# HG changeset patch
# User bgruening
# Date 1470911333 14400
# Node ID 96057da0d8d8147d1d2dc7a5c214bfdedaf287bc
# Parent  eab93a5553ec4e8e49dc7509943d802ef8ad69bf
planemo upload for repository https://github.com/fidelram/deepTools/tree/master/galaxy/wrapper/ commit cbb142cf0582948030f99621d5dd65ab80caa296

diff -r eab93a5553ec -r 96057da0d8d8 bamCoverage.xml
--- a/bamCoverage.xml	Fri May 13 17:13:52 2016 -0400
+++ b/bamCoverage.xml	Thu Aug 11 06:28:53 2016 -0400
@@ -50,6 +50,12 @@
                 #if str($advancedOpt.filterRNAstrand) != 'no':
                     --filterRNAstrand '$advancedOpt.filterRNAstrand'
                 #end if
+                #if $advancedOpt.Offset:
+                    --Offset '$advancedOpt.Offset'
+                #end if
+                @blacklist@
             #end if
@@ -107,7 +113,19 @@
                 <param argument="--MNase" type="boolean" truevalue="--MNase" falsevalue=""
                     label="Determine nucleosome positions from MNase-seq data"
-                    help="Only the 3 nucleotides at the center of each fragment are counted. The fragment ends are defined by the two mate reads. *NOTE*: Requires paired-end data." />
+                    help="Only the 3 nucleotides at the center of each fragment are counted. The fragment ends are defined by the two mate reads. *NOTE*: Requires paired-end data. By default, only fragments between 130 and 200 bases will be used, though this can be changed with the --minFragmentLength and --maxFragmentLength options." />
+                <param argument="--Offset" type="integer"  value="" optional="True"
+                    label="Offset inside each alignment to use for the signal location."
+                    help="Uses this offset inside of each read as the signal. This is useful in
+                        cases like RiboSeq or GROseq, where only the 12th, 15th or 1st base aligned
+                        should be used to denote where the signal is (rather than the span of the
+                        whole alignment). This can be paired with the --filterRNAstrand option. Note
+                        that negative values indicate offsets from the end of each read. A value of
+                        1 indicates the first base of the alignment (taking alignment orientation
+                        into account). Likewise, a value of -1 is the last base of the alignment. An
+                        offset of 0 is not permitted. By default, the entire alignment is used to
+                        denote where the signal is located." />
                 <param argument="filterRNAstrand" type="select" label="Only include reads originating from fragments from the forward or reverse strand." 
                     help="By default (the no option), all reads are processed, regardless of the strand they originated from. For RNAseq, it can be useful to separately create bigWig files for the forward or reverse strands.
@@ -116,6 +134,7 @@
                     <option value="forward">forward</option>
                     <option value="reverse">reverse</option>
+                <expand macro="blacklist" />
diff -r eab93a5553ec -r 96057da0d8d8 deepTools_macros.xml
--- a/deepTools_macros.xml	Fri May 13 17:13:52 2016 -0400
+++ b/deepTools_macros.xml	Thu Aug 11 06:28:53 2016 -0400
@@ -30,6 +30,25 @@
         #if $advancedOpt.samFlagExclude:
             --samFlagExclude $advancedOpt.samFlagExclude
         #end if
+        #if $advancedOpt.minFragmentLength:
+            --minFragmentLength $advancedOpt.minFragmentLength
+        #end if
+        #if $advancedOpt.maxFragmentLength:
+            --maxFragmentLength $advancedOpt.maxFragmentLength
+        #end if
+    </token>
+    <token name="@ADVANCED_OPTS_GTF@">
+        $advancedOpt.metagene
+        #if $advancedOpt.transcriptID:
+            --transcriptID $advancedOpt.transcriptID
+        #end if
+        #if $advancedOpt.exonID:
+            --exonID $advancedOpt.exonID
+        #end if
+        #if $advancedOpt.transcript_id_designator:
+            --transcript_id_designator $advancedOpt.transcript_id_designator
+        #end if
     <xml name="heatmap_options">
@@ -59,9 +78,9 @@
     <xml name="zMin_zMax">
-        <param argument="--zMin" type="float" value="" optional="true" label="Minimum value for the heatmap intensities"
+        <param argument="--zMin" type="text" value="" optional="true" label="Minimum value for the heatmap intensities"
             help="If not specified the value is set automatically."/>
-        <param argument="--zMax" type="float" value="" optional="true" label="Maximum value for the heatmap intensities"
+        <param argument="--zMax" type="text" value="" optional="true" label="Maximum value for the heatmap intensities"
             help="If not specified the value is set automatically."/>
@@ -159,14 +178,43 @@
             help= "For example, to get only reads that map to the forward strand, use --samFlagExclude 16, where 16 is the SAM flag for reads that map to the reverse strand."/>
+    <xml name="fragLength">
+        <param argument="--minFragmentLength" type="integer" optional="True" value="0" min="0"
+            label="Minimum fragment length for inclusion."
+            help="A value greater than 0 will filter out ALL single-end reads. This is primarily useful in things like ATACseq, where one would like to look specifically at mono- or di-nucleosome fragments." />
+        <param argument="--maxFragmentLength" type="integer" optional="True" value="0" min="0"
+            label="Maximum fragment length for inclusion."
