view IDFilter.xml @ 4:6ead64a594bd draft default tip

planemo upload for repository commit 7a5239910fda9ed90cca286a38855703b40b1b56-dirty
author bgruening
date Wed, 27 Jan 2016 10:06:49 -0500
parents 3d84209d3178
line wrap: on
line source

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <!--This is a configuration file for the integration of a tools into Galaxy ( This file was automatically generated using CTD2Galaxy.-->
  <!--Proposed Tool Section: [ID Processing]-->
  <tool id="IDFilter" name="IDFilter" version="2.0.0">
    <description>Filters results from protein or peptide identification engines based on different criteria.</description>
      <token name="@EXECUTABLE@">IDFilter</token>
    <expand macro="references"/>
    <expand macro="stdio"/>
    <expand macro="requirements"/>

#if $param_in:
  -in $param_in
#end if
#if $param_out:
  -out $param_out
#end if
#if $param_min_length:
  -min_length $param_min_length
#end if
#if $param_max_length:
  -max_length $param_max_length
#end if
#if $param_min_charge:
  -min_charge $param_min_charge
#end if
#if $param_var_mods:
#end if
#if $param_unique:
#end if
#if $param_unique_per_protein:
#end if
#if $param_keep_unreferenced_protein_hits:
#end if
#if $param_remove_decoys:
#end if
#if $param_delete_unreferenced_peptide_hits:
#end if
-threads \${GALAXY_SLOTS:-24}
#if $param_precursor_rt:
  -precursor:rt     &quot;$param_precursor_rt&quot;
#end if
#if $param_precursor_mz:
  -precursor:mz     &quot;$param_precursor_mz&quot;
#end if
#if $param_precursor_allow_missing:
#end if
#if $param_score_pep:
  -score:pep $param_score_pep
#end if
#if $param_score_prot:
  -score:prot $param_score_prot
#end if
#if $param_thresh_pep:
  -thresh:pep $param_thresh_pep
#end if
#if $param_thresh_prot:
  -thresh:prot $param_thresh_prot
#end if
#if $param_whitelist_proteins:
  -whitelist:proteins $param_whitelist_proteins
#end if
#if $param_whitelist_by_seq_only:
#end if

