diff chemfp_clustering/butina_clustering.py @ 6:438bc12d591b

author bgruening
date Fri, 26 Apr 2013 08:02:45 -0400
parents a4e261ee0a51
children 9e2e43fde5fe
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/chemfp_clustering/butina_clustering.py	Tue Apr 02 05:26:28 2013 -0400
+++ b/chemfp_clustering/butina_clustering.py	Fri Apr 26 08:02:45 2013 -0400
@@ -6,93 +6,154 @@
 import chemfp
+from chemfp import search
 import sys
 import os
 import tempfile
-temp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
-temp_link = "%s.%s" % (temp_file.name, 'fps')
-os.system('ln -s %s %s' % (sys.argv[1], temp_link) )
-chemfp_fingerprint_file = temp_link
-tanimoto_threshold = float(sys.argv[2])
-outfile = sys.argv[3]
-processors = int(sys.argv[4])
+import argparse
+import subprocess
-def get_hit_indicies(hits):
-    return [id for (id, score) in hits]
-out = open(outfile, 'w')
-dataset = chemfp.load_fingerprints( chemfp_fingerprint_file )
+def unix_sort(results):
+    temp_unsorted = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
+    for (i,indices) in enumerate( results.iter_indices() ):
+        temp_unsorted.write('%s %s\n' % (len(indices), i))
+        print i, indices
+    temp_unsorted.close()
+    temp_sorted = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
+    temp_sorted.close()
+    p = subprocess.Popen(['sort', '-n', '-r', '-k', '1,1'], stdin=open(temp_unsorted.name), stdout=open(temp_sorted.name, 'w+'))
+    stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
+    return_code = p.returncode
-chemfp.set_num_threads( processors )
-search = dataset.threshold_tanimoto_search_arena(dataset, threshold = tanimoto_threshold)
+    if return_code:
+        sys.stdout.write(stdout)
+        sys.stderr.write(stderr)
+        sys.stderr.write("Return error code %i from command:\n" % return_code)
+    temp_sorted.close()
+    os.remove(temp_unsorted.name)
-# Reorder so the centroid with the most hits comes first.
-# (That's why I do a reverse search.)
-# Ignore the arbitrariness of breaking ties by fingerprint index
-results = sorted( (  (len(hits), i, hits) for (i, hits) in enumerate(search.iter_indices_and_scores())  ),reverse=True)
+    for line in open(temp_sorted.name):
+        size, fp_idx = line.strip().split()
+        yield (int(size), int(fp_idx))
+    os.remove(temp_sorted.name)
-# Determine the true/false singletons and the clusters
-true_singletons = []
-false_singletons = []
-clusters = []
+def butina( args ):
+    """
+        Taylor-Butina clustering from the chemfp help.
+    """
-seen = set()
+    # make sure that the file ending is fps
+    temp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
+    temp_link = "%s.%s" % (temp_file.name, 'fps')
+    temp_file.close()
+    os.symlink(os.path.realpath(args.input_path), temp_link)
+    #os.system('ln -s %s %s' % (args.input_path, temp_link) )
+    out = args.output_path
+    arena = chemfp.load_fingerprints( temp_link )
-for (size, fp_idx, hits) in results:
-    if fp_idx in seen:
-        # Can't use a centroid which is already assigned
-        continue
-    seen.add(fp_idx)
+    chemfp.set_num_threads( args.processors )
+    results = search.threshold_tanimoto_search_symmetric(arena, threshold = args.tanimoto_threshold)
+    results.reorder_all("move-closest-first")
+    print [r.get_indices() for r in results]
-    if size == 1:
-        # The only fingerprint in the exclusion sphere is itself
-        true_singletons.append(fp_idx)
-        continue
+    # TODO: more memory efficient search?
+    # Reorder so the centroid with the most hits comes first.
+    # (That's why I do a reverse search.)