+            help="As above, but the maximum length. A value of 0 (the default) is equivalent to no maximum." />
+    </xml>
     <xml name="read_processing_options">
         <expand macro="extendReads" />
         <expand macro="ignoreDuplicates" />
         <expand macro="centerReads" />
         <expand macro="minMappingQuality" />
         <expand macro="samFlags" />
+        <expand macro="fragLength" />
+    <xml name="gtf_options">
+        <param argument="--metagene" type="boolean" truevalue="--boolean" falsevalue=""
+            label="Use a metagene model"
+            help="If set and a BED12 or GTF file or files is used to provide regions, only exons will be used. This is convenient for looking at coverage over mature mRNA transcripts or similar uses where introns should be ignored." />
+        <param argument="--transcriptID" optional="True" value="transcript" type="text"
+            label="trascript designator"
+            help="When a GTF file is used to provide regions, only entries with this value as their feature (column 2) will be processed as transcripts. Default: transcript" />
+        <param argument="--exonID" optional="True" value="exon" type="text"
+            label="exon designator"
+            help="When a GTF file is used to provide regions, only entries with this value as their feature (column 2) will be processed as exons. CDS would be another common value for this. Default: exon" />
+        <param argument="--transcript_id_designator" optional="True" value="transcript_id" type="text"
+            label="transcriptID key designator"
+            help="Each region has an ID (e.g., ACTB) assigned to it, which for BED files is either column 4 (if it exists)
+                  or the interval bounds. For GTF files this is instead stored in the last column as a key:value pair (e.g.,
+                  as 'transcript_id ACTB', for a key of transcript_id and a value of ACTB). In some cases it can be
+                  convenient to use a different identifier. To do so, set this to the desired key. Default: transcript_id" />
+    </xml>
     <xml name="plotNumbers">
         <param argument="--plotNumbers" type="boolean" truevalue="--plotNumbers" falsevalue=""
             label="Plot the correlation value"
@@ -247,7 +295,7 @@
     <xml name="minMappingQuality">
-        <param argument="--minMappingQuality" type="integer" optional="true" value="1" min="1"
+        <param argument="--minMappingQuality" type="integer" optional="true" value="1" min="0"
             label="Minimum mapping quality"
             help= "If set, only reads with a mapping quality score higher than this value are considered."/>
@@ -363,6 +411,47 @@
+    <xml name="blacklist">
+        <param argument="--blackListFileName" type="data" format="bed,gtf" multiple="true" optional="true" min="0"
+            label="Blacklisted regions in BED/GTF format"
+            help="One or more files containing regions to exclude from the analysis" />
+    </xml>
+    <token name="@blacklist@">
+        #if ' '.join( map(str, $advancedOpt.blackListFileName) ) != 'None':
+            #set blfiles=[]
+            #for $f in $advancedOpt.blackListFileName:
+                #silent $blfiles.append("'%s'" % $f)
+            #end for
+            #if $blfiles != ["'None'"]:
+                --blackListFileName #echo ' '.join($blfiles)#
+            #end if
+        #end if
+    </token>
+    <xml name="multiple_bed">
+        <param argument="--BED" type="data" format="bed,gtf" min="1" multiple="true"
+            label="Regions in BED/GTF format"
+            help="One or more files containing regions to include in the analysis" />
+    </xml>
+    <token name="@multiple_bed@">
+        #set files=[]
+        #set labels=[]
+        #for $f in $BED:
+            #silent $files.append("'%s'" % $f)
+            #silent $labels.append("'%s'" % $f.display_name)
+        #end for
+        #if len($files) > 0:
+            --BED #echo ' '.join($files)#
+            --regionLabels #echo ' '.join($labels)#
+        #end if
+    </token>
     <xml name="reference_genome_source">
         <conditional name="source">
             <param name="ref_source" type="select" label="Reference genome">
@@ -404,7 +493,8 @@
                 <option value="specific">user specified</option>
             <when value="specific">
-                <param argument="--effectiveGenomeSize" type="integer" value="" label="Effective genome size" help="e.g. ce10: 93260000, dm3: 121400000, hg19: 2451960000, mm9: 2150570000"/>
