
+                    link_html = f'<b>{haplotype}</b> <link href="{link}" color="blue">[LINK]</link>'
+                else:
+                    link_html = f'<b>{haplotype}</b> File link is missing!'
+                link_paragraph = Paragraph(link_html, styles["midiStyle"])
+                images_with_names.append([link_paragraph])
+                # Append a spacer only if the next element is an image
+                if len(tool_elements) > 1 and tool_elements.index(haplotype) < len(tool_elements) - 1:
+                    images_with_names.append([Spacer(1, 12)])
+            # Add images and names to the elements in pairs
+            for i in range(0, len(images_with_names), 4):  # Process two images (and their names) at a time
+                elements_to_add = images_with_names[i:i + 4]
+                # Create table for the images and names
+                table = Table(elements_to_add)
+                table.hAlign = 'CENTER'
+                elements.append(table)
+                # Add a page break conditionally
+                next_elements_start = i + 4
+                if next_elements_start < len(images_with_names):
+                    if len(images_with_names[next_elements_start]) > 0 and isinstance(images_with_names[next_elements_start][0], Image):
+                        elements.append(PageBreak())
+            tool_count += 1
+    elements.append(PageBreak())
+    # PDF SECTION 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # Add kmer spectra section subtitle
+    subtitle = Paragraph("K-mer spectra of curated assembly", styles['TitleStyle'])
+    elements.append(subtitle)
+    # Spacer
+    elements.append(Spacer(1, 48))
+    # Initialize counter
+    counter = 0
+    # Iterate over haplotypes in the Curated category to get K-mer spectra images
+    curated_assemblies = yaml_data.get('ASSEMBLIES', {}).get('Curated', {})
+    haplotype_names = [key for key in curated_assemblies.keys() if key != 'pipeline']
+    # Get paths for spectra files
+    spectra_files = {
+        'hap1': {
+            'spectra_cn_png': curated_assemblies.get('hap1', {}).get('merqury_hap_spectra_cn_png', None),
+        },
+        'hap2': {
+            'spectra_cn_png': curated_assemblies.get('hap2', {}).get('merqury_hap_spectra_cn_png', None),
+        },
+        'common': {
+            'spectra_cn_png': curated_assemblies.get('hap1', {}).get('merqury_spectra_cn_png', None),
+            'spectra_asm_png': curated_assemblies.get('hap1', {}).get('merqury_spectra_asm_png', None),
+        }
+    }
+    # Filter out None values and empty strings
+    spectra_files = {k: {sk: v for sk, v in sv.items() if v} for k, sv in spectra_files.items()}
+    # Determine the number of spectra-cn files and assign unique names if needed
+    spectra_cn_files = [
+        spectra_files['common'].get('spectra_cn_png', None),
+        spectra_files['hap1'].get('spectra_cn_png', None),
+        spectra_files['hap2'].get('spectra_cn_png', None)
+    ]
+    spectra_cn_files = [f for f in spectra_cn_files if f]  # Filter out None values
+    if len(spectra_cn_files) == 3:
+        # For 3 spectra-cn files
+        shortest_spectra_cn_file = min(spectra_cn_files, key=lambda f: len(os.path.basename(f)), default=None)
+        similar_files = [f for f in spectra_cn_files if f != shortest_spectra_cn_file]
+        if similar_files:
+            unique_name1, unique_name2 = find_unique_parts(os.path.basename(similar_files[0]), os.path.basename(similar_files[1]))
+    else:
+        shortest_spectra_cn_file = spectra_cn_files[0] if spectra_cn_files else None
+        unique_name1 = unique_name2 = None
+    # Create image objects and add filename below each image
+    images = []
+    for label, file_dict in spectra_files.items():
+        for key, png_file in file_dict.items():
+            if png_file:
+                image = Image(png_file, width=8.4 * cm, height=7 * cm)
+                filename = os.path.basename(png_file)
+                if filename.endswith("spectra-asm.ln.png"):
+                    text = "Distribution of k-mer counts coloured by their presence in reads/assemblies"
+                elif filename.endswith("spectra-cn.ln.png"):
+                    if len(spectra_cn_files) == 3:
+                        # For 3 spectra-cn files use particular text
+                        if png_file == shortest_spectra_cn_file:
+                            text = "Distribution of k-mer counts per copy numbers found in asm (dipl.)"
+                        else:
+                            if png_file == spectra_files['hap1'].get('spectra_cn_png', None):
+                                text = f"Distribution of k-mer counts per copy numbers found in <b>{unique_name1}</b> (hapl.)"
+                            elif png_file == spectra_files['hap2'].get('spectra_cn_png', None):
+                                text = f"Distribution of k-mer counts per copy numbers found in <b>{unique_name2}</b> (hapl.)"