+    # Ignore the arbitrariness of breaking ties by fingerprint index
+    """
+    results = sorted( (  (len(indices), i, indices)
+                              for (i,indices) in enumerate(results.iter_indices()) ),
+                      reverse=True)
+    """
+    sorted_ids = unix_sort(results)
+    # Determine the true/false singletons and the clusters
+    true_singletons = []
+    false_singletons = []
+    clusters = []
-    members = get_hit_indicies(hits)
-    # Figure out which ones haven't yet been assigned
-    unassigned = [target_idx for target_idx in members if target_idx not in seen]
+    seen = set()
+    #for (size, fp_idx, members) in results:
+    for (size, fp_idx) in sorted_ids:
+        members = results[fp_idx].get_indices()
+        print 'indices (s: %s, fp_idx:%s) -> %s' % (size, fp_idx, members)
+        print 'scores (s: %s, fp_idx:%s) -> %s' % (size, fp_idx,  results[fp_idx].get_scores())
+        if fp_idx in seen:
+            # Can't use a centroid which is already assigned
+            continue
+        seen.add(fp_idx)
-    if not unassigned:
-        false_singletons.append(fp_idx)
-        continue
+        if size == 0:
+            # The only fingerprint in the exclusion sphere is itself
+            true_singletons.append(fp_idx)
+            continue
+        # Figure out which ones haven't yet been assigned
+        unassigned = set(members) - seen
+        if not unassigned:
+            false_singletons.append(fp_idx)
+            continue
+        # this is a new cluster
+        clusters.append( (fp_idx, unassigned) )
+        seen.update(unassigned)
-    # this is a new cluster
-    clusters.append( (fp_idx, unassigned) )
-    seen.update(unassigned)
+    len_cluster = len(clusters)
+    #out.write( "#%s true singletons: %s\n" % ( len(true_singletons), " ".join(sorted(arena.ids[idx] for idx in true_singletons)) ) )
+    #out.write( "#%s false singletons: %s\n" % ( len(false_singletons), " ".join(sorted(arena.ids[idx] for idx in false_singletons)) ) )
+    out.write( "#%s true singletons\n" % len(true_singletons) )
+    out.write( "#%s false singletons\n" % len(false_singletons) )
+    out.write( "#clusters: %s\n" % len_cluster )
-len_cluster = len(clusters)
-#out.write( "#%s true singletons: %s\n" % ( len(true_singletons), " ".join(sorted(dataset.ids[idx] for idx in true_singletons)) ) )
-#out.write( "#%s false singletons: %s\n" % ( len(false_singletons), " ".join(sorted(dataset.ids[idx] for idx in false_singletons)) ) )
+    # Sort so the cluster with the most compounds comes first,
+    # then by alphabetically smallest id
+    def cluster_sort_key(cluster):
+        centroid_idx, members = cluster
+        return -len(members), arena.ids[centroid_idx]
+    clusters.sort(key=cluster_sort_key)
-out.write( "#%s true singletons\n" % len(true_singletons) )
-out.write( "#%s false singletons\n" % len(false_singletons) )
-out.write( "#clusters: %s\n" % len_cluster )
+    for centroid_idx, members in clusters:
+        centroid_name = arena.ids[centroid_idx]
+        out.write("%s\t%s\t%s\n" % (centroid_name, len(members), " ".join(arena.ids[idx] for idx in members)))
+        #ToDo: len(members) need to be some biggest top 90% or something ...
+    for idx in true_singletons:
+        out.write("%s\t%s\n" % (arena.ids[idx], 0))
+    out.close()
+    os.remove( temp_link )
-# Sort so the cluster with the most compounds comes first,
-# then by alphabetically smallest id
-def cluster_sort_key(cluster):
-    centroid_idx, members = cluster
-    return -len(members), dataset.ids[centroid_idx]
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="""Taylor-Butina clustering for fps files.
+For more details please see the original publication or the chemfp documentation:
+    parser.add_argument("-i", "--input", dest="input_path",
+                    required=True,
+                    help="Path to the input file.")
+    parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", dest="output_path", type=argparse.FileType('w'),
+                    default=sys.stdout,
+                    help="Path to the output file.")
+    parser.add_argument("-t", "--threshold", dest="tanimoto_threshold", type=float,
+                    default=0.8,
+                    help="Tanimoto threshold [0.8]")
+    parser.add_argument('-p', '--processors', type=int, 
+        default=4)
+    options = parser.parse_args()
+    butina( options )
-for centroid_idx, members in clusters:
-    centroid_name = dataset.ids[centroid_idx]
-    out.write("%s\t%s\t%s\n" % (centroid_name, len(members), " ".join(dataset.ids[idx] for idx in members)))
-    #ToDo: len(members) need to be some biggest top 90% or something ...
-for idx in true_singletons:
-    out.write("%s\t%s\n" % (dataset.ids[idx], 0))
-os.remove( temp_link )