+                <param argument="--effectiveGenomeSize" type="integer" value="" label="Effective genome size"
+                       help="e.g. ce10: 93260000, dm3: 121400000, hg19: 2451960000, mm9: 2150570000"/>
             <when value="2150570000" />
             <when value="2451960000" />
@@ -439,7 +529,10 @@
             <when value="no" />
             <when value="yes">
                 <yield />
-                <param name="saveSortedRegions" type="boolean" label="Save the regions after skipping zeros or min/max threshold values" help="The order of the regions in the file follows the sorting order selected. This is useful, for example, to generate other heatmaps keeping the sorting of the first heatmap."/>
+                <param name="saveSortedRegions" type="boolean"
+                       label="Save the regions after skipping zeros or min/max threshold values"
+                       help="The order of the regions in the file follows the sorting order selected. This is useful,
+                       for example, to generate other heatmaps keeping the sorting of the first heatmap."/>
@@ -454,6 +547,11 @@
+    <xml name="output_dpi">
+        <param argument="--dpi" name="dpi" type="integer" value="200" size="3" optional="True"
+            label="Image dpi" help=""/>
+    </xml>
     <xml name="output_image_file_format">
         <data format="png" name="outFileName" label="${tool.name} image">
@@ -497,7 +595,9 @@
     <xml name="colorMap">
-        <param name="colorMap" type="select" label="Color map to use for the heatmap" help=" Available color map names can be found here: http://matplotlib.org/examples/color/colormaps_reference.html">
+        <param name="colorMap" type="select" label="Color map to use for the heatmap"
+               help=" Available color map names can be found here: http://matplotlib.org/examples/color/colormaps_reference.html"
+               multiple="true">
             <option value="RdYlBu" selected="true">RdYlBu</option>
             <option value="Accent">Accent</option>
             <option value="Spectral">Spectral</option>
diff -r eab93a5553ec -r 96057da0d8d8 static/images/plotEnrichment_output.png
Binary file static/images/plotEnrichment_output.png has changed
diff -r eab93a5553ec -r 96057da0d8d8 test-data/bamCompare_result1.bg
--- a/test-data/bamCompare_result1.bg	Fri May 13 17:13:52 2016 -0400
+++ b/test-data/bamCompare_result1.bg	Thu Aug 11 06:28:53 2016 -0400
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
-chrM	0	16569	1.0
+chrM	0	16569	1.00
diff -r eab93a5553ec -r 96057da0d8d8 test-data/bamCoverage_result1.bw
Binary file test-data/bamCoverage_result1.bw has changed
diff -r eab93a5553ec -r 96057da0d8d8 test-data/bamCoverage_result2.bw
Binary file test-data/bamCoverage_result2.bw has changed
diff -r eab93a5553ec -r 96057da0d8d8 test-data/bamCoverage_result3.bg
--- a/test-data/bamCoverage_result3.bg	Fri May 13 17:13:52 2016 -0400
+++ b/test-data/bamCoverage_result3.bg	Thu Aug 11 06:28:53 2016 -0400
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
-chrM	0	10	18498299.57
-chrM	10	200	9768764.94
-chrM	200	210	10184457.07
-chrM	210	220	9976611.00
+chrM	0	210	9768764.94
+chrM	210	220	9560918.88
 chrM	220	230	7690304.31
-chrM	230	240	6027535.81
+chrM	230	240	5196151.56
 chrM	240	250	3325537.00
 chrM	250	260	623538.19
+chrM	260	16569	0.00
diff -r eab93a5553ec -r 96057da0d8d8 test-data/bamCoverage_result4.bg
--- a/test-data/bamCoverage_result4.bg	Fri May 13 17:13:52 2016 -0400
+++ b/test-data/bamCoverage_result4.bg	Thu Aug 11 06:28:53 2016 -0400
@@ -1,472 +1,472 @@
-phiX174	0	10	16038.46
-phiX174	10	20	48115.38
-phiX174	20	70	144346.15
-phiX174	70	80	192461.54
-phiX174	80	90	176423.08
-phiX174	90	100	160384.62
-phiX174	100	120	112269.23
-phiX174	120	140	144346.15
-phiX174	140	150	160384.62
-phiX174	150	160	128307.69
-phiX174	160	170	160384.62
-phiX174	170	180	176423.08
-phiX174	180	200	208500.00
-phiX174	200	210	192461.54
-phiX174	210	220	240576.92
-phiX174	220	230	272653.85
-phiX174	230	240	336807.69
-phiX174	240	250	320769.23
-phiX174	250	260	288692.31
-phiX174	260	270	336807.69
-phiX174	270	280	400961.54
-phiX174	280	300	417000.00
-phiX174	300	310	352846.15
-phiX174	310	320	320769.23
-phiX174	320	330	368884.62
-phiX174	330	340	352846.15
-phiX174	340	350	288692.31
-phiX174	350	360	256615.38
-phiX174	360	370	224538.46
-phiX174	370	380	240576.92