+                            else:
+                                text = "Distribution of k-mer counts per copy numbers found in asm"
+                    else:
+                        # For 2 spectra-cn files use same text
+                        text = "Distribution of k-mer counts per copy numbers found in asm"
+                else:
+                    text = filename
+                images.append([image, Paragraph(text, styles["midiStyle"])])
+    # Filter None values
+    images = [img for img in images if img[0] is not None]
+    # Get number of rows and columns for the table
+    num_rows = (len(images) + 1) // 2  # +1 to handle odd numbers of images
+    num_columns = 2
+    # Create the table with dynamic size
+    image_table_data = [[images[i * num_columns + j] if i * num_columns + j < len(images) else [] for j in range(num_columns)] for i in range(num_rows)]
+    image_table = Table(image_table_data)
+    # Style the "table"
+    table_style = TableStyle([
+        ('VALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'MIDDLE'),
+        ('BOTTOMPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 20),  # 20 here is a spacer between rows
+    ])
+    # Set the style
+    image_table.setStyle(table_style)
+    # Add image table to elements
+    elements.append(image_table)
+    # Increase counter by the number of PNGs added
+    counter += len(images)
+    # If counter is a multiple of 4, insert a page break and reset counter
+    if counter % 4 == 0:
+        elements.append(PageBreak())
+    # Add spacer
+    elements.append(Spacer(1, 12))
+    # If we have processed all haps and the last page does not contain exactly 4 images, insert a page break
+    if counter % 4 != 0:
+        elements.append(PageBreak())
+    # PDF SECTION 5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # Add contamination section subtitle
+    subtitle = Paragraph("Post-curation contamination screening", styles['TitleStyle'])
+    elements.append(subtitle)
+    # Spacer
+    elements.append(Spacer(1, 36))
+    # Initialize counter
+    tool_count = 0
+    # Add title and images for each step
+    for idx, (asm_stages, stage_properties) in enumerate(asm_data.items(), 1):
+        if asm_stages == 'Curated':  # Check if the current stage is 'Curated'
+            tool_elements = [element for element in stage_properties.keys() if element != 'pipeline']
+            for haplotype in tool_elements:
+                haplotype_properties = stage_properties[haplotype]
+                if isinstance(haplotype_properties, dict) and 'blobplot_cont_png' in haplotype_properties:
+                    # Get image path
+                    png_file = haplotype_properties['blobplot_cont_png']
+                    # If png_file is not empty, display it
+                    if png_file:
+                        # Create image object
+                        img = Image(png_file, width=20 * cm, height=20 * cm)
+                        elements.append(img)
+                        # Create paragraph for filename with haplotype name
+                        blob_text = f"<b>{haplotype}.</b> Bubble plot circles are scaled by sequence length, positioned by coverage and GC proportion, and coloured by taxonomy. Histograms show total assembly length distribution on each axis."
+                        blob_paragraph = Paragraph(blob_text, styles["midiStyle"])
+                        elements.append(blob_paragraph)
+                    else:
+                        # Add paragraph for missing image
+                        missing_png_paragraph = Paragraph(f"<b>{haplotype}</b> PNG is missing!", styles["midiStyle"])
+                        elements.append(missing_png_paragraph)
+                    # Add a page break after each image and its description
+                    elements.append(PageBreak())
+            tool_count += 1
+    # SECTION 6 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # Add data profile section subtitle
+    subtitle = Paragraph("Data profile", styles['TitleStyle'])
+    elements.append(subtitle)
+    # Spacer
+    elements.append(Spacer(1, 24))
+    # Create the DATA PROFILE table
+    data_table = Table(table_data)
+    # Style the table
+    data_table.setStyle(TableStyle([
+        ('BACKGROUND', (0, 0), (0, -1), '#e7e7e7'),  # grey background for the first column
+        ('ALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'CENTER'),         # center alignment
+        ('FONTNAME', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'Courier'),      # remove bold font
+        ('FONTSIZE', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 12),             # font size for the header
+        ('BOTTOMPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 8),
+        ("GRID", (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.5, colors.black)
+    ]))
+    # Add DATA PROFILE table
+    elements.append(data_table)
+    # Spacer
+    elements.append(Spacer(1, 32))
+    # Add assembly pipeline section subtitle
+    subtitle = Paragraph("Assembly pipeline", styles['TitleStyle'])
+    elements.append(subtitle)
+    # Spacer
+    elements.append(Spacer(1, 24))
+    # Add ASM PIPELINE tree
+    elements.append(Paragraph(asm_pipeline_tree, styles['treeStyle']))
+    # Spacer
+    elements.append(Spacer(1, 32))
+    # Add curation pipeline section subtitle
+    subtitle = Paragraph("Curation pipeline", styles['TitleStyle'])
+    elements.append(subtitle)
+    # Spacer
+    elements.append(Spacer(1, 24))
+    elements.append(Paragraph(curation_pipeline_tree, styles['treeStyle']))
+    # Spacer
+    elements.append(Spacer(1, 48))
+    # Add submitter, affiliation
+    submitter_paragraph_style = ParagraphStyle(name='SubmitterStyle', fontName='Courier', fontSize=10)
+    elements.append(Paragraph(f"Submitter: {submitter}", submitter_paragraph_style))
+    elements.append(Paragraph(f"Affiliation: {affiliation}", submitter_paragraph_style))
+    # Spacer
+    elements.append(Spacer(1, 8))
+    # Add the date and time (CET) of the document creation
+    cet = pytz.timezone("CET")
+    current_datetime = datetime.now(cet)
+    formatted_datetime = current_datetime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z")
+    elements.append(Paragraph(f"Date and time: {formatted_datetime}", submitter_paragraph_style))
+    # Build the PDF ###############################################################################
+    pdf.build(elements)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Create an ERGA Assembly Report (EAR) from a YAML file. Visit https://github.com/ERGA-consortium/EARs for more information')
+    parser.add_argument('yaml_file', type=str, help='Path to the YAML file')
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    make_report(args.yaml_file)