#if $rep_param_whitelist_protein_accessions:
  #for token in $rep_param_whitelist_protein_accessions:
    #if &quot; &quot; in str(token):
    #end if
  #end for
#end if
#if $param_blacklist_peptides:
  -blacklist:peptides $param_blacklist_peptides
#end if
#if $param_blacklist_ignore_modifications:
#end if
#if $param_rt_p_value:
  -rt:p_value $param_rt_p_value
#end if
#if $param_rt_p_value_1st_dim:
  -rt:p_value_1st_dim $param_rt_p_value_1st_dim
#end if
#if $param_mz_error:
  -mz:error $param_mz_error
#end if
#if $param_mz_unit:
  #if &quot; &quot; in str($param_mz_unit):
  #end if
#end if
#if $param_best_n_peptide_hits:
  -best:n_peptide_hits $param_best_n_peptide_hits
#end if
#if $param_best_n_protein_hits:
  -best:n_protein_hits $param_best_n_protein_hits
#end if
#if $param_best_strict:
#end if
#if $adv_opts.adv_opts_selector=='advanced':
    #if $adv_opts.param_force:
#end if
    #if $adv_opts.param_best_n_to_m_peptide_hits:
  -best:n_to_m_peptide_hits     &quot;$adv_opts.param_best_n_to_m_peptide_hits&quot;
#end if
#end if
      <param format="xml" help="(-in) " label="input file" name="param_in" optional="False" type="data"/>
      <param help="(-min_length) Value 0 will have no filter effect" label="Keep only peptide hits with a length greater or equal this value" min="0" name="param_min_length" optional="True" type="integer" value="0"/>
      <param help="(-max_length) Value 0 will have no filter effect. Value is overridden by min_length, i.e. if max_length &lt; min_length, max_length will be ignored" label="Keep only peptide hits with a length less or equal this value" min="0" name="param_max_length" optional="True" type="integer" value="0"/>
      <param help="(-min_charge) " label="Keep only peptide hits for tandem spectra with charge greater or equal this value" min="1" name="param_min_charge" optional="True" type="integer" value="1"/>
      <param checked="false" falsevalue="" help="(-var_mods) " label="Keep only peptide hits with variable modifications (fixed modifications from SearchParameters will be ignored)" name="param_var_mods" optional="True" truevalue="-var_mods" type="boolean"/>
      <param checked="false" falsevalue="" help="(-unique) " label="If a peptide hit occurs more than once per PSM, only one instance is kept" name="param_unique" optional="True" truevalue="-unique" type="boolean"/>
      <param checked="false" falsevalue="" help="(-unique_per_protein) Remember that isoforms count as different proteins!" label="Only peptides matching exactly one protein are kept" name="param_unique_per_protein" optional="True" truevalue="-unique_per_protein" type="boolean"/>
      <param checked="false" falsevalue="" help="(-keep_unreferenced_protein_hits) " label="Proteins not referenced by a peptide are retained in the ids" name="param_keep_unreferenced_protein_hits" optional="True" truevalue="-keep_unreferenced_protein_hits" type="boolean"/>
      <param checked="false" falsevalue="" help="(-remove_decoys) Usually used in combination with 'delete_unreferenced_peptide_hits'" label="Remove proteins according to the information in the user parameters" name="param_remove_decoys" optional="True" truevalue="-remove_decoys" type="boolean"/>
      <param checked="false" falsevalue="" help="(-delete_unreferenced_peptide_hits) Usually used in combination with 'score:prot' or 'thresh:prot'" label="Peptides not referenced by any protein are deleted in the ids" name="param_delete_unreferenced_peptide_hits" optional="True" truevalue="-delete_unreferenced_peptide_hits" type="boolean"/>
      <param help="(-rt) " label="Retention time range to extract" name="param_precursor_rt" size="30" type="text" value=":">
          <valid initial="string.printable">
            <remove value="'"/>
            <remove value="&quot;"/>
      <param help="(-mz) " label="Mass-to-charge range to extract" name="param_precursor_mz" size="30" type="text" value=":">
          <valid initial="string.printable">
            <remove value="'"/>
            <remove value="&quot;"/>
      <param checked="false" falsevalue="" help="(-allow_missing) " label="When filtering by precursor RT or m/z, keep peptide IDs with missing precursor information ('RT'/'MZ' meta values)?" name="param_precursor_allow_missing" optional="True" truevalue="-precursor:allow_missing" type="boolean"/>
      <param help="(-pep) The score is dependent on the most recent(!) preprocessing - it could be Mascot scores (if a MascotAdapter was applied before), or an FDR (if FalseDiscoveryRate was applied before), etc" label="The score which should be reached by a peptide hit to be kept" name="param_score_pep" type="float" value="0.0"/>
      <param help="(-prot) Use in combination with 'delete_unreferenced_peptide_hits' to remove affected peptides" label="The score which should be reached by a protein hit to be kept" name="param_score_prot" type="float" value="0.0"/>
      <param help="(-pep) " label="Keep a peptide hit only if its score is above this fraction of the peptide significance threshold" name="param_thresh_pep" type="float" value="0.0"/>
      <param help="(-prot) Use in combination with 'delete_unreferenced_peptide_hits' to remove affected peptides" label="Keep a protein hit only if its score is above this fraction of the protein significance threshold" name="param_thresh_prot" type="float" value="0.0"/>
      <param format="fasta" help="(-proteins) &lt;br&gt;All peptides that are not a substring of a sequence in this file are removed &lt;br&gt;All proteins whose accession is not present in this file are removed" label="filename of a FASTA file containing protein sequences" name="param_whitelist_proteins" optional="True" type="data"/>
      <param checked="false" falsevalue="" help="(-by_seq_only) " label="Match peptides with FASTA file by sequence instead of accession and disable protein filtering" name="param_whitelist_by_seq_only" optional="True" truevalue="-whitelist:by_seq_only" type="boolean"/>
      <repeat min="0" name="rep_param_whitelist_protein_accessions" title="param_whitelist_protein_accessions">
        <param help="(-protein_accessions) &lt;br&gt;Only proteins of the provided list are retained" label="All peptides that are not referencing at least one of the provided protein accession are removed" name="param_whitelist_protein_accessions" size="30" type="text">
            <valid initial="string.printable">
              <remove value="'"/>
              <remove value="&quot;"/>
      <param format="xml" help="(-peptides) Use with blacklist:ignore_modification flag to only compare by sequence. &lt;br&gt;" label="Peptides having the same sequence and modification assignment as any peptide in this file will be filtered out" name="param_blacklist_peptides" optional="True" type="data"/>
      <param checked="false" falsevalue="" help="(-ignore_modifications) &lt;br&gt;" label="Compare blacklisted peptides by sequence only" name="param_blacklist_ignore_modifications" optional="True" truevalue="-blacklist:ignore_modifications" type="boolean"/>
      <param help="(-p_value) " label="Retention time filtering by the p-value predicted by RTPredict" max="1.0" min="0.0" name="param_rt_p_value" optional="True" type="float" value="0.0"/>
      <param help="(-p_value_1st_dim) " label="Retention time filtering by the p-value predicted by RTPredict for first dimension" max="1.0" min="0.0" name="param_rt_p_value_1st_dim" optional="True" type="float" value="0.0"/>
      <param help="(-error) " label="Filtering by deviation to theoretical mass (disabled for negative values)" name="param_mz_error" type="float" value="-1.0"/>
      <param help="(-unit) " label="Absolute or relative erro" name="param_mz_unit" optional="True" type="select" value="ppm">
        <option value="Da">Da</option>
        <option value="ppm">ppm</option>
      <param help="(-n_peptide_hits) " label="Keep only the 'n' highest scoring peptide hits per spectrum (for n&gt;0)" min="0" name="param_best_n_peptide_hits" optional="True" type="integer" value="0"/>
      <param help="(-n_protein_hits) " label="Keep only the 'n' highest scoring protein hits (for n&gt;0)" min="0" name="param_best_n_protein_hits" optional="True" type="integer" value="0"/>
      <param checked="false" falsevalue="" help="(-strict) &lt;br&gt;Similar to n_peptide_hits=1, but if there are two or more highest scoring hits, none are kept" label="Keep only the highest scoring peptide hit" name="param_best_strict" optional="True" truevalue="-best:strict" type="boolean"/>
      <expand macro="advanced_options">
        <param checked="false" falsevalue="" help="(-force) " label="Overwrite tool specific checks" name="param_force" optional="True" truevalue="-force" type="boolean"/>
        <param help="(-n_to_m_peptide_hits) " label="peptide hit rank range to extracts" name="param_best_n_to_m_peptide_hits" size="30" type="text" value=":">
            <valid initial="string.printable">
              <remove value="'"/>
              <remove value="&quot;"/>
      <data format="xml" name="param_out"/>
    <help>Filters results from protein or peptide identification engines based on different criteria.

For more information, visit</help>