-phiX174	380	390	304730.77
-phiX174	390	400	256615.38
-phiX174	400	410	240576.92
-phiX174	410	420	224538.46
-phiX174	420	450	288692.31
-phiX174	450	460	304730.77
-phiX174	460	470	336807.69
-phiX174	470	490	417000.00
-phiX174	490	510	497192.31
-phiX174	510	520	465115.38
-phiX174	520	530	561346.15
-phiX174	530	540	497192.31
-phiX174	540	550	529269.23
-phiX174	550	560	545307.69
-phiX174	560	570	641538.46
-phiX174	570	580	625500.00
-phiX174	580	590	561346.15
-phiX174	590	600	609461.54
-phiX174	600	610	545307.69
-phiX174	610	630	625500.00
-phiX174	630	640	577384.62
-phiX174	640	650	513230.77
-phiX174	650	660	545307.69
-phiX174	660	670	561346.15
-phiX174	670	680	593423.08
-phiX174	680	690	657576.92
-phiX174	690	700	641538.46
-phiX174	700	710	561346.15
-phiX174	710	730	593423.08
-phiX174	730	740	513230.77
-phiX174	740	760	593423.08
-phiX174	760	770	497192.31
-phiX174	770	780	513230.77
-phiX174	780	790	529269.23
-phiX174	790	800	545307.69
-phiX174	800	810	449076.92
-phiX174	810	820	433038.46
-phiX174	820	830	368884.62
-phiX174	830	840	320769.23
-phiX174	840	850	352846.15
-phiX174	850	860	304730.77
-phiX174	860	870	336807.69
-phiX174	870	880	256615.38
-phiX174	880	890	352846.15
-phiX174	890	900	384923.08
-phiX174	900	910	465115.38
-phiX174	910	920	545307.69
-phiX174	920	930	561346.15
-phiX174	930	940	545307.69
-phiX174	940	950	577384.62
-phiX174	950	960	593423.08
-phiX174	960	970	513230.77
-phiX174	970	980	481153.85
-phiX174	980	990	433038.46
-phiX174	990	1000	417000.00
-phiX174	1000	1010	449076.92
-phiX174	1010	1030	577384.62
-phiX174	1030	1040	753807.69
-phiX174	1040	1050	785884.62
-phiX174	1050	1060	817961.54
-phiX174	1060	1070	866076.92
-phiX174	1070	1080	834000.00
-phiX174	1080	1090	866076.92
-phiX174	1090	1100	769846.15
-phiX174	1100	1110	737769.23
-phiX174	1110	1120	657576.92
-phiX174	1120	1130	641538.46
-phiX174	1130	1140	625500.00
-phiX174	1140	1150	673615.38
-phiX174	1150	1160	625500.00
-phiX174	1160	1170	593423.08
-phiX174	1170	1180	609461.54
-phiX174	1180	1190	577384.62
-phiX174	1190	1200	513230.77
-phiX174	1200	1210	481153.85
-phiX174	1210	1220	561346.15
-phiX174	1220	1230	481153.85
-phiX174	1230	1240	449076.92
-phiX174	1240	1250	352846.15
-phiX174	1250	1260	336807.69
-phiX174	1260	1270	400961.54
-phiX174	1270	1280	352846.15
-phiX174	1280	1290	368884.62
-phiX174	1290	1300	320769.23
-phiX174	1300	1310	384923.08
-phiX174	1310	1320	513230.77
-phiX174	1320	1330	497192.31
-phiX174	1330	1340	513230.77
-phiX174	1340	1350	481153.85
-phiX174	1350	1370	497192.31
-phiX174	1370	1390	465115.38
-phiX174	1390	1400	352846.15
-phiX174	1400	1410	449076.92
-phiX174	1410	1430	481153.85
-phiX174	1430	1450	545307.69
-phiX174	1450	1460	561346.15
-phiX174	1460	1470	577384.62
-phiX174	1470	1480	609461.54
-phiX174	1480	1490	593423.08
-phiX174	1490	1500	545307.69
-phiX174	1500	1510	657576.92
-phiX174	1510	1520	625500.00
-phiX174	1520	1540	785884.62
-phiX174	1540	1550	721730.77
-phiX174	1550	1570	753807.69
-phiX174	1570	1580	769846.15
-phiX174	1580	1590	673615.38
-phiX174	1590	1600	625500.00
-phiX174	1600	1610	561346.15
-phiX174	1610	1620	529269.23
-phiX174	1620	1630	497192.31
-phiX174	1630	1640	465115.38
-phiX174	1640	1650	481153.85
-phiX174	1650	1660	497192.31
-phiX174	1660	1670	529269.23
-phiX174	1670	1680	593423.08
-phiX174	1680	1690	513230.77
-phiX174	1690	1700	529269.23
-phiX174	1700	1710	593423.08
-phiX174	1710	1720	545307.69
-phiX174	1720	1730	529269.23
-phiX174	1730	1740	577384.62
-phiX174	1740	1750	529269.23
-phiX174	1750	1760	433038.46
-phiX174	1760	1770	417000.00
-phiX174	1770	1780	368884.62
-phiX174	1780	1790	352846.15
-phiX174	1790	1810	336807.69
-phiX174	1810	1820	320769.23
-phiX174	1820	1830	465115.38
-phiX174	1830	1860	705692.31
-phiX174	1860	1870	801923.08
-phiX174	1870	1880	737769.23
-phiX174	1880	1890	673615.38
-phiX174	1890	1900	705692.31
-phiX174	1900	1910	609461.54
-phiX174	1910	1920	400961.54
-phiX174	1920	1930	465115.38
-phiX174	1930	1940	545307.69
-phiX174	1940	1950	449076.92
-phiX174	1950	1960	481153.85
-phiX174	1960	1970	529269.23
-phiX174	1970	1980	673615.38
-phiX174	1980	1990	641538.46
-phiX174	1990	2000	657576.92
-phiX174	2000	2010	673615.38
-phiX174	2010	2020	641538.46
-phiX174	2020	2030	657576.92
-phiX174	2030	2050	673615.38
-phiX174	2050	2060	481153.85
-phiX174	2060	2070	513230.77
-phiX174	2070	2080	481153.85
-phiX174	2080	2100	513230.77
-phiX174	2100	2110	529269.23
-phiX174	2110	2120	513230.77
-phiX174	2120	2130	529269.23
-phiX174	2130	2140	545307.69
