Repository 'testing_cgatools'
repository tip
Select a revision to inspect and download versions of Galaxy utilities from this repository.

Dependencies of this repository

Name Version Type
cgatools 1.6 package

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
converts to vcf 1.0.0 any
performs listsvariants and testvariants consecutively 1.0.1 any
compares two Complete Genomics variant files. 1.0.1 any
reports difference between junction calls 1.0.1 any
lists all called variants 1.0.1 any
compares snp calls to var or masterVar file. 1.0.1 any
test for the presence of variants 1.0.1 any
two tsv files based on equal fields or overlapping regions. 1.0.1 any
converts evidence mappings to SAM format 1.0.0 any
copies input file, applying filters. 1.0.1 any