-phiX174	2140	2150	513230.77
-phiX174	2150	2160	545307.69
-phiX174	2160	2170	417000.00
-phiX174	2170	2180	352846.15
-phiX174	2180	2190	433038.46
-phiX174	2190	2200	449076.92
-phiX174	2200	2210	433038.46
-phiX174	2210	2220	481153.85
-phiX174	2220	2230	545307.69
-phiX174	2230	2240	593423.08
-phiX174	2240	2250	625500.00
-phiX174	2250	2260	721730.77
-phiX174	2260	2270	625500.00
-phiX174	2270	2290	593423.08
-phiX174	2290	2300	609461.54
-phiX174	2300	2310	737769.23
-phiX174	2310	2320	769846.15
-phiX174	2320	2330	866076.92
-phiX174	2330	2340	850038.46
-phiX174	2340	2350	898153.85
-phiX174	2350	2360	801923.08
-phiX174	2360	2370	914192.31
-phiX174	2370	2380	801923.08
-phiX174	2380	2390	641538.46
-phiX174	2390	2400	593423.08
-phiX174	2400	2410	417000.00
-phiX174	2410	2420	400961.54
-phiX174	2420	2430	352846.15
-phiX174	2430	2440	481153.85
-phiX174	2440	2450	449076.92
-phiX174	2450	2460	609461.54
-phiX174	2460	2470	673615.38
-phiX174	2470	2480	737769.23
-phiX174	2480	2490	753807.69
-phiX174	2490	2500	769846.15
-phiX174	2500	2510	785884.62
-phiX174	2510	2520	641538.46
-phiX174	2520	2530	657576.92
-phiX174	2530	2540	529269.23
-phiX174	2540	2550	465115.38
-phiX174	2550	2560	384923.08
-phiX174	2560	2570	433038.46
-phiX174	2570	2590	465115.38
-phiX174	2590	2600	449076.92
-phiX174	2600	2620	529269.23
-phiX174	2620	2630	545307.69
-phiX174	2630	2640	689653.85
-phiX174	2640	2650	625500.00
-phiX174	2650	2660	561346.15
-phiX174	2660	2670	545307.69
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-phiX174	2870	2880	705692.31
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-phiX174	3550	3560	753807.69
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-phiX174	5030	5040	336807.69
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-phiX174	5050	5060	304730.77
-phiX174	5060	5070	288692.31
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-phiX174	5080	5090	304730.77
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-phiX174	5230	5240	449076.92
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-phiX174	5260	5270	304730.77
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-phiX174	5280	5290	272653.85
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-phiX174	5340	5350	64153.85
-phiX174	5350	5386	32076.9
+phiX174	0	10	16302.83
+phiX174	10	20	48908.50
+phiX174	20	70	146725.49
+phiX174	70	80	195633.98
+phiX174	80	90	179331.15
+phiX174	90	100	163028.32
+phiX174	100	120	114119.82
+phiX174	120	140	146725.49
+phiX174	140	150	163028.32
+phiX174	150	160	130422.65
+phiX174	160	170	163028.32
+phiX174	170	180	179331.15
+phiX174	180	200	211936.81
+phiX174	200	210	195633.98
+phiX174	210	220	244542.48
+phiX174	220	230	277148.14
+phiX174	230	240	342359.47
+phiX174	240	250	326056.64
+phiX174	250	260	293450.97
+phiX174	260	270	342359.47
+phiX174	270	280	407570.79
+phiX174	280	300	423873.63
+phiX174	300	310	358662.30
+phiX174	310	320	326056.64
+phiX174	320	330	374965.13
+phiX174	330	340	358662.30
+phiX174	340	350	293450.97
+phiX174	350	360	260845.31
+phiX174	360	370	228239.64
+phiX174	370	380	244542.48
+phiX174	380	390	309753.80
+phiX174	390	400	260845.31
+phiX174	400	410	244542.48
+phiX174	410	420	228239.64
+phiX174	420	450	293450.97
+phiX174	450	460	309753.80
+phiX174	460	470	342359.47
+phiX174	470	490	423873.63
+phiX174	490	510	505387.79
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+phiX174	520	530	570599.11
+phiX174	530	540	505387.79
+phiX174	540	550	537993.45
+phiX174	550	560	554296.28
+phiX174	560	570	652113.27
+phiX174	570	580	635810.44
+phiX174	580	590	570599.11
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+phiX174	600	610	554296.28
+phiX174	610	630	635810.44
+phiX174	630	640	586901.94
+phiX174	640	650	521690.62
+phiX174	650	660	554296.28
+phiX174	660	670	570599.11
+phiX174	670	680	603204.78
+phiX174	680	690	668416.10
+phiX174	690	700	652113.27
+phiX174	700	710	570599.11
+phiX174	710	730	603204.78
+phiX174	730	740	521690.62
+phiX174	740	760	603204.78
+phiX174	760	770	505387.79
+phiX174	770	780	521690.62
+phiX174	780	790	537993.45
+phiX174	790	800	554296.28
+phiX174	800	810	456479.29
+phiX174	810	820	440176.46
+phiX174	820	830	374965.13
+phiX174	830	840	326056.64
+phiX174	840	850	358662.30
+phiX174	850	860	309753.80
+phiX174	860	870	342359.47
+phiX174	870	880	260845.31
+phiX174	880	890	358662.30
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+phiX174	910	920	554296.28
+phiX174	920	930	570599.11
+phiX174	930	940	554296.28
+phiX174	940	950	586901.94
+phiX174	950	960	603204.78
+phiX174	960	970	521690.62
+phiX174	970	980	489084.95
+phiX174	980	990	440176.46
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+phiX174	1000	1010	456479.29
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+phiX174	1060	1070	880352.92
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+phiX174	1080	1090	880352.92
+phiX174	1090	1100	782535.93
+phiX174	1100	1110	749930.26
+phiX174	1110	1120	668416.10
+phiX174	1120	1130	652113.27
+phiX174	1130	1140	635810.44
+phiX174	1140	1150	684718.93
+phiX174	1150	1160	635810.44
+phiX174	1160	1170	603204.78
+phiX174	1170	1180	619507.61
+phiX174	1180	1190	586901.94
+phiX174	1190	1200	521690.62
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+phiX174	1220	1230	489084.95
+phiX174	1230	1240	456479.29
+phiX174	1240	1250	358662.30
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+phiX174	1260	1270	407570.79
+phiX174	1270	1280	358662.30
+phiX174	1280	1290	374965.13
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+phiX174	1320	1330	505387.79
+phiX174	1330	1340	521690.62
+phiX174	1340	1350	489084.95
+phiX174	1350	1370	505387.79
+phiX174	1370	1390	472782.12
+phiX174	1390	1400	358662.30
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+phiX174	1410	1430	489084.95
+phiX174	1430	1450	554296.28
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+phiX174	1460	1470	586901.94
+phiX174	1470	1480	619507.61
+phiX174	1480	1490	603204.78
+phiX174	1490	1500	554296.28
+phiX174	1500	1510	668416.10
+phiX174	1510	1520	635810.44
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+phiX174	1540	1550	733627.43
+phiX174	1550	1570	766233.09
+phiX174	1570	1580	782535.93
+phiX174	1580	1590	684718.93
+phiX174	1590	1600	635810.44
+phiX174	1600	1610	570599.11
+phiX174	1610	1620	537993.45
+phiX174	1620	1630	505387.79
+phiX174	1630	1640	472782.12
+phiX174	1640	1650	489084.95
+phiX174	1650	1660	505387.79
+phiX174	1660	1670	537993.45
+phiX174	1670	1680	603204.78
+phiX174	1680	1690	521690.62
+phiX174	1690	1700	537993.45
+phiX174	1700	1710	603204.78
+phiX174	1710	1720	554296.28
+phiX174	1720	1730	537993.45
+phiX174	1730	1740	586901.94
+phiX174	1740	1750	537993.45
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+phiX174	1770	1780	374965.13
+phiX174	1780	1790	358662.30
+phiX174	1790	1810	342359.47
+phiX174	1810	1820	326056.64
+phiX174	1820	1830	472782.12
+phiX174	1830	1860	717324.60
+phiX174	1860	1870	815141.59
+phiX174	1870	1880	749930.26
+phiX174	1880	1890	684718.93
+phiX174	1890	1900	717324.60
+phiX174	1900	1910	619507.61
+phiX174	1910	1920	407570.79
+phiX174	1920	1930	472782.12
+phiX174	1930	1940	554296.28
+phiX174	1940	1950	456479.29
+phiX174	1950	1960	489084.95
+phiX174	1960	1970	537993.45
+phiX174	1970	1980	684718.93
+phiX174	1980	1990	652113.27
+phiX174	1990	2000	668416.10
+phiX174	2000	2010	684718.93
+phiX174	2010	2020	652113.27
+phiX174	2020	2030	668416.10
+phiX174	2030	2050	684718.93
+phiX174	2050	2060	489084.95
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+phiX174	2070	2080	489084.95
+phiX174	2080	2100	521690.62
+phiX174	2100	2110	537993.45
+phiX174	2110	2120	521690.62
+phiX174	2120	2130	537993.45
+phiX174	2130	2140	554296.28
+phiX174	2140	2150	521690.62
+phiX174	2150	2160	554296.28
+phiX174	2160	2170	423873.63
+phiX174	2170	2180	358662.30
+phiX174	2180	2190	440176.46
+phiX174	2190	2200	456479.29
+phiX174	2200	2210	440176.46
+phiX174	2210	2220	489084.95
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+phiX174	2240	2250	635810.44
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+phiX174	2260	2270	635810.44
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+phiX174	2350	2360	815141.59
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+phiX174	2370	2380	815141.59
+phiX174	2380	2390	652113.27
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+phiX174	2400	2410	423873.63
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+phiX174	2420	2430	358662.30
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+phiX174	2440	2450	456479.29
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+phiX174	2470	2480	749930.26
+phiX174	2480	2490	766233.09
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+phiX174	2500	2510	798838.76
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+phiX174	2520	2530	668416.10
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+phiX174	2540	2550	472782.12
+phiX174	2550	2560	391267.96
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+phiX174	2570	2590	472782.12
+phiX174	2590	2600	456479.29
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+phiX174	2620	2630	554296.28
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+phiX174	2660	2670	554296.28
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+phiX174	2680	2700	668416.10
+phiX174	2700	2710	635810.44
+phiX174	2710	2720	603204.78
+phiX174	2720	2740	668416.10
+phiX174	2740	2750	831444.42
+phiX174	2750	2760	880352.92
+phiX174	2760	2770	864050.08
+phiX174	2770	2780	896655.75
+phiX174	2780	2790	978169.91
+phiX174	2790	2800	831444.42
+phiX174	2800	2810	847747.25
+phiX174	2810	2820	815141.59
+phiX174	2820	2830	684718.93
+phiX174	2830	2840	717324.60
+phiX174	2840	2860	635810.44
+phiX174	2860	2870	619507.61
+phiX174	2870	2880	717324.60
+phiX174	2880	2890	668416.10
+phiX174	2890	2900	619507.61
+phiX174	2900	2910	668416.10
+phiX174	2910	2930	570599.11
+phiX174	2930	2940	521690.62
+phiX174	2940	2950	570599.11
+phiX174	2950	2960	505387.79
+phiX174	2960	2970	586901.94
+phiX174	2970	2980	603204.78
+phiX174	2980	2990	521690.62
+phiX174	2990	3000	537993.45
+phiX174	3000	3010	570599.11
+phiX174	3010	3020	521690.62
+phiX174	3020	3030	472782.12
+phiX174	3030	3040	440176.46
+phiX174	3040	3050	423873.63
+phiX174	3050	3060	554296.28
+phiX174	3060	3070	570599.11
+phiX174	3070	3080	635810.44
+phiX174	3080	3100	586901.94
+phiX174	3100	3110	733627.43
+phiX174	3110	3120	684718.93
+phiX174	3120	3130	652113.27
+phiX174	3130	3140	619507.61
+phiX174	3140	3160	684718.93
+phiX174	3160	3180	782535.93
+phiX174	3180	3190	717324.60
+phiX174	3190	3200	668416.10
+phiX174	3200	3210	684718.93
+phiX174	3210	3220	749930.26
+phiX174	3220	3230	668416.10
+phiX174	3230	3240	717324.60
+phiX174	3240	3250	635810.44
+phiX174	3250	3260	554296.28
+phiX174	3260	3270	603204.78
+phiX174	3270	3280	635810.44
+phiX174	3280	3290	586901.94
+phiX174	3290	3300	537993.45
+phiX174	3300	3310	521690.62
+phiX174	3310	3320	537993.45
+phiX174	3320	3330	619507.61
+phiX174	3330	3340	668416.10
+phiX174	3340	3370	652113.27
+phiX174	3370	3390	668416.10
+phiX174	3390	3400	586901.94
+phiX174	3400	3430	489084.95
+phiX174	3430	3440	521690.62
+phiX174	3440	3450	619507.61
+phiX174	3450	3460	586901.94
+phiX174	3460	3480	684718.93
+phiX174	3480	3490	733627.43
+phiX174	3490	3500	847747.25
+phiX174	3500	3510	815141.59
+phiX174	3510	3520	912958.58
+phiX174	3520	3530	782535.93
+phiX174	3530	3540	766233.09
+phiX174	3540	3550	798838.76
+phiX174	3550	3560	766233.09
+phiX174	3560	3570	701021.77
+phiX174	3570	3580	505387.79
+phiX174	3580	3590	472782.12
+phiX174	3590	3610	440176.46
+phiX174	3610	3620	423873.63
+phiX174	3620	3630	407570.79
+phiX174	3630	3640	391267.96
+phiX174	3640	3650	358662.30
+phiX174	3650	3660	440176.46
+phiX174	3660	3680	407570.79
+phiX174	3680	3690	423873.63
+phiX174	3690	3700	342359.47
+phiX174	3700	3710	391267.96
+phiX174	3710	3720	440176.46
+phiX174	3720	3730	635810.44
+phiX174	3730	3740	603204.78
+phiX174	3740	3750	717324.60
+phiX174	3750	3760	684718.93
+phiX174	3760	3780	668416.10
+phiX174	3780	3790	635810.44
+phiX174	3790	3800	505387.79
+phiX174	3800	3810	423873.63
+phiX174	3810	3820	456479.29
+phiX174	3820	3830	440176.46
+phiX174	3830	3840	554296.28
+phiX174	3840	3850	635810.44
+phiX174	3850	3860	782535.93
+phiX174	3860	3870	815141.59
+phiX174	3870	3880	782535.93
+phiX174	3880	3890	733627.43
+phiX174	3890	3900	684718.93
+phiX174	3900	3910	652113.27
+phiX174	3910	3920	603204.78
+phiX174	3920	3930	456479.29
+phiX174	3930	3950	407570.79
+phiX174	3950	3960	440176.46
+phiX174	3960	3970	537993.45
+phiX174	3970	3980	603204.78
+phiX174	3980	3990	570599.11
+phiX174	3990	4000	652113.27
+phiX174	4000	4010	635810.44
+phiX174	4010	4020	619507.61
+phiX174	4020	4030	652113.27
+phiX174	4030	4040	668416.10
+phiX174	4040	4050	554296.28
+phiX174	4050	4060	489084.95
+phiX174	4060	4070	456479.29
+phiX174	4070	4080	407570.79
+phiX174	4080	4090	440176.46
+phiX174	4090	4100	537993.45
+phiX174	4100	4110	407570.79
+phiX174	4110	4120	374965.13
+phiX174	4120	4130	309753.80
+phiX174	4130	4150	374965.13
+phiX174	4150	4160	342359.47
+phiX174	4160	4170	391267.96
+phiX174	4170	4180	277148.14
+phiX174	4180	4190	342359.47
+phiX174	4190	4200	358662.30
+phiX174	4200	4210	374965.13
+phiX174	4210	4230	326056.64
+phiX174	4230	4250	342359.47
+phiX174	4250	4260	391267.96
+phiX174	4260	4280	489084.95
+phiX174	4280	4290	456479.29
+phiX174	4290	4300	472782.12
+phiX174	4300	4310	537993.45
+phiX174	4310	4320	619507.61
+phiX174	4320	4330	586901.94
+phiX174	4330	4340	472782.12
+phiX174	4340	4350	423873.63
+phiX174	4350	4360	440176.46
+phiX174	4360	4380	521690.62
+phiX174	4380	4390	489084.95
+phiX174	4390	4400	456479.29
+phiX174	4400	4410	537993.45
+phiX174	4410	4420	668416.10
+phiX174	4420	4430	717324.60
+phiX174	4430	4440	798838.76
+phiX174	4440	4450	831444.42
+phiX174	4450	4460	815141.59
+phiX174	4460	4470	782535.93
+phiX174	4470	4480	798838.76
+phiX174	4480	4490	701021.77
+phiX174	4490	4500	635810.44
+phiX174	4500	4510	619507.61
+phiX174	4510	4520	472782.12
+phiX174	4520	4540	440176.46
+phiX174	4540	4550	505387.79
+phiX174	4550	4560	489084.95
+phiX174	4560	4570	440176.46
+phiX174	4570	4580	472782.12
+phiX174	4580	4590	423873.63
+phiX174	4590	4600	440176.46
+phiX174	4600	4610	537993.45
+phiX174	4610	4620	521690.62
+phiX174	4620	4630	586901.94
+phiX174	4630	4640	619507.61
+phiX174	4640	4660	701021.77
+phiX174	4660	4670	733627.43
+phiX174	4670	4680	684718.93
+phiX174	4680	4690	619507.61
+phiX174	4690	4700	701021.77
+phiX174	4700	4720	489084.95
+phiX174	4720	4730	407570.79
+phiX174	4730	4740	472782.12
+phiX174	4740	4760	570599.11
+phiX174	4760	4780	603204.78
+phiX174	4780	4790	619507.61
+phiX174	4790	4800	701021.77
+phiX174	4800	4810	684718.93
+phiX174	4810	4820	668416.10
+phiX174	4820	4830	603204.78
+phiX174	4830	4850	635810.44
+phiX174	4850	4860	586901.94
+phiX174	4860	4870	521690.62
+phiX174	4870	4880	505387.79
+phiX174	4880	4890	603204.78
+phiX174	4890	4900	521690.62
+phiX174	4900	4910	489084.95
+phiX174	4910	4920	423873.63
+phiX174	4920	4930	391267.96
+phiX174	4930	4950	358662.30
+phiX174	4950	4960	277148.14
+phiX174	4960	4970	179331.15
+phiX174	4970	4980	244542.48
+phiX174	4980	4990	211936.81
+phiX174	4990	5020	293450.97
+phiX174	5020	5030	358662.30
+phiX174	5030	5040	342359.47
+phiX174	5040	5050	374965.13
+phiX174	5050	5060	309753.80
+phiX174	5060	5070	293450.97
+phiX174	5070	5080	244542.48
+phiX174	5080	5090	309753.80
+phiX174	5090	5100	277148.14
+phiX174	5100	5110	228239.64
+phiX174	5110	5120	260845.31
+phiX174	5120	5130	326056.64
+phiX174	5130	5140	423873.63
+phiX174	5140	5160	505387.79
+phiX174	5160	5170	489084.95
+phiX174	5170	5180	586901.94
+phiX174	5180	5190	570599.11
+phiX174	5190	5200	537993.45
+phiX174	5200	5210	472782.12
+phiX174	5210	5220	456479.29
+phiX174	5220	5230	407570.79
+phiX174	5230	5240	456479.29
+phiX174	5240	5250	374965.13
+phiX174	5250	5260	277148.14
+phiX174	5260	5270	309753.80
+phiX174	5270	5280	342359.47
+phiX174	5280	5290	277148.14
+phiX174	5290	5300	195633.98
+phiX174	5300	5310	146725.49
+phiX174	5310	5340	97816.99
+phiX174	5340	5350	65211.33
+phiX174	5350	5386	32605.66
diff -r eab93a5553ec -r 96057da0d8d8 test-data/bamCoverage_result4.bw
Binary file test-data/bamCoverage_result4.bw has changed
diff -r eab93a5553ec -r 96057da0d8d8 test-data/bamCoverage_result5.bw
Binary file test-data/bamCoverage_result5.bw has changed
diff -r eab93a5553ec -r 96057da0d8d8 test-data/bamPEFragmentSize_histogram_result1.png
Binary file test-data/bamPEFragmentSize_histogram_result1.png has changed
diff -r eab93a5553ec -r 96057da0d8d8 test-data/bamPEFragmentSize_result1.txt
--- a/test-data/bamPEFragmentSize_result1.txt	Fri May 13 17:13:52 2016 -0400
+++ b/test-data/bamPEFragmentSize_result1.txt	Thu Aug 11 06:28:53 2016 -0400
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
+BAM file : 0.bam
 Sample size: 3
 Fragment lengths:
 Min.: 241.0
 1st Qu.: 241.5
diff -r eab93a5553ec -r 96057da0d8d8 test-data/correctGCBias_result1.bam
Binary file test-data/correctGCBias_result1.bam has changed
diff -r eab93a5553ec -r 96057da0d8d8 test-data/plotEnrichment_output.png
Binary file test-data/plotEnrichment_output.png has changed
diff -r eab93a5553ec -r 96057da0d8d8 test-data/plotEnrichment_output.txt
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/plotEnrichment_output.txt	Thu Aug 11 06:28:53 2016 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+file	featureType	percent
+bowtie2 test1.bam	down	100.00
+bowtie2 test1.bam	up	100.00
+bowtie2 test1.bam	down	100.00
+bowtie2 test1.bam	up	100.00
diff -r eab93a5553ec -r 96057da0d8d8 test-data/plotFingerprint_result2.tabular
--- a/test-data/plotFingerprint_result2.tabular	Fri May 13 17:13:52 2016 -0400
+++ b/test-data/plotFingerprint_result2.tabular	Thu Aug 11 06:28:53 2016 -0400
@@ -1,239 +1,239 @@
 'bowtie2 test1.bam'	'bowtie2 test1.bam'
-68	68
-65	65
-61	61
-57	57
-43	43
-37	37
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 27	27
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 19	19
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 17	17